
Brendan Duffy
Mobile: 0274 055 734
PhD (Geology) University of Canterbury
MSc (Geology) University of Canterbury
BSc (Geology) University of Canterbury
Lecturer – University of Canterbury
18 month fixed term position. I taught geology and engineering geology courses to
postgraduate level, with a focus on structural geology; geomorphic mapping; geophysics;
paleoseismology; developing and presenting engineering geological models; earthquake
hazards; hazard assessment and report writing. I also supervised >12 geology and
engineering geology student projects, at undergraduate to PhD level. Projects included:
 Geological, geophysical and paleoseismological investigation of active faults. This
complemented my previous work on geophysical and geotechnical investigations, and
hazard zonation, of gravel-covered faulted rock masses (download).
 Liquefaction and paleo-liquefaction studies in Christchurch and Greymouth.
 GIS and geophysical investigation of fill age, type and quality, and implications for
liquefaction hazards in Greymouth.
 Geophysical and geotechnical investigation of engineering properties of karst.
 Using a CPT transect to locate and map an active fault.
 Using ground penetrating radar, field mapping and topographic analysis to document
stopbank damage.
 Consultancy work for Opus (NZ), excavating and logging a paleoseismic trench for a
building consent.
Prior to my fixed-term contract, I organised and taught multiple field courses throughout my
MSc and PhD. I have taught almost every geology graduate since 2007 in some capacity. My
organisation of a helicopter evacuation of an injured student from a remote area in 2010 was
commended by the university after and is even now used as a positive example in University
field health and safety training.
PhD researcher – University of Canterbury
I managed the bulk of a $300,000 Royal Society Marsden-funded project in Timor-Leste. My
responsibilities included organizing logistics and work-plans for 3 field seasons in TimorLeste, for myself and seven other academics from the Universities of Canterbury, Queensland
and Southern California. I managed finances, published results in peer-reviewed journals
(download) and established a memorandum of understanding with Timorese authorities that
is still benefiting my colleagues. I also worked extensively on the Greendale fault (download).
Geophysicist – Southern Geophysical Limited (Full-time Nov 2012 to July 2013)
In this role, I designed, implemented and interpreted ground penetrating radar, multichannel shear wave, seismic and electromagnetic surveys throughout New Zealand. Projects
included shear wave mapping of landfills, electromagnetic mapping of military ordnance, and
radar mapping of illegally-buried demolition waste in Christchurch.
Electrician and electrical foreman (Aotea Electric Canterbury Ltd, then self-employed) I
project managed multiple electrical projects, including short time line high value projects. In
2005 I oversaw a refurbishment of four floors of the Central Library at the University of
Canterbury, delivering the ~$1,000,000 12 week project a week early.
British Army – Corps of Royal Engineers
Completed service as a field section commander in charge of projects including bridge
building, power supply, water supply and explosive ordnance disposal. I worked in Angola,
Kenya, Bosnia and Cyprus.
Written and oral communication
My professional outputs include conference papers, paleoseismic consulting reports, journal articles, and
several invited post-earthquake lectures for engineering and survey professionals. Journal and conference
contributions can be viewed here.
Geology/Geomorphology, including: engineering geology ▪ engineering geophysics ▪ engineering and
tectonic geomorphology ▪ structural geology ▪ earthquake geology ▪ slope processes ▪ Quaternary and glacial
geology and geomorphology.
Seismotectonic hazard assessment including fault location ▪ paleoseismic studies ▪ fault kinematics ▪ fault
hazard characterization and zonation ▪ landslide susceptibility ▪ liquefaction and paleo-liquefaction ▪ fluvial
response to active tectonism.
Field and laboratory skills in a wide range of disciplines related to geology, engineering geology and
geomorphology including:
▪ Geological and geomorphological mapping using desktop (GIS) and field work.
▪ Rock mass characterization using traditional techniques and shear wave velocity surveys.
▪ Rock material characterization using unconfined and triaxial testing, point load testing and ultrasonic
velocity testing.
▪ Engineering geophysics including: 2d and 3d shear wave mapping of cavities, landfills, foundation
sites, etc., ground penetrating radar, reflection seismic, resistivity and electromagnetic techniques
▪ Topographic and cadastral surveys using total-station, differential GPS or RTK GPS, structure from
motion and airborne LiDAR.
▪ Software skills including AutoCAD ▪ ArcGIS ▪ @risk (probabilistic risk analysis) ▪ Surfseis (shear wave
seismic software)
▪ Field health and safety
▪ Project management
Mr David Bell
Bell Geoconsulting Limited
03 355 4406
Dr Michael Finnemore
Southern Geophysical Limited
Tel: 021 223 7983
Prof. Jarg Pettinga
University of Canterbury
Tel: 021 179 2207
Assoc. Prof Mark Quigley
University of Canterbury
021 203 3577