Secondary School Counselor Management Agreement
(Counselor/Principal Agreement) (SAMPLE)
School year: 2010-2011 School: Our Town High School
Date: August, 2010
Counselors: Mike Hubert, Richard Cleveland, Diana Gruman, Norm Walker, Chris Swanson
Students will access the school counselor by:
___ Grade level
___ by academy/pathway
X Alpha listing
___ other please specify
Mike Hubert = A-D
Richard Cleveland = E-L
Diana Gruman = M-P
Norm Walker = Q-Z
Chris Swanson = College & Career
___ Domain
___ No caseload (See any counselor)
Our guidance & counseling program will X will not___ implement counselor of the day.
Looking at your site needs/strengths, counselors will be identified as the domain counselors for the following areas:
Academic domain: Mike Hubert
Career domain / Navigation 101: Chris Swanson, Norm Walker
Personal/social domain: Diana Gruman, Richard Cleveland
Rationale for decision: Mike brings a classroom perspective and student learning expertise from her professional
background and experience. Chris & Norm have been highly effective in career & college readiness initiatives such as
Navigation 101. Diana & Richard have been foundational in our student assistance team and responsive services
program development
The school counseling teams will spend approximately the following time in each component area to ensure the delivery
of the school guidance & counseling program?
ASCA Model Estimates
Our Town HS Estimates
15-25% of time delivering guidance curriculum
15-25% of time delivering guidance curriculum
25-35% of time with individual student planning
25-35% of time with individual student planning
25-35% of time with responsive services
25-35% of time with responsive services
© 2003, ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs. American School Counselor Association
15-20% of time with system support
15-20% of time with system support
The school counseling department be open for student/parent/teacher access from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm
The department will manage the division of hours by: a rotating schedule for counselor of the day (who comes in 90
minutes later and stays 90 minutes later on assigned day)
The career center will be open from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm
The department will manage the division of hours by: The counselor of the day will provide walk-in and scheduled
services to students and families. He/She will also supervise after-school career center services with the assistance of
the counseling dept. secretary.
Programs and services presented and available to students & parents include:
Example: guidance newsletter, parenting classes, parent information night
Fall Student-led Conferences (Navigation 101)
Fall Individual Senior Planning Conferences
Spring Student-led Conferences (Navigation 101)
Back to School Night
Freshman Parent Night
Parent Consultation
College Planning Night
Skills Center Opportunities Night
Financial Aid Night
After-Hours Career Center appointments
After-School Navigation 101 makeup tutoring sessions
PLAN/PSAT Administrations & Interpretations
Navigation 101 Navigator (monthly e-newsletter for students and parents)
Regular contributions to the school parent newsletter
Support Group for Parents (evening)
New Student Registration
Post-High School Planning Conferences
Individualized Pre-registration Assistance
Running Start Advisement & Support
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
Skills Center Advisement/Support
Individual/Small Group Counseling
Student Assistance Team Facilitation/Participation
Individual/Family Career and college Planning
College Bound Scholarship Signups
Classroom Guidance Curriculum (i.e. suicide prevention, anti-bullying)
© 2003, ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs. American School Counselor Association
Secondary School Counselor Program Management Agreement
Programs and services presented and available to staff include:
Example: department liaison, topical information workshops (child abuse, ADD, etc.)
Department liaisons—Each counselor serves as a liaison to one or more departments
Student Assistance Team Facilitation
School Improvement Team Membership
AVID Support
New Teacher Orientation
Navigation 101 Program Collaborative Leadership ( i.e. Coordinate SLCs, Facilitate Implementation Team)
Topical Information Staff Development workshops (i.e. anti-bullying, teen suicide prevention)
Community liaisons, programs and services will include:
NAACP Reach Grant Advisory
Olympic College Running Start Advisory Committee
Service organizations scholarship programs
Olympic College 1st Generation Support Group
Career Day Coordination
Community youth activities support
Foreign Exchange Program Liaison
Gear–Up Program Liaison
Youth Suicide Prevention Program Coordination
_X_ Extra duty pay (Navigation 101)
___ Comp time
_X_ By principal/counselor negotiation
___ Flex schedule
___ per union regulations
___ No option for this
What materials and supplies are necessary for the implementation of the school guidance & counseling program?
Online Career Information System
ASCA National Model Workbooks
Navigation 101 Online
Navigation 101 curriculum handout inventory
Planning portfolio supplies
Sufficient technology to continue the development of digital storytelling/planning portfolio development
Office supplies
The following funding resources support the school guidance & counseling program:
Building Department Budget
Navigation 101
The school counseling team will participate in the following professional development:
Fall WSCHCR Counselor Conference (Sept.)
WSCA Spring Conference (Feb.)
District K-12 Counselor Monthly Meetings (Sept.–June)
West Sound Counselor Association Monthly Meetings (Sept.–June)
CSGCP Framework Training Sessions (Aug., Oct., Dec., March)
© 2003, ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs. American School Counselor Association
The school counseling department will meet weekly/monthly:
X As a counseling department team (weekly)
X With subject area departments
X With the school staff (faculty) (monthly)
X With the advisory council (monthly)
X Navigation 101 Implementation Team (2/month)
X With administration (weekly)
Responsibilities for the support services provided the counseling team will be divided among the support services staff:
The school counseling Lead Secretary will: Coordinate
The registrar will: enroll/withdraw students; coordinate
counseling office staff duties; prepare counseling
school/district/state student reports
department publications/reports; update dept. web page
The receptionist will: greet and screen visitors to the
The clerk will: support the Navigation 101 program
counseling office, including phone calls
implementation team; organize student-led conference
logistics, prepare and distribute Nav curriculum materials
Results Report Due: June 22, 2011
This agreement may be modified to better meet the needs of students. Such changes will be made only after deliberation and
agreement from the following staff:
Mike Hubert, Counselor–signature & date
Diana Gruman, Counselor–signature & date
Norm Walker, Counselor–signature & date
Richard Cleveland, Counselor–signature & date
Chris Swanson, Counselor–signature & date
Ace Ventura, Principal–signature & date
© 2003, ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs. American School Counselor Association