Laser Tattoo Removal 101

Kiss your ink Goodbye
155 N. College Ave., #112
Fort Collins, CO 80524
The ultimate
educational tool
for tattoo removal
Tattoo Removal 101
Eyad Layla – Owner /
Head Laser Technician
Welcome to Ink Removal 101 – The ultimate educational tool for tattoo removal consumers.
The decision to get your tattoo removed is a big one, and we understand that. We also
understand that you might have some very important questions that you need answered. So
we’ve decided to create this FREE eBook which is designed to put you in charge of your tattoo
removal treatment plan.
Although every tattoo and client is unique, many of the questions we’ve been asked are the
same. This eBook is designed to answer the eight most important questions we’ve been asked
throughout our experience. Each chapter includes a content rich write up answering the ten
most important questions for you in detail. Enjoy and have fun!
Chapter 1. How Much Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cost?
Chapter 2. How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?
Chapter 3. How Many Sessions Does it take to Remove a Tattoo?
Chapter 4. Does Tattoo Removal Cause Scarring?
Chapter 5. What is the Best Laser for Tattoo Removal?
Chapter 6. How Painful is Laser Tattoo Removal?
Chapter 7. How do I Find the Right Laser Clinic?
Chapter 8. What are the Aftercare Instructions?
1. How Much Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cost?
Welcome! We're excited to help you better understand how to budget for your
tattoo removal plan. Let's Get started!
There are two core factors you need to consider when researching the cost of tattoo
The price per session/treatment
The number of laser tattoo sessions needed - total cost
First, let's take a look at how we determine your initial cost on a "per treatment" basis.
You may want to opt for a tattoo treatment package deal to save some money, but
we'll discuss more about that in just a minute. Keep in mind that these prices will vary
quite a bit from region to region. Our clinic is located in Fort Collins, Northern
Determining Cost per Laser Session.
Which cost structure is best for me?
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye we structure our pricing using size categories: XS, S,
M, L & XL. This approach makes the most sense for you as a patient. It's simple, and
it gives you a clear picture of what your cost should be per treatment.
Some clinics will charge per square inch. This approach might be pricier considering
that many tattoos have negative space, or are not easily measured. Other clinics might
charge a flat price for a promised removal. This might not be such a good idea
considering the technician won't know what kind of ink is in your tattoo, or how easy
or difficult it will be to remove.
What Size Category Does My Tattoo Fall In?
Since every tattoo is unique, the best way to determine exact cost per treatment
would be to schedule a free consultation. However, we know that cost is a big
factor when you're deciding on something this important. So we'd like to share
with you as many details as possible!
Size Categories:
XS: About the size of a postage stamp, or smaller. Some examples of tattoos
falling in this category are: Top of ring finger tattoo, small stars, toe tattoos, and
tear drops. In most cases you can expect a tattoo that falls into this category to cost
$75 - $100 per treatment.
S: About the size of a business card. Some examples of tattoos fitting in this category
would be: A small star design behind the ear, L.O.V.E spelled out on the fingers of one
hand, a Chinese symbol, an Ex's name. Generally speaking, you can expect a tattoo that
falls into this category to cost $130 - $170 per treatment.
M: About the size of your palm. Some examples of tattoos that would fit in this size
category would be a hand piece (not including fingers) a one sided neck piece, a sun
tattoo on top of the foot. You can expect a tattoo that fits in this size category to cost
$170 - $200 per treatment.
L: About the size of two hands placed together. This tattoo size category can range quite
a bit depending on body location of your ink. Some examples of tattoos that fall into this
category are quarter sleeves, upper back pieces, lower back tattoos and lettering written
across stomach etc. To treat a tattoo that falls into this size category, you can expect the
cost to be $250 - $350 per treatment.
XL: This size category requires an in person consultation for determining a cost
estimate. Many XL tattoos cannot be treated all at once per visit. Your immune
system can only handle so much ink drainage between treatments. So for this
reason, a huge back piece, for example, should be split up in stages to help your
lymphatic system flush the ink more efficiently.
Some examples of tattoos in the XL category are half sleeves, full sleeves, back
pieces and more. You can expect the cost of a tattoo in this category to have a
custom estimated price per session.
Related Articles:
Tattoo Removal Pricing Per Treatment
How Prices Are Determined
How To Choose The Right Clinic
Determining Number of Laser Tattoo Sessions - Total Cost.
What's the best way to predict how many sessions I'll need?
While it may be difficult for some clinics to know exactly how many treatments you'll
need, here at Kiss your ink Goodbye we have a system in place that allows us to do
just that. A good laser clinic will know exactly what factors to consider when trying to
predict the number of tattoo treatments, and factor in the cost accordingly. We would
like to share these unique factors with you. They are:
The Fitzpatrick Scale
Tattoo colors
Ink density - Professional or amateur
Age of tattoo
Body location & your lymphatic system
Immune system health
The Fitzpatrick Scale
The Fitzpatrick scale - AKA Skin Type, is a recognized tool for dermatological
research into human skin pigmentation. It was developed in 1975 by Thomas B.
Fitzpatrick, a Harvard dermatologist, to classify the response of different skin types to
UV light. These skin types are rated from 1 - 6. 1 being the lightest, and 6 being the
How does this relate to laser tattoo removal? We use the Fitzpatrick scale to classify
our client's skin types, then adjust the laser power settings accordingly. How does this
effect cost? Clients with lighter skin tones will benefit due to us being able to be more
aggressive with the laser power settings. Check out Fort Collins Colorado Tattoo
Removal Cost Guide to learn more about skin tone, and how it can effect cost.
Tattoo Colors
Generally speaking, black & red ink moves the quickest. The lighter the color, the
harder it is to absorb the laser. A black or gray colored tattoo will require the least
amount of treatments. Add a little red into the mix and it might need an extra session.
A multi colored tattoo will need the most amount of treatments. Blue, green and
purple ink colors are the hardest to get rid of. So a tattoo rich in these colors will cost
more to treat.
Ink Density - Professional or Amateur?
Homemade or amateur tattoos cost much less to treat because they require less laser
time. Amateur inks can be made with pen ink, dirt, soot or other ingredients. These
cheap inks move quicker. Professional tattoos are much more dense, and the ink is of
higher quality. Therefore they need more sessions.
Age of Tattoo
This is one of the biggest factors in determining amount of treatments. The older the
tattoo, the quicker it moves. Especially if your tattoo is older than ten years.
Body Location & Your Lymphatic System
If your tattoo is close to one of your lymphatic drainage points - groin, neck, or arm
pit, it will react much faster to laser treatment. This also holds true for tattoos close to
your heart, being that It's so vascular in that area. These areas will cost less in the long
Fingers, toes, feet and ankle tattoos require a little more laser time due to the areas not
receiving as much blood flow. So for example, a bright colored butterfly tattoo on
your foot will cost more than a same sized black butterfly tattoo on your neck. Make
Immune System Health
Your immune system is mostly responsible for the drainage of ink. If you live a
healthy lifestyle, you will benefit. The cost will be lower because you will get the
most out of each session. An individual with a week immune system will require more
sessions. Therefore, the cost will be higher.
If your tattoo has layering (cover up) it will need extra treatments.
Related Articles:
How Many Sessions Do I Need?
How Tattoos Are Removed
How to Save Big on the Cost of Laser Tattoo Treatment.
Now that you're familiar with cost and understand the concept of needing multiple
visits, you need to know how to get the best deal possible on your plan. Here at Kiss
your ink Goodbye, we recommend you choose a clinic that offers the following
crucial aspects:
20% Discount with the purchase of a package deal
A guarantee on their work
50% Off for military recruits - Always
Refer a friend discount
Military, police, & firefighter discount
Removing for FREE any & all breast cancer survivor radiation alignment
What kind of package deal makes the most sense?
Package deals are not for everyone. Most clients actually prefer to pay each visit.
With that being said, package deals are great if your goal is to save the most money. A
good clinic should offer a package that allows you to have at least one free session.
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye we offer two package deals. Buy 3 get 1 more
free Or Buy 5 get 2 more free.
There should also be some sort of incentive on your first visit. Our first session
discount fluctuates $50 - $75 off periodically. To receive an online tattoo treatment
quote of your own click here.
The guarantee
You need to know that your results will be backed up 100% by your technician. We're
not advocating a promise of full removal. However, here's how a guarantee should
If you're quoted 10 sessions at $200 per visit, and after 10 treatments you need an
additional 2, you shouldn't have to pay for those two additional visits.
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye, we'll provide you with a full year of service at no cost
if you haven't achieved the desired results in the amount of procedures we initially
quoted you.
Related Links:
Deals & Specials
Why Choose Us?
Laser Treatment Guarantee
2. How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?
As you explore this page you'll find a wealth of information about how tattoo removal
works. We've compiled all of our best procedure related articles, photos and videos right
Are you ready to learn all there is to know about this procedure? Excellent! Let's break it
all down into six unique sections:
1. The Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment Process
2. How the Ink is Removed
3. Boosting Tattoo Removal Results
4. What to Avoid Between Treatments
5. How Different Technicians & Lasers Can Effect Results
6. Tattoo Removal Aftercare
1. The Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment Process.
The Consultation
Laser tattoo removal all starts with an in person consultation with a Certified Laser
Specialist. Your consult should be with the technician who'll be treating you from start to
finish. An in person consult is a great way to establish a connection with your technician.
You need to feel 100% comfortable with her/him from the start.
Next you can expect your technician to ask you some basic initial questions regarding
medications, skin type, sun exposure and tanning/spray tanning. Here at Kiss your ink
Goodbye in Fort Collins, Colorado, we like to track progress with photos, so we'll always
ask to capture a photo of your tattoo (with your permission) at every visit.
Your next step in the consultation would be to fill out some basic paperwork. While
you're filling out the paper work, we're working on you're cost estimate, and estimated
number of sessions needed.
When you're finished with the paperwork, you can expect your technician to sit down
with you and explain the process & pricing, and ask if you have any questions regarding
the laser, or any curiosities. Remember that the consultation is all about you. The goal is
to make you feel as comfortable as possible with the procedure.
Your first treatment can be performed on the same day as your consult, if you're ready. If
you need some time to think about it, we'll completely understand. A good clinic should
offer you a free laser test shot on a small portion of your tattoo. You don't have to agree
to it, but it should be offered to you nonetheless. The free test shot will allow you to see
& feel how it works.
How Does the Scheduling Process Work?
Let's say you've decided to have your first laser removal session on the same day as your
consult. How soon you can have your second treatment depends on a couple factors. The
main factor would be where your tattoo is located on your body. If you're the type of
client who's extremely motivated and anxious to get the ink out, and your tattoo is located
on your neck, I have good news for you! You only have to wait four weeks between
sessions. If the tattoo is on your foot, the spacing needs to be eight weeks.
Why Does Body Location Matter When Spacing my Treatments?
Tattoos closest to your lymphatic system (neck, groin, arm pit) will move & heal quicker.
These areas need less time between visits.
The general rule is 4-8 weeks between tattoo sessions.
What is the Laser Procedure like?
Here is where the fun starts! For pre care purposes, we'll kindly ask you to not be in the
sun, or tanning beds for two weeks prior. A good clinic will also avoid treating any skin
with sunless tanning products until the area has been scrubbed clean for at least two
weeks. Aspirin products need to be avoided for 24 hours prior to avoid excessive
Prior to your removal treatment we'll clean the area with an alcohol swab and start
chilling your tattoo with the Zimmer Cryo - 6 Skin Chiller. The chiller reduces pain &
discomfort, and prevents blistering. Cooling with the industry standard Zimmer device is
an absolute must for every clinic to utilize. No one should be using ice packs anymore.
Next you'll be given protective eye wear. At this point we'll apply a test shot on a
designated area of your tattoo in order to get the laser power settings dialed in. When the
settings are spot on, the session begins.
Now your Certified Technician will apply laser energy to your tattoo. The laser will
break up and disperse your ink pigments without damaging your surrounding skin. The
feeling is best described as a small rubber band snapping against your skin. The pain
level depends on where your tattoo located. Rib cage area hurts the most.
The Frost Reaction
The change in color (white) like you see in the pic, is what's known as clinical frost. The
frosting is the lysis of the ink bonds, or the breakdown of the bonds. It lasts for 15
minutes, then goes away. The snap sound and frost is what we look for. It means the laser
is doing It's job by breaking apart the tattoo ink.
The whole removal procedure is really quick, usually lasting no longer than 2-10 minutes
depending on size. When the session is over we'll chill the area for a bit, then apply a thin
layer of neosporin. At this point we'll dress the area and ask you to keep it covered for at
least three hours to keep it clean.
Next you'll be given both verbal and typed aftercare instructions to take home with you.
A good clinic will make themselves available by phone after hours, should you have any
questions or concerns. Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye, we're available for you 24/7 by
What does the frosting look like?
Related Articles:
The Removal Process
Does it Hurt?
What it Looks & Feels Like After
2. How the Ink is Removed.
Which procedure is best?
Throughout history, there's been a few other non laser procedures made available to the patient.
Dermabrasion and Excision being two of the oldest, most harmful, side effect inducing
Dermabrasion uses a wire brush to remove the upper layers of the skin. While Excision being the
act of surgically cutting the tattoo'd skin out.
Now that we've gotten these horrible procedures out of the way, time to focus on how to truly
achieve safe and effective, tattoo free skin. Through the use of New-Generation Q-Switched
Nanosecond Laser Technology - performed by highly trained & experienced Certified
What Makes the Tattoo Fade & Disappear?
One common misconception is that the laser somehow burns the ink out of your skin.
This is absolutely false. In fact, the laser is not what's responsible for the fading or
disappearing of your tattoo. It's mostly your Immune System & Lymphatic System that
gets the job done.
First, we apply Q-Switched nanosecond laser energy to your tattoo, and shatter the ink
into tiny dust-like particles. Next, your immune system takes over and gradually breaks
down and eliminates the ink pigments, allowing your tattoo to gradually fade and
disappear. With each laser procedure, more and more of your tattoo gets fragmented
deeper into your skin, allowing your lymphatic system to drain the tattoo ink safely &
Below is a diagram photo demonstrating exactly how your tattoo ink gets broken down
into tiny dust like particles.
3. Boosting Tattoo Removal Results.
What can I do Between Sessions to Ensure the Most Tattoo Fading?
Now that we've done our job with the laser and skin chiller, it's up to you to get the most out of
each tattoo removal procedure. What you do, and don't do between visits is equally important as
what we do on our end.
Since your immune system controls just how much tattoo fading occurs between visits, there are
certain things you can do to get the most out of each laser treatment. The trick is to do whatever
it takes to boost your immune system, and avoid some things that will hinder it.
In just a moment we'll discuss the things you need to avoid. For now we'd like to share with
you some tips on how to get the most tattoo fading results between visits - Boosting your
immune system:
Drink Lots of Water!
As I'm sure you know, water intake helps flush toxins out of your body better than anything. This
same rule applies here.
With each tattoo treatment, more and more ink gets fragmented deeper into your skin as the plan
progresses. The constant intake of water acts as a drain. If you stop drinking water halfway
through your plan, your body suddenly has nowhere to dispose the ink, therefore your tattoo
might stop fading.
For women, The Mayo Clinic recommends drinking 2.2 liters a day, and 3 liters for men.
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
Since your immune system is responsible for activating your tattoo ink drainage, there are certain
lifestyle choices you can make to speed up the process and boost your immune system. Staying
active and working out on a weekly basis is very helpful. Along with a healthy nutrient rich diet
full of fruits and veggies.
Increased Blood Flow to your Tattoo
Tattoos nearest your lymphatic drainage points respond the best to laser treatment. The reason
being is that these areas of your body are quite vascular. To be more specific, a tattoo nearest
your neck, armpit, and groin areas require the least amount of downtime between visits.
The areas with the least amount of blood flow are fingers and toes. A tattoo in this area needs
more time to heal between procedures.
To naturally increase blood flow to the treated area, you can gently massage your ink (once It's
healed) between visits.
4. What to Avoid Between Laser Treatments.
What Should I Avoid Doing Between Sessions?
Let's now take a look at all the things you need to avoid between visits. Your ultimate
goal should be to get the most out of each removal session, therefore getting the most
removal for your money.
Following are some things that can decrease your immune system's ability to drain your
fragmented tattoo ink from your body:
Getting inked
Getting inked will always trigger your immune system. Shortly after you leave your
favorite tattoo shop, your immune system takes over and tries to remove the new, large
foreign ink particles. The problem with this, is that if you're in the middle of a removal
plan, you're immune system is working overtime already. It's trying to absorb and drain
the small unwanted tattoo ink particles that the laser fragmented deep into your skin
during treatment.
So getting inked will pretty much halt and hinder your immune system's ability to remove
your unwanted ink. So here at Kiss your ink Goodbye we strongly suggest that you wait
until your laser plan is finished before getting a new tattoo.
Just a side note: We are not antagonistic towards tattoos in any way. We encourage
beautiful body art. We're just here to help you in case you ever experience tattoo regret.
We value our close relationships to the local tattoo artist community here in Fort Collins,
and all of Colorado.
If you're Sick with the Flu or Cold
If you happen to catch a cold, or worse get the flu during or before your removal plan, It's
best to get well before going back for your next session. This also applies to having any
sort of bodily infection.
The proper amount of time to wait (after your sickness has gone away) would be about
two weeks. You need to get your immune system back to normal before your next visit.
Your health and wellness is of 100% top priority. Be sure to inform your technician
should you catch a cold. If you don't, and you go ahead with treatment, it won't hurt you,
it will just confuse your immune function. It will make it work overdrive, and you might
end up delaying the cure to your cold. Not fun.
Smoking & Alcohol Consumption
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye, we are in no way shape or form advocating you to stop
drinking or smoking.
With that being said, It's a known fact that drinking (moderate to heavy) and smoking can
hinder your immune system's ability to flush the fragmented tattoo ink out of your body.
However, It's our opinion that 1-2 drinks a day shouldn't hinder your immune function, or
effect the tattoo removal process.
5. How Different Technicians & Lasers can Effect Results.
How will my Clinic Choice Effect my Results?
This is an extremely important factor to consider. You need to be sure that the clinic you
choose has their stuff together..
Nowadays with the standards being so high, and the technology being so advanced, it's
absolutely crucial for you to do a little research beforehand. Here at Kiss your ink
Goodbye, we recommend asking the following questions when choosing a clinic:
Do you Specialize in Laser Tattoo Removal?
Generally speaking, you don't have to choose a specialized clinic. But doing so will have
some key advantages.
The first and most obvious advantage would be the high amount of experience & laser
time your technician will have. A technician who devotes all of their working time
perfecting the laser power settings, will be the one who can safely fragment the most
amount of ink per visit. The advantage here is the efficiency.
Your technician also needs to be trained extensively with laser safety and physics. By
having this extra training, he or she will be able to fully understand the removal
process, and what to expect. This added skill set is absolutely crucial for getting the
most out of each treatment.
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye we hold three certifications in this industry. To see all
of our certifications and qualifications click here.
What Laser Does your Clinic Use?
To think that every laser out there will produce the same results is a mistake that
unfortunately a lot of people make when choosing something as important as this.
Different lasers, from different manufacturers can effect your results big time.
Generally speaking, the newer the technology, the better results you'll achieve. What
you can expect with new laser technology is a less painful, much safer treatment,
without the harmful breakage to your skin that you'd find with older, more invasive
The older technology would create blistering, which in turn decreases your immune
system's ability to remove the fragmented ink particles from your body. More down
time & healing amounts to undesirable, slower effects.
Some physicians, clinics and technicians are still using out-dated laser technology. It's
up to you to ask questions about their laser. It's your skin, you need to be proactive.
the only way to achieve true removal results without scarring or hurting your skin, is
through the use of new-generation Q-switch nanosecond laser technology. For more
info on why the right laser is so important, see how Different Types of Laser Devices
can Effect How Tattoo Removal Works.
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye, we did an enormous amount of research trying to find
the best equipment to meet this criteria. We found it with Quanta Aesthetic Lasers.
The Quanta Studio, which is the laser we use, was hand built in Italy, and cleared by
the FDA to remove a wide variety of ink colors faster, and with less downtime.
Another great manufacturer is Astanza Laser. Their technology is just as powerful as
Quanta. So if you find a clinic utilizing one of these two lasers, you've made a great
Related Links:
How to Choose the Right Clinic
Best Tattoo Laser Technology
Colorado Laser Technician Certifications
How to Prevent Scarring
Nanosecond vs Picosecond Lasers
6. Tattoo Removal Aftercare.
How Should I Care for my Tattoo After Treatment?
Tattoo Aftercare is not only important to the healing process, it can directly effect the way your
ink removal results.
The single most important aspect to aftercare is keeping your treated ink out of the sun for your
entire plan. If you plan on being in the sun, you need to keep at least an SPF 30 on the treated
The following are some aftercare examples. Please note that these are just examples, and are not
meant to replace actual verbal & written aftercare instructions from your provider.
Aftercare Instructions:
Keep the treated area clean while It's healing. Clean the area gently with soap
and water then gently pat it dry. You can apply a thin coating of triple antibiotic
up to three times a day while It's healing.
If you want to reduce discomfort or inflammation, you can apply cool
compresses for up to 24 hours after your treatment. For pain reduction you can
take Tylenol but avoid Aspirin (It can increase the risk of bruising and/or
Do not allow the skin to become scraped in any way, it could result in infection
and/or scarring. Shaving the treated area should be avoided while It's healing.
Do not wear makeup on treated area or any cream or medication unless
recommended by our office for 48 hours.
Wear a sunblock with an SPF of 30 or higher on the treated area if you plan to
be outside. This is extremely important for preventing blistering, burns and
scarring. Follow this instruction strictly throughout your entire plan.
Related Articles:
Tattoo Aftercare Instructions
There you have it! Your Ultimate Guide on How Laser Tattoo Removal Works. We sure
hope that this write-up has been helpful for you, and your decision on whether or not to
move forward with laser treatment.
3. How Many Sessions Does it Take to Remove a
Discover the answer to one of the most frequently asked questions we get here at our
clinic in Fort Collins, Colorado. Learn all the factors that you need to know when
determining how many sessions it takes to remove a tattoo.
We're going to touch on a subject that many clinics prefer discussing in person. While
it is true that consultations are required to determine the exact number, most
professional tattoos can be removed in 7-12 treatments. Amateur ink clears much
quicker, usually 4-6 treatments.
In order to determine the exact number of treatments needed for tattoo removal,
you will need to provide your laser technician with some information that can only be
assessed in person. With the following write-up, you will learn all of these critical
factors beforehand. So by the time you go in for your consultation, you'll know
exactly what to expect!
In this detailed write-up you will learn the following:
Factors that Determine Number of Laser Tattoo Removal Sessions
The Kirby-Desai Scale
A Real Tattoo Removal Client Example
Factors That Determine Number of Laser Tattoo Removal
In order to properly estimate the number of treatments, your technician will need to
determine your medical history, skin type and some other unique factors to get it right.
Price per session can be estimated fairly easily by emailing pics. But in order for the laser
technician to give you a fair and honest prediction on total sessions needed, you'll need to
provide them with some information in person.
What factors determine how many sessions I'll need?
Skin Type:
A good clinic will categorize skin type using the Fitzpatrick scale. The Fitzpatrick scale
is a recognized tool for dermatological research into human skin pigmentation. It was
developed in 1975 by Thomas B. Fitzpatrick, a Harvard dermatologist, to classify the
response of different skin types to UV light. These skin types are rated from 1 - 6. 1 being
the lightest, and 6 being the darkest.
The lighter your skin, the less treatments you'll need. The reason being is that clients with
lighter skin will benefit due to the technician being able to be more aggressive with the
laser power settings.
Quality of Ink: (Professional vs Amateur)
One of the biggest unknowns in laser tattoo removal is the quality of ink in your tattoo.
For this very reason, it makes it difficult for us, or any clinic, to know exactly how many
session you'll need for complete removal. Some inks are extremely stubborn. Some inks
respond incredibly well. Usually by the second or third treatment, we'll know exactly
how your ink is responding to the laser.
With that being said, there is actually a way to break through this unknown before you
even begin treatment.
If you got inked at an actual tattoo shop, your ink will be of high quality (professional). If
you got inked at home, or in jail, the quality will be low (amateur). Amateur tattoo ink
can be made with pen ink, dirt, soot or other ingredients. These cheap inks react much
quicker, and remove much faster when treated by laser. The ink in a professional tattoo is
much more dense, therefore requires more sessions.
Most tattoos we remove here at Kiss your ink Goodbye are indeed professional. We just
wanted to share this bit of information with you so you can better understand the need for
more than just a couple sessions.
The following is an example amateur tattoo. Notice how much fading has occurred from
only two sessions with the Quanta Laser. If it was a professional tattoo, this is what it
would look like with roughly four treatments.
Your Tattoo's Age:
This is a huge determining factor. Older tattoos will react and move quicker. This isn't to
say that new tattoos can't be removed. The newer tattoos just seam to require more
if you just got your tattoo and you're wondering how soon you can get it removed, the
proper time to wait would be one month. It needs to be fully set and healed before it can
be worked on with a laser.
Ink Color:
Another big factor here. Many people are surprised to learn that black ink is the easiest to
treat and remove. On the flip side, white ink cannot be treated with laser. The white will
just get darker with every treatment.
So generally speaking, an all black tattoo will require the least amount of treatments.
Especially if it's mostly shading (black & gray) However, tribal ink always needs a little
more time due to the high amount of ink density. Ink density is everything. The more ink,
the more laser time needed.
Red is the second easiest color to remove. The two colors that have always been
notoriously difficult to remove are blue and green.
A colorful tattoo can certainly be removed, it will just require more sessions with the
proper wavelength. How many more sessions? That would be hard to answer without an
in person consultation.
Where Your Tattoo is Located:
When we're putting together an estimate for you, the body location of your ink will
certainly come into play. No matter where it's located, your immune system will be
working overtime to find the fragmented ink, and drain it between sessions through
natural bodily functions. Tattoos closest to your heart, neck, groin and arm pits will
require the least amount of treatments. Those areas are more vascular, and closer to your
lymphatic drainage points. Just like we discussed above.
The areas on your body that need more treatments are fingers, toes, ankles and feet.
These areas have less blood flow. They're also far from your heart and lymphatic
drainage points.
Ink Density:
As mentioned earlier, the amount of ink saturation in your tattoo will have a direct impact
on how many visits you'll need.
This factor is pretty straight forward. If your unwanted tattoo has some scarring in it, it
will likely need an extra session or two. Scarring can happen if your tattoo didn't heal
right when you got it. Or if it was exposed to the sun while healing, and got blisters. The
scar tissue will be a little sensitive to the laser energy, therefore your technician might
have to scale back the power a bit.
Layering: (cover up)
This is also straight forward. If your unwanted tattoo is covered up with even more ink,
the amount of ink density will be much higher. Sometimes we'll be treating a cover up,
and halfway through the treatment plan we'll begin to uncover the original tattoo below it.
Related Articles:
How Tattoo Removal Works
Factors That Determine Price
The Kirby-Desai Scale.
Prior to 2009, physicians and laser technicians would simply have to guess on the number of
treatments a patient would need for the removal of their tattoo. This would cause frustration on
the patient side.
In 2009 a predictive scale was developed by Dr. Will Kirby and Dr. Alpesh Desai. These
dermatologists named it The Kirby-Desai Scale. It was created to asses the potential success and
number of treatments necessary for proper results.
The Kirby-Desai Scale assigns numerical values to all the factors that we've listed above; skin
type, location, color, amount of ink, scarring and tissue change, and layering. The parameter
scores are then added to produce a combined score that will show the estimated number of
sessions needed. The use of this scale is now standard practice in clinics all over the US and
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye, we combine both the Kirby-Desai Scale, and all the factors
detailed above, to come up with our estimates. By using a combination of scientific parameters
and real world patient factors, we're able to produce the finely tuned estimates that our patients
Click here to learn more about price and >> How Many Sessions Your Tattoo Will Need For
Related Articles:
The Laser Removal Process
A Real Tattoo Removal Client Example.
We're now going to take all this information, and use it to form a real life tattoo removal
estimate. The following tattoo belongs to a client of ours. We have already conducted a
consultation, and treated his ink a total of three times. The picture below is pre treatment.
The purpose of this example is to help you better understand how a technician will come
up with estimated number of sessions, and to give you some insight on what to expect
with a consultation.
The Tattoo:
The Details: (Factors in the Kirby-Desai Scale)
Skin Type - Number two on the Fitzpatrick Scale - 2 on the scale
Location - Tattoo is located on his neck - 1 on the scale
Ink Color - Mostly black, some red - 2 on the scale
Scarring - No visible scarring - 0 on the scale
Ink Density - Moderate/Professional - 3 on the scale
Layering - No Cover ups - 0 on the scale
Total Score = 8
Here's where the other factors will be considered. This score of 8 would mean that the
estimated number of treatments would be 8. However, this particular tattoo is ten years
old, and is located on the neck area. As we discussed earlier, older inks react quicker, as
do tattoos located near the lymphatic drainage points. So it's possible that this particular
tattoo will be cleared in 7 procedures.
More time will tell, but we felt confident with giving our client an estimate of 7-8
treatments for his tattoo removal plan.
Before we conclude, we'd like to reiterate that an in person consultation is the only
way to properly evaluate all these factors. Certain things are needed that can only be
assessed in person. The purpose of this write-up is to empower you with as much
knowledge as possible. This way, you can make your decision with eyes wide open.
In conclusion... Determining how many sessions it takes to remove a tattoo can be pretty
complicated. However, recent scientific parameters have given you as a patient a chance
to learn the answer to one of the most commonly asked questions in tattoo removal. Even
though these are just estimates, this type of information wasn't even possible prior to
The Kirby-Desai Scale is a critical tool that we appreciate having as a specialized clinic.
4. Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cause Scarring?
Are you considering moving forward with treatment and wondering if laser tattoo
removal causes scarring? If so, then you're not alone, and we're here to help!
When compared to just a few years ago, the laser technology of today is now safer than
ever. The risk of scarring with laser tattoo removal treatment has declined considerably,
but you need to find the right clinic, with the right technicians, utilizing the right
In the following article you will learn what to look for, and what questions to ask, to
ensure the lowest possibility of ending up with scars. Approaching your laser tattoo
removal treatment plan armed with knowledge is the best way to achieve your ultimate
goal of scar free & ink free skin.
Okay, let's dive right in! In this article, you'll learn the following:
Laser Certifications & Proper Technical Skill
Preventing Scarring with New Laser Technology
Preventing Scarring with Active Cooling Methods
Laser Tattoo Removal Certifications & Proper Technical
What Certifications Should I Look for in a Clinic?
In the state of Colorado, or any state for that matter, your clinic/technician needs to be a Certified
Laser Specialist. This is by far the most important aspect when choosing a safe clinic, and
reducing the risk of scarring.
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye, we strongly recommend that you choose an A Laser Academy
certified facility. A Laser Academy specializes in tattoo removal only. Their programs and
instructors are the best in the US, are recognized worldwide, and accredited by the Colorado
Board of Higher Education. The graduates that come out of this program have the strongest
knowledge possible in this industry, and the most comprehensive training with laser safety
protocol - An absolute must for ensuring patient safety & scar prevention.
If a clinic is trained & certified through A Laser Academy, they will be equipped with the
following certifications:
1. Laser Tattoo Removal Specialist - L.T.R.S
2. Laser Safety Officer - L.S.O.
How will the Skill Set of my Laser Technician Reduce my Risk of Scarring?
I think it goes without saying that lasers can be dangerous in the wrong hands. A properly trained
& experienced laser technician will greatly reduce the risk of scarring, blistering and other
adverse side effects.
An inexperienced laser technician can leave you with scars if he or she doesn't use the laser
power settings properly. Using the proper fluence (power) has a direct correlation to whether or
not you will develop blisters. Blisters can lead to scars. A properly trained & experienced
technician will gather information from you during your initial consultation. He or she will
determine your skin type, and adjust the laser power settings accordingly to get the most out of
each treatment, with the least amount of blistering risk. A good technician will know how to dial
in the settings just right with every session. Blistering nowadays should be very minimal, if at
Related Articles:
How to Choose the Right Clinic
The Proper Laser Tattoo Certifications
Preventing Scarring with New Laser Technology.
Lasers and scars used to go hand in hand. Even up to just a few years ago you would not
be able to completely avoid blisters and scars. It's just the way it was with the older laser
Nowadays, we believe that every clinic who specializes in this procedure needs to be
equipped with New-Generation Q-Switched Nanosecond Laser Technology. We can't
stress enough how important it is to do your research before choosing your clinic. Many
clinics are still using out-dated laser technology that breaks your skin, which in turn
causes scarring. New laser technology is very expensive, so you can't fault some
clinicians for not wanting to upgrade, but It's your skin - You need to find the ones who
do. Check out the following write-up to learn more about Which Laser is Best For Tattoo
Removal & Scarring Prevention.
We are not going to list any lasers that we believe are out-dated. We will, however, fill
you in on the lasers that we believe are the gold standard in this industry. The kind of
technology that you need to look for when trying to reduce the risk of scarring, while
maximizing results per session.
Which Lasers Reduce the Risk of Scarring the Most?
The two very best manufacturers are Quanta Aesthetic Lasers & Astanza Laser. If you
want to minimize the risk of scarring, while maximizing results, look for a clinic using
this advanced technology.
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye, we're proud to use Northern Colorado's first & only
Quanta Studio Laser. Here is a list of the best devices:
Quanta Q-Plus C | The Studio | Q-Plus A & R
Astanza Trinity | The Duality | The Eternity
How are These Lasers Better at Preventing Scars?
With the new laser technology, slightly longer pulse widths are used to improve the
results of your treatments. Unlike older, more traditional lasers, which heat the
surrounding tissue (capable of causing scarring) These devices over 100 times faster.
They disrupt your tattoo at the molecular level for superior results, without damaging
heat or related scarring.
Choose a clinic utilizing these manufacturers. Your skin will thank you!
Related Articles:
Which Laser Removes Ink the Best
How Laser Tattoo Removal Works
Preventing Scarring with Active Cooling Methods.
Cooling is absolutely critical. It protects your skin, reduces the risk of scarring, reduces
pain, swelling and discomfort, and allows your technician to safely use higher power
settings to treat the stubborn tattoos. To prevent blistering and scarring your technician
must chill your skin before, during and after each treatment.
Throughout history there's been a number of different ways to cool the skin. We're going
to explore the best and worst cooling methods practiced by technicians and physicians.
Active vs Passive Cooling Methods
Passive cooling would be the act of using ice/cold packs during treatment. We do not
recommend this method. Going back to the importance of choosing the right clinic, some
facilities are still using this method to chill your skin. While it may have been ok in the
past, this method is just too out-dated for us to recommend as a viable cooling option.
Active cooling is the act of using an advanced skin chiller before, during and after
treatment. These new technology advanced skin chillers produce air as cold as minus
thirty degrees. Minus thirty degrees is not necessary for proper chilling, but it goes to
show how amazing these machines are.
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye, we strongly recommend finding a clinic that uses
theZimmer Cryo - 6 Skin Chiller. It's the most advanced chiller on the market, and
reduces the risk of scarring the most.
Watch this video of the Kiss your ink Goodbye founder performing a treatment on a
patient using the Quanta Laser & Zimmer Cryo - 6 Skin Chiller.
Related Articles:
Does it Hurt?
The Simple Laser Removal Process
Why Choose Us?
There you have it! Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cause Scarring? Not if you do a little
online research before choosing your clinic. Your goal should be to shrink the risk of
scarring to an absolute minimum. Follow the steps listed above, and you will be well on
your way to achieving that goal of scar free & ink free skin!
5. What is the Best Laser for Tattoo Removal?
On this page you'll find one of the most comprehensive write-ups exploring how the
Quanta is the best laser for tattoo removalon the market. Learn why this amazing
technology deserves such gold standard recognition.
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye, in Fort Collins, Northern Colorado, we executed an
enormous amount of research, and spent a great deal of time trying to find the best laser
for tattoo removal in the US. Through all of our research with different manufacturers,
we're proud to say that we chose Quanta Aesthetic Lasers to partner up with.
Okay, let's jump right in. We're gonna break it all down into four unique categories:
Q-Switched Laser Wavelengths & Ink Colors
Why the Quanta Laser Device is Best for Tattoos
Laser Distributor Logistics: How it benefits you
Nanosecond vs Picosecond Laser Machines
Q-Switched Laser Wavelengths & Ink Colors.
Before we start explaining how this laser machine outperforms, it's important for you to
understand the four true q-switched laser wavelengths, and how they relate to tattoo removal.
How do Laser wavelengths Relate to Tattoo ink?
Each laser wavelength will treat and remove a set of designated ink colors. Not all lasers are
created equal. Most lasers don't even have the proper wavelengths needed to treat the wide
spectrum of ink colors that are so prevalent with today's tattoos. A good number of clinics are
still using lasers that treat only black & grey ink. So it's important for you as a consumer to know
which wavelengths treat which ink colors.
The four True Q-Switched Laser Wavelengths are:
Nd: YAG | 1064 nm - treats black, gray, & dark blue
KTP | 532 nm - treats red, orange & yellow
Ruby | 694 nm - treats blue & green
Alex | 755 nm - treats blue, green & purple
As you can see, not all colors are treated equally. The most important one on the list is
the 1064. This is what every clinic must have as their workhorse, because 70% of
tattoo ink out there is black & gray.
Related Articles:
How Laser Tattoo Removal Works
How to Choose the Right Clinic
Why the Quanta Laser Device is Best for Tattoos.
Now it's time to get into details on why we at Kiss your ink Goodbye chose the this Laser
over all the other devices on the market.
How is this Laser Unique?
This New-Generation Q-Switched Nanosecond Laser was hand built in Italy, and
cleared by the FDA to safely and efficiently produce faster results on a wide variety of
ink colors.
Unlike traditional lasers, which heat the surrounding tissue (capable of causing
scarring) This device is over 100 times faster, and is able to disrupt your tattoo at the
molecular level for superior results, without damaging heat or related scarring. This
device is the best, most advanced laser technology on the market.
What Makes it the Best Laser for Removing Ink?
It's the only laser on the market that offers three true wavelengths:
The 1064 to treat the blacks, grays & dark blues
The 532 to treat the reds, oranges, yellows & purples
And the rare 694 to treat the resistant blues & greens
The advantage of having all three wavelengths in one machine is second to none. Notice
that it does not have the 755 Alex wavelength. In all honesty, it doesn't need it. This
combination above is the gold standard in laser tattoo removal.
This Laser sets the standard by which all other devices are measured. Here at Kiss your
ink Goodbye, we couldn't be happier with our decision!
Another key advantage is the Optibeam Technology in the hand pieces. They offer an
incredible flat topped, square spot and homogenizing optics to equally distribute energy
across the beam. This amazing technology provides for a much more efficient laser
treatment, every time. Check out the following write-up to see Which Laser is Best for
Tattoo Removal & Skin Protection.
Related Articles:
Preventing Scarring with Proper Laser Technology
Laser Removal Before & After Results
Laser Distributor Logistics: How it Benefits you.
As a Patient, How Will the Logistics of a Laser Company Effect Me?
At first glance, this might look like a question. However, the professionalism & logistical
nature of the Quanta team, located in Golden, Colorado, is one of the top reasons we at
Kiss your ink Goodbye decided to team up with them.
The laser business is complicated. Choosing the best tattoo laser is much more than the
technical side of things. When deciding what the best laser is for your clinic, you need to
think in terms of what's best for your patients.
Before we made our decision, we wanted to meet with their team in person. We needed to
get an idea how they operate, and communicate with their customers (the clinics) This is
where the laser company logistics will have a direct impact on you as the patient.
Boy were we impressed! Without getting into all the details about how good they were
for us, following are the three factors that make their company logistics good for you:
Numerous Nationwide Technicians
Expert Laser Training
Lightning Speed Customer Service
In State Colorado Location
Why Should These Things Matter to me?
First let's take a look at the benefits of having numerous nationwide laser techs available
on call. So far, we haven't needed any any services or fixes for our laser. But we know
how important it is to have someone available somewhere, should a technical problem
arise. If our laser is down, our client's treatment plan is down.
Our clients' needs come first. We didn't want to be teamed up with a laser company who
has one, or even a couple laser techs on hand nationwide. And believe me, those laser
companies exist. This could mean weeks, or even months of laser down time. In our eyes,
that would be 100% unacceptable for our clients.
Expert Laser Training. This part was impressive. Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye we
already hold two CO state approved certifications specializing in tattoo removal & laser
safety from A Laser Academy. Because we chose Quanta, we now have three. See our
certifications here.
Not only did the CEO personally deliver our laser, the very next day they sent one of
their expert techs to put it together and test it. A couple days after that, they sent a
certified technician to train our staff with safety protocol & sensitive laser functions. So
you can feel absolute comfort in knowing that you're in the best hands possible here.
Here's where it gets extremely beneficial for you. Quanta Aesthetic Lasers is located in
our home state of Colorado, in Golden. Not very many clinics can say that. If you have a
unique question that's best answered by the manufacturer, they're a simple phone call
away. Or if you have a resistant ink in your tattoo that we're having a hard time
removing, they'll be happy to take on the challenge at their laser lab in Golden.
Related Link:
Our Certifications
Nanosecond vs Picosecond Laser Machines.
Q-Switched Nanosecond Multi Wavelength Laser Devices Are the Gold Standard for
Tattoo Removal
The Laser we use is a Nanosecond Laser. The following information includes our
opinions regarding the Picosecond Lasers. We were weighing the options of both. For the
purpose of full disclosure, here are the reasons why we believe the Picosecond Lasers are
less effective at targeting all ink colors.
For the last couple of years there's been a lot of hype surrounding the new Picosecend
Lasers. Lots of claims being made about them being more effective with tattoo removal,
when compared to the New-Generation Nanosecond lasers like the Quanta we we use
here at Kiss your ink Goodbye. They claim to produce faster results, in half the time, with
less down time.
These marketing claims are now under scrutiny in a class action lawsuit against one of
the picosecond laser manufacturers.
The following is a snippet from the lawsuit that you might find useful:
"Had Plaintiff and the Class known of the [picosecond laser] product’s inability to
remove or eliminate tattoos, they would not have purchased the [picosecond laser], would
have returned their [picosecond laser] for a refund, would have paid substantially less for
it, or would have purchased a similarly functioning product for substantially less."
Not only do these machines not live up to the hype, they're less effective treating black
inks when compared to any Quanta laser. The reason being is that they're missing the
"must have" 1064 wavelength.
If that wasn't enough, the Picosecond lasers are vastly under powered. They come with
only one wavelength (755 nm) Which means they're unable to remove red, orange, or
yellows like the 532 wavelength in the Quanta.
The Quanta Q-Plus C has three wavelengths to treat all colors, as we discussed earlier.
Between their huge bulky size, sensitivity of their components, long 45 minute warm-up
times, and reliability issues - the picosecond laser systems are significantly more
cumbersome, with no added benefits for you.
The Picosecond Lasers are, however, good at treating blue and green ink. They will treat
black ink as well, but the black ink doesn't absorb the 755 wavelength nearly as good as
the 1064 found in the Quanta. And with the 532 being completely absent from the
Picosecond device, it just doesn't meet the standards for us.
We at Kiss your ink Goodbye can conclude by saying that a Multi Wavelength QSwitched Nanosecond Tattoo Laser is much better for treating the multi colored inks
found on the tattoos of today.
Related Articles:
Picosecond Lasers Not Living up to the Hype
There you have it! If you're one of the millions of people out there carrying the burden of
tattoo regret, and wondering what the best laser is for tattoo removal, you're not alone.
We created this page just for you, because you deserve to have all the facts before
making a decision as big as tattoo removal. We sure hope this has been a helpful for you.
If you're looking for a removal quote of your own, click here
6. How Painful is Laser Tattoo Removal?
The pain level is about as much as getting a tattoo. The good news is, the laser
treatments only last a couple minutes, while getting tattoo'd can take hours.
Due to the physics of how the laser breaks apart the ink (without damaging skin) there
needs to be some discomfort for the treatment to be effective. If it doesn't hurt, It's not
Here's the good news. Laser & skin chiller technology has advanced enormously,
especially in the last few years. So when you're searching for a laser tattoo removal
clinic, always ask them what kind of laser and skin chiller they use. Try to stay clear
of clinics or MD's still using out-dated lasers, they are much more painful and harmful
to your skin. Also, in this day in age, all technicians should be using the Zimmer Cryo
6 Chiller before, during and after every treatment. No technicians should be using ice
packs anymore.
How Does Kiss your ink Goodbye Reduce Pain & Discomfort?
Aside from utilizing the newest-generation laser technology, we use the Zimmer Cry
6 Chiller. We cool the skin before, during and after each procedure. This helps by
reducing the pain and decreasing thermal temperature. It makes your treatments much
more pleasant.
Hopefully we've eased some of your fears regarding the pain level associated with
tattoo removal. Yes, it does hurt, but It's well worth it in the end. You'll be glad you
got it over with. And remember - New technology is everything. Ask questions, It's
your skin, be proactive!
7. How do I Find the Right Laser Clinic?
Laser tattoo removal is a process that requires careful consideration and research. Here at Kiss
your ink Goodbye we encourage all of our clients, or anyone considering getting laser tattoo
removal treatment, to follow some steps and planning strategies before scheduling your first
This post will guide you through all the tried & true strategies to help you make the best decision
as you make your way through the journey of safe & effective treatment. If you follow these
steps, and implement the strategies, your experience will be much more pleasant - Guaranteed.
First Step: Online Research.
Read as much information as you can on the web prior to your initial consultation. Having some
knowledge will make you feel much more comfortable with your technician and your decision.
Here at our clinic, we'll still take the time to educate you on the process, and make sure you
understand what to expect. But if you have some knowledge beforehand, you'll have a much
better understanding when it comes time for your first session.
We update our website quite often so we can keep up with the ever changing world of tattoo
removal. You can learn all there is to know about it right here on our site, but if you still have
unanswered questions, you can find much more info on the web. Or you can reach out to us
anytime. We're here to help.
Second Step: Finding the Right Clinic.
We can't stress enough how important it is for you to choose the right clinic for your removal. Be
proactive and ask lots of questions. Lasers can be dangerous in the wrong hands, so you need to
take your time when choosing a clinic.
First and foremost, the clinic & technicians need to have the proper training and certifications to
perform safe & effective treatments. Laser manufacturer, technology, and skin chiller type are
just as important. For the sake of protecting your skin, choose a clinic utilizing the newestgeneration laser technology. Here are the questions to ask:
How long have you been operating a laser?
Do you specialize in laser tattoo removal?
What kind of laser do you use? (Quanta & Astanza are the best)
What do you use for cooling? (No ice packs, all clinics should be using the Zimmer Cryo
- 6)
Do you have a medical director?
Do you offer package deals & Do you guarantee your work?
Once you've chosen the clinic that's right for you, try to get a feel for the clinic and technician.
The vibe should be friendly, relaxed, educational and non-pushy. Trust your gut feeling. If
something doesn't feel right, don't be afraid to go elsewhere. Remember always, you are in
charge of your skin, we are just here to help you achieve the change you're looking for.
Third Step: Laser Treatments & Aftercare.
Laser Treatments. Now the fun begins. I know what you're thinking "I am sooo not looking
forward to the pain"... We're not gonna lie, it hurts. The good news is, you've done your online
research, and you've found the right clinic using new laser technology.
New laser technology Isn't quite as painful, and it doesn't break the skin like the out-dated lasers
do. And believe me, many clinics are still using old technology. Find out what laser they use,
then do a quick google search for info & reviews. Remember Quanta & Astanza are best. The
best clinics will also be using the Zimmer skin chiller, which reduces pain & discomfort.
You can handle the pain, It's not much worse than getting the tattoo, and the laser session only
lasts roughly five minutes. It's best described as a small rubber band snapping against your skin.
Aftercare. Since your immune system is mostly responsible for the removal of your unwanted
ink, there are certain things you can do to get the most out of each laser session. The most
important thing is to keep it out of the sun for the entire plan, or use at least spf 30 on the treated
ink. For an in depth breakdown on how to get the best results between sessions, read our >
Analysis of How Tattoos are Removed.
Final Step: Have Realistic Expectations.
Even though laser technology has improved dramatically (especially in the last few years) We
should all have realistic expectations regarding complete removal. Most of the time, complete
removal can occur. However, there are two things that we as laser technicians do not know when
you walk into our clinic; The health of your immune system & the type of ink in your body.
This is why in person consultations are so important. It gives us a chance to asses your medical
history, and gather information about your tattoo. Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye, honesty &
transparency is everything. If we don't believe we can completely remove your ink, we'll tell you
that during your consult. All clinics should have the same outlook.
Hopefully this write up has been helpful for you. The point that we're trying to get across here, is
that knowledge is power.
8. What are the Aftercare Instructions?
The Tattoo Removal Healing Process takes 4-8 Weeks.
Aftercare is extremely important to the process of laser tattoo removal treatment. Here at Kiss
your ink Goodbye you will be guaranteed the safest, most effective laser treatment in Northern
Colorado, but it's up to you and you only to make sure that your unwanted ink is properly taken
care of.
During your consultation we will explain in detail what to do & what not to do directly after
treatment, and between treatments. Any and all reputable clinics should give aftercare
instructions to their clients, both verbal and written. Even on your returning visits, you can
expect to be asked if you need written aftercare instructions.
There are certain things that need to be looked after, and some things that need to be avoided
between laser sessions. Following are only examples of what kinds of aftercare instructions you
might expect when getting your tattoo removed. All of our clients will get their own verbal &
written tattoo removal aftercare instructions, and they will be more detailed.
Laser Tattoo Removal Example Aftercare Instructions (for educational purposes only)
Keep the treated area clean while it's healing. Clean the area gently with soap and water then
gently pat it dry. You can apply a thin coating of triple antibiotic up to three times a day while
it's healing.
If you want to reduce discomfort or inflammation, you can apply cool compresses for up to 24
hours after your laser treatment. For pain reduction you can take Tylenol but avoid Aspirin (It
can increase the risk of bruising and/or bleeding)
Do not allow the skin to become scraped in any way, it could result in infection and/or scarring.
Shaving the treated area should be avoided while it's healing.
Do not wear makeup on treated area or any cream or medication unless recommended by our
office for 48 hours.
Wear a sunblock with an SPF of 30 or higher on the treated area if you plan to be outside. This
is extremely important for preventing blistering, burns and scarring. Follow this instruction
strictly throughout your entire laser tattoo removal treatment plan.
The examples listed above are for educational purposes only. They are not meant to replace
actual in person aftercare instructions for laser tattoo removal treatment. Always ask your
technician for verbal & written aftercare instructions when undergoing treatment.
Here at Kiss your ink Goodbye, we are passionate about the removal of tattoos. We’re big
believers in the power of change. We are not in any way antagonistic towards tattoos. Actually
it’s quite the opposite. What we’re trying to accomplish with this eBook is to illustrate the
power of knowledge, and alleviate the heavy burden of tattoo regret. We want you to have as
much information as you need, to make you feel as comfortable as possible with the whole
process of tattoo removal. We hope that we’ve accomplished this goal!
Kiss your ink Goodbye founder – Eyad L.