SCHOOL* RECOMMENDATION ON AN APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION AND SCHOLARSHIP for Higher Degree Research Applicants (PhD, Research Masters and Professional Doctorates) at THE UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA Please complete this recommendation and return it to the relevant Hub. *School refers to the enrolling School/Institute/Centre Enrolling School: 1. Applicant details UTAS Student ID (if applicable): Family Name: Given Names: The applicant is: a domestic applicant an international applicant Any disclosed disability, impairment or long term medical condition for which the candidate may require support to conduct their research training has been discussed with the applicant and the proposed supervisory team. It has been agreed that: no action/support is required at this time; reasonable accommodations and adjustments have been identified and can be made by the School to support the applicant in candidature; or further discussion regarding reasonable supports, with advice from a Disability Adviser is required. (Note: Support and Equity involvement must be initiated by the School). More information on support for, and university obligations to, candidates with support needs, can be found here: 2. Program Degree (e.g. PhD, MA): and/or Unit Code (e.g. KZA900) Course Code (e.g. R8C, S9G) (Course and Unit information is available at: Campus of Study: Hobart Launceston Cradle Coast Rozelle Darlinghurst Note: A campus must be selected where a candidate is external – select the closest. HDR Admission and Scholarship Application – Part 2 School Recommendation Page 1 10 August 2015 V 1.7 External (please ensure school and applicant have discussed and resolved how external candidature and its resourcing will be managed). External candidates will attract a $3000 one off fee payable by the School to cover costs related to travel for the Graduate Certificate in Research. Please provide budget centre/project details below. Ledger: Project No: Enrolment Status: Full-time Part-time Important notes: All candidates, including external, must attend Graduate Certificate in Research units and the Graduate Certificate Conference unless credit has been obtained for the Grad Cert units (Reasonable expenses will be covered by the university). International candidates on a student visa must be enrolled full-time while in Australia. International Conjoint Arrangements Is the applicant applying for admission under an international conjoint arrangement (i.e Cotutelle, Conjoint degree)? Yes No Is a Memorandum of Understanding in place between UTAS and the partner institution? Yes No Has a Candidate Agreement been completed? If so, please attach the Agreement. Yes No If yes, please provide details about the proposed conjoint arrangement: Name of Partner Institution: Location of Partner Institution: Status of Conjoint Arrangement Documentation 3. Basis of Admission Please advise the basis of entry: Doctoral 5.1a(i) Applicant has a Bachelor Honours degree with first class or second class upper honours or equivalent with a minimum research component; or 5.1a(ii) Applicant has a Masters degree or equivalent with a minimum research component; or 5.1b Applicant has substantial experience in a sector related to the proposed Research Project and who satisfies the Dean of their fitness to undertake research on the basis of the standard of achievement in, and the relevance of, previous higher education studies, and professional experience and/or published research work; or 5.1c (For transfer from Masters to doctoral degree:) Applicant has completed no more than 75 per cent of a higher degree by research in the form of a Masters Degree (Research) and a substantial piece of the candidate’s written work undertaken in the Masters Degree (Research) has been externally and independently assessed to demonstrate fitness to undertake research at a doctoral level. Masters 6.1a(i) Applicant has a Bachelor Honours degree of at least second class lower standard or equivalent with a minimum research component ; or HDR Admission and Scholarship Application – Part 2 School Recommendation Page 2 10 August 2015 V 1.7 6.1a(ii) 6.1b Applicant has a Masters degree or equivalent with a minimum research component; or Applicant has substantial experience in a sector related to the proposed research project and has undertaken previous higher education studies, and professional experience and/or published research work. Please provide details in Section 6. 4. Project Details The applicant, supervisory team and School have agreed to the details of the research project outlined in Section 8 of the Application submitted by the applicant. Project Classification Please provide the Research Classification Codes for the Proposed Project - Socio-Economic Objective (SEO), the Field of Research (FOR) and the Type of Research (TOR): SEO FOR TOR Infrastructure Funding and/or infrastructure for the research project is the responsibility of the School. Does the School currently have all the required infrastructure/funds for the proposed project? Yes No If No, please provide details of how the project can / will proceed: Regulatory Approval/s If regulatory approvals (e.g. Human/Animal Ethics, Bioethics) are required, the School must ensure that the candidate is appropriately informed and approval/s are obtained prior to commencing any such work. More information can be found at: Intellectual Property or Confidentiality Agreements If there are limitations imposed on the proposed project, such as confidentiality agreements or Intellectual Property restrictions, the School must ensure that the project is appropriate for a higher degree by research candidate at UTAS. If UTAS requires an assignment of the student’s Intellectual Property in order to comply with the terms of any contract UTAS may have with a sponsor or funding source, or in terms of background or third party IP; the School must ensure the candidate is appropriately informed about the assignment of any Intellectual Property (including, but not limited to, the possible consequences of this decision). Copies of the Intellectual Property Deed and more information on Intellectual Property can be found at: 5. Proposed Supervision Arrangements HDR Admission and Scholarship Application – Part 2 School Recommendation Page 3 10 August 2015 V 1.7 All supervisors will be registered with the Board of Graduate Research, in accordance with the Rules of Graduate Research, Rule 4, clause 20. Supervisors nominated below and their Heads of School should ensure they: are an academic staff member or an adjunct, visiting or clinical appointee to UTAS with a minimum 12 month appointment; have a higher degree by research at the level at which they wish to supervise or equivalent; have participated in at least one professional development activity per year ; and have a work load and terms of employment that allow them to supervise Information and resources for Supervisors: Further, the Supervisory Team must possess a research track record, where the number of ERA-recognised outputs in the previous 12 months for the supervisory team equals or exceeds the sum of one output per team member; i. ii. include an experienced supervisor (a supervisor with at least 2 years experience who has been on a supervisory team that supervised a candidate to submission within the maximum degree period); nominate a Primary Supervisor, who is responsible for ensuring that all administrative and regulatory requirements prescribed for Candidates in the Procedures are met by the Candidate. The Primary Supervisor is required to confirm that mandatory candidature requirements have been met via iGRad in inSite (the University’s online student management portal). Note: An offer will not be made to the applicant until the Primary Supervisor’s access to iGRad has been confirmed. Yes Does the Primary Supervisor have access to iGRad, via inSite (see notes below)? Note: iGRad No All supervisors should ensure they have access to iGRad. iGRad provides supervisors and candidates with important candidature information. More information on iGRad, including how to apply for access, is available at Indicate experienced supervisor/s Title and Name (i.e Assoc Prof or Honorary Prof Josie Black) School (PLEASE PRINT) Supervision Load (must total 100%) Primary Supervisor: Daytime phone: Supervisor: (If external) non-UTAS email: Daytime phone: (If external) non-UTAS email: Daytime phone: (If external) non-UTAS email: Daytime phone: Supervisor: Supervisor: HDR Admission and Scholarship Application – Part 2 School Recommendation Page 4 10 August 2015 V 1.7 All supervisors must sign the declaration at the end of this application. If supervision is across Schools / Institutes, the Head of ALL relevant Schools / Institutes must endorse the application. 6. Ranking of Applicants The ranking system consists of three components: Quality of Applicant Strategic Research Benefit Faculty/Institute Performance 6.1 Quality of Applicant In assessing the suitability of an applicant for HDR study the following qualities should be considered: research/scholarly experience; knowledge about the project/research area they are applying for; interpersonal skills/collegiality; writing/communication; and determination and integrity. Information should be obtained from the Application Form, Referees’ Reports, the applicant’s CV and transcripts of previous studies, other application documents and discussions with the applicant. Please advise the actual honours result and/or the level of equivalence being argued: Tick the highest applicable First class honours with University medal Actual Equivalence First class honours Actual Equivalence Upper second class honours Actual Equivalence Lower second class honours Actual Equivalence Masters by Research Actual Equivalence Masters by Coursework Actual Equivalence NOTE: a coursework Masters must contain overall results at distinction average and a significant research project with a grade of first class honours or equivalent. Case for Equivalence and Alternative Pathway Reference should be made to the applicant’s academic or research background (including comparative standing in research qualifications e.g. Hons), sector-based experience, prizes/achievements and other research related activities. A record of refereed publications (normally within six years preceding the application) of a national or international standing (including refereed exhibitions, recordings etc) may also be used as part of a case for equivalence. See also the Non-traditional Entry Pathway to HDR Guideline; additional evidence for equivalence cases should also be included. HDR Admission and Scholarship Application – Part 2 School Recommendation Page 5 10 August 2015 V 1.7 Quality of Applicant continued (Justifications must be provided for each section) A. Publications / Performances / Exhibitions (up to 10 points) (Please indicate the Publication Reference Type (PRT) next to each item included, in accordance with University’s guidelines on PRTs – an extract of the reference types is included with the Scholarship Ranking Procedures document. NOTE: Any publications that have been used as the basis for a case for equivalence, cannot be used in this section. Points Allocated: B. Significant Academic Award eg University Medal (up to 10 points) (If you have selected first class honours with University medal in the previous section, you cannot claim points for that University medal here) Points Allocated: HDR Admission and Scholarship Application – Part 2 School Recommendation Page 6 10 August 2015 V 1.7 6.2 Strategic Research Benefit The Strategic Research Benefit will be captured by answering if the project falls into an area of ERA defined research strength. ERA Defined Research Strength (Please enter a rating from 1 to 5) This information can be found on the Research Services website. If there is no ERA rating for your Field of Research please enter zero. Theme Area If the proposed research project is included in one of the defined theme areas, please tick the relevant box or if not, please tick the box at the right. Creativity, Culture & Society Proposed project is not in a theme area Better Health Environment, Resources & Sustainability Marine, Maritime & Antarctic Enabling Platforms 7.Scholarship Support Ultimate eligibility for a scholarship must be endorsed by the Dean of Graduate Research based on the information provided by the School and Faculty/Institute and taking into consideration the specific eligibility criteria contained in the scholarship conditions of award. Please Note: Doctoral scholarships are normally awarded for 3 years. Subject to evidence of satisfactory progress, a PhD candidate may apply for up to a 6 month scholarship extension. Scholarships for Masters study are awarded for 2 years only and no extension is permitted. The applicant does not require a living allowance scholarship. We do not support the offer of a living allowance scholarship. We nominate the Applicant for the following scholarship: Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or Tasmania Graduate Research Scholarship (TGRS) (provides a living allowance at APA rate). ARC Research Training Centre (ITTC Project) Scholarship Living Allowance Scholarship funded from Other Source Note: If this scholarship is to be provided from School funds, a scholarship checklist ( must be submitted to GRO before an offer can be made to the applicant. Scholarship Name/ Funding Source: Please provide details about the applicant’s eligibility and / or suitability for this scholarship: Elite Research Top-up to Living Allowance Scholarship (School/Faculty/Institute provides a top-up of $7,500pa for 3.5 years in addition to a living allowance scholarship). HDR Admission and Scholarship Application – Part 2 School Recommendation Page 7 10 August 2015 V 1.7 Please provide top-up account details below; an offer will not be sent without these details. If the School wishes to fund a top-up at a different rate, indicate the per annum amount below. Project No: Ledger: Other top-up amount UTAS International Tuition Fee Scholarship (Faculty/Institute provides a tuition fee scholarship; international applicants only) 100% fee scholarship or specify other % The applicant will self-fund their tuition fees The tuition fees would be funded by the School – please provide details below. Provide fund for tuition fees funded from School; an offer will not be sent without these details. Ledger: Project No: Overseas Student Health Cover FOR INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY It is a condition of a student visa that a candidate maintains Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of their studies in Australia. From 1 July 2010, the Department of Immigration & Border Protection require the full cost of the OSHC to be paid upfront before the candidate commences study in Australia. The School will cover the cost of the OSHC: Ledger: Project No: The applicant will need to make their own arrangements for OSHC 8. Offer Conditions Please advise below any specific conditions / requirements that the School wish to impose on the offer of enrolment or on the candidature: 9. Candidature Only Offer 9.1 We wish to provide a candidature only offer if the applicant is unsuccessful for an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or Tasmania Graduate Research Scholarship (TGRS): Yes No 9.2 If a candidature only offer is to be sent to the applicant, will a tuition fee waiver be provided? Yes No 9.3 If a candidature only offer is to be sent to an international applicant, will Overseas Student Health Cover be provided? Yes No HDR Admission and Scholarship Application – Part 2 School Recommendation Page 8 10 August 2015 V 1.7 (Please note: If Overseas Student Health Cover is to be provided, complete the corresponding information in section 7 above) 10. Other Comments (optional) 11. Endorsements Supervisors: 1. I accept the appointment as listed in Section 5 of this recommendation, 2. I confirm that I have discussed all aspects of the research project with the candidate (including but not limited to issues surrounding intellectual property, ethical conduct, candidature requirements and progress), 3. The information provided in the Assessment of Applicant is accurate and I am satisfied that the applicant has the necessary skills to successfully complete the HDR within the maximum period allowed, 4. I confirm that I have the expertise, time and resources to supervise the proposed research project, and 5. I agree to abide by the Code of Conduct in Supervision. Name Signature Date Graduate Research Co-ordinator (from the enrolling School): I have discussed the application with the supervisory team and am satisfied that the applicant is suitable for HDR study at UTAS. I support this application. Name Signature Date Head(s) of School: The application is NOT supported and the applicant has been advised in writing of this decision (please provide a copy of correspondence to GRO) The application is supported and 1. 2. I have discussed this application with the supervisory team / Graduate Research Co-ordinator and am satisfied that the candidate has been provided with the appropriate information and advice in relation to their research project and the HDR candidature. I confirm that the proposed supervision arrangements are satisfactory and that the resources required for successful completion of the research project are available for this internal/external candidature. HDR Admission and Scholarship Application – Part 2 School Recommendation Page 9 10 August 2015 V 1.7 3. 4. I confirm that the School is able to support the applicant to carry out the agreed project and program. Where requested, I support the offer of a scholarship and confirm that, where a School contribution is required, the School has sufficient funds to underwrite the contribution. Name Signature Date Faculty/Institute The application is NOT supported and the applicant will be advised in writing by the relevant Research Hub The application is supported Name Signature Date The completed School Recommendation should be emailed to the relevant Hub. IMAS - HDR Admission and Scholarship Application – Part 2 School Recommendation Page 10 10 August 2015 V 1.7