CLASS OF 2015 GRADUATION Graduation is Wednesday, May 20th, 2015 8 PM Goodyear Ballpark *SENIORS* CLEAR YOUR ACCOUNTS Have you checked your student account for outstanding balance due? You can access your account through the VHS website, or the bookstore will be able to assist with checking your balance. Not sure if you have any library books overdue? Stop by the library for assistance. TEXTBOOK RETURN All textbooks must be returned to the Bookstore before the end of the school year. Senior deadline: May 14th - Seniors must return all books in order to check out. Graduation is Wednesday, May 20, 2015 @ 8PM Goodyear Ballpark Graduation is rapidly approaching and we want you to have information regarding some important dates and the ceremony itself. Please pay close attention to the Schedule of Events included in this packet and to the following information. Graduation is a special night for seniors and their families, and we are excited about our graduation ceremony. Our graduation committee which consists of students, student government members, staff, and faculty has helped to shape the events and plans for this year's commencement activities. It is very important that all seniors concentrate on meeting graduation requirements and comply with the schedule of events. Any student who fails to meet academic graduation requirements, fails to comply with the schedule of events, and/or chooses to not follow the guidelines for demeanor and dress will not be allowed to participate in, or attend, the graduation exercises as a member of the Class of 2015. They may however appeal to receive their diploma at the high school office after graduation requirements have been completed, or during regular school hours, beginning the Tuesday after the graduation ceremony has been held. It is important to note that graduation practice is mandatory for any student planning to participate in the graduation ceremony. Taking part in the Senior Honors and Awards Program and Commencement Exercises is a privilege that we hope our seniors will take advantage of. The State of Arizona and the Agua Fria Union High School District Governing Board do not permit students to receive diplomas unless all requirements have been fully met. Communication with your child and his/her teacher(s), to ensure passing grades, is essential. ***Please be aware that senior trips or senior ditch days are not condoned or endorsed by Verrado High School or the Agua Fria Union High School District and are NOT school sponsored activities. ***In addition, please be certain that your son or daughter has paid all fees prior to Senior Check Out on Thursday, May 14th, and Friday, May 15th. Diplomas are not issued to students until all fees have been paid, and all other obligations to school have been resolved (lost texts, library books, uniforms, equipment, etc.). If you are having financial difficulties please stop by the bookstore to discuss a payment plan. GRADUATION SPEAKERS: There will be three student speakers in the graduation ceremony. Any student interested in auditioning for this honor should sign up with Mr. Huffman’s secretary by 3:30 PM on Friday April 9th. Auditions are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday April 21st and Thursday April 23rd of April. Speeches should be approximately three minutes in length. Further information will be available at sign up. SENIOR CHECK OUT: Seniors will check out with their Guidance Counselors on Thursday May 14 from 12:30 ~ 3:00 PM and Friday May 15 from 8:00 AM ~ noon. All debts must be taken care of, and equipment, uniforms and/or materials must be returned before a student will be cleared to participate in graduation. Once the senior has checked out, he/she is not to be on campus until the graduation practice unless you have made an appointment to conduct official school business. DRESS FOR THE GRADUATION CEREMONY PRACTICES: Clothing worn to practice and school events must be in compliance with the Verrado dress code. Don't forget sunscreen, sunglasses, and/or hats for graduation practice. Water will be provided during practice, it is usually very warm on that morning. PICTURES FOR PURCHASE: Duke Photography will be taking candid pictures as each student receives their diploma. You will receive a Duke order envelope at Senior Check-out with information regarding the optional purchase of these pictures. Orders will be collected at graduation practice and at the stadium prior to the graduation ceremony. DRESS FOR THE GRADUATION CEREMONY AND HONORS PROGRAM: All graduates will wear official school recognized graduation caps and gowns at the graduation ceremony. The cap should be worn straight and level and pulled down slightly on the forehead. Caps and gowns are not to be altered in any way or to have any writing, emblem or insignia on them. Each student will be checked as they arrive at the graduation ceremony to ensure compliance with the dress code. Students out of compliance will be asked to change prior to the ceremony. Dress for the honors assembly is semi-formal as would be common at a winter formal dance. Any honors tassels/pins are welcome to worn at this program only. LADIES: Wear dresses or dress pants (black preferred). Dresses should not hang below your graduation gown. Denim of any color and/or shorts are not acceptable. Dress or formal type shoes must be worn (black recommended). Beach sandals, flip flops, tennis shoes, etc. are unacceptable. You will be walking a long distance, down stairs, and across a grass field, so spiked heels are strongly discouraged. If you have a question regarding dress, please contact the office. GENTLEMEN: Wear a dress shirt (short or long sleeves) with appropriate traditional necktie (recommended) and (black preferred) dress slacks. Denim of any color may not be worn. Dress shoes (black recommended) and socks must be worn. Sandals, flipflops, tennis shoes or beach shoes, etc. are unacceptable. If you have a question regarding dress, please contact the office. PARKING: Graduates should park in the lot on the north side of Goodyear Ballpark. SEATING: Seating is first come, first serve. Tickets are not required for bleacher seating. Gates will open at 7:00 PM. There won’t be any parent seating on the field this year. Goodyear Ballpark has numerous handicapped areas available. APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR: Appropriate behavior and procedures were addressed at the Senior Assembly during the 2015 Spring Semester. If any student is disrupting the graduation ceremony, he or she will be removed from the field. This is an important night in the lives of our students and we want the ceremony to reflect the dignity of the occasion. Disruption to the Graduation Ceremony and/or any other Graduation related events could lead to a student's diploma being held. Any graduate whose diploma is held may make an appointment with an administrator beginning Tuesday May 26, 2015 to discuss his/her diploma status. PRE-GRADUATION LINE UP: Graduates must be at the ballpark by 7:00 PM to line up for the ceremony. Only Graduates are allowed in the staging area prior to the Graduation Ceremony!! No visitors, purses, backpacks, camera bags, food, drinks, or any other kind of container will be allowed in the staging area. Water will be provided for the graduates. Graduate check-in starts at 6:30 PM. Graduates will not be allowed to leave and then re-enter. Anyone not at the ballpark for line up and attendance will not be permitted to be a part of the commencement exercises. DIPLOMA PICK-UP: During The Graduation Ceremony, seniors will be handed a diploma cover only. Graduates will be able to receive their diploma after the ceremony at a table located in the southeast corner of the stadium, or picked up the following week. Family members or friends will NOT be able to sign for the graduate’s diploma. Additional Info: *** Courtesy and respect for all graduates is expected by the guests. The family and friends of each graduate deserve the opportunity to hear their child's name being called to the stage to receive his or her diploma. *** Students from the Agua Fria JROTC will be presenting colors once the graduates are in their seats. Please stand and remove your hats at that time. *** Free programs will be available at the commencement ceremony. "You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place, like you'll not only miss the people you love, but you'll also miss the person you are now at this time and place you'll never be this way ever again.”, a fitting quote from, of all books, Winnie the Pooh. We look forward to joining you in celebrating the commencement of your son or daughter. Please feel free to call the school if you have any questions pertaining to Graduation or other events. ONE Verrado, Tom Huffman Principal *** All times, dates, and information are accurate at this time, but are subject to change*** GRADUATION EVENTS CALENDAR Friday, May 8 Check-out sheets and directions distributed to seniors in advisory Tuesday, May 12 Seniors last regular day of class Wednesday, May 13 8:15 – 11:20 11:25 – 3:00 Thursday, May 14 8:15 – 11:20 12:30– 3:00 6:00–7:30 PM Friday, May 15 8:00-noon Tuesday, May 19 7:30 AM 9:30 AM Wednesday, May 22 7:30–9:30 AM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:15 PM Regular class periods 1 and 2 Senior final exams period 3 and 4 Senior final exams period 1 and 2 Senior Check-out All textbooks/athletic gear to be returned and debts cleared in the bookstore prior to checkout Senior Honors and Awards Assembly (VHS auditorium) Senior Check-out All textbooks to be returned and debts cleared in the bookstore prior to checkout Graduation Practice, report to GBP (center field gate) Senior breakfast Graduation Practice (if needed), report to the GBP Seniors check in at GBP (center field gate) Graduation Ceremony at Goodyear Ballpark Diploma pick-up, SE corner of stadium