2/C MIDSHIPMAN QUALIFICATION STANDARDS Purpose of MQS: To establish learning objectives for the Midshipmen Training Program (MTP) and the standards of testable material for Pro-Quizzes, Pro-Exams, Professional Competency Boards (PCB), and the Professional Competency Assessments (PCA). Signature Authorities: These are identified for each learning objective and are either a SME or a Midshipman within the chain of command. By signing off a learning objective, the signature authority is affirming that the Midshipman receiving the signature has demonstrated the requisite knowledge. ● Chain of Command (CoC) ○ 4/C Midshipmen shall receive signatures from 3/2/1/C Midshipmen in their CoC. ○ 3/C Midshipmen shall receive signatures from 2/1/C Midshipmen in their CoC. ○ 2/C Midshipmen shall receive signatures from 1/C Midshipmen in their CoC. ○ 1/C Midshipmen (MIRS) shall receive signatures from their Squad Leaders. ○ Squad leaders shall receive signatures from their Platoon Commander. ○ Platoon Commanders, the Training Officer, and the Executive Officer shall receive signatures from their Company Commander. ○ Midshipmen assigned to company staff billets (e.g. Academics Officer, PMO, etc.) shall receive signatures from their assigned Squad Leaders. ○ Company Commanders and Battalion Staff shall receive signatures from their respective Battalion Commander. ○ Battalion Commanders and Regimental Staff shall receive signatures from their respective Regimental Commander. ○ Regimental Commanders and Brigade Staff shall receive signatures from the Brigade Commander. ● Subject Matter Experts (SME) ○ Based on their billet and/or experience, only some individuals are equipped to provide signatures for specific learning objectives. ○ Some are in the Brigade (e.g., Company Financial Officer). Others are on the Naval Academy staff (e.g., Senior Enlisted Leader). ○ SMEs are signature authorities for designated items in their respective area. ○ A current list of warfare community SMEs is provided at the end of the MQS. I. Financial Literacy References: a) http://intranet.usna.edu/FinancialAdvisor/budgeting.php b) http://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/budget.asp c) http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/emergency_fund.asp d) http://www.rothira.com/traditional-ira-vs-roth-ira e) http://www.investopedia.com/articles/basics/03/050203.asp f) https://www.mint.com/blog/goals/new-vs-used-vs-lease-a-car/ g) http://www.fool.com/personal-finance/insurance/2006/05/08/whole-life-vs-term-life.aspx h) http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0212/4-types-of-insurance-everyoneneeds.aspx 1 i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) http://www.saveandinvest.org/ControlDebt/CreditScore/P280753 http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/compoundinterest.asp http://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/08/cost-car-ownership.asp http://www.myfico.com/crediteducation/improveyourscore.aspx http://www.dmv.org/buy-sell/new-cars/leasing-vs-buying.php http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/2012/12/buying-vs-leasing-basics/index.htm http://consumerreports.org/cro/2012/12/what-that-car-really-costs-to-own/index.htm http://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/renters-insurance.asp http://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/07/credit-card-donts.asp 1. Demonstrate your Personal Budget and include owning and maintaining a personal vehicle. [ref. (a), (b), (k), (o)] ____________________ Print Name (Co Financial Officer) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 2. Explain the purpose of an Emergency Fund, where to save your money for this fund, and why liquidity of capital for this fund is important. [ref. (c)] ____________________ Print Name (Co Financial Officer) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 3. Be able to explain the difference between a Traditional IRA and a Roth IRA on the following topics: [ref. (d)] a. Contributions b. Short term tax benefits, if any c. Early Withdrawal Penalties d. Long term tax benefits, if any ____________________ Print Name (Co Financial Officer) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 4. Be able to categorize each investment vehicle as High, Medium or Low Risk. [ref. (e)] a. Stocks b. Options c. Mutual Funds d. Certificates of Deposit (CD’s) e. Bonds (Government, T-Bills, Notes, etc.) f. Savings/Checking Accounts ____________________ Print Name (Co Financial Officer) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature 2 _________ Date 5. Understand the following topics in terms of purchasing or leasing a vehicle. [ref. (f), (m), (n), (o)] A. Pros and cons between purchasing or leasing a vehicle B. Pros and cons between purchasing a new or used vehicle C. Yearly costs of the vehicle you want to purchase or lease ____________________ Print Name (Co Financial Officer) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 6. Explain these different types of Insurances. [ref. (g), (h), (p)] a. Car Insurance b. Renters Insurance c. Terms vs. Whole Life Insurance ____________________ Print Name (Co Financial Officer) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 7. In terms of Credit Cards, understand the following topics: [ref. (i), (j), (q)] a. Credit Score/Reports b. Carrying a Balance c. Compound Interest ____________________ Print Name (Co Financial Officer) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 8. Understand sound financial strategies to improve your Credit Score. [ref. (l)] ____________________ Print Name (Co Financial Officer) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date II. Naval Aviation References: a) Professional Knowledge Book b) Ships and Aircraft of the US Fleet; 18th Edition c) The Bluejacket’s Manual d) NAVEDTRA 14014A Ch. 2 e) NAVEDTRA 14014A Ch. 9 f) NAVEDTRA 14014A Ch. 11 g) OPNAVINST 3710.7U (General NATOPS) h) OPNAVINST 5100.23G (SOH Program) i) FY-15 Active-Duty Line Community Brief j) http://navalaviationnews.navylive.dodlive.mil/2012/03/22/sicilian-defense/ 3 k) l) m) n) Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR – Final Mission Statistics http://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=16955 http://navalaviationnews.navylive.dodlive.mil/2010/08/30/the-big-one/ Utz, C. A. (2005), Naval Aviation Responds to Hurricane Katrina, Naval Aviation News, Nov-Dec 2005, pg. 10-13. 1. Identify the basic departments within a typical aviation squadron and explain their primary functions [ref. (c): Ch. 14, (d)]. ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 2. Discuss the pros and cons of the Aviation Community with a qualified Naval Aviator or Naval Flight Officer (NFO): _____________________________ Qualified Naval Aviator/NFO (Print Name) ____________________ Signature _________ Date 3. Identify the following naval aircraft and describe the primary mission of each [ref. (a), (b): Ch. 27]: a. F-35B b. F-35C c. E-2D ____________________ ________ ____________________ _________ Print Name (CoC) Alpha Signature Date 4. Comprehend the contribution of Naval Aviation to the following historical events, especially as they relate to the functions of Joint Crisis Response, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HA/DR), and Limited Contingency Operations: a. Operation ODYSSEY DAWN/UNIFIED PROTECTOR [ref. (a), (j), (k)] b. Operation UNIFIED ASSISTANCE [ref. (a), (l)] c. Operation UNIFIED RESPONSE [ref. (m)] d. Hurricane KATRINA RESPONSE [ref. (n)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 5. Identify and comprehend the capabilities of the following weapon systems utilized in Naval Aviation and identify which naval aircraft can deploy them [ref. (e)]: a. AIM-9M/X b. AIM-120A/B/C c. AGM-88 HARM d. AGM-114 Hellfire e. AGM-65 Maverick f. GBU 31/32/38/54 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)/Laser JDAM g. Mk 82/83/84 General Purpose (GP) Bomb 4 h. Zuni 5-in unguided rocket ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 6. Review and comprehend the basic hazards and safety precautions associated with flight operations [ref. (a), (f)]; a. “Fouled deck” / “Foul line” b. Jet blast c. Propeller/rotor hazards d. Noise hazards e. FOD f. Movement around aircraft ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 7. Review the functions and operating procedures of the following basic personal protective equipment (PPE) common to naval aviation: a. Cranial [ref. (a), (f): pg. 11-3] b. Safety clothing [ref. (f): pg. 11-19] c. Hearing protection [ref. (h): pg. 18-8] d. Inflatable life preserver [ref. (a), (f): pg. 11-3] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 8. Comprehend the difference between the terms “shall,” “should,” and “may” as they apply to Naval Aviation [ref. (g): pg. 1-6]. ____________________ ________ ____________________ _________ Print Name (CoC) Alpha Signature Date III. Surface Warfare References: a) OPNAVINST 3120.32D – Navy SORM b) The Watch Officer’s Guide c) http://www.navy.mil/navydata/ships/carriers/powerhouse/cvbg.asp d) http://www.navy.mil/navydata/nav_legacy.asp?id=147 e) http://www.history.navy.mil/biblio/biblio4/biblio4a.htm f) The Navy Fact File (http://www.navy.mil/navydata/fact.asp) g) http://www.navy.mil/navydata/fact_display.asp?cid=1200&tid=500&ct=1 h) http://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=65393 1. Explain the responsibilities of the following personnel [ref. (a) paragraphs 3.34, 3.5, 3.1] A. Division Officers B. Department Heads 5 C. Command Master Chief ____________________ Print Name (Any SWO) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 2. Explain the relationship between the following watchstanders [ref. (B) chapters 1 and 5] A. Officer of the Deck (OOD) B. Conning Officer C. Tactical Action Officer (TAO) D. Engineering Officer of the Watch (EOOW) ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 3. Describe the shipboard chain of command from Division Officer to Commanding Officer [ref. (a) figure 2-1] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 4. Describe the composition and purpose of the surface vessels in a Carrier Strike Group [ref. (c)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 5. Describe the composition and purpose of the surface vessels in an Amphibious Ready Group [ref. (d)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 6. Name the first six ships of the U.S. Navy [ref. (e)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 7. Explain how embarked aircraft can be used to complement a surface ship’s situational awareness and ASW efforts [ref. (g)] ____________________ Print Name (Any SWO) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 8. Explain how the capabilities of the Littoral Combat Ship will address the threat of anti-access tactics [ref. (f)] ____________________ ________ ____________________ 6 _________ Print Name (Any SWO) Alpha Signature Date 9. Describe the rationale behind the decision to forward-deploy ships to Rota, Spain [ref. (h)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date IV. Undersea Warfare **Sub SME=Submarine Subject Matter Expert, which is an approved MIDN who has early selected submarines or an officer qualified in submarines** References: a) 2014 Submarine Pro-Book for 2/C 1. Explain the purpose of each of the following aspects of the initial training pipeline for officers selected into the Naval Nuclear Propulsion program: [ref (a)] A. Naval Nuclear Power School (NNPS) B. Nuclear Power Training Unit (NPTU) C. Submarine Officer Basic Course (SOBC) ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 2. Explain the following major milestones in the career of a Submarine Officer. [ref (a)] A. Initial Training Pipeline B. Division Officer Tour C. Post Division Officer Shore Tour D. Department Head Tour ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 3. Understand the incentive programs associated with the Submarine Officer. [ref (a)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 4. Explain how the following events shaped the history of the Submarine Force: [ref (a)] A. Pre-WWI submarine development B. WWII C. The Cold War and Nuclear Power ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature 7 _________ Date 5. Briefly discuss the aspects of the Submarine Force lifestyle and culture that make it unique when compared to other communities. This discussion should include, but is not limited to: living conditions, watch rotation, typical daily schedule, and crew size. [ref (a)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 6. Understand the homeport location and breakdown of U.S. Submarines. [ref (a)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 7. Discuss the pros and cons of the Submarine Community with a qualified Submarine Officer. ________________________ Qualified Submarine Officer (Print Name) ____________________ Signature _________ Date V. Naval Special Warfare References: a) NWP 3-05 NSW b) MILPERSMAN 1220-300 Special Warfare Operator Rating c) SEAL Ethos d) FY-15 Active Line Brief (SECNAV Approved) 1. Describe the initial career pipeline for an NSW SEAL enlisted operator [ref. (a) 4.2.1, 4.2.2, ref (b) Exhibit 1] __________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 2. Describe the initial career pipeline for an NSW Combatant Craft-Crewman [ref. (a) 4.2.4, ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 3. Be familiar with the categories of support personnel working within NSW [ref. (a) 3.8,, 4.6, 4.6.1-4.6.2] 8 ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 4. Describe the career pipeline for a SEAL officer to include major career milestones [ref.(d) FY-15 Active Line Brief (SECNAV Approved)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 5. Identify the portion of the SEAL Ethos that focuses on humility [ref. (c)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 6. Describe the mission of Support Activity ONE and TWO and identify the general role and make up of a Cross-Functional Team [ref. (a) 2.7.1, 4.5.1] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 7. Be familiar with Seabasing and how NSW might integrate with other branches of the US Navy in these operations [ref. (a) 4.4, 4.4.1] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 8. Describe the capabilities of NSW subsurface warfare [ref. (a) A.2, A.2.1, A.2.2, Figures A-1, A-2] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date VI. Explosive Ordnance Disposal References: a) EOD MQS Information sheet b) NWP 3-05 NSW 1. Describe the training pipeline for an EOD Officer: A. Officer selection, expectations, and standards [ref (a), sect V] B. Navy Diving and Salvage Training Center (NDSTC) [ref (a), sect V] C. Naval School, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (NAVSCOLEOD) [ref (a), sect V] D. EOD Tactical training [ref (a), sect V] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature 9 _________ Date 2. Identify the role of Navy EOD with regards to the following current operations: A. Africa Partnership Station / AFRICOM [ref (a), sect II] B. Iraqi Security / Afghanistan Security Forces [ref (a), sect II] ____________________ ________ Print Name (CoC) Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 3. Discuss the future of the Navy EOD Community and how the role of Navy EOD will change with regards to operational support. [ref (a), sect II] ____________________ ________ Print Name (CoC) Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 4. Discuss special pay and incentive bonuses for both Enlisted and Commissioned Officers. [ref (a), sect VI] ____________________ ________ Print Name (CoC) Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 5. Describe the three levels of organization that comprise the Navy’s EOD force to include the location, leadership, size, and mission capabilities of the following: A. COMEODGRU [ref (a), sect IV] B. EODMU [ref (a), sect IV] C. EOD Platoons/Companies [ref (a), sect IV] ____________________ ________ Print Name (CoC) Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 6. Discuss the location and response capabilities of EOD units stationed around the world. [ref (a), sect III &IV] ____________________ ________ Print Name (CoC) Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 7. Discuss the role of Navy EOD with regards to the following missions: A. Mine Counter Measures (MCM) [ref (a), sect III] B. NSW and SOF support [ref (a), sect III; ref (b), sect 4.6.1] ____________________ ________ Print Name (CoC) Alpha ____________________ Signature VII. Information Dominance References: a) NWP 2-01, Intelligence Support to Naval Operations b) Joint Publication 3-13.1, Electronic Warfare 10 _________ Date c) d) e) f) NAVMETOCCOMINST 3140.1M, Meteorological and Oceanographic Support Manual NTTP 3-54M, Operations Security http://www.raytheon.com/capabilities/products/slq32/ SECNAV Manual 5510.36, Department of the Navy Information Security Manual 1. Describe the purpose of tactical level intelligence and how it supports unrestricted line (URL) warfare communities [ref. (a), Sections 3.2.3, and 3.7.3 through 3.7.11]: ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 2. Briefly describe the duties of a squadron Air Intelligence Officer (AI) [ref. (a), Chapter 2]: ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 3. Describe the three areas of Electronic Warfare (EW) and give an example of how each can be used in support of URL mission objectives [ref. (b), Chapter 1]: A. Electronic Attack B. Electronic Protection C. Electronic Warfare Support ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 4. Briefly describe the functions of a Signals Warfare Officer (SIWO) on a CG or DDG [ref. (a), Chapter2]: ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 5. Define and describe a WEAX [ref. (c), Chapter 3]: ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 6. Briefly describe the role of a METOC UUV Platoon in Mine Warfare [ref. (c), Chapter 15, §2a]: ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 7. Define River City and describe its purpose [ref. (d), Chapter 3]: ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature 11 _________ Date 8. Describe the purpose of the AN/SLQ-32 [ref. (e)]: A. State which warfare type the AN/SLQ-32 fits into [ref. (b), Chapter 1] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 9. Define each of the following classification levels [ref. (f), Chapter 4]: A. Top Secret B. Secret C. Confidential ____________________ ________ Print Name (CoC) Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date IX. Supply Corps References: a) COMNAVSURFORINST 4400.1 a) NAVSUP P-727 Navy Cash SOP b) NAVSUP P-485 Operational Forces Supply Procedures 1. Be able to discuss Annual Financial Management Plan (AFMP) and Departmental Budget. [ref. (a) COMNAVSURFORINST 4400.1, Par 7100, 7101 and Appendix G] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 2. How do afloat Commands receive their budget for parts and supplies? Who authorizes this money? What is OPTAR? [ref. (c) NAVSUP P-485, Chapter 9, Section 1] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 3. Be able to explain difference and purpose of Consumable and Repairable funding. [ref. (a) COMNAVSURFORINST 4400.1, par 7201, c] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 4. Be able to discuss Phased Replacement Program. [ref. (a) COMNAVSURFORINST 4400.1, par 7101.b.(3)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature 12 _________ Date 5. What is the Navy Cash program? Is this program to be used within the “lifelines” of the ship or designed to be used as a debit card/ ATM card?. [ref. (b) NAVSUP P-727, Chapter 1.2] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 6. Be able to discuss what constitutes an Unauthorized Commitment. [ref. (a) COMNAVSURFORINST 4400.1, par 2301.b] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date VIII. Civil Engineer Corps References: a. NWP 4-04, Naval Civil Engineering Operations b. JP 3-34, Joint Engineering Operations c. http://www.seabeesmuseum.com/History.html d. Detailer Brief (Select Slides), June 2014 1. Describe the difference between tactical, operational, and strategic engineering operations. [ref.(a) Chapter 1.5, (b) Chapter III-1] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 2. Discuss the career progression of a Civil Engineer Corps Officer. [ref.(d)] ____________________ Print Name (CEC Officer) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 3. Identify the qualifications a Civil Engineer Corps Officer must achieve as a: [ref.(a) Chapter] a. Expeditionary Warrior b. Engineering Professional c. Acquisition Professional ____________________ Print Name (CEC Officer) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 4. Describe the Seabee/CEC motto and spirit. [ref.(c)] ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature 13 _________ Date 5. Describe the three military construction standards: [ref.(a)] a. Initial/Expedient Standard b. Temporary Standard c. Permanent Standard ____________________ Print Name (CoC) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date X. U.S. Marine Corps References: a) MCDP 1-0 Marine Corps Operations b) MCRP3-11.2A Marine Troop Leader’s Guide c) MCDP 1-3 Tactics d) MCDP 1 Warfighting e) Amphibious Ready Group and Marine Expeditionary Unit Overview/ http://www.imef.marines.mil/Portals/68/Docs/IMEF/PAO/ARGMEU%20Overview%20Pamphlet.pdf f) USMC Concepts and Programs 2013 Chapter 2 g) MCIP 3-11.01A Infantry Company Operations h) MCWP 6-11 Leading Marines Marine Corps Gazette article “John A. Lejeune: True Soldier” https://www.mca-marines.org/gazette/john-lejeune-true-soldier 1. Describe the organization of a Marine Rifle Company, describe the roles and responsibilities of Company Commander, First Sergeant, Company Gunnery Sergeant, Company Executive Officer, Rifle Platoon Commander, and Weapons Platoon Commander: [ref. (g) chapter 1] ____________________ Print Name (Sqd Ldr) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 2. What are the six troop leading steps. [ref. (b) p. A-1 thru A-3] __________________ Print Name (Sqd Ldr) ________ Alpha ____________________ Signature _________ Date 3. Explain your understanding of the six key concepts of Marine Corps tactics. [ref. (c) READ Chap 1, skim Chap 2 thru 7] ____________________ Print Name (SME) ________ Rank ____________________ Signature _________ Date 4. Explain what it means for a Marine Officer to establish and maintain standards [ref. (h) p. 3342] ____________________ Print Name (SME) ________ Rank ____________________ Signature 14 _________ Date 5. Identify the location, composition, and missions of the following commands: [ref. (a) p. 1-18 thru 1-22, 2-6 thru 2-18, (f) Chap 2, p. 20-26] A. Marine Corps Forces Command (MARFORCOM). B. Marine Corps Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC) C. Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC) D. Marine Corps Forces Cyber Command (MARFORCYBER) E. Marine Infantry Divisions F. Marine Air Wings G. Marine Logistics Groups H. Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO) ____________________ Print Name (SME) ________ Rank ____________________ Signature _________ Date 6. Be familiar with the career highlights of Lieutenant General John A. Lejeune with a particular emphasis on the following. [ref. (i)] A. Principles of officer leadership B. The relationship between officers and their enlisted subordinates. C. Discipline and praise. ____________________ Print Name (SME) ________ Rank ____________________ Signature _________ Date 7. Explain how the nature of war and battlefield dynamics affects a leader’s decision making process. [ref. (d) Chap 1 and Chap 4] ____________________ Print Name (SME) ________ Rank ____________________ Signature _________ Date 8. Discuss the three ways Amphibious Ready Groups/Marine Expeditionary Units (ARG/MEU) are employed. What are the advantages and disadvantages to each type. [ref. (e) p. 30-32] ____________________ Print Name (SME) ________ Rank ____________________ Signature Table of Acronyms AEDO AMDO CINC CMC CMOD Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer Aerospace Maintenance Duty Officer Commander in Chief Command Master Chief Company Mate of the Deck 15 _________ Date CNA CND CNE CNO CO CPO CVW CWO DH DO EDO EEBD GIG IA IO LCPO LDO MAGTF MCPO MEU MOM MRAP NCO NSW RMOD SCAR SEAL SecNav SNCO TLAM USW XO Computer Network Attack Computer Network Defense Computer Network Exploitation Chief of Naval Operations Commanding Officer Chief Petty Officer Carrier Air Wing Chief Warrant Officer Department Heads Division Officers Engineering Duty Officer Emergency Escape Breathing Device Global Information Grid Information Assurance Information Operations Leading Chief Petty Officers Limited Duty Officer Marine Air-Ground Task Force Master Chief Petty Officer Marine Expeditionary Unit Main Office Messenger Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Non-Commissioned Officers Naval Special Warfare Regimental Mate of the Deck Special Forces Combat Assault Rifle Sea, Air and Land Secretary of the Navy Staff Non-Commissioned Officers Tomahawk Undersea Warfare Executive Officer Subject Matter Experts (SME) Surface Warfare Officers CWO3 LANTZY LT HOLT LT WALKER, JR. LTJG BERGERSEN LT HUGHES LT WEAVER LTJG DEMATTEO LT INCH LT WENIGER 16 LTJG ROWNTREE LT IVES LT WILLIAMS LT ABERNETHY LT KAMM LT WOODSIDE LT ANGELO LT KELLY LT YOUNG LT APPLEMAN LT KRUSE LT ZERCHER LT APPLEMAN LT LARAWAY LCDR GOOD LT ARREOLA LT LONDON LCDR HETHERINGTON LT BIGGERSTAFF LT LORENZ LCDR HOFFMEISTER LT BRYANT LT MAHER III LCDR HULJACK LT BUDDECKE LT MARCUSA LCDR KRIEGER LT BURROUGHS LT MATTHEWS LCDR LITCHFORD LT BYRNE LT McCARTNEY LCDR MADONIA LT CAMIOLO LT McQUADE LCDR RAYBURG LT CANONNE LT MILLER IV LCDR ROGERS LT CARTER LT MOHR LCDR SZUROVY LT CLARK LT MOLINARO LCDR TOBIN LT COLEMAN LT MOORE LCDR WELSH LT COOK LT MUNJI CDR BLYDEN LT COUGHLIN LT NICHOLS CDR BRIANAS LT CUNNINGHAM LT NODA CDR BUSTAMANTE LT DARJANY LT OKEEFE CDR CHAPMAN LT DARRELL LT ORTH CDR ERB LT DAVIS LT PARRISH CDR FACTOR LT DESMOND LT PEARSON CDR FRANTZEN LT DEUTSCH LT PERRY CDR QUAST LT FRANCISCO LT RAHALL CDR RAY LT FUGATE, JR. LT REBER CDR REINHART LT GENSHEIMER III LT REIDDIXON CDR RICE LT GETTY LT ROHLIN CDR RICK LT GOSSETT LT RYAN CDR WALLACE LT GREGORY LT RYERSON CAPT ADAMS III LT GUDKNECHT LT SANTIAGO CAPT BYRNE, JR. LT HARMON LT SEYMOUR, JR. CAPT LESPERANCE LT HAWTHORNE LT SHINEGO LT HIRSH LT TOWNSEND LT HOLLIDAY LT TRAVIS Surface Warfare Senior Enlisted FCCS BMC ENC EMC BMC BMC BENAVIDEZ BROADNAX BRYANT CADENAS CESASAR CHANDLER ENC ENCS BMCS QMC ETC BMCS KALBACHER KOLANAWSKI MCDANIEL RAGLAND RICHLEY ROHRER 17 FCCS MMC ETC MMC NDC CONNOLLY ELDRIDGE EARNEST HILL HOWARD HTCM BMCS ENC BMC SANCHEZ STEWART STRICKLER TROOPE Naval Aviators and Naval Flight Officers Naval Aviators LT WEBER, JR. LT BARKLEY LT WRIGHT LT ALBRIGHT LT BLACKWELL LCDR GOODENOUGH LT ANDERSON LT BORNEMEIER LCDR GUETHLER LT BENNETT LT BOTNICK LCDR LUST LT BOWMAN II LT BURKE LCDR SALINAS LT CAMPBELL LT CLEMENT LCDR SMOTHERMAN LT CHING LT FARNOLY LCDR TEMKIN LT FOGLER LT FILOSA LCDR THURMAN LT JONES, K. LT HART CDR DOHERTY LT MEEK LT HEYWARD CDR DONEY LT METRICK LT JENSEN CDR DURKIN LT ROESLER IV LT KEARNEY CDR FERMO LT STANGE LT KOSTRIKIN CDR GIBB LCDR CLEARY LT MAGNINO CDR GORDON LCDR LT McGRAW CDR HUEY LT MCNEER CDR KENNEDY LCDR CDR McLEAN TABAR LT MOFFITT CDR KLEIN CDR BILZOR LT NOSTRO CDR McANDREW CDR DANTONE LT OBROCHTA CDR NORTON CDR HAUTH LT OSMUN CDR POSTLETHWAITE CDR MHLEY LT PROPHET CDR SHAFFER CDR RICHARDS LT ROMERO CDR SHANK CDR O'HORA LT SIRES CAPT HAM CDR SPANHEIMER LT SNYDER CDR TESTERMAN CAPT VAHSEN Naval Aviation Senior Enlisted ABCM ATC ATC AWVC AWVCS CARBONE GATES KLASEN LANDRY MEDINA 18 Naval Flight Officers BARNES Marine Corps Officers Capt ADAMS Ground Intelligence Officer 2223 Capt BARIKIAN Ground Supply Officer 3002 Capt BARRY Pilot CH-53E 7566 Maj BEATTY Ground Supply Officer 3002 Capt BEST Nuclear Engineer 8832 Maj BOHNE Logistics Officer 0402 LtCol CAMARDO II Pilot VMFA F/A-18 7523 Capt CAMPBELL Communications Officer 0602 Capt CIARCIA MAGTF Intelligence Officer 0202 Capt CRESPIN Infantry Officer 0302 Maj DE ANDA, JR. Logistics Officer 0402 Capt DONLIN Pilot VMA AV-8B 7509 Maj DYER Weapons Systems Officer 7525 Capt FRASER Pilot HMH/M/L/A CH-46 7562 Capt GARCIA Communications Officer 0602 Capt GREEN Infantry Officer 0302 Maj GREEN Logistics Officer 0402 Maj GRIEVES Pilot CH-53E 7566 Capt HAGNER Communications Officer 0602 Maj HALL Infantry Officer 0302 Capt KELLY Pilot CH-53E 7566 Capt KING Infantry Officer 0302 Capt KOCAB Judge Advocate 4402 LtCol KOHMUENCH Logistics Officer 0402 Maj KRUSINGER Infantry Officer 0302 Maj LAKE Pilot UH-1N Qualified 7563 Capt MACLEAN Infantry Officer 0302 Capt MALASHENOK Judge Advocate 4402 Maj MARTIN KC-130 Aircraft Commander 7557 Capt MARTINEZ Pilot UH-1N Qualified 7563 Maj McCARTHY Pilot HMH/M/L/A CH-46 7562 LtCol McGRATH Pilot VMFA F/A-18 7523 Capt McNULTY Field Artillery Officer 0802 Capt METLEN Pilot HMH/M/L/A CH-46 7562 Maj MITCHELL Pilot VMFA F/A-18 7523 Col MONTANUS Colonel, Ground 8041 Capt MORGAN (LARA) Public Affairs Officer 4302 LtCol MULVANEY Pilot AH-1W 7565 Capt Naslund Logistics Officer 0402 Capt PEERALLY Communications Officer 0602 19 Capt PEPIN Communications Officer 0602 Capt POLSTON Aircraft Maintenance Officer 6002 Capt POULTON Infantry Officer 0302 Maj PRETUS MAGTF Intelligence Officer 0202 Maj RAMERT Pilot VMFA F/A-18 7523 Capt ROTH Logistics Officer 0402 Maj ROZEK Adjutant 0180 Capt RUIZ Communications Officer 0602 Capt SCOTT Infantry Officer 0302 Col SHEA Colonel, Ground 8041 Maj SLATT Pilot VMA AV-8B 7509 Capt SMITH Logistics Officer 0402 Capt SOUBLET Logistics Officer 0402 Maj Stocker Logistics Officer 0402 Capt TARR Infantry Officer 0302 Capt TAYLOR Logistics Officer 0402 Maj THOMAS 3002 Capt YOUNG Ground Supply Officer Ground Electronic Signals Intelligence Officer Capt ZUNIC Adjutant 0180 0206 Marine Senior Enlisted SSgt BAEZA SSgt BARBITTA GySgt BAUM SSgt DUPLESSIS JR GySgt KIMMANEE GySgt GySgt Engineer Equipment Mechanic Ammunition Technician Infantry Unit Leader 1341 2311 0369 0811 MITCHELL Field Artillery Cannoneer Aviation Operations Specialist Food Service Specialist OWENS Packaging Specialist 3052 7041 3381 GySgt RICHARD Jr. GySgt SALCEDOABRICA SSgt SENSING Tactical Air Command and Control Technician Supply Admin and Operations Specialist AV-8B Mechanic GySgt TAYLOR Aviation Supply Specialist 6672 GySgt TEDTAOTAO AAV Crewman 1833 5979 3043 6212 Submarine Officers LT CASHIN LT MUELLER LT DANIELS LT MURPHY LT DOHERTY LT SCHREINER 20 LT FRIEDEWALD LT ROSE LT GOODWIN LT ROTHCHILD LT GOSSARD LT WINKELSTEIN LT HARTZOG LT WOMACK LT KNOWLES CAPT ISOM LT MAHAN CAPT McGRATH LT McCALL CAPT O'NEILL LT MONTGOMERY Submarine Senior Enlisted ETC(SS) EARNEST YN1(SS) HARRIS Information Dominance Corps Officers LT CURTAS Information Professional LT KIEHL LT MARINELLI LCDR DAVIS LCDR LCDR CARDINALE CDR DEVOS LCDR CHIODI LCDR MILLER CAPT TORTORA Intelligence Information Warfare LCDR CONNETT LT HENZE IBARRA LCDR SMITH LCDR KENNEY CDR COOPER LCDR SLACK CDR LOMAX LCDR WOOD CAPT BRENNER Information Dominance Corps Senior Enlisted CTIC CTTC COTS REES CTTC CTICS SALZMAN STEWART Naval Special Warfare Officers LT THOMPSON Naval Special Warfare Senior Enlisted SOC STARK Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officers LT BEGGINS LT DAVIS Oceanography Explosive Ordnance Disposal Senior Enlisted 21 EODCS DAVIS Medical Service Corps Officers LT DOZIER LT QUI LCDR GROW LCDR HAMILTON LCDR PORTER CDR BLUMENBERG CAPT PREVOST CAPT WERBEL Supply Corps Officers ENS BOUCHARD LTJG LOPEZ LT BOLINSKY LT THORP LT DESCHAMPS LT FISH LT GUILLORY, JR. LT HERRICK LT PHANN LT SIERRA LCDR ERMOSHKIN LCDR KARAM CWO5 WISEMAN CAPT HUGHES Civil Engineer Corps Officers LT ANGLE CAPT BERNOTAS 22