The RM and ICR Biomedical Research Centre Funding

The RM and ICR
Biomedical Research Centre
Funding Opportunities – July 2015 Issue 2
Breast Cancer Now – Tissue Bank
The Breast Cancer Now Tissue Bank provides high-quality, ethically-collected biomaterials and data
from breast cancer patients and individuals without breast cancer. The Tissue bank ranges from
serum samples, through frozen and fixed tissue samples to isolated breast cell populations.
Applications may be submitted at any time by researchers in the UK and Ireland and will be reviewed
in the order they are received. Funding and peer review approval for the proposed research must be
obtained prior to applying for material.
For more details and forms please visit the Tissue Bank.
CRUK - The Pioneer Award
CRUK has launched the new funding opportunity “The Pioneer Award”. It will fund research into truly
innovative, ground-breaking ideas with the potential to lead to new discoveries or approaches that will
help us better understand, prevent, diagnose or treat cancer. Awards will enable research into ideas
with the potential for high reward to beat cancer sooner.
Applications are welcomed from all investigators, no matter your background, occupation, or
academic publication record.
Applications can be made all year round, and will be judged anonymously by the Committee.
Funding period: over 2 years
Funding amount: up to the value of £200,000
For more details and forms please visit the The Pioneer Award.
Children with Cancer UK - Project Grants Outline
We are calling for proposals for innovative new research projects that will deliver real advances in the
fight against childhood cancer. We are seeking proposals for research projects that address one or
more of the following specific research objectives:
To improve knowledge of the genetic and environmental causes and relevant biological
mechanisms of childhood cancers.
To identify diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for childhood cancers.
To optimise and develop more effective and less toxic treatments for children with cancer,
with a special focus on those forms of cancer that still carry a poor prognosis.
To understand the long-term health implications of childhood cancer and its treatment.
We will not, however, fund large case-control epidemiological studies except those that propose to
use existing data or sample collections to test specific hypotheses.
Proposals must be submitted by a UK academic institution; international collaborations may be
funded if they are led by researchers based in a UK institution.
Our project grants are intended to provide funds for the employment of suitably qualified staff and the
purchase of essential equipment and consumables for projects. We also welcome pilot studies.
Funding period: up to 3 years
Funding amount: The maximum amount that can be applied for is £250,000.
Deadline for preliminary proposal
1 September 2015 at 5pm
For more details and forms please visit the Project Grants Outline.
Canada Gairdner Awards - Canada Gairdner Awards
The reputation of the Canada Gairdner Awards rests on the quality of the scientists who are
nominated and the decisions made by our adjudication committees. We encourage new nominations
from anywhere in the world at any time.
The deadline for the 2016 prizes is October 1, 2015. Nominations received after the October 1
deadline will be considered for 2017. All nominations will be held for up to 3 years, but should be
updated annually. The 2016 laureates will be announced on March 23, 2016.
Seven awards are given each year: five Canada Gairdner International Awards, one Canada Gairdner
Global Health Award, and one Canada Gairdner Wightman Award.
Gairdner welcomes nominations in the three categories:
Canada Gairdner International Awards (5)
Canada Gairdner Global Health Award (1)
Canada Gairdner Wightman Award (1)
Main Funding: Each award is $100,000 CDN
1 October 2015
For more details and forms please visit the Canada Gairdner Awards.
NCI / NIH (USA) - Research Project Grant (Parent R01)
Opportunity number: PA-13-302
The Research Project Grant (R01) supports a discrete, specified, circumscribed project in scientific
areas that represent the investigators’ specific interests and competencies and that fall within the
mission of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs). The R01 is the original, and historically
the oldest, grant mechanism used by the NIH to support health-related research and development.
Funding amount: Up to $500,000
Application Deadline
5 October 2015
For more details and forms please visit the Research Project Grant (Parent R01).
NCI / NIH (USA) - NLM Express Research Grants in Biomedical Informatics (R01)
Opportunity Number: PAR-13-300
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) offers support for innovative research in biomedical
informatics. The scope of NLM's interest in the research domain of informatics is interdisciplinary,
encompassing informatics problem areas in the application domains of health care, public health,
basic biomedical research, bioinformatics, biological modeling, translational research and health
information management in disasters. NLM defines biomedical informatics as the science of optimal
organization, management, presentation and utilization of information relevant to human health and
biology. Informatics research produces concepts, tools and approaches that advance what is known
in the field and have the capacity to improve human health.
NLM places a high priority on innovation in the research it supports. An application to NLM's research
grant program should focus on a well-defined research problem and rigorous research design based
on preliminary studies.
Funding period: maximum project period is 4 years
Funding amount: maximum of $250,000 per year in direct costs
Application deadline
5 October 2015
For more details and forms please visit the NLM Express Research Grants in Biomedical Informatics
World Cancer Research Fund International - Regular Grant Programme
Each year the Regular Grant Programme accepts applications for research studies exploring the link
between diet, nutrition, body composition, physical activity and cancer prevention and survival.
The scope of the grant programme is defined by six research principles and five research themes,
which are described in the guidelines. Applications must adhere to all the research principles and one
or more of the research themes. Applications which do not fall within the scope of the principles and
themes, will not be considered.
Regular Grant Programme applications are accepted from anywhere in the world, except the
Americas (North America; Central America and the Caribbean; and South America).
There are two grant types:
Investigator Initiated Grants (IIGs) are awarded to Principal Investigators for a maximum of
£250,000 for up to four years, with a limit of £75,000 for any one year.
Pilot Grants (PGs) are intended as start-up funds for pilot research on innovative ideas
relevant to WCRF International research themes. This will allow researchers to collect
preliminary data and to develop their idea to a stage where an application for an IIG would be
appropriate. These grants are for a maximum of £60,000 for up to two years.
Application deadline
9 October 2015
For more details and forms please visit the Regular Grant Programme.
NCI / NIH (USA) - Core Infrastructure and Methodological Research for Cancer Epidemiology
Cohorts (U01)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites grant applications for support of the core
functions of Cancer Epidemiology Cohorts (CECs), as well as methodological research. This FOA is
intended to support innovative approaches to maintain or enhance the infrastructure of an existing
CEC or the establishment of a new CEC. Through this FOA, the NCI will also support core functions
for CECs currently funded through other grant mechanisms by the Epidemiology and Genomics
Research Program (EGRP) and other components of the Division of Cancer Control and Population
Sciences (DCCPS) at NCI.
Funding period: maximum project period is 5 years
Funding amount: total direct costs for any year may not exceed $2.5M
Final deadline
10 October 2015
For more details and forms please visit the Core Infrastructure and Methodological Research for
Cancer Epidemiology Cohorts (U01).
NCI / NIH (USA) - Collaborative Research in Integrative Cancer Biology (U01)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage new research into
integrative cancer biology by fostering collaborations between investigators currently supported
through the Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP) and those currently unaffiliated with the ICBP.
These collaborative projects should leverage the existing expertise and resources from within the
ICBP research community and combine those with new approaches, technologies or methods to
address compelling cancer questions. Therefore, the proposed research projects must involve
partnerships between investigators currently supported by ICBP and investigators currently
unaffiliated with the program. Applications that focus on projects which neither involve integrative
cancer biology research, nor expand individual ICBP investigators' research by adding additional
expertise, resources, or approaches, or without affiliation to existing ICBP personnel, are not
appropriate to this FOA.
Funding period: up to 5 years
Funding amount: Application budgets are not limited, but need to reflect the actual needs of the
proposed project.
Letter of intent
13 October 2015
Application deadline
13 November 2015
For more details and forms please visit the Collaborative Research in Integrative Cancer Biology
NCI / NIH (USA) - Physical Sciences-Oncology Network (PS-ON): Physical Sciences-Oncology
Projects (U01)
The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to invite applications for Physical
Science-Oncology Projects (PS-OP). The goal of the PS-OPs is to promote a ‘physical sciences
perspective’ of cancer and foster the convergence of physical science and cancer research by
forming small transdisciplinary teams of physical scientists (e.g., engineers, physicists,
mathematicians, chemists, computer scientists) and cancer researchers (e.g., cancer biologists,
oncologists, pathologists) working very closely together to advance our understanding of cancer
biology and oncology.
The transdisciplinary nature of the Projects will require the formation of small collaborative research
teams around a physical sciences-based framework to address fundamental questions in cancer
research. The PS-OPs will develop and test physical sciences-based experimental and theoretical
concepts that complement and advance our current understanding of cancer. The PS-OPs,
individually and along with other PS-OPs and the Physical Sciences-Oncology Centers (PS-OC), will
form the Physical Sciences-Oncology Network (PS-ON). The Physical Sciences-Oncology initiative is
expected to further develop emerging fields of study in cancer that are based on physical sciences
principles and approaches.
Funding period: maximum project period is 5 years
Funding amount: may not exceed $500,000 per year
Final deadline
14 October 2015
For more details and forms please visit the Physical Sciences-Oncology Network (PS-ON): Physical
Sciences-Oncology Projects (U01).
Cancer and Polio Research Fund - Cancer and Polio Research Fund
Our formal objects, as registered with the Charity Commission, are "the advancement of education
and the preservation of health and relief of sickness by the promotion of research into cancer and
other crippling disease". We do this by funding selected projects and equipment which, in the opinion
of our trustees, fall within the guidelines summarised below.
Projects must be research into cancers (with particular reference to the causes, development and
treatment of these diseases) or research into polio and other crippling diseases. We do not routinely
fund research in other fields that has only limited application in these areas. We will, however,
consider proposals that are novel and which require pump-priming. Particular consideration will be
given to proposals where part-funding is derived from other sources.
We do not routinely fund activities that are not classed as research, but may provide limited funding in
support of research symposia or lectures for the dissemination of research findings.
We provide funding towards the direct costs of research, but will not provide funds to cover
overheads. We will not promote the use of tobacco or tobacco products, and specifically exclude
research involving these substances.
Applications for grants are normally considered in the autumn/winter of each year. If you would like to
apply, initially please send a brief layman's summary of the project and its cost by email to
Funding amount: typically grants were awarded around £40,000
Final deadline
15 October 2015
For more details and forms please visit the Cancer and Polio Research Fund.
European Respiratory Society - Clinical Research Collaboration
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) contributes to the coordination of activities in respiratory
medicine across Europe, by encouraging new initiatives, producing guidelines for European clinicians,
supporting and disseminating information from industry-independent multi-centre clinical research
collaboration, developing joint documents with other major associations and/or international scientific
societies, and other research activities.
The ERS may support the work of a Clinical Research Collaboration (CRC) in areas of respiratory
medicine where a pan-European multi-centre network of principal investigators aims to advance
science and clinical research within a specific disease area. An ERS CRC offers an umbrella for a
network of researchers in a specific disease area, and may also integrate non-ERS members,
representing different scientific disciplines which complement the network with multidisciplinary and
multifunctional know-how and expertise.
Proposals for a CRC must be made by a group of members from one ERS assembly, or a group of
ERS members from several assemblies.
Final deadline
15 October 2015
For more details and forms please visit the Clinical Research Collaboration.
Federation of European Biochemical Societies - Women in Science Award
Each year an individual woman working in the life sciences will be recognized for her exceptional
achievements. The winner will be honoured at the annual FEBS Congress, where she will receive a
grant of €10,000 and a statuette, and present a special plenary lecture.
The nominee must be a woman who has made significant contributions to her field of science in the
past 5 years. The award is generally not meant to be for lifetime achievements. The nominee’s
research must be based in one of the FEBS or EMBO member countries and in a scientific field
covered by FEBS and EMBO, i.e. the life sciences, including medical and agricultural research.
Final deadline
15 October 2015
For more details and forms please visit the Women in Science Award.
Department of Defence - Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program - Horizon Award
The FY15 PRCRP Topic Areas are listed below:
Colorectal cancer, Genetic cancer, Kidney cancer, Listeria vaccine for cancer, Liver cancer
(New for FY15), Melanoma and other skin cancers, Mesothelioma, Myeloproliferative
disorders, Neuroblastoma, Pancreatic cancer, Stomach cancer (New for FY15)
New for FY15, the Horizon Award supports junior level scientists to conduct impactful research with
the mentorship of an experienced cancer researcher (i.e., Mentor). The Horizon Award challenges
junior scientists to develop and implement research in the cancer field.
Principal Investigator must either be:
A predoctoral candidate within two years of completing required coursework, completed all
laboratory rotations, successfully passed qualifying examinations, and is working in his/her
Mentor’s laboratory by the time of the application submission deadline, OR
A postdoctoral fellow within three years of completion of his/her terminal degree (excluding
medical residency or family medical leave), and working in the Mentor’s laboratory at the time
of the application submission deadline.
Must hold a position at or above the level of an Assistant Professor (or equivalent),
Mentor must have a proven publication and active funding record in at least one of the FY15
PRCRP Topic Areas,
Mentor must not have a major research focus in breast, prostate, lung (excluding
mesothelioma), or ovarian cancer.
Funding period: maximum period of performance is 1 year.
Funding amount: anticipated direct costs budgeted for the entire period of performance will not
exceed $75,000. Associated indirect costs can be budgeted in accordance with the organization’s
negotiated rate
Pre-Application Deadline
5:00 p.m. Eastern time (ET), August 11, 2015
For more details and forms please visit the Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program - Horizon
Wellcome Trust - Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships
This fellowship provides a unique opportunity for the most promising newly qualified postdoctoral
researchers to make an early start in developing their independent research careers, working in the
best laboratories in the UK and overseas.
The fellowship is for four years full-time. Fellowships may be taken up on a part-time employment
basis with the tenure of award lengthened accordingly. The fellowship provides an award of £250,000
(basic salary and research expenses).
For preliminary applications submitted after November 2014, you must be in the final year of your
PhD studies or have no more than two years of postdoctoral research experience from the date of
your PhD viva at the final decision point (i.e. interview). Time spent outside the research environment
will be taken into consideration (e.g. time away due to maternity, paternity, adoption leave or other
caring responsibilities; ill-health or working in a non-research environment/role such as industry).
Final deadline
9 October 2015
For more details and forms please visit the Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships.