UCen GovBd Minutes 11.19.15

UCen Governance Board Meeting
November 19, 2015
Voting Members Attending: Jamaal Ahmed, Paula Bruice, John Caravello, Ladijah Corder, Jamelia Harris,
Emma Levine, Travis Taylor
Voting Members Not in Attendance: John Lofthus, Samantha Moon, Jenna Schaal-O’Connor
Non Voting Members Attending: Mark Beisecker, Willie Brown, Marilyn Dukes, Marc Fisher, Sue Hawkins,
Gary Lawrence, Matthew Lee
Non Voting Members Not in Attendance: Katya Armistead, Kimia Hashemian, Aaron Jones,
Zaveeni Khan-Marcus, Marisela Marquez, Jimmy Vallarreal
The meeting was called to order by Emma Levine at 8.13am
Approval of Minutes:
 J. Caravello motioned to approve the first meeting minutes of fall quarter; P. Bruice seconded;
motion was approved
 J. Ahmed motioned to approve the previous meeting minutes; T. Taylor seconded; motion was approved
Honoraria: E. Levine
Due to class schedule conflicts, voting members must have attended at least one quarterly board meeting this
quarter in order to be eligible for honoraria payment
Committee Reports:
 Bookstore: E. Levine
1. Textbook rentals to be included in sales starting spring quarter
2. Post Office satellite operation at Santa Catalina to open next quarter, also includes Sierra Madre
and San Joaquin for package pickup
3. Amazon Store in I.V. is currently open for business
 Dining: T. Taylor
1. New Summit Café in the Library to open at the beginning of January
2. Study Bean to close December 11
3. Starbucks/Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf/Peet’s Coffee & Tea have been asked to do presentations
 Space Allocation: J. Ahmed
1. Proposed third floor project to be submitted to Office Budget and Planning
2. Construction of office space on the third floor would start after commencement and be finished in
January 2017
 Programming: G. Lawrence
1. Three groups were funded: EOP, Poets Club and U-Study
 Budget & Business Plan: G. Lawrence
1. G. Lawrence to attach YTD results to meeting minutes
50th Anniversary:
 G. Lawrence to contact J. Lofthus
 Voting members to submit their Winter class schedules to L. Piela
 Members to submit UCBG banner artwork ideas/suggestions at the next meeting
 M. Dukes announced upcoming events: holiday photos and bagel day
Next Meeting: TBD
The meeting
was adjourned by E. Levine at 9.01am