Publications-by-July-2013-Arie-Rip-since-2000 - PAST

Publications Arie Rip since 2000
Arie Rip, 'Fashions, Lock-Ins, and the Heterogeneity of Knowledge Production,’ in Merle Jacob
and Thomas Hellström (eds.), The Future of Knowledge Production in the Academy.
Buckingham: Open University Press (2000), 28-39.
Elizabeth Shove and Arie Rip, ‘Users and unicorns: a discussion of mythical beasts,’ Science
and Public Policy, 27(3) June 2000, 175-182.
Arie Rip, 'Fashions, Lock-Ins, and the Heterogeneity of Knowledge Production,’ in Andre Kraak
(ed.), Changing Modes. New Modes of Knowledge Production and its Implications for Higher
Education in South Africa, Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, 2000, 56-69. Reprint
of chapter in Jacob & Hellström (2000).
J.Jasper Deuten and Arie Rip, ‘The Narrative Shaping of a Product Creation Process,’ in Nik
Brown, Brian Rappert and Andrew Webster (eds.), Contested Futures. A Sociology of
Prospective Techno-Science, Aldershot etc: Ashgate, 2000, 65-86.
Arie Rip, ‘Higher forms of nonsense,’ European Review 8(4) (2000) 467-485. (Revised version
of paper in NWO, The Future of the Peer Review System (1998).)
Arie Rip, ‘There’s no turn like the empirical turn,’ in Peter Kroes and Anthonie Meijers (eds.)
The Empirical Turn in the Philosophy of Technology, Amsterdam etc.: JAI, an imprint of
Elsevier Science, 2000, 3-17.
Arie Rip, ‘In Praise of Speculation,’ Ch. 8 in OECD, Proceedings, Social Sciences for
Knowledge and Decision Making, Paris: OECD, 2001, 95-103.
René Kemp, Arie Rip, and Johan Schot, 'Constructing Transition Paths Through the
Management of Niches,' in R. Garud & P. Karnøe, Path Dependence and Creation (Mahwah,
N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001), 269-299.
Arie Rip, ‘Utilization of Research – A sociology of knowledge perspective,’ in RAWOO
(Netherlands Development Assistance Research Council, Utilization of Research for
Development Cooperation. Linking Knowledge Production to Development Policy and Practice.
The Hague, RAWOO, May 2001, 13-17.
Arie Rip, ‘Assessing the Impacts of Innovation: New Developments in Technology
Assessment,’ in OECD Proceedings, Social Sciences and Innovation, Paris: OECD, 2001, pp.
Arie Rip and Aard Groen, ‘Many visible hands,’ in Rod Coombs, Ken Green, Vivien Walsh, and
Albert Richards (eds.), Technology and the Market. Demands, Users and Innovation.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001, pp. 12-37.
Arie Rip, ‘Aggregation Machines – A Political Science of Science Approach to the Future of the
Peer Review System,’ in M.Hisschemöller, R. Hoppe, W.N. Dunn, J.R. Ravetz (eds.),
Knowledge, Power, and Participation in Environmental Policy Analysis. New Brunswick, N.J.
and London: Transaction Publishers, 2001, pp. 391-416. Policy Studies Review Annual, Vol.
12. (Revised version of paper in NWO, The Future of the Peer Review System (1998).
Barend van der Meulen and Arie Rip, The Netherlands research system, in Larédo, Philippe
and Philippe Mustar (eds.) (2001), Research and Innovation Policies in the New Global
Economy. An International Comparative Analysis, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001.
Arie Rip, ‘Contributions from Social Studies of Science and Constructive Technology
Assessment’, in Andrew Stirling (ed.), On Science and Precaution in the Management of
Technological Risk. Volume II. Case Studies. Sevilla: Institute for Prospective Technology
Studies (European Commission Joint Research Centre), November 2001, pp. 94-122.
A. Rip, ‘Technology Assessment’, in Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International
Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 23, Oxford: Pergamon (Elsevier
Science), 2001. pp. 15512-15515.
Arie Rip, ‘Regional Innovation Systems and the Advent of Strategic Science,’ Journal of
Technology Transfer 27 (2002) 123-131. Special issue on regional innovation systems.
Arie Rip, ‘De ambivalente maatschappelijke rol en taak van wetenschapsstudies’, GEWINA
25(1) (2002) 60-69.
Arie Rip and Johan W. Schot, Identifying Loci for Influencing the Dynamics of Technological
Development’, in Knut Sørensen and Robin Williams (eds), Shaping Technology, Guiding
Policy; Concepts, Spaces and Tools. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002, pp. 158-176.
Arie Rip, ‘Science for the 21st Century’, in Peter Tindemans, Alexander Verrijn-Stuart and Rob
Visser (eds.), The Future of the Sciences and Humanities. Four analytical essays and a critical
debate on the future of scholastic endeavour, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2002.
pp. 99-148.
A. Rip en W.A. Smit, ‘Het risico-begrip vanuit een wetenschapsfilosofisch en sociologisch
perspectief’, in B. Wissink en J. Bouma (red.), Perspectieven op milieurisico’s, Den Haag:
Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, 2002 (Werkdocumenten W128)). pp. 67102.
Arie Rip, ‘Systemic Learning – without Systems? Commentary on Max Miller’, Sozialer Sinn,
Heft 3/2002, 435-443. German translation: Arie Rip, Systemisches Lernen – ohne Systeme?,
in Max Miller, Dissens. Zur Theorie diskursiven und systemischen Lernens, Bielefeld,
[transcript], pp. 321-334.
Arie Rip, ‘Modernity and Technology – An Afterword’, in Thomas J. Misa, Philip Brey and
Andrew Feenberg (eds.), Modernity and Technology, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2003, pp.
Arie Rip, ‘Challenges for Technology Foresight/Asssessment and Governance’, Report
contributing to the STRATA area’, (EU) Directorate-General for Research, Science &
Technology policies in Europe: New Challenges and New Responses. Final Report from the
STRATA Consolidating Workshop, Brussels, 22 & 23 April 2002, Brussels, 2003, pp. 39-85.
(EUR 20440)
Ernst Homburg & Arie Rip, ‘Technisch, industrieel en landbouwkundig ondezoek in Nederland
in de twintigste eeuw’, NEHA Jaarboek voor economische, bedrijfs- en techniekgeschiedenis
66 (2003) 201-207.
Klaasjan Visscher and Arie Rip, ‘Coping with Chaos in Change Processes’, Creativity and
Innovation Management 12(2) (June 2003), 121-128.
Arie Rip, ‘Constructing Expertise: In a Third Wave of Science Studies?’ Social Studies of
Science 33(3) (June 2003) 419-434.
Sally Davenport, Shirley Leitch and Arie Rip, ‘The ‘user’ in research funding negotiation
processes’, Science and Public Policy 30(4) (Aug. 2003), 239-250.
Arie Rip, ‘Societal Challenges for R&D Evaluation’, in Phil Shapira and Stefan Kuhlmann
(eds.), Learning from Science and Technology Policy Evaluation: Experiences from the
United States and Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003, pp. 35-59.
J.W. Schot en A. Rip, ‘Techniek en de geschiedenis van Nederland in de twintigste eeuw’, in
J.W. Schot, H.W. Lintsen, A. Rip, A.A. Albert de la Bruhèze (en mede-redactieleden), Techniek
in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw. VII. Techniek en Modernisering. Balans van de Twintigste
Eeuw (Zuthphen: Walburg Pers, 2003), pp. 14-39.
Jan Douwe van der Ploeg, Johan Bouma, Arie Rip, Frits H.J. Rijkenberg, Flaminia Ventura
and Johannes S.C. Wiskerke, ‘On Regimes, Novelties, Niches and Co-Production’, in J.S.C.
Wiskerke and J.D. van der Ploeg (eds.), Seeds of Transition. Essays on novelty production,
niches and regimes in agriculture, Assen: Royal Van Gorcum, 2004, pp. 1-30.
Ellen H.M. Moors, Arie Rip, and Johannes S.C. Wiskerke, ‘The Dynamics of Innovation: A
Multi-Level Co-Evolutionary Perspective’, in J.S.C. Wiskerke and J.D. van der Ploeg (eds.),
Seeds of Transition. Essays on novelty production, niches and regimes in agriculture, Assen:
Royal Van Gorcum, 2004, pp. 31-56.
Arie Rip, ‘Strategic Research, Post-Modern Universities and Research Training’, Higher
Education Policy 17 (2004) 153-166.
Arie Rip, ‘Technological Innovation in Context’, Translated into Chinese, in Yin, Dengxiang,
Robin Williams, Xiaobai Shen and Kong Mingan (eds.), Jishu de Shehui Xinchebg [Social
Shaping of Technology], Beijing: Capital Normal University Press, 2004, pp. 135-148.
Johan Schot, Adri Albert de la Bruhèze, Harry Lintsen, Arie Rip, ‘De betwiste modernisering
van Nederland’’ & ‘De bijdrage van de techniekgeschiedenis aan de geschiedenis van
Nederland. Een reactie op Karel Davids en Geert van Paemel’, GEWINA 28 (2005) 9-11 & 3236.
Johan Schot, Harry Lintsen, Arie Rip, Adri Albert de la Bruhèze ‘De betwiste modernisering van
Nederland. Een introductie op de serie ‘Techniek in Nederland in de 20e eeuw.’ & ‘De bijdrage
van de techniekgeschiedenis aan de geschiedenis van Nederland. Een reactie op Karel
Davids, Pim Kooij en Geert van Paemel’, BMGN (= Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de
Geschiedenis der Nederlanden), 120 (1) (2005) 48-50 & 75-79.
Arie Rip, ‘Om de kwaliteit van ervaringskennis’, in Harrie van Haaster en Yolan Koster-Dreese
(red.), Ervaren en weten. Essays over de relaties tussen ervaringskennis en onderzoek,
Utrecht: Uitgeverij Jan van Arkel, 2005, pp. 27-39.
Arie Rip, A Co-evolutionary Approach to Reflexive Governance – and Its Ironies, in Jan-Peter
Voß, Dierk Bauknecht, René Kemp (eds.), Reflexive Governance for Sustainable
Development. Edward Elgar, 2006, pp. 82-100.
Norma Morris and Arie Rip, Scientists’ coping strategies in an evolving research system: the
case of life scientists in the UK, Science and Public Policy 33(4) (May 2006) 253-263.
Arie Rip, The tension between fiction and precaution in nanotechnology, in Elizabeth Fisher,
Judith Jones and Rene von Schomberg (eds.), Implementing the Precautionary Principle.
Perspectives and Prospects, Edward Elgar, 2006, pp. 423-448.
Arie Rip, Innovation and SSLH, in Tessa Marcus and Alexandra Hofmaenner (eds.), Shifting
Boundaries of Knowledge. A view on social sciences, law and humanities in South Africa,
Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2006, pp. 51-61.
Arie Rip, Systemisches Lernen – ohne Systeme?, in Max Miller, Dissens. Zur Theorie
diskursiven und systemischen Lernens, Bielefeld, [transcript], 2006, pp. 321-334.
Arie Rip, Folk Theories of Nanotechnologists, Science as Culture 15(4) (December 2006) 349365.
Douglas K. R. Robinson, Martin Ruivenkamp, Arie Rip, Tracking the evolution of new and
emerging S&T via statement-linkages: Vision assessment in molecular machines,
Scientometrics 70(3) (2007) 831-858.
Tsjalling Swierstra and Arie Rip, Nano-ethics as NEST-ethics: patterns of moral
argumentation about new and emerging science and technology, NanoEthics 1 (2007) 3-20.
Douglas K.R. Robinson, Arie Rip and Vincent Mangematin, Technological agglomeration and
the emergence of clusters and networks in nanotechnology, Research Policy 36 (2007).871879.
Arie Rip, Die Verzahnung von technologischen und sozialen Determinismen und die
Ambivalenzen von Handlungsträgerschaft in 'Constructive Technology Assessment’, in Ulrich
Dolata & Raymund Werle (Hrsg.), Gesellschaft und die Macht der Technk:
sozioökonomischer und institutioneller Wandel durch Technisierung, Frankfurt a/Main:
Campus, 2007, pp. 83-104
Pierre-Benoît Joly and Arie Rip, A Timely Harvest, Nature 450 (8 November 2007), p. 308
Arie Rip, Constructive Technology Assessment of Nanoscience and –Technologies, in Hirsch
Hadorn, Gertrude; Hoffmann-Riem, Holger; Biber-Klemm, Susette; Grossenbacher-Mansuy,
Walter; Joye, Dominique; Pohl, Christian; Wiesmann, Urs; Zemp, Elisabeth (eds.). Handbook
of Transdisciplinary Research. Heidelberg: Springer, 2008, pp. 145-157.
Claire Marris, Arie Rip, and Pierre-Benoît Joly, ‘Interactive Technology Assessment in the Real
World: dual dynamics in an iTA exercise on genetically modified vines’, Science, Technology &
Human Values 33(1) (2008) 77-100
Arie Rip and Haico te Kulve, ‘Constructive Technology Assessment and Sociotechnical
Scenarios. In Erik Fisher, Cynthia Selin, Jameson M. Wetmore (eds.), The Yearbook of
Nanotechnology in Society, Volume I: Presenting Futures, Berlin etc: Springer, 2008, pp. 4970.
Arie Rip, Governance of New and Emerging Science and Technology, in Peter Healey and
Steve Rayner (eds.), Unnatural Selection. The Challenges of Engineering Tomorrow’s
People (London and Sterling, VA: Earthscan, 2009), pp. 209-214
Alfred Nordmann and Arie Rip, ‘Mind the gap revisited’, Nature Nanotechnology 4 (May
2009) 273-274
Arie Rip, ‘Technology as Prospective Ontology’, Synthese. 168 (2009) 405-422.
Dag W. Aksnes and Arie Rip, ‘Researchers’ Perceptions of Citations’, Research Policy 38
(2009) 895-905.
Arie Rip, Futures of ELSA, EMBO Reports 10(7) (2009) 666-670.
Duncan den Boer, Arie Rip, and Sylvia Speller, ‘Scripting possible futures of nanotechnologies:
a methodology which enhances reflexivity’, Technology in Society 31(3) 2009, 295-304
Arie Rip and Marloes van Amerom, Emerging de facto Agendas Around Nanotechnology:
Two Cases full of Contingencies, Lock-outs, and Lock-ins, in Mario Kaiser, Monika Kurath,
Sabine Maasen, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter (eds), Governing Future Technologies.
Nanotechnology and the Rise of an Assessment Regime. Dordrecht etc: Springer, 2010, pp.
Swierstra, T. E. & Rip, A. (2009). Nano-ethics as NEST-ethics: patterns of moral
argumentation about new and emerging science and technology. In D. Kaplan (Ed.),
Readings in the philosophy of technology, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 208-225.
Reprint of article in Nanoethics 2007
Matthew Kearnes and Arie Rip "The Emergent Goverance Landscape of Nanotechnology" in
Stefan Gammel, Andreas Lösch, and Alfred Nordmann (eds.) Jenseits von Regulierung: Zum
politischen Umgang mit der Nanotechnologie, Heidelberg: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft,
2009, pp. 97-121
Johan Schot and Arie Rip, Inventing the Power of Modernization, in Johan Schot, Harry
Lintsen and Arie Rip (eds.), Technology and the Making of the Netherlands. The Age of
Contested Modernization, 1890-1970. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2010 (available from
November 2009)
Arie Rip and Clare Shelley-Egan, Positions and responsibilities in the “real” world of
nanotechnology, in René von Schomberg and Sarah Davies (eds.), Understanding Public
Debate on Nanotechnologies. Options for Framing Public Policy, Brussels: Commission of
the European Communities, January 2010, pp. 31-38
Martin Ruivenkamp and Arie Rip, Visualizing the Invisible Nanoscale: Visualization Practices
in Nanotechnology Community of Practice, Science Studies, Vol. 23 (2010) No. 1, 3-36
Arie Rip, De facto governance of nanotechnologies, in Morag Goodwin, Bert-Jaap Koops and
Ronald Leenes (eds.), Dimensions of Technology Regulation, Nijmegen: Wolf Legal
Publishers, 2010, pp. 285-308. Conference proceedings of TILTing Perspectives on Regulating
Technologies, 10-11 December 2008.
Arie Rip, Social Robustness and the Mode 2 Diagnosis, Science, Technology & Innovation
Studies 6(1) (August 2010) 71-74.
Arie Rip, articles on ‘NanoNed’, ‘NanoNed Flagship Technology Asessment’, ‘Rathenau
Institute’ and ‘Anticipation-in-Action’, in David Guston (ed.) Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and
Society, Sage Reference, 2010
Pierre-Benoît Joly, Arie Rip, and Michel Callon, ‘Reinventing Innovation’, chapter in Maarten
Arentsen, Wouter van Rossum, and Bert Steenge (eds.), Governance of Innovation,
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010, pp. 19-32
Arie Rip, Protected spaces of science: their emergence and further evolution in a changing
world, chapter in Martin Carrier & Alfred Nordmann (eds.), Science in the Context of
Application: Methodological Change, Conceptual Transformation, Cultural Reorientation,
Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, pp. 197-220.
Arie Rip, Processes of Technological Innovation in Context – and Their Modulation, in Chris
Steyart and Bart van Looy (eds), Relational Practices, Participative Organizing. Bingley, UK:
Emerald, 2010. Advanced Series in Management, pp. 199-217.
Rip, Arie, Processes of Entanglement, in Madeleine Akrich, Yannick Barthe, Fabian Muniesa
et Philippe Mustar (réd.), Débordements. Mélanges offerts à Michel Callon. Paris: Transvalor
- Presses des Mines, 2010. pp. 381-392
Arie Rip, Science Institutions and Grand Challenges of Society: A Scenario. Asian Research
Policy, 2(1) (2011) 1-9
Haico te Kulve and Arie Rip, Scenarios as pre-engagement tools to support societal
embedding of emerging technologies, Science and Engineering Ethics, 17 (2011) 699-714.
Martin Ruivenkamp and Arie Rip, Entanglement
Nanotechnology, Nanoethics 5 (2011) 185-193
Pierre-Benoit Joly and Arie Rip, Innovationsregime und die Potentiale kollektiven
Experimentierens, in Gerald Beck und Cordula Kropp (Hrsg.), Gesellschaft innovative – Wer
sind die Akteure? Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 217-233 (translation
and editing, by Ina Depp, of Chapter 2 of the EU Expert Group Report Taking European
Knowledge Society Seriously)
Arie Rip, The Future of Research Universities, Prometheus 29(4) (December 2011) 443-453
Harald Throne-Holst and Arie Rip, Complexities of labeling of nano-products on the consumer
markets, European Journal of Law and Technology 2(3) (2011) 1-12
Arie Rip, Futures of Technology Assessment, in: Decker, M., Grunwald, A, Knapp, M.
(Hrsg.): Der Systemblick auf Innovation – Technikfolgenabschätzung in der
Technikgestaltung. Berlin: Edition Sigma Verlag, 2012, pp. 29-39.
Arie Rip, The context of innovation journeys, Creativity and Innovation Management, 21(2)
(2012) 158-170. Special issue in honour of Olaf Fisscher.
Alireza Parandian, Arie Rip and Haico te Kulve, Dual dynamics of promises and waiting
games around emerging nanotechnologies, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,
24(6) July 2012, 565-582.
Daniel Sarewitz and Arie Rip, A Forward Look. Minerva 50(2) (2012) 143-148. Introduction to
the Special Issue “An agenda for science and technology policy studies? Emerging themes
from the work of young scholars”.
Arie Rip and Martin Ruivenkamp, Affordances of Nano-Scale Images, In Little by Little:
Expansions of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, edited by Harro van Lente,
Christopher Coenen, Torsten Fleischer, Kornelia Konrad, Lotte Krabbenborg, Colin Milburn,
Frank Seifert, and François Thoreau (Dordrecht: AKA-Verlag/IOS Press, 2012), 9-22.
Randles, Sally, Jan Youtie, David Guston, Barbara Harthtorn, Chris Newfield, Philip Shapira,
Fern Wickson, Arie Rip, René von Schomberg, Nick Pidgeon, A Trans-Atlantic Conversation
on Responsible Innovation and Responsible Governance. In Little by Little: Expansions of
Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, edited by Harro van Lente, Christopher Coenen,
Torsten Fleischer, Kornelia Konrad, Lotte Krabbenborg, Colin Milburn, Frank Seifert, and
Francois Thoreau (Dordrecht: AKA-Verlag/IOS Press, 2012), 169-179
Arie Rip and Harro van Lente, Bridging the gap between innovation and ELSA: the TA
program in the Dutch nano-R&D program NanoNed. Nanoethics 7(1) (April 2013) 7-16
Haico te Kulve & Arie Rip, Economic and societal dimensions of nanotechnology-enabled
drug delivery. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery (2013) Early Online, p. 1-12. (ISSN
Erik Fisher and Arie Rip, Responsible Innovation: Multi-level dynamics and soft intervention
practices, in Richard Owen, John Bessant and Maggy Heintz (eds.), Responsible Innovation:
Managing the Responsible Emergence of Science and Innovation in Society. Chichester:
John Wiley & Sons, pp. 165-183.
Arie Rip, Pervasive normativity and emerging technologies, in Simone van der Burg and
Tsjalling Swierstra (eds), Ethics on the laboratory floor. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.
Alireza Parandian and Arie Rip, Scenarios to explore the futures of the emerging technology
of organic and large area lectronics, European Journal of Futures Research, Vol. 1, Issue 1.
Published online 13 July 2013, DOI 10.1007/s40309-013-0009-2.
Arie Rip and Tembile Kulati, Multilevel Dynamics in Universities in Changing Research
Landscapes. Ch. 6 in Jansen, Dorothea/Pruisken, Insa (eds.): The changing governance of
higher education and research - multilevel perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer
Martin Ruivenkamp and Arie Rip, Nano-Images as Hybrid Monsters, in Michael Lynch, Janet
Vertesi, Steve Woolgar and Catelijne Coopmans (eds.), Representation in Scientific Practice
Revisited. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp.
Arie Rip and Douglas K.R. Robinson, Constructive Technology Assessment and the
Methodology of Insertion, in Ibo van de Poel, Neelke Doorn, Daan Schuurbiers, and Michael
E. Gorman (eds), Opening up the laboratory: Approaches for early engagement with new
technologies (Wiley-Blackwell).
Douglas K.R. Robinson and Arie Rip, Indications and impact pathways of socio-economic
impacts of nanotechnologies, in Kornelia Konrad et al. [title], Dordrecht: AKA-Verlag/IOS
Press, 2013
M.P.W. Sonneveld, A. Rip and J. Bouma, Natural resource decision making in agricultural
landscapes: connecting agri-environmental policies to regional conditions, submitted for
publication in Journal Environmental Policy and Planning
Arie Rip and Jan-Peter Voβ, Umbrella terms as mediators in the governance of emerging
science and technology. Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, special issue edited
by Christopher Coenen and Elena Simakova.
Arie Rip and Douglas K.R. Robinson, Nano-clusters as integral part of nano-science and
technology dynamics, chapter in Merz, M., Sormani, P., Biniok, P. (2013). The Local
Configuration of New Research Fields. On Regional and National Diversity. Sociology of the
Sciences Yearbook series. Dordrecht: Springer