Syllabus in Geology of All Universities in Andhra Pradesh State (w.e.f from 2015-2016) Board of Studies in Geology Minutes of the Chair \persons, BOS in Geology on June 3rd & 4th, 2015 The chair \persons , Board of Studies in Geology of SVU, YVU university are met on 3rd & 4th June, 2015 at 10.00 a.m to 5.00 along with university Administration in the senate hall, AD Building, S.V. University, Tirupati to finalize the syllabi of the geology as per state Council of Higher Education/UGC model curriculum at under Graduate level. Members present : 1.Prof. N. Balayerikala Reddy 2.Dr. L. Chandra Sekhar Reddy The following resolutions are passed. 1. It is resolved to follow the common core syllabus fo all the six semesters of eight papers (Theory) and six practical papers in six semesters for all the universities in the Andhra Pradesh state 2. The committee thoroughly discussed the syllabi proposed by UGC/APSCHE in its model curriculum and accordingly framed syllabi for eight papers of B.Sc Geology 3. t\The following eight papers are proposed for the 3 years B.Sc., Geology in Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) 1.Prof. N. Balayerikala Reddy Chairman, BOS in Geology Dept. of Geology S. V. University Tirupati-517 502 2.Dr. L. Chandra Sekhar Reddy Chairman BOS in Geology (YVU Kadapa) Loyola Degree College Pulivendula - 516390 Kadapa Dist +Final Revised Draft copy Approved - (GEOLOGY) Three year B.Sc Geology CBCS Revised Curriculum (With Effective from 2015-2016) Course: B.Sc S. No Subject: Geology Semester Title of the Paper Hrs./week Semester-I Lab-I Semester-II Lab-II Semester-III Lab-III 5 Semester-IV P-I- Physical Geology & Crystallography Physical Geology & Crystallography P- II- Mineralogy& Optical Mineralogy Mineralogy & Optical mineralogy P-III- Igneous petrology & Sedimentalogy Igneous petrology & Sedimentalogy P-IV- Metamorphic Petrology & Structural Geology Metamorphic Petrology & structural Geology P-V- Indian Geology & Palaeontology P-VI 1.Economic Geology (or) 2. Ground Water Exploration (or) 3. Field Geology Palaeontology & Economic Minerals P-VII- Mineral Exploration and Mineral Economics P-VIII 1 Mining Geology & Ore Dressing (or) 2 Environmental Geology(or) 3 Disaster Management Mineral Exploration & Field Geology 1 2 2 3 4 6 Lab-IV 7 Semester V 8 Elective-VI 9 Lab-V 10 Semester-VI 11 Elective-VIII 12 Lab-VI Prof. N. Balayerikala Reddy Chairman, BOS in Geology Dept. of Geology S. V. University Tirupati-517 502 Credits 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 Max. Marks 75+25 100 75+25 100 75+25 100 75+25 3 100 2 4 4 75+25 75+25 4 4 3 4 100 75+25 2 4 4 75+25 4 3 50 100 1200 2 44 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 Dr. L. Chandra Sekhar Reddy Chairmam BOS in Geology (YVU Kadapa) Loyola Degree College Pulivendula - 516390 Kadapa Dist CBCS -B. Sc. GEOLOGY Syllabus With effective from 2015-16 SEMESTER- I Paper- I - Physical Geology &Crystallography Unit -I General aspects. Definition of geology - Basic assumptions of Geology - Its relationship with other sciences - Branches of geology - Aim and applications of geology. Earth as a planet: its shape, size, and density - movement and then effects. Origin and age of the earth. Geological process - exogenic and endogenic. Definition of weathering - types of weathering of rocks - Physical and chemical; Definition of erosion and denudation, cycle of erosion; erosion, transportation and deposition; agents of erosion. (12 hrs) Unit-II Rivers: Erosion, transportation and deposition of river (fluvial) cycle in different stages -Development of typical land forms by river erosion and deposition. V or VShaped valley. U-shaped valley. Waterfall alluvial form, meander, ox-bow lake-flood plane, natural plane, peneplain and deltas. Types of rivers. Groundwater: Storage of ground water - porosity, permeability, aquifer, water table, zone of saturation, artesian well, spring, geysers - development of typical land form by erosion and deposition by groundwater [Karst toppography] sinkhole, cavern, Stalactities and stalagmites. Glaciers: Definition of a glacier - types of glaciers - development of typical land forms by glacial erosion and deposition – cirque, hanging valley, Rocks-monadnocks. Morains, drum-line, kames, eskors and varves. Characteristic features of glaciated regions (12 hrs) Unit-III Seas: offshore profile - land forms of sea - marine deposits and coral reefs. Lacustrine deposits. Atmospheric circulation, weather and climatic changes, land air, sea interaction. Earth's heat budget and global climatic changes. Wind: Development of characteristic features by wind (arid cycle), erosion and deposition - pedestal rock - mushroom topography - Incelberg - Ventifacts -sand dunes. Earthquakes: Cause, kinds of earthquake waves, and mode of propagation, intensity of earthquakes, Ritchers scale - seismograph and seismogram. Effects of earthquakes, earthquake zones - Interior of the earth based on seismic theory Volcanoes: origin, products of Volcanoes. Continental Drift & Plate tectonics: Theory of Plate tectonics – nature and origin of ocean floor. (12hrs) Unit-IV Definition of a crystal - amorphous and crystalline states. Morphology of Crystals - face, edge, solid angle, interfacial angle. Forms: Simple, combination, closed and open forms. Symmetry: Plane, axis, center. Crystallographic axes. Parameters,indices; crystallographic notation - parameter system of Weiss, index system of Miller. Classification of crystals into systems. Morphological study of the following classes of symmetry I. Cubic system – Galena type II. Tetragonal system - Zircon type (12 hrs) Unit-V Morphological study of the following classes of symmetry III. Hexagonal system - Beryl type IV. Trigonal system - Calcite type. V. Orthorhombic system - Barites type VI. Monoclinic system - Gypsum type VII. Triclinic system - Axinite type Twinning: Definition of twinning, Laws of twinning and Types of twinning Text books: 1. Holmes Principles of Physical Geology - 2. Physical Geology 3. A book of Physical Geology 4. An Introduction to Crystallography 5. Essential of Crystallography References: 1. Basic Physical Geology 2. The evolving Earth: A text in Physical Geology 3. Physical Geology 4. A textbook of mineralogy - D.L. Holmes A.N. Stracher A K Datta R.C. Phillips E. Flint. E.S. Robinsion E.S. Sawkins. et al. B.F. Mallory and D.N. Gargo E.S. Dana and W.E. Ford LAB-I (Practicals) 100 Marks At the end of First semester Practical-I- Physical Geology & Crystallography Interpretation of morphmetric data/drainage systems, Identification of geomorphological features in topographical maps. Study of symmetry, and form of the Normal classes of seven crystal systems of the following: I. Cubic system – Normal (Galena) II. Tetragonal system – Zircon type III. Hexagonal system – Beryl type IV. Trigonal system – Calcite type V. Orthorhombic system – Barites type VI. Monoclinic system – Gypsum type VII. Triclinic system – Axinite type SEMESTER- II Paper-II- Mineralogy & Optical Mineralogy Unit - I Definition of a mineral - classification of minerals into rock forming and ore forming minerals. Physical properties of minerals - Colour, streak, transparency, lustre, form, hardness, tenacity, cleavage, fracture and, Specific gravity. Silicate structures- isomorphism, solid solution, polymorphism, allotropy. Pseudomorphism and radioactivity Study of physical properties, chemical properties and mode of occurrence of the following mineral groups: Olivine, Garnet and Aluminium silicates, (12 hrs) Unit-II Study of physical properties, chemical properties and mode of occurrence of the following mineral groups: Pyroxenes, Amphibole and Mica (12 hrs) Unit-III Study of physical properties, chemical properties and mode of occurrence of the following mineral groups: Quartz, Feldspars, and feldspathoids Miscellaneous: Staurolite, Tourmaline, Zircon, Calcite, Corundum and Apatite. (12 hrs) Unit-IV General Principles of optics, Refraction, Snell’s law, Critical angle, total reflection, Optical properties of minerals – isotropic and anisotropic Polarised light, refractive index, Double refraction, uniaxial and biaxial minerals – Nicol prism and its constriction – concept of crossed Nicols (12hrs) Unit-V Petrological microscope (Polarising) - its mechanical and optical parts – extinction, pleochroism and interference colours. Optical Properties of important minerals (12hrs) Text books: 1. A textbook of mineralogy E.S. Dana and W.E. Ford. 2. Rutleys elements of mineralogy H.H. Reed 3. Essential of Crystallography E. Flint. References: 1. Manual of mineralogy C.S. Hurlbut and C.Klein 2. Mineralogy for students M.H. Batey. 3. An introduction to rock forming minerals Deer, Howie, and zussman. 4. Elements of mineralogy Mason and Bern. LAB-II (Practicals) 100 Marks At the end of Second semester Practical-II- Mineralogy and Optical mineralogy Study of physical properties and diagnostic features of the following mineral: Quartz Jasper, Agate, Chalcedony, Amethyst, Orthoclase, Microcline, Albite, Anorthite, Labradorite, Enstatite, Hypersthene, Augite, Hornblende, Actinolite, Tremolite, Asbestos, Muscovite, Biotite, Phlogopite, Olivine, Epidote, garnet, Kyanite, Sillimanite, Andalusite, Beryl, Zircon, Apatite, Corundum, Talc, Gypsum, Calcite, Flurospar and Serpentine. Study of optical properties of the following minerals: Quartz, Orthoclase, Microcline, Plagioclase, Hypersthene, Augite, Tremolite, Hornblende, Miscovite, Biotite, Olivine, Epidote, Garnet, Kyanite, Beryl, Calcite, Chlorite, sillimanite, Leucite. III-SEMESTER Paper- I I I - Igneous Petrology and Sedimentalogy Unit-I Nature and scope of petrology - definition of rock, classification of rocks into igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Distmguish features of three types of rocks. Forms -Lava flows, Instrusions, sills, laccolith, bysmalith, lopolith, dykes, ring Structures - vesicular, amygdaloidal, block lava, ropy lava, pillow, flow, and sheet structures. Columnar and prismatic structures (12hrs) Unit-II Textures - Definition of texture, micro-structure, devitrification - Hypidiomorphic, pandiomorphic, porphyritic, poikilitic, ophitic, intergrartular, intersertal, trachytic, graphic and micro-graphic textures. Classification of igneous rocks - CIPW and Tyrrell tabular classification. Descriptive study of following rock types: Granite, Syenite, Diorite porphyry, Pegmatite, Gabbro, Pyroxenite, Dunite, Dolerite, Rhyolite, Trachyte, and Basalt (12hrs) Unit-III Composition and constitution of magma - Crystallisation of Magma - Uni-component, binary system, eutectic and solid solutions. Origin of igneous rocks - Bowen's reaction principle, differentiation and assimilation of magma. (12hrs) Unit - IV Sources of sediments - mechanical and chemical weathering, modes of transportation, stratification. Sedimentary structures, Types of bedding, surface marks, deformed bedding, solution structures (12hrs) Unit-V Classification of sedimentary rocks; clastic - rudaceous, arenaceous, argillaceous, non-clastic -calcareous, carbonaceous, evaporities Descriptive study of the following sedimentary rocks - conglomerate, Breccia, Sandstone, Gritt, Arkose, Shale and limeston. (12 hrs) Text books 1. Principles of petrology 2. Petrology - G.W. Tyrrell W. T. Huang References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Petrology for students A Text book of sedimentary petrology Petrology of the sedimentary rocks Petrology of the sedimentary rocks Petrology of the igneous rocks - S.R.Ndckolds Knox, Chinnar Verma & Prasad J.T. Greehsmith F.H;Hatch, Wells and Wells. F.KHatch, Wells and Wells. LAB-III (Practicals) 100 Marks At the end of Third semester Practical- II- Igneous Petrology and Sedimentalogy Megascopic and microscopic study of the following igneous rocks: Dunite,perodotite,granite. Syenite, Diorite, Gabbro. Dolerite, Rhyolite, Basalt, Pegmatic, Megascopic and microscopic study of the following sedimentary rocks: Conglomerate, Breccia, Sandstone, Shale, Limestone and its varieties IV-SEMESTER Paper-IV- Metamorphic Petrology and Structural Geology Unit-I Definition of metamorphism, agents of metamorphism, types of metamorphism, grades and Zones, of metamorphism. Metamorphic minerals - stress and antistress minerals. Structures of metamorphic rocks - Cataclastic, maculosc, schistose, granulose and gneissose. Textures of metamorphic rocks- crystalloblastic, xenoblastic. (12 hrs) Unit-II Classification of metamorphic rocks Cataclastic metamorphism of argillaceous and arenaceous rocks. Thermal metamorphism of argillaceous, arenaceous and calcareous rocks. Dynamo thermal metamorphism of argillaceous, arenaceous and igneous rocks. Plutonic metamorphism, metasomatism. Descriptive study of the following metamorphic rock- Gneiss, schist, slate, phyllite, quartzite, marble, Cliaranockite and khondalite. (12 hrs) Unit-III Definition of structural geology, aim and objectives of the structural Geology; Importance of study of structures, primary and secondary structures; outcrop, attitude of beds - strike, dip and apparent dip. Use of clinometer and Brunton compass. Folds description, nomenclature of folds - Geometrical and genetic classification. Recognition of folds in the field. (12 hrs) Unit-IV Joints- Classification of Joints- geometrical and genetic classification. Faults – geometrical and Genetic Classification of faults, recognition of faults in the field, effects of faults on the outcrops. (12 hrs) Unit-V Unconformities- Definition of unconformity- types of unconformities. Recognition of unconformities in the field. Distinguishing the faults from unconformities. Definitions of overlap, outlier, cleavage, schistosity, foliation and lineation (12 hrs) Text books 1. The principles of petrology G. W. Tyrrell: • 2. Metamorphic petrology B Bhaskar Rao 3. Structural Geology Marlarid. F. Billings. 4. An outling of structural Geology E.S. Hills References 1. Petrology of Igneous and Metamorpic rocks. Hyndman 2. Structural Geology L.U. De Setter 3. An outline of structural Geology E.S. Hills LAB-IV (Practicals) 100 Marks At the end of Fourth semester Practical- IV: Metamorphic Petrology and Structural Geology Megascopic and microscopic study of the following rocks: Schist, Gneiss, Quartzite, Marble, Charnockite and Khonodolite. Study of topographical maps. Interpretation of simple geological maps with horizontal and inclined beds, Unconformity, folds and faults with reference to the topography and structure, geological succession and history. Section drawing (at least 8 maps) Problems dealing with true dip and apparent dip. Bore-hole data thickness and width of the outcrop and dip of the beds (At least 8 problems). SEMESTER-V Paper- V- Indian Geology & Palaeontology Unit-I Stratigraphy: Deification and Principals of stratigraphy. Lithosratigraphy, Standard geological time scale, Physiographic divisions of India with stratigraphic and structural characterises. Brief study of type area, distribution in India, lithology, fossil content and economic importance of the following systems - Dharwar system, Cuddapah system, Vindhyan system, Kurnool system. (12 hrs) Unit-II Gondwana system. Triassic of Spitit, Jurassic of Kutch, Cretaceous of Trichinopoly, Deccan Traps and their Age, Siwaliks with vertebrate fossils. (Brief study of type area, distribution in India, Lithology, fossil content and economic importance of the systems) (12 hrs) Unit-III Definition of Palaeontology, Branches of Palaeontology, conditions of fossilization, modes of preservation and uses of fossils. Index Fossils. Detailed study of morphology, classification and geological distribution of Corals and Brachiopoda,. Fossils: Calceola, Zabhranthis, Terebratula, Spirifer, Rhynchonella, Products, Unit-IV Detailed study of morphology, classification and geological distribution of – Mollusca ( Gastropods, Cephalopoda and Lamellibranchia Turritella, Natica, Physa, Conus, Pecten. Gyphaea.Arca, Cardita, Nautilus. Ammonoids, Ceratites, Bellemnites. (12 hrs) Unit- V Detailed study of morphology, classification and geological distribution of -Trilobita, Echinodermata, Graptolites and Plant fossils. Fossils: Calymene, Paradoxide, Cidaris, Micraster, Hemiaster, Monograptus, Diplograptus, glossopteris, gangamopteris and ptylophyllum Lepidodendron. (12 hrs) Text books: 1. Invertebrate Palaeontology 2. An introduction to palaeontology 3. Principals of stratigraphiy 4. Fundamentals of Historical Geology and Stratigraphiy 5. Geology of India & Burma - Henry Woods. - Jain, P.C etal. - Dunbars & Rodgers. - Ravindra Kumar - MS Krishna SEMESTER-V - Elective Paper-VI Paper-VI (A): Economic Geology Unit-I Definition of Economic geology, mineral resources and mineral deposits, importance of economic minerals and rocks, ore minerals, gangue minerals (gangue). Ore and industrial minerals. Classification of mineral deposits - Bateman's classification modified by Jensen. Processes of formation of mineral deposits; endogenetic and exogenetic processes. (12 hrs) Unit-II Study of ore deposits of gold, copper, lead, zinc, aluminium, with respect to their mineralogy, uses mode of occurrence, origin and distribution in India. (12 hrs) Unit-III Iron, manganese, chromium, uranium and thorium, with respect to their mineralogy, uses mode of occurrence, origin and distribution in India. (12 hrs) Unit-IV Distribution of industrial minerals in India for the following industries: Abrasives, cement and Ceramic. Fossil fuels: Coal - origin and types of coal - coal deposits of India. (12 hrs) Unit-V Atomic minerals: Uranite, Pitchblende, Coffenite - Beach sands: Monozite, ilmenite; Rutile and Zircon and their use. Mineral resources of Andhra Pradesh. (12 hrs) Text Books: 1. Indian mineral resources 2. Introduction of India's economic Minerals 3. Geology & mineral resources of Andhra Pradesh 4. Mineral Resources of Andhra Pradesh - S. Krishnaswamy N.Lisharrna, K.S.V. Ram N.V.B.S. Dutt Dr. P.K Ramam References: 1. Indian mineral year book (1997) - Indian Bureau of Mines 2. Fuel minerals - A.K.Brown & Dey SEMESTER-V- Elective Paper-VI Paper-VI- (B): Ground Water Exploration Unit-I Introduction: Definition of Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Scope and application of Hydrogeology. Hydrological Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Infiltration, Transpiration. Evapotranspiration. runoff, connate water. Ground Water: Origin, Occurrence, and age of groundwater, Vertical distribution of sub-surface water, zone of aeration-soil water, vadose water, capillary fringe. Zone of saturation - water table. Perched water table. Recharge and discharge areas. (12 hrs) UNIT-II Aquifers: Definition of aquifer, Aquitard, Aquclude, Aquifuge. Properties of Aquifer - porosity, retension of water in rocks, yield of water from rocks (specific yield and specific retension), Darcy’s law, permeability, hydraulic conductivity, velocity of groundwater flow, storage co-efficient. Types of aquifers: confined, semi-confined, unconfined. Homogeneous, Heterogeneous. Isotropic and Anisotropic aquifers. Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks as aquifers. (12 hrs) UNIT-III Quality of Ground Water: Physical, chemical and Biological characteristics of groundwater. Suitability of groundwater for drinking, Irrigation and industrial purposes. Pollution of Ground Water; Pollution in relation to urban, industrial and Agricultural sources. Brief account of saline water intrusion. (12 hrs) UNIT – IV Ground Water Investigations: Scope of investigations, Methods of groundwater explorations, Brief account of Geologic, hydrogeologic, Geobotanical investigations, Introduction to Remote Sensing techniques. Geophysical Exploration: Basic principles of Geophysical exploration methods; Electrical methods - Schluntberger and Wenner configuration, Resistivity profiling and Vertical Electrical Sounding. (12 hrs) Unit-V Management Of Groundwater: Groundwater balance, recharge, (natural and artificial) and discharge. Safe, yields and over draft. Cojunctive use of surface and groundwater. Utilization of groundwater. Groundwater resource evaluation-water table fluctuation method and rainfall infiltration method. Ground water provinces of India. Concept of water shed management. (12 hrs) Text Books: 1. Groundwater hydrology 2. Hydrogeology 3. Hydrogeology 4. Groundwater Assessment - Development and Management 5. Apphed Hydrogeology 6. Applied principles of Hydrogeology - Todd Davis and Dewiest Karanth Karancth Fetter. Mannings. SEMESTER-V- Elective Paper-VI Paper-VI (C):- Field Geology Unit-I Toposheet and map. Toposheet and map reading. Various methods of locating a point on toposheet and map. (12 hrs) Unit-II Basic field procedure – Basic field equipments, methods of field work, drawing of geological field sections. Determination of slopes and gradient, measuring differences in elevation. Basic field observations at a point or out crop. (12 hrs) Unit-III Geological mapping – General considerations, reconnaissance study of surface features and rocks. (12 hrs) Unit-IV Transfer of field data collected on to a base map, finalization of map, preparation of geological cross section. (12 hrs) Unit-V Contouring- Definition, internal characteristic, direct and indirect methods of contouring and uses. (12 hrs) References: 1 Principles of Engineering Geology - K.V.G.K Gokhale. LAB-V (Practicals) 100 Marks At the end of Fifth semester Practical V-Palaeontology and Economic Minerals Drawing and description of invertebrate and plant fossils as per the list mentioned in the theory syllabus. Classification, morophology and geological distribution. Fossils: Cidaris, Micraster, Hemiaster. Cerethium, Terebratula, spirifer, Rhynchonella, Products, Turritella, Natica, Physa, Pecten, Gryphaea, Arca, Cardita, Nautilus, Ammonodis, Ceratites, Bellemnites, Calymene, Paradoxide. Corals. Plant fossils glossopeteris, gangamopteris and ptylophyllum. Megascopic study, mode of occurrence, distribution in India and uses of the following economic minerals: haematite, magnetite Pyrite, Pyrolustie, Psilomelane, Chalcopyrite, malachite, Azurite, Bauxite, Chromite: Galena, Sphalrite, Magnesite, Gypsum, Asbestos, Steatite, Graphite, Monazite, illmenite, Zircon, Fluorite, Barytes, Corundum, Topaz, Calcite, Kaolinite, Kyanite, Sillimanite, Garnet and Mica. SEMESTER-VI Paper- VII- Mineral Exploration and Mineral Economics Unit-I Definition and scope of mineral prospecting and exploration, Prospecting criteria and guides. structural, lithological and staratigryphycal guides. Geochemical prospecting – primary and secondary dispersion – Geochemical association and path finders. (12 hrs) Unit-II Geophysical Exploration - brief description and application of gravity methods instruments in gravity method: gravimeters. Brief description and application of magnetic methods – instruments in magnetic method: magnetometers. Brief description and application of seismic methods - instruments in seismic method: geophones. (12 hrs) Unit-III Brief description and application of electrical methods - instruments in electrical method: Resistivity meter. Brief description and application of radioactive methods - instruments in radioactive method: G-M Counter, Scintillometer, lionisation chamber. Photogeology – Aerial photographs, aerial photographic techniques in menial exploration. Remote sensing techniques in mineral exploration. Study of satellite imageries. (12 hrs) Unit-IV Sampling Technique: Definition of sampling, Methods of sampling – Channel, Chip, Grab, Car, groove, Wagon, Pitting and trenching and drill hole samp0ling. Coning and quartering. Estimation of are reserves- Calculation of ore reserves (Extended and Included are methods) (12 hrs) Unit-V Principles of mineral Economics. Classification of mineral deposits. National Mineral policy. Mineral concession Rules. Mineral conservation and substitution. Status of mineral production in India. (12 hrs) Text Books: 1. Geological Prospecting & Exploration 2. Mineral Economics 3. Mining Geology - V. M. Kneiter R.K.Sinha & N.L.Sarma. McKinnstry SEMESTER-VI Elective Paper-VIII Paper-VIII- (A): Mining Geology and ore Dressing Unit-I Mining methods- Classification of mining methods; criteria for selection of mining method. (12 hrs) Unit-II Brief description of quarrying, open cast mining and underground mining methodsStepping and Bench forms, Transport, Earth movers- Dragline instruments, Power shovels, Scrappers etc. Mine explosives. Brief description of alluvial mining- panning, Long tome, Rockers and Ground sluicing. (12 hrs) Unit-III Underground mining methods- Shafts, Cross-cuts, Tunnels, mine ventilation, Mine supports, Drainage Pumping, Mine Haulage. Stopping methods in mining. Mining hazards and Safety measures. (12 hrs) Unit-IV Mineral Processing- necessity and advantages of concentration. Ore dressing techniques- crossing, Grinding, Jigging, froth flotation method, gravity separation, Heavy fluid separation, magnetic separation method, Sieve analysis. (12 hrs) Unit-V Drilling methods- Rotary drilling, Percussion drilling, diamond drilling, Churn drilling, Cable tool drilling and auger drilling. (12 hrs) Text Books: 1. Courses in mining geology 2. Geological prospecting and exploration 3. Mineral economics 4. Mining geology - R.N.P.Arogyaswamy V.M.Kneiter R.K.Sinha& N.L.Sarma McKinnstry SEMESTER-VI Elective Paper-VIII Paper-VIII- (B): Environmental Geology Unit-I Concept of environmental - Historical perspective - environmental awareness - Role of Geologist in environmental Protection and Planning. (12 hrs) Unit-II Land and use planning: Soils, Types of soils, Classification of soils - Site selections -Constructions and urbanization. Waste disposal - environmental effects Waste recycling - recycling of resources. Land cover: Application of remote sensing: mapping soil cover, forest cover, degraded land, surface water reservoirs. (12 hrs) Unit-III Mining impact on the environment - Health Hazards - Mineral resource depletion. Environmental considerations in location and construction of dams, reservoirs and tunnels (12 hrs) Unit - IV Geological Hazards - floods, shifting of river courses - land slides - earthquakes Prediction and Protection. Man - made Hazards. (12 hrs) Unit - V Beach erosion sedimentation - coastal zone protection & Management – coastal engineering constructions - their effects remedial measures. Mass Wasting - land scarification Migration of dunes – stabilization (12 hrs) Text Books: 1. Environmental Geology 2. Environmental Geology 3. Environmental Geology - Strainer & Strahier Landgreen Keller SEMESTER-VI Elective Paper-VIII Paper-VIII- (C): Disaster Management Unit-I Fundamental Concepts of Disaster Management – Hazard, Disaster, Risk, Disaster Management Policy. National Disaster Framework. (12 hrs) Unit-II Floods, Cyclones and Tsunamis, causes of Floods, Floods hazard in India, Cyclones and their genesis. Unit III Volcanic hazards, volcanic belt firdiling in India sub-continent, origin and types of volcanic activity, nature of volcanic hazards, prediction of volcanic eruptions (12 hrs) Unit-IV Classification and causes of landslides. Controls of landslides subsidence and its importance, site selection for ghat roads. Soil conservative measures. (12 hrs) Unit-V Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in seismic hazards, landslides, ghat roads, bridges, culverts and canal alignment. (12 hrs) Tex Books 1. Principles of Engineering Geology 2. Environmental Geology 3. Remote Sensing Principles & Interpretations - K V G K Gokhele. E.A Keller. F.F. Sabins. LAB-VI (Practicals) 100 Marks At the end of Sixth semester Practical- VI- Mineral Exploration & Field work Practical 1) Estimation of Ore reserves: Bedded type and vein type (Extended area and included area methods problems) 2) Sieve analysis Problems 3) Sampling Techniques – Preparation of composite sample of sediment by coning and quartering methods 4) Field work: Submission of Dissertation / Field Report. Note: Field training camp: Ten days during vacation/ Working Days (Compulsory) Study of toposheets and field work in the neighbouring areas and also other places of geological importance.