University of Oslo, Blindern Campus

Program Chair
Christian-Emil S. Ore
University of Oslo
Dept. for Linguistics and
Scandinavian Studies
Conference and 1st Annual Meeting of the Association for
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN)
Nordisk konferanse i digital humaniora
Nordic Digital Humanities Conference
DHN Association
The association Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries has been founded in
2015. Its aim is to further and strengthen digital humanities research, education,
and communication in the Nordic countries. DHN wants to provide a platform
for collaboration within the Nordic countries and make the Nordic Digital
Humanities more visible internationally. DHN favors a broad, inclusive definition
of Digital Humanities.
Program Committee
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries calls for papers for its 1st Nordic
Conference and Constitutive Meeting. The conference is organized by the Oslo
Digital Humanities Research Network in collaboration with the Norwegian
National Library and the Digital Humanities Center at Gothenburg University.
Christian-Emil S. Ore (University of Oslo, Norway) • Øyvind Eide (University of
Passau, Germany) • Bente Maegaard (Copenhagen University, Denmark) • Annika
Rockenberger (University of Oslo, Norway) • Sakari Katajamäki (Finnish Literature
Society – SKS, Finland) • Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld (Aalborg University, Denmark) •
Haraldur Bernharðsson (The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, Iceland)
• Anne Birgitte Rønning (University of Oslo, Norway) • Ditte Laursen (National
Library Aarhus, Denmark) • Mats Malm (Gothenburg University, Sweden)
Organizing Commitee
Anne Birgitte Rønning (University of Oslo, Norway) • Trond Haugen (National
Library, Norway) • Jenny Bergenmar (Gothenburg University, Sweden) • Federico
Aurora (University of Oslo, Norway) • Line Esborg (University of Oslo, Norway) •
Espen S. Ore (University of Oslo, Norway)
#DHN2016 i Oslo
Methods, Tools, Technologies
use-cases • programming skills for DH • tools • virtual research environments •
services • theoretical reflections • future plans and challenges • DH in practice /
practices of DH
Making, Learning, and Teaching Digital Humanities
Nordic projects • DH at Nordic universities & colleges • local initiatives • DH
centers • DH curricula • summer schools, research schools, workshops • Nordic
collaborations • modes of teaching & learning DH
Scholarly Communication in a Digital World
communication of research • uses of new media and social media • open access
• museums and cultural heritage institutions • digital exhibitions • virtual
collections • simulations • augmented reality • apps
Invited Keynote Speakers
Digital Humaniora i Norden / Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries
Centrum för digital humaniora, Göteborgs universitet
Box 100, 405 30 Göteborg, Sverige
Francesca Tomasi (University of Bologna, Italy) • Nicole Saylor (Library of
Congress, Washington D.C.) • Patrik Svensson (Umeå University, Sweden)
March 15–17, 2016
University of Oslo & Norwegian National Library
General Information
Call for posters • papers • sessions • workshops
Tentative Schedule
Tuesday 15. March
University of Oslo, Blindern Campus
Technical information about the submission of proposals, the reviewing process,
and contact information will be provided on DHN’s website
soon. The deadline for proposals is Nov 15, 2015 (midnight GMT). Notifications of
acceptance will be sent by the program committee by Jan 15, 2016.
Conference languages are Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and English.
Note: only one poster or paper per presenter or presentation team will be accepted.
An additional proposal of a workshop is permitted.
1) Posters
Posters (abstracts: 750 words) can be proposed in any of the topics mentioned in
the call for papers. They can also show ongoing projects or present a tool or a
software. Posters (format A0) will be displayed throughout the conference at the
venue site and should be self explanatory, visually catching, and provide contact
2) Papers
Papers (abstracts: 750 words) present research and/or report about recently
developed methods or new digital resources or discuss a theoretical or
methodological question. Paper presentations are supposed to take 20 min plus
10 min time for discussion. Show & tell presentations of projects or tools are
welcome, too, with 15 min presentation time plus 15 min Q&A.
3) Sessions
Sessions consist of three papers linked by an overarching question. In addition to
abstracts for each paper, the organiser/s of the section are asked to describe the
leading question and the links between the individual papers in a 500 words
4) Pre- or Post-Conference Workshops
Workshops take about half a day, either prior to the conference (Tuesday morning
to lunch) or after the conference (Thursday from lunch to late afternoon).
Proposals should include the workshop’s title and a short description of its topic
(1500 words), contact information of the person/s responsible and a line about their
research fields and interests. It should also include the approximate number of
participants and the kind of technical equipment that will be needed. The workshop
proposal might include a separate call for papers/letters of motivation for the
Participants in the workshops must be registered for the conference.
Registration & Lunch
Opening & Welcome Address
Coffee break
Sessions (2 or 3 parallel sessions – 3 papers each)
Coffee break
Sessions (2 or 3 parallel sessions – 3 papers each)
Evening reception & dinner / banquett
Wednesday 16. March
University of Oslo, Blindern Campus
Coffee break
Sessions (2 or 3 parallel sessions – 4 papers each)
Poster session
Sessions (2 or 3 parallel sessions – 4 papers each)
Coffee break
Sessions (2 or 3 parallel sessions – 4 papers each)
Thursday 17. March
Norwegian National Library, Solli plass
National Library – Welcome Address
Coffee break
Round-table debate
“How do Digital Humanities Challenge the Humanities?”
Lunch (at the National Library)
1st Annual and Constitutive Meeting of the Association for
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries
Workshops will be scheduled before and after the conference at University of Oslo