Matthew H. Mead Governor William T. Panos Interim Director DATE Mr. Joseph Dailey Wyoming Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration 2617 E. Lincolnway, Suite D Cheyenne, WY 82001-5662 Project No: INSERT PROJECT NUMBER INSERT PROJECT NAME ROAD NAME/LOCATION INSERT COUNTY TYPE OF WORK Dear Mr. Dailey: Pursuant to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, APPLICANT submits this Categorical Exclusion (CE) for the above referenced project. Justification for the determination of minimal and temporary impacts is presented in the following sections. PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The proposed project is located at LOCATION in TOWN, COUNTY Wyoming. More specifically the proposed project is located in Section ##, Township##N, Range##W (Figure 1). The project will consist of (Brief description of the project). PURPOSE AND NEED The primary purpose of this project is to (describe the project in detail). The need for this project is (describe why the project is needed) Alternatives The “No Action” alternative is (what would happen if the project were not built) The preferred alternative is to (briefly describe the project and why it is preferred) AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT / IMPACTS Wyoming Department of Transportation Form 100, attached, summarizes potential environmental impacts associated with this project. There is a potential for minimal and temporary impacts, associated with construction. These impacts, and other pertinent issues, are discussed in more detail below. SOCIAL IMPACTS Land Use Changes What is the current and future land uses surrounding the project area? Revised: 06/04/13 Project No: INSERT PROJECT NUMBER INSERT PROJECT NAME Page 2 of 7 What is the current and future land uses associated with any ROW taken by the project? Relocation Potential Will any families have to be relocated due to the proposed project? Churches and Schools Are any churches or schools located in or adjacent to the project area? If so, explain possible impacts associated with the project. Controversy Potential Is the proposed project controversial in the community or with adjacent neighbors? Energy What effects will the project have on energy resources (oil, gas, coal, uranium, etc) in the area? Utilities What utilities are located in or near the project? Will the utilities have to be moved? Designated Emergency Routes Will there be an effect on any designated emergency routes during the project construction and how will those impacts be addressed? Environmental Justice What is the socio-economic setting around the project? Are there any low-income families, housing, or neighborhoods in the area? Will there be a disproportional effect to these areas? Public Transportation Will the project affect public transportation or public transportation routes? Right-of-Way Describe ownership, acres and impacts of any taken right-of-way. Is any public land being taken or used for easements? Construction Permits Is there construction permits required? Construction permits are defined as using land not owned by the agency on a temporary basis to complete the construction project. Pedestrian and Bicycle What affects will the project have on pedestrians and bicycles? ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL IMPACTS Are there any archaeological or historic sites in the project area? Consult with the State Historic Preservation Office for a determination of National Register of Historic Places eligibility and project effects (Attach letter to SHPO and SHPO reply). Consultation with The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) was initiated on DATE. SHPO concurred in a determination of (no historic properties affected or no historic properties Project No: INSERT PROJECT NUMBER INSERT PROJECT NAME Page 3 of 7 adversely affected – Choose only one this determination is located on the SHPO reply letter) on DATE and recommends the undertaking proceed in accordance with state and federal laws subject to the following stipulation: If any cultural materials are discovered during construction, work in the area shall halt immediately, the appropriate State and Federal agency shall be contacted, and the materials evaluated by an archaeologist or historian meeting the Secretary of Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards (48 FR22716, Sept. 1983). SECTION 4(f) Recreational Areas Are any of the following located on or adjacent to the project: fairgrounds, public open spaces, parks, state game lands, or other recreation facilities fully open to the public? Will there be any impacts to these facilities? If so describe. Will there be any impacts to these facilities? If so describe. - If a pathway does not go through a park, delete this text and the text below. If a pathway goes through a park, use the language below and acquire a signed letter from the park owner confirming all possible planning to minimize harm has been accomplished in the location and design of the bikeway or walkway facility. FHWA’s May 23, 1977 Section 4(f) Programmatic Determination for Bikeway or Walkway Construction Projects determined that pathways will not have a significant effect upon the quality of the human environment and will be beneficial to the recreational potential of parks. It is also determined that (1) there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of Section 4(f) lands, and (2) the conditions for approval will insure that the pathway will be planned to minimize impact. Written approval of the official having jurisdiction over the Section 4(f) property will confirm that the location and design of the pathway has been planned to minimize impact. Historic Properties Are there any archaeological sites, buildings or structures in or adjacent to the project that is eligible or listed on the National Register of Historic Places? NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Waters of the U.S. and Wetlands Are there any Waters of the U.S. on the project? Are there any ditches or valleys that have a definable bed and bank? Will there be any work in the ditches or valleys? If yes explain the impacts. Are there any wetlands on the project? Will these wetlands be impacted? Is avoidance possible and have alternative routes been investigated? Are there any practical measures to minimize impacts? Project No: INSERT PROJECT NUMBER INSERT PROJECT NAME Page 4 of 7 What is the total acres disturbed to wetlands? What are the total acres of disturbance to Waters of the U.S.? Is wetland mitigation required? Are there any potential mitigation sites? Consult with the Army Corps of Engineers (attach correspondences). Water Quality Are there any potential surface or ground water impacts? Identify if any WYDEQ Class I, Class II or impaired waters are located on or near the project area. What water quality permits will be required? (WYPDES, Discharge Permits, impaired waters, etc.) Wild and Scenic Rivers Are any designated or proposed Wild and Scenic Rivers in or adjacent to the project area? What affects will the project have on the bed, banks, or free flowing condition of the Wild and Scenic River? Floodplains Is the project located in a floodplain? If yes how will the natural flow of the floodplain be affected. What alternatives to location in the floodplain have been evaluated? Farmlands Is any farmland being taken by this project? Have you consulted with the Natural Resource Conservation Service to determine if the farmland being taken is classified as prime or unique farmland? Wildlife and Habitat Is there big game crucial habitat in the project area? Is the project located in sage grouse core area? Does a Density Disturbance Calculation Tool (DDCT) for sage grouse need to be completed? Does the project warrant a biological assessment, due to the location, type or quantity of habitat? Is there any cutting of trees? If yes how many and what type? Consult with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (attach correspondences). Threatened and Endangered Species Has a wildlife consultant field reviewed the project, if so attach report? Are there any prairie dog towns, rock cliffs, large old trees, wetlands, and water or food supplies on the project? Are there any ditches, streams or waterways? Is there riparian areas nest to the ditch, stream or waterway? Consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and attach correspondences? Vegetation Describe current vegetation in the project area. Describe how the disturbed areas will be re-vegetated. Ecosystem Consider the effects of the project on the community of living and non-living things that work together. Project No: INSERT PROJECT NUMBER INSERT PROJECT NAME Page 5 of 7 Effects should be considered at the local level of the project and at a regional level, at a minimum. Will there be any permanent or significant impacts to these communities of living and non-living organisms that are working together? PHYSICAL IMPACTS Noise Are there any noise receptors (residences, schools, etc) within the project area? Will there be a long-term increase in background noise level due to the project? Is a noise study required? Air How will this project affect air quality? Will there be any adverse impacts to air quality? Is the project in a non-attainment area? Hazardous Waste Sites / Contamination Are there any fueling stations, lube shops, mechanic, industrial or refineries in the area of the project? Are there any buried storage tanks or pipelines in the area? Are there any waste sites along the project? Visual What can be seen from the project area? Are there any breathtaking scenic views? Will the project have any adverse affects on visual qualities? Is an in-depth analysis needed? PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Has there been any public meetings or are any planned. MITIGATION SUMMARY Describe what measures will be taken to mitigate the impacts to the environment including any additional mitigation measures obtained from correspondences with other agencies. If any unanticipated impacts are discovered during project work, the appropriate personnel will be notified immediately to evaluate the impacts and determine the proper measures to be taken to prevent further impacts and mitigate any impacts that require mitigation. PREPARER Name, Title, Organization DETERMINATION Project No: INSERT PROJECT NUMBER INSERT PROJECT NAME Page 6 of 7 I determine that Project Name is a categorical exclusion. The following Form 100 describes the impact evaluation and findings. ____________________________________ Applicant’s Signature (type name here) Date Applicants Organization (re-type your organization name) Wyoming Department of Transportation Concurrence ____________________________________ Timothy L. Stark, P.E. Date Environmental Services Engineer WYDOT Environmental Service use only FHWA signature [ ] required [ ] not required ____________________________________ This project is a Categorical Exclusion per FHWA approval ____________________________________ Joseph Dailey Date Federal Highway Administration Attachments: Form 100 - Environmental Impact Evaluation Figure 1: Site Location Figure 2: Proposed Improvements Letter to the State Historic Preservation Office dated XXX State Historic Preservation Office Concurrence Letter dated XXX Attach all additional agency correspondences (scoping letter and response letter) – At a minimum, we need the following letters: SHPO, Army Corps, Wyoming Game and Fish, U.S. Fish and Wildlife. Also, include letter from the official having jurisdiction ove the Section 4(f) property. Attach additional studies that were completed (Wetland Delineations, Biological Reports, Historical Reports, etc). Wyoming Department of Transportation Form 100 - Environmental Impact Evaluation INSERT PROJECT NAME INSERT COUNTY Project Number: INSERT PROJECT NUMBER ROAD NAME/LOCATION None Present No Impacts Minimal SEVERITY OF IMPACTS SOCIAL IMPACTS Land Use Changes Community Cohesion Relocation Potential Churches and Schools Controversy Potential Energy Utilities Designated Emergency Routes Environmental Justice Public Transportation Right-of-Way Construction Permits Pedestrian & Bicycle ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL IMPACTS Historic Sites / Districts Archaeological Sites SECTION 4 (f) Recreational Areas Historic Properties NATURAL ENVIRONMENT IMPACTS Waters of the U.S. and Wetlands Water Quality Wild and Scenic Rivers Floodplains Farmlands Wildlife and Habitat Threatened and Endagered Species Vegetation Ecosystem PHYSICAL IMPACTS Noise Air Quality Temporary Impacts Contamination Hazardous Waste Sites Visual PERMITS REQUIRED WATERS OF THE U.S. FINDINGS REMARKS