Guidelines for Validation & Verification, including Change Control Introduction This is a general guideline aimed at providing RGL with a practical framework for the introduction or use of any new or change of established processes, equipment, facilities or systems. The following areas are covered in detail: Change Control - a formal system for managing proposed or actual change Validation - documented evidence that the requirements for a specified intended use or application have been fulfilled i.e. a collection and evaluation of data from the process design stage through to production which establishes evidence that the process is capable of consistently delivering the required quality. It is about gaining knowledge and an understanding of the product/process. This is generally the prepurchasing stage and provides assurance that product meets the needs of stakeholders. Verification – documented evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled i.e. a collection and evaluation of data from production through to implementation, which establishes evidence that the process is in reality consistently delivering the required quality. In some quality standards this equates to Process Qualification. Validation and verification is a requirement of ISO15189:2012 standard, 5.5.1. Selection, verification and validation of examination procedures. It is the intention of RGL to maintain critical processes and systems in the intended state for which they were developed and which are in line with regulations, standards and guidelines that underpin the quality management system. For this reason, the RGL should: understand the process variations detect these process variations and assess their extent understand the influences on the process and control such variations depending on the risk they represent It’s important to remember that a sound understanding of the process will not inherently lead to a safe process. The validation and verification process needs to include evaluation of materials, equipment, the environment, and personnel changes to ensure the process can be maintained when in routine operation. Change Control Any new or changed process, equipment, facilities and systems must be through the change control process. Uncontrolled change carries significant risk of loss of the validated state for laboratory processes, equipment, facilities or systems. Requests for change may arise from: Planned change as a result of opportunities Review of current procedure Audit findings Incidents Complaints Some laboratory changes may result of using new equipment of the same type or a relocation of the process in which case the validation may be limited but must still be documented. Minor changes or amendments to documented procedures may not need to go through this process, but will still be managed via the document control procedure. Regarding new equipment see Equipment Management Guidelines (Equip 1) Risk Assessment A risk assessment must be completed to assess the possible consequences of the change so that action can be taken to eliminate or mitigate the risk, and will inform the extent of the validation and verification required. The risks need to be well defined and should identify what might go wrong, what are the consequences if it goes wrong and what is the likelihood of it going wrong. Consideration may also need to be made of the probability of identifying when things are going wrong. Specification A documented specification is an essential document and should take account of the opinions of all stakeholders. It needs to be produced before the purchase of equipment. The specification needs to include: Purpose for which the new process, equipment, facilities or systems are required. Also Include stakeholder requirements Describe essential and desirable requirements and functions Define the operating environment in which the system will operate to ensure staff safety Define other requirements such as consumables, time/staff resources (inc. training) and maintenance schedules and compliance with regulations and standards e.g. EQA, UKAS, HTA. Each requirement needs to be measureable or verifiable in some way. It may be possible and desirable to prioritise or weight requirements. The specification needs to be approved and authorised by an appropriate person. Procurement RGL will comply with the following trust and RGL Policy and Procedures: Trust ICT Procurement Policy Trust Standards of Business Conduct RGL Equipment Management Guidelines (Equip 1) Validation & Verification Plans A plan will be developed that defines the requirements for a small discrete validation and verification process or in more complex changes a series of validation and verification processes. As a minimum: Summary of the change the responsibilities for the various activities should be stated a schedule for the activities to validate in line with specification A summary report will be written detailing the outcome of the validation process and decision to purchase will be made authorised and recorded. Following purchase the plan needs to be extended to plan the initial verification implementation and on-going verification phases. Once all the SOPs, training and records are in place the new process can be authorised for use. A summary report (see Appendix 1) will be written detailing the outcome of the verification process will submitted and authorised and recorded. Final authorisation before implementation will be made by the appropriate Consultant Clinical Scientist. If a process is to be developed in house then a more formal validation plan needs to be developed. The plan needs to define and evaluate the following: Include the rational for why methods are sound with sufficient specificity, sensitivity and accuracy to meet patient needs. Demonstrate lab equipment is operating sufficiently Controls and EQA Parameters Limits Raw materials What data needs to collected and what it will be used for Each step must have a specific pass/fail instruction under defined conditions Plans need to be more aggressive than would be expected in normal routine use Evaluate inter and intra batch acceptance criteria, some guidelines suggest 3 batches need to be assessed. If excluding outliers, the plan should explain in advance Preventative Maintenance and calibration procedures Reports must draw a clear conclusion as to whether or not the process is for purpose and approved for use. It should also state any limitations and Uncertainty of Measurement (see Process for assigning Uncertainty of Measurement) Implementation All documentation should be kept for a minimum of 11 years or the lifetime of the process, equipment, facilities or system. SOPs and record templates must be written and authorised immediately prior to the change being made. All staff involved in using the equipment must be trained before using the new process. Training and competency records will be completed and records kept. Once implemented considerations should be made and documented as to how the new process will be maintained as intended. On-going Verification There needs to be a periodic review of trends in process and maintenance data when in routine use. Unplanned process variations i.e. errors and incidents need to be reported and prioritised and resolved, with regular review, until the new process has become established. The trends in process data will establish the capability of the process and can be used for future monitoring. The aim is to improve the process; however improvements need to be made in a structured way in line with these guidelines. Appendix I: Change request pro-forma This form is intended for identifying and collating proposed changes in service affecting processes, systems or equipment, in order to manage the change process to ensure all documentation is completed in accordance with the ISO15189:2012 standard. This form should be completed prior to any significant detailed investigation into the change to ensure the utility of investigating the change request, in order to minimise any unnecessary use of resource. More importantly, the completion of this form ensures that any proposed change follows the specific validation/verification procedures required by the RGL for compliance with the ISO standard 15189:2012. 1. Section 1.1 should be completed as far as possible to establish the goals of the change request. There needs to be sufficient information to enable the authoriser to make a judgment as to whether to proceed with the proposal or not. 2. Section 1.2 should be completed by the appropriate senior scientist in order to initiate further detailed investigation of the change request. The authoriser needs to decide whether a full business case is required and what detail is expected within this case. In the case of new equipment being required, the authoriser will need to request whether a capital (>£5k) or non-capital business case is submitted through the appropriate channel. 3. Section 1.3 will be completed once the business case has been submitted to the appropriate persons for detailed consideration. This will be dependent on the type of change requested and the potential associated cost. Once authorised the full validation/verification procedure will be implemented. Authorisation level will depend on the associated cost and impact of the change. 1. Change Request Details Request name Internal descriptive name Reference Internal ref. 1.1 Change request details Description of change request Outline the change being requested and the reasons why this action is required. Process/ System/ Equipment Specify whether this is a change to a process, system or equipment. Benefit List any benefit to introducing this change, e.g. improved testing, better results, streamlining, quality improvement, reduction in labour/consumable cost, improved TAT Needs Investment in equipment (Capital v non-capital), reagents, staffing SOP Details Detail SOPs which change affects References List any relevant documentation both internal and external indicating the derivation of the test and including performance specifications, publications and any previous validations 1.2 Change request response Full business case required Capital business case required Non-capital business case required Rejected Comments Requires submission to RGL Capital Programme, SMT, EMT. Authorisation Name Lead Authoriser Signature Date 1.3 Change request outcome Approved Rejected Comments Proceed to full validation procedure. Authorisation Name Authoriser Signature Date Appendix II: Generic validation/verification pro-forma This form is intended as a guide to aid the department in developing a suitable validation/ verification procedure. A suggested methodology for using the form has been given below. 1. Section 1 should be completed as far as possible to establish the goals and general format of the validation/verification. Sections 1.1 “Intended use or application” and 1.2 “Requirements” must be completed at the start of the procedure. The assessment of the validation/verification depends formally on the confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that these requirements have been fulfilled. If mentioned (1.2), the “Expected Performance” should be distinguished from the “Requirements”, which must be shown to have been fulfilled. o Example: the statement “should detect all known point mutations of hemophilia A” could be included as a guide in the Expected performance; if it were stated as a requirement, it would need to be proven! 2. Section 2 covers the validation of the new system which should be carried out for all validations and verifications. In the majority of cases this section can be completed on objective evidence from publications, developmental work, design procedures (e.g. SNP checking primers) or by the use of limitations or controls in the on-going test. Where this is not the case, work plans for relevant parameters should be prepared as in 3 below. 3. Appropriate parameters for experimental investigation should be identified with the aid of appendix A – a checklist is also provided at the top of section 3. For each parameter required, the investigating scientist develops a work plan based on section 3 (these are referenced 3.1, 3.2 to 3.n) by completing copies of sections 3.n.1 (‘Aims’, ‘Samples’ and ‘Methodology’). It is suggested that these be maintained in a single document. Note: several parameters may be tested in a single experiment, for example sensitivity and specificity. 4. The work plan[s] should be agreed and authorised by the investigator and the senior scientist/Authoriser by signing and dating in the boxes provided. 5. The experimental work is performed and analysed by the investigator who should then complete the ‘experimental results’ and ‘interpretation’ sections 3.n.2. 6. The ‘outcome and limitations’ should be agreed between the investigating and senior scientists by signing and dating in the boxes provided. 7. Points 3 to 6 should be repeated for each parameter to be tested. 8. If there is any non-compliance between the experimental results and the required performance specification detailed in section 1.2 the parameter in question should to be re-examined to determine if the methodology can be changed or new limitations introduced to rectify the non-compliance. Any further work should be recorded in a new section 3 work plan. Alternatively the implementation can be abandoned. 9. Once all the parameters have been satisfactorily investigated the investigating and senior scientist can agree and sign off the final conclusions in section 4. 10. Assuming the validation / verification has been completed satisfactorily an independent review can be performed and the whole process signed-off in section 5 by a Consultant Scientist. 1. Validation / Verification (delete as appropriate) Details System name Internal descriptive name Reference Internal ref. 1.1 System details Intended use or application Outline the intended results of the test and how they will be used including any interpretative considerations; linked to 1.2 Performance Requirements. Locus / Gene / Marker Specify analyte[s] Reference Sequence e.g. NCBI accession number Outline methodology Describe the technology and how it will be employed SOP Reference internal SOP References List any relevant documentation both internal and external indicating the derivation of the test and including performance specifications, publications and any previous validations 1.2 Validation/Verification details Overall Aims State clearly the overall aim of the validation/verification Requirements Define the levels of performance that must be attained (accuracy, precision, and any other performance requirements such as robustness or maximum failure rate). Linked to 1.1 Intended Use or Application. Link to equipment specification if necessary. Validation / Verification State whether the study is a validation or verification and the justification for this course of action. Type State the type of test and if the validation is to be performed at implementation or on an on-going basis. Scope / limitations List any pre-existing limitations (e.g. test to be performed on DNA extracted from EDTA peripheral blood samples only) Turn around time The required TAT Other considerations List any other factors that may affect the utility of the test for the intended purpose. Expected performance can be mentioned here. 2. Validation of new system System name Internal descriptive name Applicability of measurements Is what is being tested appropriate and sufficient to achieve the desired results? Compared with specification. Selectivity Detail any test specific selectivity issues together with limitations and/or control measures taken to ensure test utility. A validation work plan (section 3) should be drawn up for any specific potential selectivity issues that cannot be eliminated by limitation or control measure[s]. Interferences Detail any test specific interference factors together with limitations and/or control measures taken to ensure test utility. A validation work plan (section 3) should be drawn up for any specific potential interference that cannot be eliminated by limitation or control measure[s]. Cross-reactivity Detail any test specific cross-reactivity together with limitations and/or control measures taken to ensure test utility. A validation work plan (section 3) should be drawn up for any specific potential cross-reactivity that cannot be eliminated by limitation or control measure[s]. Authorisation Name Investigator Authoriser Reference Signature Internal ref. Date 3.n Validation / Verification (delete as appropriate) for [insert parameter] A copy of this section should be filled in for all parameters to be tested. Test name Reference Internal descriptive name Internal ref. Sensitivity Accuracy Trueness Limit of detection Cut-offs Specificity Repeatability Reproducibility Robustness Probability 3.n.1 Work plan Section aims Describe the specific aims of this section of the validation Samples Describe the samples to be used including [where relevant] numbers and type[s] of mutations present, relevant physical characteristics and how the sample status has been derived (i.e. the reference or ‘gold standard’ test). It may be appropriate to reference another document or database here. Methodology Describe the method to be used to evaluate the specific parameter Authorisation Name Signature Date Investigator Authoriser 3.n.2 Partial results and conclusions Experimental results Summarise the experimental results Cross-reference to or include the data. Interpretation Summarise the interpretation of experimental results (e.g. estimated level of accuracy with confidence limits) Outcome / limitations State whether the results fulfil the validation requirements listed in 1.2 List any specific derived limitations to reproduce the outcome (e.g. controls and how they should be used) Authorisation Name Investigator Authoriser Signature Date 4. Validation / Verification (delete as appropriate) Final Conclusions Test name Internal descriptive name Overall Conclusion State explicitly if the requirements in 1.2 have been fulfilled; give any other relevant conclusions. Estimates of accuracy and measures of uncertainty Give experimentally-derived values for the relevant metrics. Comment on the potential influence of the uncertainty on the reliability of the result. Limitations and/or predictable interferences List all limitations and control measures required to maintain the ongoing test performance Internal QC Detail internal quality control measures to be implemented, addressing in particular the limitations and interferences identified. External QA Details of external quality assurance measures Authorisation Name Investigator Authoriser Reference Signature Internal ref. Date 5. Implementation Test name Reference Internal descriptive name Internal ref. 5.1 Implementation Checklist Details Date Complete SOP Risk Assessment, inc COSHH Order reagents, consumables Training Competence assessment Report template Subscribe to EQA Update request forms Update website Billing procedure LIMS functionality Inform users and other stakeholders 5.2 Independent review Authorisation Consultant Scientist (Authorisation) Name Signature Date introduced to service …...................................................................................................... Date Appendix III: Validation Parameters Description Sensitivity1 Examples Specificity2 Accuracy3 Trueness Precision Limits of detection ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ A Truly quantitative tests where the result can have any value between two limits (including decimals). Determination of methylation load (%), characterisation of a mosaic mutation, heteroplasmy of mitochondrial variant. B Semi-quantitative tests where the quantitative signal is placed into one of a series of [essentially] undefined categories to give the final result. Sizing a PCR product, Determination of triplet repeat size in Huntington disease, myotonic dystrophy, etc. + C Semi-quantitative tests where the quantitative signal is placed into one of a limited series of predefined categories to give the final result. Determination of a specific copy number using QF-PCR, qPCR, or MLPA. E.g. chromosome copy number, exon deletion / duplication in BRCA1, PMP22 gene dosage in CMT1A and HNPP. + To establish correction factors and/or cut-offs D Qualitative tests where the true quantitative signal can have one of many possible values, but the required result can only have one of two possible values. Fluorescent DNA sequencing/ mutation scanning for unknown mutations e.g. by high resolution melting curve analysis. ++ ++ + To establish correction factors and/or cut-offs ++ E Qualitative tests where the true quantitative signal can only have one of two possible values Genotyping for the presence or absence of a specific mutation (e.g. F508del in CF or C282Y in hemochromatosis). ++ ++ + To establish correction factors and/or cut-offs ++ Legend Metric used for implementation validation Metric used for implementation or on going validation Metric used for on going validation ++ + Recommended parameter Applicable parameter (less used) v Notes 1. Sensitivity = True Positive / (True Positive + False Negative) 2. Specificity = True Negative / (True Negative + False Positive) 3. Accuracy = True Result / (True Result + False Result) 4. The term ‘probability’ is used to describe situations where a probability that the result is correct can be assigned – primarily in on-going validation Probability4 + ++ + Appendix IV: Flowchart Request for Change (Complete Form 1) Rejected No further action Approved Complete & submit business case Rejected No further action Approved Develop Specification Document Follow Validation proforma Tender and review possible suppliers in line with specification Plan, Purchase, Install & train key staff Perform verification & document Write SOPs Implement Verification Report sign off Training to SOPs Competency Assessment Maintenance of intended process