Module Handbook for the Degree Course Physiotherapy DUAL at the University Status August 2014 Module Handbook Degree Course Physiotherapy DUAL Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................................... Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1 FIGURE 1: MODULE OVERVIEW OF THE DEGREE COURSE PHYSIOTHERAPY DUAL ..................................................................1 FIGURE 2: PROFILE SECTIONS OF THE DEGREE COURSE PHYSIOTHERAPY DUAL .....................................................................2 FIGURE 3: OVERVIEW MODULE CODES AND MODULE TITLES ............................................................................................3 FIGURE 4: MODULE OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................4 1 Modules of the Profile Section Therapy Management (TheraMa) ...........................5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. THERAMA I: INTRODUCTION TO ICF .................................................................................................................5 THERAMA II: ROLE OF THE SERVICE PROVIDER ...................................................................................................5 THERAMA III: ROLE OF THE COACH ..................................................................................................................5 THERAMA IV: ROLE OF THE COLLEAGUE ............................................................................................................6 Modules of the Profile Section Professionalisation Skills (ProfKomp)...................6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 PROFKOMP I: SOCIAL AND INDIVIDUAL INFLUENCES ON HEALTH AND ILLNESS ...........................................................6 PROFKOMP II: QUALITY MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................6 PROFKOMP III: PROFESSIONALISATION AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS ..............................................................7 PROFKOMP IV: HEALTH SYSTEMS AND HEALTH ECONOMICS .................................................................................7 PROFKOMP V: BASICS AND FIELDS OF APPLICATION OF HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH .................................................7 Modules of the Profile Section Scientific Work (WisA) ...........................................8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4. WISA I: BASIC TERMS AND CONCEPTS OF SCIENTIFIC WORK .................................................................................8 WISA II: EBM COURSE / STANDARDISED MEASUREMENT OF RESULTS AND STATISTICS ..............................................8 WISA III: EMPIRICAL RESEARCH .......................................................................................................................9 WISA IV: JOURNAL CLUB ...............................................................................................................................9 Modules of the Profile Section Practice Module.......................................................9 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. PRACTICE MODULE I ......................................................................................................................................9 PRACTICE MODULE II...................................................................................................................................10 PRACTICE MODULE III .................................................................................................................................10 PRACTICE MODULE IV..................................................................................................................................10 PRACTICE MODULE V ..................................................................................................................................10 Modules of the Profile Section Evidence-Based Practice (EbP) ...........................11 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6. EBP I: WRITING AND TEXT WORKSHOP...........................................................................................................11 EBP II: RESEARCH IN THE CLINICAL FIELD .........................................................................................................11 EBP III: FIELDS OF APPLICATION IN PHYSIOTHERAPY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE .......................................................11 EBP IV: BACHELOR THESIS ...........................................................................................................................12 Medical Scientific Fundamentals (MeNaG) .............................................................12 6.1 6.2 7. FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY ...............................................................................................................................12 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................13 Physiotherapy Fundamental and Technical Skills (PBFK) ...................................13 7.1 7.2 7.3 TREATMENT PROCESS ..................................................................................................................................13 KINEMATICS / ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................. 13 TREATMENT PROCESS IN PAEDIATRICS............................................................................................................ 14 Page i of 72 Module Handbook Degree Course Physiotherapy DUAL 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 8. TREATMENT PROCESS IN NEUROLOGY ............................................................................................................ 14 CLINICAL REASONING .................................................................................................................................. 14 GROUP INTERVENTIONS IN PREVENTION AND REHABILITATION ........................................................................... 15 MANUAL THERAPY ..................................................................................................................................... 15 Elective Modules.......................................................................................................16 8.1 8.2 SPORTS PHYSIOTHERAPY.............................................................................................................................. 16 NEUROLOGY IN ADULT TREATMENT ............................................................................................................... 16 Page ii of 72 Introduction This module handbook is intended to give an overview of the content of the degree course Physiotherapy DUAL at the University 21. Here, you will find a description of all the modules throughout the course, including the modules of the vocational colleges which are integrated in the degree course. The dual Bachelor's degree course in Physiotherapy consists of a total of 31 modules which, after successful completion, will lead to the receipt of 180 credit points.120 credits are attained within the learning environment of the university, and 60 credits in the field of vocational college modules (see Figure 1). Profile 1 Sem. 2 Sem. EBP I Evidence-Based Practice Writing and Text Workshop 150 Scientific Work 4 Sem. 5 Sem. 6 Sem. EBP III Research in the Clinical Field 6 150 6 7 Sem. Fields of Application in Physiotherapy Research and Practice 150 6 BSc-Thesis 300 WisA II WisA III WisA IV Basic Therms and Concepts of Scientific Work EBM Course / Standardised Measurement of Results and Statistics Empirical Research Journal Club 6 150 6 150 6 150 ProfKomp II ProfKomp IV Qualitiy Management Health System, Health Economics 150 6 150 6 ProfKomp III ProfKomp V Professionalisation Health Services Research 150 6 150 Intodruction to ICF 150 FA Medical Scientific Fundamentals 150 125 Role of the Coach 6 150 125 CR Treatment Process in Paediatrics Clinical Reasoning 125 5 125 750 30 Role of the Colleague; Coaching; Supervision 6 150 600 24 250 10 900 36 650 26 6 125 BVN GRP Kinematics / Analysis Treatment Process in Neurology 125 1 Academic Year 150 6 5 Internship I Internship II Internship III Internship IV Internship V* organised by vocational college 125 5 organised by vocational college 125 5 organised by vocational college 125 5 organised by vocational college 125 5 self-elected 125 2 Academic Year 39 975 Manual Therapy 5 Group Interventions in Prevention and Rehabilitation 125 5 5 Clinical Internships PBFK VII* 5 BWA 4500 24 5 BVP wl 6 Special Pathology 5 Treatment Process 180 600 TheraMa IV BV ECTS 30 SKL Functional Anatomy, Pathology Physiotherapy Fundamental and Technical Skills TheraMa III Role of the Service Provider 6 EC T S 6 Social and individual Influnences on Helth and Illness 150 6 TheraMa II wl 750 12 ProfKomp I TheraMa I Therapy Management 8 Sem. EBP IV WisA I 150 Professionalisation Skills 3 Sem. EBP II 3 Academic Year 43 1075 150 6 4 Academic Year 38 950 4500 180 60 1500 1) The 3-digit numbers beneath the modules indicate the workload The 1 - 2 digit numbers the number of ECTS points to be obtained 2) * = Choice of winter or summer semester Figure 1: Module Overview of the Degree Course Physiotherapy DUAL The modules are divided up over seven so-called Profile Sections (please refer to Figure 2). The profile sections, which represent the basic structure of the degree programme, are: Medical-Scientific Skills (MeNaG), Physiotherapy Basic and Technical Skills (PBFK), EvidenceBased Practice (EbP), Academic Research (WisA), Clinical Internships (Px), Therapy Management (TheraMa) and Professionalisation Skills (ProfKomp), and the abbreviations of the profile sections also serve simultaneously as the module codes (see Figure 2). Page 1 of 17 B.Sc. Physiotherapy MT Manual Therapy 8 Sem. EBP IV Bachelor Thesis WisA IV Journal Club Internship V TheraMa IV Role of the Colleague ProfKomp V Health Services Research ProfKomp IV Health Syst., QM ProfKomp III Professionalisation 7 Sem. ProfKomp II Quality Management CR Clinical Reasoning 6 Sem. GRP Group Interventions in Rehabilitation and Prevention EBP III Application Fields of Physiotherapeutic Research WisA III Empirical Research Internship IV TheraMa III Role of the Coach Internship III 5 Sem. 4 Sem. SKL Special Pathology BVP Treatment Process in Paediatrics BVN Treatment Process in Neurology EBP II Research in the Clinical Field 3 Sem. 2 Sem. FA Functional Anatomy BV Treatment Process BWA Kinematics and Analysis EBP I Writing and Text Workshop WisA II Statistics, EBM Course / Standardised Measurement of Results; Internship II TheraMa II Role of the Service Provider Internship I WisA I Basic Terms and Concepts of Scientific Work; Subject-Specific English ProfKomp I Social and Individual Influences on Health and Illness TheraMa I Introduction to ICF 1 Sem. Profile Sections MeNaG PBFK II EBP WisA Clinical Internships TheraMa ProfKomp Figure 2: Profile Sections of the Degree Course Physiotherapy DUAL Page 2 of 17 Module Code1 Module Title EBP I Writing and Text Workshop WisA I Basic Terms and Concepts of Scientific Work ProfKomp I Social and Individual Influences on Health and Illness TheraMa I Introduction to ICF FA Functional Anatomy BWA Kinematics and Analysis BV Treatment Process EBP II Practice Check WisA II Standardised Measurement of Results and Statistics TheraMa II Role of the Service Provider SKL Special Pathology BVP Treatment Process in Paediatrics BVN Treatment Process in Neurology Px1 Clinical Internships I [To be active in a clinical context] Px2 Clinical Internships II [To be active in a clinical context] EBP III Fields of Application in Physiotherapy Research and Practice WisA III Empirical Research TheraMa III Role of the Coach CR Clinical Reasoning GRP Group Interventions in Rehabilitation and Prevention Px3 Clinical Internship III [To be active in a clinical context] Px4 Clinical Internship IV [to be active in the clinical context] EBP IV Bachelor Thesis WisA IV Journal Club ProfKomp II Quality Management ProfKomp III Professionalisation and Professional Associations ProfKomp IV Health Systems and Health Economics ProfKomp V Basics and Fields of Application of Health Services Research TheraMa IV Role of the Colleague MT Manual Therapy Px5 Clinical Internship V [To be active in a self-elected clinical context] Figure 3: Overview Module Codes and Module Titles 1 The module code is derived from the abbreviated name for the profile section (please refer to previous page). Page 3 of 17 Academic Year 1 2 3 4 Semester Weekly Hours Semester Weeks University Vocational College Vocational College in University Responsibility Module Code sem. ECTs wl**. thereof Contact Hours *** EBP I 2 6 150 36 2 18 x WisA I 1+2 6 150 74 2 37 x ProfKomp I 1+2 6 150 74 2 37 x TheraMa I 1 6 150 38 2 19 x FA 1+2 5 125 1.1 46 50 x BWA 1+2 5 125 1.1 46 50 x BV 1+2 5 125 1.1 46 50 x EBP II 3 6 150 38 2 19 x WisA II 3+4 6 150 93 2.5 37 x TheraMa II 4 6 150 36 2 18 x SKL 3+4 5 125 1.1 46 50 x BVP 3+4 5 125 1.1 46 50 x BVN 3+4 5 125 1.1 46 50 x Px1 3 5 125 100 4.3 46 x x Px2 4 5 125 100 4.3 46 x x EBP III 6 6 150 36 2 18 x WisA III 5+6 6 150 74 2 37 x TheraMa III 5 6 150 38 2 19 x CR 5+6 5 125 1.1 46 50 x GRP 5+6 5 125 1.1 46 50 x Px3 5 5 125 100 4.3 46 x x Px4 6 5 200 100 4.3 46 x x EBP IV 7+8 12 300 74 2 37 x WisA IV 7 6 150 38 2 19 x ProfKomp II 8 6 150 72 4 18 x ProfKomp III 8 6 150 36 2 18 x ProfKomp IV 7 6 150 76 4 19 x ProfKomp V 7 6 150 38 2 19 x TheraMa IV 7 6 150 106 2 19 x MT 7+8 6 150 100 (?) 2 37 (?) x Choice 8 ? 72 4 18 x Px5 7 or 8 6 150 4 37 x 150 Figure 4: Module Overview * See Overview of the Module Titles ** wl = Workload in Semester Weekly Hours (1 wl = 1 Semester Weekly Hour = 45 min.) *** The self-study contingents are derived from the performance of the student and thus calculated individually. Page 4 of 17 1 Modules of the Profile Section Therapy Management (TheraMa) 1.1 TheraMa I: Introduction to ICF Module Code: TheraMa I Module Title: Introduction to ICF Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Lenck Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 1 Credits: 6 Duration and Frequency: 2 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Type of Course (s): Forms of Learning: 1.2 Module: Compulsory Module Total Workload: 150 hrs. of which are Contact Hours: 38 hrs. Prerequisites: Language: Enrolment German The ICF introduced by the WHO in 2001. It provides a unified and standardised language and a suitable scheme for describing the functional ability and disability of a person. The SGB IX, the rehabilitation guidelines and basic working documents for social medicine practice are based on the ICF. The content of the module is to make the language of the ICF understandable and applicable in physiotherapy practice. Lecture Lecture and exercises. TheraMa II: Role of the Service Provider Module Code: TheraMa II Module Title: Role of the Service Provider Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Lenck Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 4 Credits: 6 Duration and Frequency: 2 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Type of Course (s): Forms of Learning: 1.3 Module: Compulsory Module Total Workload: 150 Hours of which are contact hours: 36 hrs. Prerequisites: Language: Clinical Experience as a Physiotherapist German In this module, the perspective of the service provider is the central theme because health care is, like no other social sector, influenced by personal services. In accordance with the CanMEDS model, health professions must be able to do and achieve more than simply to focus on therapeutic expertise. They are part of a highly regulated, costly and organisationally complex health care system, and it is their duty to preserve the right of self-determination of patients. These multiple demands that are placed on the therapists are analysed in this module from the perspective of the service provider. The student should, by way of a self-implemented project, perceive his/her own process and reflect on the meta level. Combination of lecture and seminar. They are used to teach the basics in order to prepare, implement and follow-up (reflection) on the project. Lecture, individual and group work, text and case work, portfolio work TheraMa III: Role of the Coach Module Code: TheraMa III Module Title: Role of the Coach Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Lenck Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 5 Credits: 6 Duration and Frequency: 2 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Type of Course (s): Module: Compulsory Module Total Workload: 150 Hours of which are contact hours: 38 hrs. Prerequisites: Language: Clinical Experience as a Physiotherapist German In this module, the perspective of the Coach is the central theme. Combination of lecture and seminar. They are used to teach the baPage 5 of 17 Forms of Learning: 1.4 sics in order to prepare, implement and follow-up (reflection) on the project. Lecture, individual and group work, text and case work, portfolio work TheraMa IV: Role of the Colleague Module Code: TheraMa IV Module Title: Role of the Colleague Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Lenck Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 7 Credits: 6 Duration and Frequency: 2 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Type of Course (s): Forms of Learning: 2. 2.1 Module: Compulsory Module Total Workload: 150 Hours of which are Contact Hours: 138 hrs. including 100 hours of practice Prerequisites: Language: Clinical Experience German Coaching of colleagues in the field of practice, collegial consultation Team building, reflection of intra and inter conflict roles of physiotherapists Much of the event will take place in practice. Further, there are supporting events in the form of information and supervision events. Lecture, individual and group work, case work, portfolio work Modules of the Profile Section Professionalisation Skills (ProfKomp) ProfKomp I: Social and Individual Influences on Health and Illness Module Code: ProfKomp I Module Title: Social and individual influences on health and illness Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Müller Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 1 + 2 Module: Compulsory Module Credits: Total Workload: 150 Hours of which are contact 6 hours: 74 hrs. Duration and Frequency: Prerequisites: Language: 2 Semester Weekly Hours / Enrolment German Semester Content of the Module: Definitions of health and illness Models and concepts of health behaviour Factors affecting health, such as the social situation, migration status, gender, age, etc. Resources for health Possibilities and limits of resource activation Conditions, ways and means for the implementation of a resourcebased health care Number and Type of Course 2 Courses (Seminars): (s): Models and concepts of health and illness (first sem) and determinants of health and illness (second sem) Forms of Learning: Group and individual work, lecture 2.2 ProfKomp II: Quality Management Module Code: ProfKomp II Module Title: Quality Management Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Zimmermann Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 8 Credits: 6 Total Workload: 150 hrs. Duration and Frequency: Prerequisites: Module: Compulsory Module of which are contact hours: 72. Language: Page 6 of 17 4 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Type of Course (s): Forms of Learning: 2.3 Participation in ProfKomp I German Presentation of models of quality management, becoming familiar with the DIN EN ISO 9001 and terms, creating clinical pathways, methods of evaluation Seminar The seminar includes various forms of learning, including project work, seminar-group work, lectures, speeches, presentations, group and individual consultation ProfKomp III: Professionalisation and Professional Associations Module Code: ProfKomp III Module Title: Professionalisation and Professional Associations Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Zimmermann Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 8 Module: Compulsory Module Credits: Total Workload: 150 hrs. of which are contact 6 hours: 36 hrs. Duration and Frequency: Prerequisites: Language: 2 Semester Weekly Hours Participation in ProfKomp I+II German Content of the Module: Professionalisation theories, professionalisation of health care professions, self-management in health professions, professional associations and their structures at national and international level / selfnetworking, further education landscape in physiotherapy Type of Course (s): Seminar Forms of learning: 2.4 Lecture, individual and group work. ProfKomp IV: Health Systems and Health Economics Module Code: ProfKomp IV Module Title: Health Systems and Health Economics Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Zimmermann Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 7 Module: Compulsory Module Credits: Total Workload: 150 hrs. of which are contact 6 hours: 76 hrs. Duration and Frequency Prerequisites: Language: 4 Semester Weekly Hours Participation in ProfKomp I, II and III German Content of the Module: Structural features of the German health care system, current problems of health care, the embedding of the remedy "physiotherapy" into German health care, health policy strategies and health reforms, principles of health economics, socio-medical and epidemiological implications: social status and health evidence-based influence on performance, fundamentals of business administration in healthcare , methods of performance, practice establishment. Type of Course (s): Seminar Forms of learning: 2.5 The seminar includes various forms of learning, including seminargroup work, lectures, talks and presentations. ProfKomp V: Basics and Fields of Application of Health Services Research Module Code: ProfKomp V Module Title: Basics and Fields of Application of Health Services Research Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Müller Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 7 Module: Compulsory Module Page 7 of 17 Credits: 6 Total Workload: 150 Hours Duration and Frequency 2 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Type of Course (s): Forms of learning: 3 3.1 of which are contact hours: 38 hrs. Prerequisites: Language: Participation in ProfKomp I-IV German In this module, the aims, methods and application fields of health services research are taken into account. In addition, students will learn the structures in order to generate targets in health care, and methods and means for determining the health status quo of populations. Furthermore, structural influences on health outcomes will be a theme (supply structures, user (s) orientation, determinants of health and illness). Seminar Lecture, individual and group work. Modules of the Profile Section Scientific Work (WisA) WisA I: Basic Terms and Concepts of Scientific Work Module Code: WisA I Module Title: Basic terms and concepts of scientific work Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Zimmermann, Ms. Prof. Dr. Müller Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 1 + 2 Module: Compulsory Module Credits: Total Workload: 150 Hours of which are contact 6 hours: 74 hrs. Duration and Frequency: Prerequisites: Language: 2 Semester Weekly Hours / Enrolment German Semester Content of the Module: Basic terms, basic concepts and terminology of "science" and scientific thinking and action, foundations of scientific methodologies: Qualitative and quantitative research methods and research questions, study types, designs, primary and secondary study, fundamentals of academic learning and work techniques: Fundamentals and basal techniques for the generation and processing of scientific texts, principles and guidelines of written work, e.g. IMRaD scheme, citation styles and rules, dealing with relevant computer programmes, research techniques, evaluation of data and information Number and Type of Course 2 Courses (Seminars): (s): Basic Concepts and Techniques of Scientific Work and Information Gathering and Processing Forms of learning: Lecture, Individual and Group Work, Exercises 3.2 WisA II: EBM Course / Standardised Measurement of Results and Statistics Module Code: WisA II Module Title: EBM / Standardised Measurement of Results and Statistics Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Müller, Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 3 + 4 Module: Compulsory Module Credits: Total Workload: 150 Hours of which are contact 6 hours: 93 Duration and Frequency: Prerequisites: Language: 3 Semester Weekly Hours Participation in WisA I German (third Semester) 2 Semester Weekly Hours (fourth sem) (Average: 2.5 Semester Weekly Hours / Semester) Page 8 of 17 Content of the Module: Number and Type of Course (s): Forms of Learning: 3.3 Basics of descriptive and inductive statistics Standardised measurement of results Introduction to evidence-based medicine 2 Courses (Seminars) Statistics (third sem.) and EBM Course / Standardised Measurement of Results (fourth sem) Lecture, exercises, group and individual work WisA III: Empirical Research Module Code: WisA III Module Title: Empirical Research Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Müller Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 5 + 6 Module: Compulsory Module of which are contact hours: 74 hrs. Language: German Credits: 6 Total Workload: 150 Hours Duration and Frequency: 2 Semester Weekly Hours / Semester Content of the Module: Prerequisites: Participation in WisA I Number and Type of Course (s): 2 Seminars Introduction to qualitative research methods (fifth sem.) and qualitative methods in research and practice (sixth sem) Lecture, individual and group work. Forms of learning: 3.4 Application fields and issues of qualitative research Techniques and methods of qualitative research, research paradigms and methods of quantitative research, quality criteria of qualitative and quantitative research and research ethics principles, analysis and evaluation of quantitative and qualitative research in the health care professions (especially in PT) WisA IV: Journal Club Module Code: WisA IV Module Title: Journal Club Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Müller Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 7 Type of Course (s): Module: Compulsory Module Total Workload: 150 Hours of which are contact hours: 38 hrs. Prerequisites: Language: Participation in WisA I, II and III German Reading and evaluation of student publications. Students prepare in groups for joint discussion, before studies. For this purpose, the study characteristics are summarised, as well as the study evaluated with a standard instrument. Seminar. Forms of learning: Individual and Group Work, Lecture. Credits: 6 Duration and Frequency: 2 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: 4. 4.1 Modules of the Profile Section Practice Module Practice Module I Module Code: Px1 Module Title: Practice Module I Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Lenck, Stephanie Dohse B.Sc. Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 3 Credits: 5 Total Workload: 125 Hours Module: Compulsory Module of which are contact hours: 100 hrs. Page 9 of 17 Duration and Frequency: 4.3 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Type of Course (s): Forms of learning: Prerequisites: Completion of the first acaLanguage: demic year German The students are in the practical field of active physiotherapy the first time. Internship and practical work under professional supervision. Supervision in the specific field of work and consultation. 4.2 Practice Module II Module Code: Px2 Module Title: Practice Module II Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Lenck, Stephanie Dohse B.Sc. Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 4 Credits: 5 Duration and Frequency: 4.3 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Module: Compulsory Module Total Workload: 125 Hours of which are contact hours: 100 hrs. Prerequisites: Module: Practice Module I Language: German The students are engaged in the practical field of physiotherapy. Type of Course (s): Forms of learning: Internship and practical work under professional supervision. Supervision in the specific field of work and consultation. 4.3 Practice Module III Module Code: Px3 Module Title: Practice Module III Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Lenck, Stephanie Dohse B.Sc. Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 5 Module: Compulsory Module of which are contact hours: 100 hrs. Credits: 5 Total Workload: 125 Hours Duration and Frequency: 4.3 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Type of Course (s): Forms of learning: Prerequisites: Completion of the second Language: year German The students are engaged in the practical field of physiotherapy. Internship and practical work under professional supervision. Supervision in the specific field of work and consultation. 4.4 Practice Module IV Module Code: Px4 Module Title: Practice Module IV Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Lenck, Stephanie Dohse B.Sc. Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 6 Module: Compulsory Module of which are contact hours: 100 hrs. Credits: 5 Total Workload: 125 Hours Duration and Frequency: 4.3 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Prerequisites: Module: Practice Module III Type of Course (s): Forms of Learning: Internship and practical work under professional supervision. Supervision in the specific field of work and consultation. Language: German The students are engaged in the practical field of physiotherapy. 4.5 Practice Module V Module Code: Px5 Module Title: Practice Module V Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Lenck Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: Seventh or Eighth Module: Compulsory Module Page 10 of 17 Credits: 6 Total Workload: 150 Hours Duration and Frequency: 6.5 Semester Weekly Hours in the Winter Semester or 7 Semester Weekly Hours in the Summer Semester. Content of the Module: Prerequisites: State Recognition as a Physiotherapist Type of Course (s): Forms of Learning: 5. 5.1 The students are already certified physiotherapists and apply their skills directly in the field of work. This may be a hospital, clinic, a rehabilitation facility, a physiotherapy clinic, a health care facility or e.g. the care of individual or team athletes such as e.g. the Bundesliga (Federal League) handball players of Team BSV Buxtehude. Self-Directed Learning in the Field of Application. Supervision in the specific field of work and consultation. Modules of the Profile Section Evidence-Based Practice (EbP) EBP I: Writing and Text Workshop Module Code: EBP I Module Title: Writing and Text Workshop Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Müller / Ms. Prof. Dr. Zimmermann Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 2 Credits: 6 Duration and Frequency: 2 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Type of Course (s): Forms of Learning: 5.2 of which are Contact Hours: 114 hours in a clinical context and 8 hours in a university context Language: German Total Workload: 150 Hours Prerequisites: Enrolment Module: Compulsory Module of which are Contact Hours: 36 hrs. Language: German Essential steps of writing a scientific paper: Question formulation, information gathering, techniques, scientific reading and writing, information processing Reading comprehension, presentation of results, scheduling, information management Seminar Lecture, individual and group work. EBP II: Research in the Clinical Field Module Code: EBP II Module Title: Practice Check Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Müller Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 3 Credits: 6 Duration and Frequency: 2 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Type of Course (s): Forms of Learning: 5.3 Module: Compulsory Module Total Workload: 150 Hours of which are Contact Hours: 38 hrs. Prerequisites: Participation in EBP I Language: German Preparation, implementation and evaluation of a survey with questionnaire Seminar Group work, problem-based learning EBP III: Fields of Application in Physiotherapy Research and Practice Module Code: EBP III Module Title: Fields of Application in Physiotherapy Research and Practice Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Müller Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 6 Module: Compulsory Page 11 of 17 Credits: 6 Duration and Frequency: 2 Semester Weekly Hours Content of the Module: Type of Course (s): Forms of Learning: 5.4 Module of which are Contact Hours: 36 hrs. Prerequisites: Participation in EPB I and II Language: German Prevention and health promotion are the application fields of physiotherapy research and practice. Starting from the Ottawa Charter, the action level "Personal Skills Development" and the associated action strategy of Empowerment is used as a basis for extending the therapeutic perspective. In this module, topics from the courses of the module ProfKomp I, elements of Evidence-Based Medicine (WisA II) and Empirical (Qualitative) Research (WisA III) are dealt with which are combined with concepts of shared decision making, user (s) orientation , health communication, diversity management and resource orientation, relationship-oriented prevention and health promotion. Seminar The seminar includes various forms of learning, including seminargroup work Total Workload: 150 Hours EBP IV: Bachelor Thesis Module Code: EBP IV Module Title: Bachelor Thesis Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Zimmermann, Ms. Prof. Dr. Lenck, Ms. Prof. Dr. Müller Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 7 + 8 Module: Compulsory Module Credits: 12 Total Workload: Contact Hours: 74 (38 hours in the winter se300 Hours mester in the context of a seminar, and 36 hours in the summer semester in individual consultation) Duration and Frequency: Prerequisites: Fulfilment of formal reLanguage: quirements (ECTS) 2 Semester Weekly Hours / German or English Semester Content of the Module: Short repetition of selected aspects of scientific research, development of a research question, narrowing a topic for a bachelor thesis. Develop a processing and time plan for the bachelor thesis. Presentation of the research idea and critical discussion on the approach in the group / collegial consultation, writing a bachelor thesis, presentation of a lecture for a bachelor thesis (BSc colloquium) Type and number of the course (s): Forms of Learning: 6. 6.1 BA accompanying seminar (seventh semester) in preparation for the BA thesis. Consultation and support of the BA thesis in the eighth sem. The main form of learning is self-study, supported by individual tutorials to be determined and / or communication via email or phone with the supervising lecturers. Medical Scientific Fundamentals (MeNaG) Functional Anatomy Module Code: FA Functional Anatomy Responsible for Module: Prof. Dr. B. Zimmermann; Prof. Halata Qualification Level: Bachelor Second Semester Credits: 5 Duration and Frequency: Total Workload: 125 Hours Prerequisites: Module: Compulsory Module Contact time: 50 Language: Page 12 of 17 One semester Summer semester Content of the Module Type of Courses Forms of Learning 6.2 Successful completion of the vocational German college module A1 (Anatomical and Physiological Fundamentals of PT, General Pathology) Specific functional aspects of the shoulder girdle and upper extremity, pelvis and lower extremities, spine and head. Anatomy of internal organs, cardiovascular system, The nature of the courses consists mostly of lectures; seminars are occasionally possible The contents are taught in lecture form and intensified with self-study. Special Pathology Module Code: SKL Special Pathology Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Zimmermann/ Mr. Ghezelbash Qualification Level: Bachelor Third and Fourth Semester Credits: 5 Duration and Frequency: Two semesters, once in the second academic year Content of the Module Type of Courses Forms of Learning 7. 7.1 Total Workload: 125 Hours Prerequisites: Language: Successful completion of the university German and vocational college modules of the first and second semester Illnesses of subject areas orthopaedics / surgery and neurology The nature of the courses consists mostly of lectures; seminars are occasionally possible The contents are taught in lecture form and intensified with self-study. Physiotherapy Fundamental and Technical Skills (PBFK) Treatment Process Module Code: BV Treatment Process Responsible for Module: Prof. Dr. B. Lenck; Ms. Wegwarth Qualification Level: Bachelor First and Second Semester Credits: 5 Duration and Frequency: Once in the first Academic Year Content of the Module Type of Courses Forms of Learning 7.2 Module: Compulsory Module Contact time: 50 Module: Compulsory Module Contact time: 50 Total Workload: 125 Prerequisites: Language: Successful completion of vocational colGerman lege modules A2 and A3 Different breathing techniques and exercise programmes for patients with different capacity, activation of lymphatic drainage and decongestion of the tissue by certain techniques, normalisation of muscle tone within the meaning of invigoration or relaxation The nature of the course consist of lectures and seminars The contents are taught in theory and practice, as well as through personal experience in partner and group work and self-study. Kinematics / Analysis Module Code: BWA Kinematics / Analysis Responsible for Module: Prof. Dr. B. Lenck; Dipl. Sportwiss./ PT Ms. Färber Qualification Level: Bachelor First Academic Year First and Second Semester Total Workload: 125 Hours Credits: 5 Duration and Frequency: Prerequisites: Once in the first Academic Enrolment Module: Compulsory Module Contact time: 50 Language: German Page 13 of 17 Year Content of the Module Type of Courses Forms of Learning 7.3 Case-oriented selection of suitable active and passive physiotherapy techniques, use of measurement techniques, classification of diagnostic assessment, posture and movement analysis Seminars The contents are taught in theory and practice, as well as through personal experience in partner and group work and self-study. Treatment Process in Paediatrics Module Code: BVP Treatment Process in Paediatrics Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. B. Lenck/ Dipl. Sportw./ PT G. Kallinowski Qualification Level: Bachelor Third and Fourth Semester Module: Compulsory Module Total Workload: 125 Hours Contact time: 50 Credits: 5 Duration and Frequency: Prerequisites: Language: Two Semesters Successful completion of the vocational German college modules A3, A4 and A6 Winter / Summer Semesters Content of the Module This module enables students to apply their acquired knowledge to the physiotherapeutic examination and treatment of children with disabilities from the General Paediatrics and Paediatric Neurology. Type of Courses Lectures, seminars, practical exercises and projects regarding the different children physiotherapy techniques and the treatment technique Bobath for Children Forms of Learning The contents are developed in partner and group work, case studies and problem-based learning, and intensified with self-study. 7.4 Treatment Process in Neurology Module Code: BVN Treatment Process in Neurology Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. B. Lenck/ S. Dohse B.A. PT Qualification Level: Bachelor Third and Fourth Semester Credits: Total Workload: 125 Hours 5 Duration and Frequency: Two Semesters Second Academic Year Content of the Module Type of Courses Forms of Learning 7.5 Module: Compulsory Module Contact time: 50 Prerequisites: Language: Successful completion of the vocational German college modules of the first academic year Neurological disorders and evidence-based physiotherapeutic treatment; treatment technique Bobath for Adults Lectures, seminars on practical exercises, projects and methods The contents are developed in partner and group work, case studies and problem-based learning and intensified with self-study. Clinical Reasoning Module Code: CR Clinical Reasoning Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. B. Lenck/ Ms. S. Dohse PT/ BA Qualification Level: Bachelor Fifth and Sixth Semester Credits: 5 Duration and Frequency: Two Semesters Winter / Summer Semesters Content of the Module Total Workload: 125 Hours Module: Compulsory Module Contact time: 50 Prerequisites: Language: Successful completion of vocational colGerman lege modules Methodological Application in Physiotherapy Physiotherapeutic interventions in specialist medical subject areas. Page 14 of 17 Type of Courses Forms of Learning Selection and implementation of specific findings and techniques of physiotherapeutic interventions, planning, implementation and evaluation of individual therapies based on the ICF model, intermediation of an own programme / homework tasks, Documentation of therapy-relevant data Seminars, partner work, practical training on a patient, assessment of practical training on patients Single- and partner work, case studies, execution of own therapies under supervision 7.6 Group Interventions in Prevention and Rehabilitation Module Code: GPR Group Interventions in Prevention and Rehabilitation Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. B. Lenck/ Ms. C. Aepler/ Lehramt für Gymnasien (Teaching Post at Grammar School) / PT Qualification Level: Bachelor Third Academic Year Module: Compulsory Module Fifth and Sixth Semester Total Workload: 125 Hours Contact time: 50 Credits: 5 Duration and Frequency: Prerequisites: Language: Two Semesters Successful completion of vocational colGerman lege modules Methodological Application Winter / Summer Semesters in Physiotherapy Content of the Module Fields of application in health sports, target groups in health sports, planning of individual lessons, implementation of health sports programmes: methodological and didactic principles, forms of organisation, equipment and material science. Type of Courses Seminars, practical exercises, projects Forms of Learning Developing: Group work, pair work, problem-oriented: Practice examples, case studies 7.7 Manual Therapy Module Code: MT Module Title: Manual Therapy Responsible for Module: Ms. Prof. Dr. Zimmermann Qualification Level: Bachelor Seventh and Eighth Semester Credits: Total Workload: 150 Hours 6 Duration and Frequency: The Semester Weekly Hours are governed by the rules of the Association of Manual Therapy (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Manuelle Therapie [AGMT]) in Supplementary Heath Insurance Co. (ZVK) / Physio Academy Wremen. Content of the Module Prerequisites: Participation in PBFK I to VI Module: Compulsory Module Contact hours are defined by the rules of the Association of Manual Therapy (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Manuelle Therapie [AGMT]) in Supplementary Heath Insurance Co. (ZVK) / Physio Academy Wremen. Includes 50 hours of internship Language: German Note: This module takes place in cooperation with the Association of Manual Therapy (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Manuelle Therapie [AGMT]) in Supplementary Heath Insurance Co. (ZVK) / Physio Academy Wremen. The contents are set according to the current curriculum of the further education certificate training in Manual Therapy of the AGMT, and cover Page 15 of 17 Type of Courses Forms of Learning the complete contents of the first two courses, upper extremity / HWS I (OW 1) and upper extremity / HWS II (OW 2). The completion of the module (meeting the specified contact hours) leads to the acquisition of official certificates for the courses OW I and II of AGMT: Conceptual foundations, theoretical backgrounds and terminology in Manual Therapy. (→ Reference to the modules from the area of "Physiotherapy Fundamental and Technical Skills") Relevant backgrounds of anatomy and physiology / pathophysiology of the middle cervical spine regions (excl. atlanto-occipital / atlanto-axial joints), thoracic spine, ribs, shoulder and shoulder girdle. (→ Reference to the modules from the area of "Medical Scientific Fundamentals") Clinical Reasoning in Manual Therapy: Principles and methods of structured analysis; general fundamentals, and based on the above-mentioned regions. (→ Reference to the modules from the area of "Physiotherapy Fundamental and Technical Skills") Principles and methods of diagnosis-adjusted manual-therapeutic treatment; general fundamentals and based on the above-mentioned regions. (→ Reference to the modules from the area of "Physiotherapy Fundamental and Technical Skills") Link with evidence / aspects of evidence-based physiotherapy (→ Reference to the modules from the "Fundamentals of Scientific Work" and "Research") Lectures, seminars, practical exercises and projects regarding the different children physiotherapy techniques and the treatment technique Bobath for Children The contents are developed in partner and group work, case studies and problem-based learning, and intensified with self-study. 8. Elective Modules 8.1 Sports Physiotherapy Module Code: WF SpoPhy Module Title: Sports Physiotherapy Seminar A: Training theory (30 units) 5ECTS in the Winter Semester Seminar B: Sports Injuries (80 UE) 5 ECTS in the Summer Semester Responsible for Module: Mr. Prof. Dr. Oliver Dierk / Prof. Dr. Barbara Zimmermann Qualification Level: Bachelor Semester: 7 + 8 Module: Elective Module Credits: 10 Total Workload: Contact Hours: 250 wl (Semester Weekly Hours) Winter Semester: 30 Summer Semester: 80 Duration and Frequency: Prerequisites: Language: 2 Semester Weekly Hours / Participation in PBFK I to VI German Semester Content of the Module: The contents of this module should provide an initial insight into practice-related techniques and skills for the "Minor Sports Physiotherapists". These cover the needs arising from athletes' care in modern, high-performance sports. The emphasis in the winter semester is on training theory, the emphasis in the summer semester is on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitative measures for sports injuries. Type and number of the Seminar, internship, workshop course (s): Forms of Learning: The seminar includes practical and theoretical parts. It contains a mixture of different forms of learning, including exercises on the partner, small group work, supplemented by theory lectures and presentations. 8.2 Neurology in Adult Treatment Module Code: NER Electives: PT in Neurology Responsible for Module: Prof. Dr. Barbara Zimmermann, Birte Winkelmann Page 16 of 17 Qualification Level: Bachelor Credit Points: 5 Semester: 7. Total Workload: 125 wl (Semester Weekly Hours) Duration and Frequency: 2 Semester Weekly Hours / Semester Maximum Number of Participants: 10 students per semester, as the training on the patient is limited to a group of max. 5 students. Clinical reasoning process (diagnostic assessment / use of assessments, goal setting (COPM, SMART, GAS), treatment planning and evaluation ... renewed goal setting...) Application of the 4 D Model, concept of normal movement as the basis: What is known from the training? Motor Relearning What is known from the training? Therapeutic approaches / models and concepts: Bobath, vojta, PNF, forced use, mirror therapy principles of motor learning, participation-oriented therapy, mental training, integration of other techniques such as FBL, manual therapy, lymphatic drainage, evidence-based therapeutic approaches, treatment of case reports and patient demonstrations to the clinical pictures: Apoplex, traumatic brain injury, MS, Parkinson's, QS, provision of aid and home customisation options, informing and schooling of relatives, opportunities in interdisciplinary collaboration: e.g. in the internship in Jesteburg; what are the options in the place of work; integration of knowledge and ideas of other professional groups, it is always about cooperation in the interest of the patient, phase model in neurology Extras: Internship Jesteburg, invitation orthopedic technician Lecture / Seminar: 50% / 25% problem-based learning Bed-side teaching: 25% Will be announced at the beginning of the seminar. No exam, but case-oriented Learning Objectives of the Module Type and number of the course (s): Test: Module: Elective Module Contact Hours: 30 Self-Study: 81 Bed-Side-Teaching: 14 Language: German Page 17 of 17