Planning - Buildings - North Crawley Church of England School

Theme: Bricks Buildings and Lego
Focus Area: Knowledge of the World
Learning Intentions:
Date: 06/01/15 - 01/02.15
Learning Intentions:
Continues a rhyming string
Hear and say initial sounds in words
Segment and blend simple sounds in words
Knows the letter that represents the sounds
Name and sound letters of the alphabet
Reads simple words and sentences
Enjoys an increasing ranch of books
Know that information can be retrieved from books and
Read tricky words
Give meaning to their mark making
Uses clearly identifiable letters to communicate
Attempts to write short sentences
Recognise numbers 1-10
Recognise numbers 11-20
Counts accurately numbers 1-20
Selects the correct numeral to represent 1-10 and then 11-20
Estimates a group of objects and then counts to check
Use he language more/less to compare sets of objects
Finds the total of two groups by counting all of them
Says the number that is 1 more/1less than a given number 1-20
Uses the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting
Records using marks that they are able to interpret
Begins to identify own mathematical problems
Understand doubling/sharing/halving and use in problem solving
Name 2D/3D shapes
Can describe position and direction
Order items by length/height/weight
Use shapes to create patterns and pictures and build models
Use everyday language related to money and time
Measure short periods of time in simple ways
Writing letter home
Writing invite
Writing about their house
Labelling parts of house
Phase 3 phonics
Writing area- planning/maps/charts
Role play- Estate agents
For Sale Posters
Stories about houses- The House that Jack Built/ 3 Pigs
Non- fiction- books on buildings and materials
Books about Houses
Non- fiction books about materials
Estate agent materials in Role play area
Large paper
Phases 3 games and resources
Envelopes/ stamps
Looking at numbers in the environment.
Looking at door numbers
Odds and evens/ counting in 2’s.
Measuring using standard and non-standard
Outdoor- measuring buildings/ measuring areas
Recording findings in a variety of ways
Building model houses looking at 3D shapes
Maths area- focus measuring.
Tape measures
Large rolls of paper
Junk books
Clay/play dough
Number lines
Trip Milton Keynes, Library, Lego Shop, Christ the Cornerstone Church
Lego session for parents and siblings.
Understanding the World
Learning Intentions:
Expressive Arts and Design
Learning Intentions:
Shows interest in the lives of people who are familiar to
Talks about significant events in their own lives
Recognises and describes special times or events of
family and friends
Shows an interest in different occupations and ways of
Knows some of the things that make them unique, and
can talk about some of the similarities and differences
Comments and asks questions about the natural world
Talks about the plants, animals and natural objects they
have found
Talks about why things happen and how they work
Develop an understanding of growth, decay and change
Show care and concern for living things
Knows that information can be retrieved from
Complete a simple program on a computer using age
appropriate software
Builds a repertoire of songs and dances
Explores the different sound of instruments
Mixes colours
Experiments to create different textures
Mixes media to create new effects
Constructs with a purpose in mind
Uses simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately
Selects appropriate resources and adapts work where necessary
Selects tools and techniques needed to shape assemble and join
materials they are using
Walk to look at the variety of buildings in North
Taking photographs of different buildings in local
Exploring different materials/ link to 3 little pigs
Trip to Milton Keynes to compare and look at different
Exploring maps and plans on the computer
Google North Crawley.
Write address on the computer
Cooking activities linked to how things change and why
B bots to travel to different buildings on a map.
Collection of straw, brick and wooden items
B bots
Straw/ bricks/sticks
Cooking utensils and ingredients
3 Little Pigs story
Role play- estate agents/construction site
Home corner
Weekly music with Mrs Rose
Collage work with sticks and straw
Lego pictures
Painting houses
3D model houses
Acting out 3 little pigs
Printing with bricks
Collage materials
Role play resources for estate agent and construction area
Large bricks
Junk boxes
Lego bricks for printing