Rollesbrook Valley Greenway

Rollesbrook Valley Greenway
Rollesbrook Valley Greenway comprises an area of woodland from Wilton Avenue to the back of the properties
on Commercial Road and follows the valley of Rollesbrook.
The watercourse emerges from a culvert at the northern end of the site which originates from The Common.
The northern section of the Greenway contains a steep sided valley with houses lying along the eastern
perimeter. The western boundary is bordered by the grounds of Springhill Catholic School. The southern section
of the Greenway rises onto an embankment containing naturally regenerated deciduous woodland dominated
by sycamore.
A large proportion of the Rollesbrook Valley Greenway is densely wooded, in a wild, natural state, which
contrasts greatly with the nearby formal city centre parks.
A linear path has been constructed through the northern section of the Greenway, accessible from Wilton
Avenue. The path exits adjacent to the Sandhurst Road allotments and play area.
The Greenway contains various wet areas and ponds which form important natural habitat.
Kingfishers may be seen as a flash of blue flitting up and down the river. The banks at Monks Brook are not
large enough for them to nest in but they use stream valleys as a means of flying from place to place.
Remains dating from the Bronze Age through to the Saxon period have been found in the area around
Monks Brook Greenway.