English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Administrative and statistical areas Norwegian Mapping Authority gerd.mardal@statkart.no Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 1 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1 Applications schema ......................................................................................................................7 1.1 Administrative units subclassification ....................................................................................7 1.1 Description ...................................................................................................................... 14 1.1.1 CityDistrict ................................................................................................................ 14 1.1.2 CityDistrictBoundary ................................................................................................ 14 1.1.3 SubArea ................................................................................................................... 14 1.1.4 BasicDistrictUnit ....................................................................................................... 15 1.1.5 SchoolDistrict ........................................................................................................... 16 1.1.6 <<DataType>> SchoolDistrictId ............................................................................... 17 1.1.7 SchoolDistrictBoundary............................................................................................ 17 1.1.8 <<DataType>> ConstituencyId ................................................................................ 18 1.1.9 Constituency ............................................................................................................ 18 1.1.10 ConstituencyBoundary ............................................................................................. 19 1.1.11 <<DataType>> BasicDistrictId ................................................................................. 19 1.1.12 ??Community / Densely populated area .................................................................. 19 1.1.13 CommunityBoundary ............................................................................................... 20 1.1.14 <<DataType>> PartialAreaId ................................................................................... 21 1.1.15 <<DataType>> CityDistrictId .................................................................................... 21 1.1.16 CityCentreZone ........................................................................................................ 21 1.1.17 CityCentreZoneBoundary ........................................................................................ 22 1.1.18 <<DataType>> CommunityId ................................................................................... 22 1.1.19 <<DataType>> CityCentreZoneId ............................................................................ 22 1.1.20 BasicDistrictUnitBoundary ....................................................................................... 23 1.1.21 SubAreaBoundary.................................................................................................... 23 1.1.22 Association <<Topo>> CityDistrict-CityDistrictBoundary......................................... 23 1.1.23 Association <<Topo>> CityDistrict-MunicipalityBoundary ....................................... 24 1.1.24 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-MunicipalityBoundary .......................................... 24 1.1.25 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-MunicipalityBoundary .............................. 24 1.1.26 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-SchoolDistrictBoundary ............................... 24 1.1.27 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-ConstituencyBoundary ................................. 25 1.1.28 Association Municipality-Constituency..................................................................... 25 1.1.29 Association Municipality-SchoolDistrict ................................................................... 25 1.1.30 Association Municipality-SubArea ........................................................................... 26 1.1.31 Association Municipality-CityDistrict ........................................................................ 26 1.1.32 Association CityDistrict-BasicDistrictUnit ................................................................. 26 1.1.33 Association SubArea-BasicDistrictUnit .................................................................... 26 1.1.34 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-MunicipalityBoundary .................................. 27 1.1.35 Association <<Topo>> Municipality-SubArea .......................................................... 27 1.1.36 Association <<Topo>> CityCentreZone-CityCentreZoneBoundary ........................ 27 1.1.37 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-BasicDistrictUnitBoundary ...................... 27 1.1.38 Association ??Community / Densely populated area-CityCentreZone ................... 28 1.1.39 Association ??Community / Densely populated area-CommunityId ....................... 28 1.1.40 Association Constituency-ConstituencyId................................................................ 28 1.1.41 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-ParcelBoundary ................................................... 29 1.1.42 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-CommonsBoundary ............................................. 29 1.1.43 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-SubAreaBoundary ................................... 29 1.1.44 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-TerritorialBoundary.................................. 29 1.1.45 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-NationalBoundary.................................... 30 1.1.46 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-RegionalBoundary................................... 30 1.1.47 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-CountyBoundary ..................................... 30 1.1.48 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-TerritorialBoundary .............................................. 30 1.1.49 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-NationalBoundary ................................................ 31 1.1.50 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-RegionalBoundary ............................................... 31 1.1.51 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-CountyBoundary .................................................. 31 1.1.52 Association Municipality-??Community / Densely populated area .......................... 31 1.1.53 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-BasicDistrictUnit ........................................... 32 Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 2 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1.1.54 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-SubArea ........................................................ 32 1.1.55 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-County .......................................................... 32 1.1.56 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-Region .......................................................... 33 1.1.57 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-NationalBoundary ......................................... 33 1.1.58 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-TerritorialBoundary ....................................... 33 1.1.59 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-TerritorialBoundary ...................................... 33 1.1.60 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-NationalBoundary ........................................ 34 1.1.61 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-RegionalBoundary ....................................... 34 1.1.62 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-CountyBoundary.......................................... 34 1.1.63 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-MunicipalityBoundary .................................. 34 1.1.64 Association ??Community / Densely populated area-RegionalBoundary ............... 35 1.1.65 Association ??Community / Densely populated area-CountyBoundary .................. 35 1.1.66 Association ??Community / Densely populated area-MunicipalityBoundary .......... 35 1.1.67 Association ??Community / Densely populated area-NationalBoundary ................ 36 1.1.68 Association ??Community / Densely populated area-TerritorialBoundary .............. 36 1.1.69 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-SubAreaBoundary ............................................... 37 2 Applications schema ............................................................................................................... 38 2.1 Clerical classificastion ..................................................................................................... 38 2.2 Description ...................................................................................................................... 43 2.2.1 Diocese .................................................................................................................... 43 2.2.2 DioceseBoundary..................................................................................................... 43 2.2.3 GreaterParish ........................................................................................................... 44 2.2.4 GreaterParishBoundary ........................................................................................... 44 2.2.5 Deanery.................................................................................................................... 45 2.2.6 DeaneryBoundary .................................................................................................... 46 2.2.7 Parish ....................................................................................................................... 46 2.2.8 ParishBoundary ....................................................................................................... 47 2.2.9 Association Nation-Diocese ..................................................................................... 47 2.2.10 Association Diocese-Deanery .................................................................................. 48 2.2.11 Association Deanery-GreaterParish ........................................................................ 48 2.2.12 Association GreaterParish-Parish ............................................................................ 48 2.2.13 Association <<Topo>> Diocese-DioceseBoundary ................................................. 48 2.2.14 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-DeaneryBoundary ................................................ 49 2.2.15 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-GreaterParishBoundary .............................. 49 2.2.16 Association <<Topo>> Parish-ParishBoundary ....................................................... 49 2.2.17 Association <<Topo>> Diocese-NationalBoundary ................................................. 49 2.2.18 Association Diocese-Nation ..................................................................................... 50 2.2.19 Association <<Topo>> Diocese-CountyBoundary ................................................... 50 2.2.20 Association <<Topo>> Diocese-MunicipalityBoundary ........................................... 50 2.2.21 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-NationalBoundary ....................................... 50 2.2.22 Association GreaterParish-RegionalBoundary ........................................................ 51 2.2.23 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-CountyBoundary ......................................... 51 2.2.24 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-MunicipalityBoundary .................................. 51 2.2.25 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-NationalBoundary ................................................ 51 2.2.26 Association Deanery-Nation .................................................................................... 52 2.2.27 Association Deanery-RegionalBoundary ................................................................. 52 2.2.28 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-CountyBoundary .................................................. 52 2.2.29 Association <<Topo>> Parish-MunicipalityBoundary .............................................. 53 2.2.30 Association <<Topo>> Parish-GreaterParishBoundary .......................................... 53 2.2.31 Association <<Topo>> Parish-DioceseBoundary .................................................... 53 2.2.32 Association <<Topo>> Parish-DeaneryBoundary ................................................... 53 2.2.33 Association <<Topo>> Diocese-TerritorialBoundary ............................................... 54 2.2.34 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-TerritorialBoundary ..................................... 54 2.2.35 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-TerritorialBoundary .............................................. 54 2.2.36 Association <<Topo>> Parish-TerritorialBoundary .................................................. 54 2.2.37 Association <<Topo>> Parish-NationalBoundary .................................................... 55 Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 3 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.2.38 Association <<Topo>> Parish-CountyBoundary ..................................................... 55 2.2.39 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-DioceseBoundary........................................ 55 2.2.40 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-DioceseBoundary ................................................ 56 2.2.41 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-DeaneryBoundary ....................................... 56 2.2.42 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-MunicipalityBoundary ........................................... 56 <<CodeList>> DioceseNumber ..................................................................... 57 <<CodeList>> ParishNumber ........................................................................ 57 <<CodeList>> DeaneryNumber ..................................................................... 97 <<CodeList>> GreaterParishNumber .......................................................... 100 3. ApplicationsSchema ......................................................................................................... 104 3.1 National main classification .............................................................................................. 104 3.2 Description .................................................................................................................... 109 3.2.1 AdminCentre .......................................................................................................... 109 3.2.2 County .................................................................................................................... 109 3.2.3 Municipality ............................................................................................................ 110 3.2.4 Region .................................................................................................................... 111 3.2.5 Nation ..................................................................................................................... 111 3.2.6 Territorialområde .................................................................................................... 112 3.2.7 CountyBoundary .................................................................................................... 112 3.2.8 MunicipalityBoundary ............................................................................................. 113 3.2.9 RegionalBoundary ................................................................................................. 114 3.2.10 NationalBoundary .................................................................................................. 115 3.2.11 TerritorialBoundary ................................................................................................ 116 3.2.12 Baseline ................................................................................................................. 117 3.2.13 BaselinePoint ......................................................................................................... 118 3.2.14 Association Region-County.................................................................................... 118 3.2.15 Association County-Municipality ............................................................................ 118 3.2.16 Association Nation-??Community / Densely populated area ................................ 119 3.2.17 Association Nation-Region..................................................................................... 119 3.2.18 Association <<Topo>> ??Community / Densely populated areaCommunityBoundary............................................................................................................. 119 3.2.19 Association <<Topo>> Territorialområde-TerritorialBoundary .............................. 120 3.2.20 Association Territorialområde-Baseline ................................................................. 120 3.2.21 Association <<Topo>> Nation-NationalBoundary ................................................. 120 3.2.22 Association <<Topo>> Nation-TerritorialBoundary ............................................... 120 3.2.23 Association <<Topo>> Region-RegionalBoundary ............................................... 121 3.2.24 Association <<Topo>> Region-NationalBoundary ................................................ 121 3.2.25 Association <<Topo>> Region-TerritorialBoundary .............................................. 121 3.2.26 Association <<Topo>> County-CountyBoundary .................................................. 122 3.2.27 Association <<Topo>> County-NationalBoundary ................................................ 122 3.2.28 Association <<Topo>> County-TerritorialBoundary .............................................. 122 3.2.29 Association <<Topo>> Municipality-TerritorialBoundary ....................................... 122 3.2.30 Association <<Topo>> Municipality-NationalBoundary ......................................... 123 3.2.31 Association <<Topo>> Municipality-CountyBoundary ........................................... 123 3.2.32 Association <<Topo>> Municipality-MunicipalityBoundary ................................... 123 3.2.33 Association AdminCentre-Municipality .................................................................. 123 3.2.34 Association AdminCentre-County .......................................................................... 124 3.2.35 Association <<Topo>> County-RegionalBoundary ............................................... 124 <<CodeList>> CountyNumber ..................................................................... 125 <<CodeList>> MunicipalityNumber ............................................................. 125 <<CodeList>> CountryCode ........................................................................... 138 <<CodeList>> RegionArea ............................................................................. 145 4 ApplicationSchema ............................................................................................................... 147 4.1 Other administrative classification................................................................................. 147 4.2 Description ......................................................................................................................... 148 4.2.1 ??PriorityBoundary ................................................................................................ 148 Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 4 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 4.2.2 ??PriorityArea ..................................................................................................... 148 4.2.3 Association <<Topo>> ??PriorityArea-??PriorityBoundary ............................... 148 4.2.4 Association <<Topo>> PoliceDistrict-PoliceDistrictBoundary ............................ 149 CodeList ......................................................................................................... 150 5 ApplicationSchema ............................................................................................................... 151 5.1 Other information .......................................................................................................... 151 5.2 Description .................................................................................................................... 156 5.2.1 TwoHundredMileBoundary ................................................................................. 156 5.2.2 CommonLand ..................................................................................................... 156 5.2.3 CommonsBoundary............................................................................................ 156 5.2.4 FisheryBoundary ................................................................................................ 156 5.2.5 FisheryZone ....................................................................................................... 157 5.2.6 FisheryZoneBoundary ........................................................................................ 157 5.2.7 BoundarySea ...................................................................................................... 157 5.2.8 HabourDisrictBoundary ...................................................................................... 158 5.2.9 LocalSampleBoundary ....................................................................................... 158 5.2.10 LocalSampleArea ............................................................................................... 158 5.2.11 PropertyValuationBoundary ............................................................................... 158 5.2.12 CustomsBoundary10Nm .................................................................................... 159 5.2.13 PropertyValuationArea ....................................................................................... 159 5.2.14 <<DataType>> HabourDistrictInformation ......................................................... 159 5.2.15 FisheryProtectionZone ....................................................................................... 160 5.2.16 FisheryProtectionZoneBoundary ........................................................................ 160 5.2.17 HarbourDistrict ................................................................................................... 160 5.2.18 <<DataType>> BoundaryBetweenNationsSea .................................................. 161 5.2.19 Association <<Topo>> CommonLand-CommonsBoundary .............................. 161 5.2.20 Association <<Topo>> FisheryZone-FisheryZoneBoundary ............................. 162 5.2.21 Association <<Topo>> LocalSampleArea-LocalSampleBoundary .................... 162 5.2.22 Association <<Topo>> PropertyValuationArea-PropertyValuationBoundary .... 162 5.2.23 Association <<Topo>> FisheryProtectionZone-FisheryProtectionZoneBoundary 163 5.2.24 Association <<Topo>> HarbourDistrict-HabourDisrictBoundary........................ 163 <<CodeList>> CommonsType ..................................................................... 164 <<CodeList>> FirstCountry ......................................................................... 164 <<CodeList>> SecondCountry .................................................................... 164 <<CodeList>> BoundaryTypeSea ............................................................... 165 <<CodeList>> PortDistrictAdministration ..................................................... 165 <<CodeList>> PortIdentification .................................................................. 165 6. ApplicationSchema .............................................................................................................. 169 6.1 Police and court of justice ............................................................................................. 169 6.2 Description ...................................................................................................................... 170 6.2.1 PoliceDistrict ....................................................................................................... 170 6.2.2 PoliceDistrictBoundary ....................................................................................... 170 6.2.3 Association Municipality-PoliceDistrict ............................................................... 170 <<CodeList>> PoliceDistrictId ....................................................................... 171 7. ApplicationSchema ............................................................................................................. 172 7.1 Postal administrative classification................................................................................ 172 7.2 Description .................................................................................................................... 180 7.2.1 PostalArea .......................................................................................................... 180 7.2.2 PostalAreaBoundary .......................................................................................... 180 7.2.3 PostalRegion ...................................................................................................... 181 7.2.4 PostalRegionBoundary....................................................................................... 181 7.2.5 PostalZone ......................................................................................................... 182 7.2.6 PostalPlaceName ............................................................................................... 182 7.2.7 PostalPlaceNameBoundary ............................................................................... 183 7.2.8 <<DataType>> PostalAdministrativeAreas ........................................................ 183 Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 5 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 7.2.9 7.2.10 7.2.11 7.2.12 7.2.13 7.2.14 7.2.15 7.2.16 7.2.17 7.2.18 7.2.19 7.2.20 7.2.21 7.2.22 7.2.23 7.2.24 7.2.25 7.2.26 7.2.27 7.2.28 7.2.29 7.2.30 7.2.31 7.2.32 7.2.33 7.2.34 PostalZoneBoundary .......................................................................................... 184 Association Nation-PostalPlaceName................................................................ 184 Association PostalPlaceName-PostalRegion..................................................... 184 Association PostalRegion-PostalZone ............................................................... 185 Association PostalZone-PostalArea ................................................................... 185 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-PostalPlaceNameBoundary ............ 185 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-NationalBoundary............................ 185 Association <<Topo>> PostalRegion-PostalRegionBoundary .......................... 186 Association <<Topo>> PostalRegion-PostalPlaceNameBoundary ................... 186 Association <<Topo>> PostalRegion-NationalBoundary ................................... 186 Association <<Topo>> PostalZone-PostalZoneBoundary ................................. 187 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-PostalAreaBoundary .................................. 187 Association <<Topo>> PostalZone-PostalRegionBoundary .............................. 187 Association <<Topo>> PostalZone-NationalBoundary ...................................... 187 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-NationalBoundary....................................... 188 Association <<Topo>> PostalZone-PostalPlaceNameBoundary ...................... 188 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-PostalZoneBoundary.................................. 188 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-PostalPlaceNameBoundary ....................... 188 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-PostalRegionBoundary .............................. 189 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-Baseline .......................................... 189 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-Baseline...................................................... 189 Association <<Topo>> PostalRegion-Baseline .................................................. 190 Association <<Topo>> PostalZone-Baseline ..................................................... 190 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-PostalZoneBoundary ...................... 190 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-PostalAreaBoundary ....................... 190 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-PostalRegionBoundary ................... 191 Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 6 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1 Applications schema 1.1 Administrative units subclassification Main <<Topo>> 1..2 CityDistrict CityDistrictBoundary +boundaryCityDistrict 0..* 0..* <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit 1..2 BasicDistrictUnitBoundary +boundaryBasicDistrict +cityDistrictZone 1..* 0..* 0..2 <<Topo>> +grunnkretsInndeling 1..* 1 0..* <<Topo>> SubAreaBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality ... +boundarySubArea 1..2 +subAreaZone Municipality +boundarySubArea 1 SubArea 1 (f rom National main classif ication) 1 1 +schoolDistrictZone 0..* SchoolDistrict 1..2 +boundaySchoolDistrict 0..* Constituency 1..2 +boundaryConstituency CityCentreZone CommunityBoundary +boundaryCommunity <<Topo>> 1..2 0..* CityCentreZoneBoundary +boundaryCityCentreZon <<Topo>> Norwegian Mapping Authority ConstituencyBoundary 0..* <<Topo>> 1..2 SchoolDistrictBoundary 0..* <<Topo>> +constituencyZone ??Community / Densely populated area 0..* 0..* June 2009 Page 7 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas BasicDistrictUnit NationalBoundary RegionalBoundary (from National main classification) TerritorialBoundary (from National main classification) 0..* (from National main classification) CountyBoundary 0..* +boundaryRegional +boundaryNational 0..* +boundaryTerritorial <<Topo>> SubArea + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + partialAreaId : PartialAreaId <<Topo>> 0..2 0..2 +grunnkretsInndeling 1 <<Topo>> 1..* 0..2 BasicDistrictUnit + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + basicDistrictId : BasicDistrictId (from National main classification) +boundaryCounty 0..* <<Topo>> 0..2 <<Topo>> 1..2 0..* +boundaryBasicDistrict BasicDistrictUnitBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + countyBoundary [0..1] : CountyBoundary 1..2 0..2 1 <<Topo>> <<Topo>> <<Topo>> <<DataType>> BasicDistrictId + basicDistrictUnitNumber : Integer + basicDistrictName [0..1] : CharacterString +boundaryMunicipality +boundarySubArea +boundarySubArea 1..* 0..* 0..* SubAreaBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality ... MunicipalityBoundary (from National main classification) + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : Follows TerrainDetails <<CodeList>> RecreationalAreaPlanStatus (from OutdoorRecreationArea) + Zoning plan - outdoor recreation area = 1 + Zoning plan - special area, nature conservation = 2 + Zoning plan - special area, nature conservation? = 3 + Municipal master plan, land use part - ANR with special interests = 4 + Municipal master plan, land use part - ANR = 5 + ??(Other plan status / Status of other plans ) = 6 + County master plan = 7 + Municipal plan = 8 + Municipal master plan, land use part - reserved areas = 9 + Municipal master plan, land use part - greenbelt = 10 + Plans outside of PBA's rules of administrative procedure = 11 + Thematic plans pursuant to PBA = 12 + No plan status = 99 Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 8 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas CityCentreZone CityCentreZone + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + cityCentreZoneId : CityCentreZoneId + communityId [0..1] : CommunityId <<Topo>> 1..2 +boundaryCityCentreZon CityCentreZoneBoundary 0..* + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* +cityCentreZone 1 Municipality (f rom National main classif ication) +??communityDenselyPopulatedArea ??Community / Densely populated area 1 0..* + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + municipalityNumber : MunicipalityNumber <<DataType>> CityCentreZoneId + centreZoneNumber : CharacterString + centreZoneName : CharacterString Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 9 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas CityDistrict Municipality (from National main classification) 1 1..2 <<Topo>> +cityDistrictZone +municipalityBoundary 0..* 0..* MunicipalityBoundary 0..* <<Topo>> (from National main classification) +boundaryMunicipality 0..2 CityDistrict + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + cityDistrictId : CityDistrictId <<Topo>> CityDistrictBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 1..2 +boundaryCityDistrict 0..* 1..* +boundaryMunicipality <<Topo>> +basicDistrictUnit 1 1..* <<DataType>> CityDistrictId + cityDistrictName : CharacterString + cityDistrictNumber : CharacterString BasicDistrictUnit + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + basicDistrictId : BasicDistrictId 0..2 <<Topo>> +boundarySubArea SubAreaBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality ... 0..* 1..2 <<Topo>> +boundaryBasicDistrict 0..* BasicDistrictUnitBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + countyBoundary [0..1] : CountyBoundary ... Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 10 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Constituency BasicDistrictUnit SubArea 0..* County Region NationalBoundary (from National main classification) TerritorialBoundary (from National main classification) (from National main classification) (from National main classification) 0..* +basicDistrictUnit 0..* 0..* +subAreaZone <<Topo>> +countyZone 0..2 0..2 <<Topo>> <<Topo>> 0..2 0..2 0..2 +boudaryTerritorial <<Topo>> 0..2 Constituency + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + constituencyId : ConstituencyId <<DataType>> ConstituencyId + constituencyNumber : CharacterString + constituencyName [0..1] : CharacterString 0..* +boundaryNational +RegionZone <<Topo>> <<Topo>> 0..* 1..2 +boundaryConstituency ConstituencyBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* <<Topo>> 0..* +constituencyZone 1 MunicipalityBoundary (from National main classification) + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : Follows TerrainDetails Municipality +municipalityBoundary 0..* <<Topo>> (from National main classification) 1..2 Densely populated area Nation (from National main classification) + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + country : CountryCode 1 ??Community / Densely populated area + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality +??community/DenselyPopulatedAreaZone + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + communityId : CommunityId 0..* 1..2 +boundaryCommunity <<Topo>> CommunityBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* 1 +cityCentreZone <<DataType>> CommunityId + villageNumber : CharacterString + villageName : CharacterString Norwegian Mapping Authority + + + + 0..* CityCentreZone extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality position [0..1] : PointWithQuality cityCentreZoneId : CityCentreZoneId 1..2 communityId [0..1] : CommunityId June 2009 +boundaryCityCentreZon <<Topo>> CityCentreZoneBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* Page 11 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas ScoolDistrict TerritorialBoundary NationalBoundary RegionalBoundary CountyBoundary (from National main classification) (from National main classification) (from National main classification) (from National main classification) 0..* 0..* 0..* +boundaryTerritorial 0..* +boundaryNational +boundaryRegional <<Topo>> <<Topo>> 0..2 MunicipalityBoundary <<Topo>> <<Topo>> 0..2 +boundaryCounty 0..2 (from National main classification) <<Topo>> 0..2 + + + + SchoolDistrict extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality position [0..1] : PointWithQuality schoolDistrictId : SchoolDistrictId municipalityNumber : MunicipalityNumber 0..* +boundaryMunicipality 0..2 1..2 +boundaySchoolDistrict 0..* <<Topo>> SchoolDistrictBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* + countyBoundary [0..1] : CountyBoundary +schoolDistrictZone 1 Municipality (from National main classification) Norwegian Mapping Authority <<DataType>> SchoolDistrictId + schoolDistrictNumber : Integer + schoolDistrictName [0..1] : CharacterString June 2009 Page 12 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas SubArea Municipality (from National main classification) CountyBoundary (from National main classification) TerritorialBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsT errainDetails [0..1] : Follows T errainDetails ... (from National main classification) + border : CurveWithQuality 1 <<Topo>> +boundaryCounty +subAreaZone 0..* 0..* <<Topo>> +boundaryT erritorial 0..2 1..* 0..2 MunicipalityBoundary SubArea (from National main classification) + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality +boundaryNational + border : CurveWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + followsT errainDetails [0..1] : FollowsTerrainDetails ... 0..* <<Topo>> 0..2 + partialAreaId : PartialAreaId NationalBoundary <<Topo>> 0..2 0..2 +boundaryMunicipality <<Topo>> +boundarySubArea RegionalBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsT errainDetails [0..1] : Follows T errainDetails ... + border : CurveWithQuality ... 0..* + followsT errainDetails [0..1] : Follows T errainDetails 1..2 +boundaryRegional 0..* (from National main classification) (from National main classification) <<Topo>> 0..* BasicDistrictUnit SubAreaBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality ... <<DataType>> PartialAreaId + aggregateDistrictName : CharacterString + aggregateDistrictNumber : CharacterString Datatypes <<DataType>> CityDistrictId + cityDistrictName : CharacterString + cityDistrictNumber : CharacterString <<DataType>> CityCentreZoneId + centreZoneNumber : CharacterString + centreZoneName : CharacterString <<DataType>> PartialAreaId + aggregateDistrictName : CharacterString + aggregateDistrictNumber : CharacterString <<DataType>> SchoolDistrictId + schoolDistrictNumber : Integer + schoolDistrictName [0..1] : CharacterString <<DataType>> BasicDistrictId + basicDistrictUnitNumber : Integer + basicDistrictName [0..1] : CharacterString <<DataType>> CommunityId + villageNumber : CharacterString + villageName : CharacterString <<DataType>> ConstituencyId + constituencyNumber : CharacterString + constituencyName [0..1] : CharacterString Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 13 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1.1 Description 1.1.1 CityDistrict No Name/ Role name Description 1 Class CityDistrict 1.1 extent 1.2 position 1.3 1.4 cityDistrictId Role boundaryCityDist rict Role boundaryMunicip ality Role (unnamed) Municipality Role basicDistrictUnit administrative district of a city with its own city district administration with responsibility for several municipal administration functions which were previously centralized Note:The city districts consist of an integral number of basic district unit area over which an object 0 extends location where the object 0 exists 1 0 1.5 1.6 1.7 Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e 1 1 1 N Type Constraint SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty CityDistrictId CityDistrictBou Aggregrati ndary on 0 N MunicipalityBo undary Aggregrati on 1 1 Municipality 1 N BasicDistrictUn Aggregrati it on 1.1.2 CityDistrictBoundary No Name/ Role name 2 Class delimitation of city district CityDistrictBound ary border course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) CityDistrict 2.1 2.2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 CityDistrict Constraint 1.1.3 SubArea No Name/ Role name Description 3 Class sum of several basic Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 14 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas SubArea 3.1 extent 3.2 position 3.3 3.4 partialAreaId Role boundaryMunicip ality Role (unnamed) Municipality Role grunnkretsInndeli ng Role delområdeinndeli ng Role avgrensning Role avgrensning Role boundaryTerritori al Role boundaryNationa l Role boundaryRegion al Role boundaryCounty Role (unnamed) Constituency Role boundarySubAre a 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.1 0 3.1 1 3.1 2 3.1 3 3.1 4 3.1 5 district units, identified as the first two digits in the basic district unit number Note:Delimited by municipal boundaries and sub-area boundaries. area over which an object extends location where the object exists 0 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty PartialAreaId MunicipalityBo Aggregrati undary on 0 1 1 0 1 N 1 1 Municipality 1 N BasicDistrictUn Aggregrati it on 1 1 Municipality 0 N 0 N 0 N ParcelBoundar y CommonsBou ndary TerritorialBoun dary 0 N NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 0 N RegionalBoun dary 0 N 0 2 CountyBounda Aggregrati ry on Constituency 0 N Aggregrati on Aggregrati on Aggregrati on Aggregrati on SubAreaBound Aggregrati ary on 1.1.4 BasicDistrictUnit No Name/ Role name Description 4 Class BasicDistrictUnit the basic district unit is the smallest geographical area unit which is treated statistically Note:A municipality is divided into Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 15 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 4.1 extent 4.2 position 4.3 4.4 basicDistrictId Role boundaryMunicip ality Role (unnamed) CityDistrict Role (unnamed) SubArea Role boundaryBasicDi strict Role boundarySubAre a Role boundaryTerritori al Role boundaryNationa l Role boundaryRegion al Role boundaryCounty Role (unnamed) Constituency 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.1 0 4.1 1 4.1 2 4.1 3 a number of basic district units. area over which an object extends location where the object exists 0 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty BasicDistrictId MunicipalityBo Aggregrati undary on 0 1 1 1 1 N 1 1 CityDistrict 1 1 SubArea 0 N BasicDistrictUn Aggregrati itBoundary on 0 N SubAreaBound Aggregrati ary on 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on 0 N NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 0 N RegionalBoun dary 0 N 0 2 CountyBounda Aggregrati ry on Constituency Aggregrati on 1.1.5 SchoolDistrict No Name/ Role name Description 5 Class SchoolDistrict the school districts are used by most municipalities to divide the municipality into areas which will belong to the individual school, either at the primary and/or lower secondary level Note:Delimited by school district boundaries and municipal boundaries. Usually consists of entire basic district units ?? Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 16 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 5.1 extent 5.2 position 5.3 schoolDistrictId 5.4 municipalityNum ber 5.5 Role boundaySchoolD istrict Role (unnamed) Municipality Role avgrensningKom mune Role boundaryTerritori al Role boundaryNationa l Role boundaryRegion al Role boundaryCounty Role boundaryMunicip ality 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.1 0 5.1 1 5.1 2 area over which an object extends location where the object exists 0 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty SchoolDistrictI d MunicipalityNu mber 0 1 1 1 Merknad: Det presiseres 1 at kommune alltid skal ha 4 siffer, dvs. eventuelt med ledende null. Kommune benyttes for kopling mot en rekke andre registre som også benytter 4 siffer. 0 1 N SchoolDistrictB Aggregrati oundary on 1 1 Municipality 0 N MunicipalityBo undary 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on 0 N NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 0 N RegionalBoun dary Aggregrati on 0 N 0 N CountyBounda ry MunicipalityBo undary Aggregrati on Aggregrati on Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 Integer 0 1 CharacterStrin g Aggregrati on 1.1.6 <<DataType>> SchoolDistrictId No Name/ Role name 6 Datatype SchoolDistrictId schoolDistrictNu mber schoolDistrictNa me 6.1 6.2 Description 1.1.7 SchoolDistrictBoundary No Name/ Role name Description 7 Class SchoolDistrictBo delimitation of school district Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 17 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 7.1 undary border 7.2 7.3 course following the transition between different real world phenomena 1 1 CurveWithQual ity countyBoundary 0 1 Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict 1 2 CountyBounda ry SchoolDistrict 1.1.8 <<DataType>> ConstituencyId No Name/ Role name 8 Datatype ConstituencyId constituencyNum ber constituencyNam e Role (unnamed) Constituency 8.1 8.2 8.3 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 0 1 1 1 CharacterStrin g CharacterStrin g Constituency Constraint 1.1.9 Constituency No Name/ Role name Description 9 Class Constituency 9.1 extent 1 9.2 position 9.3 constituencyId 9.4 Role boundaryConstit uency Role (unnamed) Municipality Role (unnamed) ConstituencyId Role basicDistrictUnit the constituencies are intended to be a suitable division of municipalities for elections, including the voters not having too great a distance to the polling place area over which an object 0 extends location where the object 0 exists valgkretser er nummerert 1 entydig innen en kommune 0 N ConstituencyB oundary 1 1 Municipality 1 1 ConstituencyId Aggregrati on 0 N BasicDistrictUn Aggregrati it on 9.5 9.6 9.7 Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 1 1 Type Constraint SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty ConstituencyId Aggregrati on Page 18 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 9.8 9.9 9.1 0 9.1 1 9.1 2 Role subAreaZone Role countyZone Role RegionZone Role boundaryNationa l Role boudaryTerritoria l 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 N SubArea Aggregrati on County Aggregrati on Region Aggregrati on NationalBound Aggregrati ary on TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on 1.1.10 ConstituencyBoundary No Name/ Role name 10 Class delimitation of ConstituencyBou constituency ndary border course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) Constituency 10. 1 10. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 Constituency Constraint 1.1.11 <<DataType>> BasicDistrictId No Name/ Role name 11 11. 1 Datatype BasicDistrictId basicDistrictUnit Number 11. 2 basicDistrictNam e Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e consists of 8 digits which 1 are composed of municipality number (four digits with leading zero) and districtNumber Note: Valid values as of 200501-01 are 01010101 to 20300505. The districtNumber comprises the last four digits of which the first two den 0 Type 1 Integer 1 CharacterStrin g Constraint 1.1.12 ??Community / Densely populated area No Name/ Role name Description 12 Class ??Community / area where at least 200 people live, and where the Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 19 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Densely populated area 12. 1 12. 2 12. 3 12. 4 12. 5 12. 6 12. 7 12. 8 12. 9 12. 10 12. 11 12. 12 12. 13 extent distance between the houses normally does not exceed 50 metres (Statistics Norway - SSB) Note: concentrations of houses which naturally belong to the ??community / densely populated area, are included up to a distance of 400 metres from the core of the community. area over which an object extends location where the object exists 0 1 0 1 communityId 1 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty CommunityId Role (unnamed) Nation Role boundaryCommu nity Role cityCentreZone Role (unnamed) CommunityId Role (unnamed) Municipality Role (unnamed) RegionalBoundar y Role theCountyBound ary Role theMunicipalityB oundary Role (unnamed) NationalBoundar y Role (unnamed) TerritorialBounda ry 1 1 Nation 0 N CommunityBo undary Aggregrati on 0 N 1 1 CityCentreZon e CommunityId Aggregrati on Aggregrati on 1 1 Municipality 1 1 RegionalBoun dary 1 1 CountyBounda Aggregrati ry on 1 1 MunicipalityBo undary 1 1 NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 1 1 TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on position Aggregrati on Aggregrati on 1.1.13 CommunityBoundary No Name/ Role name Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 20 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 13 13. 1 13. 2 Class CommunityBoun dary border delimitation of community course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 ??Community / Densely populated area 1.1.14 <<DataType>> PartialAreaId No Name/ Role name 14 Datatype PartialAreaId aggregateDistrict Name aggregateDistrict Number 14. 1 14. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 1 1 CharacterStrin g CharacterStrin g Constraint 1.1.15 <<DataType>> CityDistrictId No Name/ Role name 15 Datatype CityDistrictId cityDistrictName 15. 1 15. 2 Description cityDistrictNumbe r Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 1 1 CharacterStrin g CharacterStrin g Constraint 1.1.16 CityCentreZone No Name/ Role name Description 16 Class CityCentreZone 16. 1 16. 2 16. 3 16. 4 extent area of concentration of central functions such as retail trade, services and public administration area over which an object extends location where the object exists position Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 1 0 1 1 1 Merknad: 0 Et tettsted kan gjerne ligge på tvers av en kommunegrense, men vanligvis får tettstedet da 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty CityCentreZon eId CommunityId cityCentreZoneId communityId Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Constraint Page 21 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas et nummer ut fra den ene kommunen, dvs. den kommunen som innbefatter den største delen av tettstedet 16. 5 16. 6 Role boundaryCityCen treZon Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area 0 N CityCentreZon eBoundary 1 1 ??Community / Densely populated area Aggregrati on 1.1.17 CityCentreZoneBoundary No Name/ Role name Description 17 Class CityCentreZoneB oundary border delimitation of a city centre zone in a densely populated area course following the 1 transition between different real world phenomena 1 17. 1 17. 2 Role (unnamed) CityCentreZone Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 CurveWithQual ity 2 CityCentreZon e Constraint 1.1.18 <<DataType>> CommunityId No Name/ Role name 18 Datatype CommunityId villageNumber 18. 1 18. 2 18. 3 villageName Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type villages are uniquely 1 numbered within the country. A village may well straddle municipal boundaries, but usually the village gets its number from the one municipality which includes the largest part of the village. 1 1 CharacterStrin g 1 1 1 CharacterStrin g ??Community / Densely populated area Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area Constraint 1.1.19 <<DataType>> CityCentreZoneId No Name/ Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum June 2009 Type Constraint Page 22 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Role name 19 19. 1 19. 2 Datatype CityCentreZoneI d centreZoneNumb er centreZoneName Condition Occurrenc e 1 1 1 1 CharacterStrin g CharacterStrin g 1.1.20 BasicDistrictUnitBoundary No Name/ Role name Description 20 Class BasicDistrictUnit Boundary border delimitation of a basic district unit 20. 1 20. 2 20. 3 Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity countyBoundary 0 1 Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit 1 2 CountyBounda ry BasicDistrictUn it course following the transition between different real world phenomena Constraint 1.1.21 SubAreaBoundary No Name/ Role name 21 Class delimitation of sub-area SubAreaBoundar y border course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit Role (unnamed) SubArea 21. 1 21. 2 21. 3 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 0 2 BasicDistrictUn it 1 2 SubArea Constraint 1.1.22 Association <<Topo>> CityDistrict-CityDistrictBoundary No Name/ Role name 22 Association CityDistrictCityDistrictBound ary Role 22. Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 CityDistrictBou Aggregatio June 2009 N Constraint Page 23 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1 22. 2 boundaryCityDist rict Role (unnamed) CityDistrict ndary 1 2 n CityDistrict 1.1.23 Association <<Topo>> CityDistrict-MunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name 23 Association CityDistrictMunicipalityBoun dary Role boundaryMunicip ality Role (unnamed) CityDistrict 23. 1 23. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N MunicipalityBo undary Aggregatio n 0 2 CityDistrict 1.1.24 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-MunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name 24 Association SubAreaMunicipalityBoun dary Role boundaryMunicip ality Role (unnamed) SubArea 24. 1 24. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N MunicipalityBo undary Aggregatio n 0 2 SubArea 1.1.25 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-MunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name 25 Association BasicDistrictUnitMunicipalityBoun dary Role boundaryMunicip ality Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit 25. 1 25. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 N MunicipalityBo undary Aggregatio n 1 1 BasicDistrictUn it 1.1.26 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-SchoolDistrictBoundary No Name/ Role name Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc June 2009 Type Constraint Page 24 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas e 26 26. 1 26. 2 Association SchoolDistrictSchoolDistrictBo undary Role boundaySchoolD istrict Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict 0 N SchoolDistrictB Aggregatio oundary n 1 2 SchoolDistrict 1.1.27 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-ConstituencyBoundary No Name/ Role name 27 Association ConstituencyConstituencyBou ndary Role boundaryConstit uency Role (unnamed) Constituency 27. 1 27. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N ConstituencyB oundary Aggregatio n 1 2 Constituency 1.1.28 Association Municipality-Constituency No Name/ Role name 28 Association MunicipalityConstituency Role constituencyZon e Role (unnamed) Municipality 28. 1 28. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Constituency Aggregatio n 1 1 Municipality 1.1.29 Association Municipality-SchoolDistrict No Name/ Role name 29 Association MunicipalitySchoolDistrict Role schoolDistrictZon e Role (unnamed) Municipality 29. 1 29. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N SchoolDistrict Aggregatio n 1 1 Municipality June 2009 Page 25 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1.1.30 Association Municipality-SubArea No Name/ Role name 30 Association MunicipalitySubArea Role subAreaZone Role (unnamed) Municipality 30. 1 30. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 N SubArea Aggregatio n 1 1 Municipality 1.1.31 Association Municipality-CityDistrict No Name/ Role name 31 Association MunicipalityCityDistrict Role cityDistrictZone Role (unnamed) Municipality 31. 1 31. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N CityDistrict Aggregatio n 1 1 Municipality 1.1.32 Association CityDistrict-BasicDistrictUnit No Name/ Role name 32 Association CityDistrictBasicDistrictUnit Role basicDistrictUnit Role (unnamed) CityDistrict 32. 1 32. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 N 1 1 BasicDistrictUn Aggregatio it n CityDistrict 1.1.33 Association SubArea-BasicDistrictUnit No Name/ Role name 33 Association SubAreaBasicDistrictUnit Role grunnkretsInndeli ng Role (unnamed) SubArea 33. 1 33. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 N BasicDistrictUn Aggregatio it n 1 1 SubArea June 2009 Constraint Page 26 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1.1.34 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-MunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name 34 Association SchoolDistrictMunicipalityBoun dary Role avgrensningKom mune Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict 34. 1 34. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N MunicipalityBo undary Aggregatio n 1 1 SchoolDistrict 1.1.35 Association <<Topo>> Municipality-SubArea No Name/ Role name 35 Association MunicipalitySubArea Role (unnamed) SubArea Role delområdeinndeli ng 35. 1 35. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 SubArea Aggregatio n 1 1 Municipality 1.1.36 Association <<Topo>> CityCentreZone-CityCentreZoneBoundary No Name/ Role name 36 Association CityCentreZoneCityCentreZoneB oundary Role boundaryCityCen treZon Role (unnamed) CityCentreZone 36. 1 36. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N CityCentreZon eBoundary Aggregatio n 1 2 CityCentreZon e 1.1.37 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-BasicDistrictUnitBoundary No Name/ Role name 37 Association BasicDistrictUnitBasicDistrictUnit Boundary Role 37. Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 BasicDistrictUn Aggregatio June 2009 N Constraint Page 27 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1 37. 2 boundaryBasicDi strict Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit itBoundary 1 2 n BasicDistrictUn it 1.1.38 Association ??Community / Densely populated area-CityCentreZone No Name/ Role name 38 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaCityCentreZone Role cityCentreZone Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area 38. 1 38. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 1 1 CityCentreZon Aggregatio e n ??Community / Densely populated area 1.1.39 Association ??Community / Densely populated area-CommunityId No Name/ Role name 39 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaCommunityId Role (unnamed) CommunityId Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area 39. 1 39. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 CommunityId Aggregatio n 1 1 ??Community / Densely populated area 1.1.40 Association Constituency-ConstituencyId No Name/ Role name 40 Association ConstituencyConstituencyId Role (unnamed) ConstituencyId Role (unnamed) Constituency 40. 1 40. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 ConstituencyId Aggregatio n 1 1 Constituency June 2009 Constraint Page 28 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1.1.41 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-ParcelBoundary No Name/ Role name 41 Association SubAreaParcelBoundary Role avgrensning Role (unnamed) SubArea 41. 1 41. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 1 2 ParcelBoundar Aggregatio y n SubArea 1.1.42 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-CommonsBoundary No Name/ Role name 42 Association SubAreaCommonsBound ary Role avgrensning Role (unnamed) SubArea 42. 1 42. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Aggregatio n 1 2 CommonsBou ndary SubArea 1.1.43 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-SubAreaBoundary No Name/ Role name 43 Association BasicDistrictUnitSubAreaBoundar y Role boundarySubAre a Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit 43. 1 43. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N SubAreaBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 BasicDistrictUn it 1.1.44 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 44 Association BasicDistrictUnitTerritorialBounda ry Role boundaryTerritori al 44. 1 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n June 2009 N Constraint Page 29 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 44. 2 Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit 0 2 BasicDistrictUn it 1.1.45 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 45 Association BasicDistrictUnitNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit 45. 1 45. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 BasicDistrictUn it 1.1.46 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-RegionalBoundary No Name/ Role name 46 Association BasicDistrictUnitRegionalBoundar y Role boundaryRegion al Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit 46. 1 46. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N RegionalBoun dary Aggregatio n 0 2 BasicDistrictUn it 1.1.47 Association <<Topo>> BasicDistrictUnit-CountyBoundary No Name/ Role name 47 Association BasicDistrictUnitCountyBoundary Role boundaryCounty Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit 47. 1 47. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 0 2 CountyBounda Aggregatio ry n BasicDistrictUn it 1.1.48 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 48 Association SubAreaTerritorialBounda Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 30 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 48. 1 48. 2 ry Role boundaryTerritori al Role (unnamed) SubArea 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n 0 2 SubArea 1.1.49 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 49 Association SubAreaNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) SubArea 49. 1 49. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 SubArea 1.1.50 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-RegionalBoundary No Name/ Role name 50 Association SubAreaRegionalBoundar y Role boundaryRegion al Role (unnamed) SubArea 50. 1 50. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N RegionalBoun dary Aggregatio n 0 2 SubArea 1.1.51 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-CountyBoundary No Name/ Role name 51 Association SubAreaCountyBoundary Role boundaryCounty Role (unnamed) SubArea 51. 1 51. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 0 2 CountyBounda Aggregatio ry n SubArea 1.1.52 Association Municipality-??Community / Densely populated area No Name/ Role name Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc June 2009 Type Constraint Page 31 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas e 52 52. 1 52. 2 Association Municipality??Community / Densely populated area Role ??communityDen selyPopulatedAr ea Role (unnamed) Municipality 0 N ??Community / Aggregatio Densely n populated area 1 1 Municipality 1.1.53 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-BasicDistrictUnit No Name/ Role name 53 Association ConstituencyBasicDistrictUnit Role basicDistrictUnit Role (unnamed) Constituency 53. 1 53. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 0 2 BasicDistrictUn Aggregatio it n Constituency 1.1.54 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-SubArea No Name/ Role name 54 Association ConstituencySubArea Role subAreaZone Role (unnamed) Constituency 54. 1 54. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N SubArea Aggregatio n 0 2 Constituency 1.1.55 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-County No Name/ Role name 55 Association ConstituencyCounty Role countyZone Role (unnamed) Constituency 55. 1 55. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N County Aggregatio n 0 2 Constituency June 2009 Page 32 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1.1.56 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-Region No Name/ Role name 56 Association ConstituencyRegion Role RegionZone Role (unnamed) Constituency 56. 1 56. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Region Aggregatio n 0 2 Constituency 1.1.57 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 57 Association ConstituencyNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) Constituency 57. 1 57. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 Constituency 1.1.58 Association <<Topo>> Constituency-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 58 Association ConstituencyTerritorialBounda ry Role boudaryTerritoria l Role (unnamed) Constituency 58. 1 58. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n 0 2 Constituency 1.1.59 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 59 Association SchoolDistrictTerritorialBounda ry Role boundaryTerritori 59. 1 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n June 2009 N Constraint Page 33 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 59. 2 al Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict 0 2 SchoolDistrict 1.1.60 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 60 Association SchoolDistrictNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict 60. 1 60. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 SchoolDistrict 1.1.61 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-RegionalBoundary No Name/ Role name 61 Association SchoolDistrictRegionalBoundar y Role boundaryRegion al Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict 61. 1 61. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N RegionalBoun dary Aggregatio n 0 2 SchoolDistrict 1.1.62 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-CountyBoundary No Name/ Role name 62 Association SchoolDistrictCountyBoundary Role boundaryCounty Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict 62. 1 62. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 0 2 CountyBounda Aggregatio ry n SchoolDistrict 1.1.63 Association <<Topo>> SchoolDistrict-MunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name 63 Association SchoolDistrict- Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 34 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 63. 1 63. 2 MunicipalityBoun dary Role boundaryMunicip ality Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict 0 N MunicipalityBo undary 0 2 SchoolDistrict Aggregatio n 1.1.64 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaRegionalBoundary No Name/ Role name 64 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaRegionalBoundar y Role (unnamed) RegionalBoundar y Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area 64. 1 64. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 RegionalBoun dary Aggregatio n 1 1 ??Community / Densely populated area 1.1.65 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaCountyBoundary No Name/ Role name 65 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaCountyBoundary Role theCountyBound ary Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area 65. 1 65. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 CountyBounda Aggregatio ry n 1 1 ??Community / Densely populated area 1.1.66 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaMunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 35 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 66 66. 1 66. 2 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaMunicipalityBoun dary Role theMunicipalityB oundary Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area 1 1 MunicipalityBo undary 1 1 ??Community / Densely populated area Aggregatio n 1.1.67 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaNationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 67 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaNationalBoundar y Role (unnamed) NationalBoundar y Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area 67. 1 67. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 1 1 ??Community / Densely populated area 1.1.68 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaTerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 68 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaTerritorialBounda ry Role (unnamed) TerritorialBounda ry Role (unnamed) ??Community / 68. 1 68. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n 1 1 ??Community / Densely populated area June 2009 Constraint Page 36 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Densely populated area 1.1.69 Association <<Topo>> SubArea-SubAreaBoundary No Name/ Role name 69 Association SubAreaSubAreaBoundar y Role boundarySubAre a Role (unnamed) SubArea 69. 1 69. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 N SubAreaBound Aggregatio ary n 1 2 SubArea June 2009 Constraint Page 37 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2 Applications schema 2.1 Clerical classificastion Main Nation (f rom National main classif ication) 1 +dioceseZone 0..* Diocese + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + dioceseNumber : DioceseNumber DioceseBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality +boundaryDiocese <<Topo>> 1..2 0..* 1 1..* +boundaryDeanery Deanery + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + DeaneryNumber : DeaneryNumber DeaneryBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality +boundaryDeanery <<Topo>> 1 0..* 1 1..* +greaterParishZone GreaterParish + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + greaterParishNumber : GreaterParishNumber GreaterParishBoundary +boundaryGreaterParish+ border : CurveWithQuality 1..2 <<Topo>> 0..* 1 1..* +parishZone Parish + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + parishNumber : ParishNumber Norwegian Mapping Authority +boundaryParish 1 <<Topo>> June 2009 ParishBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* Page 38 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Deanery NationalBoundary CountyBoundary (from National main classification) (from National main classification) MunicipalityBoundary TerritorialBoundary (from National main classification) 0..* 0..* (from National main classification) +boundaryNational 0..* +boundaryCounty 0..* +boundaryTerritorial +boundaryMunicipality <<Topo>> <<Topo>> <<Topo>> 0..2 0..2 0..2 <<Topo>> 0..2 Deanery Diocese + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality +boundaryDeanery + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality 1..* + DeaneryNumber : DeaneryNumber 1 + dioceseNumber : DioceseNumber 1 DeaneryBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality <<Topo>> +boundaryDeanery 0..* 1 0..2 <<Topo>> 0..*+boundaryDiocese +greaterParishZone DioceseBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 1..* GreaterParish + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + greaterParishNumber : GreaterParishNumber Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 <<CodeList>> DeaneryNumber Page 39 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Diocese NationalBoundary CountyBoundary (from National main classification) (from National main classification) MunicipalityBoundary TerritorialBoundary (from National main classification) 0..* 0..* (from National main classification) +boundaryNational 0..* +boundaryCounty 0..* +boundaryTerritorial +boundaryMunicipality <<Topo>> <<Topo>> <<Topo>> 0..2 0..2 0..2 <<Topo>> 0..2 Deanery Diocese + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality +boundaryDeanery + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality 1..* + DeaneryNumber : DeaneryNumber 1 + dioceseNumber : DioceseNumber 1 DeaneryBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality <<Topo>> +boundaryDeanery 0..* 1 0..2 <<Topo>> 0..*+boundaryDiocese +greaterParishZone DioceseBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 1..* GreaterParish + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + greaterParishNumber : GreaterParishNumber Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 <<CodeList>> DeaneryNumber Page 40 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Greater parish TerritorialBoundary NationalBoundary CountyBoundary (from National main classification) (from National main classification) MunicipalityBoundary (from National main classification) (from National main classification) 0..* +boundaryNational 0..* +boundaryTerritorial 0..* +boundaryCounty <<Topo>> <<Topo>> 0..2 0..* +boundaryMunicipality <<Topo>> <<Topo>> 0..2 0..2 0..2 GreaterParish Deanery +greaterParishZone + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality 1..* + greaterParishNumber : GreaterParishNumber + DeaneryNumber : DeaneryNumber 1 <<Topo>> 0..2 +boundaryDiocese 0..2 +boundaryDeanery +boundaryGreaterParish 0..* GreaterParishBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 1 <<Topo>> DioceseBoundary 0..* + border : CurveWithQuality <<Topo>> 1..2 <<CodeList>> GreaterParishNumber +parishZone 0..* DeaneryBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 1..* Parish + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + parishNumber : ParishNumber Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 41 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Parish GreaterParish + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + greaterParishNumber : GreaterParishNumber TerritorialBoundary (from National main classification) 0..* +boundaryMunicipality 1 0..* MunicipalityBoundary (from National main classification) +boundaryTerritorial <<Topo>> +parishZone GreaterParishBoundary <<Topo>> NationalBoundary (from National main classification) 0..* 0..2 +boundaryGreaterParish 1..* 0..2 Parish 0..2 <<Topo>> + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality 0..* <<Topo>> + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality +boundaryNational 0..2 + parishNumber : ParishNumber <<Topo>> 1 +boundaryDiocese <<Topo>> 0..2 0..* DioceseBoundary 0..2 1 +boundaryCounty 0..* <<Topo>> CountyBoundary (from National main classification) +boundaryParish <<Topo>> +boundaryDeanery 0..* 0..* DeaneryBoundary ParishBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality <<CodeList>> ParishNumber Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 42 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.2 Description 2.2.1 Diocese No Name/ Role name Description 1 Class Diocese 1.1 extent 1 1.2 position 1.3 dioceseNumber ecclesiastical district which includes entire deaneries and is administrated by a bishop area over which an object 0 extends location where the object 0 exists 1 1.4 Role (unnamed) Nation Role boundaryDeaner y Role boundaryDiocese Role boundaryNationa l Role nation Role boundaryCounty Role boundaryMunicip ality Role boundaryTerritori al 1 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty DioceseNumb er Nation 1 N Deanery Aggregrati on 0 N 0 N DioceseBound ary NationalBound ary Aggregrati on Aggregrati on 1 1 0 N 0 N 0 N 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.1 0 1.1 1 Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e 1 1 Type Constraint Nation Aggregrati on CountyBounda Aggregrati ry on MunicipalityBo Aggregrati undary on TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on 2.2.2 DioceseBoundary No Name/ Role name Description 2 Class DioceseBoundar y border delimitation of diocese 2.1 2.2 course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) Diocese Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 Diocese June 2009 Constraint Page 43 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.3 2.4 2.5 Role (unnamed) Parish Role (unnamed) GreaterParish Role (unnamed) Deanery 1 1 Parish 0 2 GreaterParish 0 2 Deanery 2.2.3 GreaterParish No Name/ Role name 3 3.1 Class GreaterParish extent 3.2 position 3.3 greaterParishNu mber Role (unnamed) Deanery Role parishZone Role boundaryGreater Parish Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) RegionalBoundar y Role boundaryCounty Role boundaryMunicip ality Role boundaryTerritori al Role boundaryDiocese Role boundaryDeaner y 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.1 0 3.1 1 3.1 2 3.1 3 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint area over which an object extends location where the object exists 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty GreaterParish Number Deanery 1 N Parish 0 N GreaterParish Boundary 0 N NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 1 1 RegionalBoun dary Aggregrati on 0 N 0 N CountyBounda ry MunicipalityBo undary Aggregrati on Aggregrati on 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on 0 N 0 N DioceseBound ary DeaneryBound ary Aggregrati on Aggregrati on Type Constraint Aggregrati on Aggregrati on 2.2.4 GreaterParishBoundary No Name/ Role name Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc June 2009 Page 44 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas e 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 Class GreaterParishBo undary border delimitation of greater parish course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) GreaterParish Role (unnamed) Parish 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 GreaterParish 0 2 Parish 2.2.5 Deanery No Name/ Role name Description 5 Class Deanery 5.1 extent 5.2 position 5.3 DeaneryNumber ecclesiastical district consisting of a number of greater parishes, administrated by a senior rector area over which an object extends location where the object exists Merknad: For at prosti skal være entydig, må også bispedømme oppgis. 5.4 Role (unnamed) Diocese Role greaterParishZon e Role boundaryDeaner y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) Nation Role (unnamed) RegionalBoundar y Role boundaryCounty Role 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.1 0 5.1 Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 1 0 1 1 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty DeaneryNumb er 1 1 Diocese 1 N GreaterParish 0 N DeaneryBound Aggregrati ary on 0 N NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 1 1 Nation Aggregrati on 1 1 RegionalBoun dary Aggregrati on 0 N 0 N CountyBounda Aggregrati ry on TerritorialBoun Aggregrati June 2009 Constraint Aggregrati on Page 45 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1 5.1 2 5.1 3 boundaryTerritori al Role boundaryDiocese Role boundaryMunicip ality dary on DioceseBound ary MunicipalityBo undary Aggregrati on Aggregrati on Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 1 Deanery 0 2 Parish 0 2 GreaterParish 0 N 0 N 2.2.6 DeaneryBoundary No Name/ Role name 6 Class delimitation of deanery DeaneryBoundar y border course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) Deanery Role (unnamed) Parish Role (unnamed) GreaterParish 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Description 2.2.7 Parish No Name/ Role name Description 7 Class Parish 7.1 extent 7.2 position 7.3 parishNumber the smallest ecclesiastical unit in a legal sense Note:Parishes are really congregations Parishes are registered separately in the address register. Parishes must not cross municipal boundaries. Delimited by diocese boundaries and deanery boundaries, greater parish boundaries and possibly municipal boundaries area over which an object extends location where the object exists Merknad: De to første siffer står for bispedømme, to neste for prosti, to neste for Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 1 0 1 1 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty ParishNumber June 2009 Constraint Page 46 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas prestegjeld og to siste for sokn. 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.1 0 7.1 1 7.1 2 Role (unnamed) GreaterParish Role boundaryParish Role boundaryMunicip ality Role boundaryGreater Parish Role boundaryDiocese Role boundaryDeaner y Role boundaryTerritori al Role boundaryNationa l Role boundaryCounty 1 1 GreaterParish 0 N 0 N ParishBoundar y MunicipalityBo undary Aggregrati on Aggregrati on 0 N GreaterParish Boundary Aggregrati on 0 N 0 N DioceseBound ary DeaneryBound ary Aggregrati on Aggregrati on 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on 0 N NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 0 N CountyBounda Aggregrati ry on 2.2.8 ParishBoundary No Name/ Role name 8 Class ParishBoundary border 8.1 8.2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type course following the transition between different real world phenomena 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 1 Parish Role (unnamed) Parish Constraint 2.2.9 Association Nation-Diocese No Name/ Role name 9 Association Nation-Diocese Role dioceseZone Role (unnamed) Nation 9.1 9.2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Diocese Aggregatio n 1 1 Nation June 2009 Page 47 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.2.10 Association Diocese-Deanery No Name/ Role name 10 Association Diocese-Deanery Role boundaryDeaner y Role (unnamed) Diocese 10. 1 10. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 N Deanery Aggregatio n 1 1 Diocese 2.2.11 Association Deanery-GreaterParish No Name/ Role name 11 Association DeaneryGreaterParish Role greaterParishZon e Role (unnamed) Deanery 11. 1 11. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 N GreaterParish Aggregatio n 1 1 Deanery 2.2.12 Association GreaterParish-Parish No Name/ Role name 12 Association GreaterParishParish Role parishZone Role (unnamed) GreaterParish 12. 1 12. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 N Parish Aggregatio n 1 1 GreaterParish 2.2.13 Association <<Topo>> Diocese-DioceseBoundary No Name/ Role name 13 Association DioceseDioceseBoundar y Role boundaryDiocese Role (unnamed) Diocese 13. 1 13. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Aggregatio n 1 2 DioceseBound ary Diocese June 2009 Page 48 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.2.14 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-DeaneryBoundary No Name/ Role name 14 Association DeaneryDeaneryBoundar y Role boundaryDeaner y Role (unnamed) Deanery 14. 1 14. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N DeaneryBound Aggregatio ary n 1 1 Deanery 2.2.15 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-GreaterParishBoundary No Name/ Role name 15 Association GreaterParishGreaterParishBo undary Role boundaryGreater Parish Role (unnamed) GreaterParish 15. 1 15. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N GreaterParish Boundary Aggregatio n 1 2 GreaterParish 2.2.16 Association <<Topo>> Parish-ParishBoundary No Name/ Role name 16 Association ParishParishBoundary Role boundaryParish Role (unnamed) Parish 16. 1 16. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 1 1 ParishBoundar Aggregatio y n Parish 2.2.17 Association <<Topo>> Diocese-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 17 Association DioceseNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa 17. 1 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 NationalBound Aggregatio ary n June 2009 N Constraint Page 49 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 17. 2 l Role (unnamed) Diocese 0 2 Diocese 2.2.18 Association Diocese-Nation No Name/ Role name 18 Association Diocese-Nation Role nation Role (unnamed) Diocese 18. 1 18. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 Nation Aggregatio n 1 N Diocese 2.2.19 Association <<Topo>> Diocese-CountyBoundary No Name/ Role name 19 Association DioceseCountyBoundary Role boundaryCounty Role (unnamed) Diocese 19. 1 19. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 0 2 CountyBounda Aggregatio ry n Diocese 2.2.20 Association <<Topo>> Diocese-MunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name 20 Association DioceseMunicipalityBoun dary Role boundaryMunicip ality Role (unnamed) Diocese 20. 1 20. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N MunicipalityBo undary Aggregatio n 0 2 Diocese 2.2.21 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 21 Association GreaterParishNationalBoundar y Role 21. Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 NationalBound Aggregatio June 2009 N Constraint Page 50 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1 21. 2 boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) GreaterParish ary 0 2 n GreaterParish 2.2.22 Association GreaterParish-RegionalBoundary No Name/ Role name 22 Association GreaterParishRegionalBoundar y Role (unnamed) RegionalBoundar y Role (unnamed) GreaterParish 22. 1 22. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 RegionalBoun dary Aggregatio n 1 1 GreaterParish 2.2.23 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-CountyBoundary No Name/ Role name 23 Association GreaterParishCountyBoundary Role boundaryCounty Role (unnamed) GreaterParish 23. 1 23. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 0 2 CountyBounda Aggregatio ry n GreaterParish 2.2.24 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-MunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name 24 Association GreaterParishMunicipalityBoun dary Role boundaryMunicip ality Role (unnamed) GreaterParish 24. 1 24. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N MunicipalityBo undary Aggregatio n 0 2 GreaterParish 2.2.25 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 51 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 25 25. 1 25. 2 Association DeaneryNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) Deanery 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 Deanery 2.2.26 Association Deanery-Nation No Name/ Role name 26 Association Deanery-Nation Role (unnamed) Nation Role (unnamed) Deanery 26. 1 26. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 Nation Aggregatio n 1 1 Deanery 2.2.27 Association Deanery-RegionalBoundary No Name/ Role name 27 Association DeaneryRegionalBoundar y Role (unnamed) RegionalBoundar y Role (unnamed) Deanery 27. 1 27. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 RegionalBoun dary Aggregatio n 1 1 Deanery 2.2.28 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-CountyBoundary No Name/ Role name 28 Association DeaneryCountyBoundary Role boundaryCounty Role (unnamed) Deanery 28. 1 28. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 N 0 2 CountyBounda Aggregatio ry n Deanery June 2009 Constraint Page 52 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.2.29 Association <<Topo>> Parish-MunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name 29 Association ParishMunicipalityBoun dary Role boundaryMunicip ality Role (unnamed) Parish 29. 1 29. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N MunicipalityBo undary Aggregatio n 0 2 Parish 2.2.30 Association <<Topo>> Parish-GreaterParishBoundary No Name/ Role name 30 Association ParishGreaterParishBo undary Role boundaryGreater Parish Role (unnamed) Parish 30. 1 30. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N GreaterParish Boundary Aggregatio n 0 2 Parish 2.2.31 Association <<Topo>> Parish-DioceseBoundary No Name/ Role name 31 Association ParishDioceseBoundar y Role boundaryDiocese Role (unnamed) Parish 31. 1 31. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Aggregatio n 1 1 DioceseBound ary Parish Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 DeaneryBound Aggregatio 2.2.32 Association <<Topo>> Parish-DeaneryBoundary No Name/ Role name 32 Association ParishDeaneryBoundar y Role 32. Description Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 N Page 53 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 1 32. 2 boundaryDeaner y Role (unnamed) Parish ary 0 2 n Parish 2.2.33 Association <<Topo>> Diocese-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 33 Association DioceseTerritorialBounda ry Role boundaryTerritori al Role (unnamed) Diocese 33. 1 33. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n 0 2 Diocese 2.2.34 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 34 Association GreaterParishTerritorialBounda ry Role boundaryTerritori al Role (unnamed) GreaterParish 34. 1 34. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n 0 2 GreaterParish 2.2.35 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 35 Association DeaneryTerritorialBounda ry Role boundaryTerritori al Role (unnamed) Deanery 35. 1 35. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n 0 2 Deanery 2.2.36 Association <<Topo>> Parish-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc June 2009 Type Constraint Page 54 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas e 36 36. 1 36. 2 Association ParishTerritorialBounda ry Role boundaryTerritori al Role (unnamed) Parish 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n 0 2 Parish 2.2.37 Association <<Topo>> Parish-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 37 Association ParishNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) Parish 37. 1 37. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 Parish 2.2.38 Association <<Topo>> Parish-CountyBoundary No Name/ Role name 38 Association ParishCountyBoundary Role boundaryCounty Role (unnamed) Parish 38. 1 38. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 0 2 CountyBounda Aggregatio ry n Parish 2.2.39 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-DioceseBoundary No Name/ Role name 39 Association GreaterParishDioceseBoundar y Role boundaryDiocese Role (unnamed) GreaterParish 39. 1 39. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Aggregatio n 0 2 DioceseBound ary GreaterParish June 2009 Page 55 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.2.40 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-DioceseBoundary No Name/ Role name 40 Association DeaneryDioceseBoundar y Role boundaryDiocese Role (unnamed) Deanery 40. 1 40. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Aggregatio n 0 2 DioceseBound ary Deanery 2.2.41 Association <<Topo>> GreaterParish-DeaneryBoundary No Name/ Role name 41 Association GreaterParishDeaneryBoundar y Role boundaryDeaner y Role (unnamed) GreaterParish 41. 1 41. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N DeaneryBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 GreaterParish 2.2.42 Association <<Topo>> Deanery-MunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name 42 Association DeaneryMunicipalityBoun dary Role boundaryMunicip ality Role (unnamed) Deanery 42. 1 42. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N MunicipalityBo undary Aggregatio n 0 2 Deanery June 2009 Page 56 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Nr 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 <<CodeList>> DioceseNumber Code name Kodeliste DioceseNumber Oslo Borg Hamar Tunsberg Agder og Telemark Stavanger Bjørgvin Møre Nidaros Sør-Hålogaland Nord-Hålogaland Definition/Description Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 <<CodeList>> ParishNumber Nr 2 Code name Kodeliste ParishNumber 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Agdenes Aldersund Alstadhaug Alstahaug Alta Alvdal Alversund Andebu Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description Code unique identification of a parish in the form of 8 digits Note: The first two digits stand for diocese, the next two for deanery, the next two for greater parish and the last two for parish. Merknad: De to første siffer står for bispedømme, to neste for prosti, to neste for prestegjeld og to siste for sokn. 09060601 10040503 09090201 10040101 11050101 03050501 07070101 04010701 June 2009 Page 57 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.40 2.41 2.42 2.43 Andenes Andørja Ankenes Aremark Arna Arnadal Arnafjord Arneberg Asak Ask Asker Askim Askvoll Astafjord Atrå Aukra Auli Aulstad Aurdal Aure Aurskog Austad Austbygda Austefjord Austevoll Austmarka Austre Moland Austrheim Avaldsnes Bagn Bakke Bakkehaugen Bakklandet Balestrand Balke Norwegian Mapping Authority 10080401 11020502 10060201 02030203 07040201 04010603 07100203 03030202 02020604 07130303 01070101 02030401 07110501 11020602 05120301 08010501 02080102 03070703 03100101 08060701 02080401 05030102 05120304 08020103 07060401 03020102 05070401 07070303 06100101 03100201 05030404 01050102 09010201 07100301 03080401 June 2009 Page 58 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.44 2.45 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.50 2.51 2.52 2.53 2.54 2.55 2.56 2.57 2.58 2.59 2.60 2.61 2.62 2.63 2.64 2.65 2.66 2.67 2.68 2.69 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.73 2.74 2.75 2.76 2.77 2.78 Ballangen Balsfjord Bamble Barbu Bardu Begnadalen Beiarn Beitstad Bekkelaget Berg1 Berg2 Berg3 Berg4 Bergen domkirke Bergsdalen Berkåk Berle1 Berle Berlevåg Biri Birkeland Birkenes Biskopshavn Bjarkøy og Sandsøy Bjelland Bjerkreim Bjerkvik Bjoa1 Bjoa Bjoneroa Bjordal og Ortnevik Bjugn Bjørke Bjørkelangen Bjørnskinn Norwegian Mapping Authority 10060501 11090401 05090301 05070301 11090301 03100203 10050301 09100401 01020501 02020702 04020502 09020102 11030601 07010101 07080905 09070603 07110703 07120903 11080501 03080301 07020201 05060401 07040301 11020103 05020301 06020401 10060202 06060702 07050602 03090203 07100103 09050301 02070503 02080304 10080302 June 2009 Page 59 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.79 2.80 2.81 2.82 2.83 2.84 2.85 2.86 2.87 2.88 2.89 2.90 2.91 2.92 2.93 2.94 2.95 2.96 2.97 2.98 2.99 2.100 2.101 2.102 2.103 2.104 2.105 2.106 2.107 2.108 2.109 2.110 2.111 2.112 2.113 Blaker Bleikvassli Blomvåg Bodin Bodø Domkirke Bokn1 Bokn Bolsøy Bore Borge1 Borge Borgestad Borgund1 Borgund Borre Botne Bragernes Brandbu Brandval Bratsberg Brattvær Brattvåg Bredtvet Breim Brekke Brekken Bremanger1 Bremanger Bremnes Bremsnes Brevik Bru Bruflat Brumunddal Brunkeberg Norwegian Mapping Authority 02080602 10030503 07130402 10010201 10010101 06050904 06060604 08010201 06030803 02010701 10070401 05100602 07090302 08040401 04030201 04030401 04040101 03090201 03020201 09020302 08060803 08040603 01030201 07120502 07100402 09070202 07110701 07120901 07050803 08060402 05100702 07110602 03100301 03010902 05130403 June 2009 Page 60 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.114 2.115 2.116 2.117 2.118 2.119 2.120 2.121 2.122 2.123 2.124 2.125 2.126 2.127 2.128 2.129 2.130 2.131 2.132 2.133 2.134 2.135 2.136 2.137 2.138 2.139 2.140 2.141 2.142 2.143 2.144 2.145 2.146 2.147 2.148 Bruvik Brydalen Bryn Bryne Brønnøy Brøttum Bråstad Bud1 Bud Budal Bugården Buksnes Buvik Bygdøy1 Bygdøy Bygland Bygstad Bykle Byneset Byåsen1 Byåsen Bø1 Bø2 Bø Bøler Bømlo Bønes Børsa Bøverdalen Båstad Båtsfjord Charlottenlund Dagali og Skurdalen Dale1 Dale Norwegian Mapping Authority 07070402 03050104 01060601 06030602 10020101 03011101 03080203 08010303 08010401 09070103 04090301 10070501 09060502 01010302 01050302 05050301 07110303 05050403 09030501 09030301 09130101 05110101 05120601 10080501 01020401 07050802 07020502 09060503 03060502 02030502 11080401 09020602 04080402 07080902 07090501 June 2009 Page 61 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.149 2.150 2.151 2.152 2.153 2.154 2.155 2.156 2.157 2.158 2.159 2.160 2.161 2.162 2.163 2.164 2.165 2.166 2.167 2.168 2.169 2.170 2.171 2.172 2.173 2.174 2.175 2.176 2.177 2.178 2.179 2.180 2.181 2.182 2.183 Dalen Dalsbygda Dalsfjord Davik Degernes Deset Dolstad Dombås Dovre Drag/Helland Drangedal Drevja Drevsjø Drøbak Dverberg Dypvåg Dyrøy Dønna Edøy Efteløt Egersund Egge Eggedal Eid1 Eid Eid og Holm Eidanger Eide1 Eide Eidfjord Eidsberg Eidsborg, Mo og Skafså Eidskog Eidsvoll Eidsvåg Norwegian Mapping Authority 02080502 03050402 08020102 07120601 02030302 03040403 10030701 03060402 03060401 10060402 05090501 10030702 03040303 02050301 10080301 05080102 11030402 10040301 08060801 04060201 06020101 09100102 04050402 07050402 07120101 08050106 05100701 05060302 08060301 07080503 02030101 05130104 03020301 02070301 07040401 June 2009 Page 62 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.184 2.185 2.186 2.187 2.188 2.189 2.190 2.191 2.192 2.193 2.194 2.195 2.196 2.197 2.198 2.199 2.200 2.201 2.202 2.203 2.204 2.205 2.206 2.207 2.208 2.209 2.210 2.211 2.212 2.213 2.214 2.215 2.216 2.217 2.218 Eigerøy Eikefjord Eiken Eikesdal Eina Ekholt Ekne Eksingedalen Elgå Ellingsrud Ellingsøy Elsfjord Elverhøy Elverum Enebakk Engehaugen Engerdal Enningdal Erdal Eresfjord Erfjord1 Erfjord Ervik Etne Evanger Evenes Evje Fagerborg Fagerhaug Falnes1 Falnes Fana Farsund Fauske Feda Norwegian Mapping Authority 06020103 07110603 05030105 08050204 03080602 02040402 09090203 07080904 03040305 01030802 08040402 10030703 11010401 03040101 02050801 03080102 03040301 02020602 07130305 08050202 06060203 06060302 07120803 07050206 07080102 10060601 05050201 01010501 09070502 06050401 06100501 07020101 05030301 10050101 05030502 June 2009 Page 63 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.219 2.220 2.221 2.222 2.223 2.224 2.225 2.226 2.227 2.228 2.229 2.230 2.231 2.232 2.233 2.234 2.235 2.236 2.237 2.238 2.239 2.240 2.241 2.242 2.243 2.244 2.245 2.246 2.247 2.248 2.249 2.250 2.251 2.252 2.253 Fedje Feios Feiring Fenstad Ferkingstad1 Ferkingstad Fet Fet og Joranger Fiksdal Fillan Filtvet/Tofte Finsland Fiskum Fister Fitjar Fjaler Fjelberg og Eid Fjell1 Fjell Fjotland Fjære Fjærland Fjørtoft Fjågesund og Kilen Flakstad Flatanger Flatdal1 Flatdal Flekkefjord Flekkerøy Flesberg Flosta Fluberg Flå1 Flå Norwegian Mapping Authority 07070304 07100205 02070303 02080203 06050402 06100502 02080501 07090602 08050303 09060703 04100202 05020203 04050102 06040203 07050901 07110401 07050401 04040302 07130101 05030503 05060201 07090104 08040702 05130404 10070601 09110701 05110502 05130702 05030401 05010502 04060301 05070403 03090503 04080202 09070403 June 2009 Page 64 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.254 2.255 2.256 2.257 2.258 2.259 2.260 2.261 2.262 2.263 2.264 2.265 2.266 2.267 2.268 2.269 2.270 2.271 2.272 2.273 2.274 2.275 2.276 2.277 2.278 2.279 2.280 2.281 2.282 2.283 2.284 2.285 2.286 2.287 2.288 Flåbygd Flåm Foldereid1 Foldereid Folldal Follebu Fon1 Fon Fore og Meløy Forsand Fortun Fosnes Fossum Fredrikstad Domkirke Frei Fresvik Fridalen Frogn Frogner1 Frogner2 Frogner Froland Frosta Frøya1 Frøya2 Frøya Frøyland og Orstad Frøyset Furnes Furuset1 Furuset Fusa Fyllingsdalen Fyresdal Føling Norwegian Mapping Authority 05110302 07090202 09120103 09120202 03050601 03070602 04010802 04030304 10010501 06040103 07090503 09110201 01031001 02010101 08060501 07100204 07010402 02050302 01010301 02080603 04100101 05070701 09090401 07110702 07120902 09060901 06030804 07070501 03010801 01030701 02070102 07060201 07030201 05130301 09100303 June 2009 Page 65 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.289 2.290 2.291 2.292 2.293 2.294 2.295 2.296 2.297 2.298 2.299 2.300 2.301 2.302 2.303 2.304 2.305 2.306 2.307 2.308 2.309 2.310 2.311 2.312 2.313 2.314 2.315 2.316 2.317 2.318 2.319 2.320 2.321 2.322 2.323 Førde1 Førde Førresfjorden1 Førresfjorden Fåberg Fåvang Gamle Aker Gamle Glemmen Gamlebyen Gamvik Gand Garder Garmo Gaupne Gausel1 Gausel Geilo Geiranger Geitastrand Gildeskål Gimmestad Gimsøy og Nenset Gimsøy og Strauman Giske Gjemnes Gjerdrum Gjerpen Gjerstad1 Gjerstad Gjesdal Gjesåsen Gjøfjell Gjøvdal Gjøvik Glemmen Norwegian Mapping Authority 07050702 07110101 06050903 06060603 03070201 03070402 01010701 02010302 01011002 11060701 06080401 02050203 03060503 07090604 06010702 06090402 04080403 08030302 09060104 10010601 07120503 05100202 10070202 08040801 08070602 02070401 05100601 05080301 07070403 06030501 03030102 02050402 05080403 03080101 02010301 June 2009 Page 66 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.324 2.325 2.326 2.327 2.328 2.329 2.330 2.331 2.332 2.333 2.334 2.335 2.336 2.337 2.338 2.339 2.340 2.341 2.342 2.343 2.344 2.345 2.346 2.347 2.348 2.349 2.350 2.351 2.352 2.353 2.354 2.355 2.356 2.357 2.358 Glomfjord Glåmos Gol Gran Grane Gransherad Granvin Gratangen Gravberget Gravvik1 Gravvik Grefsen Greipstad Gressvik Greverud Greåker Grim Grimstad Grindheim Grinilund Grong Grorud Grua-Harestua Gruben Grue Grue/Finnskog Grungedal Grytten Grytøy Grødem Grønland Grønnåsen Guddal Gulen Gulset Norwegian Mapping Authority 10010503 09070204 04080301 03090101 10030601 05120203 07080602 11020801 03030402 09120105 09120302 01040901 05020202 02010602 02050502 02020501 05010701 05060202 05020501 01060302 09110501 01030401 03090302 10030201 03030301 03030302 05130603 08050101 11020102 06070103 01010801 11010501 07110402 07100401 05100501 June 2009 Page 67 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.359 2.360 2.361 2.362 2.363 2.364 2.365 2.366 2.367 2.368 2.369 2.370 2.371 2.372 2.373 2.374 2.375 2.376 2.377 2.378 2.379 2.380 2.381 2.382 2.383 2.384 2.385 2.386 2.387 2.388 2.389 2.390 2.391 2.392 2.393 Gursken Gyland Hadsel Hafrsfjord1 Hafrsfjord Hafslo Hafslund Hakadal Halden Halsa1 Halsa Haltdalen Hamar Domkirke Hamarøy Hammerfest Hamnsund Hamre Hana Hanestad Haram Hareid Harkmark Harran Harstad Hasle Haslum Hasselvika Hasvik Hatlestrand Hattfjelldal Haug1 Haug Hauge Haugerud Hauketo-Prinsdal Norwegian Mapping Authority 08020503 05030403 10080101 06070301 06090201 07090701 02020204 02061102 02020701 08060601 10010502 09070301 03010101 10060301 11060101 08040602 07070405 06080601 03050203 08040701 08020702 05020102 09110502 11020301 01031102 01060401 09050104 11050401 07050504 10030401 04050101 04070301 07090303 01030601 01020202 June 2009 Page 68 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.394 2.395 2.396 2.397 2.398 2.399 2.400 2.401 2.402 2.403 2.404 2.405 2.406 2.407 2.408 2.409 2.410 2.411 2.412 2.413 2.414 2.415 2.416 2.417 2.418 2.419 2.420 2.421 2.422 2.423 2.424 2.425 2.426 2.427 2.428 Haus Hedalen Heddal Hedenstad Hedrum Heensåsen Hegge Heggedal1 Heggedal Hegra Heidal Heim Heimdal Helgen1 Helgen Helgerud Helgheim Helgøya Heli Helleland Hellemyr Hem Hemne Hemnes Hemsedal Hen Henning Henningsvær Herad1 Herad Heradsbygd Herdla Herefoss Hernes Herre Norwegian Mapping Authority 07070401 03100202 05120201 04060204 04020301 03100604 03100501 01061102 01070302 09080201 03060102 09060803 09030101 05110202 05120702 01060501 07110202 03010703 02040702 06020102 05010702 04020903 09060801 10030501 04080302 08050103 09100202 10070203 04080303 05030304 03040105 07130302 05060402 03040103 05090302 June 2009 Page 69 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.429 2.430 2.431 2.432 2.433 2.434 2.435 2.436 2.437 2.438 2.439 2.440 2.441 2.442 2.443 2.444 2.445 2.446 2.447 2.448 2.449 2.450 2.451 2.452 2.453 2.454 2.455 2.456 2.457 2.458 2.459 2.460 2.461 2.462 2.463 Herøy1 Herøy Hesby1 Hesby Heskestad Hessdalen Hidra Hillestad Hillesøy Hillevåg1 Hillevåg Hinna1 Hinna Hisøy Hitra Hitterdalen Hjartdal Hjelme Hjelmeland Hjørundfjord Hobøl Hodalen Hoeggen Hof1 Hof Hof finnskog Hoff Hol1 Hol Hol og Hovet Hole Holla1 Holla Holleby Holm Norwegian Mapping Authority 08020601 10040201 06040301 06070501 06020302 09070303 05030402 04030403 11010602 06011402 06090501 06010701 06090401 05070501 09060701 09070203 05120501 07130401 06040201 08020201 02040801 03050304 09020201 03030201 04030701 03030203 03080501 10070301 10070502 04080401 04070501 05110201 05120701 02020402 08050104 June 2009 Page 70 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.464 2.465 2.466 2.467 2.468 2.469 2.470 2.471 2.472 2.473 2.474 2.475 2.476 2.477 2.478 2.479 2.480 2.481 2.482 2.483 2.484 2.485 2.486 2.487 2.488 2.489 2.490 2.491 2.492 2.493 2.494 2.495 2.496 2.497 2.498 Holmedal1 Holmedal Holmen1 Holmen Holmestrand Holmlia Holsen og Haukedalen Holt Holter Holum Holøydalen Hommelvik Hopen Hordabø Horg Hornindal Hornnes Horten Hosanger Hov Hovin1 Hovin2 Hovin Hundvin Hundvåg Hunn Hurdal Hurum Husnes og Holmedal Hustad1 Hustad Hval Hvaler Hvarnes Hvasser Norwegian Mapping Authority 07050302 07110502 01060901 01070201 04030402 01020201 07110102 05080101 02070502 05020103 03050303 09080502 08060802 07070703 09070402 07120401 05050202 04030101 07070404 08070201 02040703 02070701 05120302 07070305 06011301 03080202 02070601 04100201 07050301 08010304 08010402 04070402 02010801 04020304 04010402 June 2009 Page 71 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.499 2.500 2.501 2.502 2.503 2.504 2.505 2.506 2.507 2.508 2.509 2.510 2.511 2.512 2.513 2.514 2.515 2.516 2.517 2.518 2.519 2.520 2.521 2.522 2.523 2.524 2.525 2.526 2.527 2.528 2.529 2.530 2.531 2.532 2.533 Hvitsten Hyen Hylestad Hyllestad Hægebostad Hægeland Hærland Høle Hølonda Hønefoss Høre Høvik Høvåg Høyanger Høybråten Høydalsmo og Lårdal Høyjord Høyland Høylandet Hånes Ibestad Idd Ikornnes Iladalen Ilen1 Ilen Imsland Inderøy Indre Eidsfjord Indre Herøy Ingeborgrud Ingedal Innset Innvik Iveland Norwegian Mapping Authority 02050204 07120504 05050402 07100501 05030104 05050103 02030104 06080202 09070404 04070101 03100602 01060101 05060102 07100104 01030801 05130103 04010703 06080301 09110603 05010302 11020501 02020601 08030502 01040802 09010401 09130301 06060402 09100601 10080203 08020603 02080204 02020202 09070602 07120301 05050203 June 2009 Page 72 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.534 2.535 2.536 2.537 2.538 2.539 2.540 2.541 2.542 2.543 2.544 2.545 2.546 2.547 2.548 2.549 2.550 2.551 2.552 2.553 2.554 2.555 2.556 2.557 2.558 2.559 2.560 2.561 2.562 2.563 2.564 2.565 2.566 2.567 2.568 Jar Jelsa1 Jelsa Jeløy Jevnaker Johannes Jondal Jondalen Jostedal Jørpeland Jøssund Kampen1 Kampen Kanebogen Kapp Karasjok Karlsøy Kaupanger Kautokeino Kilebygda Kilsfjord Kinn Kinsarvik Kjerringøy Kjose Kjøllefjord Kjølsdalen Kjøpsvik Kleive Klemetsrud Klepp Klevstrand Klinga Klund Klæbu Norwegian Mapping Authority 01060201 06060204 06060301 02040201 03090401 07010701 07080504 04060102 07090601 06040102 09050303 01010901 06011101 11020302 03080502 11070101 11010701 07090102 11070201 05100403 08020104 07110601 07080502 10010302 04020503 11060202 07120103 10060401 08010204 01020701 06030801 05100801 09110102 02030206 09030601 June 2009 Page 73 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.569 2.570 2.571 2.572 2.573 2.574 2.575 2.576 2.577 2.578 2.579 2.580 2.581 2.582 2.583 2.584 2.585 2.586 2.587 2.588 2.589 2.590 2.591 2.592 2.593 2.594 2.595 2.596 2.597 2.598 2.599 2.600 2.601 2.602 2.603 Kodal Kokelv Kolbotn Kolbu Kolstad Kolvereid1 Kolvereid Komnes Kongsberg Kongsdelene Konnerud Konsmo Kopervik1 Kopervik Korgen Kornstad Kors Korskirken Korsnes Kragerø Kristiansand Domkirke Kristiansund Kroer Kroken1 Kroken Krødsherad Kråkerøy Kråkstad Kvalsund Kvaløy Kvam1 Kvam Kvamsøy Kvelde Kvenvær Norwegian Mapping Authority 04010702 11060502 02050503 03080601 09030201 09120102 09120201 04060203 04060101 04100203 04040602 05020502 06050601 06100401 10030502 08060403 08050102 07010801 10060403 05090101 05010101 08060101 02050102 05090502 11010301 04050501 02010501 02050601 11060501 11010601 03060203 09100302 07100302 04020303 09060704 June 2009 Page 74 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.604 2.605 2.606 2.607 2.608 2.609 2.610 2.611 2.612 2.613 2.614 2.615 2.616 2.617 2.618 2.619 2.620 2.621 2.622 2.623 2.624 2.625 2.626 2.627 2.628 2.629 2.630 2.631 2.632 2.633 2.634 2.635 2.636 2.637 2.638 Kvernes Kvikne1 Kvikne Kvinesdal Kvinnherad Kviteseid Kvitsøy Kvæfjord Kvænangen Kvås Kyrkjebø Kåfjord Lade Lademoen Laksevåg Lambertseter Landvik Landås Langenes Langestrand Langesund Langhus Langset Larvik Laudal Lavangen Lavik Lebesby Leikanger1 Leikanger2 Leikanger Leinstrand Leiranger Leirfjord Leirskogen Norwegian Mapping Authority 08060401 03050103 03060202 05030501 07050501 05130401 06070102 11020701 11040601 05030103 07100102 11040301 09010302 09010301 07030101 01020301 05060301 07010201 10080602 04020102 05090401 02050701 02070302 04020101 05020303 11090202 07100101 11060201 07090801 07120802 08020602 09030502 10050603 10040103 03100205 June 2009 Page 75 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.639 2.640 2.641 2.642 2.643 2.644 2.645 2.646 2.647 2.648 2.649 2.650 2.651 2.652 2.653 2.654 2.655 2.656 2.657 2.658 2.659 2.660 2.661 2.662 2.663 2.664 2.665 2.666 2.667 2.668 2.669 2.670 2.671 2.672 2.673 Leka1 Leka Leksvik Lenvik Lesja Lesjaskog Levanger Levangsheia Leveld Liabygda Lidar Lilleborg Lillehammer Lillesand Lillestrøm Lindås Lisleherad Lista Ljan Ljørdalen Loddefjord Loen Lom Lomen Lommedalen Loppa Lovisenberg Lund1 Lund Lunde Lunde og Flåbygd1 Lunde og Flåbygd Lunder Lunner Lura Norwegian Mapping Authority 09120104 09120301 09050601 11030101 03060601 03060602 09090301 05090102 04080103 08030402 03100504 01040601 03070101 05060101 02060301 07070301 05120202 05030303 01020102 03040206 07030401 07120202 03060501 03100403 01060701 11050301 01010602 05010201 06020301 03090604 05110301 05120801 04070203 03090301 06080102 June 2009 Page 76 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.674 2.675 2.676 2.677 2.678 2.679 2.680 2.681 2.682 2.683 2.684 2.685 2.686 2.687 2.688 2.689 2.690 2.691 2.692 2.693 2.694 2.695 2.696 2.697 2.698 2.699 2.700 2.701 2.702 2.703 2.704 2.705 2.706 2.707 2.708 Lurøy Lygra Lykling Lyngdal1 Lyngdal Lyngen Lysaker/Snarøya Lødingen Løken Løkken Lønset Lørenskog Løten Løvstakksiden Lånke Lårdal Madlamark1 Madlamark Majorstuen Malangen Malm Malnes Malvik Mandal Manglerud Mari Mariakirken Maridalen Markabygd Markus Meland Melbu Meldal Melhus Meråker Norwegian Mapping Authority 10040501 07070103 07050804 04060303 05030101 11040101 01060102 10060701 02080302 09060402 09070503 02060901 03010601 07010501 09080102 05130101 06070201 06090101 01050201 11090402 09100702 10080502 09080501 05020101 01020601 02050802 07011001 01050502 09090202 01010601 07070601 10080103 09060401 09070401 09080202 June 2009 Page 77 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.709 2.710 2.711 2.712 2.713 2.714 2.715 2.716 2.717 2.718 2.719 2.720 2.721 2.722 2.723 2.724 2.725 2.726 2.727 2.728 2.729 2.730 2.731 2.732 2.733 2.734 2.735 2.736 2.737 2.738 2.739 2.740 2.741 2.742 2.743 Midsund Midtgulen Misvær1 Misvær Mjømna Mjøndalen Mo1 Mo2 Mo3 Mo4 Mo Modum Mogreina Molde Domkirke Mortensrud Moskenes Moss Moster Mosterøy1 Mosterøy Mosvik Myking Mykland Myrbostad Mysen Mæl Mælum Mære Møsstrond Målselv Måsøy Namdalseid Namsos Namsskogan Nannestad Norwegian Mapping Authority 08010502 07120603 10010802 10050402 07100403 04050601 03020502 05130105 07070202 08070402 10030101 04050301 02070702 08010101 01020702 10070602 02040101 07050801 06040402 06070602 09100604 07070302 05070702 08010301 02030103 05120303 05100404 09100201 05130503 11090101 11060601 09100402 09110101 09110401 02070501 June 2009 Page 78 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.744 2.745 2.746 2.747 2.748 2.749 2.750 2.751 2.752 2.753 2.754 2.755 2.756 2.757 2.758 2.759 2.760 2.761 2.762 2.763 2.764 2.765 2.766 2.767 2.768 2.769 2.770 2.771 2.772 2.773 2.774 2.775 2.776 2.777 2.778 Nanset Narbuvoll Narvik Naustdal Nedre Eiker Nedre Årdal Nedstrand1 Nedstrand Nedstryn Nenset Nes1 Nes2 Nes3 Nes4 Nes5 Nes6 Nes7 Nes Nesheim Nesland Nesna Nesodden Nesseby Nesset Nevernes Nidaros domkirke og Vår Frue Nissedal Nittedal Nord Rana Nordal Nordberg1 Nordberg Nordby Norddal Norderhov og Ask Norwegian Mapping Authority 04020103 03050403 10060101 07110103 04050201 07090401 06050902 06060602 07120201 05100201 02080201 03010701 04070403 04080201 05110402 05120902 07090502 09050302 07080906 05130602 10040401 02050401 11070402 08050201 10030302 09010101 05130201 02061101 10030301 07110604 01050501 03060702 02050103 08030201 04070201 June 2009 Page 79 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.779 2.780 2.781 2.782 2.783 2.784 2.785 2.786 2.787 2.788 2.789 2.790 2.791 2.792 2.793 2.794 2.795 2.796 2.797 2.798 2.799 2.800 2.801 2.802 2.803 2.804 2.805 2.806 2.807 2.808 2.809 2.810 2.811 2.812 2.813 Nord-Etnedal Nordfold Nordkapp Nordlandet Nordli Nordlien Nordre Osen Nordre Trysil Nordre Ål Nordreisa Nord-Sel Nordsida Nordsinni Nordskogbygda Nordstrand Nordvik Nore Norheim1 Norheim Norum Notodden Nygård Nykirke1 Nykirke Nykirken Nysæter Nærbø Nærøy1 Nærøy Nøtterøy Odda Oddernes Ogna Ogndal Okkenhaug Norwegian Mapping Authority 03100302 10050602 11060401 08060201 09110301 03080503 03040402 03040207 03070103 11040401 03060103 07120402 03090602 03040104 01020101 10040302 04060501 06050801 06100201 07090103 05120101 07030102 04030202 04050302 07010901 07050102 06030701 07090204 09120101 04010501 07080401 05010801 06030702 09100203 09090303 June 2009 Page 80 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.814 2.815 2.816 2.817 2.818 2.819 2.820 2.821 2.822 2.823 2.824 2.825 2.826 2.827 2.828 2.829 2.830 2.831 2.832 2.833 2.834 2.835 2.836 2.837 2.838 2.839 2.840 2.841 2.842 2.843 2.844 2.845 2.846 2.847 2.848 Olden Olsvik Onarheim Onsøy Oppdal Oppegård Oppheim Oppsal Oppstad Oppstryn Orkanger Orkdal Orkland Ormøya Orre Os1 Os2 Os Osen Ostereidet Otterøy Ottestad Paulus Plassen Polmak Porsanger Porsgrunn Radøy Rakkestad Ramnes1 Ramnes Randaberg Randabygd Randesund Ranem Norwegian Mapping Authority 07120302 07030501 07051002 02010601 09070501 02050501 07080201 01020801 03020403 07120203 09060103 09060101 09060102 01020502 06030802 02030303 03050401 07060101 09050502 07070201 09110202 03010401 01040501 03040204 11070403 11070501 05100901 07070701 02030301 04010801 04030303 06070101 07120403 05010301 09110601 June 2009 Page 81 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.849 2.850 2.851 2.852 2.853 2.854 2.855 2.856 2.857 2.858 2.859 2.860 2.861 2.862 2.863 2.864 2.865 2.866 2.867 2.868 2.869 2.870 2.871 2.872 2.873 2.874 2.875 2.876 2.877 2.878 2.879 2.880 2.881 2.882 2.883 Ranes Ranheim Raufoss Rauland Raundalen Reinli Reksteren Rennebu Rennesøy1 Rennesøy Rindal Ringebu Ringsaker Ris Riska Rissa Risør Rjukan Roan Rogne Rokke Rollag Rolvsøy Romedal Romfo Romsås Rossabø Rovde Rugsund Rygge Ræge1 Ræge Rælingen Røa Rødenes Norwegian Mapping Authority 08070403 09020601 03080801 05130501 07080103 03100204 07051004 09070601 06040401 06070601 08070301 03070401 03011001 01050401 06080201 09050102 05080201 05120401 09050501 03100502 02020703 04060401 02010401 03010501 08070202 01030402 06050201 08020403 07120604 02040401 06070704 06080504 02060801 01050701 02030202 June 2009 Page 82 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.884 2.885 2.886 2.887 2.888 2.889 2.890 2.891 2.892 2.893 2.894 2.895 2.896 2.897 2.898 2.899 2.900 2.901 2.902 2.903 2.904 2.905 2.906 2.907 2.908 2.909 2.910 2.911 2.912 2.913 2.914 2.915 2.916 2.917 2.918 Rødtvet Rødøy Rødøy Indre Røldal Rømskog Røn Rønvik Røra Røros Røssvoll Røst Røvik Røyken Røyrvik Råde Råholt Sagene Sagfjord Saksumdal Salangen Salhus Saltdal Saltstraumen Samnanger Sand1 Sand Sandar Sande1 Sande2 Sande Sandefjord Sandeid Sandnes1 Sandnes Sandnessjøen Norwegian Mapping Authority 01030301 10040601 10040602 07080404 02030204 03100402 10010301 09100602 09070201 10030304 10010702 08010203 04100301 09110402 02040301 02070304 01040801 10060302 03070203 11090201 07040501 10050201 10010401 07060301 03020501 06060202 04090101 04030601 07110301 08020501 04090201 06060403 06080101 07070502 10040102 June 2009 Page 83 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.919 2.920 2.921 2.922 2.923 2.924 2.925 2.926 2.927 2.928 2.929 2.930 2.931 2.932 2.933 2.934 2.935 2.936 2.937 2.938 2.939 2.940 2.941 2.942 2.943 2.944 2.945 2.946 2.947 2.948 2.949 2.950 2.951 2.952 2.953 Sandnessund Sandstad Sandtorg Sandviken Sandvollan Sandøy Sannidal Sarpsborg Sauda Sauherad1 Sauherad Sauland Seim Sekken Sel Selbu Selje Seljord1 Seljord Sem Setskog Sigdal Sigerfjord Siggerud Siljan Singsås Sinsen Sirdal Sjona Sjøli Sjåstad Skafså Skage Skare Skatval Norwegian Mapping Authority 11010603 09060702 11020201 07011101 09100603 08010503 05090201 02020101 06060101 05110401 05120901 05120502 07070102 08010205 03060101 09080301 07120801 05110501 05130701 04010301 02080303 04050401 10080202 02050702 05101001 09070102 01031101 05030601 10030303 03050204 04100402 05130102 09110602 07080402 09080103 June 2009 Page 84 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.954 2.955 2.956 2.957 2.958 2.959 2.960 2.961 2.962 2.963 2.964 2.965 2.966 2.967 2.968 2.969 2.970 2.971 2.972 2.973 2.974 2.975 2.976 2.977 2.978 2.979 2.980 2.981 2.982 2.983 2.984 2.985 2.986 2.987 2.988 Skaun Skedsmo Ski Skien Skiptvet Skjeberg Skjebergdalen Skjee Skjerstad1 Skjerstad Skjervøy Skjold1 Skjold Skjomen Skjåk Skodje Skoger Skoklefall Skotfoss Skrautvål Skute Skøyen Skåbu Skånevik Skånland Skåre Skårer Skåtøy Slagen Slemmestad og Nærsnes Slettebakken Slidre Snarum Snertingdal Snillfjord Norwegian Mapping Authority 09060501 02060101 02050602 05100101 02040601 02020201 02020205 04010602 10010801 10050401 11040501 06060501 07020601 10060203 03060701 08030103 04040601 02050403 05100402 03100102 03090502 01050301 03060204 07050204 11020601 06050301 02061001 05090103 04010302 04100303 07020401 03100401 04050303 03080302 09060804 June 2009 Page 85 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.989 2.990 2.991 2.992 2.993 2.994 2.995 2.996 2.997 2.998 2.999 2.1000 2.1001 2.1002 2.1003 2.1004 2.1005 2.1006 2.1007 2.1008 2.1009 2.1010 2.1011 2.1012 2.1013 2.1014 2.1015 2.1016 2.1017 2.1018 2.1019 2.1020 2.1021 2.1022 2.1023 Snåsa Sofienberg Sokndal Soknedal Sola1 Sola Solheim Solli Sollia Solstad Solum Solund Solvorn Sortland Spangereid Spind Spjelkavik Spydeberg St. Jakob St. Johannes St. Markus St. Petri Stadsbygd Stamnes Stamsund Stange Stangvik Stathelle Statland Stavanger Domkirke Stavern Stavsjø Stedje Steigen Steinkjer Norwegian Mapping Authority 09100501 01040401 06020201 09070104 06070701 06080501 07070503 02020502 03040503 10020302 05100401 07100601 07090702 10080201 05020402 05030302 08040201 02040701 07010702 06010301 07010601 06010201 09050101 07080903 10070303 03010301 08070501 05090303 09110703 06010101 04020401 03010702 07090101 10050601 09100101 June 2009 Page 86 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1024 2.1025 2.1026 2.1027 2.1028 2.1029 2.1030 2.1031 2.1032 2.1033 2.1034 2.1035 2.1036 2.1037 2.1038 2.1039 2.1040 2.1041 2.1042 2.1043 2.1044 2.1045 2.1046 2.1047 2.1048 2.1049 2.1050 2.1051 2.1052 2.1053 2.1054 2.1055 2.1056 2.1057 2.1058 Stemshaug Stensgård Stiklestad Stjernarøy1 Stjernarøy Stjørdal Stod Stokka Stokke Stokken Stoksund Stord Stordal Stor-Elvdal Storetveit Storfjord Storfjorden Stovner Strand1 Strand Stranda1 Stranda Strandebarm1 Strandebarm Strandlandet Straumsnes Strinda Strindheim Strusshamn Strøm Strømmen Strømsgodset Strømsø Styrvold Støren Norwegian Mapping Authority 08060702 02070504 09090101 06040303 06070503 09080101 09100301 06011102 04010601 05070402 09050402 07050101 08030102 03040501 07020501 11040102 08020202 01030901 03040502 06040101 08030401 09050602 07080701 07080804 10070102 08070102 09020101 09020401 07130301 03020401 02060201 04040401 04040301 04020902 09070101 June 2009 Page 87 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1059 2.1060 2.1061 2.1062 2.1063 2.1064 2.1065 2.1066 2.1067 2.1068 2.1069 2.1070 2.1071 2.1072 2.1073 2.1074 2.1075 2.1076 2.1077 2.1078 2.1079 2.1080 2.1081 2.1082 2.1083 2.1084 2.1085 2.1086 2.1087 2.1088 2.1089 2.1090 2.1091 2.1092 2.1093 Stårheim Sula Suldal Sulitjelma Sund Sunde1 Sunde Sunnylven Svalbard Svarstad Svatsum Sveio Svelvik Svene Svenes Sverresborg1 Sverresborg Svinndal Svolvær Sykkylven Sylling Syvde Sæbø Sælen Sødorp Søgne Sømna Sømådal Søndeled Søndre Høland Søndre Land Søndre Slagen Søre Elvdal Søre Osen Søre Ål Norwegian Mapping Authority 07120102 08040501 06060201 10050103 07130201 06070302 06090202 08030301 11010801 04020901 03070702 07050701 04030501 04060302 03100103 09030401 09130201 02040502 10070101 08030501 04100401 08020402 07070702 07030301 03060201 05020201 10020401 03040304 05080203 02080301 03090501 04010201 03040302 03040202 03070102 June 2009 Page 88 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1094 2.1095 2.1096 2.1097 2.1098 2.1099 2.1100 2.1101 2.1102 2.1103 2.1104 2.1105 2.1106 2.1107 2.1108 2.1109 2.1110 2.1111 2.1112 2.1113 2.1114 2.1115 2.1116 2.1117 2.1118 2.1119 2.1120 2.1121 2.1122 2.1123 2.1124 2.1125 2.1126 2.1127 2.1128 Søreide Sørfold Sør-Fron Sørkedalen Sørli Sørnes1 Sørnes Sørreisa Sørskogbygda Sør-Stjørna Sørum Sør-Varanger Sør-Vågsøy Såner Talgje1 Talgje Talvik Tana Tananger1 Tananger Tangen1 Tangen Tanum1 Tanum Tasta1 Tasta Teie Tempe Tiller Time Tingelstad Tingnes Tingvoll Tisleidalen Tistedal Norwegian Mapping Authority 07020301 10050501 03070501 01050702 09110302 06070702 06080502 11030401 03040102 09050103 02080601 11080201 07120703 02050202 06040302 06070502 11050102 11070401 06070703 06080503 03010302 04040201 01060801 04020501 06070401 06090301 04010503 09020301 09030701 06030601 03090202 03100106 08070101 03100105 02020603 June 2009 Page 89 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1129 2.1130 2.1131 2.1132 2.1133 2.1134 2.1135 2.1136 2.1137 2.1138 2.1139 2.1140 2.1141 2.1142 2.1143 2.1144 2.1145 2.1146 2.1147 2.1148 2.1149 2.1150 2.1151 2.1152 2.1153 2.1154 2.1155 2.1156 2.1157 2.1158 2.1159 2.1160 2.1161 2.1162 2.1163 Tjeldsund Tjensvoll1 Tjensvoll Tjølling Tjøme Tjøtta Todalen Tolga Tomter Tonsen Torpa Torpo Torridal Torshov Torsken Torsnes Torvastad1 Torvastad Torød Totland Tovik Tranby Tranøy Trefoldighet1 Trefoldighet Tresfjord Tretten Treungen Tromsø Domkirke Tromsøysund Tromøy Trondenes Trysil Træna Trøgstad Norwegian Mapping Authority 10060602 06011501 06070202 04020201 04010401 10040104 08070502 03050301 02040802 01040301 03090603 04080102 05010802 01040101 11030602 02010702 06050501 06100301 04010502 07120702 11020603 04100102 11030501 01010102 05070101 08050302 03070302 05130202 11010101 11010201 05070201 11020101 03040201 10040502 02030501 June 2009 Page 90 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1164 2.1165 2.1166 2.1167 2.1168 2.1169 2.1170 2.1171 2.1172 2.1173 2.1174 2.1175 2.1176 2.1177 2.1178 2.1179 2.1180 2.1181 2.1182 2.1183 2.1184 2.1185 2.1186 2.1187 2.1188 2.1189 2.1190 2.1191 2.1192 2.1193 2.1194 2.1195 2.1196 2.1197 2.1198 Trømborg Tuddal Tuft Tune Tunhovd Tustna Tvedestrand Tveit1 Tveit Tydal Tylldalen Tynset Tyristrand Tysnes Tyssedal Tysvær1 Tysvær Tønjum Tønsberg Domkirke Tørberget Tørdal Udenes Uggdal Ullensaker Ullensvang Ulleren Ullern Ullerøy Ullerål Ullsfjord Ulnes Ulstein Ulvik Undheim Undredal Norwegian Mapping Authority 02030102 05120503 04060202 02020401 04060503 08060603 05080103 05010401 07130304 09080302 03050102 03050101 04070202 07051001 07080403 06050901 06060601 07090301 04010101 03040203 05090503 02080202 07051003 02070101 07080501 03020402 01050601 02020203 04070302 11010202 03100104 08020701 07080601 06030603 07090203 June 2009 Page 91 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1199 2.1200 2.1201 2.1202 2.1203 2.1204 2.1205 2.1206 2.1207 2.1208 2.1209 2.1210 2.1211 2.1212 2.1213 2.1214 2.1215 2.1216 2.1217 2.1218 2.1219 2.1220 2.1221 2.1222 2.1223 2.1224 2.1225 2.1226 2.1227 2.1228 2.1229 2.1230 2.1231 2.1232 2.1233 Undrumsdal Uranienborg Uskedalen Utne Utsira Utvik Uvdal Vadsø Vaksdal Valberg Valderøy Valestrand Valle Valle og Hylestad Vallset Valnesfjord Valsøyfjord Vang1 Vang Vangen Vangsnes Vanylven Varaldsøy Vardal Varden Vardeneset1 Vardeneset Vardø Vardåsen1 Vardåsen Varhaug Vartdal Varteig Vassås1 Vassås Norwegian Mapping Authority 04030302 01010401 07050506 07080505 06050502 07120303 04060502 11080101 07080901 10070302 08040802 07050703 05020401 05050401 03010502 10050102 08060602 03010201 03100601 07090201 07100202 08020401 07050507 03080201 06011201 06070402 06090302 11080301 01061002 01070102 06030703 08020302 02020301 04030702 10020301 June 2009 Page 92 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1234 2.1235 2.1236 2.1237 2.1238 2.1239 2.1240 2.1241 2.1242 2.1243 2.1244 2.1245 2.1246 2.1247 2.1248 2.1249 2.1250 2.1251 2.1252 2.1253 2.1254 2.1255 2.1256 2.1257 2.1258 2.1259 2.1260 2.1261 2.1262 2.1263 2.1264 2.1265 2.1266 2.1267 2.1268 Vatne Vats Vega Veggli Vegusdal Vegårshei Veldre Velfjord og Tosen Veme Vemundvik Venabygd Vennesla Vera Vereide Verran Vestby Vestbygd Vesterøy Vestfossen Vestmarka Vestnes Vestre Aker Vestre Gausdal Vestre Porsgrunn Vevelstad Vevring Veøy Vigmostad Vigra Vik Vike1 Vike Vikebygd1 Vikebygd Vikedal Norwegian Mapping Authority 08040601 06060502 10020601 04060402 05060403 05080302 03010901 10020201 04070204 09110103 03070403 05050101 09090104 07120501 09100701 02050201 10060702 04090102 04050104 03020302 08050301 01050101 03070701 05100902 10020102 07110104 08010202 05020403 08040803 07100201 07070203 08050304 06060703 07050603 06060401 June 2009 Page 93 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1269 2.1270 2.1271 2.1272 2.1273 2.1274 2.1275 2.1276 2.1277 2.1278 2.1279 2.1280 2.1281 2.1282 2.1283 2.1284 2.1285 2.1286 2.1287 2.1288 2.1289 2.1290 2.1291 2.1292 2.1293 2.1294 2.1295 2.1296 2.1297 2.1298 2.1299 2.1300 2.1301 2.1302 2.1303 Viker Vikna1 Vikna Viksdalen Vikøy Vilnes Vingelen Vinger Vingrom Vinje1 Vinje Vinje og Nesland Vinne Vistdal Vivestad1 Vivestad Voie Voksen Volbu Volda Voll Volsdalen Voss Vrådal Vuku Værøy Vågan Vågsbygd Vågstranda Vågsøy Vågøy Vågå Våle Våler1 Våler Norwegian Mapping Authority 04070401 09120106 09120401 07110302 07080801 07110503 03050302 03020101 03070202 07080202 09060802 05130601 09090103 08050203 04010803 04030305 05010501 01050801 03100503 08020101 08050105 08040301 07080101 05130402 09090102 10010701 10070201 05010601 08050107 07120701 08010302 03060301 04030301 02040501 03030401 June 2009 Page 94 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1304 2.1305 2.1306 2.1307 2.1308 2.1309 2.1310 2.1311 2.1312 2.1313 2.1314 2.1315 2.1316 2.1317 2.1318 2.1319 2.1320 2.1321 2.1322 2.1323 2.1324 2.1325 2.1326 2.1327 2.1328 2.1329 2.1330 2.1331 2.1332 2.1333 2.1334 2.1335 2.1336 2.1337 2.1338 Vålerengen Vår Frelser Vår Frue Ytre Arna Ytre Eidsfjord Ytre Rendal Ytre Søndeled Ytterøy Ænes Øksendal Øksnes Ølen1 Ølen Ølve Øre Ørje Ørland Ørskog Ørsta Østby Østenstad1 Østenstad Østerås Østre Aker Østre Fredrikstad Østre Gausdal Østre Halsen Østsinni Øverbygd Øverdalen Øvre Folldal Øvre Rendal Øvre Rælingen Øvre Saltdal Øvre Sirdal Norwegian Mapping Authority 01011001 06050101 09010102 07040202 10080102 03050202 05080202 09090302 07050503 08070204 10080601 06060701 07050601 07050505 08070601 02030205 09050201 08030101 08020301 03040205 01061101 01070301 01060301 01030101 02010201 03070601 04020202 03090601 11090102 08050108 03050602 03050201 02060802 10050202 05030602 June 2009 Page 95 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1339 2.1340 2.1341 2.1342 2.1343 2.1344 2.1345 2.1346 2.1347 2.1348 2.1349 2.1350 2.1351 2.1352 2.1353 2.1354 2.1355 2.1356 2.1357 2.1358 2.1359 2.1360 2.1361 2.1362 2.1363 2.1364 2.1365 2.1366 2.1367 2.1368 2.1369 2.1370 2.1371 2.1372 2.1373 Øvre Årdal Øvrebø Øye1 Øye Øyer Øyestad Øyfjell Øymark Øyslebø Øystese Åfjord Åkra1 Åkra2 Åkra Ål Ålen Ålesund Ålfoten Ålgård Ålhus Ålvik Ålvundeid Åmli Åmot Åmotsdal1 Åmotsdal Åram1 Åram Årdal1 Årdal Årnes Åros Årstad Ås1 Ås Norwegian Mapping Authority 07090402 05050102 03100603 08070401 03070301 05070601 05130502 02030201 05020302 07080802 09050401 06050602 06100402 07050502 04080101 09070302 08040101 07120602 06030502 07110201 07080803 08070203 05080401 03040401 05110503 05130703 08020404 08020502 05050302 06040202 02080101 04100302 07010401 02050101 03080701 June 2009 Page 96 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1374 2.1375 2.1376 2.1377 2.1378 2.1379 2.1380 2.1381 2.1382 Åsane Åsen Åseral Åsgårdstrand Åsmarka Åsnes Åsnes Finnskog Åssiden Åsskard Nr 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 07040101 09090402 05020503 04030203 03011002 03030101 03030103 04040501 08070503 <<CodeList>> DeaneryNumber Code name Kodeliste DeaneryNumber Alta Arendal Arna og Åsane Asker Aust-Nedenes Austre Sunnmøre Aust-Telemark Bamble Bergen Domprosti Bodø Domprosti Byåsen Bærum Dalane Drammen Eiker Fana Follo Fosen Fredrikstad Domprosti Gauldal Hadeland og Land Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description Code 1105 0507 0704 0107 0508 0803 0512 0509 0701 1001 0913 0106 0602 0404 0405 0702 0205 0905 0201 0907 0309 June 2009 Page 97 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.50 3.51 3.52 3.53 3.54 3.55 3.56 Hallingdal Hamar Domprosti Hammerfest Hardanger og Voss Haugesund Heimdal Indre Finnmark Indre Helgeland Indre Nordmøre Indre Romsdal Indre Sogn Indre Troms Jæren Karmøy Kongsberg Kristiansand Domprosti Laksevåg Larvik Lier Lister Lofoten Mandal Midhordland Molde Domprosti Namdal Nedre Romerike Nedre Telemark Nidaros Domprosti Norde Aker Nordfjord Nord-Gudbrandsdal Nord-Helgeland Nordhordland Nord-Innherad Nord-Jarlsberg Norwegian Mapping Authority 0408 0301 1106 0708 0605 0903 1107 1003 0807 0805 0709 1109 0603 0610 0406 0501 0703 0402 0410 0503 1007 0502 0706 0801 0911 0206 0511 0901 0104 0712 0306 1004 0707 0910 0403 June 2009 Page 98 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.57 3.58 3.59 3.60 3.61 3.62 3.63 3.64 3.65 3.66 3.67 3.68 3.69 3.70 3.71 3.72 3.73 3.74 3.75 3.76 3.77 3.78 3.79 3.80 3.81 3.82 3.83 3.84 3.85 3.86 3.87 3.88 3.89 3.90 Nordre Ryfylke Nordre Sunnmøre Nord-Troms Nord-Østerdal Nærøy Ofoten Orkdal Oslo Domprosti Otredal Ringerike Salten Sandar Sandnes Sarpsborg Senja Skien Solør Stavanger Domprosti Stjørdal Strinda Sunnfjord Sunnhordland Søndre Aker Søre Ryfylke Søre Sunnmøre Sør-Gudbrandsdal Sør-Helgeland Sør-Innherad Sør-Østerdal Toten Tromsø Domprosti Trondenes Tungenes Tønsberg Domprosti Norwegian Mapping Authority 0606 0804 1104 0305 0912 1006 0906 0101 0505 0407 1005 0409 0608 0202 1103 0510 0303 0601 0908 0902 0711 0705 0102 0604 0802 0307 1002 0909 0304 0308 1101 1102 0607 0401 June 2009 Page 99 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.91 3.92 3.93 3.94 3.95 3.96 3.97 3.98 3.99 3.100 3.101 3.102 3.103 3.104 3.105 3.106 Valdres Varanger Vesterålen Vesthordland Vest-Nedenes Vestre Aker Vestre Borgesyssel Vest-Telemark Vinger og Odal Ytre Nordmøre Ytre Sogn Ytre Stavanger Østre Aker Østre Borgesyssel Østre Romerike Øvre Romerike Nr 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 0310 1108 1008 0713 0506 0105 0204 0513 0302 0806 0710 0609 0103 0203 0208 0207 <<CodeList>> GreaterParishNumber Code name Kodeliste GreaterParishNumber Alstahaug Alta Alversund Asker Avaldsnes Bergen domkirke Bodø Domkirke Bragernes Brønnøy Byåsen Bø Eid Eidsberg Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description Code 1004 1105 0707 0107 0610 0701 1001 0404 1002 0913 0511 0712 0203 June 2009 Page 100 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 4.37 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 4.44 4.45 4.46 4.47 4.48 Eigersund Eiker Elverum Fana Fauske Fjell Fredrikstad Domkirke Førde Gjesdal Gjøvik Gran Grytten Hadsel Hamar Domkirke Hammerfest Heimdal Holt Horten Hønefoss Høvik Karasjok Kongsberg Kragerø Kristiansand Domkirke Kristiansund Laksevåg Larvik Lavik Lenvik Lier Lillehammer Lyngdal Lyngen Madlamark Mandal Norwegian Mapping Authority 0602 0405 0304 0702 1005 0713 0201 0711 0603 0308 0309 0805 1008 0301 1106 0903 0508 0403 0407 0106 1107 0406 0509 0501 0806 0703 0402 0710 1103 0410 0307 0503 1104 0609 0502 June 2009 Page 101 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 4.49 4.50 4.51 4.52 4.53 4.54 4.55 4.56 4.57 4.58 4.59 4.60 4.61 4.62 4.63 4.64 4.65 4.66 4.67 4.68 4.69 4.70 4.71 4.72 4.73 4.74 4.75 4.76 4.77 4.78 4.79 4.80 4.81 4.82 4.83 Mo Molde Domkirke Moss Målselv Namsos Narvik Nedre Stjørdal Nidaros Domkirke Nord-Aurdal Nordstrand Notodden Nærøy Orkdal Os Oslo Domkirke Randaberg Sandar Sandnes Sarpsborg Sauda Sel Skedsmo Skien Sogndal Stadsbygd Stavanger Domkirke Steinkjer Stord Strand Strinda Støren Svolvær Tingvoll Tokke Torshov Norwegian Mapping Authority 1003 0801 0204 1109 0911 1006 0908 0901 0310 0102 0512 0912 0906 0706 0101 0607 0409 0608 0202 0606 0306 0206 0510 0709 0905 0601 0910 0705 0604 0902 0907 1007 0807 0513 0104 June 2009 Page 102 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 4.84 4.85 4.86 4.87 4.88 4.89 4.90 4.91 4.92 4.93 4.94 4.95 4.96 4.97 4.98 4.99 4.100 4.101 4.102 4.103 4.104 4.105 4.106 4.107 Trefoldighet Tromsø Domkirke Trondenes Tynset Tønsberg Domkirke Ullensaker Vadsø Vennesla Verdal Vestre Aker Vestre Moland Vinger Volda Voss Vår Frelser Ørskog Østre Aker Ål Ålesund Årnes Ås Åsane Åsnes name Norwegian Mapping Authority 0507 1101 1102 0305 0401 0207 1108 0505 0909 0105 0506 0302 0802 0708 0605 0803 0103 0408 0804 0208 0205 0704 0303 June 2009 Page 103 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3. ApplicationsSchema 3.1 National main classification Main Nation + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + country : CountryCode 1 +regionZone 1 1..* Region + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + regionArea : RegionArea <<Topo>> 0..2 <<Topo>> 1 +countyZone AdminCentre + position : PointWithQuality + name : CharacterString +boundaryTerrirorial 0..* 1..* +boundaryTerritorial County + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + countyNumber : CountyNumber +adminCentre 0..* 0..2 <<Topo>> +boundaryTerritorial 1 0..* TerritorialBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality ... 0..* 0..* +boundaryTerritorial 1 1..* +municipalityZone <<Topo>> 1..* +adminCentre +territorialgrense Municipality + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + municipalityNumber : MunicipalityNumber 0..2 <<Topo>> 1 1 Territorialområde + område [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 104 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas County Region RegionalBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : Follows TerrainDetails AdminCentre + position : PointWithQuality + name : CharacterString 1 <<Topo>> +countyZone +adminCentre 1..* County 0..2 + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality <<Topo>> + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality 0..* +boundaryNational + countyNumber : CountyNumber 1 NationalBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : FollowsTerrainDetails 0..* +boundaryRegional 0..2 <<Topo>> 1..2 0..* 1 0..2 <<Topo>> +municipalityZone +boundaryTerritorial +boundaryCounty CountyBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : Follows TerrainDetails 1..* TerritorialBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* Municipality <<CodeList>> CountyNumber + Østfold = 01 + Akershus = 02 + Oslo = 03 + Hedmark = 04 + Oppland = 05 + Buskerud = 06 + Vestfold = 07 + Telemark = 08 + Aust-Agder = 09 + Vest-Agder = 10 + Rogaland = 11 + Hordaland = 12 + Sogn og Fjordane = 14 + Møre og Romsdal = 15 + Sør-Trøndelag = 16 + Nord-Trøndelag = 17 + Nordland = 18 + Troms = 19 + Finnmark = 20 + Svalbard = 21 + Jan Mayen = 22 + the continental shelf = 23 Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 105 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Municipality County CountyBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : Follows TerrainDetails 1 NationalBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : FollowsTerrainDetails 0..* 0..* +boundaryNational +boundaryCounty +municipalityZone <<Topo>> <<Topo>> 0..2 0..* 1..* Municipality + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + municipalityNumber : MunicipalityNumber TerritorialBoundary 0..* + border : CurveWithQuality ... <<Topo>> 0..2 +boundaryTerritorial 1..2 +municipalityBoundary 0..* <<Topo>> MunicipalityBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : Follows TerrainDetails 1 +adminCentre 1..* AdminCentre <<CodeList>> MunicipalityNumber Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 106 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Nation NationalBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : FollowsTerrainDetails TerritorialBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* 0..* +boundaryNational +boundaryTerrirorial <<Topo>> <<Topo>> Baseline + border : CurveWithQuality BaselinePoint + position : PointWithQuality + baselineName : CharacterString + baselineNumber : CharacterString 1 1 Nation + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + country : CountryCode 1 +regionZone <<CodeList>> CountryCode 1..* Region + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + regionArea : RegionArea NationalBoundary NationalBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : FollowsTerrainDetails Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 107 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Region Nation 1 NationalBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : FollowsTerrainDetails 0..* <<Topo>> +boundaryNational +regionZone TerritorialBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* <<Topo>> +boundaryTerritorial 0..2 1..* Region + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + regionArea : RegionArea 1 + + + + + + + 0..2 1..2 <<Topo>> +boundaryRegional <<CodeList>> RegionArea Oslo and Akershus = 1 Hedmark and Oppland = 2 Sør-Østlandet = 3 Agder / Rogaland = 4 Vestlandet = 5 Trøndelag = 6 Nord-Norge = 7 +countyZone 0..* RegionalBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : Follows TerrainDetails 1..* County CodeLists + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> CountyNumber Østfold = 01 Akershus = 02 Oslo = 03 Hedmark = 04 Oppland = 05 Buskerud = 06 Vestfold = 07 Telemark = 08 Aust-Agder = 09 Vest-Agder = 10 Rogaland = 11 Hordaland = 12 Sogn og Fjordane = 14 Møre og Romsdal = 15 Sør-Trøndelag = 16 Nord-Trøndelag = 17 Nordland = 18 Troms = 19 Finnmark = 20 Svalbard = 21 Jan Mayen = 22 the continental shelf = 23 Norwegian Mapping Authority <<CodeList>> CountryCode <<CodeList>> MunicipalityNumber + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> RegionArea Oslo and Akershus = 1 Hedmark and Oppland = 2 Sør-Østlandet = 3 Agder / Rogaland = 4 Vestlandet = 5 Trøndelag = 6 Nord-Norge = 7 June 2009 Page 108 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.2 Description 3.2.1 AdminCentre No Name/ Role name Description 1 1.1 Class AdminCentre position indicates the name of an administrative centre location where the object exists 1.2 1.3 1.4 Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 name 1 1 Role (unnamed) County Role (unnamed) Municipality 1 1 PointWithQuali ty CharacterStrin g County 1 1 Municipality Constraint 3.2.2 County No Name/ Role name Description 2 Class County 2.1 extent 2.2 position 2.3 countyNumber 2.4 Role (unnamed) Constituency Role boundaryCounty Role boundaryRegion al Role boundaryNationa l administrative districting of nation, delimited by county boundaries and possibly national and territorial boundaries area over which an object 0 extends location where the object 0 exists Merknad: 1 Det presiseres at fylkesnummer alltid skal ha 2 siffer, dvs. eventuelt med ledende null. Fylkesnummer benyttes for kopling mot en rekke andre registre som også benytter 2 siffer 0 2.5 2.6 2.7 Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty CountyNumber 2 Constituency 0 N 0 N CountyBounda ry RegionalBoun dary 0 N June 2009 1 Type 1 Constraint Aggregrati on Aggregrati on NationalBound Aggregrati ary on Page 109 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.8 2.9 2.1 0 2.1 1 Role boundaryTerritori al Role adminCentre Role municipalityZone Role (unnamed) Region 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on 1 1 AdminCentre 1 N Municipality 1 1 Region Aggregrati on 3.2.3 Municipality No Name/ Role name Description 3 3.1 Class Municipality extent 3.2 position 3.3 municipalityNum ber Role (unnamed) SubArea Role (unnamed) PoliceDistrict Role ??communityDen selyPopulatedAr ea Role constituencyZon e Role cityDistrictZone Role schoolDistrictZon e Role subAreaZone Role municipalityBoun dary Role boundaryCounty Role boundaryNationa l Role boundaryTerritori al administrative districting of the counties area over which an object 0 extends location where the object 0 exists 1 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.1 0 3.1 1 3.1 2 3.1 3 3.1 4 Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e 1 1 1 Type Constraint SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty MunicipalityNu mber SubArea Aggregrati on 1 1 1 1 PoliceDistrict 0 N ??Community / Aggregrati Densely on populated area 0 N Constituency Aggregrati on 0 N CityDistrict 0 N SchoolDistrict Aggregrati on Aggregrati on 1 N SubArea 0 N MunicipalityBo undary Aggregrati on Aggregrati on 0 N 0 N CountyBounda ry NationalBound ary Aggregrati on Aggregrati on 0 N June 2009 Aggregrati on TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on Page 110 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.1 5 3.1 6 Role (unnamed) County Role adminCentre 1 1 County 1 N AdminCentre 3.2.4 Region No Name/ Role name 4 4.1 Class Region extent 4.2 position 4.3 4.4 regionArea Role (unnamed) Constituency Role boundaryRegion al Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) Nation Role countyZone Role boundaryTerritori al 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint area over which an object extends location where the object exists 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty RegionArea Constituency 0 N RegionalBoun dary 0 N NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 1 1 Nation 1 N County 0 N Aggregrati on Aggregrati on TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on 3.2.5 Nation No Name/ Role name Description 5 Class Nation 5.1 extent 5.2 position independent country delimited by national and possibly territorial boundaries area over which an object extends location where the object exists 5.3 5.4 country Role (unnamed) Diocese Role (unnamed) Deanery 5.5 Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 N SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty CountryCode Diocese 1 1 Deanery June 2009 Constraint Page 111 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.1 0 5.1 1 Role PostalPlaceNam eZone Role ??community/De nselyPopulatedA reaZone Role dioceseZone Role boundaryNationa l Role boundaryTerrirori al Role regionZone 0 N PostalPlaceNa me 0 N ??Community / Aggregrati Densely on populated area 0 N Diocese 0 N 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on 1 N Region Aggregrati on Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty Baseline Aggregrati on Aggregrati on NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 3.2.6 Territorialområde No Name/ Role name 6 6.1 Class Territorialområde område objektets utstrekning 0 1 6.2 position 0 1 6.3 Role (unnamed) Baseline Role territorialgrense 1 1 0 N 6.4 Description location where the object exists TerritorialBoun Aggregrati dary on 3.2.7 CountyBoundary No Name/ Role name Description 7 Class CountyBoundary border delimitation of county 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 course following the transition between different real world phenomena followsTerrainDet ails Role (unnamed) Diocese Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 0 1 0 2 Follows TerrainDetails Diocese 1 1 June 2009 Constraint ??Community / Densely populated area Page 112 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.1 0 7.1 1 7.1 2 Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict Role (unnamed) SubArea Role (unnamed) Deanery Role (unnamed) GreaterParish Role (unnamed) Parish Role (unnamed) County Role (unnamed) Municipality 0 2 BasicDistrictUn it 0 2 SchoolDistrict 0 2 SubArea 0 2 Deanery 0 2 GreaterParish 0 2 Parish 1 2 County 0 2 Municipality 3.2.8 MunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name 8 Class delimitation of municipality MunicipalityBoun dary border course following the transition between different real world phenomena followsTerrainDet Merknad: Brukes som ails egenskap på objekttypene: EiendomsGrense og EiendomsGrenseOmtvistet når disse er beskrevet til å følge terrengsdetalj. Se også DEK kap. 3 overskrift: GRENSELINJE FØLGER TERRENGDETALJ Role (unnamed) HarbourDistrict Role (unnamed) Diocese Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 0 1 Follows TerrainDetails 1 1 HarbourDistrict 0 2 Diocese 1 1 SchoolDistrict June 2009 Constraint Page 113 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.1 0 8.1 1 8.1 2 8.1 3 8.1 4 Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area Role (unnamed) CityDistrict Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict Role (unnamed) SubArea Role (unnamed) Deanery Role (unnamed) GreaterParish Role (unnamed) Parish Role (unnamed) Municipality 1 1 ??Community / Densely populated area 0 2 CityDistrict 1 1 BasicDistrictUn it 0 2 SchoolDistrict 0 2 SubArea 0 2 Deanery 0 2 GreaterParish 0 2 Parish 1 2 Municipality 3.2.9 RegionalBoundary No Name/ Role name 9 Class delimitation of region RegionalBoundar y border course following the transition between different real world phenomena followsTerrainDet ails Role (unnamed) GreaterParish Role (unnamed) Deanery Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 0 1 1 1 Follows TerrainDetails GreaterParish 1 1 Deanery 1 1 ??Community / Densely populated area June 2009 Constraint Page 114 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.1 0 Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict Role (unnamed) SubArea Role (unnamed) County Role (unnamed) Region 0 2 BasicDistrictUn it 0 2 SchoolDistrict 0 2 SubArea 0 2 County 1 2 Region 3.2.10 NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 10 Class NationalBoundar y 10. 1 10. 2 10. 3 10. 4 10. 5 10. 6 10. 7 10. 8 10. 9 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e delimitation of the country of Norway over against other countries Note:Partially derived from the Norwegian-Swedish national boundary model border course following the 1 transition between different real world phenomena followsTerrainDet 0 ails Role 0 (unnamed) Diocese Role 1 (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area Role 0 thePostSted Role 0 (unnamed) PostalRegion Role 0 (unnamed) PostalZone Role 0 (unnamed) PostalArea Role 1 (unnamed) LandscapeRegio n Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Type 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 FollowsTerrain Details Diocese 2 1 ??Community / Densely populated area 2 2 PostalPlaceNa me PostalRegion 2 PostalZone 2 PostalArea 1 LandscapeReg ion Constraint Page 115 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 10. 10 10. 11 10. 12 10. 13 10. 14 10. 15 10. 16 10. 17 10. 18 10. 19 10. 20 10. 21 10. 22 Role (unnamed) LandscapeSubR egion Role (unnamed) AgriculturalRegio n Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit Role (unnamed) Constituency Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict Role (unnamed) SubArea Role (unnamed) Deanery Role (unnamed) GreaterParish Role (unnamed) Parish Role (unnamed) County Role (unnamed) Municipality Role (unnamed) Nation Role (unnamed) Region 1 1 LandscapeSub Region 1 1 AgriculturalRe gion 0 2 BasicDistrictUn it 0 2 Constituency 0 2 SchoolDistrict 0 2 SubArea 0 2 Deanery 0 2 GreaterParish 0 2 Parish 0 2 County 0 N Municipality 1 1 Nation 0 2 Region 3.2.11 TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 11 Class delimitation of Norway out TerritorialBounda toward the sea Note: The ry territorial boundary lies 12 nautical miles outside the baselines, parallel with these. border course following the transition between different real world 11. 1 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 CurveWithQual ity June 2009 1 Constraint Page 116 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas phenomena 11. 2 11. 3 11. 4 11. 5 11. 6 11. 7 11. 8 11. 9 11. 10 11. 11 11. 12 11. 13 11. 14 11. 15 Role (unnamed) Diocese Role (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area Role (unnamed) BasicDistrictUnit Role (unnamed) Constituency Role (unnamed) SchoolDistrict Role (unnamed) SubArea Role (unnamed) Deanery Role (unnamed) GreaterParish Role (unnamed) Parish Role (unnamed) Territorialområde Role (unnamed) County Role (unnamed) Municipality Role (unnamed) Nation Role (unnamed) Region 0 2 Diocese 1 1 ??Community / Densely populated area 0 2 BasicDistrictUn it 0 2 Constituency 0 2 SchoolDistrict 0 2 SubArea 0 2 Deanery 0 2 GreaterParish 0 2 Parish 1 1 Territorialområ de 0 2 County 0 2 Municipality 1 1 Nation 0 2 Region 3.2.12 Baseline No Name/ Role name Description 12 Class Baseline straight lines drawn up between points on the outermost promontories and skerries which Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 117 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 12. 1 border 12. 2 Role (unnamed) Territorialområde Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e Role (unnamed) PostalArea Role (unnamed) PostalRegion Role (unnamed) PostalZone 12. 3 12. 4 12. 5 12. 6 exposed at low water (ebb tide) Note: Straight line means the shortest line between two points (socalled geodetic line). course following the transition between different real world phenomena 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 1 Territorialområ de 1 1 PostalPlaceNa me 0 2 PostalArea 1 1 PostalRegion 1 1 PostalZone 3.2.13 BaselinePoint No Name/ Role name 13 Class BaselinePoint position 13. 1 13. 2 13. 3 baselineName baselineNumber Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e location where the object 1 exists angivelse av navn på 1 grunnlinjen angivelse av nummeret på 1 grunnlinjen 1 1 1 Type Constraint PointWithQuali ty CharacterStrin g CharacterStrin g 3.2.14 Association Region-County No Name/ Role name 14 Association Region-County Role countyZone Role (unnamed) Region 14. 1 14. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 N County Aggregatio n 1 1 Region 3.2.15 Association County-Municipality No Name/ Role name Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc June 2009 Type Constraint Page 118 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas e 15 15. 1 15. 2 Association CountyMunicipality Role municipalityZone Role (unnamed) County 1 N Municipality 1 1 County Aggregatio n 3.2.16 Association Nation-??Community / Densely populated area No Name/ Role name 16 Association Nation??Community / Densely populated area Role ??community/De nselyPopulatedA reaZone Role (unnamed) Nation 16. 1 16. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N ??Community / Aggregatio Densely n populated area 1 1 Nation 3.2.17 Association Nation-Region No Name/ Role name 17 Association Nation-Region Role regionZone Role (unnamed) Nation 17. 1 17. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 N Region Aggregatio n 1 1 Nation 3.2.18 Association <<Topo>> ??Community / Densely populated areaCommunityBoundary No Name/ Role name 18 Association ??Community / Densely populated areaCommunityBoun dary Role boundaryCommu nity Role 18. 1 18. Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N CommunityBo undary Aggregatio n 1 2 ??Community / June 2009 Page 119 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2 (unnamed) ??Community / Densely populated area Densely populated area 3.2.19 Association <<Topo>> Territorialområde-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 19 Association Territorialområde TerritorialBounda ry Role territorialgrense Role (unnamed) Territorialområde 19. 1 19. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 1 1 TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n Territorialområ de 3.2.20 Association Territorialområde-Baseline No Name/ Role name 20 Association Territorialområde -Baseline Role (unnamed) Baseline Role (unnamed) Territorialområde 20. 1 20. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 Baseline Aggregatio n 1 1 Territorialområ de 3.2.21 Association <<Topo>> Nation-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 21 Association NationNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) Nation 21. 1 21. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 1 1 Nation 3.2.22 Association <<Topo>> Nation-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 22 Association Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 120 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 22. 1 22. 2 NationTerritorialBounda ry Role boundaryTerrirori al Role (unnamed) Nation 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n 1 1 Nation 3.2.23 Association <<Topo>> Region-RegionalBoundary No Name/ Role name 23 Association RegionRegionalBoundar y Role boundaryRegion al Role (unnamed) Region 23. 1 23. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N RegionalBoun dary Aggregatio n 1 2 Region 3.2.24 Association <<Topo>> Region-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 24 Association RegionNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) Region 24. 1 24. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 Region 3.2.25 Association <<Topo>> Region-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 25 Association RegionTerritorialBounda ry Role boundaryTerritori al Role (unnamed) Region 25. 1 25. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n 0 2 Region June 2009 Constraint Page 121 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.2.26 Association <<Topo>> County-CountyBoundary No Name/ Role name 26 Association CountyCountyBoundary Role boundaryCounty Role (unnamed) County 26. 1 26. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 1 2 CountyBounda Aggregatio ry n County 3.2.27 Association <<Topo>> County-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 27 Association CountyNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) County 27. 1 27. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 County 3.2.28 Association <<Topo>> County-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 28 Association CountyTerritorialBounda ry Role boundaryTerritori al Role (unnamed) County 28. 1 28. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n 0 2 County 3.2.29 Association <<Topo>> Municipality-TerritorialBoundary No Name/ Role name 29 Association MunicipalityTerritorialBounda ry Role boundaryTerritori 29. 1 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 TerritorialBoun Aggregatio dary n June 2009 N Constraint Page 122 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 29. 2 al Role (unnamed) Municipality 0 2 Municipality 3.2.30 Association <<Topo>> Municipality-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 30 Association MunicipalityNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) Municipality 30. 1 30. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 N Municipality 3.2.31 Association <<Topo>> Municipality-CountyBoundary No Name/ Role name 31 Association MunicipalityCountyBoundary Role boundaryCounty Role (unnamed) Municipality 31. 1 31. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 0 2 CountyBounda Aggregatio ry n Municipality 3.2.32 Association <<Topo>> Municipality-MunicipalityBoundary No Name/ Role name 32 Association MunicipalityMunicipalityBoun dary Role municipalityBoun dary Role (unnamed) Municipality 32. 1 32. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N MunicipalityBo undary Aggregatio n 1 2 Municipality 3.2.33 Association AdminCentre-Municipality No Name/ Role name 33 Association AdminCentre- Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 123 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 33. 1 33. 2 Municipality Role (unnamed) Municipality Role adminCentre 1 1 Municipality 1 N AdminCentre 3.2.34 Association AdminCentre-County No Name/ Role name 34 Association AdminCentreCounty Role (unnamed) County Role adminCentre 34. 1 34. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 County 1 1 AdminCentre Constraint 3.2.35 Association <<Topo>> County-RegionalBoundary No Name/ Role name 35 Association CountyRegionalBoundar y Role boundaryRegion al Role (unnamed) County 35. 1 35. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N RegionalBoun dary Aggregatio n 0 2 County June 2009 Page 124 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas <<CodeList>> CountyNumber Nr 1 Code name Kodeliste CountyNumber 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 Østfold Akershus Oslo Hedmark Oppland Buskerud Vestfold Telemark Aust-Agder Vest-Agder Rogaland Hordaland Sogn og Fjordane Møre og Romsdal Sør-Trøndelag Nord-Trøndelag Nordland Troms Finnmark Svalbard Jan Mayen the continental shelf Nr 2 Definition/Description official numbering of counties in accordance with Statistics Norway's official list Note: It must be emphasised that county number always consists of 2 digits, i.e. sometimes with leading zero. County number is used for establishing relations to a number of other registers which also use 2 digits Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 <<CodeList>> MunicipalityNumber Code name Kodeliste MunicipalityNumber Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description numbering of municipalities in accordance with Statistics Norway's official list Note: It must be emphasised that municipality number always consists of 4 digits, i.e. sometimes with leading zero. Municipality is used for establishing relations to a number of other registers June 2009 Page 125 of 191 Code English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 Bergen Bodø Drammen Eigersund Flora Halden Harstad Horten Jan Mayen Kongsvinger Kristiansand Lillehammer Molde Oslo Porsgrunn Risør Sokkelen sør for 62 grader Nord Spitsbergen Steinkjer Trondheim Vardø Vestby Bjørnøya Etne Gjøvik Grimstad Gulen Hamar Hemne Holmestrand Kongsberg Kristiansund Mandal Moss Norwegian Mapping Authority which also use 4 digits. Bergen Bodø Drammen Eigersund Flora Halden Harstad Horten Jan Mayen Kongsvinger Kristiansand Lillehammer Molde Oslo Porsgrunn Risør Sokkelen sør for 62 grader Nord Spitsbergen Steinkjer Trondheim Vardø Vestby Bjørnøya Etne Gjøvik Grimstad Gulen Hamar Hemne Holmestrand Kongsberg Kristiansund Mandal Moss June 2009 1201 1804 0602 1101 1401 0101 1901 0701 2211 0402 1001 0501 1502 0301 0805 0901 2311 2111 1702 1601 2002 0211 2121 1211 0502 0904 1411 0403 1612 0702 0604 1505 1002 0104 Page 126 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.40 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.44 2.45 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.50 2.51 2.52 2.53 2.54 2.55 2.56 2.57 2.58 2.59 2.60 2.61 2.62 2.63 2.64 2.65 2.66 2.67 2.68 2.69 Namsos Narvik Sandnes Ski Skien Sokkelen nord for 62 grader Nord Tromsø Vadsø Arendal Bindal Dovre Farsund Hammerfest Hopen Kvæfjord Meråker Notodden Ringerike Ringsaker Sarpsborg Snillfjord Solund Stavanger Sveio Tønsberg Ålesund Ås Guovdageaidnu - Kautokeino Bømlo Flekkefjord Fredrikstad Frogn Gjerstad Haugesund Hitra Norwegian Mapping Authority Namsos Narvik Sandnes Ski Skien Sokkelen nord for 62 grader Nord Tromsø Vadsø Arendal Bindal Dovre Farsund Hammerfest Hopen Kvæfjord Meråker Notodden Ringerike Ringsaker Sarpsborg Snillfjord Solund Stavanger Sveio Tønsberg Ålesund Ås Guovdageaidnu - Kautokeino Bømlo Flekkefjord Fredrikstad Frogn Gjerstad Haugesund Hitra June 2009 1703 1805 1102 0213 0806 2321 1902 2003 0906 1811 0511 1003 2004 2131 1911 1711 0807 0605 0412 0105 1613 1412 1103 1216 0704 1504 0214 2011 1219 1004 0106 0215 0911 1106 1617 Page 127 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.73 2.74 2.75 2.76 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.80 2.81 2.82 2.83 2.84 2.85 2.86 2.87 2.88 2.89 2.90 2.91 2.92 2.93 2.94 2.95 2.96 2.97 2.98 2.99 2.100 2.101 2.102 2.103 2.104 Hole Hyllestad Lesja Løten Sandefjord Siljan Skånland Stjørdal Sømna Vanylven Alta Bamble Bjarkøy Brønnøy Flå Frosta Frøya Hvaler Høyanger Larvik Nesodden Sande i Møre og Romsdal Skjåk Sokndal Stange Stord Vegårshei Vennesla Aremark Fitjar Herøy i Møre og Romsdal Ibestad Kragerø Leksvik Lom Norwegian Mapping Authority Hole Hyllestad Lesja Løten Sandefjord Siljan Skånland Stjørdal Sømna Vanylven Alta Bamble Bjarkøy Brønnøy Flå Frosta Frøya Hvaler Høyanger Larvik Nesodden Sande i Møre og Romsdal Skjåk Sokndal Stange Stord Vegårshei Vennesla Aremark Fitjar Herøy i Møre og Romsdal Ibestad Kragerø Leksvik Lom June 2009 0612 1413 0512 0415 0706 0811 1913 1714 1812 1511 2012 0814 1915 1813 0615 1717 1620 0111 1416 0709 0216 1514 0513 1111 0417 1221 0912 1014 0118 1222 1515 1917 0815 1718 0514 Page 128 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.105 2.106 2.107 2.108 2.109 2.110 2.111 2.112 2.113 2.114 2.115 2.116 2.117 2.118 2.119 2.120 2.121 2.122 2.123 2.124 2.125 2.126 2.127 2.128 2.129 2.130 2.131 2.132 2.133 2.134 2.135 2.136 2.137 2.138 2.139 Loppa Lund Nes i Buskerud Nord-Odal Oppegård Songdalen Svelvik Tvedestrand Vega Vik Ørland Agdenes Balestrand Bjerkreim Bærum Drangedal Froland Gol Gratangen Hasvik Levanger Marker Sande i Vestfold Søgne Sør-Odal Tysnes Ulstein Vevelstad Vågå Asker Eidskog Hareid Hemsedal Herøy i Nordland Hof Norwegian Mapping Authority Loppa Lund Nes i Buskerud Nord-Odal Oppegård Songdalen Svelvik Tvedestrand Vega Vik Ørland Agdenes Balestrand Bjerkreim Bærum Drangedal Froland Gol Gratangen Hasvik Levanger Marker Sande i Vestfold Søgne Sør-Odal Tysnes Ulstein Vevelstad Vågå Asker Eidskog Hareid Hemsedal Herøy i Nordland Hof June 2009 2014 1112 0616 0418 0217 1017 0711 0914 1815 1417 1621 1622 1418 1114 0219 0817 0919 0617 1919 2015 1719 0119 0713 1018 0419 1223 1516 1816 0515 0220 0420 1517 0618 1818 0714 Page 129 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.140 2.141 2.142 2.143 2.144 2.145 2.146 2.147 2.148 2.149 2.150 2.151 2.152 2.153 2.154 2.155 2.156 2.157 2.158 2.159 2.160 2.161 2.162 2.163 2.164 2.165 2.166 2.167 2.168 2.169 2.170 2.171 2.172 2.173 2.174 Hå Kvalsund Kvinnherad Lavangen Leikanger Lillesand Marnardal Nome Nord-Fron Rissa Rømskog Verdal Alstahaug Aurskog-Høland Bardu Birkenes Bjugn Bø i Telemark Grue Jondal Klepp Mosvik Måsøy Re Sel Sogndal Trøgstad Volda Ål Åseral Andebu Audnedal Aurland Hol Leirfjord Norwegian Mapping Authority Hå Kvalsund Kvinnherad Lavangen Leikanger Lillesand Marnardal Nome Nord-Fron Rissa Rømskog Verdal Alstahaug Aurskog-Høland Bardu Birkenes Bjugn Bø i Telemark Grue Jondal Klepp Mosvik Måsøy Re Sel Sogndal Trøgstad Volda Ål Åseral Andebu Audnedal Aurland Hol Leirfjord June 2009 1119 2017 1224 1920 1419 0926 1021 0819 0516 1624 0121 1721 1820 0221 1922 0928 1627 0821 0423 1227 1120 1723 2018 0716 0517 1420 0122 1519 0619 1026 0719 1027 1421 0620 1822 Page 130 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.175 2.176 2.177 2.178 2.179 2.180 2.181 2.182 2.183 2.184 2.185 2.186 2.187 2.188 2.189 2.190 2.191 2.192 2.193 2.194 2.195 2.196 2.197 2.198 2.199 2.200 2.201 2.202 2.203 2.204 2.205 2.206 2.207 2.208 2.209 Nordkapp Odda Salangen Sauherad Spydeberg Sør-Fron Sørum Time Verran Ørsta Åfjord Åmli Åsnes Askim Fet Gjesdal Iveland Lindesnes Lærdal Målselv Namdalseid Porsanger Ringebu Roan Sigdal Stokke Tinn Ullensvang Vefsn Våler i Hedmark Ørskog Eidfjord Eidsberg Elverum Evje og Hornnes Norwegian Mapping Authority Nordkapp Odda Salangen Sauherad Spydeberg Sør-Fron Sørum Time Verran Ørsta Åfjord Åmli Åsnes Askim Fet Gjesdal Iveland Lindesnes Lærdal Målselv Namdalseid Porsanger Ringebu Roan Sigdal Stokke Tinn Ullensvang Vefsn Våler i Hedmark Ørskog Eidfjord Eidsberg Elverum Evje og Hornnes June 2009 2019 1228 1923 0822 0123 0519 0226 1121 1724 1520 1630 0929 0425 0124 0227 1122 0935 1029 1422 1924 1725 2020 0520 1632 0621 0720 0826 1231 1824 0426 1523 1232 0125 0427 0937 Page 131 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.210 2.211 2.212 2.213 2.214 2.215 2.216 2.217 2.218 2.219 2.220 2.221 2.222 2.223 2.224 2.225 2.226 2.227 2.228 2.229 2.230 2.231 2.232 2.233 2.234 2.235 2.236 2.237 2.238 2.239 2.240 2.241 2.242 2.243 2.244 Grane Hjartdal Inderøy Kárásjohka - Karasjok Krødsherad Lyngdal Norddal Nøtterøy Osen Rælingen Sola Sørreisa Øyer Årdal Bygland Dyrøy Enebakk Gausdal Hattfjelldal Hægebostad Lebesby Luster Modum Oppdal Randaberg Seljord Skiptvet Snåsa Stranda Tjøme Trysil Ulvik Askvoll Dønna Forsand Norwegian Mapping Authority Grane Hjartdal Inderøy Kárásjohka - Karasjok Krødsherad Lyngdal Norddal Nøtterøy Osen Rælingen Sola Sørreisa Øyer Årdal Bygland Dyrøy Enebakk Gausdal Hattfjelldal Hægebostad Lebesby Luster Modum Oppdal Randaberg Seljord Skiptvet Snåsa Stranda Tjøme Trysil Ulvik Askvoll Dønna Forsand June 2009 1825 0827 1729 2021 0622 1032 1524 0722 1633 0228 1124 1925 0521 1424 0938 1926 0229 0522 1826 1034 2022 1426 0623 1634 1127 0828 0127 1736 1525 0723 0428 1233 1428 1827 1129 Page 132 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.245 2.246 2.247 2.248 2.249 2.250 2.251 2.252 2.253 2.254 2.255 2.256 2.257 2.258 2.259 2.260 2.261 2.262 2.263 2.264 2.265 2.266 2.267 2.268 2.269 2.270 2.271 2.272 2.273 2.274 2.275 2.276 2.277 2.278 2.279 Gamvik Granvin Kvinesdal Kviteseid Lardal Lierne Lørenskog Rakkestad Rennebu Stordal Tranøy Valle Østre Toten Øvre Eiker Åmot Berlevåg Bykle Fjaler Meldal Nedre Eiker Nesna Nissedal Røyrvik Råde Sirdal Skedsmo Stor-Elvdal Strand Sykkylven Torsken Vestre Toten Voss Berg Deatnu - Tana Fyresdal Norwegian Mapping Authority Gamvik Granvin Kvinesdal Kviteseid Lardal Lierne Lørenskog Rakkestad Rennebu Stordal Tranøy Valle Østre Toten Øvre Eiker Åmot Berlevåg Bykle Fjaler Meldal Nedre Eiker Nesna Nissedal Røyrvik Råde Sirdal Skedsmo Stor-Elvdal Strand Sykkylven Torsken Vestre Toten Voss Berg Deatnu - Tana Fyresdal June 2009 2023 1234 1037 0829 0728 1738 0230 0128 1635 1526 1927 0940 0528 0624 0429 2024 0941 1429 1636 0625 1828 0830 1739 0135 1046 0231 0430 1130 1528 1928 0529 1235 1929 2025 0831 Page 133 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.280 2.281 2.282 2.283 2.284 2.285 2.286 2.287 2.288 2.289 2.290 2.291 2.292 2.293 2.294 2.295 2.296 2.297 2.298 2.299 2.300 2.301 2.302 2.303 2.304 2.305 2.306 2.307 2.308 2.309 2.310 2.311 2.312 2.313 2.314 Gaular Hemnes Hjelmeland Jevnaker Kvam Lier Namsskogan Nittedal Orkdal Rendalen Rygge Skodje Engerdal Fusa Gjerdrum Grong Jølster Lenvik Lunner Rana Røros Røyken Sula Suldal Tokke Unjárga - Nesseby Våler i Østfold Balsfjord Båtsfjord Førde Giske Gran Hobøl Holtålen Hurum Norwegian Mapping Authority Gaular Hemnes Hjelmeland Jevnaker Kvam Lier Namsskogan Nittedal Orkdal Rendalen Rygge Skodje Engerdal Fusa Gjerdrum Grong Jølster Lenvik Lunner Rana Røros Røyken Sula Suldal Tokke Unjárga - Nesseby Våler i Østfold Balsfjord Båtsfjord Førde Giske Gran Hobøl Holtålen Hurum June 2009 1430 1832 1133 0532 1238 0626 1740 0233 1638 0432 0136 1529 0434 1241 0234 1742 1431 1931 0533 1833 1640 0627 1531 1134 0833 2027 0137 1933 2028 1432 1532 0534 0138 1644 0628 Page 134 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.315 2.316 2.317 2.318 2.319 2.320 2.321 2.322 2.323 2.324 2.325 2.326 2.327 2.328 2.329 2.330 2.331 2.332 2.333 2.334 2.335 2.336 2.337 2.338 2.339 2.340 2.341 2.342 2.343 2.344 2.345 2.346 2.347 2.348 2.349 Høylandet Lurøy Samnanger Sauda Tolga Ullensaker Vinje Finnøy Flesberg Haram Karlsøy Midtre Gauldal Naustdal Nes i Akershus Os i Hordaland Overhalla Søndre Land Sør-Varanger Træna Tynset Alvdal Austevoll Bremanger Eidsvoll Fosnes Lyngen Melhus Nordre Land Rennesøy Rollag Rødøy Vestnes Flatanger Folldal Kvitsøy Norwegian Mapping Authority Høylandet Lurøy Samnanger Sauda Tolga Ullensaker Vinje Finnøy Flesberg Haram Karlsøy Midtre Gauldal Naustdal Nes i Akershus Os i Hordaland Overhalla Søndre Land Sør-Varanger Træna Tynset Alvdal Austevoll Bremanger Eidsvoll Fosnes Lyngen Melhus Nordre Land Rennesøy Rollag Rødøy Vestnes Flatanger Folldal Kvitsøy June 2009 1743 1834 1242 1135 0436 0235 0834 1141 0631 1534 1936 1648 1433 0236 1243 1744 0536 2030 1835 0437 0438 1244 1438 0237 1748 1938 1653 0538 1142 0632 1836 1535 1749 0439 1144 Page 135 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.350 2.351 2.352 2.353 2.354 2.355 2.356 2.357 2.358 2.359 2.360 2.361 2.362 2.363 2.364 2.365 2.366 2.367 2.368 2.369 2.370 2.371 2.372 2.373 2.374 2.375 2.376 2.377 2.378 2.379 2.380 2.381 2.382 2.383 2.384 Meløy Nannestad Nore og Uvdal Rauma Skaun Storfjord Sund Sør-Aurdal Vågsøy Bokn Etnedal Fjell Gáivuotna - Kåfjord Gildeskål Hurdal Klæbu Nesset Os i Hedmark Selje Vikna Askøy Beiarn Eid Malvik Midsund Nord-Aurdal Nærøy Skjervøy Tysvær Hornindal Karmøy Leka Nordreisa Saltdal Sandøy Norwegian Mapping Authority Meløy Nannestad Nore og Uvdal Rauma Skaun Storfjord Sund Sør-Aurdal Vågsøy Bokn Etnedal Fjell Gáivuotna - Kåfjord Gildeskål Hurdal Klæbu Nesset Os i Hedmark Selje Vikna Askøy Beiarn Eid Malvik Midsund Nord-Aurdal Nærøy Skjervøy Tysvær Hornindal Karmøy Leka Nordreisa Saltdal Sandøy June 2009 1837 0238 0633 1539 1657 1939 1245 0540 1439 1145 0541 1246 1940 1838 0239 1662 1543 0441 1441 1750 1247 1839 1443 1663 1545 0542 1751 1941 1146 1444 1149 1755 1942 1840 1546 Page 136 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.385 2.386 2.387 2.388 2.389 2.390 2.391 2.392 2.393 2.394 2.395 2.396 2.397 2.398 2.399 2.400 2.401 2.402 2.403 2.404 2.405 2.406 2.407 2.408 2.409 2.410 2.411 2.412 2.413 2.414 2.415 2.416 2.417 2.418 2.419 Selbu Vaksdal Vestre Slidre Aukra Fauske Gloppen Kvænangen Modalen Tydal Utsira Øystre Slidre Fræna Osterøy Skjerstad Stryn Vang Vindafjord Eide Meland Sørfold Averøy Steigen Øygarden Hamarøy Radøy Gjemnes Lindås Tysfjord Austrheim Lødingen Tingvoll Fedje Sunndal Tjeldsund Evenes Norwegian Mapping Authority Selbu Vaksdal Vestre Slidre Aukra Fauske Gloppen Kvænangen Modalen Tydal Utsira Øystre Slidre Fræna Osterøy Skjerstad Stryn Vang Vindafjord Eide Meland Sørfold Averøy Steigen Øygarden Hamarøy Radøy Gjemnes Lindås Tysfjord Austrheim Lødingen Tingvoll Fedje Sunndal Tjeldsund Evenes June 2009 1664 1251 0543 1547 1841 1445 1943 1252 1665 1151 0544 1548 1253 1842 1449 0545 1160 1551 1256 1845 1554 1848 1259 1849 1260 1557 1263 1850 1264 1851 1560 1265 1563 1852 1853 Page 137 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.420 2.421 2.422 2.423 2.424 2.425 2.426 2.427 2.428 2.429 2.430 2.431 2.432 2.433 2.434 2.435 2.436 2.437 Masfjorden Surnadal Ballangen Rindal Aure Røst Halsa Værøy Flakstad Smøla Vestvågøy Vågan Hadsel Bø i Nordland Øksnes Sortland Andøy Moskenes Nr 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 Masfjorden Surnadal Ballangen Rindal Aure Røst Halsa Værøy Flakstad Smøla Vestvågøy Vågan Hadsel Bø i Nordland Øksnes Sortland Andøy Moskenes 1266 1566 1854 1567 1576 1856 1571 1857 1859 1573 1860 1865 1866 1867 1868 1870 1871 1874 <<CodeList>> CountryCode Code name Kodeliste CountryCode AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA AMERICAN SAMOA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANGUILLA ANTARCTICA ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA ARUBA Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description name of country with appurtenant alphanumeric code as defined in ISO 3166 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions Code AF AL DZ AS AD AO AI AQ AG AR AM AW June 2009 Page 138 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BERMUDA BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOTSWANA BOUVET ISLAND BRAZIL BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA CAPE VERDE CAYMAN ISLANDS CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA CHRISTMAS ISLAND COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS Norwegian Mapping Authority AU AT AZ BS BH BD BB BY BE BZ BJ BM BT BO BA BW BV BR IO BN BG BF BI KH CM CA CV KY CF TD CL CN CX CC June 2009 Page 139 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.50 3.51 3.52 3.53 3.54 3.55 3.56 3.57 3.58 3.59 3.60 3.61 3.62 3.63 3.64 3.65 3.66 3.67 3.68 3.69 3.70 3.71 3.72 3.73 3.74 3.75 3.76 3.77 3.78 3.79 COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE COOK ISLANDS COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS) FAROE ISLANDS FIJI FINLAND FRANCE FRENCH GUIANA FRENCH POLYNESIA FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA Norwegian Mapping Authority CO KM CG CD CK CR CI HR CU CY CZ DK DJ DM DO EC EG SV GQ ER EE ET FK FO FJ FI FR GF PF TF GA GM GE June 2009 Page 140 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.80 3.81 3.82 3.83 3.84 3.85 3.86 3.87 3.88 3.89 3.90 3.91 3.92 3.93 3.94 3.95 3.96 3.97 3.98 3.99 3.100 3.101 3.102 3.103 3.104 3.105 3.106 3.107 3.108 3.109 3.110 3.111 3.112 GERMANY GHANA GIBRALTAR GREECE GREENLAND GRENADA GUADELOUPE GUAM GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE) HONDURAS HONG KONG HUNGARY ICELAND INDIA INDONESIA IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 DE GH GI GR GL GD GP GU GT GN GW GY HT HM VA HN HK HU IS IN ID IR IQ IE IL IT JM JP JO KZ KE KI KP Page 141 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.113 3.114 3.115 3.116 3.117 3.118 3.119 3.120 3.121 3.122 3.123 3.124 3.125 3.126 3.127 3.128 3.129 3.130 3.131 3.132 3.133 3.134 3.135 3.136 3.137 3.138 3.139 3.140 3.141 3.142 3.143 3.144 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACAO MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MARTINIQUE MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MAYOTTE MEXICO MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF MONACO MONGOLIA MONTSERRAT MOROCCO Norwegian Mapping Authority KR KW KG LA LV LB LS LR LY LI LT LU MO MK MG MW MY MV ML MT MH MQ MR MU YT MX FM MD MC MN MS MA June 2009 Page 142 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.145 3.146 3.147 3.148 3.149 3.150 3.151 3.152 3.153 3.154 3.155 3.156 3.157 3.158 3.159 3.160 3.161 3.162 3.163 3.164 3.165 3.166 3.167 3.168 3.169 3.170 3.171 3.172 3.173 3.174 3.175 3.176 3.177 3.178 MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS ANTILLES NEW CALEDONIA NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NIUE NORFOLK ISLAND NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS NORWAY OMAN PAKISTAN PALAU PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED PANAMA PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES PITCAIRN POLAND PORTUGAL PUERTO RICO QATAR REUNION ROMANIA RUSSIAN FEDERATION RWANDA Norwegian Mapping Authority MZ MM NA NR NP NL AN NC NZ NI NE NG NU NF MP NO OM PK PW PS PA PG PY PE PH PN PL PT PR QA RE RO RU RW June 2009 Page 143 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.179 3.180 3.181 3.182 3.183 3.184 3.185 3.186 3.187 3.188 3.189 3.190 3.191 3.192 3.193 3.194 3.195 3.196 3.197 3.198 3.199 3.200 3.201 3.202 3.203 3.204 3.205 3.206 3.207 3.208 3.209 3.210 3.211 SAINT HELENA SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS SAINT LUCIA SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS SPAIN SRI LANKA SUDAN SURINAME SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA TAJIKISTAN TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF THAILAND Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 SH KN LC PM VC WS SM ST SA SN CS SC SL SG SK SI SB SO ZA GS ES LK SD SR SJ SZ SE CH SY TW TJ TZ TH Page 144 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 3.212 3.213 3.214 3.215 3.216 3.217 3.218 3.219 3.220 3.221 3.222 3.223 3.224 3.225 3.226 3.227 3.228 3.229 3.230 3.231 3.232 3.233 3.234 3.235 3.236 3.237 3.238 3.239 3.240 TIMOR-LESTE TOGO TOKELAU TONGA TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS TUVALU UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS URUGUAY UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VENEZUELA VIET NAM VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S. WALLIS AND FUTUNA WESTERN SAHARA YEMEN ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE ÅLAND ISLANDS Nr TL TG TK TO TT TN TR TM TC TV UG UA AE GB US UM UY UZ VU VE VN VG VI WF EH YE ZM ZW AX <<CodeList>> RegionArea Code name Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description June 2009 Code Page 145 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Kodeliste RegionArea Oslo and Akershus Hedmark and Oppland Sør-Østlandet Agder / Rogaland Vestlandet Trøndelag Nord-Norge Norwegian Mapping Authority ??the region is grouped into 7 [??types of] areas (*noe uklart her...) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 June 2009 Page 146 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 4 ApplicationSchema 4.1 Other administrative classification Main ??PriorityArea + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + priorityArea : PriorityArea + + + + + +boundary??Priority 1 <<Topo>> ??PriorityBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* <<CodeList>> PriorityArea 40% subsidy = A 35% subsidy = B 25% subsidy = C 0% subsidy = D Outside prioritized area = E Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 147 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 4.2 Description 4.2.1 ??PriorityBoundary No Name/ Role name 1 Class delimitation of ??priority ??PriorityBounda area ry border course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) ??PriorityArea 1.1 1.2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 1 ??PriorityArea Constraint 4.2.2 ??PriorityArea No Name/ Role name Description 2 Class ??PriorityArea 2.1 extent 2.2 position the division reflects how one of several subsidy schemes which are used in regional policy, such as the investment subsidy scheme, are geographically differentiated Merknad: Ordningen for investeringstilskudd, differensieres geografisk area over which an object extends location where the object exists 2.3 2.4 priorityArea Role boundary??Priori ty Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 N SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty PriorityArea ??PriorityBoun Aggregrati dary on 4.2.3 Association <<Topo>> ??PriorityArea-??PriorityBoundary No Name/ Role name 3 Association ??PriorityArea??PriorityBounda ry Role boundary??Priori ty Role 3.1 3.2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 N ??PriorityBoun Aggregatio dary n 1 1 ??PriorityArea June 2009 Constraint Page 148 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas (unnamed) ??PriorityArea 4.2.4 Association <<Topo>> PoliceDistrict-PoliceDistrictBoundary No Name/ Role name 4 Association PoliceDistrictPoliceDistrictBou ndary Role boundaryPoliceD istrict Role (unnamed) PoliceDistrict 4.1 4.2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N PoliceDistrictB oundary Aggregatio n 1 2 PoliceDistrict June 2009 Page 149 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Nr 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 CodeList Code name Kodeliste PriorityArea 40% subsidy 35% subsidy 25% subsidy 0% subsidy Outside prioritized area Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description indication of geographical influence areas in district policy Code A B C D E June 2009 Page 150 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 5 ApplicationSchema 5.1 Other information Main Com m onLand + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + pos ition [0..1] : PointWithQuality + com m ons Type : Com m ons Type Fis heryZone + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + pos ition [0..1] : PointWithQuality <<Topo>> 0..* +boundaryFis heryZone <<Topo>> 1 + + + + + + Com m ons Boundary + border : CurveWithQuality +boundaryCom m ons 1..2 HarbourDis trict extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality pos ition [0..1] : PointWithQuality englis hNam e [0..1] : Nam e portIdentification [0..1] : PortIdentification habourDis trictInform ation [0..1] : HabourDis trictInform ation habourStatus : Status 0..* Fis heryZoneBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + boundaryTypeSea : BoundaryTypeSea + boundaryBetweenNations Sea [0..1] : BoundaryBetweenNations Sea ... HabourDis rictBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality <<Topo>> 1 0..* +boundaryHabouDis trict <<Topo>> LocalSam pleArea + extent : SurfaceWithQuality + pos ition : PointWithQuality PropertyValuationArea + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + pos ition [0..1] : PointWithQuality LocalSam pleBoundary + centerline : CurveWithQuality +bounaryLocalSam ple 1 0..* PropertyValuationBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality <<Topo>> 1 Fis heryBoundary + centerline : CurveWithQuality + zoneNautical : Integer TwoHundredMileBoundary + centerline : CurveWithQuality +boundaryPropertyValuation 0..* BoundarySea + centerline : CurveWithQuality + boundaryTypeSea : BoundaryTypeSea + boundaryBetweenNations Sea [0..1] : BoundaryBetweenNations Sea Cus tom s Boundary10Nm + centerline : CurveWithQuality + zoneNautical : Integer <<DataType>> HabourDis trictInform ation + m unicipalityNum ber : MunicipalityNum ber + portDis trictAdm inis tration : PortDis trictAdm inis tration <<CodeLis t>> PortDis trictAdm inis tration + ??Interkom m unal port m anagem ent = 1 + Technical Recruitm ent Agency = 2 + Own port authority = 3 <<CodeLis t>> PortIdentification + Akers hus + Alta port authority, 9501 Alta, Finnm ark + Arendal port authority, 4800 Arendal, Aus t-Agder + Port of Bergen, 5003 Bergen, Hordaland + Bodø port authority, 8001 Bodø, Nordland ... Norwegian Mapping Authority <<DataType>> BoundaryBetweenNations Sea + s econdCountry [0..1] : SecondCountry + firs tCountry [0..1] : Firs tCountry + + + + + + + + <<CodeLis t>> SecondCountry Denm ark = DK Germ any = DE Greenland = GL Iceland = IC Norway = NO Rus s ian Federation = RU Sweden = SE United Kingdom = GB June 2009 + + + + + + + + <<CodeLis t>> Firs tCountry Denm ark = DK Germ any = DE Greenland = GL Iceland = IC Norway = NO Rus s ian Federation = RU Sweden = SE United Kingdom = GB <<CodeLis t>> Com m ons Type + Com m unity-owned com m on land = B + Crown lands = S + + + + + + + + <<CodeLis t>> BoundaryTypeSea Fis hery zone boundary = 1 Fis hery protection zone = 2 Propos ed centerline between nations = 3 Negotiated centerline between nations = 4 Grey zone (dis puted) = 5 International partition line, per agreem ent = 6 International partition line, s tipulated = 7 Econom ic zone boundary = 8 Page 151 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Common land CommonLand + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + commonsType : CommonsType +boundaryCommons <<Topo>> 1..2 CommonsBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* <<CodeList>> CommonsType + Community-owned common land = B + Crown lands = S FisheryZone FisheryZone + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality FisheryProtectionZone + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + + + + + + + + +boundaryFisheryZone 1 <<Topo>> 1 0..* +boundaryFisheryProtectionZone <<CodeList>> BoundaryTypeSea Fishery zone boundary = 1 Fishery protection zone = 2 Proposed centerline between nations = 3 Negotiated centerline between nations = 4 Grey zone (disputed) = 5 International partition line, per agreement = 6 International partition line, stipulated = 7 Economic zone boundary = 8 Norwegian Mapping Authority <<Topo>> FisheryZoneBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality + boundaryTypeSea : BoundaryTypeSea + boundaryBetweenNationsSea [0..1] : BoundaryBetweenNationsSea FisheryProtectionZoneBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* <<DataType>> BoundaryBetweenNationsSea + secondCountry [0..1] : SecondCountry + firstCountry [0..1] : FirstCountry June 2009 Page 152 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas HarbourDistrict + + + + + + HarbourDistrict extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality position [0..1] : PointWithQuality englishName [0..1] : Name portIdentification [0..1] : PortIdentification habourDistrictInformation [0..1] : HabourDistrictInformation habourStatus : Status HabourDisrictBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality +boundaryHabouDistrict 1 <<Topo>> 0..* <<CodeList>> PortDistrictAdministration + ??Interkommunal port management = 1 + Technical Recruitment Agency = 2 + Own port authority = 3 <<DataType>> HabourDistrictInformation + municipalityNumber : MunicipalityNumber + portDistrictAdministration : PortDistrictAdministration <<CodeList>> PortIdentification + + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> BoundaryTypeSea Fishery zone boundary = 1 Fishery protection zone = 2 Proposed centerline between nations = 3 Negotiated centerline between nations = 4 Grey zone (disputed) = 5 International partition line, per agreement = 6 International partition line, stipulated = 7 Economic zone boundary = 8 Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 153 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Other areas and boundaries <<Topo>> LocalSampleArea + extent : SurfaceWithQuality + position : PointWithQuality 1 PropertyValuationArea + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality 1 0..* +boundaryPropertyValuation <<Topo>> FisheryBoundary + centerline : CurveWithQuality + zoneNautical : Integer + + + + + + + + CustomsBoundary10Nm + centerline : CurveWithQuality + zoneNautical : Integer Norwegian Mapping Authority PropertyValuationBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* BoundarySea + centerline : CurveWithQuality + boundaryTypeSea : BoundaryTypeSea + boundaryBetweenNationsSea [0..1] : BoundaryBetweenNationsSea TwoHundredMileBoundary + centerline : CurveWithQuality <<DataType>> BoundaryBetweenNationsSea + secondCountry [0..1] : SecondCountry + firstCountry [0..1] : FirstCountry LocalSampleBoundary + centerline : CurveWithQuality +bounaryLocalSample + + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> BoundaryTypeSea Fishery zone boundary = 1 Fishery protection zone = 2 Proposed centerline between nations = 3 Negotiated centerline between nations = 4 Grey zone (disputed) = 5 International partition line, per agreement = 6 International partition line, stipulated = 7 Economic zone boundary = 8 <<CodeList>> SecondCountry Denmark = DK Germany = DE Greenland = GL Iceland = IC Norway = NO Russian Federation = RU Sweden = SE United Kingdom = GB June 2009 + + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> FirstCountry Denmark = DK Germany = DE Greenland = GL Iceland = IC Norway = NO Russian Federation = RU Sweden = SE United Kingdom = GB Page 154 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas DataTypes <<DataType>> HabourDistrictInformation + municipalityNumber : MunicipalityNumber + portDistrictAdministration : PortDistrictAdministration <<DataType>> BoundaryBetweenNationsSea + secondCountry [0..1] : SecondCountry + firstCountry [0..1] : FirstCountry CodeLists <<CodeList>> PortIdentification + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Akershus Alta port authority, 9501 Alta, Finnmark Arendal port authority, 4800 Arendal, Aust-Agder Port of Bergen, 5003 Bergen, Hordaland Bodø port authority, 8001 Bodø, Nordland Borre port authority, 1631 Gamle Fredrikstad, Østfold Borre port authority, 3191 Horten, Østfold Brønnøy port authority, 8900 Brønnøysund, Nordland Båtsfjord port authority, 9991 Båtsfjord, Finnmark Drammen intermunicipal port authority, 3003 Drammen, Buskerud Eigersund port authority, 4371 Egersund, Rogaland Farsund port authority, 4551 Farsund, Vest-Agder Does not exist Florø harbour, 6901 Florø, Sogn og Fjordane Grenland intermunicipal port authority, 3951 Brevik, Telemark Hammerfest port authority, 9601 Hammerfest, Finnmark Harstad port authority, 9401 Harstad, Troms Hedmark Karmsund port authority, 5501 Haugesund, Rogaland Kristiansand port authority, 4601 Kristiansand, Vest-Agder Kristiansund port authority, 6500 Kristiansund, Møre og Romsdal Larvik port authority, 3251 Larvik, Vestfold Levanger and Verdal intermunicipal port authority, 7650 Verdal, Nord-Trøndelag Molde port authority, 6400 Molde, Møre og Romsdal Moss port authority, 1531 Moss, Østfold Måløy port authority, 6701 Måløy, Sogn og Fjordane Namsos port authority, 7801 Namsos, Nord-Trøndelag Narvik port authority, 8501 Narvik, Nordland Norkapp port authority, 9751 Honningsvåg, Finnmark Oppland Orkanger harbour, 7301 Orkanger, Sør-Trøndelag Oslo Port Authority, 0103 Oslo, Oslo Rana port authority, 8601 Mo, Nordland Sandefjord port authority, 3210 Sandefjord, Vestfold Sandnes port authority, 4301 Sandnes, Rogaland Sortland port authority, 8401 Sortland, Nordland Stavanger intermunicipal port authority, 4005 Stavanger, Rogaland Steinkjer port authority, 7701 Steinkjer, Nord-Trøndelag Stord municipality, Hamnestellet, 5401 Stord, Hordaland Sør-Varanger municipality, Harbour office, 9901 Kirkenes, Finnmark Tromsø port authority, 9001 Tromsø, Troms Trondheim harbour, 7005 Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag Tønsberg port authority, 3100 Tønsberg, Vestfold Vadsø port authority, 9801 Vadsø, Finnmark Vardø port authority, 9951 Vardø, Finnmark Vågan port authority, 8301 Svolvær, Nordland Ålesund port authority, 6002 Ålesund, Møre og Romsdal Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 <<CodeList>> CommonsType + Community-owned common land = B + Crown lands = S + + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> BoundaryTypeSea Fishery zone boundary = 1 Fishery protection zone = 2 Proposed centerline between nations = 3 Negotiated centerline between nations = 4 Grey zone (disputed) = 5 International partition line, per agreement = 6 International partition line, stipulated = 7 Economic zone boundary = 8 <<CodeList>> PortDistrictAdministration + ??Interkommunal port management = 1 + Technical Recruitment Agency = 2 + Own port authority = 3 + + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> FirstCountry Denmark = DK Germany = DE Greenland = GL Iceland = IC Norway = NO Russian Federation = RU Sweden = SE United Kingdom = GB + + + + + + + + <<CodeList>> SecondCountry Denmark = DK Germany = DE Greenland = GL Iceland = IC Norway = NO Russian Federation = RU Sweden = SE United Kingdom = GB Page 155 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 5.2 Description 5.2.1 TwoHundredMileBoundary No Name/ Role name 1 Class 200 mile boundary toward TwoHundredMile other countries Boundary centerline course followed by the central part of the object 1.1 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 Constraint 5.2.2 CommonLand No Name/ Role name Description 2 2.1 Class CommonLand extent 2.2 position area to which rights are regulated area over which an object extends location where the object exists 2.3 2.4 commonsType Role boundaryCommo ns Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 N SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty CommonsType CommonsBou Aggregrati ndary on 5.2.3 CommonsBoundary No Name/ Role name Description 3 Class CommonsBound ary border delimitation of common land 3.1 3.2 3.3 course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) SubArea Role (unnamed) CommonLand Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 SubArea 1 2 CommonLand Constraint 5.2.4 FisheryBoundary No Name/ Role name Description 4 Class line drawn 12 nautical FisheryBoundary miles outside the ??baseline/sea boundary Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 156 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 4.1 centerline 4.2 zoneNautical and parallel to this Note: (see Section 1 in the statutes of 17 June 1966 No. 19) course followed by the central part of the object 1 1 1 1 CurveWithQual ity Integer 5.2.5 FisheryZone No Name/ Role name 5 5.1 Class FisheryZone extent 5.2 position 5.3 Role boundaryFishery Zone Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint area over which an object extends location where the object exists 0 1 0 1 0 N SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty FisheryZoneBo Aggregrati undary on 5.2.6 FisheryZoneBoundary No Name/ Role name Description 6 Class FisheryZoneBou ndary border delimitation of fishery zone 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity boundaryTypeSe a boundaryBetwee nNationsSea 1 1 0 1 Role (unnamed) FisheryZone 1 1 BoundaryType Sea BoundaryBetw eenNationsSe a FisheryZone course following the transition between different real world phenomena Constraint 5.2.7 BoundarySea No Name/ Role name Description 7 Class BoundarySea 7.1 centerline boundry line at sea Note:Economic zone, fishery protection zone and centerlines course followed by the central part of the object 7.2 boundaryTypeSe a Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 1 1 CurveWithQual ity BoundaryType Sea June 2009 Constraint Page 157 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 7.3 boundaryBetwee nNationsSea 0 1 BoundaryBetw eenNationsSe a 5.2.8 HabourDisrictBoundary No Name/ Role name Description 8 Class HabourDisrictBo undary 8.1 border Merknad: (§12 og 14). (Se Den Norske Los, Bind 1, side 27) course following the transition between different real world phenomena 8.2 Role (unnamed) HarbourDistrict Role (unnamed) HarbourDistrict 8.3 Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 1 HarbourDistrict 1 1 HarbourDistrict Constraint 5.2.9 LocalSampleBoundary No Name/ Role name 9 Class delimitation of local LocalSampleBou sample area ndary centerline course followed by the central part of the object Role (unnamed) LocalSampleAre a 9.1 9.2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 1 1 CurveWithQual ity LocalSampleAr ea Constraint 5.2.10 LocalSampleArea No Name/ Role name 10 Class LocalSampleAre a extent 10. 1 10. 2 10. 3 position Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type area over which an object extends location where the object exists 1 1 1 1 0 N SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty LocalSampleB Aggregrati oundary on Role bounaryLocalSa mple Constraint 5.2.11 PropertyValuationBoundary No Name/ Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum June 2009 Type Constraint Page 158 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Role name 11 11. 1 11. 2 Class PropertyValuatio nBoundary border Condition Occurrenc e 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 1 PropertyValuat ionArea delimitation of property valuation area course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) PropertyValuatio nArea 5.2.12 CustomsBoundary10Nm No Name/ Role name Description 12 Class CustomsBoundar y10Nm centerline 10 Nm boundary defined in Royal Decree of 193210-28 course followed by the central part of the object 12. 1 12. 2 zoneNautical Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 1 1 CurveWithQual ity Integer Constraint 5.2.13 PropertyValuationArea No Name/ Role name 13 Class PropertyValuatio nArea extent 13. 1 13. 2 13. 3 position Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type objektets utstrekning 0 1 location where the object exists 0 1 0 N SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty PropertyValuat Aggregrati ionBoundary on Role boundaryPropert yValuation Constraint 5.2.14 <<DataType>> HabourDistrictInformation No Name/ Role name 14 Datatype HabourDistrictInf ormation municipalityNum ber 14. 1 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Merknad: Det presiseres 1 at kommune alltid skal ha 4 siffer, dvs. eventuelt med ledende null. Kommune benyttes for kopling mot en rekke andre registre Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 1 Type Constraint MunicipalityNu mber Page 159 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas som også benytter 4 siffer. 14. 2 portDistrictAdmin istration 1 1 PortDistrictAd ministration 5.2.15 FisheryProtectionZone No Name/ Role name Description 15 Class FisheryProtection Zone extent area designated by royal resolution 1977-06-03 for fishing ban/protection area over which an object extends location where the object exists 15. 1 15. 2 15. 3 15. 4 Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 1 0 1 Role avgrensning 0 N Aggregrati on Role boundaryFishery ProtectionZone 0 N SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty FisheryProtecti onZoneBound ary FisheryProtecti onZoneBound ary Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 FisheryProtecti onZone 1 1 FisheryProtecti onZone position Aggregrati on 5.2.16 FisheryProtectionZoneBoundary No Name/ Role name 16 Class delimitation of FisheryProtection FisheryProtectionZone ZoneBoundary border course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) FisheryProtection Zone Role (unnamed) FisheryProtection Zone 16. 1 16. 2 16. 3 Description 5.2.17 HarbourDistrict No Name/ Role name Description 17 Class HarbourDistrict area of sea and land where public harbour activity and harbour management is subject to municipal administration Note: The outer boundary of the harbour district is approved by the Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 160 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 17. 1 17. 2 17. 3 17. 4 17. 5 17. 6 17. 7 17. 8 17. 9 17. 10 extent Norwegian Coastal Directorate, cf. Sections 12 and 14 of the provisions area over which an object extends location where the object exists 0 1 0 1 englishName 0 1 portIdentification 0 1 habourDistrictInf ormation habourStatus 0 1 1 1 Role boundaryHabour District Role (unnamed) ??HarbourArea/ HarbourSegment Role (unnamed) MunicipalityBoun dary Role boundaryHabou District 0 N HabourDisrictB Aggregrati oundary on 1 N ??HarbourAre a/HarbourSeg ment 1 1 MunicipalityBo undary 0 N HabourDisrictB Aggregrati oundary on position SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty Name PortIdentificati on HabourDistrictI nformation Status Aggregrati on 5.2.18 <<DataType>> BoundaryBetweenNationsSea No Name/ Role name 18 18. 1 18. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Datatype BoundaryBetwee nNationsSea secondCountry 0 1 firstCountry 0 1 SecondCountr y FirstCountry Constraint 5.2.19 Association <<Topo>> CommonLand-CommonsBoundary No Name/ Role name 19 Association CommonLandCommonsBound ary Role boundaryCommo ns 19. 1 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 CommonsBou ndary Aggregatio n June 2009 N Page 161 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 19. 2 Role (unnamed) CommonLand 1 2 CommonLand 5.2.20 Association <<Topo>> FisheryZone-FisheryZoneBoundary No Name/ Role name 20 Association FisheryZoneFisheryZoneBou ndary Role boundaryFishery Zone Role (unnamed) FisheryZone 20. 1 20. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N FisheryZoneBo Aggregatio undary n 1 1 FisheryZone 5.2.21 Association <<Topo>> LocalSampleArea-LocalSampleBoundary No Name/ Role name 21 Association LocalSampleAre aLocalSampleBou ndary Role bounaryLocalSa mple Role (unnamed) LocalSampleAre a 21. 1 21. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N LocalSampleB oundary Aggregatio n 1 1 LocalSampleAr ea 5.2.22 Association <<Topo>> PropertyValuationAreaPropertyValuationBoundary No Name/ Role name 22 Association PropertyValuatio nAreaPropertyValuatio nBoundary Role boundaryPropert yValuation Role (unnamed) PropertyValuatio nArea 22. 1 22. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 N PropertyValuat Aggregatio ionBoundary n 1 1 PropertyValuat ionArea June 2009 Constraint Page 162 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 5.2.23 Association <<Topo>> FisheryProtectionZoneFisheryProtectionZoneBoundary No Name/ Role name 23 Association FisheryProtection ZoneFisheryProtection ZoneBoundary Role boundaryFishery ProtectionZone Role (unnamed) FisheryProtection Zone 23. 1 23. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N 1 1 FisheryProtecti Aggregatio onZoneBound n ary FisheryProtecti onZone 5.2.24 Association <<Topo>> HarbourDistrict-HabourDisrictBoundary No Name/ Role name 24 Association HarbourDistrictHabourDisrictBo undary Role boundaryHabou District Role (unnamed) HarbourDistrict 24. 1 24. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 N HabourDisrictB Aggregatio oundary n 1 1 HarbourDistrict June 2009 Constraint Page 163 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Nr 1 1.1 1.2 Code name Kodeliste CommonsType Community-owned common land Crown lands Nr 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Definition/Description detailed classification of commons Code B S <<CodeList>> FirstCountry Code name Kodeliste FirstCountry Denmark Germany Greenland Iceland Norway Russian Federation Sweden United Kingdom Nr 3 <<CodeList>> CommonsType Definition/Description Code DK DE GL IC NO RU SE GB <<CodeList>> SecondCountry Code name Kodeliste SecondCountry Denmark Germany Greenland Iceland Norway Russian Federation Sweden United Kingdom Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description Code DK DE GL IC NO RU SE GB June 2009 Page 164 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Nr 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Code name Kodeliste BoundaryTypeSea Fishery zone boundary Fishery protection zone Proposed centerline between nations Negotiated centerline between nations Grey zone (disputed) International partition line, per agreement International partition line, stipulated Economic zone boundary Nr 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Definition/Description used to indicate type of sea boundary Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <<CodeList>> PortDistrictAdministration Code name Kodeliste PortDistrictAdministration ??Interkommunal port management Technical Recruitment Agency Own port authority Nr 6 <<CodeList>> BoundaryTypeSea Definition/Description organisation of the port authority Code 1 2 3 <<CodeList>> PortIdentification Code name Kodeliste PortIdentification Akershus Alta port authority, 9501 Alta, Finnmark Arendal port authority, 4800 Arendal, Aust-Agder Port of Bergen, 5003 Bergen, Hordaland Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description identification of port and port district by the numbers which the port managers use June 2009 Page 165 of 191 Code English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 Bodø port authority, 8001 Bodø, Nordland Borre port authority, 1631 Gamle Fredrikstad, Østfold Borre port authority, 3191 Horten, Østfold Brønnøy port authority, 8900 Brønnøysund, Nordland Båtsfjord port authority, 9991 Båtsfjord, Finnmark Drammen intermunicipal port authority, 3003 Drammen, Buskerud Eigersund port authority, 4371 Egersund, Rogaland Farsund port authority, 4551 Farsund, Vest-Agder Does not exist Florø harbour, 6901 Florø, Sogn og Fjordane Grenland intermunicipal port authority, 3951 Brevik, Telemark Hammerfest port authority, 9601 Hammerfest, Finnmark Harstad port authority, 9401 Harstad, Troms Hedmark Karmsund port authority, 5501 Haugesund, Rogaland Kristiansand port authority, 4601 Kristiansand, Vest-Agder Kristiansund port authority, 6500 Kristiansund, Møre og Romsdal Larvik port authority, 3251 Larvik, Vestfold Levanger and Verdal intermunicipal port authority, 7650 Verdal, Nord- Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 166 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.34 6.35 6.36 6.37 6.38 6.39 6.40 6.41 6.42 Trøndelag Molde port authority, 6400 Molde, Møre og Romsdal Moss port authority, 1531 Moss, Østfold Måløy port authority, 6701 Måløy, Sogn og Fjordane Namsos port authority, 7801 Namsos, Nord-Trøndelag Narvik port authority, 8501 Narvik, Nordland Norkapp port authority, 9751 Honningsvåg, Finnmark Oppland Orkanger harbour, 7301 Orkanger, Sør-Trøndelag Oslo Port Authority, 0103 Oslo, Oslo Rana port authority, 8601 Mo, Nordland Sandefjord port authority, 3210 Sandefjord, Vestfold Sandnes port authority, 4301 Sandnes, Rogaland Sortland port authority, 8401 Sortland, Nordland Stavanger intermunicipal port authority, 4005 Stavanger, Rogaland Steinkjer port authority, 7701 Steinkjer, Nord-Trøndelag Stord municipality, Hamnestellet, 5401 Stord, Hordaland Sør-Varanger municipality, Harbour office, 9901 Kirkenes, Finnmark Tromsø port authority, 9001 Tromsø, Troms Trondheim harbour, 7005 Trondheim, Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 167 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 6.43 6.44 6.45 6.46 6.47 Sør-Trøndelag Tønsberg port authority, 3100 Tønsberg, Vestfold Vadsø port authority, 9801 Vadsø, Finnmark Vardø port authority, 9951 Vardø, Finnmark Vågan port authority, 8301 Svolvær, Nordland Ålesund port authority, 6002 Ålesund, Møre og Romsdal Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 168 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 6. ApplicationSchema 6.1 Police and court of justice PoliceDistrict Municipality (from National main classification) 1..* +municipality 1 PoliceDistrict + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + policeDistrictId : PoliceDistrictId + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1..2 <<Topo>> PoliceDistrictBoundary 0..* + border : CurveWithQuality +boundaryPoliceDistrict <<CodeList>> PoliceDistrictId Oslo = 01 Østfold = 02 Follo = 03 Romerike = 04 Hedmark = 05 Gudbrandsdal = 06 Vestoppland = 07 Nordre Buskerud = 08 Søndre Buskerud = 09 Asker og Bærum = 10 Vestfold = 11 Telemark = 12 Agder = 13 Rogaland = 14 Haugaland og Sunnhordland = 15 Hordaland = 16 Sogn og Fjordane = 17 Sunnmøre = 18 Nordmøre og Romsdal = 19 Sør-Trøndelag = 20 Nord-Trøndelag = 21 Helgeland = 22 Bodø = 23 Salten = 23 Midtre Hålogaland = 24 Troms = 25 Vestfinnmark = 26 Østfinnmark = 27 Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 169 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 6.2 Description 6.2.1 PoliceDistrict No Name/ Role name Description 1 Class PoliceDistrict 1.1 extent 1.2 position 1.3 1.4 policeDistrictId Role boundaryPoliceD istrict Role municipality a total of 55 police districts (incl. Svalbard). Note:Does not break with municipal boundaries, but with county boundaries. Delimited by police district boundaries and municipal boundaries. area over which an object 0 extends location where the object 0 exists 1 0 1.5 Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e 1 1 1 1 N N Type Constraint SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty PoliceDistrictId PoliceDistrictB Aggregrati oundary on Municipality 6.2.2 PoliceDistrictBoundary No Name/ Role name 2 Class delimitation of Police PoliceDistrictBou District ndary border course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) PoliceDistrict 2.1 2.2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 PoliceDistrict Constraint 6.2.3 Association Municipality-PoliceDistrict No Name/ Role name 3 Association MunicipalityPoliceDistrict Role (unnamed) PoliceDistrict Role municipality 3.1 3.2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 PoliceDistrict Aggregatio n 1 N Municipality June 2009 Page 170 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Nr 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 <<CodeList>> PoliceDistrictId Code name Kodeliste PoliceDistrictId Oslo Østfold Follo Romerike Hedmark Gudbrandsdal Vestoppland Nordre Buskerud Søndre Buskerud Asker og Bærum Vestfold Telemark Agder Rogaland Haugaland og Sunnhordland Hordaland Sogn og Fjordane Sunnmøre Nordmøre og Romsdal Sør-Trøndelag Nord-Trøndelag Helgeland Bodø Salten Midtre Hålogaland Troms Vestfinnmark Østfinnmark Norwegian Mapping Authority Definition/Description Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 June 2009 Page 171 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 7. ApplicationSchema 7.1 Postal administrative classification Main Administrative units subclassification Clerical classification National main classification Other adminstrative classification Other information Police and court of justice Postal administrative classification Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 172 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Postal Area PostalPlaceNameBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality PostalZone 0..* +boundaryPostalPlaceName PostalRegionBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality <<Topo>> +postalAreaZone +boundaryPostalRegional 0..2 PostalArea + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + postalAdministrativeAreas : PostalAdministrativeAreas 0..2 <<Topo>> 0..2 * 0..* +boundaryPostalZone 0..2 PostalZoneBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* <<Topo>> 1..2 0..2 <<Topo>> <<Topo>> +boundaryPostalArea 0..* PostalAreaBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality +boundaryNational <<Topo>> +boundaryBaseline 0..* 0..* NationalBoundary Baseline (from National main classification) (from National main classification) + border : CurveWithQuality <<DataType>> PostalAdministrativeAreas + postalNumber : Integer + postalName [0..1] : CharacterString Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 173 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas PostalPlaceName Nation NationalBoundary (f rom National main classif ication) (f rom National main classif ication) PostalAreaBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* +boundaryNationalBoundary +PostalPlaceNameZone 0..* <<Topo>> PostalRegionBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality +boundaryPostalArea <<Topo>> +boundaryPostalRegion 0..2 * PostalPlaceName + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + postalAdministrativeAreas : PostalAdministrativeAreas 1 0..* <<Topo>> 0..2 0..2 1..2 +boundaryPostalPlaceName <<Topo>> 0..* PostalPlaceNameBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..2 <<Topo>> +boundaryPostalZone <<Topo>> 0..* +boundaryBaseline 0..* Baseline (f rom National main classif ication) Norwegian Mapping Authority PostalZoneBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality <<DataType>> PostalAdministrativeAreas + postalNumber : Integer + postalName [0..1] : CharacterString June 2009 Page 174 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas PostalRegion PostalPlaceName PostalPlaceNameBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* +boundaryPostalPlaceName +PostalRegionZone * 0..2 <<Topo>> PostalRegion + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + postalAdministrativeAreas : PostalAdministrativeAreas 1 +boundaryPostalRegion <<Topo>> 1..2 PostalRegionBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..* 0..2 <<Topo>> <<Topo>> +boundaryNational 0..* NationalBoundary (from National main classification) +boundaryBaselline 0..* + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : FollowsTerrainDetails Baseline (from National main classification) Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 175 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas PostalZone PostalPlaceNameBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality PostalRegion 0..* +boundaryPostalPlaceName +PostalZoneZone PostalRegionBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..2 * PostalZone + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + postalAdministrativeAreas : PostalAdministrativeAreas <<Topo>> +boundaryPostalRegion 0..* 0..2 <<Topo>> +boundaryPostalZone 0..* <<Topo>> 1..2 1 <<Topo>> PostalZoneBoundary + border : CurveWithQuality 0..2 <<Topo>> +boundaryNational 0..* +boundaryBaseline NationalBoundary (f rom National main classif ication) 0..* Baseline + border : CurveWithQuality + followsTerrainDetails [0..1] : FollowsTerrainDetails (f rom National main classif ication) Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 176 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Whole model without boudaries Nation (f rom National main classif ication) +PostalPlaceNameZone * PostalPlaceName + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + postalAdministrativeAreas : PostalAdministrativeAreas +PostalRegionZone * PostalRegion + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + postalAdministrativeAreas : PostalAdministrativeAreas <<DataType>> PostalAdministrativeAreas + postalNumber : Integer + postalName [0..1] : CharacterString +PostalZoneZone * PostalZone + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + postalAdministrativeAreas : PostalAdministrativeAreas +postalAreaZone * PostalArea + extent [0..1] : SurfaceWithQuality + position [0..1] : PointWithQuality + postalAdministrativeAreas : PostalAdministrativeAreas Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 177 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas DataTypes <<DataType>> HabourDistrictInformation (from Other information) + municipalityNumber : MunicipalityNumber + portDistrictAdministration : PortDistrictAdministration <<DataType>> SchoolDistrictId <<DataType>> PostalAdministrativeAreas (from Postal administrative classification) + postalNumber : Integer + postalName [0..1] : CharacterString (from Administrative units subclassification) + schoolDistrictNumber : Integer + schoolDistrictName [0..1] : CharacterString <<DataType>> ConstituencyId (from Administrative units subclassification) + constituencyNumber : CharacterString + constituencyName [0..1] : CharacterString Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 178 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas CodeLists <<CodeList>> FirstCountry <<CodeList>> CommonsType (from Other information) (from Other information) + Community-owned common land = B + Crown lands = S <<CodeList>> PortDistrictAdministration + + + + + + + + Denmark = DK Germany = DE Greenland = GL Iceland = IC Norway = NO Russian Federation = RU Sweden = SE United Kingdom = GB <<CodeList>> BoundaryTypeSea <<CodeList>> SecondCountry (from Other information) (from Other information) + + + + + + + + Denmark = DK Germany = DE Greenland = GL Iceland = IC Norway = NO Russian Federation = RU Sweden = SE United Kingdom = GB + + + + + + + + Fishery zone boundary = 1 Fishery protection zone = 2 Proposed centerline between nations = 3 Negotiated centerline between nations = 4 Grey zone (disputed) = 5 International partition line, per agreement = 6 International partition line, stipulated = 7 Economic zone boundary = 8 (from Other information) + ??Interkommunal port management = 1 + Technical Recruitment Agency = 2 + Own port authority = 3 <<CodeList>> PortIdentification (from Other information) <<CodeList>> RegionArea (from National main classification) + + + + + + + Oslo and Akershus = 1 Hedmark and Oppland = 2 Sør-Østlandet = 3 Agder / Rogaland = 4 Vestlandet = 5 Trøndelag = 6 Nord-Norge = 7 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Akershus Alta port authority, 9501 Alta, Finnmark Arendal port authority, 4800 Arendal, Aust-Agder Port of Bergen, 5003 Bergen, Hordaland Bodø port authority, 8001 Bodø, Nordland Borre port authority, 1631 Gamle Fredrikstad, Østfold Borre port authority, 3191 Horten, Østfold Brønnøy port authority, 8900 Brønnøysund, Nordland Båtsfjord port authority, 9991 Båtsfjord, Finnmark Drammen intermunicipal port authority, 3003 Drammen, Buskerud Eigersund port authority, 4371 Egersund, Rogaland Farsund port authority, 4551 Farsund, Vest-Agder Does not exist Florø harbour, 6901 Florø, Sogn og Fjordane Grenland intermunicipal port authority, 3951 Brevik, Telemark Hammerfest port authority, 9601 Hammerfest, Finnmark Harstad port authority, 9401 Harstad, Troms Hedmark Karmsund port authority, 5501 Haugesund, Rogaland Kristiansand port authority, 4601 Kristiansand, Vest-Agder Kristiansund port authority, 6500 Kristiansund, Møre og Romsdal Larvik port authority, 3251 Larvik, Vestfold Levanger and Verdal intermunicipal port authority, 7650 Verdal, Nord-Trøndelag Molde port authority, 6400 Molde, Møre og Romsdal Moss port authority, 1531 Moss, Østfold Måløy port authority, 6701 Måløy, Sogn og Fjordane Namsos port authority, 7801 Namsos, Nord-Trøndelag Narvik port authority, 8501 Narvik, Nordland Norkapp port authority, 9751 Honningsvåg, Finnmark Oppland Orkanger harbour, 7301 Orkanger, Sør-Trøndelag Oslo Port Authority, 0103 Oslo, Oslo Rana port authority, 8601 Mo, Nordland Sandefjord port authority, 3210 Sandefjord, Vestfold Sandnes port authority, 4301 Sandnes, Rogaland Sortland port authority, 8401 Sortland, Nordland Stavanger intermunicipal port authority, 4005 Stavanger, Rogaland Steinkjer port authority, 7701 Steinkjer, Nord-Trøndelag Stord municipality, Hamnestellet, 5401 Stord, Hordaland Sør-Varanger municipality, Harbour office, 9901 Kirkenes, Finnmark Tromsø port authority, 9001 Tromsø, Troms Trondheim harbour, 7005 Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag Tønsberg port authority, 3100 Tønsberg, Vestfold Vadsø port authority, 9801 Vadsø, Finnmark Vardø port authority, 9951 Vardø, Finnmark Vågan port authority, 8301 Svolvær, Nordland Ålesund port authority, 6002 Ålesund, Møre og Romsdal Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 179 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 7.2 Description 7.2.1 PostalArea No Name/ Role name 1 Class PostalArea 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.1 0 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e subdivision of the postal regions delimited by postal zone boundaries, postal region boundaries and postal area boundaries extent area over which an object 0 extends position location where the object 0 exists postalAdministrat 1 iveAreas Role 1 (unnamed) PostalZone Role 0 boundaryPostalA rea Role 0 boundaryNationa l Role 0 boundaryPostalZ one Role 0 boundaryPostalP laceName Role 0 boundaryPostalR egional Role 0 boundaryBaselin e 1 1 1 1 Type Constraint SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty PostalAdminist rativeAreas PostalZone N PostalAreaBou Aggregrati ndary on N NationalBound Aggregrati ary on N PostalZoneBo undary N PostalPlaceNa Aggregrati meBoundary on N PostalRegionB Aggregrati oundary on N Baseline Aggregrati on Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 PostalArea Aggregrati on 7.2.2 PostalAreaBoundary No Name/ Role name 2 Class delimitation of postal area PostalAreaBound ary border course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) 2.1 2.2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 180 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2.3 PostalArea Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e 0 2 PostalPlaceNa me 7.2.3 PostalRegion No Name/ Role name Description 3 3.1 Class PostalRegion extent 3.2 position subdivision of the postal regions area over which an object extends location where the object exists 3.3 postalAdministrat iveAreas Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e Role PostalZoneZone Role boundaryPostalR egion Role boundaryPostalP laceName Role boundaryNationa l Role boundaryBasellin e 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty PostalAdminist rativeAreas PostalPlaceNa me 0 N PostalZone 0 N PostalRegionB Aggregrati oundary on 0 N PostalPlaceNa Aggregrati meBoundary on 0 N NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 0 N Baseline Aggregrati on Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 PostalRegion 0 2 PostalZone 7.2.4 PostalRegionBoundary No Name/ Role name 4 Class delimitation of postal PostalRegionBou region ndary border course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) PostalRegion Role (unnamed) PostalZone 4.1 4.2 4.3 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 181 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 4.4 4.5 Role (unnamed) PostalArea Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e 0 2 PostalArea 0 2 PostalPlaceNa me 7.2.5 PostalZone No Name/ Role name Description 5 Class PostalZone 5.1 extent 5.2 position the country is divided into 10 zones delimited by postal zone boundaries area over which an object extends location where the object exists 5.3 postalAdministrat iveAreas Role (unnamed) PostalRegion Role postalAreaZone Role boundaryPostalZ one Role boundaryPostalR egion Role boundaryNationa l Role boundaryPostalP laceName Role boundaryBaselin e 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.1 0 Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty PostalAdminist rativeAreas PostalRegion 0 N PostalArea 0 N PostalZoneBo undary 0 N PostalRegionB Aggregrati oundary on 0 N NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 0 N PostalPlaceNa Aggregrati meBoundary on 0 N Baseline Aggregrati on Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 1 0 1 1 1 SurfaceWithQu ality PointWithQuali ty PostalAdminist Aggregrati on 7.2.6 PostalPlaceName No Name/ Role name Description 6 division of the postal regions 6.1 Class PostalPlaceNam e extent 6.2 position 6.3 postalAdministrat area over which an object extends location where the object exists Norwegian Mapping Authority June 2009 Page 182 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.1 0 6.1 1 iveAreas Role (unnamed) Nation Role PostalRegionZon e Role boundaryPostalP laceName Role boundaryNationa lBoundary Role boundaryBaselin e Role boundaryPostalZ one Role boundaryPostalA rea Role boundaryPostalR egion 1 1 rativeAreas Nation 0 N PostalRegion 0 N PostalPlaceNa Aggregrati meBoundary on 0 N NationalBound Aggregrati ary on 0 N Baseline Aggregrati on 0 N PostalZoneBo undary Aggregrati on 0 N PostalAreaBou Aggregrati ndary on 0 N PostalRegionB Aggregrati oundary on 7.2.7 PostalPlaceNameBoundary No Name/ Role name Description 7 Class PostalPlaceNam eBoundary border delimitation of PostalPlaceName 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e Role (unnamed) PostalRegion Role (unnamed) PostalZone Role (unnamed) PostalArea Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 PostalPlaceNa me 0 2 PostalRegion 0 2 PostalZone 0 2 PostalArea Constraint 7.2.8 <<DataType>> PostalAdministrativeAreas No Name/ Role name Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc June 2009 Type Constraint Page 183 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas e 8 8.1 8.2 Datatype PostalAdministrat iveAreas postalNumber postalName 1 0 1 1 Integer CharacterStrin g 7.2.9 PostalZoneBoundary No Name/ Role name Description 9 Class PostalZoneBoun dary border delimitation of postal zone 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 course following the transition between different real world phenomena Role (unnamed) PostalZone Role (unnamed) PostalArea Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 1 1 CurveWithQual ity 1 2 PostalZone 0 2 PostalArea 0 2 PostalPlaceNa me Constraint 7.2.10 Association Nation-PostalPlaceName No Name/ Role name 10 Association NationPostalPlaceNam e Role PostalPlaceNam eZone Role (unnamed) Nation 10. 1 10. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 N PostalPlaceNa me 1 1 Nation Constraint 7.2.11 Association PostalPlaceName-PostalRegion No Name/ Role name 11 Association PostalPlaceNam e-PostalRegion Role PostalRegionZon 11. 1 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 PostalRegion June 2009 N Constraint Page 184 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 11. 2 e Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e 1 1 PostalPlaceNa me 7.2.12 Association PostalRegion-PostalZone No Name/ Role name 12 Association PostalRegionPostalZone Role PostalZoneZone Role (unnamed) PostalRegion 12. 1 12. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 N PostalZone 1 1 PostalRegion Constraint 7.2.13 Association PostalZone-PostalArea No Name/ Role name 13 Association PostalZonePostalArea Role postalAreaZone Role (unnamed) PostalZone 13. 1 13. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 N PostalArea 1 1 PostalZone Constraint 7.2.14 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-PostalPlaceNameBoundary No Name/ Role name 14 Association PostalPlaceNam ePostalPlaceNam eBoundary Role boundaryPostalP laceName Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e 14. 1 14. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N PostalPlaceNa Aggregatio meBoundary n 1 2 PostalPlaceNa me 7.2.15 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 15 Association Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 185 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 15. 1 15. 2 PostalPlaceNam eNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa lBoundary Role thePostSted 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 PostalPlaceNa me 7.2.16 Association <<Topo>> PostalRegion-PostalRegionBoundary No Name/ Role name 16 Association PostalRegionPostalRegionBou ndary Role boundaryPostalR egion Role (unnamed) PostalRegion 16. 1 16. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N PostalRegionB Aggregatio oundary n 1 2 PostalRegion 7.2.17 Association <<Topo>> PostalRegion-PostalPlaceNameBoundary No Name/ Role name 17 Association PostalRegionPostalPlaceNam eBoundary Role boundaryPostalP laceName Role (unnamed) PostalRegion 17. 1 17. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N PostalPlaceNa Aggregatio meBoundary n 0 2 PostalRegion 7.2.18 Association <<Topo>> PostalRegion-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 18 Association PostalRegionNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) PostalRegion 18. 1 18. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 PostalRegion June 2009 Constraint Page 186 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 7.2.19 Association <<Topo>> PostalZone-PostalZoneBoundary No Name/ Role name 19 Association PostalZonePostalZoneBoun dary Role boundaryPostalZ one Role (unnamed) PostalZone 19. 1 19. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N PostalZoneBo undary Aggregatio n 1 2 PostalZone 7.2.20 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-PostalAreaBoundary No Name/ Role name 20 Association PostalAreaPostalAreaBound ary Role boundaryPostalA rea Role (unnamed) PostalArea 20. 1 20. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N PostalAreaBou Aggregatio ndary n 1 2 PostalArea 7.2.21 Association <<Topo>> PostalZone-PostalRegionBoundary No Name/ Role name 21 Association PostalZonePostalRegionBou ndary Role boundaryPostalR egion Role (unnamed) PostalZone 21. 1 21. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N PostalRegionB Aggregatio oundary n 0 2 PostalZone 7.2.22 Association <<Topo>> PostalZone-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 22 Association PostalZoneNationalBoundar y Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 187 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 22. 1 22. 2 Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) PostalZone 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 PostalZone 7.2.23 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-NationalBoundary No Name/ Role name 23 Association PostalAreaNationalBoundar y Role boundaryNationa l Role (unnamed) PostalArea 23. 1 23. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N NationalBound Aggregatio ary n 0 2 PostalArea 7.2.24 Association <<Topo>> PostalZone-PostalPlaceNameBoundary No Name/ Role name 24 Association PostalZonePostalPlaceNam eBoundary Role boundaryPostalP laceName Role (unnamed) PostalZone 24. 1 24. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N PostalPlaceNa Aggregatio meBoundary n 0 2 PostalZone 7.2.25 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-PostalZoneBoundary No Name/ Role name 25 Association PostalAreaPostalZoneBoun dary Role boundaryPostalZ one Role (unnamed) PostalArea 25. 1 25. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N PostalZoneBo undary Aggregatio n 0 2 PostalArea 7.2.26 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-PostalPlaceNameBoundary No Name/ Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum June 2009 Type Constraint Page 188 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas Role name 26 26. 1 26. 2 Association PostalAreaPostalPlaceNam eBoundary Role boundaryPostalP laceName Role (unnamed) PostalArea Condition Occurrenc e 0 N PostalPlaceNa Aggregatio meBoundary n 0 2 PostalArea 7.2.27 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-PostalRegionBoundary No Name/ Role name 27 Association PostalAreaPostalRegionBou ndary Role boundaryPostalR egional Role (unnamed) PostalArea 27. 1 27. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N PostalRegionB Aggregatio oundary n 0 2 PostalArea 7.2.28 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-Baseline No Name/ Role name 28 Association PostalPlaceNam e-Baseline Role boundaryBaselin e Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e 28. 1 28. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Baseline Aggregatio n 1 1 PostalPlaceNa me 7.2.29 Association <<Topo>> PostalArea-Baseline No Name/ Role name 29 Association PostalAreaBaseline Role boundaryBaselin e Role 29. 1 29. Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Baseline Aggregatio n 0 2 PostalArea June 2009 Page 189 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 2 (unnamed) PostalArea 7.2.30 Association <<Topo>> PostalRegion-Baseline No Name/ Role name 30 Association PostalRegionBaseline Role boundaryBasellin e Role (unnamed) PostalRegion 30. 1 30. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Baseline Aggregatio n 1 1 PostalRegion 7.2.31 Association <<Topo>> PostalZone-Baseline No Name/ Role name 31 Association PostalZoneBaseline Role boundaryBaselin e Role (unnamed) PostalZone 31. 1 31. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N Baseline Aggregatio n 1 1 PostalZone 7.2.32 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-PostalZoneBoundary No Name/ Role name 32 Association PostalPlaceNam ePostalZoneBoun dary Role boundaryPostalZ one Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e 32. 1 32. 2 Description Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type Constraint 0 N PostalZoneBo undary Aggregatio n 0 2 PostalPlaceNa me 7.2.33 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-PostalAreaBoundary No Name/ Role name 33 Association PostalPlaceNam Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e June 2009 Type Constraint Page 190 of 191 English version – SOSI standard 4.0 Administrative and statistical areas 33. 1 33. 2 ePostalAreaBound ary Role boundaryPostalA rea Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e 0 N PostalAreaBou Aggregatio ndary n 0 2 PostalPlaceNa me 7.2.34 Association <<Topo>> PostalPlaceName-PostalRegionBoundary No Name/ Role name 34 Association PostalPlaceNam ePostalRegionBou ndary Role boundaryPostalR egion Role (unnamed) PostalPlaceNam e 34. 1 34. 2 Description Norwegian Mapping Authority Obligation/ Maximum Condition Occurrenc e Type 0 N PostalRegionB Aggregatio oundary n 0 2 PostalPlaceNa me June 2009 Constraint Page 191 of 191