Manual Form for Registered Events This form is to be used for registration of an event under section 6D of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (the Act) and section 9 of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Conditional Cultural Exemption Rules) Instrument 2015 (the Conditional Cultural Exemption Rules). Please complete each step of this form. Fields marked with an * are mandatory. Reason for using this form The process of registering your event requires you to certify on behalf of the organisation that the event will meet certain conditions as contained in Division 2 of Part 1A of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 and Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Conditional Cultural Exemption Rules) Instrument 2015. If you do not certify that your organisation will meet these conditions and criteria, then you will not be able to register your event and you will not be able to legally screen or exhibit unclassified material during that event. To complete this form you will need the following resources: • Registered Events Factsheet • Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games)(Conditional Cultural Exemption Rules) Instrument 2015 • Guidelines for the Classification of Films • Guidelines for the Classification of Computer Games • Guidelines for the Classification of Publications These can be found on the Registered Events pages of our website. If you are unable to access them online, please contact the Classification Branch 02 9289 7100 to request copies. If you are uncertain if your film, computer game or publication has already been classified, then you should check the National Classification Database which is available at the classification website. If all the films, computer games or submittable publications have already been classified, then you do not need to register your event. Under section 5(6) of the Conditional Cultural Exemption Rules, you are only permitted to use this form to manually register your event in very limited circumstances. The circumstances include: (a) disability, serious illness or incapacity of the registering person (b) being in a remote or other location without functional online access, and (c) the online registration portal being unavailable. It does not include running out of time. The manual registration process is not an alternative to using the Classification Portal. If you do not meet the circumstances, your event will not be validly registered and you will not be able to legally screen or exhibit unclassified material during your event. It is your responsibility to maintain records about the reason for using the manual registration process. * I understand that my event can only be registered using this manual registration process in very limited circumstances and confirm that I and/or my organisation meets these. (Note: if you get a message indicating that the portal is ‘down for maintenance’ you should not use this form but should use the portal when it becomes available again) Step One: Applicant details *Organisation name: Business/trading name(s): ABN: Incorporated Association number: Issuing state/territory: *Organisation street address: *Organisation postal address: September 2015 – Manual Registration Form – Section 6D Page 1 of 4 *Contact name: *Email: (If you are an existing user of the Classification Portal for registering events, please use the email address recorded previously in the account creation page.) *Telephone: Facsimile: Step Two: Details of event *Name of event: *Type of event: *Date event commences: Click here to enter a date.*Date event concludes: Click here to enter a date. *Venue name(s) and address(es) (please also indicate whether each venue is indoors/outdoors): (attach a separate document if additional space is required) URL of event details/promotional information: * Does the event include (choose all that apply): Unclassified films Unclassified computer games Submittable publications *I have read and understood the Registered Events Fact Sheet and the guidelines for the classification of films, computer games and publications as appropriate. Step Three: Details of relevant material As required under section 5 of the Conditional Cultural Exemption Rules, I attach: *Details of all unclassified works to be publicly exhibited /demonstrated /displayed at the event You must submit the following information about each of the unclassified film(s), each of the computer game(s) and each of the submittable publication(s) to be shown at the event: *Title Alternative Title (if Applicable) *Media Type (film, computer game or publication) *Age Restriction (choose one age restriction for each film, game and publication): - No restriction - Restricted to persons aged 15 and over unless accompanied by an adult - Restricted to persons aged 18+ Step Four: Certification of Content and Related Restrictions Unclassified material exhibited at registered events must fulfil all of the following conditions: • the event wholly or mainly involves the display, screening, or demonstration of films, computer games or publications; • the film(s), game(s) and publication(s) that you identified for inclusion in the event are of a medical, scientific, educational, cultural or artistic character; • none of the unclassified film(s), computer game(s) or submittable publication(s) in this event would be likely to be Refused Classification (RC); • none of the unclassified film(s) in this event would be likely to be classified X 18+; September 2015 – Manual Registration Form – Section 6D Page 2 of 4 • • • • none of the submittable publication(s) would be likely to be classified Category 2 - Restricted; access will be restricted to people 18 years of age and over, to any unclassified film(s) or computer game(s) that are likely to be classified R 18+, or any publication likely to be classified as Category 1 Restricted; that unless accompanied by an adult, access will be restricted to people 15 years of age and above for any unclassified film or computer game likely to be classified as M or MA 15+; and that a clear and legible notice will be prominently and publicly displayed at the event showing any age restrictions that apply in relation to access to the relevant material. *I certify on behalf of the organisation that all of the above conditions required by Division 2 of Part 1A of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 and the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games)(Conditional Cultural Exemption Rules) Instrument 2015 will be fulfilled in relation to the event being registered. Step Five: Certification of Screening Arrangements Registered events must fulfil these conditions of exhibition: • none of the unclassified films will be exhibited more than 4 times per state or territory as part of this registered event (note that film festivals that tour to regional, remote or rural areas or are “travelling” or “touring” film festivals may register each stop as a separate event); • this event must be for a specific and limited duration, and not one in a series of registered events that has been arranged for the primary purpose of circumventing the limit of 4 film screenings per state/territory; • that screening, demonstrating and/or exhibiting of unclassified material can only occur as registered; and • I understand that the information provided in this registration will be provided to officials in the relevant state and territory governments as necessary. *I certify on behalf of the organisation that all of the above conditions required by Division 2 of Part 1A of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 and the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games)(Conditional Cultural Exemption Rules) Instrument 2015 will be fulfilled in relation to the event being registered. Step Six: Certification of registering person I confirm that I have read and understood all the requirements for registration of this event under Division 2 of Part 1A of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 and the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Conditional Cultural Exemption Rules) Instrument 2015, and that should any details of the event change, I will update the registration accordingly. I confirm that the information contained in the registration form is complete and accurate and is not false or misleading in any way. Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... (on behalf of the organisation) Date:Click here to enter a date. Name: Send application by post to: The Classification Branch Attention: Registered Events Officer Locked Bag 3 HAYMARKET NSW 1240 Send application by courier to: The Classification Branch Attention: Registered Events Officer Level 5, 23-33 Mary Street SURRY HILLS NSW 2010 Telephone: (02) 9289 7100 Fax: (02) 9289 7199 September 2015 – Manual Registration Form – Section 6D Page 3 of 4 Privacy Notice – Privacy Act 1988 The Attorney-General’s Department is collecting personal information on this form that has been provided by an organisation to register an event as specified under section 6D of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 and the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Conditional Cultural Exemption Rules) Instrument 2015 (the Instrument). The information is being collected outside of the Department’s electronic application processing system because of one or more reasons specified in subsection 5(6) of the Instrument. The collection of this information is authorised by the Instrument. If the personal information is not provided, the registration may not be complete. The Department discloses some or all of this information to the Minister with responsibility for classification and to state and territory government agencies with classification or enforcement responsibilities. For more information about the Department’s privacy practices, including how to access or correct your personal information or make a complaint, see the privacy policy at the classification website or contact our Privacy Contact Officer: Privacy Contact Officer Attorney-General's Department 3–5 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600 Call: 02 6141 2660 Email: September 2015 – Manual Registration Form – Section 6D Page 4 of 4