William E. McKnight Scholarship Fund Open to all scholars regardless of field of study The law firm of Nixon Hargrave, Devans & Doyle (now Nixon Peabody LLP); established the William E. McKnight Scholarship fund at the Rochester Area Foundation in 1986 as a memorial to Mr. McKnight, the law firm’s first African American partner, who died at the age of 36. A recipient may be considered for further scholarship assistance for each of his/her college years not to exceed four years. Applicants must fill out the attached application form and return it with the required documentation. Transcripts and reference letters should be sent directly from the high school or reference. All relevant materials should be sent to: Ms. Annette Rouse, Coordinator Urban League of Rochester Black Scholars Program/McKnight 265 North Clinton Avenue Rochester, NY 14605 (585) 325-6530 PROCESS: Applications will be screened by the Urban League’s representative before presentation to the review committee. The award will be presented at the annual SALUTE TO BLACK SCHOLARS Awards ceremony in June. AMOUNT: Varies according to income earned by the endowment fund. (Average $2,000 per year) *Checklist: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Application completed Copy of Parent(s) or Guardian(s) federal income tax return attached Transcript requested from high school Reference requested Copy of college’s letter of acceptance You should include expenses for your top three college choices using the form attached. If acceptance letters are not available, so note and submit application by the deadline. Submit acceptance letters as they becomes available No extension will be granted for applications. Check List: - Submit completed application, signed and dated by April 15th Submit letters of recommendation (pastor, teacher/counselor) Submit proof of acceptance into a higher learning institute WILLIAM MCKNIGHT SCHOLARSHIP ACADEMIC INFORMATION DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: April 15 Name ___________________________________ Address _________________________________ City ____________________________________ High School _________________________________ Address _____________________________________ ____________________________________________ City State Zip School Telephone # (_____) _____________________ Parent (s) / Guardian (s) / Name (s) & Occupation (s) Counselor ___________________________________ ____________________________________________ Grade Point Average ___________________________ ____________________________________________ Class Standing # ____________________ *PLEASE SUBMIT A COPY OF ACCEPT LETTER FROM THE COLLEGE YOU WILL ATTEND. S A T Scores: Verbal _________________ Math _________________ ____________________________________________ Name of College *PLEASE ATTACH TRANSCRIPT OR HAVE HIGH SCHOOL SEND TRANSCRIPT TO: ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City State Zip Black Scholars Program/McKnight Scholarship Urban League of Rochester 265 North Clinton Avenue Rochester, NY 14605 Budget: for the period __________________________ September 200 ____ To _________________________________________ May 200 ____ Estimated Expenses Estimated Resources Tuition $ __________ Fee $ ________ $ __________ From family, friends $ _____________ Board $ __________ Room $ _________ __________ TAP & Regents $ _____________ Books & Supplies $ ____________ $ _____________ Scholarships/Other sources $ _____________ Other (explain) Loans $ _____________ Student employment earnings $ _____________ $ _____________ ____________________________________________ TOTAL $ _____________ TOTAL $ _____________ WILLIAM MCKNIGHT SCHOLARSHIP On a separate sheet: 1. Describe employment, school and community related extra-curricular activities in which you have been involved. Also, list any awards you have won for these activities or for academic achievement. 2. Write a short essay describing your background including you career goals and objectives and other qualifications for being awarded this scholarship. RETURN TO: URBAN LEAGUE OF ROCHESTER, N.Y., INC BLACK SCHOLARS PROGRAM/MCKNIGHT 265 NORTH CLINTON AVENUE ROCHESTER, NY 14605 ATTN: MS. ANNETTE ROUSE M MU USSTT BBEE RREECCEEIIVVEED D BBYY;; AAPPRRIILL 1155TTH H William McKnight Scholarship Fund Applicant’s name DEADLINE: April 15th LIST THREE REFERENCES: For example: a teacher, employer, high school advisor, or an adult you’ve worked with in a community activity. (Exclude relatives) 1. NAME ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP HOW THIS PERSON KNOWS YOU 2. NAME ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP HOW THIS PERSON KNOWS YOU 3. NAME ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP HOW THIS PERSON KNOWS YOU * Return this list with application. Give one of the attached Recommendation Forms to each of your references to be returned by them under separate cover. Certification: All information on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Date MCKNIGHT SCHOLARSHIP FUND Applicant’s Signature William E. McKnight Urban League of Rochester Recommendation Form Applicant’s Name______________________________________________________________________________ The applicant named above is applying for a scholarship from The William E. McKnight Scholarship which will be awarded annually to: “A graduating high school senior from Monroe ,Genesee, Livingston, Ontario, Orleans or Wayne County who has been accepted to an accredited four year college who has demonstrated those qualities which were so characteristic of Bill E. McKnight – the capacity for high quality intellectual work and achievement and a dept of understanding and personal insight into people of all background Please take a few minutes to respond. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. Candidate must be honored as an Urban League of Rochester Black Scholar This form should be returned by April 15th in order for the student to be considered. Please comment briefly on the following points relating to the applicant’s qualifications. (If additional space is needed, please use the back of sheet) Character: (Overall assessment of personality, poise, and moral values) Scholastic Performance: (Assessment of individual’s academic performance, such as grades, attendance, etc.) Leadership: (Assessment of individual’s capability to take on responsibility and command situations when needed) Name of Reference __________________________________ Title______________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ Phone#____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ City Zip I have known the applicant for ( ___ ) years as a _______________________ in my capacity as _______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________________ Please print name ___________________________________ RETURN TO: URBAN LEAGUE OF ROCHESTER, N.Y., INC BLACK SCHOLARS PROGRAM/MCKNIGHT 265 NORTH CLINTON AVENUE ROCHESTER, NY 14605 ATTN: MS. ANNETTE ROUSE M MU USSTT BBEE RREECCEEIIVVEED D BBYY;; AAPPRRIILL 1155 William E. McKnight Urban League of Rochester Recommendation Form Applicant’s Name______________________________________________________________________________ The applicant named above is applying for a scholarship from The William E. McKnight Scholarship which will be awarded annually to: “A graduating high school senior from Monroe ,Genesee, Livingston, Ontario, Orleans or Wayne County who has been accepted to an accredited four year college who has demonstrated those qualities which were so characteristic of Bill E. McKnight – the capacity for high quality intellectual work and achievement and a dept of understanding and personal insight into people of all background Please take a few minutes to respond. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. Candidate must be honored as an Urban League of Rochester Black Scholar This form should be returned by April 15th in order for the student to be considered. Please comment briefly on the following points relating to the applicant’s qualifications. (If additional space is needed, please use the back of sheet) Character: (Overall assessment of personality, poise, and moral values) Scholastic Performance: (Assessment of individual’s academic performance, such as grades, attendance, etc.) Leadership: (Assessment of individual’s capability to take on responsibility and command situations when needed) Name of Reference __________________________________ Title______________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ Phone#____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ City Zip I have known the applicant for ( ___ ) years as a _______________________ in my capacity as _______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________________ Please print name ___________________________________ RETURN TO: URBAN LEAGUE OF ROCHESTER, N.Y., INC BLACK SCHOLARS PROGRAM/MCKNIGHT 265 NORTH CLINTON AVENUE ROCHESTER, NY 14605 ATTN: MS. ANNETTE ROUSE M MU USSTT BBEE RREECCEEIIVVEED D BBYY;; AAPPRRIILL 1155 WILLIAM MCKNIGHT SCHOLARSH William E. McKnight Urban League of Rochester Recommendation Form Applicant’s Name______________________________________________________________________________ The applicant named above is applying for a scholarship from The William E. McKnight Scholarship which will be awarded annually to: “A graduating high school senior from Monroe ,Genesee, Livingston, Ontario, Orleans or Wayne County who has been accepted to an accredited four year college who has demonstrated those qualities which were so characteristic of Bill E. McKnight – the capacity for high quality intellectual work and achievement and a dept of understanding and personal insight into people of all background Please take a few minutes to respond. You may attach a separate sheet if necessary. Candidate must be honored as an Urban League of Rochester Black Scholar This form should be returned by April 15th in order for the student to be considered. Please comment briefly on the following points relating to the applicant’s qualifications. (If additional space is needed, please use the back of sheet) Character: (Overall assessment of personality, poise, and moral values) Scholastic Performance: (Assessment of individual’s academic performance, such as grades, attendance, etc.) Leadership: (Assessment of individual’s capability to take on responsibility and command situations when needed) Name of Reference __________________________________ Title______________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ Phone#____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ City Zip I have known the applicant for ( ___ ) years as a _______________________ in my capacity as _______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________________ Please print name ___________________________________ RETURN TO: URBAN LEAGUE OF ROCHESTER, N.Y., INC BLACK SCHOLARS PROGRAM/MCKNIGHT 265 NORTH CLINTON AVENUE ROCHESTER, NY 14605 ATTN: MS. ANNETTE ROUSE M MU USSTT BBEE RREECCEEIIVVEED D BBYY;; AAPPRRIILL 1155