Year 11 GENERAL MATHEMATICS Program 2013 Key: Mandatory, Notified Common Tasks (on set week) Term 1 1 2 Topic 1 3 4 Algebraic Modelling AM 1 5 6 7 Topic 3 Topic 2 2 3 4 Area & Volume M 5 P6 6 DA P4 7 8 Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic 8 Displaying Data Similar figures Earning Money Taxation 1 P9 M 2 Topic 10 3 P6 4 Modeling Linear Relationships AM P5 FM P8 5 Topic 11 6 FM 7 Probability PB 10 Data Collecting Topic 5 DA 9 Topic 4 This is not the YearTerm 11 22013 General Maths Term 3 Program Calculations & Measurement FM, M P2, P7 P3 8 9 10 Topic 9 Right Angled Triangles M P2, P6 P8 8 Topic 12 9 10 Investing Money P11 FM Exams P8 Year 12 GENERAL MATHEMATICS Program 2013 Key: Mandatory, Notified Common Tasks (on set week) Term 4 1 2 3 Topic 13 5 Topic 22 Annuities & loan repayments FM H8 P9 AM = Algebraic Modeling FM = Financial Mathematics PB = Probability Statistical measurement DA Syllabus strands: 4 GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 6 7 8 Topic 23 Depreciation FM H8 DA = Data Analysis M = Measurement 9/10 Task 1 Financial Maths Investigation 20% Topic 16 Credit & borrowing FM page -1- H8 Year 12 GENERAL MATHEMATICS Program 2013 Key: Mandatory, Notified Common Tasks (on set week) Term 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9/10 Task 2 Stats Investigation 25% Topic 17 Topic 25 Topic 26 Interpreting sets of data DA H9 The Normal Distribution AM H9 Correlation DA H9 Term 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9/10 Task 3 Trial HSC Exam 35% Topic 24 Topic 14 Topic 21 Topic 15 Topic 18 Algebraic skills & techniques Spherical Geometry Area & volume Applications of trig AM H3 M H6 M H6 M H7 Linear & nonlinear relationships AM H3 Term 3 1 2 3 Topic 19 4 5 Task 4 In class Test 20% 6 7 8 9 10 Topic 20 Multi stage events Application of Revision of GENERAL MATHEMATICS Probability PB H10 PB H10 Syllabus strands: AM = Algebraic Modeling DA = Data Analysis FM = Financial Mathematics M = Measurement PB = Probability The HSC exam: Time = 2.5 hours (plus 5 minutes reading time) Section 1: 22 multiple-choice questions (1 mark each) = 22marks Section 2: 6 free response questions (13 marks each) = 78 marks No more than 30% of the exam will be based on the Preliminary course. Lead in questions can be asked on the Prelim course. (This does NOT count as part of the 30%) GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -2- Topic 1 Time: 1 - 3 weeks 12 hours Introduction: Algebraic Modelling Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 1 Ch 8 Ch 7 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 4 Ch 8 Ch 5 Ch 5, 2 p237-262 Syllabus Ref: This is the first Algebra topic in the Preliminary course. Its main focus is to provide a foundation in ALGEBRAIC MODELLING basic algebraic skills and introduce the concepts of linear functions and linear modelling. Students should appreciate how formulas are a practical way of representing the mathematical patterns that AM1:Basic algebraic skills occur in society, industry and nature. Outcome: P3 Content: Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Algebraic terms 2. Formulas 3. Expanding expressions 4. Solving equations 5. Equations involving algebraic fractions 6. Equations and formulas 1. simplify algebraic expressions by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing terms. 2. substituting into formulas & interpret answers 3. expand algebraic expressions 4. & 5. solve a variety of equations, including those involving brackets, letters on both sides & fractions with numerical denominators 6. substitute into formulas to create equations & interpret answers Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -3- Topic 2 Time: 2 - Calculations, measurement & ratios 2 weeks 8 hours Introduction: Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 2 Ch 4 Ch 3 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 2 Ch Ch 1, 2 p45-73 Ch Syllabus Ref: This short topic covers the numeration skills necessary for success in the General Mathematics course, especially in the Financial Maths strand. While parts of this topic revise concepts learned in Years 7-10 and are not strictly part of the senior syllabus, it has been included anyway for those classes who require work in these areas. The theory on error will make them realise that a measurement is never exact, so measured values must be expressed with an appropriate precision. MEASUREMENT M1:Scientific notation, repeated percentage changes, calculation and spreadsheet applications for Financial Mathematics M1:Units of measurement Outcome: P2, P7 Content: Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Fractions, decimals and percentages 2. Rounding off decimal places, significant figures 3. Percentage and fraction calculation percentage of a quantity percentage change successive percentage changes the unitary method 1 a. know & use commonly used fraction & percentage equivalents b. estimate, calculate and convert between fractions, decimals & percentages c. express a quantity as a fraction or percentage of another 2. round a value to a given number of decimal places or significant figures 3. a. calculate a percentage of a quantity b. increase & decrease a quantity by a percentage c. determine overall percentage change of a quantity following successive percentage changes d. use the unitary method to find a whole, given the value of a part 4. Scientific notation 5. Scientific notation on the calculator 4. convert between scientific notation & normal decimal form 5. a. read scientific notation on the calculator b. use the [EXP] key on the calculator to enter numbers in scientific notation 6. Metric measurement Units for length, mass, time, capacity Metric prefixes 7. Estimating in measuring 6. convert between metric units for length, mass, time & capacity 7. a. use appropriate units of measurement b. estimate measurements of common objects 8. Precision and accuracy 8. a. understand the possible sources of error in a measurement eg. instrumental Sources of error in measurement (human), constant Precision of measuring devices & measured values b. write the precision of a measuring devices or measured value 9. Absolute error 9. find the absolute error & limits of accuracy of a measured value 10. calculate the percentage error of a measured value 10. Percentage error 11. simplify ratios, including ratios of metric quantities 11. Simplifying ratios The ratio of two quantities 12. solve ratio problems using the unitary method 12. The unitary method Ratio problems 13. divide a quantity in a given ratio 13. Dividing a quantity in a given ratio 14. Rates 15. Rate problems The unitary method Concentrations 16. Speed & fuel consumption 17. Converting rates eg. km/hr to m/s 14. calculate and simplify rates 15. a. solve rate problems, including the use of the unitary method b. calculate concentrations expressed as weight/weight, weight/volume & volume/volume 16. solve problems involving speed & fuel consumption 17. convert between units for rates eg. km/hr to m/s Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -4- Topic 3 Time: 3 - Area & Volume Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk Ch 3 Ch 2 Ch Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access 2 weeks 8 hours Introduction: This measurement topic has three main sections: error in measurement, area, volume and surface area. It is not a revision topic but the application of measurement skills to practical problems. Students will be exposed to a variety of situations in which they rely on their measurement knowledge. Ch 6 Ch 5 Ch 8, 6 Ch 4, 9, 10 Syllabus Ref: MEASUREMENT M2:Applications of area and volume Outcome: P6 Content: Objectives: 1. Metric units for area Square cm, square metre, hectare, square km 2. Areas of plane figures - square, rectangle, triangle, trapezium, parallelogram, circle, Composite figures 3. Field diagrams Traverse survey, offsets 4. Sketching solids 5. Vanishing points 6. Nets of solids 1. convert the metric units for area 7. Metric units for volume, cubic cm, cubic metre Students will be able to: 2. calculate the areas of quadrilaterals, triangle, circle & composite shapes 3. use a field diagrams to calculate areas of irregularly shaped blocks of land 4-5 sketch prisms & pyramids using isometric paper & vanishing points 6. a. classify prisms, pyramids & other solids b. construct nets of solids & match nets to solids 7. convert between metric units for volume 8. Volumes of solids Prism, cylinder, pyramid, cone, 8. calculate volumes of prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones, spheres & composite sphere, Composite solids solids 9. Surface area Prism, cylinder, pyramid, cone, sphere, 9. calculate surface area of prisms, square & rectangular pyramids Composite solids 10. Problems involving volume & surface area 10. solve problems involving volume & surface area 3 3 11. Volume & capacity 1cm = 1 mL, 1m = 1000L 11. apply the relationship between volume & capacity Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -5- Topic 4 Time: 4 - Data Collecting Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 5 Ch 3 2 weeks Ch 4 8 hours Ch 7 Introduction: Syllabus Ref: DATA ANALYSIS There are two Statistics topics in the Preliminary course. This first one looks at the various types of DA1:Statistics & society statistical sampling and graphs. Some of the material in this topic was introduced in Years 9-10 DA2:Data collection & sampling but needs to be revised and consolidated here. Outcome: P4 Content: 1. Statistical investigations The process of statistical inquiry 2. Interpreting graphs 3. Types of data Categorical data Quantitative data: discrete Vs continuous 4. Sample types Sample Vs population Random sample, systematic sample, stratified sample 5. Sampling techniques Random numbers Capture-recapture techniques Eliminating bias 6. Designing a questionnaire Effective questionnaire design Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 9 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. a. understand the importance of analysing data in planning & decision making by governments & business b. understand the stages of a statistical investigation: collecting & organising data, summarising & displaying data, analysing & interpreting data 2. read & interpreting a variety of statistical graphs: column, sector, line, divided bar 3. classify data as being categorical or quantitative, and if quantitative, discrete or continuous 4. a. understand the difference between a sample & population b. recognise the purpose of a sample is to provide an estimate for a particular population characteristic when the entire population cannot be accessed c. understand & use the different types of sampling : random, systematic, stratified - and determine which is best for a particular situation 5. a. generate random numbers using technology or a table & use them to select items for a sample b. use the capture-recapture method to estimate the size of a population c. understand the meaning of bias & the rationale for eliminating bias in sampling 6. use the principles of good questionnaire design: simple language, unambiguous questions, respect for privacy, freedom from bias, consideration of a number of choices Teaching notes & ideas: Topic 5 Time: 5 - Displaying Data Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 7 Ch 3 2 weeks Ch 4 8 hours Ch 7 Introduction: Syllabus Ref: DATA ANALYSIS There are two Statistics topics in the Preliminary course. This second one covers statistical DA3:Displaying single data sets calculations (measures of central tendency and dispersion). Some of the material in this topic was introduced in Years 9-10 but needs to be revised and consolidated here. Outcome: P9 Content: Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. a. construct a variety of statistical graphs: sector, line, divided bar 1. Constructing graphs b. understand the features of a good graph & select a suitable scale for each axis of Features of a graph: labels, scale a graph Selecting the best display/graph c. determine which is the best graph for a particular type of data, describing the strengths & weaknesses of each graph 2. Misleading graphs 2. detect misrepresentation of data in graphs, particularly in the selection of the scale Incorrect scales and sizes used on the axes 3. Frequency histograms and polygons 3. create frequency histograms and polygons, paying attention to the scale on each axis 4. Dot plots 4-5 Outliers a. create dot plots & stem-and-leaf plots for small sets of data 5. Stem-and-leaf plots b. note outlier scores in these displays 6. Radar charts 6. draw radar charts to display data for a cycle, such as sales figures, temperature or rainfall readings Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 9 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access page -6- Topic 6 Time: 6 - Similar figures Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 2 weeks 8 hours Introduction: Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 5 Ch 14 Ch 6 Ch 12 Ch 7 Ch 2 p74-87, Ch 8 p425-461 Ch 13 Syllabus Ref: This short Measurement topic examines similar figures, their properties and their applications in the MEASUREMENT form of scale drawings and building plans. This is a fairly practical topic so there are many opportunities for outdoor projects and geometrical constructions. M3:Similarity of two-dimensional figures Outcome: P6 Content: Objectives: 1. Scale factors & centre of enlargement Similar figures 1. a. understand the meaning of similarity & recognise its applications b. find scale factors of similar figures c. enlarge & reduce an original figure to create an image 2. a. understand the angle & side properties of similar figures b. use scale factors to calculate actual dimensions 2. Properties of similar figures Properties of angles & sides Calculating missing sides 3. Using shadows & similar triangles 4. Scale drawings 5. Floor plans & elevations Reading building plans 6. Symbols & calculations from house plans Interpreting house plans Calculating lengths & areas Students will be able to: 3. use scale factor to solve problems 4. a. read & interpret scales on scale drawings, plane & maps b. calculate real & scaled lengths on a scale drawing 5. read & interpret floor plans & elevations (north, south, east, west) 6. a. obtain measurements & information from plans of buildings & rooms b. calculate lengths & areas from a floor plan c. interpret commonly used symbols on house plans Teaching notes & ideas: Topic 7 Time: 7 - Earning money 3 weeks 12 hours Introduction: Text reference: New Century Ch 5 Cambridge Ch 1, 9 J&C MIS Bk 2 Ch 1 p1-20 Access Insight Bk 1 Ch 3 Heinnman Ch 1 Grove Ch 3 p88-123, Ch 12 p613-622 Ch 3, 12 p386-396 Syllabus Ref: This Financial Mathematics topic examines the mathematics of earning an income and paying taxes. FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS Some of the content will have been met before but it is revised here in greater detail. Students will become competent in performing calculations involving wages, salaries, overtime and allowances. As FM1:Earning money well as the calculations, there is also considerable financial terminology to be covered. Outcome: P8 Content: Objectives: 1. Wages, salary & overtime Time-and-a-half, double time 2. Commission, piecework & royalties 3. Bonuses & allowances Work allowances, annual leave loading Government allowances 1. a. calculate monthly, fortnightly, weekly, daily and hourly payments from salary b. calculate wages including overtime 2. calculate earnings based on commission, piecework & royalties 3. a. calculate special work allowances such as for wet work, confined spaces, toxic substances, heat, height b. calculate income based on government allowances, such as youth allowances & pension c. calculate annual leave loading 4. calculate gross & net pays after considering deductions such as union fees, superannuation contributions, health fund installments & tax installments 4. Gross & net pay Deductions from gross pay 5. Household bills Electricity, gas, telephone, council, water rates 6. Budgeting Students will be able to: 5. read information from household bills 6. create & manage a budget Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -7- Topic 8 Time: 8 - Taxation Text reference: New Century Ch 5 Cambridge Ch 1, 9 J&C MIS Bk 2 Ch 1 p1-20 Access Insight Bk 1 Ch 10 Heinnman Ch 1 3 weeks Grove Ch 3 p88-123, Ch 12 p613-622 12 hours Ch 3, 12 p386-396 Introduction: Syllabus Ref: FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS This Financial Mathematics topic examines the detail and processes behind income tax and the GST. As well as the calculations, there is also considerable financial terminology to be covered. FM3:Taxation Outcome: P8 Content: Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Income tax Tax deductions, taxable income, Medicare levy, PAYE, tax refund or tax owing 1. a. calculate allowable (tax) deductions from gross income & find taxable income b. calculate income tax payable & Medicare levy c. calculate tax refund or tax debt 2. Goods and Services tax (GST) Value added tax (VAT) in different countries 3. Graphs of tax rates 2. calculate GST for Australian goods and services & VAT for items in other countries 3. read & construct line graphs illustrating different tax rates Teaching notes & ideas: Topic 9 Time: 9 - Right Angled Triangles 3 weeks 12 hours Introduction: Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 7 Ch 12 Ch 12 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 14 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 14 Syllabus Ref: This single Trigonometry topic of the Preliminary course covers elementary right angled MEASUREMENT trigonometry and Pythagoras' theorem. The sine and cosine rules and their applications will be covered next year. Although the sine, cosine and tangent ratios have been introduced to Intermediate M4:Right angled triangles (but not Standard) students in Years 9-10, the following topic should not be rushed as the emphasis is upon applying trigonometry to practical situations. Spend considerable time teaching the concepts of Outcome: P2, P6 bearings and angles of elevation/depression. Content: Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Pythagoras' theorem Finding unknown sides Proving a triangle is right angled 2. Applications of Pythagoras' theorem 3. Investigating the tangent ratio 4. Using tan to find a missing side Degrees, minutes, seconds 5. Using tan to find a missing angle To the nearest minute 6. The sine ratio 7. The cosine ratio 8. Mixed problems 9. Bearings 10. Applications of trigonometry Bearings Angles of elevation & depression Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 1. a. understand the convention for labeling the sides (a, b, c) and angles (A, B, C) of a triangle b. use Pythagoras' theorem to calculate the hypotenuse or a shorter side in any right angled triangle c. use Pythagoras' theorem to prove that a triangle is right angled 2. use Pythagoras' theorem to solve a variety of real life problems involving right angled triangles, including perimeters of irregularly shaped blocks of land 3-4. a. identify the tangent ratio for a right angled triangle and on the calculator b. use the degrees-minutes-seconds key on a calculator to enter angle sizes c. use the tan ratio to calculate unknown lengths 5. a. round an angle size to the nearest degree or minute b. use the tan ratio to calculate unknown angles to the nearest degree, decimal degree or minute 6-7. a. identify the sine and cosine ratios for a right angled triangle and on the calculator b. use the sin and cos ratio to calculate unknown lengths including the hypotenuse c. use the sin & cos ratios to calculate unknown angles 8. select the correct trigonometric ratio to calculate an unknown side or angle in a right angled triangle 9. understand & use the concept of true bearings (three figure bearings measured clockwise from North) 10. a. solve trigonometry problems involving bearings b. solve trigonometry problems involving angles of elevation & depression, given the appropriate diagram page -8- Topic 10 Time: 10 - Modelling Linear Relationships 3 weeks 12 hours Introduction: Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 8 Ch 13 Ch 8 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 13 Ch 9 Ch 7 Ch 8 p263-286 Syllabus Ref: This Algebraic Modeling topic revises and develops the theory on linear functions introduced in MEASUREMENT Topic 1. It is a fairly detailed topic involving graphing work and analysis of practical situations. New content includes concentration as variation, lines of best fit and stepwise linear functions. AM2:Modelling linear relationships Outcome: P5 Content: Objectives: 1. Linear functions gradient vertical intercept graphing linear functions 2. The gradient as a rate of change finding y=mx+b horizontal & vertical lines 1. a. understand the meaning of gradient and vertical intercept(y-intercept) & calculate their values given the graph of a straight line b. graph a linear function of the form y=mx+b 3. Linear modeling dependent and independent variables applying y=mx+b 4. Graphing linear functions Graphing y=mx+b The graphical solution of simultaneous linear equations 5. Direct linear variation y=kx Constant of variation Graph of linear variation Applications of direct linear variation 6. Conversion graphs 7. Linear modeling Applications of linear functions Line of best fit 8. Intersection of lines Applications 9. Stepwise & piecewise linear functions Parking charges, taxi fares, tax payments, mobile phone bills Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 Students will be able to: 2. a. understand that the gradient measures a rate of change b. given a linear function expressed as a table of values, find its equation in the form y=mx+b c. graph horizontal (y=b) and vertical lines (x=c) 3. a. identify the dependent and independent variables in a linear function b. interpret linear functions as models of physical phenomena and solve problems involving linear models 4. a. understand the meaning of gradient, vertical intercept, dependent & independent variables & identify them in a linear function b. graph y=mx+b c. given a linear function expressed as a table of values, find its equation in the form y=mx+b d. find the solution of two simultaneous equations graphically by locating their point of intersection 5. a. understand the concept of direct linear variation & its related terminology b. evaluate the constant of variation c. solve problems involving linear variation d. graph y=kx from a description of linear variation 6. use graphs to make conversions from one measurement to another eg. AUD$ to Euros 7. a. interpret linear functions as models of physical phenomena b. draw a line of best fit for a graphed set of ordered pairs, find its equation & use it to interpolate or extrapolate results 8. interpret the graphical solution of simultaneous equations drawn from practical situations 9. use stepwise & piecewise linear functions to model situations encountered in daily life page -9- Topic 11 Time: 3 weeks 12 hours Introduction: 11 - Probability Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 9 Ch 3, 11 Ch 11 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 11 Syllabus Ref: This topic is an introduction to probability-the language of chance, counting sample spaces, PROBABILITY experimental probability and simple probability problems-and in many ways similar to the Probability topic met in Years 9-10 Intermediate course. More formal treatment of probability theory PB1:The language of chance (multi-stage problems, counting techniques, addition and product rules, tree diagrams) will take place in the HSC topic Probability next year. PB2:Relative frequency & probability The practical section of this topic allows comparisons to be made between experimental and theoretical probabilities. Probability is often a difficult concept for students to grasp. Better Outcome: P11 understanding can be reinforced through careful practice with a variety of applied problems. Reliance upon formal "theory" should be kept to a minimum. Content: Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. The language of probability Ordering events on a probability scale 1. a. understand & use the language of chance b. order everyday events from the very unlikely to the almost certain 2. a. understand the meaning of outcome, event, equally likely outcomes & sample 2. Outcomes & sample spaces space Counting using lists & tables b. use a list or table to identify the sample space of a simple experiment or game 3. a. determine the number of outcomes for a multi-stage event by multiplying the number of choices at each stage 3. Multi-stage events b. use systematic lists to verify the total number of outcomes for simple multi-stage The fundamental counting principle: multiplication events rule 4-5 a. perform simple experiments to obtain relative frequencies from recorded results 4. Performing simple experiments b. use relative frequencies to obtain approximate probabilities 5. Experimental probability 6. a. understand & use the definition of (theoretical) probability, knowing that its Probability as relative frequency values ranges from 0(impossible) to 1(certain) b. calculate probabilities as a fraction, decimal or percentage 6. Theoretical probability 7. a. compare calculated probabilities with experimental results b. illustrate the results of experiments through statistical graphs & displays P(E)= number of favourable outcomes 8. a. understand the definition of a complementary event total number of outcomes b. solve probability problems involving complementary events 7. Using expected & calculated probabilities Comparing theory with experimental results 8. Complementary events P(Ñ) = 1 - P(N) Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -10- Topic 12 Time: 12 - Investing Money 3 weeks 12 hours Introduction: Text reference: New Century Ch 10 Cambridge Ch 6 J&C MIS Bk 2 Ch 1 p20-26 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 8 Ch 2 Ch 3 p124-140, Ch 12 p596-612 Ch 6, 12 p375-385 Syllabus Ref: This topic investigates the mathematics of investing money: in financial institutions, the stock market FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS and in items that appreciate in value. The methods and formulas for calculating simple and compound interest are analysed, followed by the costs and procedures involved in buying shares. FM2:Investing money There will be many opportunities for students to perform calculations, learn new terminology and interpret information presented in tables and graphs. FM1:Earning money(Account fees) Outcome: P8 Content: Objectives: 1. Simple Interest I = Prn 1. a. calculate simple interest b. calculate monthly, quarterly & six monthly interest rates based on quoted rates per annum c. solve problems involving simple interest 2. solve compound interest problems, calculating future value (final amount), compound interest and present value (principal) for different compounding periods 3. a. draw & describe simple interest graphs (Interest I Vs No. of periods n) for fixed Principal P; this is a linear graph b. draw & describe compound interest graphs (Final amount A Vs No. of periods n) for fixed Principal P; this is an exponential graph c. calculate the future and present value of an investment using a prepared table that shows the values of (1+r)n, ie. compounded values of $1 4 calculate & compare user costs associated with maintaining accounts with financial institutions 5. a. understand & use the language of the stock market b. calculate the costs involved in buying & selling shares, including brokerage c. calculate the dividend paid on a share holding & the yield dividend 2. Compound Interest A = P(1+r)n , I = A - P 3. Interest tables & graphs Linear relationship for simple interest Exponential relationship for compound interest 4. Account fees & charges 5. Investing in shares Ordinary Vs preference shares Brokerage, dividend, dividend yield 6. Share tables & graphs Table of share prices Graphs of share prices over time 7. Inflation & appreciation Students will be able to: 6. a. read & interpret information about share prices displayed in a table b. extrapolate from the information shown on a prepared graph of share performance to suggest possible future movement 7. a. calculate the price of goods following inflation b. calculate the appreciated value of items such as stamp collections & memorabilia Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -11- Topic 13 Time: 13 - Statistical measurement Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 4 weeks 16 hours Introduction: Ch 11 Ch 10 Ch 10 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 11 Ch 4 Ch 10 Ch Syllabus Ref: While the first Statistics topic of this course examined sampling and graphs, the following topic DATA ANALYSIS covers statistical calculations and the measures of central tendency (average) and dispersion (spread). Students will use pen-and-paper and the statistical mode of their calculators to find the statistics of DA3:Displaying single data sets data sets presented in different forms. This is a fairly technical topic, and a considerable amount of DA4:Summary statistics theory will be new to the Year 11 student. DA1:Statistics and society Outcome: P9 Content: Objectives: 1. Measures of central tendency The mean, median & mode Formulas for the mean 1. calculate the mean, median & mode for a data set, either from a list or frequency table x x n x Students will be able to: fx n 2. Finding averages form statistical displays Mean, median & mode form graphs/plots Mean using the calculator's statistical mode 3. Investigating averages Selecting the best average 2. a. calculate the mean, median or mode of data displayed in a frequency histogram, polygon, dot plot & stem-and-leaf plot b. use the statistical functions of a calculator to calculate the mean of a data set, either from a list or frequency table 3. select & use the appropriate average to describe the features of a data set, eg. median house prices, modal shirt size 4. Deciles, quartiles & percentiles 4 divide data into deciles(tenths), quartiles(quarters) & percentiles(hundredths) 5. Measures of dispersion The range & interquartile range 6. Standard deviation The meaning of standard deviation 7. using the calculator to find summary statistics The population standard deviation n The sample standard deviation n-1 8. Box-and -whisker plots Five number summary: lower extreme (min), lower quartile, median, upper quartile, upper extreme (max) 9. Cumulative frequency graphs Cumulative frequency histogram & polygon Median and interquartile range 10. Statistical investigations Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 5. calculate the range and interquartile range as measures of spread of a data set 6 understand the meaning of standard deviation & perform simple calculations to find it 7. understand the difference between the population standard deviation n & sample standard deviation n-1 and calculate them using the calculators statistical mode 8. a. develop a five number summary for a data set b. develop a box-and-whisker plot from a five number summary 9. a. complete the cumulative frequency column in a table & construct a cumulative frequency histogram & polygon(ogive) b. determine the median, lower & upper quartiles of a data set from an ogive 10. investigate & analyse data from a real life situation & present conclusions in a report page -12- Topic 14 Time: 14 - Algebraic skills & techniques 4 weeks 16 hours Introduction: Text reference: New Century Bk 2 Ch 1 Cambridge Ch 5, 9 J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 7, 8 Insight Bk 2 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 3 Ch 6 Ch 1, 2 (pp 85-111) Ch 5 Syllabus Ref: This topic revises the algebraic concepts covered in the preliminary course, in particular, solving ALGEBRAIC MODELLING equations and linear modeling. New content includes power equations requiring a “guess, check and refine” method of solution and changing the subject of a formula. AM3: Algebraic skills and techniques Outcome: H3 Content: 1. Revision: Algebraic expressions Simplfiying algebraic expressions Expanding expressions 2. Revision: Scientific notation 3. Revision: Formulas 4. Revision: Solving equations Linear equations Equations involving algebraic Fractions 5. Equations involving powers and roots Squares and cubes, square and cube roots. Power equations and the “guess, check and refine” method. 6. Changing the subject of formula Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. a.Simplify algebraic expressions by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing terms. b. Expand algebraic expressions 2. Calculate with numbers in scientific notation 3. Substitute into and evaluate algebraic expressions and formulas 4. Solve equations involving brackets, terms on both sides and fractions (numerical denominators only) 5. Solve equations involving powers, including the use of the “guess, check and refine” method 6. Change the subject of equations and formulas involving linear and quadratic terms. 7. Substitute into formulas to solve equations and interpret answers. 7. Equations and formulas Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -13- Topic 15 Time: 15 - Area and Volume Text reference: New Century Bk 2 Ch 2 Cambridge Ch 2 J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 5 3 weeks 12 hours Introduction: Insight Bk 2 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 1 Syllabus Ref: This Measurement topic revises and extends area, surface area and volume concepts introduced in MEASUREMENT the preliminary course, and applies them to composite and irregular figures in practical situations. In particular students examine the measurement of circles and circular figures. Simpson’s rule is M5: Further applications of area and introduced as an approximation method for calculating areas and volumes. volume. Outcome: H6 Content: 1. Revision: composite areas Areas of basic shapes Field diagrams 2. Parts of a circle Length of an arc l 2r 360 Area of a sector A r 2 Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. a. Calculate areas of basic shapes and composite figures b. Calculate areas of irregular fields represented by field diagrams in offset surveys 2-3. Calculate the arc length of a circle and the areas of ellipses, annuluses and parts of a circle (quadrant, sector) using appropriate formulas. 360 Area of annulus A ( R 2 r 2 ) 3. Area of an ellipse A ab Semi minor and semi major axes 4. Simpson’s rule for approximating areas and volumes A h (d 4d d ) 3 f m 4. Apply Simpson’s rule to approximate areas of irregular fields l 5. Revision: surface areas of prisms and pyramids. 6. Surface area of a cylinder 7. Surface area and volume of a sphere 5. Calculate the surface areas of prisms, square pyramids and rectangular pyramids. 6. Calculate the external surface areas of open and closed cylinders 7.Calculate volumes and surface area of spheres and hemispheres 4 S 4r 2 ,V r 3 3 8. Volumes of composite solids 9. Errors in measurement and calculations 8. Calculate volumes of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and composite solids 9. a. Find the limits of accuracy and absolute error of a measurement and calculate the percentage error. b. Determine errors in calculations resulting from errors in measurement. c. Calculate largest and smallest possible areas and volumes Teaching notes & ideas: . GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -14- Topic 16 Time: 16 - Credit and borrowing 2 weeks 8 hours Introduction: Text reference: New Century Bk 2 Ch 3 Cambridge Ch 1 J&C MIS Bk 2 Ch 1 Insight Bk 2 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 1 Ch 1 (pp 1 –17) Ch 5 (pp 233 – 264) Ch 2 Syllabus Ref: This short topic follows from the Savings and Investment topic of the Preliminary course. We now FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS look at borrowing money. Students examine the calculations involved in credit and loans: interest, repayments, fees and charges, interest-free periods, deferred payment, terms and conditions. The aim FM4: Credit and borrowing of this topic is to explain and demystify the realities of personal finance so that students can make sound financial mathematical decisions. In this topic students should use the spreadsheet to analyse, Outcome: H8 compare and chart the progress of the different loans. Content: 1. Flat rate loans, I=Prn 2. Buying on terms Term payments Deferred payment plans 3. Reducing balance loans Table showing progress of a loan 4. Using published loan repayment tables 5. Using technology to compare home loans Using the internet The financial mode of a graphics calculator Constructing a spreadsheet Credit card payments Credit card statements 6. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Calculate the principal, interest and repayments for a flat rate (simple interest) loan 2. a. Consider borrowing money “on terms” and deferred payment plans (eg. “nothing to pay for 6 months”) b. Compare different options for borrowing money in relation to total repayments, fees, interest rates and flexibility 3. a. Understand the concept of a reducing balance (reducible interest) loan and calculate the progress of a loan b. Construct and calculate values in a table of loan repayments (see syllabus notes FM4 or p88 of text) 4. Use published tables to determine monthly repayments on a reducing balance loan (see p 90 of text) 5. Use spreadsheets and graphics calculators to compare loans 6. Calculate credit card payments involving interest free periods, interest rates, fees and charges. Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -15- Topic 17 Time: 17 - 3 weeks 12 hours Interpreting sets of data Text reference: New Century Bk2 Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 Insight Bk 1 Introduction: Ch 4 Ch 3 Ch 9, 10 Ch 4 Insight Bk 2 Heinnman Grove Access Ch 4 Ch 2 (pp 64 –93) Ch 2 Ch 3 Syllabus Ref: This topic builds upon the Statistical Samples and Displays and Statistical Measurement topics of DATA ANALYSIS the preliminary course. This topic compares the data of two different distributions in order to interpret information about them. Students will examine more closely the shape of distributions, as DA5: Interpreting sets of data well as use area charts to illustrate the changes in two or more variables over time. Outcome: H9 Content: 1. Revision: Collecting and displaying data Types of data Random sampling 2. Summary statistics Measures of location (averages) Outliers Measures of spread 3. Features of a statistical display Shape, clustering, symmetry, skewness, peaks and modes 4. Investigating outliers 5. Displaying and comparing two sets of data Double stem-and-leaf plots Double box plots Comparing data sets using charts Radar chart Area chart Two-way tables Using multiple displays to compare data sets 6. 7. 8. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Name and use different types of data and sampling techniques 2. Calculate measures of location (mean, median, mode) and spread (range, interquartile range, standard deviation) 3. a. Describe the shape of a distribution, eg smoothness, symmetry, number of modes b. Make judgments about data based on the shape and skewness of the distribution 4. Investigate outliers in small data sets and their effects on the mean, median and mode 5-6. Display and compare two data sets illustrated on double stem-and-leaf plots, double box-and-whisker plots, radar charts and area charts 7. Interpret data presented in two-way table form 8. Use summary statistics and multiple displays to interpret and compare relationships between two data sets Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -16- Topic 18 Time: 18 - Applications of trigonometry Text reference: New Century Bk 2 Ch 5 Cambridge Ch 8 J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 12,13 Access 3 weeks 12 hours Insight Bk 2 Heinnman Grove Ch 7 Ch 6 Ch 4 (pp 150-182) Ch 8 Introduction: Syllabus Ref: This Trigonometry topic introduces the sine and cosine rules, which apply to all types of triangles, not only right-angled ones. Students will use trigonometry to calculate lengths, angles and areas of MEASUREMENT triangles. This topic should not be rushed as the emphasis is upon applying the knowledge and skills to practical situations. Spend considerable time on bearings and the different types of surveying M6: Applications of trigonometry techniques. Outcome: H7 Content: 1. Revision: Right-angled triangle trigonometry 2. Revision: Bearings The eight points of the compass True bearings 3. Trigonometry with obtuse angles Sin is positive, cos and tan are negative 4. The sine rule Revision: The triangle-labeling convention Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Solve problems using trigonometric ratios in one or more right-angled triangles 2. Use compass bearings (eight points only) and true bearings (three-figure bearings) in maps, charts and trigonometry problems 3. 4. a b c sin A sin B sin C 5. Finding a missing side Using the sine rule to find a missing angle 5. Extend the trigonometric ratios and relations to obtuse angles a. Understand the convention for labeling sides (a, b, c) and angles (A, B, C) of a triangle b. Calculate an unknown side of a triangle using the sine rule calculate an unknown angle of a triangle using the sine rule 7. 2 2 2 The cosine rule c a b 2ab cos C 6-7. Calculate unknown sides and angles in a triangle using the cosine rule Finding a missing side Using the cosine rule to find a missing angle 8. Area of a triangle 9. Applications of the sine and cosine rules Which rule to use? 6. Area 1 ab sin C 2 10. Surveying Offset survey Plane table radial survey Compass radial survey 8. Calculate the area of a triangle given the lengths of two sides and the size of the included angle 9. Solve a variety of practical trigonometry problems involving non-right-angled triangles, including those involving two triangles where one is right-angled, by selecting appropriate methods 10. Conduct offset and radial (plane table and compass) surveys to calculate lengths, perimeters and areas Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -17- Topic 19 Time: 19 - Multi stage events Text reference: New Century Bk 2 Ch 6 Cambridge Ch 4, 13 J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 11 Access Insight Bk 2 Ch 7 Heinnman Ch 5 2 weeks Grove Ch 6 8 hours Ch 4, 12 Introduction: Syllabus Ref: This comprehensive Probability topic examines more complex problems involving ordered and unordered selections and the techniques for counting them. Students were introduced to basic PROBABILITY probability concepts in the Preliminary course and now they learn about multiplication principles of counting and tree diagrams. Probability is a topic in which many students experience difficulty, so PB3: Multi-stage events spend considerable time teaching the key ideas and methods. Outcome: H10 Content: 1. Revision: The meaning of probability The range of probabilities Complementary events Experimental probability 2. Tree diagrams and tables 3. Multiplication principle for counting 4. 5. 6. Counting arrangements Counting unordered selections Ordered and unordered selections 7. Probability tree diagrams Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Solve simple problems involving theoretical and experimental probability, including complementary events 2. Construct and use tree diagrams and tables to list the sample space for multistage events 3. Count the number of outcomes for multi-stage event by multiplying the number of choices at each stage 4-6. a. Count the number of ways in which n different items can be arranged, using the formula n(n-1)(n-2)…1 b. Count the number of ordered and unordered selections of a given size that can be made from a group of different items b. List ordered and unordered selections (small numbers only) c. Calculate probabilities involving ordered and unordered selections 7. Construct and use probability tree diagrams to solve multi-stage probability problems Teaching notes & ideas: Topic 20 Time: 20 - Application of Probability Text reference: New Century Bk 2 Ch 6 Cambridge Ch 4, 13 J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 11 Ch 11 Ch 5 2 weeks Ch 6 8 hours Ch 4, 12 Introduction: Syllabus Ref: Students were introduced to basic probability concepts in the Preliminary course, but now they learn about expectation, simulation and probability in diagnostic testing (eg. lie detectors). Probability is a PROBABILITY topic in which many students experience difficulty, so spend considerable time teaching the key ideas and methods. PB4: Applications of probability Content: 1. Expectation Financial expectation 2. Probability simulations 3. Probability in testing Insight Bk 2 Heinnman Grove Access Outcome: H10 Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Calculate the expected number of times a particular outcome should occur over a number of trials and the financial expectation of a game of chance 2. Carry out probability simulations to model events and analyse their results 3. Examine the use of probability in diagnostic tests and interpret tables to make conclusions about the effectiveness of such tests Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -18- Topic 21 Time: 21 - Spherical Geometry Text reference: New Century Bk 2 Ch 7 Cambridge Ch 14 J&C MIS Bk 2 Ch 3 Insight Bk 2 Heinnman Grove Access 2 weeks 8 hours Introduction: In this short Measurement topic, students use circle and spherical geometry to solve problems relating to positions, distances and times on the Earth’s surface. Most of the concepts met in this topic will be fairly new: latitude and longitude, great circle distances, nautical miles and knots, international time zones. Ch 10 Ch 4 (pp 182-192) Ch 9 Ch 10 Syllabus Ref: MEASUREMENT M7: Spherical geometry Outcome: H6 Content: 1. Latitude and longitude Great circles and small circles Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. a. Understand and use the following geographical concepts: great and small circles, latitude and longitude, the Equator and the Greenwich meridian b. Use latitude and longitude to describe locations on the Earth’s surface 2. 2-3. a. Convert between nautical miles and kilometres b. Calculate distances between two points on the same great circle, in nautical miles and kilometres c. Understand the meaning of a knot as a measure of speed and use it to solve problems Great circle distances Revision: Arc length of a circle l 360 2r 3. Nautical miles and knots 1 M = 1.852 km 1° on a great circle = 60 M 4. Longitude and time differences 15° = 1 hour, 1° = 4 minutes time differences 5. International time zones The international date line Daylight saving 4. 5. Calculate (local) time differences using differences in longitude Use standard time zones, the International Date Line and daylight saving to solve problems involving travel and communication Teaching notes & ideas: * There is a lot of terminology in this topic so a student-generated glossary would be a useful study aid. GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -19- Topic 22 Time: 22 - Annuities & Loan repayments Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 2 Ch 5 Ch 1 (pp 18-52) 2 weeks Ch 5 (pp 265-293) 8 hours Ch 6, 8 Introduction: Syllabus Ref: This long and complex topic examines the financial mathematics of long term investing. Annuities, depreciation and their associated terminology are entirely new to students so spend considerable time FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS introducing the concepts, calculations and formulas. The use of graphs, tables and technology (such as spreadsheets) is essential if students are to understand the processes involved in calculating annuities, FM5: Annuities and loan repayments long term loans and depreciation. This is probably the most difficult topic of the General Mathematics course. Outcome: H8 Content: Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Interest calculations 1. a. Calculate the final amount and interest earned in a compound interest problem n Revision: Compound interest b. Use the formula E = (1 + r) – 1 to convert between stated interest rate and Extension: Effective interest rates effective interest rate n 2. E = (1 + r) – 1 Future value of an annuity Meaning of annuity Future value formula 2. (1 r ) n 1 A M r 3. 4. Sinking funds Present value an annuity Present value formula Superannuation funds Using tables for annuity calculations Future value table Present value table (1 r ) n 1 N M n r (1 r ) Contribution table 5. Loan repayments Teaching notes & ideas: Topic 23 Time: 23 - Ch 8 Ch 6, 10 Ch 1 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access a. Understand the meaning of an annuity b. Calculate the future value of an annuity or the contribution per period using the future value formula c. Construct and calculate values in a table/spreadsheet of the progress of an annuity (see specimen exam question 25b) 3. Calculate the present value of an annuity or the contribution per period using the present value formulas 4. Use tables to solve problems involving annuities (see syllabus FM5 p54) 5. a. Use the present value formula for annuities to calculate loan repayments and, hence, the total amount paid over the term of a loan b. Investigate various processes for the repayment of loans Depreciation Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 2 Ch 9 Ch 1 (pp 18-52) 2 weeks Ch 5 (pp 265-293) 8 hours Ch 6, 8 Introduction: Syllabus Ref: This long and complex topic examines the financial mathematics of long term investing. Annuities, depreciation and their associated terminology are entirely new to students so spend considerable time FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS introducing the concepts, calculations and formulas. The use of graphs, tables and technology (such as spreadsheets) is essential if students are to understand the processes involved in calculating annuities, FM6: Depreciation long term loans and depreciation. Outcome: H8 Content: 1. Straight line method of depreciation Meaning of depreciation Purchase price, salvage value S=Vo-Dn 2. Depreciation schedules Declining balance method of depreciation S=Vo(1-r)n 3. Calculating tax deductions Ch 8 Ch 6, 10 Ch 1 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access Objectives: Students will be able to: 1-2. a. Understand the meaning of depreciation and its associated terminology b. Use the straight line and declining balance methods of depreciation c. Model depreciation using appropriate formulas, graphs and tables d. Calculate the value of a depreciating item over time using a depreciation schedule e. Compare depreciation tables 3. Calculate tax deductions based on depreciation of assets Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -20- Topic 20 Time: 24 - Linear & non-linear relationships Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 9 Ch 11 Ch 7 Insight Bk 1 Heinnman Grove Access 2 weeks 8 hours Introduction: In this final Algebraic modeling topic, non-linear functions are examined as further models for representing the mathematical patterns and relationships occurring in nature and society. Students will examine the following functions and investigate their properties and graphs : the quadratic, cubic, exponential and hyperbolic functions. This is followed by a detailed analysis of direct and inverse variation, a concept first met in the Preliminary course. Ch 12 Ch 7 (NOT pp 321-336) Ch 2 (pp 112-144) Ch 13 Syllabus Ref: ALGEBRAIC MODELLING AM4: Modeling linear and non-linear relationships Outcome: H3 Content: Objectives: 1. Revision: Linear functions 1. Graph y=mx+b Interpret linear functions as models of physical phenomena Draw a line of best fit to a set of empirical data and find its equation Linear models Line of best fit 2. Intersection of lines Break even points 3. The quadratic function Features of a parabola Students will be able to: 2. Interpret the point of intersection of the graphs of two linear functions drawn from practical contexts, eg. break even points. 3. a. Generate tables of values and graph quadratic functions b. Note that different forms of a quadratic expression produce identical graphs 4. Use a quadratic graph to find maximum and minimum values in practical contexts 2 4. Graphing y = ax + bx + c Maximum and minimum problems Maximum/minimum value of a quadratic Extension: The vertex formula x b 2a 5. The cubic function 6. Graphing y = ax The exponential function 3 x 7. 6. Graphing y = b(a ) The size of a and b Exponential growth and decay The hyperbolic function 5-8 a. Generate tables of values and graph cubic, exponential and hyperbolic functions x b. Recognise exponential growth and decay by the value of a in y = b(a ) c. Apply the different types of functions to model and solve real life problems d. Use functions as models of physical phenomena and recognise their limitations when interpolating and extrapolating a Graphing y = /x The sign and size of a 8. More applications of functions 9. Direct variation Revision: Linear variation Variation to the square, cube, root 10. Inverse variation Meaning of inverse variation Linear, square, cube, root Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 9-10 a. Understand the meanings and relationships involved in direct and inverse variation b. Form a variation equation and evaluate the constant of variation c. Solve problems involving direct and inverse variation, including variation to the square, cube and square root of a variable page -21- Topic 25 Time: 25 - The Normal Distribution Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 8 Ch 2 (pp94-100),7 (pp321-336) 2 weeks Ch 7 8 hours Ch 9, 11 Introduction: Syllabus Ref: In this Data Analysis (Statistics) topic students examine the normal curve. This topic builds upon the Statistical Distributions work introduced at the start of the HSC course. Most of the concepts DATA ANALYSIS covered in this chapter will be entirely new to students – Z-scores, scatter plots – although lines of best fit have been covered in both the Preliminary and HSC courses. DA6: The normal distribution Ch 10 Ch 7, 12 Ch 10 Insight Bk 2 Heinnman Grove Access Outcome: H9 Content: 1. The normal distribution Standard deviation and the normal curve Areas under the normal curve: the 68%, 95%, 99.7% limits 2. Z-scores z xx Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. a. Use a normal curve to model continuous data b. Investigate the percentages of scores in a normal distribution that are within 1, 2 and 3 standard deviations of the mean and use them to make judgments in individual cases 2. a. Understand the meaning of a Z-score to indicate the position of a score relative to the mean b. Calculate Z-scores 3. Comparing normal distributions Comparing using Z-scores Properties of a normal distribution 3. a. Use calculated Z-scores to compare scores from different data sets b. Identify the properties of data that are normally distributed (equality of mean, median, mode; bell-shaped) 4. 4. Plot ordered pairs of data onto a scatter plot and recognise any patterns Scatter plots Teaching notes & ideas: Topic 26 Time: 26 - Correlation Text reference: New Century Cambridge J&C MIS Bk 1 Ch 13 Ch 2 (pp94-100),7 (pp321-336) 2 weeks Ch 7 8 hours Ch 9, 11 Introduction: Syllabus Ref: In this final Data Analysis (Statistics) topic students examine correlation. This topic builds upon the Statistical Distributions work introduced at the start of the HSC course. The concept covered in this DATA ANALYSIS chapter will be entirely new to students although lines of best fit have been covered in both the Preliminary and HSC courses. The construction of the median regression line is a fairly detailed DA7: Correlation process so spend considerable class time practising the technique. Outcome: H9 Content: Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. a. Interpret the sign and size of a given correlation coefficient 1. Correlation b. Recognise correlation patterns shown on a scatter plot Positive, negative, high, low and perfect c. Recognise that a high degree of correlation does not necessarily imply a correlation casual relationship Correlation and causality The correlation coefficient: sign and size 2. a. Construct a median regression line to give a line of best fit on a scatter plot 2. Regression lines b. Find the equation of the median regression line and use it to make predictions Line of best fit Median regression line Making predictions Ch 10 Ch 7, 12 Ch 10 Insight Bk 2 Heinnman Grove Access Teaching notes & ideas: GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -22- General Mathematics Stage 6 Syllabus Objectives Objectives and Outcomes Preliminary Outcomes HSC Outcomes Students will develop: A student: A student: appreciation of the relevance of mathematics P1 develops a positive attitude to mathematics and appreciates its capacity to provide enjoyment and recreation H1 appreciates the importance of mathematics in her/his own life and its usefulness in contributing to society the ability to apply mathematical skills and techniques to interpret practical situations P2 applies mathematical knowledge and skills to solving problems within familiar contexts H2 integrates mathematical knowledge and skills from different content areas in exploring new situations P3 develops rules to represent patterns arising from numerical and other sources H3 develops and tests a general mathematical relationship from observed patterns P4 represents information in symbolic, graphical and tabular forms H4 analyses representations of data in order to make inferences, predictions and conclusions P5 represents the relationships between changing quantities in algebraic and graphical form H5 makes predictions about the behaviour of situations based on simple models P6 performs calculations in relation to two-dimensional and threedimensional figures H6 analyses two-dimensional and three-dimensional models to solve practical and mathematical problems P7 determines the degree of accuracy of measurements and calculations H7 interprets the results of measurements and calculations and makes judgements about reasonableness skills, knowledge and understanding in algebraic modelling skills, knowledge and understanding in measurement GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -23- Objectives Preliminary Outcomes HSC Outcomes Students will develop: A student: A student: P8 models financial situations using appropriate tools H8 makes informed decisions about financial situations P9 determines an appropriate form of organisation and representation of collected data H9 develops and carries out statistical processes to answer questions which she/he and others have posed P10 performs simple calculations in relation to the likelihood of familiar events H10 solves problems involving uncertainty using basic principles of probability P11 justifies his/her response to a given problem using appropriate mathematical terminology H11 uses mathematical argument and reasoning to evaluate conclusions drawn from other sources, communicating his/her position clearly to others skills, knowledge and understanding in financial mathematics skills, knowledge and understanding in data analysis skills, knowledge and understanding in probability the ability to communicate mathematics in written and/or verbal form GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -24- DRAFT PERFORMANCE BANDS GENERAL MATHEMATICS The typical performance in this band: Band 6 uses a wide- variety of problem-solving strategies to solve mathematics problems successfully applies mathematical skills and processes across a wide range of topic areas communicates mathematical ideas and reasoning clearly and effectively using symbols, numbers, words, diagrams and graphs analyses representations of data and makes predictions, inferences and conclusions constructs and uses diagrams to solve mathematical problems in familiar and unfamiliar contexts makes and justifies informed decisions about financial situations based on appropriate models carries out statistical processes to analyse, interpret and compare data solves problems involving uncertainty using the basic principles of probability uses a variety of problem-solving strategies to solve mathematical problems uses mathematical skills and processes accurately and can apply these in different contexts communicates mathematical ideas and reasoning using symbols, numbers, words, diagrams and graphs analyses data in symbolic, graphical or tabular forms and makes predictions, inferences and conclusions constructs and uses diagrams to solve mathematical problems in familiar contexts makes informed decisions about financial situations based on mathematical models carries out statistical processes to analyse and compare data solves familiar problems involving uncertainty using the basic principles of probability uses some problem-solving strategies to solve familiar mathematical problems uses mathematical skills and processes accurately in familiar contexts communicates mathematics using symbols, numbers, words, diagrams and graphs uses information in graphs, tables or symbols to make predictions, inferences and conclusions draws diagrams and graphs to solve familiar mathematical problems performs calculations in financial mathematics such as substituting into appropriate formulae calculates summary statistics, such as mean and standard deviation performs probability calculations to solve familiar problems uses mathematical skills and processes to solve familiar problems communicates mathematical results using numbers, words, diagrams and graphs uses given diagrams, tables and graphs to make some predictions, inferences and conclusions draws simple diagrams when given clear instructions to help solve familiar mathematical problems performs basic calculations in financial mathematics calculates basic summary statistics, such as mode and range performs simple probability calculations to solve familiar problems uses basic mathematical skills and processes to solve simple familiar problems with limited accuracy communicates mathematical results using numbers, words simple diagrams and graphs uses given diagrams, tables and graphs to help solve some simple mathematical problems performs some basic calculations in financial mathematics with limited accuracy recognises language of probability Band 5 Band 4 Band 3 Band 2 Band 1 GENERAL MATHEMATICS Year 11/12 page -25-