Table of contents General Introduction ..................................................................................... 15 Objectives of the research ............................................................................. 35 Registration of third molar development: Influence of measurements versus stages on age estimation ............................................................................... 41 Staged third molar development registration: Influence of the number of stages on age estimation. .............................................................................. 53 Statistical modeling of third molar development data: Influence of regression analyses versus Bayesian approach on age estimation ................................. 65 Collection and comparison of 13 country-specific third molar development databases. ...................................................................................................... 79 Comparison of age estimation based on 13 country-specific third molar development databases. ................................................................................ 93 Influence of tooth morphological age predictors on age estimation based on third molar development. ............................................................................ 111 Influence of skeletal age predictors on age estimation based on third molar development. ............................................................................................... 121 General discussion and conclusion ............................................................. 135 5 Jury Promoter Prof. Guy Willems Co-promoters Prof. Tore Solheim Prof. Wim Van de Voorde Chair Prof. Dominique Declerck Jury members Prof. Werner Jacobs Prof. Sigrid Kvaal Prof. Helen Liversidge Prof. Maria-Helena Smet Prof. Sabine Tejpar Prof. Dirk Vandermeulen 7 Dankwoord Dank aan: Prof. Dr. Guy Willems voor alle advies, steun, hulp, medeleven en vooral om de ontstane vriendschap. Prof. Dr. Tore Solheim en Prof. Dr. Wim Van de Voorde voor hun aandeel als copromotor. Prof. Dr. Dominique Declerck, Prof. Dr. Werner Jacobs, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Kvaal, Prof. Dr. Helen Liversidge, Prof. Dr. Maria-Helena Smet, Prof. Dr. Sabine Tejpar, Prof. Dr. Dirk Vandermeulen, voor hun werk als jurylid en de kritische evaluatie van dit manuscript. Dr. Steffen Fieuws voor zijn onmisbare begeleiding, die mij het gevoel gaf over een extra copromotor te beschikken. Iedereen, die wereldwijd, meehielp aan het verzamelen van data. Alle “Master in forensic odontology”-studenten die ik begeleidde. Ieder van hen werkte op haar of zijn manier inspirerend. Ali om mij telkens op de hoogte te houden van nodige administratieve regelingen. De Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, omdat ik deel mocht uitmaken van haar onderzoeksgroep. Opgedragen aan: Benoit, Els en Vincent voor alle tijd die ik niet aan hen kon spenderen. Patrick Thevissen Juli 2013 9 Abbreviations BA Be Cervical vertebrae development registration technique according Baccetti et al. (2005) Belgium Br Brazil CA CEJW Tooth development registration technique according Cameriere et al. (2008) Cervical vertebrae development registration technique according Caldas et al. (2007, 2010) Tooth length from occlusal plane till cement enamel junction Crown width at cement enamel junction Ch China CT Computed tomography CW Maximal crown width DM DS Tooth development registration technique according Demirjian et al. (1973) Developmental score DTMD Degree of third molars development F Female GK In Tooth development registration technique according Gustafson and Koch (1974) Tooth development registration technique according Haavikko (1974) Tooth development registration technique according Harris and Nortje (1984) South-India It Italy Ja Japan KO Tooth development registration technique according Köhler et al. (1994) Korea CAL CEJL HA HN Ko KU L Tooth development registration technique according Kullman et al. (1992) Mean value of length ratios according Kvaal et al. (1994) 11 Abbreviations LL Lower left LR Lower right M Male M K Mean value of all ratios according Kvaal et al. (1994) Ma Malaysia MO Tooth development registration technique according Moorrees et al. (1963) Magnetic resonance imaging MRI OPL PC PHL Tooth length from occlusal plane till most apical calcified tooth point The score on the first principal component Po Tooth length from occlusal plane till most occlusal pulp horn point Poland R1 TTL48/TTL47 R2 OTL48/OTL47 R3 R348/R347 R347 R3 48 R447 48 TTL/CEJW on second molar TTL/CEJW on third molar R548/R547 R5 R547 R5 TTL/CW on third molar R448/R447 R4 R4 TTL/CW on second molar 48 TTL/PHL on second molar TTL/PHL on third molar R6 R648/R647 R647 TTL/CEJL on second molar R648 TTL/CEJL on third molar R7 48 RA TTL48/OPL48 Sa Tooth development registration technique according Raungpaka (1988) Mandibular development registration technique according Rai et al. (2008) Saudi-Arabia SE Cervical vertebrae development registration technique RAI 12 Abbreviations according Seedat and Forsberg (2005) Th Thailand TTL Tu Tooth length from most occlusal till most apical calcified tooth point Turkey Ua United Arab Emirates UL Upper left UR Upper right W Mean value of width ratios according Kvaal et al. (1994) 13 Chapter 1 General Introduction 15 General introduction AGE The knowledge and the proof of age are indispensable and invaluable for all human beings. The human age is a measure, mostly expressed in years, of the period lived since birth, so the indisputable registration of the date of birth is essential to determine an individual’s chronological age. Age can also be a measure of the biological, psychological and social changes that occur in the course of a lifetime. Age, together with the name, nationality and gender, enables to one’s identity to be established and verified. Attaining specific ages gives access to certain rights or interests by law and authorizes the administration of sanctions and penalties for the violation of laws and the breaking of agreements. Although the precise ages at which these thresholds are set may vary from country to country, they set the legal rhythms of the individual’s life the world over. During a lifetime, age thresholds giving access to certain privileges or incurring specific obligations need to be respected for legal, socioeconomic, religious, cultural and professional reasons. Forensic ageestimations are requested in relation to age thresholds in criminal investigations, during immigration procedures, and for civil purposes. As regards crime, an individual is considered capable of committing a crime when the legally set age threshold for criminal responsibility is attained, generally in childhood. The age of majority is the legally defined moment when a person is legally no longer considered a minor. The protected status regarding care, health and education provided to a child changes for adult status in which full control over one’s own person, decisions and actions is assumed (Massoglia and Uggen, 2010). The loss of protected child status at the age of majority has consequences for the migration and asylum policies applied by the countries to which refugees flee (Kalt et al., 2013). Children and the elderly are the most vulnerable age groups in a society. Certain civil rights depend on age, such as children being protected from early employment and forced marriages and the elderly being guaranteed care (Hoogeveen et al., 2005). The death of a person is officially registered and a death certificate is issued that provides information about the identity of the deceased and the circumstances and the cause of death (NCHS, 2003). The inclusion of the date and time of death (and thus the age of the deceased) is required for the validity of the document. The certificate enables family members to commence closure and settle the estate. 17 General introduction INCIDENCE FOR AGE ESTIMATION The legal consequences related to an individual’s particular age make her or him a subject for forensic age estimations when no or dubious age documentation is available. Of concern here are individuals for whom no registered age documentation is available and also unidentified human remains. In Western societies, the indirect registration of birth was introduced in the 16th century with the recording of the date of baptism in parish registers. Articles 7 and 8 of ‘The Convention on the Rights of the Child’ (Resolution 44/25, 1989) stipulate that every child has the right to be registered at birth by the state within whose jurisdiction the child is born. The registration of the place, date and time of birth makes a birth certificate universally accepted proof of an individual’s age. Despite these regulations and rights, approximately1/3 of all births are still not registered worldwide (Cody and Plan, 2009). Moreover, in areas of armed conflict, registrations are usually temporary, often destroyed and frequently suspended (UNICEF, 2007). According to the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics, in an average year in the United States, 4,400 unidentified human remains are reported (Hickman et al., 2007). These numbers increase exponentially in areas where disasters have occurred. In fact, worldwide more than 30,000 people were killed in disasters in 2011 (Guha-Sapir et al., 2012). When the age of juveniles is unknown or no legally supported documentation or incorrect documentation is suspected, age estimation examinations are requested: to classify the suspects by the age of criminal responsibility in criminal procedures (Schmeling et al., 2001), to determine the age of unaccompanied young applicants in migration and asylum procedures, to place the participant in the correct age group in sports (Engebretsen et al., 2010), to provide children with a birth date in adoption procedures (Crossner and Mansfeld, 1983), to protect children who are treated as adults and even exploited by adults (Smith and Brownlees, 2011), and to determine retirement benefits and pensions for the elderly (RitzTimme et al., 2002). In 2010, the Member States of the European Union received 30,200 asylum applications of which 12,230 concerned unaccompanied minors (Bulletin, 2012). The high number of individuals requiring forensic-age estimations makes it one of the major specialties in forensic odontology. AGE ESTIMATION METHODS The age of an individual is estimated on the basis of the conversion of agerelated markers to chronological age. The age-related markers are variables in biological, psychological and social appearance that are present during or at distinct periods in human life. Samples allowing one to observe, in a specific age interval, the age-related variables of concern are collected from 18 General introduction human populations. In these samples, the observed status of the age-related variables are quantified and registered. The extracted data are analysed statistically to identify significant population-dependent and age-related features. The resulting information enables one to construct atlases, tables and models that permit age predictions for subjects of unknown age of the same population. The status of the corresponding age-related variable observed in the subject is matched with the information on the table or atlas or integrated into the constructed model. The estimated age value consists of an age outcome and a measure of the prediction uncertainty. To validate the accuracy of age estimates, the difference between the estimated and the true age needs to be quantified by means of a test sample. Human biological age-related variables are defined as human body parts that change in function of age. The age predicting value of the variables considered depends on its correlation with age. In a human body, the optimal age-related variables have been detected in the skeleton and classified in a bone and a dental group. DENTAL AGE ESTIMATION A Medline/Pubmed search for dental age estimation studies was performed using the search string: ‘(age determination by teeth) OR (dental age estimation methods) OR (dental age estimation assessment) OR (dental age estimation calculation) OR (radiological dental age estimation) OR (forensic dental age estimation) OR (timing tooth formation)’. The search resulted, before further manual sorting, in 1,517 (02 March 2013) published studies mainly on dental age estimation methods, modifications to the methods and their validation results on specific populations. The search revealed that many dental age estimation methods have been developed. In forensic age estimation assessments, the choice of a particular estimation method depends upon the age-related dental variables available in the material at hand. Accordingly, classifications of the estimation methods are based on the technique used to observe the dental variables or on the dental feature examined in the observed variable. The age-related dental variables are observed clinically by means of medical imaging techniques, after tooth extraction or after tooth destruction. The method used must be ethical and legal. For example, to estimate the age of living persons, it is ethically unacceptable to extract teeth, and the law may prohibit using ionizing techniques. The principal age-related features observed in the dental variables are based on changes in the morphology or the development of the tooth and changes in the biochemistry of tooth material [Fig.1]. 19 General introduction Figure 1: Classification of age estimation methods based on age-related dental variables Classifying age estimation methods according to biochemical, morphological, or developmental characteristics permits a parallel classification related to the proper age category of the individual. It also indicates the tooth types or each specific method. On a time line of a human lifetime, starting at conception and ending with death, the figure gives the applicability of the dental age estimation methods. During life, age estimation methods based on tooth biochemistry are appropriate for all teeth, and methods based on tooth morphology are suitable for all permanent teeth in adults. Methods based on tooth development are divided into two groups: deciduous and all permanent teeth are considered in children, and the late third molar development is assessed in sub-adults. Tooth biochemistry With ageing, an increasing transition from levorotatory to dextrorotatory enantiomers of aspartic acid was detected in tooth materials. In particular, this is found in dentin (Helfman and Bada, 1976), enamel (Griffin et al., 2008b), cementum (Ohtani, 1995b) as well as whole tooth samples (Sakuma et al., 2012) in both, permanent and deciduous teeth (Ohtani, 1994; Ohtani et al., 2005). This phenomenon has been described as aspartic acid racemization, and it enables one to estimate the age at death of an individual (Waite et al., 1999). In adults, the method provides highly accurate age estimates (standard deviation 3 years) (Ohtani, 1995a). Although the method is applicable to living individuals, the inherent separation of tooth material remains an ethical obstacle. The position of enamel enables one to collect tooth material with very little damage to the tooth. An etching technique 20 General introduction developed to extract amino acids from enamel surfaces is minimally tooth destructive and promises to be applicable to the living (Griffin et al., 2008a). The detection of radioactive carbon concentrations in teeth has been proposed as age estimation method. The radiocarbon age estimation method is based on the comparison of the increases over time of global carbon-14 levels due to the aboveground testing of nuclear weapons between 1955 and 1963 with the measured proportion of carbon-14 incorporated into the enamel separated from the teeth of the examined individual. The comparison provides an estimate of the date of birth (Spalding et al., 2005). The method allows one to measure the carbon-14 concentration in the incisal and cervical enamel of a tooth. From these measurements, one can derive the formation period of the crowns of different tooth types. The resulting information permits one to choose the correct side of the peak on the bomb fallout curve (Kondo-Nakamura et al., 2011). The individual’s birth date is estimated with an average absolute date of birth prediction error between 1.3 and 1.9 years (Alkass et al., 2010a, b). Tooth morphology Dental age estimation methods based on changes in tooth morphology are based mainly on observed transformations in the anatomy of dental structures due to attrition, the formation of secondary dentin, root resorption, root translucency, cementum apposition and the attachment of the periodontal ligament [Fig.2]. The gradual morphological transformations observed in the variables are classified and registered according to staging systems (Gustafson, 1950; Dalitz, 1962; Johanson, 1971). Because the attrition and the attachment of the periodontal ligament are clinically visible and because secondary dentine apposition can be observed by means of Figure 2: Principal age-related variables, based on tooth morphology. The The gradual gradual transformations transformations in in tooth tooth anatomy anatomy as as aa function function of of age age are are illustrated illustrated for each of the main morphological variables. The parameters increase with advancing age except for the periodontal ligament attachment position, which moves towards the root apex [figure fromfrom (Johanson, 1971)]. 1971)]. [figureadapted adapted (Johanson, 21 General introduction medical imaging, these variables can be used to estimate the age of living persons. The other variables are observed after tooth extraction and, occasionally, tooth sectioning. Therefore, they are legally and ethically used to estimate the age only of deceased individuals. Tooth sectioning is mainly carried out on a mid-tooth level in the long axis and in bucco-lingual direction (Solheim, 1984). Morphological dental age estimation methods use all of these variables (Gustafson, 1950; Johanson, 1971; Maples, 1978), some of them (Dalitz, 1962; Maples, 1978; Lamendin et al., 1992) or only one (Bang and Ramm, 1970; Lorentsen and Solheim, 1989; Solheim, 1990; Solheim, 1992a, b; Kim et al., 2000). Certain variables need to be observed on intact and/or sectioned teeth. In addition to stage registrations, specific measurements enable the status of the observed variable to be registered (Lamendin et al., 1992). Staged and measured registrations of the described parameters are combined with supplementary variables such as tooth colour (Solheim, 1988b) and dental root surface structure (Solheim, 1993). In the cementum formed at the mid-third of the root, alternating dark and translucent layers are visible microscopically. Each pair of lines corresponds to 1 year of life, so counting these cementum annulations provided an age estimation (Kvaal and Solheim, 1995; Kagerer and Grupe, 2001), but specialized tooth cutting techniques are required (Maat et al., 2006). Due to the apposition of secondary dentine, the volume within the pulp chamber decreases with ageing, which can be observed by means of medical imaging. Ratios from the length and width measurements of pulp and tooth observed on periapical radiographs (Kvaal et al., 1995) allow one to register the changes in the pulp volume and to estimate age with regression formulas. The technique was validated for panoramic radiographs (Bosmans et al., 2005; Paewinsky et al., 2005; Landa et al.,2009; Erbudak et al., 2012) and modified with tooth and pulp area information (Cameriere et al., 2004). Direct registration of tooth and pulp volumes can be done with microfocus computed tomography (CT), CT and cone beam CT images, which are at the basis of each of these techniques. Specific age estimation methods based on pulp volume changes have been reported (Vandevoort et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2006; Someda et al., 2009 Star et al., 2011). The agerelated value of the variable depends on the tooth type and the tooth position. Therefore, age estimation methods specify whether they are applicable for a specific tooth, for all teeth, or for a particular group of teeth. The morphological age estimation methods allow one to estimate the age of adults with a precision expressed in the standard error of the estimate between 4 and 12 years (Ritz-Timme et al., 2000). An important morphological change in the tooth enamel appears 3 to 4 days after birth as a hypo-mineralized step-like rupture in the enamel matrix. This is the ‘neonatal line’ (Rushton, 1933) that separates the smaller enamel prisms in the postnatal enamel from the prenatal prisms. This line is 22 General introduction observed microscopically (Sabel et al., 2008) in thin section preparations (70-150µm thick) of teeth that had crowns maturing around the time of birth (deciduous teeth and the first permanent molars) (Zanolli et al., 2011). The neonatal line provides forensic evidence to determine whether a child was born dead or had lived at least a few days. The neonatal line is actually a modified incremental enamel growth line (Boyde, 1997) and is called the ‘line of Retzius’ (Risnes, 1987). In humans, the formation of enamel starts at the dentin and moves 2 to 8 µ a day, so counting these lines and measuring the enamel thickness can be used to estimate human age (Dean, 2010). Tooth development The development of teeth involves the formation of an organic matrix and its subsequent calcification or mineralization (Smith, 1991). The formation sequence follows a chronological pattern and starts on the sixth to seventh intra-uterine week with the development of buds in the dental lamina (Kraus and Jordan, 1965; Tonge, 1969). The buds differentiate in caps and bells and form crypts in the jaw bone. In the crypt, calcification and mineralization of the future crown cusp tips or incisal tooth edge proceed continuously layer by layer until the apical root ends of the developing teeth are closed (Massler and Schour, 1946; Calonius et al., 1970). Medical imaging can specify the mineralization process in the living. To quantify the timing of this maturation sequence, the chronological age at which a tooth developed into an arbitrarily chosen stage is registered. The threshold between stages are reflected in specific tooth traits (such as calcification commencement, crown completion, root completion), or the root and tooth fractions used to divide the maturing process in consecutive steps [Fig.4, Chap. 3]. A particular stage during the tooth maturation process is the eruption of the tooth through the alveolar bone and gums into the mouth. The maturation quantification is used for age estimations based on a certain tooth type, a specific tooth position or a group of teeth. The age estimation methods based on tooth development are generally classified as methods based on third molar development and methods based on the development of all the other teeth [Fig.1]. Development of all teeth except third molars Since all teeth except the third molars mature on average from the sixth week of intra-uterine life (Kraus and Jordan, 1965) until the age of 14 (Liversidge and Marsden, 2010) to 16.5 years (AlQahtani et al., 2010), their age-related development is used to estimate age in children. For this purpose, two methods have been described. First, in atlases, pictorial charts and tables, a specific stage representing a degree of development of a single tooth, a part of the dentition or the whole dentition is illustrated for specific ages. The developmental stage of the corresponding tooth or teeth is compared and matched with the 23 General introduction nearest best-fit diagram and related to age. The atlases are constructed based on dissection data (Logan and Kronfeld, 1933), radiographic imaging studies (Schour and Massler, 1941; Kahl and Schwarze, 1988) or archaeological material (Ubelaker, 1978). In addition, specific tooth traits are correlated with the mean age of appearance for each tooth related, and a measure of their variability is given in tables (Gustafson and Koch, 1974). Particular interest is assigned to the timing of tooth eruption. Evaluating tooth eruption considers the tooth position in relation to the surrounding structures. The alveolar crest (Haavikko, 1970), the oral mucosa (Ando et al., 1965), the inferior border of the mandible (Shumaker and El Hadary, 1960), other teeth (Schopf, 1970), and the occlusal plane (Bengston, 1935) are examples of the reference points used. They have been evaluated clinically and radiologically (Mattila and Haavikko, 1969). However, the different definitions of tooth eruption used rules out comparison (Hurme, 1949). The wide variations in registered mean eruption times (Leroy et al, 2008) are due to the varied definitions of tooth eruption and the lack of registration of the time between the time of tooth eruption and the time of observation. Second, the tooth maturing process is arbitrarily divided into successive developmental stages, the number and the duration of which differ in function of the specific staging technique used. The thresholds between the stages need to be well described and refer to observable anatomical tooth traits (Raungpaka, 1988), the proportions of the future crown and root lengths (Moorrees et al., 1963) or the size of already developed parts of the tooth (Demirjian et al., 1973). Referral age standards are collected in tables for each of the stages and related to single tooth types or tooth positions (Moorrees et al., 1963; Prahl-Anderson and van der Linder, 1972; Anderson et al,, 1976). The degree of dental maturation of a child can be related to chronological age and used for age estimations. To do this, the developmental stage of a particular tooth or a group of teeth is assessed. Considering a specific tooth, the observed developmental tooth stage is related to a tabulated corresponding age. The tables are generally established by averaging the chronological age of sampled subjects sorted by stage (Gleiser and Hunt, 1955). For a group of teeth, a sex-specific weighted maturity score is given to each observed tooth. The technique was adapted from skeletal maturity assessments in which the stages of hand-wrist bone development were used (Tanner et al., 1962). The sum of the weighted maturity scores is related to chronological age in percentile curves or score tables. The seven left mandibular permanent teeth (without the third molar) are considered (Demirjian et al., 1973), and the method has been adapted for use of four teeth (first and second left mandibular premolar and molar) (Demirjian and Goldstein, 1976) and eight teeth (Acharya, 2011b). To obtain age estimates as a function of dental maturity, the method was revisited using polynomial functions (Chaillet et al., 2004a, b). With the use of a 24 General introduction weighted analysis of variance, the seven-tooth technique has been modified to provide sex-specific tables to convert the observed developmental stage of each tooth immediately into an age value. The estimated chronological age is the sum of the seven age values (Willems et al., 2001).The reliability of ageestimation methods based on the development of permanent teeth except the third molars is reported with a 95% confidence interval from ±0.65 for early tooth stages to ±2.59 years for late tooth stages (Liversidge et al., 2010). Development of third molars The third molars are the only maturing teeth remaining in the age range between 16 and 23 years. On average, the crypt formation of the third molar is observed on panoramic radiographs during the 8th year (Liversidge, 2008b), so late third-molar development is used to estimate age in this subadult age range [Fig.1]. In analogy with age estimation methods based on the development of all of the permanent teeth without the third molars, age estimates based on the third molars are divided into methodologies using atlases or tables and those based on the observed succeeding stages in the third-molar development process. Most atlases constructed in function of tooth development include third-molar development and its relation to age (Schour and Massler, 1941; Ubelaker, 1978; AlQahtani et al., 2010; Blenkin and Taylor, 2012). Third-molar eruption is a particular developmental stage studied for age-estimation purposes (Schmeling et al., 2010; Wedl and Friedrich, 2005; Caldas et al., 2012). Of all of the teeth, the third molars have the widest variation in eruption time and, when validated for age estimation purposes, it was found to provide overestimations of as much as seven years (Scheurer et al., 2011). The arbitrarily constructed tooth development staging techniques are applicable to the third-molar development process. The technique is applied to longitudinal (Moorrees et al., 1963; Anderson et al., 1976) and mostly retrospective and cross-sectional collected reference samples to establish tables or models to estimate age. The origin, registration and sampling of the reference data indicate the applicability of the related tables and models for a specific case. Therefore, the specific third-molar position considered (Nortjé, 1983), the third molar jaw position (Moorrees et al., 1963) or the third molar mouth side (Kullman, 1992) all have to match. Furthermore, the number of sampled subjects, the geographical, biological and ethnic origin of the subjects, their considered age range and age distribution, the integration of sex differences, the third-molar development registration technique used, and the time of sampling need to be taken into account in choosing the most appropriate approach [Table1]. Forensic application Most of the forensic dental-age estimations need to be performed in the context of migration and asylum procedures. Based on the children's rights 25 General introduction Table 1: Dental age estimation studies based on third molar development, part 1/6 26 General introduction Table 1: Dental age estimation studies based on third molar development, part 2/6 27 General introduction Table 1: Dental age estimation studies based on third molar development, part 3/6 28 General introduction Table 1: Dental age estimation studies based on third molar development, part 4/6 29 General introduction Table 1: Dental age estimation studies based on third molar development, part 5/6 30 General introduction Table 1: Dental age estimation studies based on third molar development, part 6/6 31 General introduction (UN Resolution 44/25, 1989), unaccompanied immigrating children are protected. Legally a person is considered to be a child as long as the age of maturity is not reached. For immigrants, the age of onset of maturity as defined in the country of arrival has to be considered. The authorities of the countries in which immigration is requested are entitled to check the age of the applicant for which medical-age estimation tests are used. Different examination protocols for these tests (Schmeling et al., 2006; Olze et al., 2006a; Solheim and Vonen, 2006; Schmeling et al., 2007; Nuzzolese and Di Vella, 2008; Nelki and Bailey, 2010; Aynley–Green, 2011), and guidelines for quality control have been described (IOFOS, 2008). No consensus on a common practice for age-estimation examination has been reached internationally and often not even on the national level. As an example, the age-examination protocol for unaccompanied young refugees developed at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) and applied in Belgium is described. Because the protocol integrates at least three different tests, it is called the ‘Triple Test’. In Belgium, any governmental agency or person can report young unaccompanied refugees without a residence permit to the Guardianship Service in order to grant them protection. The Guardianship Service, which is part the Federal Public Service for Justice, has the mission to ensure judicial protection of all unescorted minors (asylum seeker or not) staying or arriving in Belgium. The initial task of the Guardianship Service is to identify if an applicant can qualify as a young unaccompanied refugee: the service verifies if the applicant is less than 18 years of age, not accompanied by a person who has parental authority, originates from a country outside the European Community and resides in Belgium as an asylum seeker or without a residence permit. If the age of the applicant is unknown or if there is doubt about the alleged age, Belgian law prescribes (Article 7 of the Guardianship Act (Wetgeving, 2002)) that the Guardianship Service orders a medical test to verify whether or not the person is younger than 18 years old. Doubt about the age given by the refugee rises from possibly interpreted conversations with the applicant, analysis of his or her identification documents and opinions of social workers, the centres they temporarily stay in, or his or her guardian. The Guardian Service provides all applicants identified as minors with proper reception and housing, social protection, legal assistance and a Belgium guardian. The Triple Test combines at least three medical tests and is mainly based on dental-age estimation. Because each test considers other biological variables, different age estimates with their associated levels of uncertainty are obtained. Multiple test results increase the accuracy of the estimated age, expand the age range possible, and can confirm the test results. The biological variance between persons gives rise to scientifically unexplainable discrepancies between the test results. When there is doubt about the estimated age, Belgian law prescribes that the medical test delivering the 32 General introduction youngest age result prevails (Wetgeving, 2002). The Triple Test is performed after obtaining informed consent of the applicant. To exclude diseases or syndromes that could affect tooth and skeletal development, a clinical dental examination is performed. The objective is to provide a clinical impression of the dental age of the applicant. The number of teeth, the amount of decay, stain, and restorations, the positions of the periodontal attachments, the degree of attrition, especially in molars, and the dental occlusion are evaluated. The clinical impression obtained by the dentist provides a reasonably good estimation of whether the applicant is younger or older than 18 years old (Solheim and Vonen, 2006). The examiner who registers the clinical impression may be biased by seeing and clinically examining the applicant. Therefore, the other parts of the Triple Test are also performed by another, independent examiner. If the results of the two examiners disagree, the tests are reconsidered until a consensus is reached. A dental panoramic radiograph is then taken and evaluated. If developing permanent teeth (except third molars) are observed, the age is estimated in function of the registered developmental stages of the mandibular left permanent teeth using the method of Willems et al. (2001). If all the permanent teeth (except the third molars) are mature, the age is estimated based on the registered developmental stages of the available third Figure 3: Chart relating the KULeuven Triple Test outcomes and the age of maturity threshold of 18 years. For each of the radiographic tests (*), the mean age providing detect age-related information in the observed variables is listed for females and males separately. In females, complete ossification of all hand-wrist bones provides no information on whether or not the subject is 18 years. When the wisdom teeth are mature, only the medial ossification centers of the clavicles can provide age-related information (up to a mean age of 26.7 years for both sexes). F: female, M: Male, y: years 33 General introduction molars with the use of the method described by Gunst et al. (2003). This method also allows one to calculate the probability of an applicant being older or younger than 18 years old in the event of full third-molar development. In addition to the panoramic radiograph, a hand-wrist radiograph of the non-handedness side is used to verify the dental test result. The ossification of the hand-wrist bones, in particular the ossification of the radius and ulna, is determined by means of the atlas of Greulich and Pyle (1959). If the hand-wrist bones are mature, sterno-clavicular radiographs (frontal and oblique) are taken to determine the ossification of the medial part of the clavicles. Accordingly, the age is estimated with the method of Schmeling et al. (2004). The evaluation of the clavicles allows one to estimate an age even when all the available third molars are completely mature [Fig.3]. The Triple Test Protocol was adapted in function of the research outcomes obtained in the current thesis. The final version is described in Chapter 10 below: ‘General Discussion and Conclusion’ 34 Chapter 2 Objectives of the research 35 Research objectives GENERAL RESEARCH AIM Increasing global human migration raises management concerns in the countries where immigrants arrive. A special protective status is given to immigrating unaccompanied children (Abbing, 2011). Therefore, most states require specialized medical investigations to obtain proof of the age of unaccompanied youngsters who have no official identification documents and claim to be minors (Solheim and Vonen, 2006). Dental age estimation in this sub-adult age group relies on the only dental age predictor available, namely the developing third molars (Gunst et al., 2003; AlQahtani et al., 2010; Liversidge and Marsden, 2010). However, adequately validated age estimation methods and suitable population-specific reference databases are lacking. Accordingly, there is a practical inability to perform scientifically correct dental age estimations in sub-adults, especially those from distant countries and of diverse ethnicities. The general research aim is to optimize dental age estimation based on third molar development. To achieve this, the problems in age estimations based on third molar development were defined and related hypotheses formulated and tested in specially designed research setups. Panoramic radiographs were sampled retrospectively and crosssectionally and data registering third molar development were collected. Two registration techniques were used. First, the sequence of third molar development was divided into succeeding stages, and the observed third molar development was classified in the corresponding stage and registered accordingly (Gleiser and Hunt, 1955). Second, during its maturation, the dimensions of the third molar increase and the third molar sizes were registered (Israel and Lewis, 1971). The former technique provided ordinal, the latter continuous data. To obtain optimal age estimations, the third molar development registration technique providing the best age prediction performances has to be determined. Research Hypothesis 1: The third molar development registration technique measuring third molar development provides better age estimation than does the staging technique. Multiple tooth development staging techniques were examined in function of described borderlines between the succeeding stages. Consequently, the number of stages covering the third molar development process differs between techniques. Therefore, it has to be determined if the number of stages used in a staging technique affects the age prediction. 37 Research objectives Research Hypothesis 2: The number of stages used in the third molar development staging technique influences the age predictions. The classic approach for age estimation uses regression analysis to model the collected data. Several drawbacks of this technique are examined: the age distribution of the residuals, the high correlation between the independent variables, often observed missing values of the independent variables, and systematic biases in the age predictions. Therefore, in the current study, a Bayesian approach of age estimation is established on third molar development. The age prediction performances of both approaches are compared. Research Hypothesis 3: A Bayesian approach using third molar development provides more accurate age predictions than does the classic regression analyses in sub-adults. In forensics, sub-adult age estimations are requested primarily to discriminate a child from an adult during migration and asylum procedures. Due to the migration aspect, the age of an applicant with a particular geographical and biologic origin was frequently estimated using methods or models developed from a reference sample that includes subjects of varying origin. Since dental age estimates in the sub-adult group are based on third molar development, it has to be determined if there are differences in third molar development between populations of different geographic and biological origin. Therefore, third molar development in uniformly and country-specific collected samples are analysed and compared. Research Hypothesis 4: There are differences in third molar development between country-specific sub-adult populations. Age estimation models developed from a particular reference sample were validated for their age prediction performances using a specific validation sample. The impact on the age prediction using a validation sample from a different geographic and biological origin as the reference sample was not examined for age estimation models based on third molar development. Research Hypothesis 5: The statistical model established on a Belgian reference sample is the most appropriate for dental age estimation in unaccompanied minors. 38 Research objectives Research Hypothesis 6: The statistical model established on pooled country-specific reference samples renders, in the absence of a model constructed on a country-specific reference sample, the most accurate dental age estimation in sub-adults. The age prediction performance of age estimation models constructed on a single age-related variable may be improved by adding age-related information of one or more variables present in the considered period of life. Therefore, reference samples registering a specific moment third molar development as well as other age-related variables were compiled, modelled and analysed. Research Hypothesis 7: In sub-adults, the accuracy of age estimations based on third molar development is improved by adding age-related information from tooth morphological age predictors. Research Hypothesis 8: In sub-adults, the accuracy of age estimations based on third molar development is improved by adding age-related information from cervical vertebrae maturation. TESTING RESEARCH HYPOTHESES To test the research hypotheses, panoramic radiographs from an equal number of female (F) and male (M) subjects were examined retrospectively to determine the presence of at least one third molar and the absence of third molar pathologies. The age range selected for each sample was chosen in function of the ages of interest in the specific hypothesis evaluated and truncated to provide minimal bias in the study outcomes. The subjects were homogeneously distributed in age. In particular, within the collected age range, an equal number of subjects were randomly selected for each age category of one year. Only one radiograph per individual was included to avoid integration of similar information in the samples. The subjects’ birth date, gender, nationality, and biological group were verified and registered together with the date of the radiographic exposure. The image quality of the radiographs permitted clear observation of the teeth present and, in particular, of the third molars. The images were obtained in digital format or digitized and analysed using photo ameliorating software. For testing Hypothesis 8 lateral cephalograms were also collected. The collected samples were placed in a reference group in order to construct age prediction models and a test group in order to prove specific features. The majority of the samples were reference samples collected from 39 Research objectives country-specific populations. From these samples, databases were assembled of information on the developing third molars. The extracted data were statistically analysed and modelled. The test samples were used, first, to select the data registration technique and the data modelling procedure providing the most accurate age predictions (Research Hypotheses 1-3); second, to validate the model outcomes and to compare especially the country-specific model outcomes (Research Hypotheses 4-6); third, to evaluate the effect on age prediction when combining age-related information from the developing third molars with age-related information from other variables (Research Hypotheses 78). In Chapter 5 was detected that a Bayesian approach was the optimal methodology to model the third molars development. Because this model assumed dependence between the variables, it reached a high level of complexity. As such the number of integrated variables was limited to the four third molars. Hence the constructed model could not be used to test research hypotheses in which variables were added to the third molars information (Research Hypotheses 1, 7 and 8). Moreover, the complexity of the constructed model was also increased using a higher number of third molar stages. For that reason, it was not applied to test Research Hypothesis 2. 40 Chapter 3: Registration of third molar development: Influence of measurements versus stages on age estimation THIS CHAPTER IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING MANUSCRIPT. Human third molar development: measurements versus scores as age predictor Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Willems G Published in Archives of Oral Biology 2011 56(10):1035-40 Oral presentation at the annual scientific meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Chicago, 2011 TESTING RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 1: The third molar development registration technique measuring third molar development provides better age estimation performances than does the staging technique 41 Measurements versus stages INTRODUCTION To observe third molar development, panoramic radiographs were retrospectively and cross-sectional selected. From these radiographs, data registering the observed third molar development were collected. A major issue in this data collection is the choice of registration technique used. On the one hand, the sequence of third molar development is divided into succeeding stages, and the third molar development is classified in the Figure 4: Tooth development staging technique constructed by Gleiser and Hunt (1955), modified by Köhler et al. (1994) (KO). The degree of development reached at each stage threshold is schematically illustrated. In the Köhler et al. (1994) tooth staging technique (KO), the tooth development sequence is divided into 10 stages. ‘Crown complete’, ‘Root initial’ and ‘Apex complete’are based on objective anatomical descriptions. The other stages depend on subjective predictions of unknown tooth dimensions. Each developmental stage is related to a corresponding score from 1 to 10, starting with ‘Crown ½ formed’ and ending at ‘Apex complete’. A tooth in Stage 5 passed the developmental threshold of ¼ of the root length formed but not the threshold of ½ of the root length. 43 Measurements versus stages corresponding stage and registered accordingly. On the other hand, during its maturation, the dimensions of the third molars increase, and measures of the observed third molar sizes are registered. For optimal data collection, the registration technique affording the best age prediction performances has to be determined. Third molar growth is a chronological sequence starting with the formation of an organic matrix followed by its subsequent calcification or mineralization (Smith, 1991). The process starts with the growth of caps and bells forming crypts in the jaw bone. It ends when the tooth roots are completely calcified and is established with the closure of the root apices (Calonius et al., 1970). The intermediate tooth development can be assessed in succeeding and arbitrarily chosen stages of growth. Accordingly, multiple tooth staging and related scoring techniques have been developed (Gleiser and Hunt, 1955; Moorrees et al., 1963; Demirjian et al., 1973; Häävikko, 1974; Gustafson and Koch, 1974; Harris and Nortjé, 1984; Kullman, 1992). These techniques provide ordinal data. Anatomic tooth features or predictions of future tooth-part dimensions are used to identify the thresholds between the stages. The ‘complete calcification of the tooth crown’ is an example of an anatomical borderline between two stages, while ‘root half completed’ specifies a reference point without the final root length once the tooth has stopped growing being known [Fig.4].The subjective approach in this case is seen as a drawback of this staging technique for age estimation. Furthermore, the degree of third molar development between equally staged subjects can differ. The difference is the most between subjects with features that classify them with a third molar development just passing the lowest threshold of a specific stage and subjects with a degree of third molar development classified immediately before the highest threshold of the same stage. These differences remain, regardless of the number of stages described in the technique. Both disadvantages could be avoided by measuring the lengths of the developing third molar on the radiographs. These measurements provide continuous data and have been reported to afford an objective, precise and accordingly highly reproducible tool of registration (Israel and Lewis, 1971; Liversidge and Molleson, 1999; Cardoso, 2007; Santoro et al., 2008; Smith and Buschang, 2010). Moreover, it was observed that these measurements correct certain deformations inherent to the radiographic set-ups. Geometric image deformations can be circumvented by calculating tooth measurement ratios (Kvaal et al., 1995; Cameriere et al., 2006) and deformations due to a tilted cheek position of the measured tooth can be detected and revised. Taking into account dimensions of the second molar could diminish the variability in tooth size between individuals. The aim of this study was to measure the dimensions of third and preceding second molars on panoramic radiographs and to check the significance of possible relations between these measurements and age. 44 Measurements versus stages Figure 5: Illustration of performed tooth dimension measurements Op=occlusal plane, 1=Total Tooth Length (TTL), 2=Occlusal Plane Length (OPL), 3=Pulp Horn Length, 4=Cement-Enamel Junction Length (CEJL), 5=Crown Width, 6=Cement-Enamel Junction Width [Table 2]. On the left panel the four length measures of tooth # 48 are illustrated. In cases where the cement enamel junction on the mesial and distal side was not at the same horizontal level, the mean height between the two points was considered. On the right panel the two width measures of tooth # 48 are indicated (5,6). Whether or not these measurements add information to age prediction once the staging and scoring of third molar development is performed will be checked. In line with the advantages of measurements reported in the literature, the research hypothesis stating that the registration technique measuring third molar development provides better age estimation performances compared to the staging technique will be investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS In the age range between seven and 24 years of age, 340 (170 F, 170 M) panoramic radiographs, digitally captured with a Veraviewepocs 2D unit (J. Morita Inc., Irvine California, USA) were retrospectively selected. More specific in each age category of 0.1 year, starting at seven years of age, 1 F and 1 M subject were randomly picked from the dental clinic files of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). To collect indices on all the present lower right third (Fédération dentaire international (FDI) #48) and second molars (FDI #47), the radiographs were imported in Adobe® Photoshop® (Adobe Systems Incorporated, San José California, United States America). 45 Measurements versus stages Table 2: Overview of abbreviations and descriptions of collected indices Indices group Abbreviation Tooth length TTL* Tooth length from the most occlusal to the most apical calcified tooth point OPL* Tooth length from the occlusal plane tothe most apical calcified tooth point PHL* Tooth length from the occlusal plane to the most occlusal pulp horn point CEJL* Tooth length from the occlusal plane to the cement enamel junction Tooth width CW* CEJW* Ratio Crown width at the cement enamel junction TTL48/TTL47 R2 OTL48/OTL47 TTL/CW on the third molar 47 TTL/CW on the second molar R448 TTL/CEJW on the third molar R447 TTL/CEJW on the second molar R3 R5 48 TTL/PHL on the third molar R5 47 TTL/PHL on the second molar R6 48 TTL/CEJL on the third molar R647 R7 Score Maximal crown width R1 R348 Ratio of ratios Description 48 TTL/CEJL on the second molar TTL48/OPL48 R3 R348/R347 R4 R448/R447 R5 R548/R547 R6 R648/R647 KO* PC Developmental score following Köhler et al. (1994) The score on the first principal component *To specify the measured or scored tooth, the indices were given an additional indication of the corresponding tooth number (e.g., TTL measured on lower right third molar: TTL48). 48: indices on lower right third molar, 47: indices on the lower right second molar First, both molars were scored following the 10-point staging technique developed by Gleiser and Hunt (1955) and modified by Köhler et 46 Measurements versus stages al. (1994) (KO) [Fig.4]. Second, four tooth lengths were measured: total tooth length (TTL), occlusal plane length (OPL), pulp horn length (PHL) and cement enamel junction length (CEJL); and 2 tooth widths: crown width (CW) and cement enamel junction width (CEJW) [Fig.5, Table 2]. For optimal measurements, the radiographs were zoomed at 300%, the screen canvas was arbitrarily rotated parallel to the occlusal plane of the examined tooth, guides were dragged at the selected tooth marks, and the measurements were made with the measurement tool snapped to the guides. The occlusal plane of a tooth was defined as the line connecting the tips of a mesial and distal cusp radiologically projected on other tooth materials. These settings were installed separately for the length and the width measurements of each tooth (FDI # 47, # 48). Third, the ratios of these measurements and, fourth, the ratios of these ratios were calculated [Table 2]. The ratios of tooth lengths and/or tooth widths from the same tooth (R348, R347, R448, R447, R548, R547, R648, R647, and R748) were considered in order to correct for radiographical deformation. The ratios of the corresponding tooth lengths obtained on the third and second molar (R1, R2) and the ratios of ratios obtained on the third and second molar (R3, R4, R5, R6) were calculated in order to diminish the effect of variability in tooth size. Specifically for the evaluation of this effect, the original sample was divided into individuals having a fully developed second molar (KO47 = 10) and individuals with a calcifying second molar (KO47 < 10). The ratio between TTL48 and OPL48 (R748 ) gives an indication of the degree of bucco-palatal inclination of the third molar (Ratio = 1 is no inclination). To quantify differences in the amounts of information between various age-related indices, coefficients of determination (R²) and root mean squared errors (RMSE) is derived from regression models with age as the response. A model was used for each index separately. Non-linearity in the relation between the index and the age was allowed using restricted cubic splines (Harrell, 2001). All indices were treated equivalently as continuous variable, meaning that KO was not treated as an ordinal or categorical predictor but with the same number of degrees of freedom as all indices. The developmental status of the second molar (fully developed versus not fully developed) was included as a binary factor, and the relation between the index and age was allowed to differ as a function of this status (by including the interaction between index and status). Multivariable regression models were used to check if the other indices added information to age prediction once KO48 was used to determine if combining indices reduced the RMSE. A principal component analysis was performed on all the length and width measurements and ratios. The scores of the subjects on the first principal component (explaining 79.1% of the variability) can be interpreted 47 Measurements versus stages as an index of development. This score (PC) is a weighted average of all the indices and was used as an alternative predictor for age estimation. Since there is no crown information yet at younger ages, the absence of information of KO, PHL, CEJL, CW, and CEJW is related to age. Therefore, a factor with two levels (0 = no information missing, 1 = information missing) was added to the regression models using these indices. Exploring the regression models revealed that the variance of age was not constant. To handle this, the variance was allowed to be specific for 3 KO48 categories, namely for the KO48 less than 5, KO48 between 5 and 9, and KO48 equal to 10. The models were fitted separately for F and M. All analyses were performed using SAS software, Version 9.2, of the SAS System for Windows (© 2002 SAS Institute Inc.). SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. The procedure PROC MIXED was used to fit models with non-constant variance. RESULTS 55.6% (189/340) and 17.77% (60/340) of the second and the third molars, respectively, were fully developed. For 53.9% (151/280) of the third molars that were not completely developed, the corresponding second molar had not reached the final developmental stage. For M and F, the latter percentage equalled 56.1% (78/139) and 51.8% (73/141), respectively. The univariate regression models for each index separately revealed that using KO48 yielded the most accurate age predictions of all of the indices. Indeed, the R² for the model using KO48 was the highest and the RMSE was the lowest at each of the variance specific levels. The performance of KO was best (higher R², lower RMSE) for M compared to F. There was no evidence that indices based on ratios would yield better age predictions than indices based on full-length measurements (TTL, OPL) [Table 3]. None of the other indices added significant information to the age prediction once KO48 was used, independent of the calcification status of the second molar (results not shown). An exception was found for F, where adding PC or R648 provided a statistically significant but clinically small gain of information. The increase in R² was maximally 2% and, in both cases, the RMSE, calculated for the three variance specific levels, changed hardly. Multivariable regression models revealed that a combination of the best-performing length index (OPL) with indices based on ratios does not yield a better age prediction than does the use of only KO48. For example, for M the highest R² was obtained with the combination of OPL48, R448 (R² = 0.76) and OPL, R4 (R² = 0.76). Neither combination contains more information than KO48 (R² = 0.86) (results not shown). 48 Measurements versus stages Table 3: List of coefficients of determination (R²) and root mean squared errors (RMSE) calculated from index-specific regression models with age as response. Females (N = 170) Indices 48 KO TTL48 OPL48 PHL48 CEJL48 CW48 CEJW48 R1 R2 R348 R3 R448 R4 R548 R5 R648 R6 R748 PC Males (N = 170) N R² RMSE RMSE KO48<5 5≤KO48<10 RMSE KO48 = 10 N R² RMSE RMSE KO48<5 5≤KO48<10 RMSE KO48 = 10 132 133 133 116 111 131 110 0.78 0.72 0.73 0.51 0.56 0.46 0.56 0.70 0.70 0.74 0.69 0.73 0.70 0.70 0.62 0.69 0.62 0.58 0.76 1.65 1.58 1.59 2.04 1.67 2.16 1.75 1.73 1.73 1.50 1.67 1.45 1.51 1.71 1.76 1.84 1.79 1.82 1.47 1.20 1.91 1.97 4.24 4.28 4.50 4.29 1.35 1.54 2.01 1.69 1.60 1.62 2.17 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.55 1.29 130 135 135 113 113 134 111 0.86 0.72 0.75 0.59 0.59 0.54 0.58 0.72 0.74 0.74 0.69 0.76 0.74 0.67 0.64 0.65 0.64 0.62 0.73 1.20 1.48 1.31 1.70 1.63 1.61 1.52 1.57 1.38 1.37 1.59 1.12 1.19 1.39 1.56 1.50 1.60 1.62 1.28 1.39 1.82 2.00 3.46 3.07 3.87 4.02 1.82 2.06 1.77 1.85 2.05 2.03 3.23 3.40 3.16 3.09 2.86 2.41 2.12 2.20 2.13 2.36 2.41 2.42 2.33 2.67 2.55 2.14 2.62 2.60 2.76 2.16 2.56 1.96 2.44 2.36 2.42 1.47 2.37 2.17 2.40 2.59 2.64 2.42 2.31 2.12 2.40 2.52 2.36 2.38 2.22 2.20 2.28 2.25 2.47 2.21 N: number of subjects with information on the index. For each model, three RMSEs are reported since a model with non-constant variance was needed. Note that the regression models are always based on N = 170 (see statistical methodology). DISCUSSION The age range of the subjects included in a study will bias the age predictions as soon as the age distribution conditional on predictors is truncated. A straightforward example of such bias would occur if the KO 48 score is used for age prediction, and the maximal age of the subjects is restricted. In this situation, using the results of such a study for age predictions will underestimate the age of subjects with a fully developed third molar. Similarly, if length measurements are used for prediction, the age might be overestimated for subjects with lower values if the minimal age to enter the study is chosen inappropriately. In the current study, 10 M and 10 F were included within each age range of 1 year. The maximal age was set at the age range in which all 10 included subjects had a fully developed third molar (i.e., 24 years old) during the random selection, thus avoiding right truncation of the age distribution. The minimal age was set at 7 years old. For this age category, all of the 10 M subjects had no calcifying third molars during the random selection. For the girls, this was the case for all of the subjects in the age categories less than 10 years old. For two boys in the 9-10 year-old range, a KO48 was available, and in the 8-9 year-old range length measurements (TTL48, OPL48) were obtained for only one boy. As 49 Measurements versus stages such, left truncation of the age distribution is unlikely for the subjects in the earliest stages of third molar development. The results related to TTL48 concur with the findings reported by Liversidge and Molleson (1999). These authors found an S-shaped relation between tooth length and age, and, in current study, nonlinear terms were needed to describe the relation between TTL48 and age (results not shown). They also reported an RMSE value (1.478 years) comparable with our results for third molars. Note that the composition of the sample they used consisted of the younger children, so their recommendation to prefer information from other teeth for age prediction holds only for these young ages (<5 year). Of all the indices, KO48 yields the most accurate age predictions. More specifically, the continuous data from the raw total third molar length measurements (TTL48, OPL48) did not provide extra age-related information beyond the categorical data from the ordinal KO48 stages (10 levels). Equal results were obtained for all the ratios between the tooth lengths and the tooth widths from the same tooth (R348, R347, R448, R447, R548, R547, R648 and R647, R748) used to eliminate radiographic distortions. Ratios normalizing the raw third molar length measurements on corresponding second molar length measurements (R1, R2, R5, R6) were used in an attempt to reduce the influence of tooth size, particularly for individuals with a fully developed second molar (KO47 = 10). But these ratios did not yield better age predictions than did the raw third molar length measurements. Even the PC score, which reflects information from all of the included indices, did not outperform the KO48, human variability in tooth size probably being the major cause of this. In this study, the variability of third molar size can be derived from the TTL48 and OPL48 measurements on all the fully developed third molars (KO48 = 10, n = 60), which range between 2.3 cm and 3.4 cm and between 2.0 cm and 3.2 cm, respectively. On all fully developed second molars (KO47 = 10, n = 189) the ranges for both measurements were respectively 2.4 cm-4.1 cm and 2.3 cm-3.9 cm. Moreover, human variability in difference between the third and the second molar size has to be taken into account. The ranges for the difference in length between the second and the third molar were -0.02 cm to 1.01 cm and -0.08 cm to 1.33 cm for TTL and OPL measurements, respectively. Note that, for TTL and OPL, larger measurements were regularly obtained for the second molar. Using length indices of developing teeth as information for age estimation embodies previous variability and results in an extra loss of age-related information. Scoring third molar development is independent of tooth size variability if the observed third molar calcification information is used as the standard. Based on this standard, predictions of future third molar lengths can be made, and these predictions allow one to categorize the developing wisdom tooth regardless of tooth size variability. This implies that scoring has to rely on the highest intra- and inter-observer reliability to rule out subjective 50 Measurements versus stages operator influences. Moreover, predictions of third molar lengths should not be based on (or compared with) the dimensions of neighbouring teeth. Using combined length measurements of the second and third molar (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6) does not result in a gain of age-related information over that provided by the raw third molar length measurements (TTL48, OPL48). This is most likely due to the simultaneous development of the second and third molars for a long period of time. In the data studied, all of the second molars achieved complete development at the age of 19. More specific 73 F and 78 M had KO47 less than 10, which means that only 55.6% of all of the second molars were fully developed (KO47 = 10) and not in developmental overlap with the corresponding third molars. An alternative explanation would be that the measurement error in the measurements is too high, so the relations with age are attenuated. To obtain an indication of the amount of measurement error, intra-observer reliability was evaluated. Therefore, the measurements of 10% of the M individuals (chosen at random) were measured again by the same observer. The results on the standard error of measurement (SEM), also expressed relative to the mean value (within-subject coefficient of variation = WSCV), revealed a high level of intra-observer agreement for all the measurements (SEM [0.006 0.022], WSCV [0.3% - 1.5%]). This indicates that the measurement errors cannot be deemed a cause of the lack of gain in age-related information. In further research, models with combinations of indices other than those evaluated in this study could be explored. They are expected to be less informative about age than stages and scorings, and care has to be taken not to over fit the data. CONCLUSIONS Third molar stages (categorical data) were the best related to age and provided the most accurate age predictions than did all the compiled tooth measurements and ratios of tooth measurements (continuous data). Moreover, combining the scored third molar stages with tooth measurements or ratios contributed no clinically relevant information gain for age prediction. Therefore, Research Hypothesis 1 was not accepted. The technique of third molar staging and related scoring has to be recommended over complicated dimension measurements or ratio calculations of second and/or third molars for age estimates. 51 Chapter 4 Staged third molar development registration: Influence of the number of stages on age estimation THIS CHAPTER IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING MANUSCRIPT. Third molar development: Evaluation of nine tooth development registration techniques for age estimations Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Willems G Published in Journal Forensic Sciences 2013 10.1111/1556-4029.12063 Oral presentation at the annual scientific meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Chicago, 2011 TESTING RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 2: The number of stages used in the third molar development staging technique influences the age predictions 53 Number of stages INTRODUCTION Forensic dental age estimation assessments in living sub-adult individuals consider at most the methods based on third molar development (Melsen et al., 1986; Schmeling et al., 2001; Solheim and Vonen, 2006; Schmeling et al., 2006; Olze et al., 2006a). The radiologically observed third molar development is detectable starting from the uncalcified crypt formation until the apical closure of the tooth roots (Massler and Schour, 1946). The degree of tooth development can be registered as a measure of the observed tooth length (Israel and Lewis, 1971; Liversidge and Molleson, 1999) as a ratio of perceived tooth dimensions (Cameriere et al., 2006; Cardoso, 2007; Thevissen et al., 2011), or it can be classified in different stages (Gleiser and Hunt, 1955). In the staging techniques, the criteria used to describe the borderlines of the specific stages are based on a single or a combination of distinct transformations observed on the tooth germ or on the emerged tooth. For this purpose, anatomically detectable transitions such as: crypt formation, initial calcification, formation of the crown cusps, eruption, differentiation of the cement enamel junction, appearance of the interradicular cleft and apical root closure of the developing tooth were considered. In addition, the length proportions of already formed tooth parts were taken into account by Demirjian et al., 1973; Gustafson and Koch, 1974; Raungpaka, 1988, and estimates of parts of the future crown or root length by Gleiser and Hunt, 1955; Moorrees et al., 1963; Häävikko, 1974; Harris and Nortjé, 1984; Kullman et al., 1992. Hence, tooth development registration was described in at least 4 and at most 15 stages. To estimate age, the registered degree of third molar development was compared with age standards assembled in tables (Liversidge, 2008b) and atlases (AlQahtani et al., 2010) or implemented in age predicting models (Gunst et al., 2003). An important clinical and forensic issue is the influence that the techniques have on age prediction. In particular, the influence that the arbitrary number of stages applied in the third molar development technique has on the age estimation, has to be studied. Table 4: Gender specific age distribution of research sample expressed in years. Gender n 591 F 608 M mean std min Q1 median Q3 max 18.22 18.24 4.84 5.04 4.31 5.27 18.12 18.59 30.10 33.91 14.84 14.64 21.72 21.83 n: number of subjects, std: standard deviation, min: minimal age, Q1: first quartile, Q3: third quartile, max: maximal age, F: females, M: males 55 Number of stages Table 5: For each tooth development registration technique the number of stages used to register the development of the different tooth parts Tooth development registration technique Crypt Crown Root Apex Number stages 3 5 2 10 4 3 1 8 1 5 5 1 12 KU MO HN RA GK 5 2 7 6 6 2 14 2 3 2 2 5 4 4 1 5 CA Continuous data KO DM HA KO: Köhler et al. (1994), DM: Demirjian et al. (1973), HA: Haavikko (1974), KU: Kullman et al. (1992), MO: Moorrees et al. (1963), HN: Harris and Nortje (1984), RA: Raungpaka (1988), GK: Gustafson and Koch (1974), CA: Cameriere et al. (2008) The present concern is to evaluate which third molar development registration technique is the most suitable tool for sub-adult age estimation. Therefore, the correlations between the nine third molar development registration techniques and between these techniques and age were studied. Corresponding regression models were calculated, and the best-performing techniques were verified on a second sample. The research hypothesis studied was that the number of stages used in the third molar development registration technique influences the age predictions. MATERIALS AND METHODS From the Bhagwan Dental Clinic in Haryana and the Jain Diagnostic Centre in Delhi in India, 1199 analogue panoramic radiographs of 591 F and 608 M subjects were collected retrospectively. The age of the individuals ranged between 4 and 34 years old [Table 4]. All of the radiographs were taken from subjects of Indian nationality who had lived all their lives in the North Indian states of Haryana or Delhi. The age of the individuals at the moment of radiological exposure was calculated from their authentic birth certificate and the registered exposure date. The subjects had no history of medical diseases or interventions affecting the presence and/or development of teeth. On the panoramic radiographs, the degree of third molar development of 4147 present third molars was registered by means of nine tooth development classification techniques. Each technique was described by, and named after, one of the following nine authors: Gleiser and Hunt (1955) modified by Köhler et al. (1994) (KO), Haavikko (1974) (HA), Demirjian et al. (1973) (DM), Raungpaka (1988) (RA), Gustafson and Koch (1974) (GK), Harris and Nortje (1984) (HN), Kullman et al. (1992) (KU), Moorrees et al. (1963) (MO), Cameriere et al. (2008) (CA) [Table 5]. In the first eight techniques, the degree of third molar development was staged and 56 Number of stages Table 6: Gender specific listing of Spearman correlation coefficients between each tooth development registration technique and age (ρ), determination coefficient (R²) and root mean squared error (RMSE) KO DM Tooth development registration technique HA KU MO HN RA GK Females CA ρ R² RMSE 0.700 0.506 3.429 0.705 0.501 3.437 0.689 0.486 3.495 0.701 0.493 3.465 0.702 0.686 0.511 0.475 3.418 3.521 Males 0.697 0.488 3.482 0.677 0.471 3.532 -0.650 0.453 3.598 ρ R² RMSE 0.680 0.446 3.700 0.668 0.433 3.731 0.657 0.419 3.784 0.669 0.432 3.738 0.686 0.454 3.678 0.655 0.404 3.819 0.666 0.419 3.773 -0.636 0.380 3.903 0.659 0.403 3.825 KO: Köhler et al. (1994), DM: Demirjian et al. (1973), HA: Haavikko (1974), KU: Kullman et al. (1992), MO: Moorrees et al. (1963), HN: Harris and Nortje (1984), RA: Raungpaka (1988), GK: Gustafson and Koch (1974), CA: Cameriere et al. (2008), RMSE expressed in years scored. In the last technique, the normalizing ratios between the sum of the distances between the inner sides of the third molar roots and measurements of the corresponding third molar length were evaluated. For the nine different third molar development registration techniques applied on the lower-left third molars, Spearman's correlations were calculated to explore associations among the third molar development registration techniques and between each technique and age. In the absence of a lower-left molar, the registration of the lower-right molar was used. On the set of subjects having a third molar development registration in the lower jaw from all nine techniques (n = 1121), a regression model (allowing non-linearity) was fitted, for each registration technique separately, with age as the response and the registered third molar development as an categorical predictor except for the CA technique, which was entered as a continuous predictor. To allow a nonlinear relation for this technique, restricted cubic splines were used on the log-transformed registrations. From each sex-specific model, the determination coefficient (R²) indicating the proportion of variance in age explained by the tooth development registration technique and the root mean squared error (RMSE) were calculated. The RMSE is a standard deviation that reflects the variability of the predicted age around the true age. Using non-parametric bootstrapping (based on 5000 samples), 95% confidence intervals were constructed for all pair wise differences in R 2 between the various registration techniques, which permits detection of the significant differences at the 5% level. 57 Number of stages Additionally, a supplementary validation sample, including 239 panoramic radiographs of 131 F and 108 M subjects between 16 and 23 years old was collected from the same population to validate the models of the two most age-related tooth development registration techniques using stages and the CA. technique. Furthermore, it was determined if added information from an upper third molar improved the age prediction if the score of the lower molar had already been used. The probabilities of being older than 18 and 21 years of age given the maximal score for lower and/or upper molars were obtained from the regression model. All the analyses were performed using SAS software, Version 9.2 of the SAS System for Windows. (SAS Institute, Cary NC, USA) RESULTS In F, the Spearman correlation coefficients among the third molar development registration techniques, except for the relations with CA, varied between 0.901 (relation between KO and RA) and 0.995 (relation between MO and KO). In M, these values were 0.903 and 0.993 for the same relations, respectively. The Spearman correlation coefficients between CA and each other tooth development registration technique ranged in F between -0.884 (relation with KO) and -0.846 (relation with RA), in M between 0.910 (relation with KO) and -0.887 (relation with HA).The Spearman correlation coefficients between each tooth development registration technique and age was listed for F and M separately [Table 6]. The best age predicting model is MO with, for both F and M, the highest R² (F 51%, M 45%) and accordingly the lowest RMSE (F 3.42 year; M 3.67 year) values [Table 6]. Based on non-parametric bootstrapping on a total of 36 sex-specific pairwise tooth development registration technique combinations, the differences in mean R2 were significant at the 5% level for only 6 F (KOHN, KO-GK, DM-GK, MO-HN, MO-RA, MO-GK) and 13 M combinations (KO-HA, KO-HN, KO-RA, KO-GK, KO-CA, DM-MO, DM-RA, HA-MO, KU-HN, MO-HN, MO-RA, MO-GK, MO-CA). All the calculated mean R² differences between the pair third molar development registration technique combinations were small. The maximal mean difference in R2 was detected in F as well as M between MO and CA (F 6.2%, M 8.0%). For all the tooth development scoring and measuring techniques, information in the upper jaw added significantly to the accuracy of the age prediction if the score of the lower third molar had already been used (results not shown). Therefore, regression models that take into account the third molar jaw position were developed for the two best (KO, MO) and the least (CA) performing third molar registration techniques. Figures 6 a, b and c present the results from 58 Number of stages the validation on 239 subjects of the regression models for KO, MO and CA, with upper and lower third molar information. For each model, the relation between the true age and the difference between the predicted and the true age was plotted to visualize the magnitude and the direction of the errors in the age estimation. For F, a RMSE of 3.36, 3.37 and 3.85 years was obtained for KO, MO and CA, respectively. In M, these values were 3.69, 3.75 and 4.00 years respectively. Expressed as mean absolute error, the values were 2.70, 2.72 and 3.07 years in the total validation sample for KO, MO and CA, respectively. Note that there is on average a slight underestimation of the true age (mean errors are positive for all methods). Typically, when applying regression models for age estimation, this underestimation is stronger for older subjects while overestimation is more likely for younger subjects. The probability of being older than 18 years of age given the maximal MO, KO and CA third molar development registration on the left lower and/or upper third molar(s) ranged for F between 84% and 98% and for M between 85% and 96%. For the age threshold set at 21 years of age, these probabilities decreased to a range from 59% to 89% for F and from 60% to 83% for M [Table 7]. Of the 144 adults (older than18 years of age) in the validation sample, 80.0%, 80.0% and 66.0% were correctly identified by KO, MO and CA, respectively. Of the 95 juveniles (younger than 18 years of age), 54.7%, 55.8% and 67.4% were correctly identified by KO, MO and CA, respectively. DISCUSSION The comparison of the various third molar registration techniques indicates that MO is the most promising for age estimation. Although a modest Table 7: Probabilities to be older than 18 and 21 years for KO, MO and CA given a maximal third molar development registration for lower and/or upper left third molar(s). Female Tooth position Upper KO Lower Upper and Lower Upper MO Lower Upper and Lower Upper CA Lower Upper and Lower P(age>18yrs) 0.98 0.97 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.98 0.86 0.84 0.88 P(age>21yrs) 0.88 0.86 0.89 0.85 0.83 0.86 0.62 0.59 0.65 Male P(age>18yrs) 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.85 0.85 0.86 P(age>21yrs) 0.79 0.81 0.83 0.78 0.80 0.81 0.61 0.60 0.62 KO: Köhler et al. (1994), MO: Moorrees et al. (1963), CA: Cameriere et al. (2008), P(age>18yrs): probability being older than 18 years of age, P(age>21yrs): probability being older than 21 years of age 59 Number of stages number of the differences with other techniques were statistically significant, clinically and practically they can be considered negligible. The difference in R² with the worst performing technique was 5.8% and 7.4% for F and M, respectively. The RMSE increased only by 0.18 years (66 days) for F and 0.23 years (82 days) for M using the worst method (CA) instead of MO. Note that statistical significance was easily reached due to the relatively large number of subjects. The non-parametric bootstrapping analysis allowed for analyses that provided high power. They confirmed the small R2 differences for all the pair-wise combinations of the tooth development registration techniques. The evaluation of the MO, KO and CA registration techniques on a validation sample revealed the same pattern, i.e., similar performances for the various techniques. Observation of the number of correctly identified individuals older or younger than 18 years of age in the validation sample confirmed these similar performances. Although the regression model based on MO third molar registration promises the best age predictions, the regression models based on the other registration systems perform comparably. The maximum difference in the proportion of variance explained by the models (R²) was 5.8% for F and 7.4% for M both detected between MO and CA. Between these models, the variability of the predicted age around the true age (RMSE) increased for F 0.18 year (66 days) and for M 0.23 year (82 days). If one considers only the registration techniques based on staging, the maximal difference between R² values reduces to 4% for F and 5.1% for M and the RMSE values increase maximally to a value of 0.11 year (40days) for F and 0.15 year (55 days) for M [Table 6]. Although a few of these differences were statistically significant (5% level), clinically and practically they can be considered negligible. The difference between the true and the predicted age as a function of the true age was evaluated at the validation sample for the MO, KO and CA registration techniques. The three graphs and the reported quantification of the error [Fig. 6a, b, c] confirm similar performances of all the validated techniques. Of the three techniques, the RMSE are larger than the MAE, which indicates that the magnitude of the variance in the individual errors is not uniform within the samples. The graphs with the difference between the true and the predicted age as a function of the true age show that young individuals are systematically overestimated (attraction of the middle) (Lucy et al., 2002; Prince et al., 2008; Thevissen et al., 2010b). Moreover, the analogous performances of especially the third molar registration techniques based on staging were also observed in the probabilities to be older than 18 years or 21 years of age given the maximal MO, KO and CA [Table 7]. This finding was confirmed by identifying the number of correctly identified individuals older or younger than 18 years in the validation sample. 60 Number of stages Figure 6a: Difference between the true and the predicted age as a function of the true age for the validation sample using Köhler’s registration technique. The predictions were obtained from the regression models for age using KO: Köhler et al. (1994) (allowing a nonlinear relation). RMSE : root mean squared error, y: years. A negative value refers to an overestimation of the true age and a positive value to an underestimation. The model based on the CA registration technique yields the least accurate age predictions. This is because the CA technique functions at different levels than do all the other evaluated tooth development registration techniques: the CA technique registers continuous data and the CA data are based on ratios between measurements of apical pulp widths and tooth lengths. Since these tooth length measurements were integrated by Cameriere et al. (2006) to neutralize possible distortions and magnifications inherent to the panoramic imaging technique and unit used, the CA technique essentially measures the changing apical pulp widths of developing third molars. This is in contrast to all the other techniques, which take into account the stages depending on the changing lengths of the developing third molars. In the CA technique, tooth length measures are used as the denominator in its ratios since the measures increased in a similar way as the stages used in all other techniques. Thus, the CA values decrease when the values of all the other techniques increase. As a result, the Spearman correlation coefficients between the staging techniques and CA were negative. Thevissen et al. (2011) contend that staging and scoring third molar development (categorical data) were best related to age and promised the most accurate age predictions relative to tooth measurements and ratios of tooth measurements from third and second molars (continuous data). This 61 Number of stages Figure 6b: Difference between the true and the predicted age as a function of the true age for the validation sample using Moorrees’ registration technique The predictions are obtained from the regression models for age using MO: Moorrees et al. (1963). RMSE: root mean squared error, y: years. finding was explained as being due to the measures and related ratios used to register molar development incorporating the variance in tooth size between individuals. This finding, in addition to the previously described finding about apical tooth width measurements, could explain the lowest R² and highest RMSE values for CA compared to all the other third molar development registration techniques, which are based on stages. The present study demonstrates that the MO scoring technique is the best predictor of tooth development, followed by KO, DM and KU in turn. These findings are in agreement with the conclusions of Olze et al. (2005), who considered DM as the best, followed by KO and KU. In their study, five tooth development registration techniques based on staging were evaluated, but MO was not included. Furthermore, in the Olze study, the precision (reproducibility) of the registrations was evaluated and integrated into the conclusions. Indeed, DM classifies the different tooth developmental stages on the basis of objective observations and so avoids predictions of lengths of tooth parts and results in greater precision. The validated regression formulas provide a tool for age estimation of North Indian individuals depending on the tooth development scoring technique used (MO, KO or CA) and taking into account the relative position in the mouth of the evaluated third molar as well as gender. 62 Number of stages Figure 6c: Difference between the true and the predicted age as a function of the true age for the validation sample using Cameriere’s registration technique. The predictions were obtained from the regression models for age using CA: Cameriere et al. (2006). RMSE: root mean squared error, y: years. Considering the regression model for KO on this North–Indian sample, tooth development is slower than in other countries, e.g., for a lower and upper score 7 median age is 20.4 years old for F and 20.5 years old for M compared to Thailand (Thevissen et al., 2009) and Belgium (Gunst et al., 2003) for the same score median ages being 18.9 and 18.5 years old for F and 18.6 and 17.8 years old for M, respectively. In practice, the choice of the staging technique should depend largely on the number of stages available in the developmental period of interest. For early third molar development, third molar development registration techniques without (HN, KU) or with few (KO) initial stages (crypt and crown formation) should be excluded. Similarly, considering late third molar development (root apex formation), registration techniques without (RA, GK) final stages should be omitted [Table 5]. Further on, the chosen staging technique should include stages that allow the entire third molar maturation sequence to be covered. As such, extreme outliers can be registered and included even when a specific developmental period is of interest. Some techniques can be considered refinements of another technique, i.e., a given stage is split into two sub-stages, which provides for more differentiation. Due to this split, the initial technique is partially integrated, or nested, in the refined technique. These nested techniques 63 Number of stages include a high number of equal stages and perform most similarly (e.g., MO/KO). When there are nested techniques available for the assessed period, the very small gain of information provided by the technique with the highest number of stages should not compromise the feasibility of correctly registering all the stages described (Corradi et al., 2013). Indeed, the more stages a technique involves, the less precise the classification. Certainly, this is the case when the thresholds between stages are very close, unclearly described, hard to distinguish, or dependent on predictions of future lengths of tooth parts. Since nested techniques perform similarly, the error made by a misclassification will weigh much more in the age prediction than the ignorable gain that can be obtained by choosing a technique with more stages, which promises slightly better age predictions. The KO technique provides well-described stages covering the entire tooth maturation sequence [Table 5]. Moreover, it is a technique that permits the registration of the late third molar development. No other technique, except KU, is nested in KO. Because KU is only suitable after crown formation, the KO staging was chosen as the third molar development staging technique in the further research. CONCLUSION Similar age predicting performances were detected by comparing regression models using nine third molar development registration techniques. Although some of the differences between the examined third molar development registration techniques were statistically significant, these differences were clinically unimportant. The number of stages used in the third molar registration technique slightly influenced the age predictions, so Research Hypothesis 2 has to be rejected. The choice of the third molar development registration technique has to depend on the stages described for the developmental period of interest and should not compromise the feasibility of correctly registering all of these stages. Accordingly, the KO technique was chosen as the third molar development staging technique for the further research. 64 Chapter 5 Statistical modeling of third molar development data: Influence of regression analyses versus Bayesian approach on age estimation THIS CHAPTER IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING MANUSCRIPT. Human dental age estimation using third molar developmental stages: does a Bayesian approach outperform regression models to discriminate between juveniles and adults? Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Willems G Published in International Journal of Legal Medicine 2010 Jan;124(1):35-42 Oral presentation at Vierzehnten Treffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forensische Altersdiagnostik (AGFAD), Berlin 23 03 2011 TESTING RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 3: A Bayesian approach using third molar development provides more accurate age predictions than does classic regression analyses in sub-adults 65 Regression analyses versus Bayesian approach INTRODUCTION Legal systems around the world, based either on civil jurisdiction or on common law, have an interest in the age of unaccompanied young refugees. In particular, their status as juvenile or adult is of concern (Schmeling et al., 2001; Solheim and Vonen, 2006; Olze et al., 2006a; Benomran, 2009). To determine the age of living sub-adults, dental age estimation methods based on the radiologically observed stages of third molar development are used (Willems, 2001) [Fig. 1, Chap. 1]. Therefore, in retrospective studies, reference samples of panoramic radiographs from individuals with known chronological age at the time of the radiologic exposure, gender and origin were collected [Table 1, Chap. 1]. Individuals with no medical history, no visible dental pathology on the radiographs and at least one third molar present, were included. The observed degree of third molar development of all the third molars present is classified using one of the scoring systems proposed by several authors (Moorrees et al., 1963; Demirjian et al., 1973; Gustafson and Koch, 1974; Häävikko, 1974; Harris and Nortjé, 1984; Kullman et al., 1992; Köhler et al., 1994) [Table 5, Chap. 4]. As such the reference samples provide categorical data and allow tables or prediction models to be devised that give age estimates and a quantification of the uncertainty of the prediction. The classic approach for age estimation models based on third molar developmental stages is the use of a regression model with which the age of the ith subject is predicted using the information of one or more developmental stages: Age i h(x i1 ,..., x i4 ) ε i , (A) where xi1… xi4 denote the developmental stages of the four third molars. When only one third molar is used, (A) reduces to a simple regression model. Typically, h(.) is a linear function, i.e., Age i α βx i ε i , and the number of used third molars is restricted due to the high correlation between third molars as proposed by, for example, Mesotten et al. (2002), Gunst et al.(2003) and Mesotten et al. (2003). Within the linear regression modelling framework, the assumption of linearity can be relaxed by using a spline or a polynomial function like h(.). Chaillet and Dermirjian (2004) and Chaillet et al. (2004b) considered regression models with a cubic function for one or two stages. For example, with only one third molar equation (A) then becomes Agei α β1x i β 2 x i2 β 3x 3 i εi . Note that these extensions still fit within the linear regression framework, since age is still modelled as a linear function of a set of terms (e.g., linear, 67 Regression analyses versus Bayesian approach quadratic, cubic). A crucial feature of the discussed regression model is that the residuals εi (i.e., the difference between an observed value of the response variable and the value predicted by the model: Moore and McCabe, 1993) are assumed to be normally distributed around the regression line with a constant variance. As such, the use of the regression approach implies a strict assumption about the shape (normal) and the variance (constant) of the age distribution. It should be emphasized that it is exactly this distribution that is used to quantify the uncertainty about the predicted age (i.e., by constructing a 95% prediction interval) and to calculate specific probabilities, such as the probability of being a juvenile [Fig.7].This reveals the first drawback of the linear regression model for age, since the assumption about the age distribution might often be too restrictive in practice. Other practical limitations concern the high correlation between the independent variables in the regression model and the presence of missing values for them. To circumvent this so-called multi-collinearity problem, regression models are restricted in practice to a limited set of the available third molars. To handle the missing values, separate models are constructed for the various patterns of observed information. As such, the regressionmodel approach results in an extended set of regression equations, each of them designed for a specific situation (Mesotten et al., 2002; Gunst et al., 2003; Mesotten et al., 2003). A more serious concern, discussed in depth by Aykroyd et al. (1997, 1999) is the systematic bias (attraction of the middle) in age estimation when Figure 7: Illustration of the assumption of constant variance and normality in the regression model. This is a hypothetical example where the age is modeled as a linear function of one developmental stage. The shaded part pertains to the probability of being mature given a specific stage. 68 Regression analyses versus Bayesian approach the classic regression approach is used: the weaker the relation between the stages and age, the more the residuals εi in (A) will be related to age. As such, the estimated ages are too old for young individuals and too young for old individuals. The direction of this bias is exactly what is not tolerable in the current legal context unlike a bias pattern where the age of juveniles would be underestimated. To remove the bias induced by the use of a regression model for age, Lucy et al. (2002) proposed a Bayesian approach. Recent examples can be found in Prince et al. (2008) and Prince and Konigsberg (2008). Following the notation in (A), the age distribution given a specific pattern of stages would here be obtained as: f(x i1 ,..., x i4 | agei )f(agei ) f(agei | x i1 ,..., x i4 ) . (x i1 ,..., x i4 | agei )f(agei ) i (B) Equation (B) consists of three parts. The left-hand side of the equation, i.e., the age distribution given an observed pattern of stages, is referred to as the posterior distribution. Note that its equivalent in the regression approach is the normal distribution with constant variance. However, the age distribution conditional on the observed stages is not assumed a priori to have a specific shape and variability in the Bayesian framework. Indeed, both features will depend on the likelihood f(x i1 ,..., x i4 | age i ) and the prior distribution f(age i ) . The likelihood function reflects the probability of the observed pattern of stages given that a subject has a specific age. The denominator in (B), which represents the probability of the observed pattern of developmental stages, is used only for normalization purposes such that the total surface of the posterior distribution equals one and surfaces under the posterior distribution can be interpreted as probabilities. Indices of location (e.g., median, modus) of the posterior distribution can be used as point predictions for age, but more informative is the prediction interval that can be obtained from its percentiles (e.g., 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles to represent a 95% prediction interval). Moreover, the calculation of a specific surface under the posterior distribution, i.e., the probability that the age exceeds 18 years old, will be crucial in the current context. The prior distribution of age f(y) will often be a uniform distribution over a particular age range and can be changed if there is specific prior knowledge about the age. The aim of this chapter is to compare the human age estimation based on third molar information using classic regression models and a Bayesian framework. In particular, the aim is to verify if a Bayesian approach discriminates more accurately between adults and juveniles, and 69 Regression analyses versus Bayesian approach removes the bias, which disadvantages the latter group. The corresponding research hypothesis is as follows: Based on third molar development, a Bayesian approach provides more accurate and precise age predictions than does the classic regression analyses in sub-adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Sample and measurements A collection of 2,513 panoramic radiographs of Belgian Caucasian individuals with ages between 15.7 and 23.3 years old collected by Gunst et al. (2003) was studied. In conformity with the conclusion of the previous chapter, the development of all the available third molars was staged and scored with the technique of Gleiser and Hunt (1955) as modified by Köhler et al. (1994) (KO). Since the results of an approach might be related to age, a subset of patients between 16 and 22 years of age was used for comparing the two approaches. This subset has a uniform age distribution (Smith, 1991) and contains for each one-year interval between 16 and 22 years of age, the largest overall number of women (n = 75) and men (n = 55) out of the main collection. The subset was split at random into reference and validation sets of comparable size. The models were developed on the reference set, and the performance of both approaches is assessed using the validation set. Classical regression model Mesotten et al. (2002), Gunst et al. (2003) and Mesotten et al. (2003) calculated 30 linear regression and multiple linear regression formulae (for F and M 17 and 13, respectively) to assess age based on the developmental stages of the third molars. This assortment of formulae was proposed because many subjects lacked one or more third molars, and, due to the high correlation between the different third molar stages, two stages at most could be used as predictors. Here, a more parsimonious strategy is proposed. Thevissen et al. (2009) detected no evidence for a left-right asymmetry in third molar development in a selected Thai sample. Therefore, the stages of the left molars, unless they were missing, were arbitrarily chosen as predictors. Three regression models were designed for M and F separately. One model pertains to the situation where information is available in both jaws, and the two other models apply when there is information on only one jaw (upper or lower). In the current study, a side symmetry in third molar development was confirmed, so the number of regression models is likely restricted. Following Chaillet and Demirjian (2004) and Chaillet et al.(2004a,b), the inappropriate assumption of a linear relationship between stages and age is relaxed using a cubic function for the upper and/or the lower stage. The models are fitted using the PROC REG procedure in the statistical package SAS, Version 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary NC, USA). 70 Regression analyses versus Bayesian approach Bayesian approach In the classic regression model, the molar stages serve as predictors to model the variability in age. The distribution and variability of the molar stages and the correlation between them are not modelled. The distribution of the molar stages is even irrelevant to the present concern, except for the correlation that, as has been indicated, can induce multicollinearity problems. As such, the approach is straightforward from a computational point of view since the response in the model (i.e., age) remains univariate, irrespective of the number of stages used as predictors. In the Bayesian approach, the most important factors are the likelihoods f(x i1 ,..., x i4 | age i ) that, combined with prior information about age, yield a posterior age distribution. To obtain these likelihoods, a model is needed for ( x i1,..., x i4 ) , and we are faced with a multivariate instead of a univariate response. The challenge of the Bayesian approach in this setting is the construction of a model for the multivariate distribution of the stages conditional on age, i.e., the likelihood function. Note that each stage represents an ordinal variable. Therefore, we propose the use of a multivariate ordinal regression model with a random subject effect (Hedeker and Gibbons, 1994) to incorporate the correlation between the third molar developmental stages of the subject. Fitting the multivariate ordinal regression model such that the likelihoods can be obtained is computationally intensive. Details on this model and on the calculation of the posterior probabilities are given in Appendix A. Various quantifications have been used to compare the performance of the classic regression and the Bayesian approach. First, the difference between the predicted and the true age is calculated. The smaller this difference is, the more accurate the model. Second, the precision of the prediction is reflected by the width of the 95% confidence intervals (CI). Obviously, the precision should be realistic so, when using 95%CI, only 5% of the observed ages should fall outside the CI. If this percentage is higher, this might reflect either a systematic bias in the point prediction or a prediction interval that is too optimistic (too narrow). This property is referred to as coverage. Third, the Pearson correlation between age and the difference between the true and the predicted age is used to quantify the degree of bias. The stronger the correlation is, the more the age that young individuals will be overestimated. Finally, the posterior probabilities to be a major and their corresponding diagnostic indices (sensitivity, specificity) are compared. In the classic approach, a regression model with only linear terms and a model with a third degree polynomial function are used. In the remainder, the latter regression model will be called the polynomial model. 71 Regression analyses versus Bayesian approach RESULTS Unless otherwise stated, the results from the classic approach are based on the polynomial model. Figure 8 shows the age distribution observed at different developmental stages. Clearly, the shape of the age distribution differs for the various stages. While the variability (e.g., the height of the boxes) does not strongly differ, the skewness does: for early stages, the age distribution is right-skewed (i.e., a tail towards higher age values). For late stages the opposite holds. The line representing the trend in the relationship between the stages and age illustrates the inappropriate assumption of linearity [Fig.8]. In more than 98.5% of the sample, the difference between the developmental stage of the left and the corresponding right third molar were less than or equal to 1. A paired Wilcoxon test did not reveal any systematic differences between the stages on the left or the right side (p = 0.22). The polynomial model as well as the multivariate ordinal model offer evidence for a difference between M and F (p<0.0001 for both models). Note that the gender difference is assessed by comparison of a model with all parameters gender-specific and a model with all parameters shared between M and F (p<0.0001 for both models). In the polynomial model, an interval of likely ages given the third molar developmental stage(s) of new subjects is given by the percentiles of the normal distribution Figure 8: Relation between the stage and age for male subjects. Boxplots (whiskers pertain to minimum and maximum value) for the age distribution observed at each of the possible stages. Stages in the upper jaw (right stage if the left one is not available) from 991 male subjects are chosen for illustrative purposes. Stages ≤ 5 are considered as one category. The trend line illustrates the inappropriate assumption of linearity for the relation between the stage and the age. 72 Regression analyses versus Bayesian approach with the mean being a function of the stage(s) and the variance independent of the stages. In the Bayesian approach, the interval of likely ages is obtained from the percentiles of the posterior distribution where the shape can vary as a function of the pattern stages. Figure 9 presents some posterior distributions for specific stage patterns, clearly having different shapes, obtained for M subjects. The probability of being mature corresponds to the surface to the right of 18 years old under the posterior distribution. For example, if an M subject has a Stage 6 for all 4 molars, the 95% range of likely ages is (≤15; 19.8) and the probability of being mature 16.5%. Note that the polynomial model yields a 95% prediction interval of (14.5; 20.1), which is similar to the Bayesian approach. However, the probability of being mature is increased to 30.3%. The following paragraphs give the results of the systematic comparison of both approaches based on the subset of patients between 16 and 22 years of age with a uniform age distribution. Using the polynomial model the mean absolute difference between the observed and the predicted age equals 1.13 years (median (Me) = 0.97, interquartile range (IQR): 0.49-1.57). Using the median of the posterior distribution as a point prediction for the age, the Bayesian approach yields a comparable distribution for the mean absolute differences (Mann-Whitney U test, p = 0.40) of 1.13 years (Me = 0.89, IQR: 0.44-1.62). If the 95% range of likely age values obtained with both approaches is realistic, then ideally 95% of the ages in the test dataset should fall within this range. The same should hold for other ranges of likely values (e.g., 90% range). With the polynomial model, 93.2% and 97.2% of the observed ages fall within the 90% and 95% prediction intervals, respectively. Also with the Bayesian approach the obtained ranges of likely age values are slightly too wide: 96% and 98.6% of the observed ages fall in the 90% and 95% prediction intervals. However, within the Bayesian approach, the width of the range of likely values will depend not only on the amount of information used (the more stages available, the narrower the prediction interval) but also on the degree of agreement between the various stages. More specifically, it is expected that, with the Bayesian approach, the range of likely ages will be narrower if the stages within a jaw correspond with each other. To illustrate this, the mean width of the 95% prediction interval is 6.34 years (Me = 6.60, IQR: 6.0-7.0) if the left and right stages are not equal in either the lower or the upper jaw (N = 169). The width of the 95% prediction interval is significantly (p = 0.0002) reduced when the left and right stages agree in both jaws: the mean width of the 95% prediction interval equals 5.95 years (Me = 6.0, IQR: 5.3-6.8). 73 Regression analyses versus Bayesian approach The bias as a function of age is clearly present when using the polynomial model. There is a strong (Pearson r = 0.66) positive correlation between age and the difference between the predicted and the observed age, which implies that the age of younger subjects is systematically overestimated. This bias is reduced with the Bayesian framework using the Figure 9: Posterior distribution of male subjects for different stage patterns. The upper panel represents all possible homogeneous stage patterns (four times the same stage). The right-skewed distribution of age for teeth in the lowest developmental stage with all four stages equal to five or lower (5555) smoothly evolves to a left-skewed age distribution when all of the third molars are fully developed (10101010). The lower panel shows the subtle differences in age distribution when the stage of one third molar changes one unit. 74 Regression analyses versus Bayesian approach median (r = 0.38) and the modus (r = 0.01) from the posterior distribution as the point prediction. Using the posterior probabilities to be mature (P(m)) to discriminate between juveniles and mature subjects, we find that both approaches yield a similar overall performance: the area under the curve (the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve) equals 0.847 for the polynomial model and 0.853 for the Bayesian approach. However, for the 260 subjects in the verification dataset who are younger than 18 years old, the median P(m) is 0.51 (IQR: 0.40-0.72) with the polynomial model and 0.31 (IQR: 0.17-0.61) with the Bayesian approach, which results in a stronger tendency for the polynomial model to classify younger subjects too soon as mature. DISCUSSION Using linear regression models is the classic approach to estimate the age and to discriminate between juveniles and adults using third molar developmental stages. These models are easy to apply and can be adapted such that non-linear relations between a stage and age are allowed. However, the use of these models for age estimation has met with criticism. The first shortcoming of the approach is the unrealistic assumption that, at every combination of stages, age has the same distribution with respect to shape and variance, which could yield inappropriate prediction intervals. Second, arbitrary strategies are needed to handle the correlations between the stages. Typically, two stages at most will be used so there is some loss of information. Finally, the age of juveniles will systematically be overestimated, which is unacceptable for young asylum seekers. To overcome these disadvantages, the use of a Bayesian framework has been advocated (see, for example, Prince and Konigsberg (2008); Prince et al. (2008)). In the present study, Bayes’ rule was used to derive the distribution of age given the four third molar stages. For the conditional distribution of the molar stages, i.e., the challenging part of the rule, the use of a generalized linear mixed model for ordinal data was proposed. A clearly higher degree of flexibility was obtained with the Bayesian approach. The posterior distributions varied in shape and variability as a function of the various stage patterns, so the assumption of one common normal distribution was clearly inappropriate. Also, the presence of multicolinearity is dealt with in a natural way since the stages are not considered as predictors but as a set of repeated responses. A random subject effect is used in the generalized linear mixed model to capture the correlation between these responses (i.e., stages). An additional advantage of considering the stages as responses is that the presence of missing stages does not generate any problems. Note that, in the classic approach, a separate regression model needs to be built for each possible pattern of missing information. Further, the Bayesian approach yields confidence intervals whose width varies as a function of the amount 75 Regression analyses versus Bayesian approach of available information and as a function of the degree of agreement between the information. However, the Bayesian approach comes at the cost of greater computational complexity and it does not greatly outperform the classic approach in general. Indeed there is neither a strong reduction of the differences between the observed and predicted age nor any increase in precision, and the prediction intervals do not cover the observed age distributions more appropriately. However, the Bayesian approach does reduce the bias typically present in the regression model approach. The age of juveniles is less overestimated, yielding a better discrimination between subjects older and younger than 18 years of age such that those younger than 18 will be classified correctly more often. Aykroyd et al. (1999) avoided the use of the computationally intensive mixed model for multivariate ordinal data. They assumed that the observed correlation between the stages is accounted for by the age of a subject, meaning that, given the age, the four stages are conditionally independent. The consequence of this assumption is that the conditional multivariate density f(x/age) can be written as a product of univariate densities, thus avoiding the computational complexity of fitting a multivariate ordinal model. Moreover a non-parametric approach for the conditional distribution is applied since the observed distribution of third molar stages as a function of pre-specified age categories is used. In a further extension, they relaxed this strong conditional independence by using a weaker partial conditional independence (Lucy et al., 2002). In further research, both the generalized linear mixed model proposed in this study and the multivariate model proposed by Lucy et al. (2002) should be evaluated to verify if the model with higher computational burden outperforms the model with the partially conditional independence assumptions. Age groups less than 16 years of age and accordingly third molar developmental stages under 5 are not included in the original data and so not in the verification dataset. Collecting and importing a dataset including these subjects into the Bayesian model could improve the prediction of the probability of a subject to be older than 18 years of age. Regardless of the approach, the resulting knowledge of the third molar developmental stages of a subject does not strongly reduce the uncertainty about the age. Furthermore, alarmingly high prediction intervals (approximately 6 years, 95% prediction interval) and far from optimal discrimination of maturity is obtained. Therefore, modern forensic age estimation protocols for unaccompanied asylum seekers use, in addition to the clinical findings, the evaluation of third molar developmental stages, the ossification stages of the medial clavicle epiphysis, and the comparison of a radiograph from the subject’s left hand with standard radiographs classified by age (Schmeling et al., 2008) [Fig.3, Chap. 1]. Incorporation of these additional sources of information into the Bayesian framework could be 76 Regression analyses versus Bayesian approach considered. Because of the expected correlation, this new information should be gathered simultaneously on each reference individual. In practice, it will be difficult to establish a large data set of subjects with which these three age-related variables can be examined simultaneously because ionising medical imaging techniques need to be used in the living. Ethically, submitting test individuals to the necessary quantity of ionization is not justified (ICRP, 2007), and, in some countries, it is even illegal to use ionising techniques for age-estimation purposes. A retrospective collection of post-mortem, full body computed tomography (CT) images in the age group of interest or the application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques in living sub-adults are other ways to compile ethically acceptable collections of the necessary data. The gentlest way to incorporate other age-related variables into a Bayesian framework would be taking into account their partial correlation and implementing them in the model presented by Lucy et al. (2002). It allows the implementation of ten dental developmental stages (Köhler et al., 1994) together with a registration of the absent third molars, five clavicular ossification stages (Schmeling et al., 2004; Schulz et al., 2005; Schulz et al., 2008a,b), and comparisons with all standard hand radiographs (Greulich and Pyle, 1959). One could also consider the introduction of non-destructive dental age estimation methods based on clinically observable variables such as the attrition (Gustafson, 1950; Solheim, 1988a; Kim et al., 2000; Prince et al., 2008) and the position of the periodontal ligament attachment (Gustafson, 1950; Solheim, 1992b) into the model and so to evaluate the enhanced age prediction performance. CONCLUSION On the basis of staged third molar development, the linear and polynomial statistical regression analysis and a newly constructed Bayesian model were verified and compared. Research Hypothesis 3 has to be rejected because both models provide similar accuracy, precision and coverage in age estimation outcomes. However, the Bayesian approach reduces the bias that is typically present in the regression models. The age of juveniles is less overestimated, so it yields better discrimination between subjects older or younger than 18 years of age and implies that subjects younger than 18 years of age are classified correctly more often. Moreover, the Bayesian model integrates all the third molar information available. Indeed, no choices of which third molar position or regression model to apply need to be made. Accordingly, all the applicants for dental age examination are considered equally. 77 Chapter 6 Collection and comparison of 13 country-specific third molar development databases THIS CHAPTER IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING MANUSCRIPTS. Human third molars development: Comparison of 9 country-specific populations Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Willems G Published in Forensic Science International 2010 Sep 10;201(1-3):102-5 Oral presentation at the annual scientific meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle 2010 Estimating age of majority on third molars developmental stages in young adults from Thailand using a modified scoring technique Thevissen PW, Pittayapat P, Fieuws S, Willems G Published in Journal Forensic Sciences 2009 Mar;54(2):428-32 Oral presentation at the annual scientific meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Washington 2009 TESTING RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 4: Differences in third molar development between country-specific sub-adult populations exist 79 Country-specific third molar development INTRODUCTION Forensic dental age estimations in living individuals are requested primarily to advise legal authorities about the age of unaccompanied young refugees entering their country (Olze et al., 2006a; Solheim and Vonen, 2006; Nuzzolese and Di Vella, 2008). At present, worldwide migration is a common phenomenon, so age estimation examinations are solicited for individuals of different geographical and biological origins. The age of interest is the legal age of majority in the country of arrival. As such, the age category of concern here is that of sub-adults. In this age category, dental age estimations are mostly based on the development of third molars [Fig.1, Chap. 1]. To generate correct and legally indisputable dental age estimates, it has to be determined if there are differences in third molar maturation between individuals from different populations. Although most of the studies on third molar development and subadult dental age estimation are based on samples of populations with welldescribed and precisely defined origin, the study outcomes cannot be fairly compared. Indeed, the incomparability originates in the differences in the research protocols, the number, age and gender distribution of the sampled subjects considered, the third molar positions examined, the third molar registration technique used, the statistics generated, and the study outcomes quantified [Table 1, Chap. 1]. The aim of the present study is to compare the degree of third molar development (DTMD) between country-specific populations by means of standardized collection and analysis of radiologically obtained third molar data. The research hypothesis to be tested is that there are, indeed, differences in third molar development between country-specific sub-adult populations. MATERIALS AND METHODS In on-going research, archived panoramic radiographs, taken for diagnostic and treatment-planning purposes, were collected from country-specific populations. In the first research phase, third molar developmental data were uniformly registered and collected from nine country-specific populations: Belgium (Be), China (Ch), Japan (Ja), Korea (Ko), Poland (Po), Saudi Arabia (Sa), South India (In), Thailand (Th), and Turkey (Tu). For each radiograph, the nationality, birth date and gender of the related individual were verified by means of the official birth certificate and/or identity card. It was also determined if all of the subjects had lived their entire lives in their native country and had originated, within each population, from the same biological group. In each population, F and M subjects in the age range between 16 and 22 years were collected [Table 11a, b, Chap. 7]. Therefore 81 Country-specific third molar development the date of radiographic exposure was also registered. The choice for country-specific data collection allowed grouping the samples according to biological or additional socio-geographical criteria. On all of the radiographs, at least one third molar was present, and subjects with a history of third molar extraction were excluded. As for the findings in Chapters 3 and 4, every available third molar was staged and scored following the 10point scoring system described by Gleiser et al.(1955) and modified by Kohler et al. (1994) (KO). Missing third molars were registered without a score value. The four third molar scores were registered as a four-digit number so that the left to right order of the digits corresponded with the position of the upper right, upper left, lower left and lower right third molar, respectively. For each country, the staging and scoring of all third molars were done by a different investigator. Additionally, in each country 10% of the subjects were randomly selected and re-scored by an extra observer and the country-specific investigator, separately one month later. A detailed description of the data collection was published for Thailand (Thevissen et al., 2009) and accordingly applied for each included country. In the second research phase, four country-specific samples from Brazil (Br), Italy (It), Malaysia (Ma) and the United Arab Emirates (Ua) were collected and also studied [Table 11b, Chap. 7]. From all of the subjects, information of the four wisdom teeth was compiled that preserved the ordinal character of their developmental stages and handled the presence of missing values. An index quantifying the degree of third molar development of each subject in the group of all of the subjects was established. Therefore, a generalized linear mixed model for multivariate ordinal data was fitted on the data (Thevissen et al., 2010b) [Chap. 6]. The model contains a fixed effect for third molar position (i.e., upper versus lower) and a random subject effect. Fitting this model is similar in spirit as performing a confirmatory factor analysis. For each subject, the empirical Bayesian estimate of the random effect can be interpreted as its score on a latent factor underlying and summarizing the developmental stages of the four third molars, i.e., quantifying the overall degree of third molar development (DTMD). In what follows, we will refer to this factor score as the developmental score (DS). The DS is a normally distributed variable (z-score) with mean and standard deviation equal to zero and one, respectively. A DS equal to zero corresponds to a subject with an average DTMD in the group of subjects from the nine studied countries. Due to the exclusion of age, gender and countries as fixed effects in the model, differences in DS between the subjects reflect differences in DTMD between the age categories, the gender and the countries. For M and F separately, a linear regression model with the DS as dependent variable and age and countries as predictors were used to evaluate differences in DTMD between countries. Tukey’s adjustments were used for multiple comparisons between countries. An interaction between age and 82 Country-specific third molar development countries was included in the model that allowed the differences between countries to depend on age. Inclusion of a quadratic term for age allowed for deviations from linearity. In the first research phase, the nine initial country-specific population samples were accordingly analysed. In the second phase, the analysis was repeated on all 13 country-specific population samples, and the four samples collected last were used to verify the findings obtained with the nine initial samples. RESULTS Kappa statistics revealed no significant intra- or inter observer effects. Table 8 presents some examples of patterns of observed third molar scores and their resulting DS. Pairwise average differences in DS between the countries were maximally 0.43 and 0.52 (z-score) for F and M subjects, respectively [Fig.10]. 55% (20/36) of the differences between countries were significant for F and 86% (31/36) for M, at the 5% level [Table 9]. F subjects developed significantly the most rapidly in Belgium compared to all the other countries. Table 8: Developmental scores for some patterns of observed third molar scores # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Observed third molar scores DS UR 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 * * * 9 -2.54 -2.11 -1.84 -1.34 -0.86 -0.46 -0.11 0.25 0.34 1.06 1.05 1.03 0.91 0.004 UL 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 * * 8 LL 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 * * LR 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 * The factor analysis provided for all possible combinations of four observed third molar scores a corresponding developmental score (DS) representing the degree of third molar development (DTMD). Rows 11 till 13 illustrate that the DS differed according to the appearance and position of missing third molars. The pattern of four observed third molar scores with a DS nearest to zero, thus corresponding to a subject with an average DTMD in the total dataset, is listed in row 14. #: row number, UR: upper right, UL: upper left, LL: lower left, LR: lower right, DS: Developmental score, *: missing third molar 83 Country-specific third molar development Figure 10: Least-squares means and 95% confidence intervals obtained from the linear regression model assuming that differences between countries do not depend on age Be: Belgium, Ch: China, In: South-India, Ja: Japan, Ko: Korea, Po: Poland, Sa: Saudi-Arabia, Th: Thailand, Tu: Turkey In Japan, the development was the slowest, but it was not significantly different from Poland or South India. M subjects in South India had a significantly lower DTMD than did all the other countries. The DTMD was 84 Country-specific third molar development Table 9: Comparison of Developmental Score between pairs of countries, irrespective the age Be Ch Sa Th Tu Ko Po Ja In Male Be <0.0001 <0.0001 0.22 0.002 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.013 <0.0001 0.002 <0.0001 0.55 0.005 0.019 <0.0001 0.033 0.44 0.069 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.007 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.002 0.16 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.007 0.001 Ch <0.0001 Sa <0.0001 0.68 Th <0.0001 0.058 0.043 Tu <0.0001 0.035 0.002 0.11 Ko <0.0001 0.35 0.044 0.17 0.34 Po <0.0001 0.25 0.25 0.004 0.001 0.033 Ja <0.0001 0.004 0.008 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.3 0.33 0.43 0.2 0.056 0.09 0.43 In 0.003 0.1 Female Be: Belgium, Ch: China, In: South-India, Ja: Japan, Ko: Korea, Po: Poland, Sa: SaudiArabia, Th: Thailand, Tu: Turkey. Lower and upper off-diagonal part, refer to female and male respectively. P-values are obtained after applying a correction for multiple testing (Tukey’s adjustment) significantly higher in Thailand than in all the other countries except for Belgium. Within each country, the DS was lower for F than M subjects. The model indicated that the differences between the countries depend on age (p = 0.004 for F and p<0.0001 for M). Thus, the lines depicting the change of the DS over age for each country were not parallel [Fig.11]. No clear patterns of differences in DS could be distinguished between them. Indeed, over the different ages, the DS differences between the countries changed irregularly. For F, the shape of the regression lines representing the relation between DS and age was similar for all of the countries except for Turkey. Thus, the highest DS were detected in the youngest and oldest ages in Turkey. In all the other age ranges, the DS was the highest for Belgium and the lowest for Japan. For M, a constant finding over the different ages was the almost persistently lowest DS value for India. Further on, the differences between countries tended to be the smallest or even non-existent (intersections) around 18 years of age. The pairwise differences in average DS between the countries calculated over all full years in the range between 16 and 22 years of age were significant (p<0.05) in18% (45/252) and 32% (80/252) of the F and M subjects, respectively (results not shown). In Table 11, for the total age range and at each full year separately, 85 Country-specific third molar development Figure 11: Country-specific relations between age and DS obtained from the regression model with an interaction between the 9 countries and age, for female and male subjects separately. In females and males no common trend in the course of the regression curves is detected. 86 Country-specific third molar development Figure 12: Country-specific relations between age and DS obtained from the regression model with an interaction between 13 countries and age, for female and male subjects separately The regression lines representing the countries from Phase 1 are marked in grey. For reference, the Belgian regression line is illustrated as a dotted line. The regression lines representing the four countries from Phase 2 are shown in black. 87 Country-specific third molar development the countries were ranked in function of their average DS. The ranking fluctuated strongly between the age categories, again illustrating that differences between countries did not follow a clear trend [Table 10]. Note also that there was a lack of correspondence between the rankings observed for F and M for the ranking patterns within a country as well as for the difference patterns between countries. The statistically significant differences in DS between the countries turned out to be minor observed clinical differences. First, the difference in DS can be expressed as a difference in age. In the slowest developing country (Ja, F), the largest difference in average DS corresponding to a oneyear increase equals 0.46 (z-score). Hence, the maximal DS difference between countries observed at any age (0.52 (z-score)) would correspond to a difference of 14 months [Fig. 11]. Second, the difference in DS can be expressed as a difference in the pattern of third molar scores. For this purpose, the DS was compared between subjects with succeeding patterns of equally repeated third molar scores [Table 8] (e.g., the DS of a subject with all four KO scores equal to 4 (4444) compared with the DS of a subject with all KO scores equal to 5 (5555)). The maximal and minimal difference in DS was 0.81 (pattern 9999 compared to pattern 10101010) and 0.35 (pattern 7777 compared to pattern 8888), respectively. As such, the maximal Table 10: Mean ranking of 9 countries, based on third molar development in each age category of 1 year Age category Female Be Ch Ja Ko Po Th Tu Sa In Male 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 T 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 T 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 3 5 6 2 6 7 6 5 3 4 4 5 6 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 4 7 8 8 8 9 8 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 9 6 3 1 1 1 4 3 8 8 8 8 8 7 6 8 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 2 2 2 4 5 5 5 4 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 7 7 6 3 1 3 4 3 4 5 5 3 1 4 9 7 4 2 4 6 7 6 8 7 5 4 4 4 3 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 Be: Belgium, Ch: China, Ja: Japan, Ko: Korea, Po: Poland, Th: Thailand, Tu: Turkey, Sa: Saudi-Arabia, In: South-India, 16, 17...22: corresponding age range of 1 year, T: age range between 16-22 year. Countries are ranked from highest (1) to lowest (9) mean developmental score (DS) 88 Country-specific third molar development difference between countries on average DS (0.43 (z-score) for F and 0.52 (z-score) for M) is in line with differences between the aforementioned succeeding patterns. In the second research phase, the results of the repeated analyses of 13 country-specific samples revealed similar findings as in the first research phase (on nine country-specific samples) [Fig. 12]. Again, a high heterogeneity in differences in DS between the countries was detected. The third molar development of the four new countries fit within the frame and ranges of third molar development detected in the nine countries of the first research phase. DISCUSSION The data included information about the subjects’ third molar development registered on each available third molar according to the KO technique. Information about missing third molars and the position of the third molars was also compiled. The factor score analysis, compressed all this information into a single numbered DS that established the DTMD of each subject. In contrast to the methodology used by Mesotten et al. (2002), Gunst et al. (2003), and Mesotten et al. (2003), a single age-related regression model for each gender was developed. In fact, previous authors were obliged to develop regression models depending on the occurrence of multicollinearity between the observed developmental KO scores of different third molars within a subject and also related to the number of third molars available per subject. All considerations of the DTMD in the present study concern the maturation stage of these teeth in subjects aged between 16 and 22 years of age. Accordingly third molar KO scores less than or equal to three had a very low prevalence, which means that mainly third molar root development was evaluated. The quantification of the maximal pair wise average difference in DS between countries expressed in age reveals that individuals with an equal DTMD vary at most by 14 months over the various countries. The impact of this finding on the age prediction outcomes between countries has to be related to the variability inherent to the physiological age indicators used (Kasper et al., 2009). Because high levels of variability in third molar development between subjects of the same geographic and biological origin were detected (Liversidge, 2008b), minor differences in age estimation outcomes between individuals from different countries are to be expected. It was also observed that third molar development, especially in M, is most clustered for countries in the chronological age category between 17 and 19 years of age. It can be expected that the detected minimal differences in DS will diminish the differences in age predictions between countries in the age 89 Country-specific third molar development zone around 18 years old. The adult-juvenile discrimination based on the 18year-old threshold will be influenced accordingly. The tests for the interaction between country and age on the pair wise average differences in DS indicate that the DTMD among countries varies as a function of age. These differences depend on changes in slope between country-specific linear models and cannot be considered a shift in DTMD value between countries. This indicates that comparisons of the DTMD between the countries have to be assessed at well-defined times of life. An overall higher DTMD for M compared to F is observed within each country at different ages. This implies that the quantity of difference in DTMD between genders depends on the age of the subjects. In the literature, this finding was described by several authors who evaluated populations of countries not included (Gleiser and Hunt, 1955; Prieto et al., 2005; Meinl et al., 2007; Martin-de las Heras et al., 2008) as well as countries integrated in the current study: Be (Mesotten et al., 2002; Gunst et al., 2003; Mesotten et al., 2003), Ja (Arany et al., 2004; Olze et al., 2004b), Tu (Orhan et al.,2006; Sisman et al., 2007) and Ch (Zeng et al., 2010). The DTMD between ethnically or biologically related individuals could be studied, and the countries classified into groups. Since no common developmental trends between countries were detected, the same conclusion can be drawn considering the evaluation of associated country groups containing information from the Caucasian (Be, Po, Tu) and the Mongoloid (Ch, Ja, Ko, Th) populations. Interest in the future will focus on further country-specific data collection, especially from the Negroid and Australian groups. Olze et al.(2004a) compared Caucasian, Mongoloid and (black) African samples and found that, at the same DTMD, the Caucasians occupied a middle position with the Mongoloids being slower on average and the Africans faster. Harris (2007) reported on mandibular third molar evaluation that American blacks have a higher DTMD than do American whites. This finding was in agreement (except for M in the latest developing stages) with the conclusions drawn by Blankenship et al., (2007). These results fit into the country-specific DTMD described in the current study with the assumption that third molar timing is faster in Negroid populations than in all the other country-specific populations. Further standardized country-specific data collection of subjects of Negroid origin has to examine this assumption further. It would enable one to verify the gender-specific conclusion of Liversidge (2008b) that black girls are on average timing earlier than black boys, which does not concur with the related general findings of the current study. 90 Country-specific third molar development CONCLUSION The DTMD is summarized for each subject using a factor score. Analyses of these factor scores reveal many significant differences between countries. Although Research Hypothesis 4 has to be accepted, the differences in DTMD between countries are not constant over age and vary irregularly. Moreover, the magnitude of the differences turns out to be small. As such, there is no evidence for important differences in DTMD between the countries. An overall lower DTMD in F compared to M subjects was detected in the different country-specific population samples. 91 Chapter 7 Comparison of age estimation based on 13 country-specific third molar development databases THIS CHAPTER IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING MANUSCRIPT. Human dental age estimation using third molar developmental stages: Accuracy of age predictions not using country-specific information. Thevissen PW, Alqerban A, Asaumi J, Kahveci F, Kaur J, Kim YK, Pittayapat P, Van Vlierberghe M, Zhang Y, Fieuws S, Willems G. Published in Forensic Science International 2010 Sep 10; 201(1-3):106-11. Oral presentation at the International Symposium on Forensic Odontology, International Organisation for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (IOFOS), Leuven 2010 TESTING RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 5: The statistical model established on a Belgian reference sample is the most appropriate for dental age estimation in unaccompanied minors TESTING RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 6: The statistical model established on pooled country-specific reference samples renders, in the absence of a model constructed on a country-specific reference sample, the most accurate dental age estimation in sub-adults 93 Country-specific age predictions INTRODUCTION Age verification is established with a combination of methodologies based on scientifically accepted research and legal requirements (Schmeling et al., 2008). The law requires the age estimation examiner to apply the legal regulations and to take into account all of the requirements for an indisputable conclusion. As such, age estimation procedures related to unaccompanied young refugees consider the attainment of the age of majority set by law in the receiving country. An important element in obtaining undisputable age assessment requires forensic investigation using age estimation methods based on a reference sample of the same geographical and biological origin as the examined individual. If not, scientifically based information about the consequences of using dissimilar information on the validity of the reported age prediction should be provided. In Chapter 6, it was determined that the differences in degree of third molar development (DTMD) between countries are small and vary irregularly. The impact of these findings on the country-specific age prediction outcomes based on third molar development needs to be examined. The aim of this study was to quantify the age prediction performances based on third molar development reference data from Belgium or pooled from all other countries and to compare them with the quantified age performances based on country-specific reference data. Because, in a legal context,t he benefit of the doubt must be given to the applicant, the scientific outcomes need to be interpreted accordingly. Therefore, two research hypotheses were tested. First, was determined if the statistical model established on Belgian reference data was the most suited for the dental age estimation of unaccompanied minors. Second, was determined if the statistical model established on all the pooled countryspecific data, renders, in the absence of a model constructed on countryspecific reference data corresponding to the nationality of the examined individual, more accurate dental age estimations in sub-adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS The data collected from the 13 country-specific population samples in the on-going research described in Phases 1 and 2 of Chapter 6 were studied: Belgium (Be), Brazil (Br), China (Ch), Italy (It), Japan (Ja), Korea (Ko), Malaysia (Ma), Poland (Po), Saudi Arabia (Sa), South India (In), Thailand (Th), Turkey (Tu), and United Arab Emirates (Ua). In each population sample, subjects in the age range between 16 and 22 years old were retained for analysis and divided at random but stratified by age in a reference and a validation dataset. The validation dataset was used to evaluate the 95 Country-specific age predictions Table 11a: The number of female and male subjects used in the first 7 of 13 country-specific analyses of population-specific samples and their partition in reference and validation datasets specified for each year interval in the range between 16 and 22 years old. Age distribution Female Male 16* 17* 18* 19* 20* 21* 16* 17* 18* 19* 20* 21* Total Be po 159 162 191 211 249 307 125 103 146 158 174 218 2203 re 80 81 96 106 125 154 63 52 74 79 87 109 1106 va 79 81 95 105 124 153 62 51 72 79 87 109 1097 Ch po 51 48 47 50 46 53 46 51 37 42 40 32 543 re 26 25 24 25 24 27 24 26 19 22 21 17 280 va 25 23 23 25 22 26 22 25 18 20 19 15 263 Sa po 52 59 44 62 59 54 54 51 48 58 58 51 650 re 26 30 23 31 30 27 28 26 25 30 30 26 332 va 26 29 21 31 29 27 26 25 23 28 28 25 318 Th po 68 62 82 68 70 69 65 64 66 76 68 63 821 re 34 31 42 34 36 35 33 32 34 38 35 32 416 va 34 31 40 34 34 34 32 32 32 38 33 31 405 Tu po 50 49 50 50 51 49 50 48 49 51 50 50 597 re 25 25 25 26 26 25 25 24 25 26 25 25 302 va 25 24 25 24 25 24 25 24 24 25 25 25 295 Ko po 54 54 55 57 53 57 52 53 63 57 55 50 660 re 28 28 28 29 27 29 27 27 32 29 28 25 337 va 26 26 27 28 26 28 25 26 31 28 27 25 323 Po po 50 46 48 44 70 84 36 45 35 25 39 30 552 re 26 24 25 23 36 42 18 23 18 13 20 16 284 va 24 22 23 21 34 42 18 22 17 12 19 14 268 Be: Belgium, Ch: China, Sa: Saudi-Arabia, Th: Thailand, Tu: Turkey, Ko: Korea, Po: Poland, po: analyzed population sample, re: reference dataset, va: validation dataset, 16* includes all individuals aged 16.00 to 16.99 years etc. 96 Country-specific age predictions Table 11b: The number of female and male subjects used following 6 of 13 countryspecific analyses of population specific samples and their partition into reference and validation datasets specified for each year interval in the range between 16 and 22 years of age Age distribution Female Male 16* 17* 18* 19* 20* 21* 16* 17* 18* 19* 20* 21* Total Ja po 52 39 48 41 37 44 39 52 49 46 40 39 526 re 27 20 25 21 19 23 20 27 25 24 20 20 271 va 25 19 23 20 18 21 19 25 24 22 20 19 255 po 44 50 53 48 27 16 37 39 32 43 25 16 430 re 22 26 27 25 14 8 19 20 17 22 13 9 222 va 22 40 24 33 26 41 23 31 13 25 8 12 18 39 19 21 15 16 21 15 12 11 7 11 208 re 20 17 21 16 13 7 20 11 9 8 6 6 va 20 16 20 15 12 5 19 10 7 7 5 51 po 95 98 92 119 131 115 85 77 84 85 95 69 re 48 50 46 60 66 58 43 39 42 43 48 35 va 47 48 46 59 65 57 42 38 42 42 47 34 Ma po 32 42 43 47 44 37 31 29 31 42 56 40 re 16 22 22 24 23 19 16 15 16 22 29 20 va 16 20 21 23 21 18 15 14 15 20 27 20 Ua po 51 49 49 51 53 57 55 53 42 59 55 38 re 26 25 25 26 27 29 28 27 22 30 28 20 va 25 24 24 25 26 28 27 26 20 29 27 18 Gl po 612 602 628 649 685 675 666 559 562 589 604 548 re 218 214 213 215 236 204 315 222 221 217 228 197 va 394 388 415 434 449 471 351 337 341 372 376 351 In Br po It 295 154 141 1145 578 567 474 244 230 612 313 299 7279 2600 4679 Ja: Japan, In: South-India, Br: Brazil, It: Italy, Ma: Malaysia, Ua: United Arab Emirates, Gl: global dataset, po: analyzed population sample, re: reference dataset, va: validation dataset, 16* includes all individuals aged 16.00 to 16.99 years etc. 97 Country-specific age predictions performance of the model developed for the subjects in a reference dataset [Table 11a, b]. In addition, from each country-specific reference dataset, 100 M and 100 F subjects were randomly selected and pooled (given the differences in age distribution between the countries, stratification by age was not feasible). This pooled dataset will henceforth be called the global reference set. The global validation set assembled all of the subjects from the country-specific validation datasets. Bayes’ rule was applied to obtain age predictions for each possible combination of the four KO third molar scores. The details of this approach have been described above in Chapter 4 (Thevissen et al., 2010b). Briefly, our interest here is in the distribution of age given a specific pattern of scores, the so-called posterior distribution. To obtain this distribution, one needs to specify the multivariate distribution of the ordinal scores given the age (the conditional distribution) and the distribution of the age (the prior distribution). For the conditional distribution of the scores for a given age, a generalized linear mixed model for multivariate ordinal data is used in each reference dataset. A uniform distribution within the age range of 16-22 years old is used as the prior distribution. The 50th percentile of the posterior distribution is used as the point prediction [Chap. 4]. The country-specific models were verified using the respective country-specific, the Belgium, and the total test datasets. The difference between the observed and the predicted age was calculated in each validation dataset and the mean absolute difference (MAD) as well as the mean squared error (MSE) were used to quantify the performance. To understand the difference between these quantifications, note that larger differences receive relatively more weight in the MSE than in the MAD. All the analyses were performed for the F and the M subjects separately. The juvenile and adult distinction (set at the threshold of 18 years of age) was studied by calculating the percentages of correctly identified adults, correctly identified juveniles, and correctly identified subjects. Exact McNemar tests were used to compare these percentages between the various approaches. All the analyses were performed using SAS software, Version 9.2 of the SAS System for Windows. Copyright © 2002 SAS Institute Inc. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. products or service names are registered trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. (Cary, NC, USA). RESULTS Within the range from 16 to 22 years of age, 10,185 subjects (4,668 M, 5,517 F) were analysed. 37,750 (17,335 M, 20,415 F) third molars were scored, which means that 7.12% of the third molars were absent. The number of F and M subjects included for each country and the global dataset 98 Country-specific age predictions were listed separately for every reference and validation dataset per one-year age range [Table 12a, b]. The MAD obtained using country-specific information, information from Belgium, and information from the global dataset varied between 0.85 and 1.30 years of age, 0.88 and 1.35 years of age, and 0.87 and 1.28 years of age, respectively. For the MSE, these ranges were between 1.19 and 2.33 years of age, 1.29 and 2.80 years of age; and 1.19 and 2.48 years of age, respectively. The information from Belgium compared to the information used from the specific country increased the MAD on average only 0.87 months with a maximal MAD increase of 2.60 months observed for F in Brazil. For some countries, the MAD even decreased. The MSE was increased on average with 0.31 months. Information from the global dataset compared to country-specific information altered on average the MAD with 0.34 months and the MSE with 0.12 months. Maximal increases were 1.00 and 0.40 months, respectively. Almost an equal number of situations were observed with decreased MAD or MSE values compared to increased values [Fig 13a, b; Fig. 14a, b]. In a specificity test, the percentage of correctly identified juveniles was evaluated. Consequently, the proportion of incorrectly identified juveniles (= correctly identified adults) provided information on sensitivity. Accuracy was tested observing the proportions of correctly identified juveniles and adults. Among the evaluated countries the specificity, sensitivity and accuracy ranges were 40.4% to 85.3%, 66.7% to 83.2% and 71.0% to 85.0%, respectively [Fig.15, 16, 17]. There is no indication at all that not using country-specific information influences the percentage of correctly identified subjects. However, using information from Belgium leads to a higher percentage of correctly identified juveniles at the price of a lower percentage of correctly identified adults. Note that this phenomenon is more outspoken for F, i.e., the observed differences are clearer and more often significant. The effect of the use of information from the total dataset on the percentages is less clear. In most situations, there are no significant differences between the use of the total dataset and country-specific information. The significant differences are both positive as well as negative. DISCUSSION The size of the study sample needs to be considered in relation to the research aim. In the current study, the differences in age prediction performances between country-specific samples and the related populations are sought. As an example, the calculated sample size needed to detect clinically a difference of 6 months with 80% power between M from Belgium and China having the same pattern of third molar scores would be 99 Country-specific age predictions Figure 13a: Mean absolute difference, based on country-specific information, information from Belgium and information from all countries pooled (Global dataset) calculated for male subjects. Be: Belgium, Br: Brazil, Ch: China, It: Italy, Ja: Japan, Ko: Korea, Ma: Malaysia, Po: Poland, Sa: Saudi-Arabia, In: South India, Th: Thailand, Tu: Turkey, Ua: United Arab Emirates, T = Significant (p<0.05, paired t-tests) difference in mean absolute difference (MAD) obtained when using global dataset compared to country-specific information. B = Significant (p<0.05, paired t-test) difference in MAD obtained when using Belgian dataset compared to countryspecific information. The MAD obtained with information from Be is higher than the country-specific MAD except for Br, Ko, Th and Tu. The lines connecting the reported MAD points were drawn to illustrate the trend per information group. The MAD values from the global dataset were most like the MAD values obtained from country-specific information. Four differences in MAD were statistically significant with low actual values. 143 patients in each country (based on a two-sided t-test with alpha = 5% and assuming a SD of 1.5 years). However, the required sample size will differ according to the objective of the considered analysis: more Chinese subjects are needed to detect differences with Koreans than to detect differences with Belgians. Therefore, when taking into account the research aim, the planned sample size will be based more on practical limitations than on statistical considerations. Consequently, in this study, the pragmatic rule was applied, and the intention was to collect in each country 50 F and M subjects within each considered age range of 1 year. During data collection, a substantial difference appeared between the countries in their number of subjects and in their age distribution. Trying to perform the ideal distribution set up, which includes an equal number of F and M subjects for each age 100 Country-specific age predictions Figure 13b: Mean absolute difference, based on country-specific information, information from Belgium and information from all countries pooled (Global) calculated for female subjects Be: Belgium, Br: Brazil, Ch: China, It: Italy, Ja: Japan, Ko: Korea, Ma: Malaysia, Po: Poland, Sa: Saudi-Arabia, In: South India, Th: Thailand, Tu: Turkey, Ua: United Arab Emirates, T = Significant (p<0.05, paired t-tests) difference in mean absolute difference (MAD) obtained when using global dataset compared to country-specific information. B = Significant (p<0.05, paired t-test) difference in MAD obtained when using Belgian dataset compared to countryspecific information. The MAD obtained with information from Be is higher than the country-specific MAD except for Br, Ko, In and Tu. The lines connecting the reported MAD points were drawn to illustrate the trend per information group.The MAD values from the global dataset were most like the MAD values obtained from country-specific information. Nine differences in MAD were statistically significant with low actual values. range of 1 year would have reduced the amount of information in most countries. Consequently, all the subjects within the age range between 16 and 22 years of age are included. In further research, in each country, the number of subjects will be adjusted to obtaining the numbers prescribed in the pragmatic rule and enabling one to evaluate these results with respect to the current findings. The evaluation based on the four repeated third molar scores renders information about third molar development in all third molar positions. It also integrates information related to the frequent occurrence of agenesis of third molars (Garn et al., 1963; Levesque et al., 1981; Baba-Kawano et al., 2002; Rozkovcová et al., 2004;Callahan et al. 2009; Nieminen, 2009; De Coster et al., 2009). The observed missing third molars could be considered agenetic because only subjects without a history of third molar extraction 101 Country-specific age predictions were included and also because the initial third molar development is observed at the latest when the second molar development has reached the stage of ¾ of the completed root length (Liversidge, 2008a). This second molar maturation stage corresponds to a chronological age of around 14 years old. Therefore, in the studied age category (16-22 years of age), missing third molar development information has to be diagnosed as agenesis. The finding that 7.12% third molars were absent in the current sampling does not provide accurate information about the prevalence of third molar agenesis. Indeed, in the current study, subjects with four missing third molars were excluded, and no information was reported concerning the number of subjects missing a specific number of third molars. Information from Belgium increased the MAD at most by 2.6 Figure 14a: Mean squared error, based on country-specific information, information from Belgium and information from all countries pooled (Global) calculated for male subjects Be: Belgium, Br: Brazil, Ch: China, It: Italy, Ja: Japan, Ko: Korea, Ma: Malaysia, Po: Poland, Sa: Saudi-Arabia, In: South India, Th: Thailand, Tu: Turkey, Ua: United Arab Emirates, T = Significant (p<0.05, paired t-tests) difference in mean squared error (MSE) obtained when using global dataset compared to country-specific information. B = Significant (p<0.05, paired t-test) difference in obtained when using Belgian dataset compared to country-specific information. The MSE obtained with information from Be is higher than the obtained country-specific MSE, except for Br, Ko, and Tu (with equal MSE). The lines connecting the reported MSE points were drawn to illustrate the trend per information group. The MSE values from the global dataset were most approaching the MSE values obtained with country-specific information. Eight differences in MSE were statistically significant, with low actual values. 102 Country-specific age predictions months above the information provided from the country itself. Using information from the total dataset reduces the maximum added error to 1.0 month. This is a relatively small increase compared to the discovered maximum country-specific MAD of 1.30 years (Brazil F) and can be concluded that the ascertained aging results based on country-specific information do not overrule the predicted age outcomes obtained with information from Belgium or the global dataset. This implies that, if countryspecific information is absent, information from Belgium or combined countries can be used with an increased error of at least 2.6 and 1.0 months, respectively. The constructed models also permit the calculation of the exact age differences to consider, if information of another studied country instead of Belgium would be needed. Figure 14b: Mean squared error, based on country-specific information, information from Belgium and information from all countries pooled (Global) calculated for female subjects Be: Belgium, Br: Brazil, Ch: China, It: Italy, Ja: Japan, Ko: Korea, Ma: Malaysia, Po: Poland, Sa: Saudi-Arabia, In: South India, Th: Thailand, Tu: Turkey, Ua: United Arab Emirates, T = Significant (p<0.05, paired t-tests) difference in mean squared error (MSE) obtained when using global dataset compared to country-specific information. B = Significant (p<0.05, paired t-test) difference in obtained when using Belgian dataset compared to country-specific information. The MSE obtained with information from Be is higher than the obtained country-specific MSE, except for Br, Ko, In and Tu. The lines connecting the reported MSE points were drawn to illustrate the trend per information group. The MSE values from the global dataset were most approaching the MSE values obtained with country-specific information. Twelve differences in MSE were statistically significant, with low actual values. 103 Country-specific age predictions Figure 15: Percentage of correctly identified juveniles, based on countryspecific information, information from Belgium and information from all countries pooled (global). M upper panel, F lower panel, Be: Belgium, Br: Brazil, Ch: China, It: Italy, Ja: Japan, Ko: Korea, Ma: Malaysia, Po: Poland, Sa: Saudi-Arabia, In: South India, Th: Thailand, Tu: Turkey, Ua: United Arab Emirates,T=Significant (p<0.05, McNemar test) difference between percentage obtained when using global dataset compared to country-specific information. B=Significant (p<0.05, McNemar test) difference between percentage obtained when using Belgian dataset compared to country-specific information. Compared to information used of the own country and the total dataset, information obtained from Belgium results for all countries in more correctly classified juveniles. These observations are less explicit for males compared to females. 104 Country-specific age predictions Figure 16: Percentage of correctly identified adults, based on country-specific information, information from Belgium and information from all countries pooled (global). Male upper panel, Female lower panel, Be: Belgium, Br: Brazil, Ch: China, It: Italy, Ja: Japan, Ko: Korea, Ma: Malaysia, Po: Poland, Sa: Saudi-Arabia, In: South India, Th: Thailand, Tu: Turkey, Ua: United Arab Emirates, T = Significant (p<0.05, McNemar test) difference between percentage obtained when using global dataset compared to country-specific information. B = Significant (p<0.05, McNemar test) difference between percentage obtained when using Belgian dataset compared to country-specific information. Compared to information used of the own country and the total dataset, information obtained from Belgium results for all countries in less correctly classified adults. These observations are less explicit for males compared to females. 105 Country-specific age predictions Liversidge et al.(2006) found, based on a meta-analysis of earlier published data from eight countries (Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, Finland, France, South Korea, Sweden) of information on the development of all left mandibular permanent teeth (except third molars), a lack of consistent Figure 17: Percentage of correctly classifiedsubjects, based on country-specific information, information from Belgium and information from all countries pooled (global). Male upper panel, Female lower panel, Be: Belgium, Br: Brazil, Ch: China, It: Italy, Ja: Japan, Ko: Korea, Ma: Malaysia, Po: Poland, Sa: Saudi-Arabia, In: South India, Th: Thailand, Tu: Turkey, Ua: United Arab Emirates. The percentage correctly classified subjects are for each gender and for the three different approaches overlapping considerably. 106 Country-specific age predictions population difference in the timing of dental formation. Braga et al. (2005) collected three geographically dispersed population samples (European, Asian, African) and compared their age predictions with a sample of French children (having at least one grandparent not originating from Europe). Their results indicate that non-adult age predictions on the dental mineralization sequences of the seven left mandibular permanent teeth do not guarantee better predictions than the geographically specific estimates. These results are completely in line with the findings in the current study. However, in studies comparing different populations based on third molar development, Liversidge (2008b), Harris (2007) and Blankenship et al. (2007) found significant evidence of earlier third molar development in black populations than in white populations. Martin de las Heras et al. (2008) reported slower third molar mineralization when comparing a Spanish with a Magrebian population, Olze et al. (2003) detected significant differences in the chronology of third molar mineralization between German and Japanese populations, and Kasper et al. (2009) concluded on the comparison of findings from an Hispanic population and the results of Mincer et al. (1993), from a Caucasian population that third molar development is more rapid in Hispanics. These differences in third molar development allow one to presume that using third molar development information from another country for the prediction of an individual’s age would result in estimations with much greater margins of errors. In the current study, each countryspecific validation yielded wide country-specific age prediction intervals due to the high degree of inherent human variability of third molar development within specific populations (Thevissen et al., 2010b,c),. Accordingly the additional error in age prediction made using information from another country was relatively small. The quantification of the differences in estimated age between countries was possibly affected by fluctuations in the sample size between the evaluated countries. This probably ignorable influence on the current results will have to be checked by means of additional data collection and sample resizing in the future. The population differences found by Liversidge (2008b) were described as the result of an earlier initiation and completion of third molar maturation in a Black South African population and suggest a shift in timing of initiation relative to that of the other investigated populations. Harris (2007) reported unequal temporal differences between all morphological stages among all of the races considered. Blankenship et al. (2007) detected in Blacks an earlier root development compared to Whites and described more complex variations between both groups in the final developmental stages. The analysis of Martin de las Heras et al. (2008) started with the stage of crown completion. Olze et al. (2004b) observed significant differences between Japanese and Germans in the stages between crown completion and root length equal to or greater than crown height. Based on 107 Country-specific age predictions these reports, one can conclude that population-related third molar maturation differences occur during each part of the maturation sequence. Therefore, in the present study, limiting the subjects to the 16-22 year age category and thus restricting the study to the late third molar developmental sequence did not interfere with the observation of related differences between the populations. Separate evaluation of the age performances for F and M subjects revealed gender-related outcome differences based on country-specific, Belgian and total reference information. No overall gender-specific trends were detected. Therefore, gender-specific models should be applied during age examination procedures in order to obtain scientifically correct and legally indisputable age predictions. Because the diagnostic value of the evaluated performances is related to living individuals with known sex, it was not relevant to our present concern to determine possible faults made by exchanging the gender in the present study. Furthermore, pooling F and M subjects to establish a reference when the sex of the examined individual is not known was, for the same reason, not investigated. Using information from Belgium resulted in less sensitivity in juvenile discrimination than did using country-specific information. Indeed age estimates based on the Belgium reference model are under estimated, which implies that fewer subjects older than 18 years (adults) were detected. Moreover, the specificity of juvenile discrimination is higher because more subjects younger than 18 years old were found in the under-estimated age outcomes obtained from the Belgium reference model. When discriminating juveniles from adults, in particular, the Belgium information provides an excellent judicial reference because its lower sensitivity and related higher specificity in juvenile discrimination results in a higher number of selected juveniles. Legally, this can be interpreted as a benefit of the doubt provided to the individual under examination. Therefore, Research Hypothesis 5 can be retained. In the absence of a country-specific reference model, the Belgian reference model is legally most suited for forensic dental age discrimination of unaccompanied minors. In general, using information from all the countries taken together revealed an accuracy in juvenile adult discrimination that corresponds to the observed country-specific proportions. Consequently, the model based on the reference sample combining all of the countries is the most accurate substitute for the country-specific reference model in sub-adult age discrimination. Thus, Research Hypothesis 6 can be accepted [Fig. 14a, b]. CONCLUSION Verification with 13 country-specific databases using information from Belgium or all of the countries pooled together changes the difference 108 Country-specific age predictions between observed and predicted age obtained on country-specific information only slightly. For the adult-juvenile discrimination, information from Belgium provides an overall better legal reference, and information from all the countries pooled provides similar results compared to the outcomes based on information from each specific country. As such, Research Hypotheses 5 and 6 were accepted. In the absence of a countryspecific reference model, the Belgium reference model provides the best benefit of the doubt during forensic dental age estimation examinations of unaccompanied young refugees. The reference model based on all the pooled countries replaces the country-specific reference model most accurately for sub-adults. 109 Chapter 8 Influence of tooth morphological age predictors on age estimation based on third molar development THIS CHAPTER IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING MANUSCRIPT. Human dental age estimation combining third molar(s) development and tooth morphological age predictors. Thevissen PW, Galiti D, Willems G Published in International Journal of Legal Medicine 2012 Nov;126(6):883-7 Oral presentation at the annual scientific meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Atlanta 2012 and at the Fünfzehnte Treffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forensische Altersdiagnostik (AGFAD). Berlin 15 03 2012 TESTING RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 7: In sub-adults, the accuracy of age estimations based on third molar development is improved by adding age-related information from tooth morphological age predictors 111 Third molar and tooth morphological predictors INTRODUCTION Dental age estimation in the sub-adult age group is based mainly on third molar development observed in panoramic radiographs [Table 1]. These radiographs provide morphological age-related dental information. In fact, all of the permanent teeth are mature in the period of late third molar development so that they have closed apices (Liversidge et al., 2010) and, by definition, secondary dentine formation has commenced (Benzer, 1948; Philippas and Applebaum 1966; Moore, 1970; Solheim, 1992a). The amount of secondary dentine apposition was observed, measured and quantified in both peri-apical (Kvaal et al., 1995; Sharma and Srivastava, 2010; KanchanTalreja et al., 2012) and panoramic radiographs (Bosmans et al., 2005; Paewinsky et al., 2005; Meinl et al., 2007; Landa et al., 2009; Erbudak et al., 2012). The quantifications were related to age and modelled for age estimation purposes by Kvaal et al. (Kvaal et al., 1995). These findings allow one to combine different dental variables observed on a particular diagnostic tool for age estimation. The aim of this study is to analyse in sub-adults the age predicting performances of adding tooth morphological measurements from permanent teeth to the developmental stages of third molars as evaluated on panoramic radiographic data. MATERIALS AND METHODS Digital panoramic radiographs from 450 different individuals were retrospectively collected from the dental clinic files of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. The individuals had Belgian nationality and were of Caucasian origin. For each gender, 25 radiographs were selected within each age category of one year in the range between 15 and 23 years. On each selected panoramic radiograph, at least one third molar was present, and the image quality allowed one to measure the length and width of the monoradicular teeth and their pulp chambers. The selected individuals had no medical history that could have influenced tooth development and no history of tooth extraction. The development of all the available third molars was classified and registered with the 10-point staging and scoring technique described by Köhler et al. (1994) (KO). The Kvaal et al. (1995) measuring technique was used for teeth on the left side. In particular, the upper central and lateral incisor and the second premolar as well as the lower lateral incisor, the canine, and the first premolar were considered. If, due to tooth positioning, tilting, or overlapping, insufficient tooth information was available, the corresponding tooth on the right side was measured. The lengths and widths of tooth and pulp were measured. Their ratios, mean ratios (L, W, MK), and difference of ratios (W-L) were calculated separately for each tooth for all 113 Third molar and tooth morphological predictors Figure 18: Measurements according the Kvaal technique performed in image improvement software. To obtain optimal measurements the panoramic radiographs were imported in Adobe Photoshop CS4®. The images were zoomed 300% and arbitrarily rotated to be parallel to the left (or right) working canvas side. Guides were dragged at the selected tooth points, and the measurements were made using the measurement tool snapped to the guides. The left panel illustrates the horizontal guides placed for the length measurements of tooth # 33: T = total tooth length, P = pulp length, R = root length. The right panel illustrates the vertical guides placed for the width measurements at the level of the cementum enamel junction of tooth # 33: A = root width, A’ = pulp width the upper, the lower, and all six teeth. The staging and measuring was performed in image enhancement software (Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Systems Incorporated, San Jose, CA, USA) [Fig. 18]. All the radiographs were staged and measured by one observer. After a month, 20 radiographs were randomly selected from the sample and re-evaluated by the same as well by as a second observer. Linear regression models with age as response and scored third molar developmental stages as explanatory variables were developed. To these models, MK and W-L the measurement ratios were added for the six teeth separately, the upper, the lower, and all six teeth together. From the models' determination coefficients (R2) and root mean squared errors (RMSE) were calculated. The R2 calculation indicates the predictive value of the set of explanatory variables: the higher the R2, the more variance in age is explained by these variables. Smaller RMSE’s denote minor differences between the predicted and the chronological age. The analyses were performed on the entire group and 114 Third molar and tooth morphological predictors separately for M and F. Pearson correlation between the four third molar stages showed strong relations [0.86-0.93]. This relation was strongest between the molars of the same arch. Therefore, multicollinearity problems in the regression models were reduced by using third molar stages of one side. For standardization, the left side was chosen. If a left third molar was missing, the score of the corresponding right third molar was used. All analyses were done using the SAS software, Version 9.2 of the SAS system for windows (SAS statistical software, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). RESULTS High intra- and inter-observer reliabilities were obtained for both the third molar staging (84% perfect agreement) as well as the tooth measurements (maximal difference 2%). For the combined F and M sample, the regression model, including only third molar stages provided an R2 of 60% and an RMSE of 1.63 years [Table 12]. Adding to this model, Kvaal ratios (MK, W-L) of one tooth, maximally increased R2 with 1% (Tooth #22, 61%) and maximally decreased RMSE with 0.02 years (Tooth #22, 1.61 years). Adding to the same model, Kvaal ratios of the upper or lower teeth increased R2 at most 1% (upper teeth together, 61%) and decreased RMSE at most 0.01 years (upper teeth together, 1.62 years). Added information of all six teeth together increased R2 by 1% (61%) and decreased RMSE by 0.02 years (1.61 years). Similar analyses performed on the M sample resulted in analogue Table 12: R² and RMSE calculated from the third molar regression model and the multiple regression models combining third molar information and information based on Kvaal et al. (1995) Regression model TM TM + 21 TM + 22 TM + 25 TM + 34 TM + 33 TM + 32 TM + U TM + L TM + U+L R² 0.60 0.60 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.60 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 M+F RMSE 1.63 1.64 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.62 1.62 R² 0.70 0.70 0.71 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 M RMSE 1.43 1.43 1.42 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 R² 0.52 0.53 0.56 0.56 0.54 0.54 0.56 0.57 0.56 0.58 F RMSE 1.78 1.78 1.71 1.72 1.76 1.76 1.73 1.69 1.72 1.68 TM: third molar; M: males; F: females; 21, 22, 25, 34, 33, 32, U, L, U+L: Kvaal ratios of too(ee)th 21, 22, 25, 34, 33, 32, 21+22+25, 34+33+32, 21+22+25+34+33+32 (FDI standard) respectively 115 Third molar and tooth morphological predictors increases of the R² and comparable decreases of the RMSE values [Table 12]. The largest added value of age predicting information was detected in the regression analyses performed on the F sample. In fact, adding the Kvaal’s ratios of all six teeth increased R² by 6% and decreased RMSE by 0.10 years [Table 12]. R² and RMSE values from the regression models, including only Kvaal’s ratios ranged between 0.1% and 29% and 2.21 years and 2.60 years, respectively [Table 13]. DISCUSSION In the present study, models combining third molar developmental information with morphological dental variables resulted in a maximal increase of explained variance in age of 6% and a maximal decrease of 0.1 year in RMSE compared to models based only on third molar(s) development. On average, the 9 studied models combining developmental and morphological variables disclosed ignorable and clinically insignificant differences compared with the corresponding third molar models. This finding reflects the poor dental age-related morphological information available in the studied age range. Indeed the explained variance in age detected in the models based on tooth morphology varied between 0.1 and 29% and the RMSE were between 2.21 and 2.60 years [Table 13]. The cause of these inferior age-related performances could be explained by the lack of ample amounts of secondary dentine formed in this age category. Indeed, Philippas et al. (1966) studied secondary dentine formation in 14 age groups Table 13: Determination coefficient (R²) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) calculated from the third molar development and the Kvaal et al. (1995) regression models. Regression model TM 21 22 25 34 33 32 U L U+L R² 0.60 0.03 0.06 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.11 0.09 0.13 M+F RMSE 1.63 2.57 2.53 2.47 2.54 2.53 2.56 2.46 2.50 2.44 R² 0.70 0.001 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.05 M RMSE 1.43 2.60 2.58 2.55 2.57 2.58 2.59 2.57 2.57 2.55 R² 0.52 0.09 0.15 0.19 0.13 0.16 0.14 0.25 0.24 0.29 F RMSE 1.78 2.50 2.40 2.36 2.45 2.41 2.43 2.26 2.29 2.21 TM: third molar model; M: males; F: females; 21, 22, 25, 34, 33, 32, U, L, U+L: Kvaal model containing calculated measures of too(ee)th 21, 22, 25, 34, 33, 32, 21+22+25, 34+ 33+ 32, 21+22+25+34+33+32 (FDI standard) respectively 116 Third molar and tooth morphological predictors of 5 year, starting at the age of 6 years, and concluded that with beginning of the 21 to 25 year group there was a gradual increase in the amount of irregular secondary dentine formation, attaining a pronounced increase in the 46 to 50 year group. Moreover the teeth considered by Philippas et al. (1966), were upper central incisors. From all developing permanent monoradicular teeth, incisors are maturing earliest and thus are advanced in secondary dentine formation. In the current study, beside incisors, canines and premolars were measured, implicating that within this group of combined tooth types the mean threshold of beginning gradual increase of secondary dentine formation has to be set at older ages (>21 to 25 year group). Furthermore, it has to be taken into consideration that in the Phillippas et al. (1966) study, secondary dentine formation was microscopically evaluated on sectioned teeth with magnifications up to 200 times. In the present study, this initial secondary dentine formation was measured on panoramic radiographs 3 times magnified in Adobe Photoshop CS4®, (Adobe Systems Incorporated, San Jose, CA, USA). Associated with the knowledge that on radiographs no distinction can be made between primary and secondary dentine, it has to be concluded that certainly on panoramic radiographs, initial secondary dentine formation is hardly or even not measurable when evaluating ratios of tooth lengths and root-pulp widths. The R² values reported in the Kvaal et al. (1995) study were outperforming (56%<R²<76%) compared to the obtained R² values evaluating the tooth morphological variables in the current study (0.1%<R²<29%) [Table 13]. The major difference in research set up between both studies concerns the age range and distribution of the investigated sample. The age range of the reference sample in the current study was restricted to young individuals (15-23 year). In the Kvaal et al. (1995) study adult individuals were sampled (20-87 year). Although in the present study, a bigger sample size with a more homogenous gender and age distribution was used, this couldn’t compensate for the poor variance in age explained by the considered tooth morphological variables. Meinl et al. (2007) reported similar poor age predicting performances when validating the Kvaal et al. (1995) method on a sample of individuals between 13 and 24 year. Further on the contrasting performance between the young and adult age groups, applying the Kvaal et al. (1995) method, was reported in the Paewinsky et al. (2005) study. The results were plotted as relation between pulp-root width ratios and age and fitted as well as linear, cubic as logistic functions. For each of the fitted curves the young individuals (between 14 and 20 year) could be considered as outliers. Hereby again a marked deviation from the performance of the adult part of the considered sample (between 20 and 81 year) was expressed. Erbudak et al. (2012) reported as the main disadvantage for the application of the Kvaal et al. (1995) method on panoramic radiographs that these images do not display the fine anatomic details available on periapical 117 Third molar and tooth morphological predictors radiographs. Landa et al. (2009) had to exclude measurements of all indicated upper teeth due to overlap and the lack of sharpness in their selected panoramic radiographs. It has to be denoted that the potency to perform the secondary dentin measurements on all tooth positions indicated in the Kvaal et al. (1995) method, indeed greatly depended on the image quality of the selected panoramic radiographs. But, the described differences in performance between the Kvaal et al. (1995) and the current study were not related to the better image quality found on periapical x-rays. Indeed, in the Bosmans et al. (2005) study panoramic radiographs were evaluated on an adult age group. It was concluded that no significant differences were detected comparing the results based on periapical versus panoramic radiographic data. Therefore, in the Bosmans et al. (2005) study the sampled reference data were selected on criteria requiring good quality panoramic radiographs with clear radiological image. It was not quantified how many panoramic radiographs had to be eliminated from sampling. In the current study, strict image quality selection criteria were used based on criteria allowing to perform optimal variable measurements on each indicated tooth. Therefore, on average, 80% of the archived radiographs had to be excluded. The use of the image ameliorating tools in Adobe Photoshop CS4®, didn’t allow to narrow the obtained exclusion result. Moreover, in the current study it was aimed to measure the teeth on the left side. Due to the altering image quality according to specific tooth positions, in almost every selected panoramic radiograph at least one contra lateral tooth was chosen to enable optimal variable measurements for that particular tooth position. In forensic practice, it is impermissible to apply a method only applicable on 20% of the population. The poor age predicting performance of the models based on morphological too(ee)th information indicate that in sub-adult individuals who are missing all four third molars, the use of Kvaal et al. (1995) measurements on all related permanent teeth is not a good alternative to perform (dental) age estimations. In these cases, specific dental age estimations can just be performed if other permanent teeth are still maturing. If all teeth are fully developed the only dental age prediction that can be reported is that the investigated individual is at least 16 years of age (Liversidge et al., 2010). CONCLUSION Due to the inherent image quality of panoramic radiographs, Kvaal‘s measurements could be obtained only on a restricted sample. Clinically, the gain in age prediction accuracy was negligible in view of the timeconsuming additional tooth morphological measurements for the staged third molar development. Forensic dental age estimations in the sub-adult group 118 Third molar and tooth morphological predictors should consider third molar development as the only reliable age predictor on panoramic radiographs. Thus, Research Hypothesis 7 cannot be accepted. 119 Chapter 9 Influence of skeletal age predictors on age estimation based on third molar development THIS CHAPTER IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING MANUSCRIPT. Human age estimation combining third molar and skeletal development. Thevissen PW, Kaur J, Willems G Published in International Journal of Legal Medicine 2012 Mar;126(2):285-92 Oral presentation at the annual scientific meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Chicago 2011 TESTING RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 8: In sub-adults, the accuracy of age estimations based on third molar development is improved by adding age-related information from cervical vertebrae maturation 121 Third molar and skeletal predictors INTRODUCTION To evaluate the chronological age of sub-adult individuals, dental age estimation methods regard primarily the radiologically observed maturation stages of developing third molars (Mincer et al., 1993). Compared to all the other developing teeth, the timing of third molar development shows the highest variability (Liversidge, 2008b). Consequently, age estimations based on third molar development have wide prediction intervals (Thevissen et al., 2010a). Therefore, worldwide, various forensic protocols for determining the age of unaccompanied young refugees combine dental and other age estimation methods (Garamendi et al., 2005; Solheim and Vonen, 2006; Nuzzolese and Di Vella, 2008; Schmeling et al., 2008; Santoro et al., 2009; Cunha et al., 2009; Lewis and Senn, 2010) [Fig.3, Chap. 1]. The objective of pooling age estimation methods is to report the obtained age results and to interpret them as a conclusive age outcome with narrow prediction intervals. For sub-adult age estimation purposes, small-scale research was performed on samples including living individuals with known chronological age about whom dental and other age predictors were compiled at the same time (Garamendi et al., 2005). As a result, the interpretations of pooled age estimation outcomes are not solidly based and result, to a certain extent, in investigator dependant conclusions. Forensic age estimation protocols can combine methods based on third molar development and socio-psychological maturity (Nelki and Bailey, 2010), physical appearance (Healy, 1992; Wright et al., 2002), secondary sexual development (Tanner, 1986), clinical dental observations (Solheim and Vonen, 2006), radiologically observed secondary dentine apposition (Kvaal et al., 1995; Star et al., 2011), visibility on panoramic radiographs of the root pulp and the periodontal ligament in third molars (Olze et al.,2010a), and skeletal variables. The last group includes mainly non-invasive methods based on the degree of ossification of hand-wrist bones (Greulich and Pyle, 1959; Tanner, 1975; Fishman, 1982; Leite et al., 1987; Tanner et al., 2001; Gilsanz and Ratib, 2005), the medial part of the collar bone (Schmeling et al., 2004; Schulz et al., 2005; Schulze et al., 2006; Schulz et al., 2008a,b; Quirmbach et al., 2009; Kellinghaus et al., 2010; Hillewig et al., 2011), and the costal cartilage of the first rib (Moskovitch et al.,2010; Garamendi et al., 2011). For orthodontic treatment planning, correlations between skeletal and dental development have frequently been investigated in an attempt to detect the maturity status of the examined patient (Demisch and Wartmann, 1956; Sierra, 1987; Lewis, 1991; Başaran et al.,2007; Cho and Hwang, 2009; Chen et al., 2010a; Perinetti et al., 2011; Różyło-Kalinowska et al., 2011). 123 Third molar and skeletal predictors Figure19: Figure 19:Different Differentskeletal skeletaldevelopment developmentregistration registrationtechniques techniquesused applied withon cephalometric radiographs The upper panels panels illustrate illustrate six 6 developmental developmental stages stages of cervical vertebrae: vertebrae. on At the left side as described by Baccetti et al. (2005) (BA) and evaluated on the cervical vertebrae C2,C3,C4. C2, C3, C4; At on thethe right right sideasasdescribed describedby bySeedat Seedat and and Forsberg Forsberg (2005) (SE) and evaluated on the cervical vertebra C3. The lower panels illustrate two measuring techniques: techniques. on At the the left, left the sidetechnique the technique described described by Caldas by Caldas et al. (2007, et al. (2007, (CAL) 2010) 2010) that (CAL) considers considers ratios ratio’s of the of the shown shown height height andand width width measures measures of the of the cervical cervical vertebrae vertebrae C3 C3 andand C4;C4. on At thethe right, rightthe side technique the technique described described by RaibyetRai al. et al. (2008) (2008) (RAI) (RAI) considers considers 3 length 3 length measurements: measurements: # 1 between #1 between Gonion Gonion (Go)(Go) and and Condylion Condylion (Co),(Co), # 2 #2 between between Condylion Condylion (Co) (Co)and andGnation Gnation(Gn), (Gn),##3 3 between Gnation (Gn) and Gonion (Go). (Go) On cephalometric radiographs, the developmental changes of cervical vertebrae were described to evaluate the degree of physiological maturity of a growing individual and to calculate cervical vertebral bone age. The development of the mandibular bone was registered and used as an age predictor. The development of the radiologically observed cervical vertebrae bodies was evaluated and registered using a staging and a measuring system. More specifically, Baccetti et al. (2005) (BA) classified the vertebral body growth of cervical vertebrae C2, C3 and C4 in six stages. Seedat et al. (2005) (SE) considered a 6-stage system on C3 discriminating the different stages as described by Hassel et al. (1995). Caldas et al. (2007, 2010) (CAL) registered ratios of length and height of the corpus of C3 and C4 to determine cervical vertebrae bone age using multiple regression analysis. Rai et al. (2008) (RAI) measured two mandibular lengths and a height on cephalometric radiographs and presented three related formulae to calculated age [Fig. 19]. 124 Third molar and skeletal predictors The aim of the present study is, first, to compare existing skeletal maturation evaluation methods developed on cephalometric radiographs (BA, SE, CAL, RAI) in order to determine the most accurate age predicting variable and its related registration system; second, to verify whether adding the detected most accurate age predicting skeletal variable to third molar development variables (obtained on panoramic radiographs) resulted in improved age estimations. The research hypothesis to evaluate was that, in sub-adults, the accuracy of age estimations based on third molar development is improved by adding age-related information from cervical vertebrae maturation. MATERIALS AND METHODS In an initial study, 496 cephalograms (283 M; 213 F) [Table 14] were collected to determine the most accurate age predicting variables and the related registration system among the published BA, SE, CAL, and RAI methods. All the radiographs were taken from individuals of Central Indian origin. Their chronological age on the day of x-ray exposure was calculated based on a valid birth certificate. None of these individuals presented congenital or acquired malformations affecting their dental or skeletal development. The cephalograms were taken in an analogous way using a Soredex unit (Soredex, Tuusula, Finland) and scanned digitally (HewlettPackard 8300,NY, USA). Care was taken that the individuals were positioned correctly during cephalographic radiography and that all the radiographs were of good image quality. The cephalograms were imported into Adobe Photoshop CS3 (Adobe Systems Incorporated, San Jose, CA) and scored or measured following the techniques described by BA, SE, CAL, and RAI. Scatter plots with a smoothed trend line were used to explore the shape of the relationship between age and the stages or measurements obtained, and found to be nonlinear. Regression models were derived with age as response and the stages or measurements as explanatory variables. From each model determination, coefficients (R²) and root mean square errors (RMSE) were analysed. R² indicates the proportion of the explained variability in the response variable, namely, age. Alternatively, RMSE denotes the magnitude of the error in age prediction. Interaction effects with gender and main gender effects were checked for all of the variables. The main study included 460 Caucasian individuals (234 F, 226 M) from whom an orthopantogram and a cephalogram were taken on the same day. The radiographs were retrospectively selected out of the dental clinics' files of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven that had been taken at intake for a dental check-up. None of the collected individuals presented congenital or acquired malformations affecting dental or skeletal development. The chronological age on the day of the x-ray exposures was calculated based on identity card records and ranged between 3 and 25 years old [Table 15]. The 125 Third molar and skeletal predictors Table 14: Age and gender distribution of individuals included in the studied samples Age 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 33 Total Initial sample M+F F M . . . 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 7 6 1 12 6 6 25 12 13 18 6 12 37 17 20 53 27 26 51 24 27 46 24 22 33 22 11 38 28 10 31 19 12 25 14 11 16 13 3 14 9 5 12 9 3 20 10 10 14 9 5 14 7 7 6 6 . 6 3 2 5 5 . 5 3 2 1 1 . 496 283 213 Main sample M+F F M 2 2 . 7 2 5 7 5 2 14 7 7 18 5 13 16 5 11 3 2 1 19 7 12 19 9 10 40 26 14 65 30 35 58 30 28 57 29 28 42 26 16 25 11 14 10 3 7 11 5 6 10 5 5 3 . 3 4 2 2 11 8 3 8 7 1 11 8 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 234 226 Additional sample M+F F M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 19 7 12 19 9 10 40 26 14 65 30 35 58 30 28 57 29 28 42 26 16 25 11 14 10 3 7 11 5 6 10 5 5 3 . 3 4 2 2 11 8 3 8 7 1 11 8 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 208 188 F: female, M: male, Age-3 includes subjects between 3.00 and 3.99 years old, etc. radiographs were taken digitally: the orthopanograms on a Cranex unit (Soredex, Tuusula, Finland) and the cephalograms on a Orthoceph OC100 unit (Instrumentarium Corp, Graven, Finland), both using phosphor plate technology (Siemens, Berlin, Germany). On the orthopantomograms, third molar development was evaluated using the ten point staging technique of Köhler et al., (1994) (KO). Pearson’s correlation coefficients between the developmental scores of different wisdom tooth positions were calculated and induced multicollinearity in the regression model. Because of the highly correlated left and right third molar scores, this problem was reduced using only stages of the left third molars. The development of third molars cannot be measured before the onset of the calcification of third molars or when third molars are absent. This missing 126 Third molar and skeletal predictors information may in itself contain some information about age. Therefore, four prediction models including this information were constructed based on the present third molars: first: upper and lower molar present, second: upper molar present, third: lower molar present; fourth: no third molars present. To apply the maximal available information, for each subject the predictions were used agreeing with the absence pattern of this subject. The cephalometric radiographs were scored following the most (BA) and second most (SE) accurate age predicting skeletal variables and related registration systems identified in the initial study. Interaction effects with gender and main gender effects were checked, first, for regression models with age as response and the third molar scores (KO) as explanatory variable. Second, the same models were fitted including additional information of respectively BA, SE and BA+SE. From each model, determination coefficients (R²) and root mean square errors (RMSE) were calculated and analysed. Because no third molar development was observed for any subject younger than 9 years old, in an additional study a sample that included all of the individuals of the main study older than 9 years of age were selected [Table 14]. All the analyses from the main study were repeated on this reduced sample. All analyses were performed using PROC GLM in SAS Version 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) RESULTS In the initial study, the age predicting variables and related registration system providing the most information on age was BA (58%), immediately followed by SE (55%). Combining these two techniques provided a gain of 5% of explained variability in age (63%). The two CAL ratios jointly explained 26% of the variability. All RAI measures clearly contained very little information on age, and their regression models explained at most3% of the variability in age. The calculated RMSE values ranged between 3.20 and 4.90 years placing the magnitude of the error in the age prediction of the age predicting variables and related registration systems in the same order of best performance as based on the detected R² values (BA>SE>CAL>RAI) [Table 15]. In the main study, a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.98 was determined between the left and the right third molars from both the upper and the lower jaw. Between the upper and lower third molars, this coefficient was 0.91 and 0.90 for the left and the right side, respectively. Inclusion of information from cephalograms based on the BA as well as the SE technique improved the amount of explained variance in age acquired from the panoramic radiographs using the KO technique by 48%. Inclusion of cephalometric BA+SE information marginally improved the previous 127 Third molar and skeletal predictors Table 15: Determination coefficient (R²) and root mean squared error (RMSE) from the regression models with age as response and the indicated explanatory variable(s) developed on the initial sample. R² Explanatory variable BA SE BA+SE CAL RAI(Go-Co) RAI(Gn-Co) RAI(Go-Gn) M+F F M RMSE M+F F M 0.58 0.55 0.63 0.26 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.61 0.59 0.66 0.30 0.12 0.05 0.04 3.20 3.29 3.01 4.23 4.85 4.88 4.90 0.55 0.50 0.60 0.20 0.01 0.01 0.01 3.33 3.43 3.13 4.36 4.99 4.98 4.99 3.00 3.10 2.84 4.11 4.43 4.60 4.61 M: male, F: female, BA: Baccetti et al. (2005), SE: Seedat and Forsberg (2005), CAL: Caldas et al. (2007, 2010), RAI: Rai et al. (2008), Go-Co: length from Gonion to Condylion, Gn-Co: length from Gnation to Condylion, Go-Gn: length from Gonion to Gnation result (+1%). The RMSE decreased by 1.93, 1.85 and 2.03 years of age adding, respectively, BA, SE and BA+SE information to the KO model [Table 16]. In the additional study, the magnitude of explained variance in age adding BA, SE and BA+SE information to the KO model was reduced to 19, 17 and 21%, respectively. The RMSE ranged for the models, including cephalometric information between 1.62 and 1.78 years [Table 17]. In all the study samples and for all variable(s) and related registration systems, age was better predicted for M than for F. DISCUSSION It should be recommended not to use the RAI technique for age estimations. The initial study revealed that measures from the RAI technique provide an extremely low maximal explained variability in age (3%), and high RMSE values (approximately 5 year). Moreover, Dibbets et al. (2002) and Cohen (2005) reported that the magnification inherent to the technique of radiographic projection should be taken into account when comparing linear dimensions on cephalometric data. The RAI technique is not allowing to correct for magnifications of data from different sources. In contrast, the CAL technique is overcoming this problem using ratios of linear dimensions obtained on the same radiograph. The best to age-related age predicting variable(s) and related registration system were the staging and corresponding scoring techniques of BA and SE. The measuring technique of CAL was remarkably less performing. Thevissen et al. (2011) ascertained that scorings of third molar stages 128 Third molar and skeletal predictors Table 16: Determination coefficient (R²) and root mean squared error (RMSE) obtained from the regression models with age as response and the indicated explanatory variable(s) developed on the main sample. R² KO KO+BA KO+SE KO+BA+SE M+F F M RMSE M+F F M 0.39 0.87 0.87 0.88 0.53 0.90 0.91 0.92 3.60 1.67 1.75 1.57 0.30 0.86 0.84 0.87 3.99 1.81 1.97 1.75 2.99 1.39 1.33 1.22 M: male, F: female, KO: Köhler et al. (1994), BA: Baccetti et al. (2005), SE: Seedat and Forsberg (2005) (categorical data) were best related to age and provided the most accurate age predictions compared to tooth measurements and ratio’s of tooth measurements from third and second molars (continuous data). They stated that measures and related ratios used to register molar development, incorporate the variance in tooth size between individuals. A similar explanation for the minor performance of the measured observations of skeletal development of cervical vertebrae is that these measurements (and their ratios) incorporated the human variability in corpus vertebrae size. The used staging techniques ignored corpus vertebrae size differences between individuals, delivering higher percentages of explained variability in age and smaller magnitudes of error in the age estimates. Caldas et al. (2010) reported that a computerized CAL technique was used in their study because it allowed skeletal age to be measured and calculated in an objective manner. Their decision was based upon the findings of Özer et al. (2006) indicating that in the Lamparski (1972) technique, which was modified into the SE technique (Seedat and Forsberg, 2005), the initial and final developmental stage was most accurate, because compared to the intermediate stages the borderline cases blended into each other. The current initial study denoted that, for age estimation purposes, the staging techniques were outperforming the measuring technique. In addition, no agreement exists on the reproducibility of cervical vertebrae staging techniques. On one hand, Gabriel et al. (2009) detected inter observer agreement levels below 50% and slightly better intra observer agreement, on the other hand Jaqueira et al. (2010) reported good inter observer agreement for the staging techniques of BA, SE and Hassel et al. (1995). Further on, Baccetti et al. (2005), San Romàn et al. (2002) and Chen et al. (2010b) observed that the concavity of the lower border of the vertebral bodies is more outspoken with increased maturity. This finding should be considered in an attempt to diminish the borderline cases. Moreover, during forensic age estimations on living individuals the advantage of the doubt has to be given to the examined individual. In most cases, this advantage has to be accorded to the youngest 129 Third molar and skeletal predictors Table 17: Determination coefficient (R²) and root mean squared error (RMSE) obtained from the regression models with age as response and the indicated explanatory variable(s) developed on the additional sample R² KO KO+BA KO+SE KO+BA+SE M+F F M RMSE M+F F M 0.59 0.78 0.76 0.80 0.62 0.81 0.79 0.85 2.29 1.69 1.78 1.62 0.60 0.79 0.74 0.80 2.47 1.80 1.99 1.76 1.97 1.41 1.33 1.25 M: male, F: female, KO: Köhler et al. (1994), BA: Baccetti et al. (2005), SE: Seedat and Forsberg (2005) age outcomes. Therefore, borderline cases detected during the staging of cervical vertebrae development have to be classified in the earliest of the questioned stages. Clinically, the SE technique allows a faster and easier registration of the degree of development of the cervical vertebrae compared with the BA technique. Both techniques classify the observed cephalometric radiographs into six stages, but against the more complex combined examination of three vertebrae (C2, C3, C4) considered in the BA technique, the SE technique simplifies the evaluations to the examination of one vertebral corpus (C3). Since statistically the performances of SE or BA, added to KO are likely in as well the main as the additional sample, based on clinical conveniences, SE is the technique of choice to classify the added cervical vertebrae development. Further on, optimal accuracies in age predictions are obtained using gender-specific regression models [Table 18]. In particular, for M all obtained RMSE values are reduced compared to the gender independent values. In a forensic context, the use of gender-specific models is no constrain because the sex of examined unaccompanied young asylum seekers is always known. The main study indicated that registrations of cervical vertebrae development added to stages of third molar development, improved drastically the age predictions. This improvement was largely ascribed to the fact that the main sample contained subjects with ages between 3 and 25 year, while no dental stages and related scores were available on any subject younger than 9 years. For these young subjects, the cervical vertebrae development was the only age-related information available apart from the fact that absence of third molar development, especially in this young age category is age-related. As expected, in the additional sample adding skeletal information (BA) to dental information (KO) for age prediction reduced the explained variability in age from 87% in the main sample to 78%. The explained variability for the model with only dental information (KO) increased from 39% in the main sample to 59% for the additional sample. 130 Third molar and skeletal predictors Table 18: Gender specific regression formulae for KO plus SE added, and SE fitted on the additional sample Present third molars Gender Regression formula Age=7,38+1,27UL-0,25UL²+0.02UL3+0.03LL+0,84SE ul+ll F Age=8,19+0,32UL-0,19UL²+0,02UL3+0,37LL+0,01SE M Age=8,35+1,17UL-0,23UL²+0,02UL3+0,84SE ul F Age=8,51+0,48UL-0,14UL²+0,02UL3+1,07SE M Age=7,63+1,40LL-0,31LL²+0,28LL3+0,92SE ll F Age=10,57+0,20LL-0,08LL²+0,01LL3+1,10SE M Age=9,27+1,96SE F Age=4,92+2,21SE M KO: Tooth score according to Köhler et al. (1994), SE: Cervical vertebrae score according to Seedat and Forsberg (2005), ul: Upper left, ll: Lower left, F: Female, M: Male, UL: Score upper left third molar, LL: Score lower left third molar Subtracting both previous results reduced the gain of explained variability in age from 48% in the main sample to 19% in the additional sample. Combining KO and BA techniques diminished in the additional sample the RMSE with 0.6 years compared to the KO technique alone. These findings indicate a considerable gain in accuracy of age prediction combining third molar and cervical vertebrae information. However, the period of vertebral development is not completely overlapping the span of third molar(s) development. The older the considered individual gets, the minor the extent of overlap is. This was reflected in a related decrease of the R² values and a gain in calculated RMSE. Indeed, the values obtained from the models (KO and KO+BA) based on all individuals from the main sample older than 14 years (n=250), and those older than 16 years (n=135) revealed a decrease in added R² for both groups to 3%, and the gain in RMSE was respectively 0.12 and 0.09 years. Further on, the latest BA stage with potential of cervical vertebrae development (BA, stage 5) ranged between 11.51 and 19.47 year while the last stage with potential third molar development (KO, stage 9) ranged between 17.27 and 25.7 years. Consequently, during the period of late third molar development no or a neglect able gain in accuracy of age prediction is obtained after adding cervical vertebrae information to third molar(s) information. In summary it should be recommended to take additional cephalometric radiographs when aging individuals with third molar development lower than KO stage 7 (root ¾ developed). As such, research hypothesis 8 could not be accepted and no age-related information from cervical vertebrae maturation was implemented in the triple test. The effective radiation dose needed for a cephalometric exposure varies between 2 and 3 micro sievert (µSv). In forensic age estimation investigations, additional skeletal age information is most frequently obtained from data observed on hand-wrist and chest radiographs with 131 Third molar and skeletal predictors respective effective radiation doses around 5 and 30 µSv (EC, 2004). The relative low cephalometric dose is usually less than one day of natural background radiation. This has to be considered as an advantage of the proposed age estimation technique, especially because the examined individuals are maturing children. Gabriel et al. (2010) analyzed facial proportions of developing juveniles for age estimation purposes. The authors will assemble frontal and lateral anthropometric data in age-related reference samples. Since cephalometric radiographs visualize soft-tissue contours, certain of the above mentioned lateral measurements can be obtained from these radiographs. These way cephalometric radiographs could be considered as a source of soft tissue and skeletal age-related information. In future research, the accuracy of age predictions adding these non skeletal lateral measurements to the dental and skeletal information described throughout the current study could be searched. The major problem in establishing the present research was to collect retrospectively individuals on which on the same day a panoramic and a cephalometric radiograph was taken. In future research, the present main sample will be extended to obtain a sample, including for both genders, individuals homogenously distributed in age categories of maximally one year, allowing for optimal statistical analysis (Smith, 1991; Bocquet-Appel and Masset, 1996; Gelbrich et al., 2010; Liversidge et al., 2010). Further on under the same inclusion conditions a validation sample will be collected to verify the established regression models. Age estimation methods based on tooth development for the age categories until 16 years consider all developing teeth except third molars and for age categories of young individuals above 16 years the developing third molars [Fig. 1, Chap. 1]. Since cervical vertebrae development is not equally overlapping both age categories, in future research the skeletal information will be added to dental information obtained using two techniques. For the age group below 16 years the Willems et al., (2010) technique will be applied on all lower left permanent teeth, and for the group above 16 year the third molar(s) development will be staged as described in the current study. CONCLUSION On cephalometric radiographs, the skeletal age predicting variables and related registration systems providing the most information on age were the BA and SE cervical vertebrae scoring systems. Because the SE technique provides clinically the easiest and fastest registration of the degree of development of the cervical vertebrae, it is the technique of choice to classify the added cervical vertebrae development. Adding the BA or the SE information to the third molar model developed on the basis of KO stages 132 Third molar and skeletal predictors improved the age predictions greatly in the period of early third molar development. Sub-adult dental age estimations are based on the late third molar development and consequently the research hypothesis cannot be accepted. 133 Chapter 10 General discussion and conclusion 135 General discussion and conclusion The principal and the most requested forensic application of dental age estimation is based on third molar development. It provides age assessments for the sub-adult group and allows the status as child or adult of young unaccompanied refugees to be determined. To report legally indisputable age estimation outcomes, the age estimation examinations need to be based on scientifically sound evidence. Therefore, the general aim of the current research was to provide a scientific basis for the optimisation of dental age estimates based on third molar development. Hence, multiple research hypotheses were evaluated and, on the basis of the results, the Triple Test established at the KULeuven was modified. The initial step in third molar development data collection concerns the registration of the third molar maturation available in a subject. Panoramic radiographs allow one to observe at a specific moment on one image and with a minimal radiation dose, the developmental status of all third molars. Testing Research Hypothesis 1, was determined if measuring the observed third molar dimensions provided better age prediction performances than does staging its morphological status in relation to an arbitrarily established ordinal developmental sequence. The measurements were less informative about age and added no age-related information once the stages of third molar development were used for age estimation. Different tooth development staging techniques were described that were based mainly on the number of steps the tooth maturation process was arbitrarily divided into. Therefore, with Research Hypothesis 2, the influence of the number of stages described in the third molar development registration techniques on their age prediction performances was evaluated. The age predictions were negligibly influenced by the number of stages described in the registration technique. As such, the choice of staging technique should depend on the availability of stages in the period of interest and should allow a precise distinction between them. Therefore, the 10-point staging technique according Gleiser et al. (1955) and modified by Köhler et al. (1994) was found most suitable for age predictions based on the late third molar development. Accordingly, it was used in the further research and in the Triple Test. In a classic approach, third molar development data collected from a reference sample is modelled using regression analysis. As such, the age of an individual can be predicted by examining the registered third molar development of one, or more, of the third molars present in the corresponding regression model. Therefore, the residuals in the regression model are assumed to be normally distributed around the regression line with a constant variance. In practice, the conditions for this assumption are often absent and, accordingly, the correctness of the quantified uncertainty of the age prediction is affected. Furthermore, the high correlation between the developmental third molar variables restricts the number of third molars 137 General discussion and conclusion integrated in the model due to multicollinearity. To include the frequent agenesis of third molars, different models covering the patterns of missing third molars need to be constructed. As such, the age predictions obtained with regression models based on third molar development depend on the choice of the regression formula. Aykroyd et al. (1997, 1999) have described a systematic bias in age estimation using regression analyses. Indeed, depending upon the degree of agreement between the stages and age, the estimated ages are too young for old individuals and too old for young individuals. The legal context of forensic investigations requires indisputable results. This is not obtained fully with regression analysis for age estimation because of the distribution of the residuals, multicollinearity and the improper integration of missing third molars. Moreover, in case of doubt, the benefit of the doubt has to be given to the applicant. The systematic bias detected in regression analyses used for age estimations leads to overestimating the age of young individuals. This effect is the opposite of the benefit of the doubt to the young. Therefore, in an attempt to reduce the limitations in age estimation using regression analyses, in the present research a Bayesian approach for age estimation based on third molar development was constructed. With this approach, no assumptions about the specific shape and variability in the age distribution conditional on the observed stages are assumed. The developed model allows, at the cost of higher computational complexity, one to incorporate all the age-related information of the four third molar positions. Indeed, specific to the tooth position, the developmental stage of the present third molars and evidence about the missing third molars were integrated. The probability distributions obtained from the model enabled to calculate point predictions and confidence intervals that provide an age estimate with a corresponding prediction interval. This model normalizes the total surface of the posterior distribution equal to 1, thus allowing one to discriminate the proportion of individuals younger or older than a set age threshold. The differences between the observed and predicted age, the precision in age estimation and the coverage of the prediction intervals were equal comparing the regression models with the Bayesian approach. Consequently, Research Hypothesis 3 had to be rejected. However, the Bayesian approach reduced the systematic bias present in the regression model. The age of juveniles was less overestimated, which means that subjects younger than 18 years old were more often classified correctly. As such, especially in a legal context, the Bayesian approach permits fewer disputable age estimation examinations than does regression analysis. In essence, the Bayesian approach administers a computerized table that provides age estimates for all possible combinations of developmental stages or tooth absence observed at the four third molar positions. In the literature, no age estimation tables combining all this third molar information have been published [Table 1, Chap.1]. For these reasons, in the present 138 General discussion and conclusion research, reference samples were modelled using the established Bayesian approach and applied for age estimation. In the Triple Test, if all the permanent teeth (except the third molars) are mature, tooth-position specific, the KO developmental stages and information of missing third molars are integrated in a Bayesian model constructed on a reference sample from Belgium with 1106 subjects [Table 12a, Chap. 7]. Further on, the probability of an applicant being older than 18 years of age is calculated with the same model based on the applicants’ third molar development status. Inherent to unaccompanied young refugees migrating throughout the world, forensic age estimations need to be performed on applicants from diverse geographic and biologic origin. Because dental age estimations in this age category depend on third molar development, it was set out to determine in a standardized way if there are country-specific differences in third molar development. Based on a quantification of the degree of third molar development in a pooled sample of 13 country-specific third molar datasets, it was determined that, indeed, there are differences in third molar development between countries. The differences in third molar development between countries were heterogenic, without clear patterns, and changed over age. Although some of the pairwise differences in third molar development between countries were statistically significant (p = 0.05), they were clinically small and negligible. In fact, the maximal difference in third molar development detected between 2 countries could be quantified as 14 months or as a succeeding pattern of four equal KO third molar scores. Research Hypothesis 4 was accepted and, for forensic applications, it had to be investigated what the consequences of the differences in third molar development between countries were on the corresponding age predictions. Therefore, the 13 collected country-specific samples were divided into a reference and a validation sample to establish country-specific Bayesian age estimation models and to verify and compare their performance on the respective country-specific, the Belgian, and the global validation datasets. It appeared that the model developed on the Belgian reference sample provided, in the juvenile-adult discriminations, a greater number of selected juveniles compared to the models constructed on the country-specific or the global reference samples. Therefore, Research Hypothesis 5 was accepted. This implies that, in the absence of a country-specific reference model, the Belgian reference model is legally the most suitable for forensic dental age discrimination of unaccompanied young refugees. Information from Belgium increased the MAD maximally 2.6 month compared to information provided from the country itself; using information from the global dataset reduced the maximally added error to 1.0 month. In the sub-adult group, age estimations made with the model constructed on the global reference dataset provide age estimates approaching the most the estimates based on the model constructed on the country-specific reference sample. As a result, Research Hypothesis 6 was accepted. In practice, with the Triple Test, an 139 General discussion and conclusion applicants’ age is estimated using the Bayesian model established on the country-specific reference sample corresponding to the applicants’ nationality. If the nationality of the examined individual is not included within the series of established country-specific reference models, the applicant’s age is estimated based on the global reference dataset. Accordingly, the possible added maximal error in age prediction of 1.0 month is reported. Regarding juvenile-adult discrimination, the applicant is evaluated on the country-specific model established with a reference sample in function of her or his nationality. If no corresponding model has been established, the discrimination is performed using the model established on the Belgium reference sample. As such, a maximal benefit of the doubt is provided for juvenile adult discrimination. Forensic age estimation methods provide wide prediction intervals. Therefore, specifically for forensic age estimations of unaccompanied young refugees, protocols combining age estimation methods based on various agerelated variables were established. Because age estimations based on third molar development require panoramic radiographic inspection, the current research evaluated if on these radiographs age-related dental morphological variables could be detected and used as an additional age predictor. For that reason on panoramic radiographs, the apposition of secondary dentine in the left permanent teeth was quantified using the Kvaal et al. (1995) method. Multiple regression models combining the registered third molar development and the morphologic permanent tooth information provided an ignorable and a clinically insignificant quantity of added age information compared to the corresponding third molar models. A poor amount of dental age-related morphologic information was available in the sub-adult age range. Research Hypothesis 7 was not accepted, and accordingly, no dental morphological age predictors were added to the Triple Test. In dental practice, in addition to panoramic radiographs, cephalometric radiographs are frequently used as a diagnostic tool, especially for orthodontic treatment. In the current research, the best to age-related skeletal variable detectable on cephalometric radiographs was searched. The development of the cervical vertebrae C2, C3 and C4 contained the most age-related information and was best registered with the technique described by Baccetti et al. (2005) and Seedat and Forsberg (2005). Further it was verified whether adding agerelated information of cervical vertebrae to third molar development information resulted in improved age estimations for the sub-adult group. The period of vertebral development does not completely overlap the span of third molar development and with increasing sub-adult age the extent of overlap diminishes. Consequently, during the period of late third molar development no or negligible gain in accuracy of age prediction was obtained, and Research Hypothesis 8 could not be accepted. As a practical consequence, no age-related variables based on cervical vertebrae maturation were added in the Triple Test. 140 General discussion and conclusion In an optimal approach, dental age estimations in sub-adults are based on the radiologically observed developmental status or the absence of each third molar. The information is registered with a staging technique. The collected reference information is modelled as dependent ordinal data in a multivariate Bayesian approach. It allows one to integrate in a legally indisputable manner all the age-related information from the four third molars. The Bayesian model provides, in addition to age estimates and corresponding prediction intervals, a more correct classification between adults and juveniles, especially for the latter. Despite the country-specific differences in third molar development, the clinical impact on age estimation is minimal. Based on on-going country-specific data collection, a quantification of the maximal difference in prediction error using non- county-specific reference information is established. Further on, the Belgian reference information classifies more juveniles compared to country-specific information. As such, in a forensic context, the benefit of the doubt for the examined individual is integrated using the Belgium data as the reference information. Ideally, age estimation protocols combining age estimation methods based on several age-related variables are based on reference information collected from the subject in whom the concerned variables are observed and registered at the same time. In sub-adults, tooth morphological age predictors based on secondary dentine formation observed in panoramic radiographs and skeletal age predictors based on cervical vertebrae development observed in cephalometric radiographs add no extra age-related information to third molar development. Diverse aspects of the current research are subject for future research. An ongoing collection of country-specific third molar data-sets enables a continuous validation of the obtained age predictions and juvenileadult discriminations between countries. In the time frame of the current research, it was impossible to collect a country-specific sample from a (black) colored population. Its integration in the already collected data would create a reference covering the major ethnic groups. An ethical issue related to age estimations in the living, concerns the application of ionizing imaging techniques for non medical diagnostic purposes (Thevissen et al., 2012). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-ionizing medical imaging technique, and its applicability on dental structures has to be investigated. In particular, it should be explored if the related MRI image quality allows to register tooth development according to the most suitable staging technique (KO). 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Hum Biol , 83(6):695-713. Zeng, D., Wu, Z., & Cui, M. (2010). Chronological age estimation of third molar mineralization of Han in southern China. Int J Legal Med. , 24(2):119-23. 158 Summary Increasing global human migration, raises management concerns in the countries where immigrants seek shelter. A special protective status must be given to immigrating unaccompanied children. Therefore, most national laws enforce specialized medical investigations to get proof of the age of unaccompanied youngsters with no, or lacking official identification documents and claiming to be minors. Dental age estimation in this particular age group relies on the only dental age predictor(s) available, namely the developing third molar(s). Hence, scientific correct dental age estimations in sub-adults, especially when originating from distant countries and diverse biological origin are requested. The general research aim was to optimize dental age estimation based on third molar development. Panoramic radiographs were retrospectively and cross-sectional sampled to collect data registering third molar development. For that registration, two techniques were described. The sequence of third molar development was divided in succeeding stages, and the observed third molar development was classified in the corresponding stage. Otherwise, the dimensions of third molars increase during its maturation and measures of the observed third molar sizes were registered. In the current thesis, both registration techniques were compared. Third molar stages (categorical data) were best related to age and provided the most accurate age predictions compared to all collected tooth measurements and ratios of tooth measurements (continuous data). Combining the scored third molar stages with tooth measurements or ratios did not contribute to a clinical relevant information gain for age prediction. Multiple tooth development staging techniques were reported, based on the described and considered borderlines between succeeding stages the quantity of stages covering the third molar development process differs between techniques. Therefore, it was studied if the number of stages used in a staging technique is influencing the age prediction performances. The number of stages utilized in the third molar registration technique slightly influenced the age predictions. The choice of third molar development registration technique has to depend on its stages described for the developmental period of interest and should not compromise the feasibility of correctly registering all these stages. The classical approach for age estimation uses regression analysis to model the collected reference data. Drawbacks of this technique concern the age distribution of the residuals, the high correlation between the independent variables, often observed missing values of the independent variables, and a systematic bias in the age predictions. Therefore, a Bayesian approach of age estimation on third molar development was established in 159 Summary the current study. The age prediction performances of both approaches were compared. Both models provided similar accuracy, precision and coverage in age estimation outcome. The Bayesian approach reduced the bias that is typically present in the regression models. The age of juveniles was less overestimated, yielding a better discrimination between subjects older or younger than 18 years. Moreover, the Bayesian model integrated all available third molar information. Sub-adult age estimations are mostly requested to discriminate a child from an adult during migration and asylum procedures. Due to the migration aspect, frequently the age of an applicant with a particular geographical and biologic origin was estimated using methods or models developed on a reference sample, including subjects with unlike origin. It was investigated whether differences in third molar development between populations with different geographic and biological origin exist. Therefore, third molar development was analysed and compared on 13 country-specific samples using a factor analysis. Differences in third molar development between countries exist, but they were not constant over age and varied in an unordered way. Because the magnitude of the differences turned out to be small there was no evidence for important differences in third molar development between the countries. Age estimation models developed on a particular country-specific reference sample were validated on their age prediction performances using a validation sample from a different geographic and biological origin as the reference sample. Validated on 13 country-specific databases using information from Belgium, or all countries pooled together changes the difference between observed and predicted age obtained on country-specific information only slightly. For the adult-juvenile discrimination, the Belgium reference model provided a maximal advantage of the doubt to investigated unaccompanied minor fugitives. The reference model based on all pooled countries, substituted the country-specific reference model most accurately in sub-adults. The age prediction performances of age estimation models constructed on a single age-related variable are possibly ameliorated, adding age-related information of one or more variables present in the considered period of life. Therefore, reference samples registering at a specific moment third molar development, as well as tooth morphological or skeletal agerelated variables, were collected, modelled and validated. Due to the inherent image quality of panoramic radiographs tooth morphological measurements based on secondary dentine apposition, could only be achieved on a restricted sample. Clinically the gain in age prediction accuracy was negligible when adding the time consuming additional tooth morphological measurements to the staged third molar development. On cephalometric radiographs the skeletal age predicting variable(s) and related registration systems providing the most information on age were cervical vertebrae 160 Summary scoring systems. Combining the information from cervical vertebrae and third molars improved the age predictions drastically in the period of early third molar development. In sub-adults no, or a negligible, gain in accuracy of age prediction was obtained. In an optimal approach, dental age estimations in sub-adults are based on the radiologically observed developmental status or the absence, of each third molar. The observed information is registered according to a staging technique. The collected reference information is modeled as dependent ordinal data in a multivariate Bayesian approach. Despite detected country-specific differences in third molar development, the clinical impact on age estimation is minimal. Based on an ongoing country-specific data collection, a quantification of the maximal difference in prediction error using not county-specific reference information is established. Further on, the Belgium reference information classifies more juveniles compared to country-specific information and is recommended in lack of a country-specific reference model for age estimations of young unaccompanied fugitives. 161 Samenvatting Wereldwijd is er een toenemende migratie van mensen. Dit veroorzaakt beheerproblemen in de landen waar migranten onderkomen zoeken. In het bijzonder moet elk land een specifieke beschermende status toekennen aan immigrerende, niet begeleide kinderen. Daartoe voorzien de meeste nationale rechtspraken in medische testen om leeftijd te bepalen. Die kunnen worden uitgevoerd wanneer niet begeleide minderjarige jongelingen, geen of ontbrekende officiële identificatie documenten kunnen voorleggen en beweren minderjarig te zijn. Dentale leeftijdsschattingen zijn gebaseerd op de enig aanwezige dentale leeftijdsschatter die in deze leeftijdsgroep voorkomt, namelijk de zich ontwikkelende derde molaar. Deze leeftijdsschattingen moeten wettelijk ontegensprekelijk zijn en dienen daarom gebaseerd te zijn op wetenschappelijke kennis. Deze kennis is voornamelijk vereist omdat de onderzochte personen afkomstig zijn uit diverse landen en een verschillende biologische herkomst hebben. Daarom omvat het algemeen onderzoeksdoel van deze thesis de optimalisatie van leeftijdsschattingen gebaseerd op de ontwikkeling van derde molaren. Panoramische röntgenopnames werden retrospectief en ad random geselecteerd en gegroepeerd om data die de derde molaarontwikkeling registreren te kunnen verzamelen. Deze registratie werd beschreven in twee technieken. Enerzijds werd het ontwikkelingstraject van de derde molaar opgedeeld in opeenvolgende stadia en de waargenomen ontwikkeling werd geclassificeerd in een overeenstemmend stadium. Anderzijds, nemen de dimensies van de derde molaar toe tijdens zijn ontwikkeling en de geobserveerde afmetingen kunnen worden gemeten en geregistreerd. In deze studie werden beide registratietechnieken met elkaar vergeleken. Derde molaar stadia (categorische data) werden best gerelateerd met leeftijd en verstrekten de meest accurate leeftijdsvoorspellingen vergeleken met alle tandmetingen en hun verhoudingen (continue data). Een gecombineerd gebruik van gescoorde derde molaar stadia en tandafmetingen (of hun verhoudingen) resulteerden niet in een klinisch relevante verbetering van de leeftijdsvoorspelling. Meerdere technieken ontwikkeld op de tandontwikkelingsstadia werden beschreven, gebaseerd op het aantal stadia en het aantal vastgelegde grenzen tussen opeenvolgende stadia. Daarom werd onderzocht wat de invloed van het aantal stadia in een techniek was op de leeftijdsschatting. Het aantal stadia gebruikt in een bepaalde techniek beïnvloedt slechts gering de leeftijdsvoorspelling. De keuze van gebruikte registratie techniek dient af te hangen van het aantal stadia voorzien in de betrokken leeftijdszone en moet toelaten om elk geobserveerd stadium correct te classificeren. 163 Samenvatting In een klassieke aanpak wordt door toepassing van regressie analyses een leeftijdsbepaling model geconstrueerd op verzamelde referentie data. Dit model heeft echter beperkingen. Die zijn het gevolg van de verdeling van de restwaarden, de hoge correlatie tussen de onafhankelijke variabelen, de vaak voorkomende afwezigheid van deze variabelen en een systematische vertekening van de leeftijdsvoorspellingen. Daarom werd in deze studie een Bayesiaans model voor leeftijdsbepaling, gebaseerd op de derde molaarontwikkeling, ontworpen. De leeftijdschattingsprestaties van beide modellen werden vergeleken. Elk model leverde een gelijke accuraatheid, precisie en “coverage” in leeftijdsschatting. Het Bayesiaanse model verminderde de systematische vertekening die regressie-analyse typeert. Bovendien werd hiermee de leeftijd van jonge individuen minder overschat, en zorgde het voor een beter onderscheid tussen individuen jonger of ouder dan 18 jaar. Bovendien kon in het Bayesiaans model de leeftijdsinformatie van alle derde molaren worden geïntegreerd. Eigen aan migratie dient dikwijls de leeftijd van een individu met een specifieke geografische of biologische oorsprong te worden geschat op basis van een referentie methode of -model ontwikkeld op een steekproef met individuen van andere origine. Daarom werd onderzocht of er onderscheid in derde molaarontwikkeling bestaat tussen populaties met verschillende oorsprong. Hiertoe werd met behulp van een factor analyse, de derde molaarontwikkeling geanalyseerd en vergeleken tussen 13 landspecifieke steekproeven. Er werden verschillen in derde molaarontwikkeling tussen deze groepen vastgesteld, maar deze waren niet constant in functie van leeftijd en varieerden op een ongeordende wijze. De grootte van deze verschillen was gering. Een leeftijdsschattingsmodel geconstrueerd op een bepaalde landspecifieke referentie steekproef kan worden gevalideerd op leeftijdschatting met behulp van een land-specifieke validatie steekproef. Een validatie van 13 land-specifieke modellen met behulp van een Belgische validatie steekproef en een validatie steekproef die de 13 landen groepeert, veranderde nauwelijks het verschil tussen geschatte en chronologische leeftijd verkregen bij een land-eigen validatie. Tijdens de kind-volwassen classificatie van niet begeleide jonge vluchtelingen gaf de Belgische referentie steekproef een maximaal voordeel van de twijfel. Het referentie model gebaseerd op de 13 landen gegroepeerd, verving bij jong volwassenen het meest accuraat het land specifieke referentie model. Leeftijdsvoorspellingen verkregen met leeftijdsbepaling modellen gebaseerd op één leeftijdsgerelateerde veranderlijke, worden mogelijks accurater wanneer één of meer leeftijdsgerelateerde veranderlijken, die aanwezig zijn in dezelfde leeftijdsgroep, aan het model worden toegevoegd. Daarom werden referentie steekproeven waarin op een bepaald moment zowel derde molaarontwikkeling als leeftijdsgebonden tandmorfologische veranderlijken en derde molaarontwikkeling en skeletale leeftijdsgebonden 164 Samenvatting veranderlijken aanwezig waren, verzameld, gemodelleerd en gevalideerd. Bij jongvolwassenen was de winst in accuraatheid van leeftijdsvoorspelling verwaarloosbaar door toevoeging van tandmorfologische variabelen gebaseerd op de afzetting van secondair dentine. De toegevoegde skeletale variabelen gebaseerd op de ontwikkeling van de halswervellichamen zorgden voor een toegevoegde waarde bij kinderen maar niet bij jongvolwassenen. In een optimale benadering worden dentale leeftijdsbepalingen bij jongvolwassenen verricht aan de hand van het radiografisch geobserveerde ontwikkelingstadium, of de afwezigheid, van elke derde molaar. De waarnemingen worden geregistreerd door middel van een stadium techniek. De verzamelde referentie informatie wordt als afhankelijke ordinale data gemodelleerd in een Bayesiaanse aanpak. Ondanks de vaststelling dat verschillen in derde molaarontwikkeling bestaan tussen land-specifieke populaties, is de klinische impact op de leeftijdsvoorspellingen minimaal. Gebaseerd op een land-specifieke data verzameling is de grootte van het maximale verschil in leeftijdsschatting gebruikmakend van niet landspecifieke informatie bepaald. De Belgische referentie informatie classificeert meer jongeren correct vergeleken met land-specifieke informatie. Daarom is het aanbevolen om, bij gebrek aan land-specifieke informatie, tijdens leeftijdsschattingen bij jonge niet begeleide vluchtelingen de Belgische referentie informatie te gebruiken. 165 Curriculum vitae Personal data Last Name Given Names Address Date of birth Place of birth Email Thevissen Patrick, Werner, Cyrille Dendermondsesteenweg 483 9040 Gent (Belgium) 04 06 1956 Gent Diplomas 1974 1980 2005 High School, Koninklijk Atheneum Gent West Dentist (DDS), Rijksuniversiteit te Gent Master after master Forensic Odontology (MSc), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Oral presentations 2006 2006 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 AAFS annual meeting, Seattle (USA), RFID tags: working principle IOFOS meeting, Leuven (Belgium), RFID tags: physical properties. AAFS annual meeting, Denver (USA), Pulp/ tooth volume ratio’s on CBCT images of mono radicular teeth AAFS annual meeting Denver (USA), Portable X-ray units AAFS annual meeting Denver (USA), Bite mark case report AAFS annual meeting Denver (USA), Computerized facial reconstruction Rettsodontologi mote, Oslo (Norway), Age estimation of young asylum seekers in Belgium KBGGG meeting, Brussels (Belgium), Bite mark evidence recognition and its registration protocols: An awareness for all involving (child) abuse investigations. MAFS meeting, Antalya (Turkey), Forensic odontological disciplines highlighted AAFS meeting, Seattle (USA), Third molar development: differences between 9 country specific populations AAFS meeting, Seattle (USA), Measurements of third and preceding second molar related to age. Talking Points, Brussels (Belgium), Forensic odontological tasks: A constant awareness for each dental practitioner IOFOS meeting, Leuven (Belgium), Age estimation on third molars development: Comparison of country specific data International workshop on methods for age estimation in teenagers and young adult, Oslo (Norway), Age estimation: comparison of country specifics AAFS annual meeting, Chicago (USA), Effects of combining radiological third molar and cervical vertebrae development on human age estimation 167 Curriculum vitae 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 AAFS annual meeting, Chicago (USA), Third Molar Development: Comparison of Nine Tooth Development Scoring and Measuring Techniques Vierzehnte treffen der (AGFAD), Berlin (Germany), Dental age estimation based on third molars development: a Baeysian approach 19th World IAFS Meeting, 9th WPMO Triennial Meeting, 5th MAFS Meeting, Funchal, (Madeira), Quality assurance in age estimation Giornate di Odontologia Forense, Florence (Italy. Dental age estimation based on dental development Meeting regarding Transition Analysis, Copenhagen (Denmark). Age Estimation Unaccompanied Young Asylum Seekers: Triple test. Forensische Krans, Department forensic medicine KU.Leuven (Belgium), Bite mark evidence, recognition and registration protocols: An awareness for all potentially involved AAFS annual meeting, Atlanta (USA), Protocol for a systematic review of human dental age estimation studies. AAFS annual meeting, Atlanta (USA), Dental age estimation combining developmental and morphological age predictors Fünf Zehntel treffen der AGFAD, Berlin (Germany), Dental age estimation combining developmental and morphological age predictors IOFOS meeting, Leuven (Belgium). Ethics in age estimation of unaccompanied asylum seeking children Wetenschappelijke dag NMT, Antwerpen (Belgium). On the border between forensic odontology and general dentistry AAFS annual meeting, Washington (USA), Human third molars development: Comparison of 13 country specific populations. Moderator Congress section 2009 2010 2012 AAFS annual scientific meeting, Denver (USA) IOFOS meeting, Leuven (Belgium) IOFOS meeting, Leuven (Belgium) Lecturer workshop 2006 2009 2009 2010 2010 2013 Dental age estimation workshop, IOFOS meeting, Leuven (Belgium). Identification workshop, KU Leuven (Belgium) Dental age estimation workshop, MAFS meeting, Antalya (Turkey). Dental age estimation workshop, Adult part. AAFS annual meeting, Seattle (USA) Dental age estimation workshop, IOFOS meeting, Leuven (Belgium) Dental age estimation workshop, IOFOS meeting, Florence (Italy) Associate consensus workshop 2010 2010 168 International workshop on methods for age estimation in teenagers and young adults, Oslo, (Norway) Unaccompanied Minors: children crossing the external borders of Curriculum vitae 2010 2012 the EU in search of protection, Brussel (Belgium) Seminarie leeftijdsbepalingen onbegeleide jonge asielzoekers. FOD Justitie Directoraat-generaal Wetgeving, Fundamentele Rechten en Vrijheden Dienst Voogdij, Brussel (Belgium) Seminar Belgian group “Children on the run”, Brussel (Belgium) Associate Congress organizing committee 2006 2007 2010 2013 IOFOS Leuven AFIO Gent IOFOS Leuven IOFOS Florence 2006 Thevissen PW, Poelman G, De Cooman M, Puers R, Willems G. Implantation of an RFID-tag into human molars to reduce hard forensic identification labor. Part I: working principle. Forensic Sci Int. 2006, 159 Suppl 1:S33-9. Thevissen PW, Poelman G, De Cooman M, Puers R, Willems G. Implantation of an RFID-tag into human molars to reduce hard forensic identification labor. Part 2: physical properties. Forensic Sci Int. 2006, 159 Suppl 1:S40-6. Thevissen PW, Willems G. Nieuwigheden in de forensische tandheelkunde. Het Tandheelkundig Jaar 2009, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, Houten. Thevissen PW, Pittayapat P, Fieuws S, Willems G. Estimating age of majority on third molars developmental stages in young adults from Thailand using a modified scoring technique. J Forensic Sci, 2009, 54(2):428-32 Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Willems G. Human dental age estimation using third molar developmental stages: does a Bayesian approach outperform regression models to discriminate between juveniles and adults? Int J Legal Med. 2009, 124:35-42. Pittayapat P, Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Jacobs R, Willems G. Forensic oral imaging quality of hand-held dental X-ray devices: comparison of two image receptors and two devices. Forensic Sci Int. 2010, 194(1-3):20-7. Thevissen PW, Alqerban A, Asaumi J, Kahveci F, Kaur J, Kim YK, Pittayapat P, Van Vlierberghe M, Zhang Y, Fieuws S, Willems G. Human dental age estimation using third molar developmental stages: Accuracy of age predictions not using country specific information Forensic Sci Int. 2010, 201(1-3):106-11. Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Willems G. Human third molars development: Comparison of 9 country specific populations. Forensic Sci Int. 2010, 201(1-3):102-5. Willems G, Thevissen PW, Belmans A, LiversidgeHM, Willems II. Non-gender-specific dental maturity scores. Forensic Sci Int. 2010,201(1-3):84-5. Van Vlierberghe M, Bołtacz-Rzepkowska E, Van Langenhove L, Łaszkiewicz J, Wyns B, Devlaminck D, Thevissen PW, Boullart L, Publications 2006 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 169 Curriculum vitae 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 170 Willems G. Dental age estimation on third molars in polish youngsters. Forensic Sci Int. 2010, 201(1-3):86-94. Pittayapat P, Oliveira-Santos C, Thevissen PW, Michielsen K, Bergans N, Willems G, Debruyckere D, Jacobs R.. Image quality assessment and medical physics evaluation of different portable dental X-ray units. Forensic Sci Int. 2010, 201(1-3):112-7. Star H, Thevissen PW, Jacobs R, Fieuws S, Solheim T, Willems G. Human dental age estimation by calculation of pulp-tooth volume ratios yielded on clinically acquired cone beam computed tomography images of monoradicular teeth. J Forensic Sci. 2011, 56 Suppl 1:S77-82 Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Willems G. Third molar development: measurements versus scores as age predictor. Arch Oral Biol. 2011, 56(10):1035-40. Thevissen PW, Kaur J, Willems G. Human age estimation combining third molar(s) and skeletal development Int J Legal Med. 2012;126(2):285-92 Thevissen PW, Galiti D, Willems G. Human dental age estimation combining third molar(s) development and tooth morphological age predictors Int J Legal Med. 2012, 126(6):883-7. Franco do Rosário Junior A, Couto Souza P, Coudyzer W, Thevissen PW, Willems G, Jacobs R. Virtual autopsy in forensic sciences and its applications in the forensic odontology. Rev Odonto Cienc 2012;27(1):5-9 Franco A, Thevissen PW, Coudyzer W, Develter W, Van de voorde W, Oyen R, Vandermeulen D, Jacobs R, Willems G. Feasibility and validation of virtual autopsy for dental identification using the Interpol dental codes. JFLM 2012, in Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 10 October 2012 Thevissen P.W., Kvaal S.I., Dierickx K., Willems G. Ethics in age estimation of unaccompanied minors. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2012, 30 Suppl 1:84-102. Ramanan N, Thevissen P, Fleuws S, Willems G. Dental Age Estimation in Japanese Individuals Combining Permanent Teeth and Third molars. J Forensic Odontostomatol. 2012, 2(30):34-8. Thevissen PW, Willems G. De Triple Test: Het KU Leuven protocol voor leeftijd schattingen op niet begeleide minderjarige vluchtelingen. Het Tandheelkundig Jaar 2013. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. Houten Franco A, Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Couto Souzac P, Willems G. Applicability of Willems model for dental age estimations in Brazilian children. Accepted for publication Forensic Sci Int. 2013, Ref.: Ms. No. FSID-12-00959R1 Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Willems G. Curriculum vitae 2013 2014 Third molar development: Evaluation of nine tooth development registration techniques for age estimations. J Forensic Sci. 2013, Feb.13 Yusof MY, Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Willems G. Dental age estimation in Malay children based on all permanent teeth types. Int J Legal Med. 2013 Jan 31. Epub ahead of print Altalie S, Thevissen PW, Fieuws S, Willems G. Optimal Dental Age Estimation Practice in United Arab Emirates’Children. Accepted for publication JFS 03/2014 ref # JOFS-12-693 AAFS: American Academy of Forensic Sciences, IOFOS: International Organisation for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology, KBGGG: Koninklijke Belgisch Genootschap voor Gerechtelijke Geneeskunde, MAFS: Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences, AGFAD: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forensische Altersdiagnostik, IAFS: International Association of Forensic Sciences, WPMO: Association of World Police Medical Officers in Clinical Forensic Medicine, NMT: Nederlandse Maatschappij tot bevordering der Tandheelkunde 171 Appendix A BAYESIAN APPROACH. A multivariate ordinal regression model to obtain the likelihoods f (x i1,..., x i4 | age i ) : Formally, let xij denote the j-th third molar, j = 1,…,4, for subject i, with K possible values, then P( xij k ) (C) log 0 k 1kU ij h(agei ) bi , 1 P ( x k ) ij Where 0 k are the K-1 intercept terms used to model the marginal frequencies in the K ordered categories of the stage. The left-hand side of the equation represents various logits, i.e., natural logarithms of a specific odds (the odds of observing a stage lower than a specific value k). Observe that if a developmental stage would only have two different values (say 1 and 2), the left-hand side would pertain to a single logit, which yields a binary regression model. A binary indicator U is valued 1 if the third molar is located in the upper jaw and 0 elsewhere. The α1k quantify the difference in stage between upper and lower jaw. The subscript k indicates in the latter that the effect of jaw is allowed to be non-constant over the intercepts, which implies that a proportional odds assumption is not made for this effect. A flexible function h (.) is used to relate age to the logit scale, more specifically, restricted cubic splines have been used (Harrell, 2001). The key idea is to allow non-linearity (on the logit scale) in a flexible way without over fitting the data. Finally, the bi denote the random subject effect, assumed to be normal distributed. By including this term in (C), each subject i is allowed to have its own stage level (on logit scale), thereby accounting for the correlation between the four repeated stage measures. The resulting model is a generalized linear mixed model, where the term mixed refers to the simultaneous presence of fixed effects (i.e., age and jaw) and a random effect (the bi). See, for example, Molenberghs and Verbeke (2005). Due to the low incidence of stages less than or equal to 5, those stages are combined into one category. Moreover, no distinction is made between the locations (left/right) of a stage. As such, a stage pattern ‘8 8 6 7’ pertains to two stages equal to 8 in the upper jaw and one stage 6 (left or right) and one stage 7 (left or right) in the lower jaw. The generalized linear mixed model is fitted with the procedure PROC NLMIXED in the SAS 9.1 statistical package (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA), using adaptive Gaussian quadrature. Once model (C) is fitted on the data, the likelihood f (x i1,..., x i4 | age i ) 173 Appendix A can be calculated for all possible patterns (xi1,…,xi4) given a specific age. This has been done in steps of 0.1 years, hence the integral in the denominator of (B, Chap. 5) is replaced by a sum over age intervals of 0.1 years, and the posterior distribution in (B, Chap. 5) will also have steps of 0.1 years as support points. For the prior distribution, a uniform distribution has been used, which implies that each age-category within the considered range (16-22 years old for the comparison of the approaches) is given the same prior probability. 174 175