Skin handout website

Guide to Skin Disease
The Robson Veterinary Hospital, Laurencekirk, AB51 1EY
Tel: 01561 377314 Fax: 01561 378083
Caring for an animal with skin disease
The skin is the largest organ in the body and therefore we are used to seeing many
different skin complaints in animals! When a skin problem occurs, your pet may show
some of the following signs:
Scratching, licking or rubbing at areas of skin
Redness or inflammation
Hair loss
Flaky skin
Swellings or lumps
Ear disease
Here is a list of some of the more common skin problems that
we see in our surgery.
External Parasites
There are many different parasites that like to live on your animal! Fleas, ticks, lice and
mites are some of the common parasites that we see. If you bring your pet in we will
always look for parasites and can take samples to check under our microscope. There are
Compiled by Laura Cameron BMS&S MRCVS and Rebecca McPeake BVMS MRCVS
many different products available for prevention and treatment and any of our team will
be happy to advise you what is best for your pet. You can find more information in the
fleas and ticks section on our website.
Demodex mite
Feeding Tick
A Flea
Allergic skin disease
Allergic skin disease is the most common skin condition that we see. Often pets which
have repeated skin or ear infections are suffering from underlying allergies. Pets can be
hypersensitive to substances in the environment such as pollens and house dust mites or
to certain foods. The reasons allergens cause itchy skin is because when they are incontact with the body they trigger your pet’s immune system to release inflammatory
substances which then act on the skin. Some allergies are seasonal and you may notice
that your pet is only bothered at certain times of the year.
If your pet is suffering from allergic skin disease then there are many different treatment
options available.
1. If your pet has a skin infection then antibiotics are required. Skin infections usually
need a long course of treatment – sometimes
up to eight weeks of medications, to ensure
the infection is completely cleared. It is very
important that you bring your pet back for
recheck appointments, as we need to extend
the antibiotic course at least one week after
the skin looks to have improved. We may take
samples to get an understanding of what
bacteria are involved, discovering resistance
to specific antibiotics and allowing your vet to pick the best antibiotic for your pet.
2. Your pet may be uncomfortable and therefore we sometimes prescribe steroids to
reduce inflammation and itchiness. These are often very effective drugs but can
have side effects. These include increased thirst and subsequently increased
Compiled by Laura Cameron BMS&S MRCVS and Rebecca McPeake BVMS MRCVS
urination, increased appetite and panting. For these reasons we always try to
control inflammation with the lowest possible dose of steroid. Your vet can discuss in
depth the pros and cons of this specific medication.
2. Cyclosporin (Atopica) is a drug which is effective in treating allergic skin disease in
dogs as tablets, and in cats as a liquid form. It takes about four weeks to become
effective and can be used long-term or seasonally. Potential side effects are
vomiting and diarrhoea.
3. We have a wide range of medicated shampoos at the surgery which are often used
to help treat allergic skin disease.
4. Animals with allergic skin disease require strict flea control as they will be more likely
to react to flea bites, even from a single flea!
5. If you pet is suffering from recurring skin problems then we often advise an allergy
test to determine exactly what your pet is allergic to. This involves collecting a blood
sample which is sent to an external laboratory. In order to complete this test your pet
has to have time off from certain medications as these will affect the results - we are
happy to advise you prior to carrying out the test.
If your pet is allergic to environmental substances then it may be possible to avoid
the allergens by reducing carpets in the house, avoiding certain plants on walks and
using cleaning sprays in your house. However, it is not always easy if the allergens
are wide spread and some of our patients are given allergy vaccinations. This
involves injections of the relevant allergies in order to desensitise your pet. It may
Compiled by Laura Cameron BMS&S MRCVS and Rebecca McPeake BVMS MRCVS
take several months before you see the benefits and the
dose can be reduced over time, although treatment is
generally required for life.
6. If your pet is allergic to food ingredients then we are happy to recommend a
suitable hypoallergenic diet for your pet. There are several brands available and we
can order them for you at our surgeries.
7. Should your pet be diagnosed with allergic disease, they will require close
monitoring for flare ups and often this involves frequent visits to the vets. We aim to
provide the best management plan for your pet, tailored to their individual needs.
Swellings and lumps
If your pet develops any lumps or bumps then it is best to have them checked out by a
vet. We will then be able to advise you on the treatment required or the monitoring of skin
masses. Our vets will sometimes take needle samples to be either checked in our own
laboratory under the microscope, or which can be sent to an external laboratory. Surgical
biopsies may need to be taken under an anaesthetic in order to determine the exact
diagnosis of the masses present on your pet.
If your pet has a wound then it should be assessed by our vets as soon as possible. Often
larger wounds require surgical treatment and this is best done before the wound is
Systemic conditions
Changes in the skin can be related to more generalised health problems and therefore
the vet will ask a wide range of questions and give your pet a thorough examination. The
most common hormonal conditions involve the thyroid gland and the adrenal gland and
we are able to perform different blood tests in order to diagnose your pet.
Compiled by Laura Cameron BMS&S MRCVS and Rebecca McPeake BVMS MRCVS