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University of Maryland School of Medicine
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Animal Use Protocol -- Instructions for Submission of Materials
A complete protocol submission must include at least the completed Animal Use Protocol (AUP) form pages, a detailed written
protocol, diagrammatic flow charts for each experiment proposed and the Enrichment / Socialization Addendum. Additional
items may be attached as addenda if pertinent to the protocol, i.e., breeding protocol addendum, hazardous agent addendum,
satellite housing addendum, Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Approval, etc. Please use the attached AUP Checklist
(page 3) to ensure that the submission is complete. One copy of the AUP Checklist must be provided with the protocol
The OAWA Website contains ‘Guideline’ documents to assist you with the preparation of an animal use protocol, e.g., Rodent
Surgical Guidelines, Tumor Production Guidelines, Sample Flow Diagram, etc. These guidelines represent the level of detail
the IACUC requires in an AUP. Please review these documents before drafting your animal use protocol.
The IACUC Analysts can assist with questions concerning submission and status of this protocol and can be reached by phone
at (410) 706-7859 or (410) 706-8470 and are located in the Office of Animal Welfare Assurance (OAWA), BRB Mezzanine
Ste. M023. The IACUC Analysts are available to pre-review a new animal use protocol upon request. This pre-review
is highly recommended. Please submit the final draft version for pre-review via email to the office
( one week in advance of the submission deadline.
The DEADLINE for submission of animal use protocols is the FIRST Friday of every month (with few exceptions). The
deadline schedule is available on the OAWA Website. Please submit the following to our office by close of business (4:30
1. One original signed hard copy of the AUP with any applicable addendums.*
2. Email the Microsoft Word version of the AUP and any applicable addendums electronically to
*Exception: If you have an electronic signature inserted into the AUP, no hard copy is required to be submitted. The
submission email must be from the PI’s email account to certify review of the final document for adherence to the
AUP format and completeness prior to IACUC review.
The following mandatory signatures are required prior to IACUC submission. Proposals will NOT be accepted without the
required signatures.
If the proposed work will be performed in the Baltimore VAMC or will be funded by the VA, the VA Veterinary Medical
Officer (Dr. Louis DeTolla or his designee) must review and approve this protocol prior to IACUC submission (refer to
signature page). In addition, please note that the Baltimore VAMC requires additional internal review and approval
following UM SOM IACUC approval. This additional requirement and review must be taken into consideration when
planning this project.
Researchers shall consider alternatives to potentially painful or distressful procedures by employing appropriate, protocol
specific search strategies, regardless of species. The UM SOM IACUC Policy on Alternative Searches for Potentially Painful
/ Distressful Procedures can be found on the OAWA Website.
A listing of available databases can be accessed through the Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) at the following
location: Additional scientific databases may be used at
your discretion, i.e., BIOSIS. You may use either the National Agricultural Library or the National Library of Medicine to do
these searches. Also, the UMB Health Sciences Library RIMS department has qualified searchers who will either assist you
with your search or do the search for you. Please contact Ryan Harris at (410) 706-1315 or complete the online Literature
Search Request form for assistance. The library has access to several databases either directly or through the servers DIALOG
or STN. All services provided may include applicable fees / charges.
Sample Searches: AWIC Sample Searches
Duke University Animals in Research: Searching Alternatives
DO NOT SUBMIT SEARCH RESULTS TO THE IACUC. Please retain them in your lab such that they are accessible should
the IACUC or other regulatory bodies request them.
Aquatic Animal Users A listing of available databases (accessible through the UMCP library system )
include: Academic Search Premier, Catalog USMAI, JSTOR, MasterFILE Premier, and Project Muse.
The following requirements must be met prior to final IACUC approval:
a.) The PI must complete the required IACUC training AND enroll in the Laboratory Animal Exposure Risk Assessment
Program. [If the PI has multiple protocols, these tasks must only be completed once. Each system will automatically
send notices when further action is necessary.]
b.) All research personnel listed on the protocol must complete the required IACUC training AND enroll in the
Laboratory Animal Exposure Risk Assessment Program. [If research staff have already completed these tasks as part
of another protocol or in conjunction with another investigator, no further action is necessary. Each system will
automatically send notices when further action is necessary.]
c.) If applicable, a response memo and a revised protocol must be submitted addressing the IACUC’s queries following
their review.
d.) If applicable, UMB Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) approval must be obtained prior to final IACUC approval
for studies involving pathogens, toxins, or recombinant DNA procedures. In particular, the creation of transgenic
animals requires IBC approval. Please refer to the EHS Biosafety Website for additional information and for research
registration procedures. Please note that IBC review can take up to two months, as such it is recommended that
materials be submitted to the IBC at the same time as they are submitted to the IACUC.
e.) If applicable, UMB Radiation Safety (RSC) approval must be obtained prior to final IACUC approval for studies
involving the use of radioactive materials or radiation producing equipment. Please refer to the EHS Radiation Safety
Website for additional information and for research registration procedures.
f.) If applicable, UMB Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee (ESCRO) approval must be obtained prior
to IACUC approval for studies involving the use of human stem cells. Please contact the Human Research Protections
Office (HRPO) at 410-706-5037 for additional information.
g.) If applicable, UMMC Hospital Administration approval must be obtained prior to final IACUC approval if animals
will be used in the hospital or hospital equipment will be used in UM SOM facilities. Please contact the UMMC
Director, Corporate Research Compliance ( or 410-328-4391) for additional information.
h.) If the proposed work involves survival surgery, a Veterinary Resources’ veterinarian consultation (Drs. Shipley,
Kriel or Coksaygan) MUST be performed prior to submitting this protocol to the IACUC to insure that current
surgical standards, as well as pre-, intra-, and post-op care, are followed for the species utilized. This consultation
must be submitted to the VR veterinarian no later than 4PM on the Monday immediately preceding the Friday
protocol submission deadline. If a consultation is submitted after this deadline, Vet Resources cannot guarantee the
review will be completed in time for the PI to make the IACUC submission deadline. THIS CONSULT SHOULD
BE PERFORMED VIA EMAIL. Please have the veterinarian email the OAWA as confirmation that the consultation
was completed. Email addresses are as follows:
Dr. Kriel:
Dr. Shipley:
Dr. Coksaygan:
Aquatic Animal Users: Please email Dr. Brent Whitaker, NAIB ( for the required surgery
consult. Please have Dr. Whitaker email the OAWA as confirmation that the consultation was completed.
i.) If applicable, work being carried out in the BVAMC must be reviewed and approved by their respective VA
committees (SRS, R&D, etc) prior to commencing research in this facility. Please contact the VA Research Office (57130) for further guidance.
New Animal Use Protocol (AUP)
Submission Checklist
***This checklist has been prepared to assist PIs with a new AUP submission. Please check off each relevant
item applicable to this protocol. The protocol will not be accepted without this form. Additionally, incomplete
protocols will be returned.***
Animal Use Protocol (AUP) Form (Version Date: 06/2014)
Flow Diagram for each experiment planned in the protocol
Electronic copy of funded grant(s) supporting this work (Emailed to IACUC on: Click here to enter a date. )
All Species (x NHP) Enrichment / Socialization Form (Version Date: 08/2014)
Non-Human Primate (NHP) Enrichment / Socialization Addendum (Version Date: 06/2014)
Rodent Breeding Addendum (Version Date: 05/2014)
Hazardous Agent Addendums (Version Date: 06/2014)
Satellite Housing Addendum (Version Date: 12/2010)
IBC Approval Letter or IBC application status:
RSC Approval Letter or RSC application status:
ESCRO Approval Letter or ESCRO application status:
UMMC Administration Approval Letter or UMMC Review Status:
Survival Surgery Consult *ALL SPECIES*
Date of Consult (within last 3 months):
Veterinarian Consulted:
Non-survival Surgery Consult *USDA covered species only*
Date of Consult (within last 3 months):
Veterinarian Consulted:
BVAMC Attending Veterinarian Review & Signature (on AUP form)
BVAMC SRS Approval or RPSS application status:
I certify that all required components of a new AUP submission (as applicable) are attached and complete.
PI or PI Designee Name (printed)
OAWA Internal Use:
All Relevant Items Attached
Current versions utilized
Adherence to AUP format
AUP Date Rec’d: _______________
IACUC # _________________
OAWA Staff Initials: _____________
Date: ____________
-- ANIMAL USE PROTOCOL -Principal Investigator:
Employee ID#:
Campus Mail Address:
Office Phone:
Emergency Contact # (24 hr access):
Administrative Contact:
AUP Title:
Research Staff:
Role (e.g., Co-PI,
technician, student,
*If additional personnel are involved, please add rows to this table placing cursor at end of last row and clicking return.
Major Categories of Research: Please check all that apply.
☐ Antibody Production
☐ Behavioral Studies
☐ Breeding (*attach breeding protocol as an addendum to the experimental protocol. Breeding template on OAWA Website)
☐ Chronic or Prolonged Restraint
☐ Exogenous Substances (e.g., any substance administered to an animal except anesthetics or analgesics)
☐ Euthanize and Harvest Tissue
☐ Food / Fluid Regulation
☐ Hazardous Agents (*complete a hazardous agent form for each agent used. Template available on OAWA Website)
☐ Imaging
☐ Investigational Device
☐ Irradiation
☐ Non-Survival Surgery
☐ Oncology / Tumor Production
☐ Physiologic Measurements (e.g., blood pressure, telemetry, electrophysiology, etc.)
☐ Sampling (e.g., blood, urine, bone marrow, biopsies, etc. – collected antemortem)
☐ Satellite Housing [e.g. animals maintained outside animal facility >12 hours (USDA) or >24 hours (rodents)]
☐ Specialized Diet
☐ Specialized Husbandry (e.g., Singly housed animals, BSL3 housing, metabolic cages, reverse light cycle, etc.)
☐ Survival Surgery
☐ Multiple Survival Surgery (e.g., major + minor surgeries or multiple minor surgeries in one animal)
☐ Multiple Major Survival Surgery (e.g., opening body cavity more than once in one animal)
☐ Teaching / Training
☐ Use of Hospital Equipment [(e.g., imaging or radiation producing equipment) *refer to Use of Hospital Equipment
Guidelines on OAWA Website]
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Only one category should be indicated. Only the highest category of pain or distress should be indicated.
CATEGORY B – Animals bred, conditioned or held for use in teaching, testing, research, but not yet used for
such purposes. (NOTE: If tail snips are necessary for genotyping, this category is not appropriate.)
CATEGORY C – Procedures that involve no or only very brief pain or distress, with no need for or use of pain
relieving drugs.
CATEGORY D – Procedures involving potential pain or distress for which appropriate anesthetics, analgesics, or
tranquilizers are given. (NOTE: Contact Veterinary Resources for “appropriate” agents as needed)
CATEGORY E – Painful or distressful procedures for which drugs to relieve the pain or distress would adversely
US Public Health Service (e.g., NIH)
Department of Veterans Affairs
☐ This research is funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs, or
☐ This research is administered through the Baltimore BREF
Private or Charitable Foundation
Private Company
Departmental Funds
Sponsor / Agency
Grant Identification
Grant Title
*Provide one copy of each funded grant for IACUC file. Email to
Does the PI or any of the research staff have a financial interest related to the proposed research or the sponsor that must
be disclosed accordingly to UMB’s Policy on Conflicts of Interest in Research and Development and UMB’s Policy and
Procedures on Financial Conflict of Interest to Promote Objectivity in Public Health Service-Funded Research?
☐ YES or ☐ NO
If YES, please contact the Research Integrity Office and speak with Alison Watkins (410-706-1266).
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Each strain should be listed separately. For each strain, differentiate between experimental and breeder animals.
C57BL/6J experimental
C57BL/6J breeders
10 day PN
3 - 12 mos
Total #
(for 3 yrs)
Max. Daily
*Max. Daily Census = approximate number of animals to be housed in the facility on any given day. Please note that
this information is necessary to plan for housing space and should be expressed in whole numbers.
**Please add rows to this table by placing cursor at end of last row and clicking return.
Please list each agent to be used in vivo and its corresponding category. A hazardous agent form must be completed for
each agent listed below and attached as an addendum to this protocol. A template can be downloaded from the OAWA
Website under Guidelines.
*Hazardous agent categories = Pathogenic Organism; Recombinant DNA; Chemical / Toxin (e.g., toxic chemicals,
teratogens, mutinogens, carcinogens, toxin); and/or Radioactive material
**Please add rows to this table by placing cursor at end of last row and clicking return.
Please list each surgery to be conducted under this protocol. A detailed description of the pre-op, intra-op, and post-op
procedures must be provided in Section II. Detailed Descriptions of Animal Procedures of the written protocol. Please
review the Surgical Guidelines on the OAWA Website.
Survival Surgery
Building & Drug, dose*,
Room #
& route
Drug, dose*,
frequency &
Performed by:
Post-op Care
Provided by:
*=list dose in mg/kg or % inhaled
**Please add rows to this table by placing cursor at end of last row and clicking return.
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Non-survival Surgery (animal anesthetized, procedures performed and then the animal is euthanized)
Anesthetic(s) Surgery
Method of
Building & Drug, dose*, Performed by:
Room #
& route
*=list dose in mg/kg or % inhaled
**Please add rows to this table by placing cursor at end of last row and clicking return.
Please list each method of euthanasia to be used in this protocol. Please refer to the Recommended Methods of
Euthanasia located on the OAWA Website under Guidelines. Method and description can be cut and pasted into the
below table.
**Please add rows to this table by placing cursor at end of last row and clicking return.
**Please add rows to this table by placing cursor at end of last row and clicking return.
Keep copies of computer database search results in your protocol file for a minimum of three years after the protocol has
expired to demonstrate your compliance with the law if regulatory authorities or the IACUC should choose to audit your
project. Refer to instructions for further information regarding the completion of this section.
1. Does the study include procedures that have the potential for producing more than momentary or slight pain or
distress (e.g., Pain/Distress Categories D or E)? ☐ YES or ☐ NO If yes, complete questions 2-5.
2. What are the potentially painful or distressful procedures in this proposal?
Click here to enter text.
3. A literature search for alternatives to the potentially painful or distressful procedures (listed above) was performed.
Search methods and sources are documented below:
a. Date (month/day/year) literature search was performed:
b. Years covered by the search (From yyyy – To yyyy):
c. Keywords or search strategies used in the search (including scientifically relevant terminology):
Click here to enter text.
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d. Databases Searched (The minimum number is two databases. Check all databases searched.)
Resources: UMB HS-HSL Databases and AWIC
☐ Medline/ Pubmed
☐ Agricola
☐ Web of Science
☐ Other: Click here to enter text.
4. Did the literature search reveal less painful or distressful alternatives to the potentially painful or distressful
procedures that are proposed?
☐ No alternatives, refinements, replacements or reduction methods were found.
☐ Yes, but they cannot replace the procedures that are proposed. See below explanation.
a. If yes, identify the painful or distressful procedures(s) and provide a BRIEF explanation why the alternatives
found to this potentially painful or distressful procedure(s) were not acceptable alternatives.
Click here to enter text.
5. List other sources of information used to refine this protocol, as applicable.
Click here to enter text.
I acknowledge and accept the responsibilities associated with serving as the principal investigator of an IACUC protocol
as delineated in the OAWA Principal Investigator Manual.
I will conduct the project in accordance with the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, USDA
regulations (9 CFR parts 1, 2, 3), the Federal Animal Welfare Act (7 USC 2131 et. Seq.), and the Guide for the Care and
Use of Laboratory Animals.
I authorize individuals listed on this application to conduct procedures involving animals and I accept responsibility for
their oversight in the conduct of this proposal.
I confirm that all individuals working with animals have completed the IACUC required training and are participating in
an appropriate Occupational Health & Safety program. Further, I certify that those individuals are properly trained, or
will receive such training prior to working with animals, in all areas relevant to their assigned work with animals (e.g.,
biology, handling, and care of the species used; aseptic surgical methods and techniques; the concept, availability, and use
of research or testing methods that limit the use of animals or minimize distress; the proper use of anesthetics &
analgesics; and procedures for reporting animal welfare concerns).
For animals under this proposal, I understand that in cases of necessary medical treatment, Vet Resources veterinarians
are authorized to provide any treatment required to sustain life; or if necessary, provide humane euthanasia to prevent
unapproved distress and/or pain. I recognize that the veterinary staff will contact me as soon as possible using the
emergency contact information that I provide in this application, but I understand that such contact may not always be
possible prior to providing treatment or performing euthanasia.
I will notify the IACUC of unanticipated outcomes of animals use, including protocol or non-protocol disease or injury.
Unanticipated outcomes are generally defined as negative impacts to animal welfare or well-being.
I recognize that veterinary consultation must occur when pain or distress is beyond the level IACUC approved in this
protocol, or when my staff are unable to provide interventional control (i.e., euthanasia, immediate removal from the
study). I will notify VR veterinary staff when unanticipated pain or distress, unexpected morbidity, or unanticipated
mortality occurs.
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I will obtain approval from the IACUC before initiating any change in the study design or procedures by submitting an
amendment request. I understand that work performed without IACUC approval cannot be published with certification of
IACUC approval and may result in federally-required reporting of non-compliance.
I am familiar with the University of Maryland Baltimore Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) policies and procedures
relative to laboratory safety, biohazards, radiation safety, occupational health and safety, laser safety, chemical and
biological waste management practices, select agents, and shipping of infectious materials and clinical specimens. I will
abide by the regulations, policies and procedures that relate to research, testing or training at UM. I will ensure that all
laboratory personnel engaged in this project will be informed of potential hazards and adequately trained in procedures of
animal experimentation involving hazardous agents.
Click here to enter a date._
__Click here to enter text._________
Printed Name
Signature – VA Attending Veterinarian (if animal work is funded by the VAMC or conducted in the VAMC)
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Lay Summary:
1. Using non-technical (lay) language, please describe the purpose of the proposed study.
Click here to enter text.
2. Describe the potential scientific benefit of the proposed study with respect to human and animal health, the
advancement of knowledge, or the good of society.
Click here to enter text.
3. What experimental manipulations will be done with the animals (in general terms)?
Click here to enter text.
4. Please briefly discuss the impact of the proposed procedures on the animals’ well-being. How will any pain
and/or distress be minimized?
Click here to enter text.
Justification for the use of animals and species:
1. Please justify the use of animals in general. Discuss whether other alternatives (e.g., cell culture, computer
modeling/simulation) to animal usage exist and if so, why they are not feasible, etc.
Click here to enter text.
2. Please document why a particular species and strain was chosen for these studies (cost is not acceptable as the
sole justification). For rodents, please identify each strain and briefly discuss their significance in the proposed
Click here to enter text.
Experimental Summary / Animal Usage:
1. What are the objectives or underlying hypothesis of the planned experiments? Provide background
information on the science. Information provided will be similar to the background section on a grant
application but abbreviated to convey what has already been done in the field at large and why these
experiments should be done.
Click here to enter text.
2. Please discuss whether the proposed research unnecessarily duplicates previous work and provide a brief
narrative discussing the rationale for this conclusion. If similar research has been conducted, please highlight
the differences between the research proposed in this application and that previously published.
Click here to enter text.
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3. Planned Experiments. The following information must be provided for each planned experiment. A flow diagram
must also be attached as an addendum to this protocol. Please label flow diagrams to be congruent with the
experimental description(s) below.
Experiment 1 – Insert Title
Briefly describe the objective of this experiment.
Describe what will happen to the animals from start to finish. Detailed animal procedures should NOT be
described in this section.
What will happen to the animals at the end of the experiment and what is the longest that any one animal
will be involved in an experiment?
List each experimental and control group, including the group size for each group (n=?).
Discuss what criteria were used to determine that the group size(s) proposed utilizes the minimal number
of animals to generate statistically significant data (e.g., power analysis, reports in the literature, previous
experience, etc.).
Indicate whether the experiment must be repeated and justify the number of repetitions.
Indicate the species / strains to be used, and how many will be used.
Experiment 2 – Insert Title
Briefly describe the objective of this experiment.
Describe what will happen to the animals from start to finish. Detailed animal procedures should NOT be
described in this section.
What will happen to the animals at the end of the experiment and what is the longest that any one animal
will be involved in an experiment?
List each experimental and control group, including the group size for each group (n=?).
Discuss what criteria were used to determine that the group size(s) proposed utilizes the minimal number
of animals to generate statistically significant data (e.g., power analysis, reports in the literature, previous
experience, etc.).
Indicate whether the experiment must be repeated and justify the number of repetitions.
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Indicate the species / strains to be used, and how many will be used.
REMOVE THIS NOTE: Additional planned experiments should be inserted here. Template language can be copied
and pasted from the last page of this document into this section and completed accordingly.
4. Animal Reuse – Will any of the proposed experiments utilize animals that have already undergone
experimental procedures in this animal usage protocol or in a separate animal use protocol? ☐ YES ☐ NO
If yes, justify the reuse of animals in this animal use protocol.
Click here to enter text.
Identify which animals will be reused including the source of the animals and what experimental
procedures they previously underwent.
Click here to enter text.
Identify what procedures will be performed on these animals in this animal usage protocol.
Click here to enter text.
Confirm that animal reuse can be accomplished without negative effects on the animals or the scientific
integrity of multiple projects.
Click here to enter text.
Detailed Descriptions of Animal Procedures: Identify EACH procedure to be performed on an animal. List as a subheading
and provide a detailed description of how the work will be performed. Please list procedures chronologically. The following four
items must be addressed in every protocol.
INSERT PROCEDURAL SUBHEADINGS HERE (e.g., Survival Surgery, Dietary Manipulations,
Behavioral Studies, etc.)
Identification of Animals: Please provide details on the method of identification (e.g., ear tagging, tattooing, etc.) used for all
animals in the study and the age of animals when procedures are performed.
Click here to enter text.
General Monitoring: Please provide details to the general monitoring of animals throughout the course of these experiments.
Define parameters to be monitored, frequency of monitoring (at least 3 times a week), and identify the individual(s) responsible
for monitoring.
Click here to enter text.
Alternative Endpoints: Please specify criteria to be used to determine whether early euthanasia (prior to the experimental
endpoint) is warranted. Please refer to the Endpoint Guidelines available on the IACUC website and include only those that are
applicable to the proposed research (
Click here to enter text.
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Euthanasia & Tissue Harvest: Please describe the method of euthanasia to be performed and indicate the tissues to be
Click here to enter text.
Personnel qualifications, experience or training: This section should provide the following information for each person
working on the protocol: Name and degree (if applicable); Specify whether he/she is a Co-PI, technician, or student; Indicate his/her
role in study, i.e. what procedures will he/she be performing in this protocol; Discuss his/her qualifications and training as it
specifically relates to the procedures to be performed in this protocol (years experience with these procedures in this species);
Discuss his/her qualifications and training as it specifically relates to the species being used in this protocol (years experience); and if
the individual is not trained in either the procedures or species (or both), please indicate how he/she will be trained.
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Planned Experiments Language - Template for copying and pasting into document as needed.
Experiment # – Insert Title
Briefly describe the objective of this experiment.
Describe what will happen to the animals from start to finish. Detailed animal procedures should NOT be
described in this section.
What will happen to the animals at the end of the experiment and what is the longest that any one animal
will be involved in an experiment?
List each experimental and control group, including the group size for each group (n=?).
Discuss what criteria were used to determine that the group size(s) proposed utilizes the minimal number
of animals to generate statistically significant data (e.g., power analysis, reports in the literature, previous
experience, etc.).
Indicate whether the experiment must be repeated and justify the number of repetitions.
Indicate the species / strains to be used, and how many will be used.
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