Level 3 Lesson Plan 1st Semester (Academic Year 2015) 10 Aug- 27 Nov 2015 (Final on 30 Nov) Book: Touchstone 4A by Michael M., Jeanne M., and Helen S. Cambridge. Unit 1-4 Grading 100% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Final Examination (KEPT) 32% Independent Learning 15% Quiz 40 % Class attendance 3% (0.5% is subtracted for every one absence or two late presences) Assignment+ Individual Test +Presentation 10 % (2.5% for each unit) 5.1 unit 1 : Flip Pad + Individual test 5.2 unit 2 : Group Presentation 5.3 unit 3 : Group Presentation 5.4 unit 4 : Verb Diagram Exhibition + Individual Test NOTES - - Please check the L3 Facebook group regularly (which will be created shortly after orientation) for news from the level coordinator; all Level 3 teachers will be invited into the group. In case of an invitation failure, please accept my apology in advance and inform me, the L3 coordinator, immediately. - Level 3 Coordinator: Natthapon 081-5455437 E-mail: n.wannangam@yahoo.com Quiz There are 2 quizzes: Quiz 1(Unit 1-2/ 20%) before the midterm examination and Quiz 2 (Unit 3-4/ 20%) before the final examination. Holidays: 12 Aug (Wed, H.M. the Queen’s Birthday), 23 Oct (Fri, Chulalongkorn Day), 25 Nov (Loykrathong) Independent Learning (IDL, 15%) 1. Reading (5%): Ss have to read 5 reading tasks (3 stories and 2 science articles) out of 10 and do the follow-up exercises from the LI website (www.li.kku.ac.th). Ts assign them to read one story a week and collect their reading tasks in the following week until they finish the fifth reading task (See the lesson plan). Ts then have them check the answers at the beginning or before the end of class. The answer checking session should be around 20 minutes (class 6th). One complete reading task with checked answer is equivalent to one percent. *Apart from the 5 designated reading tasks, Ts should encourage them to read more since any one of the 10 stories will be used as a part of the quiz. 2. Quiz (5%): The quiz includes one seen story and one unseen story. * The quiz format is identical to those on the website. 3. Story Summary (5%, 4 students a group): Ss choose one story to write a summary according to http://www.wikihow.com/Summarize-a-Story . ***The IDL quiz is in class along with the submission of the 5 reading tasks and the summary on Wednesday the 4th or Thursday 5th of Nov 2015 1 Lesson Plan (period of time: 23 classes) Class 1 Date/Month 17, 18 Aug Unit 1 2 19, 20 Aug 1 3 24, 25 Aug 1 4 26, 27 Aug 1 *5 31 Aug, 1 Sep 1 Purpose Orientation Activities 1. Grading system explanation 2. Ice-breaking activity Lesson A: -Get to know your classmates using simple and continuous verbs Lesson B: -Tell your life story using verbs followed by verb+ing or to + verb - No 1- 3 on page 2-3 Lesson C: -Highlight key moments in a story with the present tense. -Use this and these to highlight information Lesson D: read an article about a person who overcame an obstacle. -No. 1-3 on page 6-7 -No 1- 3 on page 4-5 - Ts collect the 1st reading task. - No. 1-2 on page 8-9, - assignment submission, and individual test Assignments Ts assign the 1st reading task. Assignment #1: Verb Complements (2.5%) 1.1 Flip Pad (Pair, 1.5%): make a flip pad explaining the use of all the verbs in sentences (27 words) from Grammar on page 5. *Submit in the 5th class, return to Ss after marking. 1.2 Individual Test (1 %): Ss draw 2 words out from a mug and say them in sentences, 0.5% each. Ss have only 30 seconds to say the 2 sentences. 1.3 Ts assign the 2nd reading task. *Test and flip pad submission in the 5th class Ts assign the 3rd reading task. 2 Criteria Flip Pad Criteria : 1 % for grammar accuracy and 0.5% for decoration, neatness and dedication. Individual Test Criteria: 1%: 2 correct sentences, 0.5%: some mistakes in sentences, 0%: does not say anything or incorrect use of verbs, making no sense. - Ts collect the 2nd reading task. 6 2, 3 Sep 2 7 7, 8 Sep 2 8 9, 10 Sep 2 9 14, 15 Sep 2 10 16, 17 Sep 11 12 21, 22 Sep 23, 24 Sep Lesson A: -Talk about fashion and makeovers. -Make comparisons with (not) as … as Lesson B: -Ask negative questions when you expect someone to agree. -Describe clothing. - No. 1-3 on page 12-13 Lesson C: -Show understanding by summarizing what people say. -Use Now to introduce follow-up questions. Lesson D: -Read an article about how to develop a personal style. -Write questions and answers for an interview about personal style. No. 1-3 on page 16-17 No. 1-4 on page 14-15 - Ts collect the 3rd reading task No.1-3 on page 18-19 Assignment #2: Group presentation (2.5%, 4 students): Ss find 2 pictures of people. Each is wearing different clothes. Ss have to (1) talk about their clothes and fashion and (2) compare how they look different. The picture should be presented via PowerPoint. The presentation will be on the 10th class. Ts assign the 4th reading task. Ts assign the 5th reading task. - Ts collect the 4th reading task Group Presentation QUIZ 1 unit 1-2 3 Lesson A: Talk about your culture using the simple present passive. -NO. 1-3 on page 22-23 - Checking answers for all reading tasks (Ts cut apart the answer keys and 3 Presentation Criteria: 0.5% for delivery, 0.5% for fluency, 0.5% for correctness, 0.5% for pronunciation, 0.5% for teamwork 13 28, 29 Sep 3 Lesson B: talk about customs and manners using verb + ing and to+ verb 14 30 Sep, 1 Oct 3 Lesson C: -Use expressions like to be honest to sound more polite - use of course to give information that is not surprising 15 12, 13 Oct 3 Lesson D: -read an article about proverbs 16 17 14, 15 Oct 19, 20 Oct 3 4 stick them around classroom. Ss walk around and check the answer by themselves.) No. 1-2 on page 24-25 Assignment #3: 4 students a group (2.5%) 3.1What not miss in Thailand Ss choose one or two popular dishes, tourist attractions, and cultures of Thailand and present them by using at least 5 Simple Present Passive sentences along with their pictures in class. 3.2 Manners and Customs Students search for the information about manners and customs in ASEAN countries to present what two manners are polite and acceptable, and what two inappropriate manners should be avoided in a variety of contexts like at the dining table, theater, school, bus, etc. The presentation will be on the 16th class.(after midterm) No. 1-3 on page 26-27 No Mid-Term Examination on 5 Oct No. 1-2 on page 28-29 Group Presentation Lesson A: - say what should happen with be supposed to No. 1-3 on page 34-35 4 Presentation Criteria: 0.5 for delivery, 0.5 for fluency, 0.5 for correctness, 0.5 for pronunciation, 0.5 for teamwork 18 21, 22 Oct 4 19 26, 27 Oct 4 20 28, 29 Oct 4 21 END 22 2, 3 Nov 4, 5 Nov - talk about weekend plans using was / were going to Lesson B: Talk about going out and formal events using get expressions Lesson C: check your -understanding with “statement questions” -Use so to start or close topics, pause, or check understanding Lesson D: -Read an article about introverts and extroverts No. 1-3 on page 36-37 Assignment # 4: Verb Diagram Exhibition 4.1 Group, 4 students (2.5%) Poster presentation (1.5%) Ss make different sections for common verbs: get, go, do, and have. Write 5 expressions with their concise English meanings and an example sentence of each verb. Ss can design the presentation in any type of chart or diagram. Make it on cardboard paper with A3 paper size. Neatness and decoration are required. On 28, 29 Oct, Ss will have to stick their posters around the classroom and every student will walk around to study the example sentences, and write them down in their note books. 4.2 Individual Test (1%): Ss draw 2 verb expressions and say them in sentences. 0.5% is for each correct sentence. Ss have only 30 seconds to say the 2 sentences. *The exhibition and the test will be in the 20th class. Poster Criteria : 1 % for grammar accuracy and 0.5% for decoration, neatness and dedication. Individual Test Criteria: 1%: 2 correct sentences, 0.5%: some mistakes in sentences, 0%: does not say anything or incorrect use of verbs, making no sense. No.1-3 on page 38-39 No.1-2 on page 40-41 Exhibition and Individual Test QUIZ 2 unit 3-4 Independent learning (IDL) Quiz -Ts collect the 5 reading tasks of Independent Learning and the story summary. 5 Reading task criteria (IDL): 1% for each complete exercise Story Summary Criteria: 1% for organization 1% for conciseness , 1% for grammar use 2 % for key plots included - 30 Nov Final Examination 6