
Insert abstract title here
Department of Pathology, University of Azania, Azania, Republic of Azania
Department of Zoology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11
pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400
words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract
here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about
300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your
abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font
with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words.
Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11
pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400
words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract
here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about
300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your
abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font
with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words.
Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11
pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400
words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract
here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about
300-400 words. Write your abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words. Write your
abstract here in 11 pt. font with about 300-400 words.
Abstract preparation instructions:
In order to achieve a uniform style for all abstracts published in the Book of Abstracts, authors are
requested to conform to the following:
Title Block
Title: Limit your title to twelve or fewer words and type in bold.
Font Style: Times New Roman
Font size: 14 points
Authors: Starting after the title, list the initials (first and second initials) followed by the surname in
capital letters. Place an asterisk (*) after the name of the presenting author. Asterisk only one name per
abstract. Attach a superscript natural number (1, 2, 3, …) at the end of each author's name to identify the
affiliation. The same superscript must be used for the same affiliation.
Font Style: Times New Roman
Font size: 11 points
Institution: Write a superscript natural number before each affiliation. The affiliation should
contain the name of department, the name of university/company/organization/institute, city and
country and the e-mail address of, only, the correspondent author.
Font Style: Times New Roman, cursive
Font size: 10 points
Content of the Abstract
Body: between 300 and 400 words
Font Style: Times New Roman
Font size: 11 points