
WVDE Language Leaper Unit Planning Guide
Unit Title/Essential Question:
Language Level: Grade Level:
Unit in Sequence:
How do natural disasters affect the world around you?
4 grade
Unit Overview (Premise): The alien will begin to learn, explore, and discover about the different natural disasters and how they affect the land
and the people that live in and around it.
Stage 1: What students should be able to do
Enduring Understandings (Students will understand that….):
 Students understand that natural disasters have causes and effects
 Students will understand how they can help after a natural disaster
Content Standards:
RLA. recognize communication skills (e.g., speaking rate, audience, etiquette, active listening).
RLA compare and contrast self to text in making connections to characters or simple events in a
literary work to own life and other cultures(e.g., events, characters, conflicts, themes).
RLA using graphic orgranizers and visualization techniques to interpret information (e.g., charts,
graphs, diagrams, non-verbal symbols).
SC investigate the cause and effects of volcanoes, earthquakes, and landslides.
World Language Standards:
FL.O.LI.1.02- give basic information about familiar topics (e.g., personal needs, feelings, likes and dislikes, biographical information).
FL.O.LI.1.05- ask and answer questions in highly predictable settings using basic vocabulary on familiar topics.
FL.O.LI.1.07 - derive the main ideas of short conversations/ dialogues and narratives on familiar topics.
FL.O.LI.1.08 - recognize and make sense of short, oral and written, level-appropriate language segments supported by strong contextual and/or
visual prompts.
FL.O.LI.1.09- view, listen to and respond to culturally relevant sources (e.g., recognizing people, objects, places, actions and ideas).
FL.O.LI.1.10 -imitate comprehensible intonation and pronunciation.
FL.O.LI.1.12 - prepare and present short, personal spoken and written communications (e.g., postcards, emails, introductions, skits, inventories
of familiar words or phrases).
WVDE Language Leaper Unit Planning Guide
21st Century Skills:
21C.O.PK-2.2.LS.2 Student identifies parts of a system and explains how those parts interact with one another.
Student engages in a problem solving process using objects to solve problems and demonstrates learning by explaining how they solved
the problem.
Student demonstrates ability to assume different roles and responsibilities as assigned by the teacher and abandons ineffective strategies
when introduced to more effective strategies for solving a problem or completing a task.
Outcomes/Objectives/Progress Indicators (Students will be able to…..):
Identify the different natural disasters
Identify the cause/effect of each natural disaster
Describe how they could help after a natural disaster
Stage 2: How students will demonstrate what they know and can do: Performance Assessment
Performance Assessment # 1 (Interpretive)
Performance Assessment #2 (Presentational)
WVDE Language Leaper Unit Planning Guide
Using a self made photo page as a converstation starter students will
demonstrate their ability to present information about at least 4 of
the following natural disasters:
 Hurricanes
 Tornadoes
 Floods
 Tsunami
 Volcanic Erruption
 Earthquakes
Stage 3: Episode Strand Themes & Functional Chunks of Language
Episodes 1-3: Introduction to Natural Disasters
Chunks of language:
Revisit: water, land
New: disaster, destruction, on, under, above
Episodes 4-6: Flood
Chunks of language:
Revisit: water, rain, river, stream, disaster, destruction,
New: flood, high,
Episodes 7-9: Hurricane, Tsunami
Chunks of language:
Revisit: ocean, wind ,disaster, destruction,
Episodes 10-12: Tornado
New: hurricane, tsunami, wave, big
WVDE Language Leaper Unit Planning Guide
Chunks of language:
Revisit: rain, wind ,disaster, destruction,
New: tornado, strong, fast, twist
Episodes 13-15: Volcano, Earthquake
Chunks of language:
Revisit: land, disaster, destruction, big
New: volcano, earthquake, shake, move, lava, explosion