TICE ART 1010 Renaissance ART

Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
List of Required Works
G14 = Kleiner, Gardner’s Art through the Ages, 14th ed.
S5 = Stokstad and Cothren, Art History, 5th ed.
GW = DeWitte, Larmann, and Shields, Gateways to Art
A3 = Adams, Art Across Time, 3rd ed.
SH = Smarthistory
Pin = Image found on Art History 250, Pinterest
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Request an invitation by emailing me at mrussell@sasaustin.org. Please put PINTEREST in the
subject line. You will instantly be able to create an account as soon as I have the opportunity to
respond to your request. I’ve made every attempt to provide access to higher resolution images of
those appearing in the curriculum list; when that has not been possible, I have uploaded the images
as they appear in the list. I will be adding the rest of the images, as well as other related resources, to
this board as time allows.
Content Area 1: Global Prehistory
30,000–500 B.C.E. (11 WORKS)
1. Apollo 11 stones. Namibia. c. 25,500–25,300 B.C.E. Charcoal on stone.
G14, 16 - 17
Pin Image Location Image Map Image Article Article Article
2. Great Hall of the Bulls. Lascaux, France. Paleolithic Europe. 15,000–13,000 B.C.E. Rock painting.
G14,14-15, 22-23
S5, 10-1
A3, 37-39
Pin Image Video Video 2 Article Website Fly-through tour
3. Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine. Tequixquiac, central Mexico. 14,000–7000 B.C.E. Bone.
Pin Image Article Article
4. Running horned woman. Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria. 6000–4000 B.C.E. Pigment on rock.
G14, 522-524
S5, 411-413
Pin Image Article Video Video
5. Bushel with ibex motifs. Susa, Iran. 4200–3500 B.C.E. Painted terra cotta.
A3, 74
Pin Image Image VIDEO Article
6. Anthropomorphic stele. Arabian Peninsula. Fourth millennium B.C.E. Sandstone.
Pin Image Article Article Article Article Video Video
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
7. Jade cong. Liangzhu, China. 3300–2200 B.C.E. Carved jade.
S5, 332-334
Pin Image Video Video Article Article Article ArticlePDF Article
8. Stonehenge. Wiltshire, UK. Neolithic Europe. c. 2500–1600 B.C.E. Sandstone.
S5, 17-20
A3, 47-50
GW, 456-457
Pin Image AND Image Video Video Video Article Article Article Teacher’s Kit Website
9. The Ambum Stone. Ambum Valley, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. c. 1500 B.C.E. Greywacke.
G14, 1045
Pin Image Image Ambum Stone Stamp Article Article Article Article
10. Tlatilco female figurine. Central Mexico, site of Tlatilco. 1200–900 B.C.E. Ceramic.
Pin Image Article Article Article
11. Terra cotta fragment. Lapita. Solomon Islands, Reef Islands. 1000 B.C.E. Terra cotta (incised).
S5, 862
GW, 462
Pin Image Article Article Article Video
Content Area 2: Ancient Mediterranean
3500 B.C.E.–300 C.E. (36 WORKS)
Smarthistory Intro to Ancient Near East
Mesopotamia: Crash Course World History #3
Smarthistory Intro to Ancient Egypt
TICE ART 1010 Video Intro to Ancient Near Eastern and Ancient Egyptian Art
TICE ART 1010 Video Intro to Greek and Roman Art
The Persians and the Greeks: Crash Course World History #5
Rome Reborn 2.2
Smarthistory Tour of Rome in 320 CE (Frischer 3D animation video)
Clickable Map of Ancient Egypt
12. White Temple and its ziggurat. Uruk (modern Warka, Iraq). Sumerian. c. 3500–3000 B.C.E. Mud brick.
G14, 33-34
S5, 28-30
A3, 57
Pin Image from list(Is it backwards?) Higher res image I flipped horizontally Reconstruction drawing
13. Palette of King Narmer. Predynastic Egypt. c. 3000–2920 B.C.E. Greywacke.
G14, 54, 55, 57-58, 66
S5, 51-53
A3, 84-86
GW, 526-527
Pin Image Video
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
14. Statues of votive figures, from the Square Temple at Eshnunna (modern Tell Asmar, Iraq). Sumerian.
c. 2700 B.C.E. Gypsum inlaid with shell and black limestone.
G14, 35-36
S5, 31, 34, 37, 38
Pin Image
15. Seated scribe. Saqqara, Egypt. Old Kingdom, Fourth Dynasty. c. 2620–2500 B.C.E. Painted limestone.
G14, 65-66
S5, 60
Pins Frontal view Right side Left side Louvre Louvre text
16. Standard of Ur from the Royal Tombs at Ur (modern Tell el-Muqayyar, Iraq). Sumerian. c. 2600–
2400 B.C.E. Wood inlaid with shell, lapis lazuli, and red limestone.
G14, 30-31, 37-38
A3, 59-60
GW, 298-299
Pins Image 1 Image 2 Bdgrd Video Bkgrd video 2 Audio
17. Great Pyramids (Menkaura, Khafre, Khufu) and Great Sphinx. Giza, Egypt. Old Kingdom,
Fourth Dynasty. c. 2550–2490 B.C.E. Cut limestone.
G14, 60-63
S5, 55-57
A3, 90-93
GW, 64, 276-277, 301, 460-461, 493
SH Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Pins Image 1 from list Site Plan Distant view Giza3D Video
18. King Menkaura and queen. Old Kingdom, Fourth Dynasty. c. 2490–2472 B.C.E. Greywacke.
G14, 64-65
S5, 59
A3, 95-96
GW, 556-567
Pin Image Article
19. The Code of Hammurabi. Babylon (modern Iran). Susian. c. 1792–1750 B.C.E. Basalt.
G14, 43-44
S5, 34, 37, 39
A3, 67-68
GW, 528
Pin Image Detail Louvre
20. Temple of Amun-Re and Hypostyle Hall. Karnak, near Luxor, Egypt. New Kingdom, 18th and
19th Dynasties. Temple: c. 1550 B.C.E.; hall: c. 1250 B.C.E. Cut sandstone and mud brick.
S5, 66-67, 71, 76
A3, 100-102
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
GW, 130, 278
Pins Image 1 from list Image 2 from list Hypostyle Hall Reconstruction drawing Reconstructiondrawing 2
Plan Video Clerestory animation Article
21. Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut. Near Luxor, Egypt. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty. c. 1473–1458
B.C.E. Sandstone, partially carved into a rock cliff, and red granite.
G14, 69-70
S5, 68-69
A3, 103-104
Pins Temple Reconstruction drawing Plan Statue Article Article Article on statue
22. Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters. New Kingdom (Amarna), 18th Dynasty. c. 1353–1335 B.C.E.
G14, 78
S5, 69-73
A3, 106-108
GW, 525
Pin Image Berlin Museum discussion
23. Tutankhamun’s tomb, innermost coffin. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty. c. 1323 B.C.E. Gold with inlay of
enamel and semiprecious stones.
G14, 78
S5, 73
A3, 108-109
Pin Image Image Article/video
24. Last judgment of Hu-Nefer, from his tomb (page from the Book of the Dead). New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty.
c. 1275 B.C.E. Painted papyrus scroll.
G14, 80
S5, 77
GW, 492
Pin Image Video Video Article Article Article
25. Lamassu from the citadel of Sargon II, Dur Sharrukin (modern Khorsabad, Iraq). Neo-Assyrian. c. 720–705
B.C.E. Alabaster.
G14, 45-46
S5, 41-43
A3, 69-72
(Lamassu from Ashurbanipal II’s palace in Nimrud, GW, 29-300)
Pin Image Louvre discussion British Museum discussion Article
26. Athenian agora. Archaic through Hellenistic Greek. 600 B.C.E.–150 C.E. Plan.
S5, 137-138
Pin Plan from list, no labels (50 kb) Hi res plan NO labels Plan with labels Reconstruction drawing
Reconstruction drawing 2 Website PDF Video Video
27. Anavysos Kouros. Archaic Greek. c. 530 B.C.E. Marble with remnants of paint.
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
G14, 113
S5, 115-116
Pin Image Article
28. Peplos Kore from the Acropolis. Archaic Greek. c. 530 B.C.E. Marble, painted details.
G14, 114
S5, 115-116
A3, 152-153
Pin Image Article Article Article
29. Sarcophagus of the Spouses. Etruscan. c. 520 B.C.E. Terra cotta.
G14, 169-170
S5, 163-164
A3, 196-197
GW, 266
Pin Image Bkgrd video Etruscans video Video Article
30. Audience Hall (apadana) of Darius and Xerxes. Persepolis, Iran. Persian. c. 520–465 B.C.E. Limestone.
G14, 50-52
S5, 44-47
A3, 77
SH and SH
Pins Image 1 from list – tiny 35 kb Aerial view from opposite side Image 2 Reliefs Persepolis plan Video
31. Temple of Minerva (Veii, near Rome, Italy) and sculpture of Apollo. Master sculptor Vulca.
c. 510–500 B.C.E. Original temple of wood, mud brick, or tufa (volcanic rock); terra cotta sculpture.
S5, 158-160
A3, 190
Pins Plan and Sketch Model Apollo
32. Tomb of the Triclinium. Tarquinia, Italy. Etruscan. c. 480–470 B.C.E. Tufa and fresco.
G14, 172
S5, 162-163
(A3, 198-200 Tomb of the Leopards)
SH Intro to Etruscan Art
Pins Image from list Tomb of the Leopards Musician Video on Etruscans 1 Video on Etruscans 2
33. Niobides Krater. Anonymous vase painter of Classical Greece known as the Niobid Painter. c. 460–450
B.C.E. Clay, red-figure technique (white highlights).
G14, 343
A3, 147
Pins Image 1 Image 2 Metamorphosis text Louvre Theseus detail
34. Doryphoros (Spear Bearer). Polykleitos. Original 450–440 B.C.E. Roman copy (marble) of Greek original
G14, 132-133
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
S5, 134, 142
A3, 158
GW, 308
Pin Image Article Article Video
35. Acropolis. Athens, Greece. Iktinos and Kallikrates. c. 447–424 B.C.E. Marble.
G14, 104-105, 134-141
S5, 128-137
A3, 169-177
GW, 304-305, 513
SH Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5
Pins Image 1 Acropolis Plan from list – 37 kb Another Acropolis Plan Drawing of Acropolis Parthenon
Parthenon Parthenon plan with labels Parthenon plan, no labels Helios, horses, and Dionysus (Heracles?)
Temple of Athena Nike Victory adjusting her sandal Plaque of the Ergastines Video Video Video Ergastines article
36. Grave stele of Hegeso. Attributed to Kallimachos. c. 410 B.C.E. Marble and paint.
G14, 142, 143, 146, 149
A3, 159, 182
Pin Image Article on Greek Afterlife
37. Winged Victory of Samothrace. Hellenistic Greek. c. 190 B.C.E. Marble.
G14, 158
S5, 153, 155
A3, 184
Pins Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Louvre Louvre 2 Article Article Article
38. Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon. Asia Minor (present-day Turkey). Hellenistic Greek.
c. 175 B.C.E. Marble (architecture and sculpture).
G14, 155-157
S5, 149-152
A3, 186-187
Pins Image Image Athena Plan Model of city Model 2 Article
39. House of the Vettii. Pompeii, Italy. Imperial Roman. c. second century B.C.E.; rebuilt c. 62–79 C.E. Cut stone
and fresco.
G14, 190-191
S5, 178-181
A3, 248-249
Pins Plan Plan without labels Atrium Frescoes Fresco detail Video Video
40. Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun, Pompeii. Republican Roman. c. 100 B.C.E. Mosaic.
G14, 150-151
S5, 145-146
GW, 535
Pins Image Article
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
41. Seated boxer. Hellenistic Greek. c. 100 B.C.E. Bronze.
G14, 160
Pins Image Photo of discovery site Video Article
42. Head of a Roman patrician. Republican Roman. c. 75–50 B.C.E. Marble.
(similar: Portrait Head of an Elder from Scoppito S5, 167-169)
SH on similar work
Pins Image Article Website Mencher Roman Sculpture Video
43. Augustus of Prima Porta. Imperial Roman. Early first century C.E. Marble.
S5, 172-173
A3, 239-40
GW, 527
Pins Image MIT website Video Mencher Roman Sculpture Video
44. Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater). Rome, Italy. Imperial Roman. 70–80 C.E. Stone and concrete.
G14, 203-205
S5, 186-188
A3, 223-224
GW, 458
Pins Image 1 Image 2 Section Drawing Section of Cavea Plan Video Article
45. Forum of Trajan. Rome, Italy. Apollodorus of Damascus. Forum and markets: 106–112 C.E.; column
completed 113 C.E. Brick and concrete (architecture); marble (column).
G14, 207-208
S5, 190-193
A3, 217-220
SH(column) SH (Forum)
Pins Reconstruction drawing Another reconstruction drawing Basilica Ulpia plan Basilica Ulpia plan, no labels
Restored exterior view of Basilica Restored cutaway view of Basilica Restored interior view of Basilica Ulpia
Plan of entire forum and market Trajan’s Market from list (poor quality image) Trajan’s Market, higher res
Market Trajan’s Column from list Trajan’s Column higher res 3D website (download video animations)
Article Article
46. Pantheon. Imperial Roman. 118–125 C.E. Concrete with stone facing.
G14, 210-211
S5, 194-197
A3, 227-229
GW, 311-312
Pins Exterior Interior Sections Plan Panini Interior Cutaway Aerial View Video Video Video
47. Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus. Late Imperial Roman. c. 250 C.E. Marble.
G14, 222-223
Pins Image Article Article
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
Content Area 3: Early Europe and Colonial Americas
200–1750 C.E. (51 WORKS)
SH Intro to Christianity and Christian Art
TICE Art 1010: Video on Medieval and Byzantine Art
TICE ART 1010 Renaissance ART
TICE ART 1010 Baroque and Rococo Art
The Renaissance: Was it a Thing? - Crash Course World History #22
48. Catacomb of Priscilla. Rome, Italy. Late Antique Europe. c. 200–400 C.E. Excavated tufa and fresco.
G14, 237-239
S5, 220-222
A3, 270
GW, 317-318
Pins Greek chapel Orant fresco Good Shepherd fresco (tiny image from list) Good Shepherd vault Good
Shepherd vault detail Good Shepherd fresco from Catacomb of Sts. Peter and Marcellinus Article
49. Santa Sabina. Rome, Italy. Late Antique Europe. c. 422–432 C.E. Brick and stone, wooden roof.
G14, 243
S5, 223-224
Pins Exterior Interior Plan Video (no narration) Article Article
50. Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well and Jacob Wrestling the Angel, from the Vienna Genesis. Early Byzantine
Europe. Early sixth century C.E. Illuminated manuscript (pigments on vellum).
G14, 248-250
S5, 245
A3, 294-296
Pins Rebecca Jacob Article
51. San Vitale. Ravenna, Italy. Early Byzantine Europe. c. 526–547 C.E. Brick, marble, and stone veneer;
G14, 254-255, 263-266
S5, 238-242
A3, 280-286
GW, 318-320, 521
Pins Plan Exterior Exterior Alternate Exterior Interior Another interior Justinian Theodora Article
52. Hagia Sophia. Constantinople (Istanbul). Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. 532–537 C.E. Brick
and ceramic elements with stone and mosaic veneer.
G14, 258-263
S5, 234-237
A3, 288-292
GW, 282
Pins Exterior Interior from list Alternate interior Alternate interior Plan Section Video Video
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
53. Merovingian looped fibula. Early medieval Europe. Mid-sixth century C.E. Silver gilt worked in filigree,
with inlays of garnets and other stones.
G14, 309
(Merovingian jewelry, S5, 231-232)
Pins Image
54. Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George. Early Byzantine Europe. Sixth or early
seventh century C.E. Encaustic on wood.
G14, 268-270
S5, 246-248
A3, 296
GW, 550
Pins Image Article
55. Lindisfarne Gospels: St. Matthew, cross-carpet page; St. Luke portrait page; St. Luke incipit page. Early
medieval (Hiberno Saxon) Europe. c. 700 C.E. Illuminated manuscript (ink, pigments, and gold on vellum).
G14, 312-315, 318
S5, xxx, 436-437
GW, 320-32
SH and SH
Pins Cross-Carpet St. Luke portrait St. Luke incipit Article Video
56. Great Mosque. Córdoba, Spain. Umayyad. c. 785–786 C.E. Stone masonry.
G14, 282-283, 290-291
S5, 272-273, 275
A3, 322-323
GW, 148
Pins Aerial vw from list Aerial vw, diff angle Detail from list Ext view from list Ext view alternate Arches 1
Arches 2 Arches 3 Plan Mihrab Dome Dome Video Video Video Article
57. Pyxis of al-Mughira. Umayyad. c. 968 C.E. Ivory.
G14, 292-293
Pins Image Image (back side) Lions/bulls Article Article Article Article Article Article
58. Church of Sainte-Foy. Conques, France. Romanesque Europe. Church: c. 1050–1130 C.E.; Reliquary of Saint
Foy: ninth century C.E., with later additions. Stone (architecture); stone and paint (tympanum); gold, silver,
gemstones, and enamel over wood (reliquary).
G14, 334, 335, 336, 353
S5, 464, 467
A3, 369-374
GW, 280
Pins Plan Exterior Aerial View Tympanum Tympanum hi res Nave Reliquary Video Video of procession
Photo tour Sainte Foy video
59. Bayeux Tapestry. Romanesque Europe (English or Norman). c. 1066–1080 C.E. Embroidery on linen.
G14, 361-362
S5, 487-489
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
A3, 387-390
GW, 536
Pins Cavalry attack First meal First meal detail hi res Animated Video Website Story telling devices graphic
60. Chartres Cathedral. Chartres, France. Gothic Europe. Original construction c. 1145–1155 C.E.;
reconstructed c. 1194–1220 C.E. Limestone, stained glass.
G14, 364, 365, 369-371, 374-378, 386
S5, 494, 500-508
A3, 398-412
GW, 254, 327
SH on Gothic SH1 SH2 Sh3
Pins Image 1 Image 2- West facade Image 3- West Portal Image 4- Nave Nave, sim to list image Image 5 Window Image 6- Plan Website Website
61. Dedication Page with Blanche of Castile and King Louis IX of France and Scenes from the Apocalypse, from
a Bible moralisée. Gothic Europe. c. 1226–1234 C.E. Illuminated manuscript (ink, tempera, and gold leaf on
G14, 384-386
S5, 514-515
Pins Blanche Apocalypse Video
62. Röttgen Pietà. Late medieval Europe. c. 1300–1325 C.E. Painted wood.
G14, 396
S5, 557-558
GW, 65
Pins Image Article
63. Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel, including Lamentation. Padua, Italy. Unknown architect; Giotto di Bondone
(artist). Chapel: c. 1303 C.E.; Fresco: c. 1305. Brick (architecture) and fresco.
G14, 407-409
S5, 538-542
A3, 454-462
Pins Image 1 - exterior Image 2 - Interior Image 3 - Lamentation Article Audioguide
64. Golden Haggadah (The Plagues of Egypt, Scenes of Liberation, and Preparation for Passover). Late
medieval Spain. c. 1320 C.E. Illuminated manuscript (pigments on vellum).
Pins Plagues Liberation Preparation Website Turning the Page Article
65. Alhambra Palace. Granada, Spain. Nasrid Dynasty. 1354–1391 C.E. Whitewashed adobe stucco, wood, tile,
paint, and gilding.
G14, 295-297
S5, 280-281
Pins Aerial view Image 1 Image 2 – Court of the Lions Image 3 Hall of Two Sisters Hall of Sisters, higher res
Hall of Sisters dome Image 4 – Plan Hi Res Plan w Labels Video Video Video Walking Tour Interactive Map
66. Annunciation Triptych (Merode Altarpiece). Workshop of Robert Campin. 1427–1432 C.E. Oil on wood.
G14, 534-535, 541, 549
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
S5, 573-575
A3, 528-529
Pins Triptych Video Article
67. Pazzi Chapel. Basilica di Santa Croce. Florence, Italy. Filippo Brunelleschi (architect). c. 1429–1461 C.E.
G14, 584-585
Pins Façade Interior
68. The Arnolfini Portrait. Jan van Eyck. c. 1434 C.E. Oil on wood.
G14, 541-542
S5, 575-577
A3, 434-435
GW, 384-385
Pins Image Mirror Signature Video Video 2 Video 3 Koster article
69. David. Donatello. c. 1440–1460 C.E. Bronze.
G14, 568, 611, 674, 675
S5, 606-607
A3, 503
GW, 392-393
Pins Image Article Article (p. 99) Video
70. Palazzo Rucellai. Florence, Italy. Leon Battista Alberti (architect). c. 1450 C.E. Stone, masonry.
G14, 587-588
Pins Image Image Video
71. Madonna and Child with Two Angels. Fra Filippo Lippi. c. 1465 C.E. Tempera on wood.
G14, 577-578, 604
Pins Image Uffizi site Article
72. Birth of Venus. Sandro Botticelli. c. 1484–1486 C.E. Tempera on canvas.
G14, 581, 609
S5, 626-627
A3, 524-525
GW, 558
Pins Image Video Uffizi article
73. Last Supper. Leonardo da Vinci. c. 1494–1498 C.E. Oil and tempera.
G14, 602, 603, 628, 637, 959
S5, 636-638
A3, 549-550
GW, 380-381
Pins Image Image like list
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
74. Adam and Eve. Albrecht Dürer. 1504 C.E. Engraving.
G14, 650-651, 659
S5, 686-687
GW, 196
Pins Image Video Video
75. Sistine Chapel ceiling and altar wall frescoes. Vatican City, Italy. Michelangelo. Ceiling frescoes: c. 1508–
1512 C.E.; altar frescoes: c. 1536–1541 C.E. Fresco.
G14, 598-599, 605, 614-615, 681, 698
S5, 645-647, 649
A3, 554-562
GW, 183, 264, 381, 383, 264, 506-507
Pins Interior and Altar Wall Interior and Altar Wall alternate Interior and Altar Wall again Delphic Sibyl The
Flood Exterior, Aerial View Video Virtual Tour Smithsonian article Vertical scheme
76. School of Athens. Raphael. 1509–1511 C.E. Fresco.
G14, 606-607, 624, 628, 651, 760
S5, 640-642
A3, 565-568
GW, 133, 168, 382-383, 509
Pins Image Video Video Video Video
77. Isenheim altarpiece. Matthias Grünewald. c. 1512–1516 C.E. Oil on wood.
G14, 647-648, 874
S5, 683-685
A3, 618-620
GW, 387
Pins Closed Open Smithsonian article Video Article Article/audio
78. Entombment of Christ. Jacopo da Pontormo. 1525–1528 C.E. Oil on wood.
G14, 632-633
S5, 662-664
A3, 584-585
GW, 390-391
SH on Mannerism Longer video on Entombment
Pins Image Met on Mannerism Article/PDF
79. Allegory of Law and Grace. Lucas Cranach the Elder. c. 1530 C.E. Woodcut.
G14, 653
Pins Image Article Article Article on Cranach and Luther
80. Venus of Urbino. Titian. c. 1538 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 628, 629, 631
S5, 660-661
A3, 580
GW, 560-561
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
Pins Image Met article on Venetian art Uffizi article
81. Frontispiece of the Codex Mendoza. Viceroyalty of New Spain. c. 1541–1542 C.E. Pigment on paper.
G14, 1022, 1023, 1025
S5, 839
Pins Image Website Article Article Article
82. Il Gesù, including Triumph of the Name of Jesus ceiling fresco. Rome, Italy. Giacomo da Vignola, plan
(architect); Giacomo della Porta, facade (architect); Giovanni Battista Gaulli, ceiling fresco (artist). Church:
16th century C.E.; facade: 1568–1584 C.E.; fresco and stucco figures: 1676–1679 C.E. Brick, marble, fresco,
and stucco.
G14, 641-642, 671, 686
S5, 671-672
A3, 600-602
Pins Facade Triumph fresco Interior from list Interior Interior Article Plan
83. Hunters in the Snow. Pieter Bruegel the Elder. 1565 C.E. Oil on wood.
G14, 662-663
S5, 704-705, 707
GW, 146-147
Pins Image Zoomable image Article Article Article Article
84. Mosque of Selim II. Edirne, Turkey. Sinan (architect). 1568–1575 C.E. Brick and stone.
G14, 298, 299
S5, 286-287
SH and SH
Pins Image 1 – Exterior Image 2 - Interior Interior Image 3 – Plan Labeled drawing Unlabeled plan Video
Video Article Virtual Tour Article Article Article
85. Calling of Saint Matthew. Caravaggio. c. 1597–1601 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 702
S5, 722-726
A3, 649-650
GW, 79
Pins Image Article on Caravaggio
86. Henri IV Receives the Portrait of Marie de’ Medici, from the Marie de’ Medici Cycle. Peter Paul Rubens.
1621–1625 C.E. Oil on canvas.
(Arrival of Marie de’ Medici at Marseilles, G14, 698-699)
S5, 739-740
Pins Image
87. Self-Portrait with Saskia. Rembrandt van Rijn. 1636 C.E. Etching.
(similar: Self-Portrait, Leaning on a Stone Sill, 1639, A3, 660)
(similar: Self-Portrait with Saskia in the Scene of the Prodigal Son at the Tavern, GW, 580)
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
Pin Image RembrandtVideo Video
88. San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane. Rome, Italy. Francesco Borromini (architect). 1638–1646 C.E. Stone and
G14, 676-677, 718
S5, 719-720
A3, 631-633
Pins Image 1 - Facade Image 2 – Interior Interior Image 3 - plan Dome Plan
89. Ecstasy of Saint Teresa. Cornaro Chapel, Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria. Rome, Italy. Gian Lorenzo
Bernini. c. 1647–1652 C.E. Marble (sculpture); stucco and gilt bronze (chapel).
G14, 674-675, 682
S5, 717-719
A3, 642-643
GW, 475
Pins Image 1- Exterior Image 2 – Cornaro Chapel Image 3 - Ecstasy Article Video Video 2 Video 3 Video 4
90. Angel with Arquebus, Asiel Timor Dei. Master of Calamarca (La Paz School). c. 17th century C.E. Oil on
Pin Image Article
91. Las Meninas. Diego Velázquez. c. 1656 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 690-692, 784
S5, 733-735
A3, 671-673
GW, 160-162
Pins Image Article
92. Woman Holding a Balance. Johannes Vermeer. c. 1664 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 711
S5, 750-751
GW, 495
Pins Image Video Video
93. The Palace at Versailles. Versailles, France. Louis Le Vau and Jules Hardouin-Mansart (architects). Begun
1669 C.E. Masonry, stone, wood, iron, and gold leaf (architecture); marble and bronze (sculpture); gardens.
G14, 715-716, 717-718, 730, 749, 750
S5, 757-761
A3, 635-638
GW, 398-399
Pins Aerial view Aerial view from garden facade Garden façade Courtyard Hall of Mirrors Gardens detail Video
1 Video 2 Video 3
94. Screen with the Siege of Belgrade and hunting scene. Circle of the González Family. c. 1697–1701 C.E.
Tempera and resin on wood, shell inlay.
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
Pins Belgrade Hunting Brooklyn Museum site with details Article Similar screen in Denver More on Denver
biombo Article
95. The Virgin of Guadalupe (Virgen de Guadalupe). Miguel González. c. 1698 C.E. Based on original Virgin of
Guadalupe. Basilica of Guadalupe, Mexico City. 16th century C.E. Oil on canvas on wood, inlaid with motherof-pearl.
Pin Image AND Image Article Article Article
96. Fruit and Insects. Rachel Ruysch. 1711 C.E. Oil on wood.
(Flower Still Life G14, 713)
(Flower Still Life S5,755-757)
Pins Image Detail Video
97. Spaniard and Indian Produce a Mestizo. Attributed to Juan Rodríguez Juárez. c. 1715 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Pin Image Article/PDF Article
98. The Tête à Tête, from Marriage à la Mode. William Hogarth. c. 1743 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Breakfast Scene G14, 740-741
S5, 922-923, 934
A3, 687
GW, 401-403
Pins Image
Content Area 4: Later Europe and Americas
TICE ART 1010 Video on Baroque and Rococo Art
TICE ART 1010 Video on Nineteenth Century Art
TICE ART 1010 Twentieth Century Art
Print: A Brief History
1750–1980 C.E. (54 WORKS)
99. Portrait of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Miguel Cabrera. c. 1750 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Pin Image Article Article NEH Lessons on Sor Juana Sor Juana Costume
100. A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery. Joseph Wright of Derby. c. 1763–1765 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 744, 726, 727
(An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump, GW, A3, 680)
(An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump, GW, 498-499)
Pins Image Article
101. The Swing. Jean-Honoré Fragonard. 1767 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 734-735
S5, 911-912
A3, 683-684
GW, 401
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
Pins Image Video
102. Monticello. Virginia, U.S. Thomas Jefferson (architect). 1768–1809 C.E. Brick, glass, stone, and wood.
G14, 736, 750, 751
S5, 961
A3, 715-716
GW, 404-405
Pins Image Plan Audio Archiplanet Article Video
103. The Oath of the Horatii. Jacques-Louis David. 1784 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 728, 747-748, 755, 757-758, 760
S5,936-937, 943
A3, 705
GW, 403-404
Pins Image Article
104. George Washington. Jean-Antoine Houdon. 1788–1792 C.E. Marble.
G14, 751-752, 782
S5, 939-940
Pins Image Image 2 – not list Article Article
105. Self-Portrait. Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun. 1790 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 739-740
Pins Image Video Video
106. Y no hai remedio (And There’s Nothing to Be Done), from Los Desastres de la Guerra (The Disasters of War),
plate 15. Francisco de Goya. 1810–1823 C.E. (published 1863). Drypoint etching.
Pin Image Paragraph on Influence on Hemingway Article/audio/video Exhibition brochure Goya video
107. La Grande Odalisque. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. 1814 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 761
S5, 952, 1110
A3, 712-713
GW, 157
Pins Image Louvre
108. Liberty Leading the People. Eugène Delacroix. 1830 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 768, 770
S5, 950-951
A3, 732-733
GW, 405
Pins Image Video Video Article
109. The Oxbow (View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm). Thomas Cole.
1836 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 773
S5, 957-958
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
A3, 741-742
GW, 407-408
Pins Image Video Article Burke’s Sublime Website
110. Still Life in Studio. Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre. 1837 C.E. Photograph.
G14, 791-793
S5, 969
GW, 218
Pins Image
111. Slave Ship (Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On). Joseph Mallord
William Turner. 1840 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 772-773
GW, 544
Pins Image Burke’s Sublime Article
112. Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament). London, England. Charles Barry and Augustus W. N.
Pugin (architects). 1840–1870 C.E. Limestone masonry and glass.
G14, 788
S5, 958-959
A3, 722-723
Pins Exterior Westminster Hall Central Lobby f/ list Central Lobby, different angle Article Video Video
113. The Stone Breakers. Gustave Courbet. 1849 C.E. (destroyed in 1945). Oil on canvas.
G14, 775-777
S5, 972-973
A3, 750
GW, 409-410
Pins Image Article
114. Nadar Raising Photography to the Height of Art. Honoré Daumier. 1862 C.E. Lithograph.
G14, 794
A3, 758
Pins Image Nadar article Video Article Article
115. Olympia. Édouard Manet. 1863 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 781-782
S5, 977-979
A3, 765
GW, 65, 560-561
Pins Image Article Article Video Bio article/video
116. The Saint-Lazare Station. Claude Monet. 1877 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 803-804
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
Pins Image
117. The Horse in Motion. Eadweard Muybridge. 1878 C.E. Photograph.
G14,784, 796, 825
A3, 787
GW, 229
SH and SH
Pins Image Bio Getty photography video Video Animation
118. The Valley of Mexico from the Hillside of Santa Isabel (El Valle de México desde el Cerro de Santa Isabel).
Jose María Velasco. 1882 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Pins Image Article/Zoomable image
119. The Burghers of Calais. Auguste Rodin. 1884–1895 C.E. Bronze.
G14, 826
S5, 1002-1003
Pins Image Met publication Article Video Video
120. The Starry Night. Vincent van Gogh. 1889 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 666, 814-815
S5, 998-999
A3, 812
GW, 416-417
Pins Image Video Article Video MoMA site/audio/video MOMA Video
121. The Coiffure. Mary Cassatt. 1890–1891 C.E. Drypoint and aquatint on laid paper.
(Japonisme and Cassatt, G14, 808)
Pins Image Article Article
122. The Scream. Edvard Munch. 1893 C.E. Tempera and pastels on cardboard.
G14, 822, 823, 840
S5, 1001
A3, 820
GW, 586
Pins Image Video Video Video Video Book Excerpt Article Article
123. Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? Paul Gauguin. 1897–1898 C.E. Oil on
G14, 816-817
Pins Image Article Natl Gall brochure Article Video on different Gauguin
124. Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company Building. Chicago, Illinois, U.S. Louis Sullivan (architect). 1899–1903
C.E. Iron, steel, glass, and terra cotta.
G14, 832
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
Pins Exterior Pre-updated exterior Ornament at S. State Street Entrance Plan Vintage postcard postmodernization Video Article Article/video
125. Mont Sainte-Victoire. Paul Cézanne. 1902–1904 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 817-818
S5, 1013-1014
A3, 807 (version from 1900)
GW, 415-416
Pins Image Article Article Video
126. Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. Pablo Picasso. 1907 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 845, 847
A3, 850-852
GW, 424-426
Pins Image Article African mask Video Audio Multimedia(safe)
127. The Steerage. Alfred Stieglitz. 1907 C.E. Photograph.
G14, 869
GW, 223-224
Pins Image Article Video
128. The Kiss. Gustav Klimt. 1907–1908 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 823
A3, 824
GW, 418-419
Pins Image Article Video
129. The Kiss. Constantin Brancusi. 1907–1908 C.E. Limestone.
Pins Image Audio and Text Excerpts Article
130. The Portuguese. Georges Braque. 1911 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 847-848
Pins Image
131. Goldfish. Henri Matisse. 1912 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Pins Image Article Video
132. Improvisation 28 (second version). Vassily Kandinsky. 1912 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 841-842
S5, 1030, 1031
Pins Image Article Article Teacher Resources Article
133. Self-Portrait as a Soldier. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. 1915 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Pins Image Interactive Article Article Article Video
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
134. Memorial Sheet for Karl Liebknecht. Käthe Kollwitz. 1919–1920 C.E. Woodcut.
Pins Image Article Article
135. Villa Savoye. Poissy-sur-Seine, France. Le Corbusier (architect). 1929 C.E. Steel and reinforced concrete.
G14, 886-887
S5, 1045-1046
A3, 874-875
GW, 286
Pins Exterior Alternate view Spiral Staircase Video Video Article Article/Video
136. Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow. Piet Mondrian. 1930 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 880-881
(similar S5, 1052-1053)
(similar A3, 891)
Pins Image Video Video Video Video Video
137. Illustration from The Results of the First Five-Year Plan. Varvara Stepanova. 1932 C.E. Photomontage.
Pins Image Guggenheim publication Article
138. Object (Le Déjeuner en fourrure). Meret Oppenheim. 1936 C.E. Fur-covered cup, saucer, and spoon.
G14, 879
S5, 1058-1059
A3, 14-15
GW, 73
Pins Image Audio Video Article/Audio
139. Fallingwater. Pennsylvania, U.S. Frank Lloyd Wright (architect). 1936–1939 C.E. Reinforced concrete,
sandstone, steel, and glass.
G14, 896
S5, 1046-1048
A3, 870
Pins Exterior vw like list shot Multiple exterior views Interior Plan from list Plan of house Diagram 3D
AnimationVideo Article
140. The Two Fridas. Frida Kahlo. 1939 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 893
S5, 1069-1070
GW, 579
Pins Image Video pt 1 Video pt 2 Video pt 3 Movie clip Video/Article Article
141. The Migration of the Negro, Panel no. 49. Jacob Lawrence. 1940–1941 C.E. Casein tempera on hardboard.
G14, 889
Pins Image Video Video Video Article Article
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
142. The Jungle. Wifredo Lam. 1943 C.E. Gouache on paper mounted on canvas.
G14, 880
(on Lam’s Zambizia, Zambizia: S5, 1072-1073)
Pins Image Video Video Article Article/Audios Bio Article Photo of Lam/Article in Spanish
143. Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda Park. Diego Rivera. 1947–1948 C.E. Fresco.
Pins Full Image Zoomable full image Bio Article/video Video Video
144. Fountain (second version). Marcel Duchamp. 1950 C.E. (original 1917). Readymade glazed sanitary
china with black paint.
G14, 16, 857
S5, 1038-1039, 1092, 1099
A3, 879
GW, 270
Pins Image Article Article Article Video Video Video
145. Woman, I. Willem de Kooning. 1950–1952 C.E. Oil on canvas.
G14, 905
S5, 1076-1077
GW, 555
Pins Image Audio Article MoMA site (rich!) Article
146. Seagram Building. New York City, U.S. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson (architects). 1954–
1958 C.E. Steel frame with glass curtain wall and bronze.
G14, 928, 930, 961
S5, 1104
Pins Image from list Image Video Article Article
147. Marilyn Diptych. Andy Warhol. 1962 C.E. Oil, acrylic, and silkscreen enamel on canvas.
G14,916, 918
S5, 1092-1093
Pins Image Video Article Bio Article/video Video
148. Narcissus Garden. Yayoi Kusama. Original installation and performance 1966. Mirror balls.
Pins Image from list Image 2 Article Article Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6
149. The Bay. Helen Frankenthaler. 1963 C.E. Acrylic on canvas.
G14, 908
(Mountains and Sea: S5, 1078-1079)
A3, 917
Pins Image Bio/Quotes Article Interview video Article Video Video
150. Lipstick (Ascending) on Caterpillar Tracks. Claes Oldenburg. 1969–1974 C.E. Cor-Ten steel, steel,
aluminum, and cast resin; painted with polyurethane enamel.
G14, 916-917
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
S5, 1095
Pins Image Image Video Video 2 Article
151. Spiral Jetty. Great Salt Lake, Utah, U.S. Robert Smithson. 1970 C.E. Earthwork: mud, precipitated salt
crystals, rocks, and water coil.
G14, 932-933, 964
S5, 1102-1103
A3, 969
GW, 268
Pins Image Image Article Article/Audio Article
152. House in New Castle County. Delaware, U.S. Robert Venturi, John Rauch, and Denise Scott Brown
(architects). 1978–1983 C.E. Wood frame and stucco.
G14, 929, 931-932
(Venturi, Vanna Venturi House and Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, S5, 1106)
Pins Exterior from list Interior from list Exterior detail Exterior angle More views Article Article by Venturi’s
firm(safe PDF) Videos (2 on this webpage)
Content Area 5: Indigenous Americas
1000 B.C.E.–1980 C.E. (14 WORKS)
Smarthistory on Incas
Smarthistory on Maya
Smarthistory on Native North America
Field Museum Ancient Americas
153. Chavín. 900–200 B.C.E. Stone (architectural complex); granite (Lanzón and sculpture); hammered gold
alloy (jewelry).
G14, 508-509
GW, 348-350
Pins: Plan Relief Sculpture Nose Ornament Lanzón Lanzón Lanzón drawing Scholarly article Video Video
Architectural complex photo Cactus bearer
154. Mesa Verde cliff dwellings. Montezuma County, Colorado. Anasazi. 450–1300 C.E. Sandstone.
G14, 518
GW, 359-360
Pin Image Image Video Article Article Downloadable guides
155. Yaxchilán. Chiapas, Mexico. Maya. 725 C.E. Limestone (architectural complex).
G14, 503;
S5, 394
GW, 523, 525
SH SH on Maya
Pins: Structure 40 Structure 33 Structure 23 Lintel 25 Lintel 25 drawing Audio on Lintel 25 Article Article
Article Article
156. Great Serpent Mound. Adams County, southern Ohio. Mississippian (Eastern Woodlands). c. 1070 C.E.
Earthwork/effigy mound.
S5, 402
GW, 267-268
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
Pin Image Article Website w videos Video Video Video Article Article
157. Templo Mayor (Main Temple). Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City, Mexico). Mexica (Aztec). 1375–1520
C.E. Stone (temple); volcanic stone (The Coyolxauhqui Stone); jadeite (Olmec-style mask); basalt (Calendar
G14, 1022-1028,
S5, 838-840
A3, 356-357
GW, 358, 463, 477-478, 491, 497
SH and SH and SH
Pins Templo Mayor drawing Another Templo Mayor drawing Plan Coyolxauhqui Stone Calendar Stone
Calendar Stone Engraving Olmec-style mask Reconstruction fly-over video Coatlicue Article
158. Silver and gold maize cobs. Inka. c. 1400–1533 C.E. Sheet metal/repousée, gold and silver alloys.
Pin Image Article
159. Ruler’s feather headdress (probably of Motecuhzoma II). Mexica (Aztec). 1428–1520 C.E. Feathers
(quetzal and cotinga) and gold.
S5, 841-842
Pin Image AND Image AND Image Article Article Cueva del Rio painting
160. City of Cusco, including Qorikancha (main temple/church and convent of Santo Domingo) and Walls at
Saqsa Waman (Sacsayhuaman). Central highlands, Peru. Inka. c. 1440 C.E. Sandstone.
G14, 1031
A3, 363
Pins Walls at Saqsa Waman Walls again Qorikancha Qorikancha again Video Museum site
161. City of Machu Picchu. Central highlands, Peru. Inka. c. 1450–1540 C.E. Granite (architectural complex).
G14, 1030-1031;
S5, 844-845
A3, 363
GW, 351, 353
Pins City Observatory Intihuatana Stone Intihuatana Stone again Article Video Video Article
162. All-T’oqapu tunic. Inka. 1450–1540 C.E. Camelid fiber and cotton.
S5, 845-846
GW, 352
Pin Image Zoomable Image Article Article
163. Bandolier bag. Lenape (eastern Delaware) tribe. c. 1850 C.E. Beadwork on leather.
(similar S5, 849-850)
Pin Image Article Article
164. Transformation mask. Kwakiutl, Northwest coast of Canada. Late 19th century C.E. Wood, paint, and
G14, 1034,1036
GW, 361-362
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
Pins Closed Open Video DAM mask DAM label
165. Hide painting of Sun Dance. Attributed to Cotsiogo (Cadzi Cody), Eastern Shoshone, Wind River
Reservation, Wyoming. c. 1890–1900 C.E. Painted elk hide.
Pin Image AND Image and Similar one Article Article Article Article Article Audio tour from MIA Photo of
166. Black-on-black ceramic vessel. Maria Martínez and Julian Martínez, Tewa, Puebloan, San Ildefonso
Pueblo, New Mexico. c. mid-20th century C.E. Blackware ceramic.
G14, 1034, 1035; (similar S5, 855)
Pin Image Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 DAM teaching materials Article Website Article
Content Area 6: Africa
1100–1980 C.E. (14 WORKS)
AIC teacher materials
Smarthistory Africa intro
167. Conical tower and circular wall of Great Zimbabwe. Southeastern Zimbabwe. Shona peoples. c. 1000–
1400 C.E. Coursed granite blocks.
G14, 530-531
S5, 423-424, 885
GW, 369
Pins Tower and wall Tower again Walls Walls again Entire complex Video Video Article Article
168. Great Mosque of Djenné. Mali. Founded c. 1200 C.E.; rebuilt 1906–1907. Adobe.
G14, 288, 529
S5, 422-423
GW, 368-369
Pins Image AND Image AND Image Video Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Interior Interior 2 Article
169. Wall plaque, from Oba’s Palace. Edo peoples, Benin (Nigeria). 16th century C.E. Cast brass.
G14, 533, 1061, 1069-71
(similar S5, 420-421)
(similar GW, 527)
SH and SH and SH and SH
Pins Wall Plaque Photo of Oba in regalia Audio Video Video Short Video
170. Sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool). Ashanti peoples (south central Ghana). c. 1700 C.E. Gold over wood and
cast-gold attachments.
Pin Image Image Image VIDEO Article Article, pp30-32
171. Ndop (portrait figure) of King Mishe miShyaang maMbul. Kuba peoples (Democratic Republic of the
Congo). c. 1760–1780 C.E. Wood. Brooklyn Museum.
Pins Image AND Detail and Image Image AND Context (?) Article Article Similar ndop BritMus
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
172. Power figure (Nkisi n’kondi). Kongo peoples (Democratic Republic of the Congo). c. late 19th century C.E.
Wood and metal.
G14, 1066-1067
(similar S5, 894)
(similar GW 365-366)
Pin Image X-ray AND Context and Lesson Plan DMA materials DallasMA materials Video AIC materials
DAM label
173. Portrait mask (Mblo). Baule peoples (Côte d’Ivoire). Late 19th to early 20th century C.E. Wood and
(similar S5, 891)
Pin Image AND Image Context photo Context photo 2 Article Bkgrd on Baule peoples Article/audio Video
174. Female (Pwo) mask. Chokwe peoples (Democratic Republic of the Congo). Late 19th to early 20th
century C.E. Wood, fiber, pigment, and metal.
Pin Image Contextual photo Contextual photo Article Article Article Video Video intro to Makishi
175. Bundu mask. Sande Society, Mende peoples (West African forests of Sierra Leone and Liberia). 19th to
20th century C.E. Wood, cloth, and fiber.
G14, 1075
S5, 888
Pin Image AND context context context Video Video Video Video Video Video Audio Article
176. Ikenga (shrine figure). Igbo peoples (Nigeria). c. 19th to 20th century C.E. Wood.
Pin Image Similar one Similar w info Article Article Article Article Article Article Context photo
177. Lukasa (memory board). Mbudye Society, Luba peoples (Democratic Republic of the Congo). c. 19th to
20th century C.E. Wood, beads, and metal.
Pins One in set Another Another Another Context1 Context 2 Context 3 Context 4 Context 5 Video Video 2
Video 3 (3:40 – 5:40) Article PDF, pp9-10 Lukasa in Minn Article Diagram w/ translation
178. Aka elephant mask. Bamileke (Cameroon, western grassfields region). c. 19th to 20th century C.E.
Wood, woven raffia, cloth, and beads.
Pins Mask Context Context 2 Article Article Website Website Photo of elephants in savanna
179. Reliquary figure (nlo bieri). Fang peoples (southern Cameroon). c. 19th to 20th century C.E. Wood.
(similar G14, 1064)
(similar S5, 899-900)
Pin Image Work in context Article Video Article
180. Veranda post: equestrian figure and female caryatid. Olowe of Ise (Yoruba peoples). Before 1938 C.E.
Wood and pigment.
G14, 1072-73 (similar S5, 895, 898)
Pins Image AND Image and Video on Olowe of Ise’s Royal Doors
Content Area 7: West and Central Asia
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
500 B.C.E.–1980 C.E. (11 WORKS)
Introductions to Islamic Art and Architecture
SH and SH
Pins Video 1 Video 2
181. Petra, Jordan: Treasury and Great Temple. Nabataean Ptolemaic and Roman. c. 400 B.C.E.–100 C.E. Cut
SH and SH2 and SH3
Pins Treasury Treasury plan Treasury interior Temple Temple, aerial view Temple plan Temple plan, no
labels Temple and Treasury Natl Geo videos Video Article Raiders excerpt Article Article
182. Buddha. Bamiyan, Afghanistan. Gandharan. c. 400–800 C.E. (destroyed in 2001). Cut rock with plaster
and polychrome paint.
S5, 312
GW, 549, 551
Pins Close-up Distant (tiny file) Post-destruction Video Video Article Article Article
183. The Kaaba. Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Islamic. Pre-Islamic monument; rededicated by Muhammad in 631–632
C.E.; multiple renovations. Granite masonry, covered with silk curtain and calligraphy in gold and silverwrapped thread.
G14, 285
S5, 266, 271
GW, 324
Pins Close-up(tiny file) Kaaba aerial Larger view aerial Video
184. Jowo Rinpoche, enshrined in the Jokhang Temple. Lhasa, Tibet. Yarlung Dynasty. Believed to have been
brought to Tibet in 641 C.E. Gilt metals with semiprecious stones, pearls, and paint; various offerings.
Pin Image Video Article
185. Dome of the Rock. Jerusalem, Palestine. Islamic, Umayyad. 691–692 C.E., with multiple renovations.
Stone masonry and wooden roof decorated with glazed ceramic tile, mosaics, and gilt aluminum and bronze
G14,285-287, 294, 299, 300, 346
S5, 269-271
A3, 319, 370
Pins Exterior Interior Another interior Yet another interior Walking tour Article Cutaway drawing Plan
186. Great Mosque (Masjid-e Jameh). Isfahan, Iran. Islamic, Persian: Seljuk, Il-Khanid, Timurid and Safavid
Dynasties. c. 700 C.E.; additions and restorations in the 14th, 18th, and 20th centuries C.E. Stone, brick, wood,
plaster, and glazed ceramic tile.
G14, 291-292, 299
(Masjid- i Shah, also at Isfahan: S5, 290)
Pins Model Isfahan 1 Isfahan 2 Isfahan 3 - Courtyard Courtyard again Isfahan 4 - Mihrab Mihrab Video Video
187. Folio from a Qur’an. Arab, North Africa, or Near East. Abbasid. c. eighth to ninth century C.E. Ink, color,
and gold on parchment.
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
(similar S5, 275-276)
Pin Image Video Article Article
188. Basin (Baptistère de St. Louis). Muhammad ibn al-Zain. c. 1320–1340 C.E. Brass inlaid with gold and
G14, 303-304
S5, 284
Pin Image Image Audio
189. Bahram Gur Fights the Karg, folio from the Great Il-Khanid Shahnama. Islamic; Persian, Il’Khanid. c.
1330–1340 C.E. Ink and opaque watercolor, gold, and silver on paper.
Pins Whole page Image only Harvard page Met on Shahnama Met on Ilkhanid Pd Book Art
190. The Court of Gayumars, folio from Shah Tahmasp’s Shahnama. Sultan Muhammad. c. 1522–1525 C.E. Ink,
opaque watercolor, and gold on paper.
G14, 302-303
S5, 289
Pin Image Article Article Article Article
191. The Ardabil Carpet. Maqsud of Kashan. 1539–1540 C.E. Silk and wool.
Pin Image and Image Image Article Article
Content Area 8: South, East, and Southeast Asia
300 B.C.E.–1980 C.E. (21 WORKS)
Hindu Art Video
Buddhist Art Video
192. Great Stupa at Sanchi. Madhya Pradesh, India. Buddhist; Maurya, late Sunga Dynasty. c. 300 B.C.E.–100
C.E. Stone masonry, sandstone on dome.
G14, 429-430
S5, 301-304
A3, 261-262
GW, 332, 333
Pins Video Video of circumambulation Stupa1 North Gate Ambulatory Plan and Elevation Video on Buddhist
Art in India Video on Images of the Buddha
193. Terra cotta warriors from mausoleum of the first Qin emperor of China. Qin Dynasty. c. 221–209 B.C.E.
Painted terra cotta.
G14, 454-455
S5, 330-331
A3, 3, 16
GW, 462
Pins Terra cotta warriors Detail Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Article Animated map/timeline
194. Funeral banner of Lady Dai (Xin Zhui). Han Dynasty, China. c. 180 B.C.E. Painted silk.
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
G14, 448-449, 455
S5, 338-339
Pins Banner Video Video Video Article/photos Article Article Museum site
195. Longmen caves. Luoyang, China. Tang Dynasty. 493–1127 C.E. Limestone.
G14, 460
A3, 314
Pins Distant view Detail Detail 2 Video Video Video Video Article Article Article
196. Gold and jade crown. Three Kingdoms Period, Silla Kingdom, Korea. Fifth to sixth century C.E.
G14, 470-471
S5, 356
Pin Image Article Article Article Article Video
197. Todai-ji. Nara, Japan. Various artists, including sculptors Unkei and Keikei, as well as the Kei School. 743
C.E.; rebuilt c. 1700. Bronze and wood (sculpture); wood with ceramic-tile roofing (architecture).
G14, 482-483, 486
S5, 370
Pins Todai-ji Daibutsu/Great Buddha Nio Guardian 1 Nio Guardian 2 Gate Video Video
198. Borobudur Temple. Central Java, Indonesia. Sailendra Dynasty. c. 750–842 C.E. Volcanic-stone masonry.
G14, 442-443
S5, 323-325
Pins Image Video Pt 1 Video Pt 2 Queen Maya detail Meditating Buddha detail Borobudur museum website
199. Angkor, the temple of Angkor Wat, and the city of Angkor Thom, Cambodia. Hindu, Angkor Dynasty. c.
800–1400 C.E. Stone masonry, sandstone.
G14, 443-446
S5, 328-329
A3, 444-448
Pins Angkor Wat Close-up South Gate of Angkor Thom Churning Jayavarman VII as Buddha Reconstruction
Video Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6 Video7 Angkor Wat plan Angkor site plan
200. Lakshmana Temple. Khajuraho, India. Hindu, Chandella Dynasty. c. 930–950 C.E Sandstone.
(Vishvanatha Temple there, G14, 438-440, 444)
(Kandariya Mahadeva Temple there, S5, 318-319 AND GW, 334-335)
Pins Temple Temple from entrance Relief detail Lion detail Lion detail Plan in Curriculum Plan with higher
res Interactive plan Video on Hindu Beliefs Video on Hindu Temples
201. Travelers among Mountains and Streams. Fan Kuan. c. 1000 C.E. Ink on silk.
G14, 465, 468
S5, 351-353
GW, 82
Pin Image Zoomable High-res Article Article Article Article Article Video
202. Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja). Hindu; India (Tamil Nadu), Chola Dynasty. c. 11th century C.E. Cast
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
G14, 440-441
S5, 320-322
GW, 488
Pin Image Video Website Article Article Article
203. Night Attack on the Sanjô Palace. Kamakura Period, Japan. c. 1250–1300 C.E. Handscroll (ink and color on
G14, 488
S5, 376-378
GW, 537
Pins Article with zoomable entire scroll Second zoomable scroll site Detail Detail Interactive viewer
(Launch on right side of screen) Article
204. The David Vases. Yuan Dynasty, China. 1351 C.E. White porcelain with cobalt-blue underglaze.
G14, 992, 993
Pins Image Video Article Article Article Podcast transcript
205. Portrait of Sin Sukju (1417–1475). Imperial Bureau of Painting. c. 15th century C.E. Hanging scroll (ink
and color on silk).
Pin Image Article Article Audio
206. Forbidden City. Beijing, China. Ming Dynasty. 15th century C.E. and later. Stone masonry, marble, brick,
wood, and ceramic tile.
G14, 993-994
S5, 800-802
Pins Video Smithsonian article Article Tiny list image Lrgr image Front gate Hall of Supreme Harmony Palace
of Tranquility and Longevity Illustrated plan Plan from list Palace Museum website
207. Ryoan-ji. Kyoto, Japan. Muromachi Period, Japan. c. 1480 C.E.; current design most likely dates to the
18th century. Rock garden.
G14, 1008
S5, 818
Pins Wet Garden Dry Garden Plan from list Illustrated plan Video Met publication Article Article Article
Bowdoin site on Japanese Gardens Article
208. Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaikh to Kings. Bichitr. c. 1620 C.E. Watercolor, gold, and ink on paper.
G14, 974-975
(similar, compare to S5, 778-779)
A3, 666-668
GW, 335
Pin Image Zoomable Image Annotated zoomable image Info on Jahangir Mughals Article
209. Taj Mahal. Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. Masons, marble workers, mosaicists, and decorators working
under the supervision of Ustad Ahmad Lahori, architect of the emperor. 1632–1653 C.E. Stone masonry and
marble with inlay of precious and semiprecious stones; gardens.
G14, 283, 980
S5, 770-771, 779-780
A3, 666-668
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
GW, 335, 336
Pins Video Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Smithsonian full episode Photo Photo 2 Interior Article
210. White and Red Plum Blossoms. Ogata Korin. c. 1710–1716 C.E. Ink, watercolor, and gold leaf on
Pin Image Article Article Article
211. Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura), also known as the Great Wave, from the series
Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji. Katsushika Hokusai. 1830–1833 C.E. Polychrome woodblock print; ink and
color on paper.
G14, 1005, 1016-17
S5, 828-830
A3, 780
GW, 81, 117, 195, 346
Pins Image Video 1 Met Publication Video Video Article/PDF
212. Chairman Mao en Route to Anyuan. Artist unknown; based on an oil painting by Liu Chunhua. c. 1969 C.E.
Color lithograph.
Pin Image Article/Audio/Video Article Lecture
Content Area 9: The Pacific
700–1980 C.E. (11 WORKS)
213. Nan Madol. Pohnpei, Micronesia. Saudeleur Dynasty. c. 700–1600 C.E. Basalt boulders and prismatic
S5, 869-870
Pins Image 1 Image 2 Aerial view Map Article Article 2 Article Article Video
214. Moai on platform (ahu). Rapa Nui (Easter Island). c. 1100–1600 C.E. Volcanic tuff figures on basalt base.
G14, 1052
S5, 874-875
A3, 816-817
GW, 372-373
SH and SH
Pins Image in list Same image with Corbis but higher res. Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Video Video 2
215. ‘Ahu ‘ula (feather cape). Hawaiian. Late 18th century C.E. Feathers and fiber.
S5, 874;
(Similar G14, 1058)
GW, 372
Pin Image Image (not one in list) Model wearing it Article Article Video
216. Staff god. Rarotonga, Cook Islands, central Polynesia. Late 18th to early 19th century C.E. Wood, tapa, fiber,
and feathers. [Note: search for Atua rakau when searching.]
G14, 1054
Pins Image 1 Image 2 Article Article Article Article Article
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
217. Female deity. Nukuoro, Micronesia. c. 18th to 19th century C.E. Wood.
Pins Image in list Image 2 Image 3 Image Article Article Article Article Article Article
218. Buk (mask). Torres Strait. Mid- to late 19th century C.E. Turtle shell, wood, fiber, feathers, and shell.
Pin Image Image Image Video preview Article Article/Video
219. Hiapo (tapa). Niue. c. 1850–1900 C.E. Tapa or bark cloth, freehand painting.
(Similar G14, 1053-4 )
Pin Image Video Video Article
220. Tamati Waka Nene. Gottfried Lindauer. 1890 C.E. Oil on canvas.
Pin Image 1 Tamati Waka Nene by Samuel Stuart For enrichment: Te Pehi Kupi Self-Portrait and Portrait of
Te Pehi Kupi by John Henry Sylvester Article
221. Navigation chart. Marshall Islands, Micronesia. 19th to early 20th century C.E. Wood and fiber.
(similar example: S5, 869)
Pin Image in list Video Article Article Video Article Article Article
222. Malagan display and mask. New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea. c. 20th century C.E. Wood,
pigment, fiber, and shell. [Note: search for Tatanua when searching for the mask.]
S5, 867-68, (Similar G14, 1049)
SH and SH
Pin Image from list Image in b/w no watermark Display Display Malagan masker Article Article Tatanua
article Tatanua article Article Article Article Mini-videos from SLAM Article Bkgrd info More Photos
223. Processional welcoming Queen Elizabeth II to Tonga with Ngatu launima (tapa cloth). Tonga, central
Polynesia. 1953 C.E. Multimedia performance (costume; cosmetics, including scent; chant; movement; and
pandanus fiber/hibiscus fiber mats), photographic documentation.
Pin Image AND Image AND Image VIDEO Video on tapa Video of visit Video showing use of tapa Video of
Queen’s funeral Article Article Ngatu in museum
Content Area 10: Global Contemporary
TICE ART 1010 Video on Contemporary Art References Cindy Sherman, Bill Viola, Kara Walker and
Yinka Shonibare
1980 C.E. to Present (27 WORKS)
224. The Gates. New York City, U.S. Christo and Jeanne-Claude. 1979–2005 C.E. Mixed-media installation.
S5, 1103
A3, 972-973
GW, 456, 457
Pins Image 1 from list Similar aerial view Similar to image 2 Similar to image 2 Gates at night Video 1 Video 2
Video 3 Khan
225. Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Washington, D.C., U.S. Maya Lin. 1982 C.E. Granite.
G14, 965-966
S5, 1115-1116
A3, 983
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
GW, 552
Pins Image 1 Similar to image 2 Image 3 Lin’s original submission Video Video Art21 Article Article Article
226. Horn Players. Jean-Michel Basquiat. 1983 C.E. Acrylic and oil paintstick on three canvas panels.
G14, 947, 969
S5, 1108-1109
Pins Image Article Video interview Video interview 2 Good website
227. Summer Trees. Song Su-nam. 1983 C.E. Ink on paper.
G14, 956 Brief!
Pins Image Article on Su-nam
228. Androgyn III. Magdalena Abakanowicz. 1985 C.E. Burlap, resin, wood, nails, string.
Pins Image Alternate view Website Video
229. A Book from the Sky. Xu Bing. 1987–1991 C.E. Mixed-media installation.
G14, 953
Pins Image 1 Image for scale Video Article
230. Pink Panther. Jeff Koons. 1988 C.E. Glazed porcelain.
S5, 1114
Pins Image Video Video 2 Article
231. Untitled (#228), from the History Portraits series. Cindy Sherman. 1990 C.E. Photograph.
Pins Image Article Audio Video 1 Video 2
232. Dancing at the Louvre, from the series The French Collection, Part I; #1. Faith Ringgold. 1991 C.E. Acrylic
on canvas, tie-dyed, pieced fabric border.
Pins Image Text from quilt Video Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Interview
233. Trade (Gifts for Trading Land with White People). Jaune Quick-to-See Smith. 1992 C.E. Oil and mixed
media on canvas.
G14, 940-941
(for Smith’s The Red Man, S5, 857-858)
Pins Image Video 1 Video 2 (see 5:14 – 8:39) Article
234. Earth’s Creation. Emily Kame Kngwarreye. 1994 C.E. Synthetic polymer paint on canvas.
(brief mention of Kngwarreye: G14, 956, 1046)
Pins Image Image 2 Image 3 Article 1 Article 2 Video 1 Video 2 Video 3
235. Rebellious Silence, from the Women of Allah series. Shirin Neshat (artist); photo by Cynthia Preston.
1994 C.E. Ink on photograph.
S5, 1124
(Other Shirin Neshat: G14, 952)
(Other Shirin Neshat: A3, 990)
(Other Shirin Neshat: GW, 447-448)
Pins Image Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Video 1 Video 2
236. En la Barberia no se Llora (No Crying Allowed in the Barbershop). Pepon Osorio. 1994 C.E. Mixed media
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
Pins Image Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Video (53:40) Video excerpt from first one
237. Pisupo Lua Afe (Corned Beef 2000). Michel Tuffery. 1994 C.E. Mixed media.
Pins Image Image 2 Video Video 2 Article
238. Electronic Superhighway. Nam June Paik. 1995 C.E. Mixed-media installation (49-channel closed circuit
video installation, neon, steel, and electronic components).
S5, 812, 1128
Pins Image Video Video Article See the USA in Your Chevrolet
239. The Crossing. Bill Viola. 1996 C.E. Video/sound installation.
G14, 971
S5, 1128-1129
A3, 989
(Viola quote on video art, GW, 238)
Pins Image on list Fire still Video Video 2 Footage from The Crossing Article
240. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Spain. Frank Gehry (architect). 1997 C.E. Titanium, glass, and limestone.
S5, 1126-1128
A3, 966-968
GW, 74-75, 444
Pins Image 1 Image 2 from list Interior higher res. Site plan Video Website Article
241. Pure Land. Mariko Mori. 1998 C.E. Color photograph on glass.
Pins Image Video 1 Video 2 Article Article Article Article Article
242. Lying with the Wolf. Kiki Smith. 2001 C.E. Ink and pencil on paper.
Pins Image Art21/Video Article
243. Darkytown Rebellion. Kara Walker. 2001 C.E. Cut paper and projection on wall.
S5, 1136, 1137
(similar GW, 247)
Pins Image Article Article Article Article/Audio Video 1 Video 2 Video 3
244. The Swing (after Fragonard). Yinka Shonibare. 2001 C.E. Mixed-media installation.
(Shonibare’s How to Blow up Two Heads at Once (Ladies), S5, 1134-1135)
Pins Image Image 2 Video 1 Video 2 Article Article Article Article Article Article Article
245. Old Man’s Cloth. El Anatsui. 2003 C.E. Aluminum and copper wire.
(Anatsui’s Flag for a New World Power, S5, 901-902)
Pins Image Video Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Article Article 2 Article 3 El Anatsui quotes
246. Stadia II. Julie Mehretu. 2004 C.E. Ink and acrylic on canvas.
(Mehretu’s Dispersion, S5, 902-903)
Pins Image Video Video 2 Article Article 2
Marsha K.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX
247. Preying Mantra. Wangechi Mutu. 2006 C.E. Mixed media on Mylar.
Pins Image Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Article Article Mutu quote
248. Shibboleth. Doris Salcedo. 2007–2008 C.E. Installation.
Pins Image1 Image 2 Video Video 2 Article Article 2 Article 3
249. MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts. Rome, Italy. Zaha Hadid (architect). 2009 C.E. Glass, steel,
and cement.
(Hadid quote on Cincinnati’s Contemporary Arts Center, GW, 238)
Pins Image 1 Image 2 from list 32 kb Video Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4
250. Kui Hua Zi (Sunflower Seeds). Ai Weiwei. 2010–2011 C.E. Sculpted and painted porcelain.
Pins Image from list Image 2 Detail Image 3 Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Article 1 Article 2 Article 3
Article 4 Article 5
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To find pins on a particular work:
1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Keep scrolling and keep scrolling; it takes a bit for all the pins
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2. On your keyboard, hit ctrl + F. That opens up a search box in the upper right part of the screen. Type
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3. When you hover your mouse over the pin, you have a little magnifying glass with a + sign in it. Click on
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4. Now there is a pointing hand when you hover over the picture. CLICK AGAIN. That opens the image
5. This is the image in the highest resolution I could find. TO DOWNLOAD IT, right-click (on a
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