SAILIS LGA Change of Ownership Report Specification Version: 0.2 Author: Erik Jansons Modification Date: 14/11/2013 1. Report/Extract Details Identifier SE1027 Name LGA Change of Ownership Legacy Ref No L111, L113 LOTS Name LOTS23 Description The report provides advice to Local Government of transfer of ownership or change of ownership name dealings for property in the Local Government Area for the previous week. Ownership dealings that include the cancellation of a title and issue of a single new title (1-1 relationship) will be reported. Changes of ownership involving land division dealings are only reported in the LGA Cancellation and New Titles report. Type Report and XML Data Extract CRS Number(s) Data Source SAILIS Delivery Method Notification email to Local Government Authority email address. Secure link (https) in email to download file. Trigger and Dependencies Scheduled Frequency Scheduled Weekly Display Format PDF and XML Data Extract File Presentation Format Textual, A4 landscape for report. Reporting Tool TBC External Stakeholders Local Government Authorities (68 in total) Required Response Time Overnight Batch Queue Data Delay Up to 24 hours File Ref: Document1 SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Page: 1 of 12 2. Selection Criteria (listed in display/selection order) Field None Entity Input Control None Comments Multi-Select Mandatory None 3. Results (listed in display order) Common Name Report Label LOTS Attribute LOTS Type title reference Report Header – Report Criteria Report Header – Report Criteria (L.G.A.) Report Header – Report Criteria (L.G.A.) Title estate type Estate title_to_estate.estatype char(2) lease reference Lease Ref title_ref_in.leaseref char(10) total area Total Area (sqm) parent title reference Old Title title_ref_in.totarea title_ref_in.areadec title_ref_in.titlpref title_ref_in.titlvol title_ref_in.titlfol number(10,4) char(1) char(2) char(4) char(4) valuation number Valuation valn_master.valgrpno valn_master.valprpno valn_master.valsubno valn_master.valnocd number(2) number(5) number(2) char(1) date range lga group & sequence no local government area name File Ref: Document1 SAILIS Type Comments derived Reported in report header. valn_lga_master.lgagroup valn_lga_master.lgaseq2 number(2) number(2) number(2) number(2) Reported in report header. valn_lga_master.lganame char(20) varchar2(30) Reported in report header. title_ref_in.titlpref title_ref_in.titlvol title_ref_in.titlfol char(2) char(4) char(4) varchar2(2) varchar2(4) varchar2(4) varchar2(2) decoded to varchar2(100) varchar2(2) varchar2(8) number(12) Title reference is a concatenation of title prefix, volume, “/” and folio attributes. If a new title was issued as part of the ownership change dealing, the new title details are reported. Decoded value is displayed. Easement only titles (estate type A, B, E, J) are not reported. varchar2(2) varchar2(4) varchar2(4) Title reference is a concatenation of title prefix, volume, “/” and folio attributes. Old title reference is reported if a new title was issued as part of the ownership change. number(2) number(5) number(2) derived SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Page: 2 of 12 Common Name Report Label LOTS Attribute LOTS Type SAILIS Type valuation status Status title_val_rel.valnseq number(2) derived future valuation number Future Valuation dl20_renumcanc.fvalgrpn dl20_renumcanc.fvalprpn dl20_renumcanc.fvalsubn dl20_renumcanc.fvalnocd other title message Other Title Msg number(2) number(5) number(2) char(1) derived number(2) number(5) number(2) derived derived hundred name reference parcel Hundred Ref Section suburb name plan type and number parcel type and number previous ownership number previous owner names / capacity Area Name Plan No hundred_master.hundname plan_to_hundred.refsecpt plan_to_hundred.refsectp plan_to_hundred.refsecno suburb_master.suburbna plan_sys_index.plidtype plan_sys_index.plnumber parcel_sys_index.parctype parcel_sys_index.parcelno owners.ownerno owners.ownercd char(21) char(1) char(1) char(6) char(21) char(1) char(6) char(1) char(6) number(7) char(1) varchar2(21) varchar2(1) varchar2(2) varchar2(6) AS4590 varchar2(1) varchar2(6) varchar2(2) varchar2(6) number(18) derived Old Owner Names dl18_owner_name.onkeyname dl18_owner_name.nametitl char(46) char(4) varchar2(100) varchar2(200) varchar2(4) office document number Document sale price sale type document execution date applicant name / capacity Sale Price Sale Type Sale Date aries_document.odocpref aries_document.odocno aries_document.odocsuff aries_document.consider aries_document.saletype aries_document.docdate char(3) number(8) char(1) number(8) number(1) number(8) varchar2(6) number(8) varchar2(1) number(10) number(2) date Applicant Names dl18_owner_name.onkeyname dl18_owner_name.nametitl char(46) char(4) varchar2(100) varchar2(200) varchar2(4) new ownership New Ownership owners.ownerno number(7) number(18) File Ref: Document1 Parcel No Old Ownership SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Comments All current, proposed cancelled and proposed current valuation numbers are reported. Future (renumbered) valuation numbers are reported. If valuation no also has other current titles linked to the valuation, then message “*** OTHER TITLES ARE LINKED TO THIS VALUATION RECORD ***” is reported. If multiple land parcels exist, only the lowest numbered plan and parcel details are reported for the title. If multiple land parcels exist, only the lowest numbered plan and parcel details are reported for the title. SAILIS will provide full length previous owner names (100 char given names + 200 char surname / organization name). Name and capacity is concatenated. Only first 3 characters of SAILIS document prefix will be reported. SAILIS will provide full length applicant names (100 char given names + 200 char surname / organization name) Name and capacity is concatenated. All capacities are reported. Page: 3 of 12 Common Name Report Label number new owner names / capacity New Owner Names owner address Address Summary total displayed at end of report. LOTS Attribute owners.ownercd dl18_owner_name.onkeyname dl18_owner_name.nametitl LOTS Type char(1) char(46) char(4) dl16_owner_num.addrlne1 varchar2(23) dl16_owner_num.addrlne2 varchar2(23) dl16_owner_num.addrlne3 varchar2(23) Total No Of Ownership Changes Reported and Charged: SAILIS Type derived varchar2(100) varchar2(200) varchar2(4) AS4590 structured address fields Comments SAILIS will provide full length new owner names (100 char given names + 200 char surname / organization name) Name and capacity is concatenated. SAILIS AS4590 structured address data is concatenated. Business Rule BR4 Sum of ownership changes reported and charged. Refer Business Rules 1 and 6. 4. LOTS Data Elements not required for SAILIS report) Common Name title system number part indicator previous number of owners number of applicants new number of owners File Ref: Document1 Report Label LOTS Attribute LOTS Type SAILIS Type aries_rpt_susp.stitleno number(7) Parcel No of Props propship_landesc.partind owners.noofown number(1) number(2) number(1) number(3) No of Apps aries_document.noofown number(2) number(3) No of Props owners.noofown number(2) number(3) Comments Does not appear in printed report or xml extract SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Does not appear in xml extract (or printed report?) Reported in text version only, not included in xml version. Minimal value in reporting. Reported in text version only, not included in xml version. Minimal value in reporting. Reported in text version only, not included in xml version. Minimal value in reporting. Page: 4 of 12 5. Business Rules 1. Report processing When scheduled, this report processes all new registered Change of Ownership or Change of Ownership Name dealings since the previous reporting run. This includes Ownership dealings that may include the cancellation of a title and issue of a new title (1-1 relationship only). Easement only titles (estate type A – right of way, B – free and unrestricted right of way, E – easement only, J – profit a prendre) are not processed or reported. In addition any Change of Ownership or Change of Ownership Name dealings listed in the suspense file are also processed under Business Rule 2. For a new Change of Ownership or Change of Ownership Name dealing processed, for each title all current, proposed cancelled or proposed current valuation numbers for the title are determined from title to land parcel to valuation relationships. If any current, proposed cancelled or proposed current valuation numbers for the title is found, then the ownership change details will be reported and charged to the client. If the title does not have any current, proposed cancelled or proposed current valuation number, the applicable Local Government Authority cannot be determined and the ownership change will not be reported, but the title will be added to the suspense file for future processing This report is generated for each Local Government Authority to report on dealings for property in their Local Government Area. A null report will still be generated if there are no ownership transfers or ownership name change dealings to report. 2. Suspense file Titles with Change of Ownership or Change of Ownership Name dealings with no current, proposed cancelled or proposed current valuation number are held in a suspense file to be processed for the next reporting run. When processing the suspense file, if a title now has a current, proposed cancelled or proposed current valuation number, then the ownership change details will be reported and charged to the client and the title will then be removed from the suspense file list. If a title does not have a current, proposed cancelled or proposed current valuation number then it will be retained on the suspense list to be processed again in the next reporting run. 3. Valuation numbers reported All current, proposed cancelled or proposed current valuation numbers will be reported for the title. If a valuation number also has other current titles linked to the valuation, then message “*** OTHER TITLES ARE LINKED TO THIS VALUATION RECORD ***” is reported. 4. Concatenated address File Ref: Document1 Address information is concatenated from structured AS4590 address fields as per SAILIS UI Address Standards Extract attached. SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Page: 5 of 12 SAILIS UI Address Standard Extract.docx 5. Display order Each title with an ownership change is displayed on a new page. Display ownership changes sorted in order of 1. ascending ‘Title’ 6. Summary Total and Charging Ownership changes that are reported will be charged to the client as per Real Property Regulations 2009, if the title involved has at least one valid current, proposed cancelled or proposed current valuation number reported. Refer Business Rules 1 and 2. The total number of Ownership Change dealings reported and charged to the client is reported in the summary at the end of the report. Charges are recorded in SAILIS and invoiced to the client through LSG financial processes. 7. Report backup. File Ref: Document1 LSG shall be able to access a copy of any report generated for any agency for a period of 90 days. SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Page: 6 of 12 6. SAILIS Report Example Below is a mock-up of the report/extract in the skin and layout of user interface elements that LSG has chosen for SAILIS. This mock-up is close, but perhaps not identical, to the report/extract that will finally be delivered. Font size is Calibri 10. Title CT 5529/108 Estate FEE SIMPLE Valuation 170054904* Hundred ADELAIDE Old Ownership 11133204 Lease Ref Total Area (sqm) 769 APPROX Future Valuation Status CURRENT Ref Section Area Name P SE 308 CAMPBELLTOWN Old Owner Names SUSAN JOAN THORN GLEN CARTERER THORN MARGARET OLIVE CHOATE Document Sale Price TA 11835945 $0 Applicant Names DECD MARGARET OLIVE CHOATE EXEC AUSTRALIAN EXECUTOR TRUSTEES LTD Document Ref Purchase Price T 11835946 $0 Applicant Names SUSAN JOAN THORN GLEN CARTERER THORN New Ownership 0827652* File Ref: Document1 Old Title *** OTHER TITLES ARE LINKED TO THIS VALUATION RECORD *** Plan No Parcel No D 8271 AL 5 Sale Type 3 Sale Date 18/10/2012 Sale Type 3 Sale Date 18/10/2012 New Owner Names SUSAN JOAN THORN GLEN CARTERER THORN Address 7 CARALUE ST, PORT WILLUNGA, SA 5173 SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Page: 7 of 12 Total No Of Ownership Changes Reported And Charged: File Ref: Document1 1 SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Page: 8 of 12 7. Existing LOTS Report Example (formatted text version) PROCESS DATE- 14/01/2013 L O T S PROCESS PERIOD : 02/12/2012 - 01/01/2013 MONTHLY L G A REPORTS CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP FOR L.G.A. REPORT NO - PAGE NO - 23 2 L.G.A. - 1700 CAMPBELLTOWN TITLE REF - CT 5529/108 EST - FEE SIMPLE PRESENT VALUATION NO(S) 17 00549 04 * STATUS CURRNT LEASE REF. - FUTURE VALUATION NO PROPERTY LOCATIONHUNDRED NAME - ADELAIDE PLAN - D 8271 PARCELALLOT 5 TOTAL AREA 0.0769 APPROX PREVIOUS OWNER DETAILS - REF. SECTION - P S 308 SUSAN JOAN THORN GLEN CATERER THORN MARGARET OLIVE CHOATE IN AREA NAMED CAMPBELLTOWN OWNERSHIP NO - 11133204 NO. PROPS 3 NO. PROPS 2 CHANGE OF PROPRIETORSHIP DETAILS DOC.REF - TA 11835945 PURCHASE PRICE $0 SALE TYPE - 3 APPLICANT(S) - DECD MARGARET OLIVE CHOATE EXEC AUSTRALIAN EXECUTOR TRUSTEES LTD. SALE DATE - 18/10/2012 NO. APPS 1 DOC.REF - T 11835946 APPLICANT(S) - SALE DATE - 18/10/2012 NO. APPS 2 CURRENT REGISTERED PROPS ADDRESS - PURCHASE PRICE SUSAN JOAN THORN GLEN CATERER THORN $0 SALE TYPE - 3 GLEN CATERER THORN SUSAN JOAN THORN 7 CARALUE ST PORT WILLUNGA 5173 OWNERSHIP NO - 0827652* COPYRIGHT 14/01/2013 File Ref: Document1 SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Page: 9 of 12 8. Existing LOTS Report Example (xml data extract version and dtd validation file) <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Data File of LOTS Report 23 for LGAs --> <!DOCTYPE LOTS_Report_23 SYSTEM "LOTS_Report_23_20020828.dtd"> <LOTS_Report_23> <Rep23_Header_Info> <LGA_No>7400</LGA_No> <LGA_Name>FLINDERS RANGES 2 </LGA_Name> <LSG_Report_Type>LOTS REPORT 23</LSG_Report_Type> <LSG_Report_Title>LOTS MONTHLY REPORT 23: CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP FOR L.G.A.</LSG_Report_Title> <Report_Date> <Year>2013</Year> <Month>01</Month> <Day>14</Day> </Report_Date> <Period_Start> <Year>2012</Year> <Month>12</Month> <Day>02</Day> </Period_Start> <Period_End> <Year>2013</Year> <Month>01</Month> <Day>01</Day> </Period_End> <Copyright_Notice>DAIS LSG 14/01/2013</Copyright_Notice> </Rep23_Header_Info> <Change_Of_Ownership> <Title_Details> <Title_Ref> <Title_Prefix>CT</Title_Prefix> <Title_Volume>5169</Title_Volume> <Title_Folio>598 </Title_Folio> </Title_Ref> <Estate_Desc>FEE SIMPLE </Estate_Desc> File Ref: Document1 SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Page: 10 of 12 </Title_Details> <Present_Valn_Nos> <Valn_Details> <Valn_No> <Valn_Group>74</Valn_Group> <Valn_Prop>00389</Valn_Prop> <Valn_Sub>49</Valn_Sub> <Valn_ChkDgt>1</Valn_ChkDgt> </Valn_No> <Valn_Status>CURRNT </Valn_Status> <Other_Title_Msg>## OTHER CURRENT TITLES ARE LINKED TO THIS ASSESSMENT ##</Other_Title_Msg> </Valn_Details> </Present_Valn_Nos> <Property_Details> <Hundred_Name>PICHI RICHI </Hundred_Name> <Ref_Section> <Ref_Sect_Part_Ind>F</Ref_Sect_Part_Ind> <Ref_Sect_Parcel>S</Ref_Sect_Parcel> <Ref_Sect_Number>275 </Ref_Sect_Number> </Ref_Section> <Suburb_Name>QUORN </Suburb_Name> <Plan_Parcel> <Plan_Id> <Plan_Type>D</Plan_Type> <Plan_Number>1104 </Plan_Number> </Plan_Id> <Parcel_Id> <Parcel_Type_Desc>ALLOT </Parcel_Type_Desc> <Parcel_Number>58 </Parcel_Number> </Parcel_Id> </Plan_Parcel> </Property_Details> <Previous_Owner_Details> <Previous_Owner> <Owner_Name>ANDREW GRANT ECKERT </Owner_Name> </Previous_Owner> <Previous_Owner> <Owner_Name>CAROLYN MARGARET ECKERT </Owner_Name> </Previous_Owner> </Previous_Owner_Details> <Details_Of_Sale> File Ref: Document1 SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Page: 11 of 12 <Sale_Document> <Document_Pref>T </Document_Pref> <Document_No>11843223</Document_No> </Sale_Document> <Sale_Price>000380000</Sale_Price> <Sale_Type>2</Sale_Type> <Sale_Date> <Year>2012</Year> <Month>10</Month> <Day>31</Day> </Sale_Date> <Applicant> <Owner_Name>WILLIAM THOMAS SCOTT </Applicant> <Applicant> <Owner_Name>KATRINE PETA FELS </Applicant> </Details_Of_Sale> <Current_Owner_Details> <Current_Owner_Id> <Owner_No>1599554</Owner_No> <Owner_ChkDgt>9</Owner_ChkDgt> </Current_Owner_Id> <Current_Owner> <Owner_Name>WILLIAM THOMAS SCOTT </Current_Owner> <Current_Owner> <Owner_Name>KATRINE PETA FELS </Current_Owner> <Address>PO BOX 115 MORGAN 5320 </Current_Owner_Details> </Change_Of_Ownership> <Rep23_Ctrl_Totals> <Ownership_Change_Count>0001</Ownership_Change_Count> </Rep23_Ctrl_Totals> </LOTS_Report_23> File Ref: Document1 </Owner_Name> </Owner_Name> </Owner_Name> </Owner_Name> </Address> SE01027: LGA Change of Ownership Page: 12 of 12