Act 1 Scene 1 (Curtains open, table covered in pictures and, lights are down) Mrs...Thompson: offstage Good morning, Sra. Romero, entering how was your weekend? (Lights up) Miss Day and Miss Bailey enter and walk over to table Sra. Romero: Rubs face to wake herself up Great, up until last night, Fiona, when I remembered what lay ahead today! I’ve been up all night worrying out about this moment. I really don’t enjoy having to go through the process of turning those kids down; it feels so unfair, you know? Mrs... Thompson: Oh trust me; we all feel the same, but over time it gets easier. You realise that it’s all part of the process, and however hard these choices seem, it would be even more unjust to give them false hope and let them take the spot of someone who is that little bit more talented. It’s hard; I won’t lie but at times - it’s the best thing we can do for them! (Mr. Martínez walks in, coffee in hand, smiling) Mr. Martínez: Hello everyone! How are you today? Ready for the decision making? Miss Day: Hello Juan, we were just sympathizing with Sra. Romero who said it felt unfair, but we told her that it’s the best thing: saying “no” now is better than saying “no” later, right? 1 Mr. Martínez: I couldn’t agree more, although there are some occasions – however scarce they may be - where we give the person a chance. We sort of “take them on approval” if you know what I mean. Having said that we always let them know in advance what the situation is and that we will be watching them closely. Anyway, I’m sorry to bring us back to reality, but we must get on, we have to have this done by six o’clock and I’ve a feeling that this year is going to be particularly difficult: the numbers and standards just keep going up each year! They move over to the table and start shuffling through the photos, they’re mumbling and nodding/shaking heads, every now and then they say yes/no, they’re separating pictures out into two piles, yes and no Miss Bailey: carrying Connors picture Have you seen this one! I had to double check the surname on the application form – can you believe it? Sra. Romero: Wow! Is it normal to get sons and daughters of such well-known professionals apply here? Miss Bailey: Well I have to say I was surprised, some of them believe that paying higher fees means getting higher grades and we certainly don’t fit THAT mould. We don’t accept free – loaders here. It’s keep up, or get out! Sra. Romero (whispering) ¿Qué quiere decir con “freeloader”? Mr. Martínez: Se refiere a la gente que piensa que puede comprar el talento que les falta con dinero… como si el talento estuviera en venta… (she still looks confused) Es cierto que la pasta abre algunas puertas, pero no las nuestras. Ya se nos considera una de las mejores escuelas de artes de Europa,así que no nos hace falta buscar alumnos... ¡si hasta hacen cola delante de la puerta! (aside to Sra. Romero) Cuidado con Miss Bailey, porque con ella, quien no trabaja acaba de patitas en la calle… no soporta a la gente que no se esfuerza ….y estoy de acuerdo con ella en eso! Sra. Romero: Aaah... ya... los privilegiados, los consentidos, los que no trabajan para merecerse lo que tienen, now I see, well, I would say he should be here points to left pile what do you think? Mrs. Thompson: Well, let’s think carefully. A name like that brings a certain kudos to the school, where that boy studies many will follow. 2 Miss Bailey: Well of course they would, but for all the wrong reasons and it’s not as if we don’t have enough applicants – now come on, I think we’ve given him more than enough of our time already! Miss. Day: yep, that’s exactly what I thought. Now this young gentleman…(Jamal’s photo) Mrs. Thompson: “Gentleman”? Are you kidding? Have you met this boy? Miss Day: Oh yes, I saw his audition, and he has made a firm impression already! Sra. Romero: Ya..., es un chaval de la calle, de los que no se olvidan fácilmente – you wouldn’t forget him easily Miss Bailey Well we have to decide, one way or another. This is serious . Their Dreams are in our hands and all we have for them is a “yes” or a “no” Their dreams in our hands Mrs. Thompson What should we say to this little lady? It’s a yes or a no, it can’t be a maybe Miss Bailey Should she stay, or make her own way? How can we know which way to go? Miss Day They can dance, and they can sing They can do almost anything Mr. Martínez They make us laugh, they make us cry And we all know the reasons why All It’s a yes or a no. x 2 They have to get their name in lights They have to reach the highest heights Never happy with second best 3 Always better than all the rest It’s a yes or a no x 2 Mrs. Thompson And what do we say to this young girl? What do we say? Do we rock her world? Miss Day And this guy gave it all he had to give For him to dance is to breathe and live Sra. Romero They can dance, and they can sing They can do almost anything Mr. Martínez They make us laugh, they make us cry And we all know the reasons why All It’s a yes or a no. x 2 They have to get their name in lights They have to reach the highest heights Never happy with second best Always better than all the rest It’s a yes or a no. x 2 Their Dreams are in our hands x2 They continue as curtains close and we see them put Connor, Jamal, Kim, Sophia, José etc. picture on left Act 1 scene 2 (Jamal comes on, spot lights up) Jamal: shouts Hey Kiera, come here Kiera: why? I’m busy 4 Jamal: Well I’m sorry but this is a bit more important than your silly book… hands her a letter Read it to me? Kiera: Why me? Dad (getting up from chair with bottle of beer in his hand) Bien dicho, prinsessita. ¿Por qué ella y no yo? ¿Ahora haces como si tu padre no supiera leer? ¿Qué es eso? ¡Dámelo! Kiera: No pasa nada papi, ya lo leo yo, no te preocupes. Jamal: Just hurry up and read it shoves letter into her hands Kiera: pulls a face “Thank you very much for your application. We want to congratulate all of you on your out – outstanding audition!!” What did you audition for Jamal? No Way! Don’t tell me you have auditioned for ESSA. No te entiendo hermano! Dad: ¿véis? Ya os lo he dicho… esto tiene que leerlo un adulto, alguien con más… formación… Jamal: (under his breath) Y desafortunadamente no tenemos a nadie así en esta casa….It’s nothing, just keep reading. Ignore him. Dad: Otra vez con el inglés... te crees que no me entero, pero te equivocas, lo entiendo todo perfectamente. Me he recorrido el mundo entero de gira con mi banda y hablo por lo menos 5 idiomas... Kiera: Si, papi, lo sabemos, pero en serio, no importa, tú tranquilo. Goes back to reading “…your outstanding audition. As you know we received a record number of applications this year and we……” Freeze, lights down, Leave stage, mum enter, take position, lights up) (Kim enters from centre behind curtain) Kim: Mutter, where are my ballet shoes? I’ve got class in an hour and I can’t find them anywhere 5 Mum: sighs, stops what she’s doing and looks up. I have no idea sweetie. Oh and please try to remember I don’t like it when you speak German to me. Kim: huffs all I said was “Mutter”! Mum looks at Kim and continues with what she was doing Kim: sarcastically Oh well, I guess I’ll just keep looking on my own. Thanks for all your help mum! Walks into dad Kim’s Dad: wo gehts du eigentlich hin, Schatz? Kim: ich wollte meine Ballettschuhe finden Kim’s Dad: Ah, nein, Süsse! Ich habe deine Lehrerin angerufen, du würdest heute nicht zur Schule. Kim: Waaas?! To mum Mum! Tell him I HAVE to go. The teacher is deciding the soloists today. Kim’s Mum: rolls eyes Just listen honey, I’m sure he has a good enough reason. Kim’s Dad: Taking letter from behind back Ich habe einen Brief für dich, aber wenn du kein Zeit hast….starts putting letter away Kim: grabbing letter Nein! Nein, ich habe schon Zeit. Kann ich ihn haben? They all crowd together around her Kim: mum can you read it please? I’m so nervous my hands are shaking! Kim’s Mum: Sure. Takes letter “Dear Miss Kimberly Ackermann, thank you very much for your application to ESA. After having gone through a record number of applications this year, we’ve finally reached a decision…” (Freeze) (Lights down) (Connor and Dad enter, take position) (Lights up) 6 Connor finishes playing something on an instrument, dad gets up Connor’s Dad: that was thinks for a moment…good son. You need to work on the beginning again, but it’s getting there, after thought slowly. Connor: hurt What?! I spent all weekend going over it dad! I thought you’d FINALLY be happy with it. Connor’s Dad: Oh. Awkward pause claps slowly " not bad son, not bad.......not exactly good, but not bad" plays air guitar .." just that last bit, you need to work on that, you still haven't nailed it. I didn't say it was terrible, it's just not....... Connor: interrupting Perfect? Not a “Solomon Success”? No, you’re right dad, it isn’t. I just worked so hard on it I thought maybe this once it would be good enough for you. Turns around to put instrument away and we see him wipe a tear angrily from his cheek Connor’s Dad: Hey, hey, hey" hands forward as if to say, hold it faces away, turns 45 degrees to Connor, raises eyebrows, punches mobile phone, barely looks at connor, waiting for reaction to subside. Maybe we should calm down a bit? Take a chill pill" starts to pat pockets as if checking for stuff Anyway, I am off ...wallet...passport...plane ticket....letter......... letter!! Oh yeah, here's the letter your mum gave me last week. I doubt it's important." Holds out a letter Connor turns and looks curiously Connor: What is it? takes the letter Connor’s Dad: I don’t know, you know your Mum takes care of all that stuff. I think it’s from that school you applied to…tries to remember it ESA? Connor: excited Oh, Yeah! Hopefully do you want to hear if I got in dad? Connor’s Dad starts to move towards curtains, replies without paying full attention Connor’s Dad: backs away from Connor's excitment. I would love to son but my taxi is outside, airplane on the runway, wont wait, not even for Razedaroof Solomon.......................New York here I come...... leaving stage sign a couple of 7 autographs on way to seat. text me, facebook, twitter.....Wassup!! you know the score. Caio!! Connor: a little put out yeah, sure. Connor sits down and opens letter Connor: Sighs “Dear Connor Solomon, We were truly honoured to receive your application”. Truly honoured, yeah I bet that’s what all the replies look like, please. Why would they be truly honoured – they don’t even know me, it’s the Solomon name once again…..”After some careful thought and discussion over your audition, we’ve decided…” Sophia is jumping up and down impatiently holding a letter. Sophia: shouting ¡papá! Vamos corre, que no lo quiero abrir sin ti, pero si no vienes ya, me voy a morir del estrés Sophia’s Dad laughs from offstage, then enters Sophia’s Dad: I’m coming, ok, ok hold on. Sits down So? Are you going to open it or stare at it? Sophia: Espera. Quiero que mamá también esté presente runs behind curtain, comes back with a photo of her mother in hand Ella siempre estaba ahí para apoyarme en los momentos más difíciles... Ok Mum’s here now, let’s do this.. Nothing happens, they both stare at letter Sophia’s Dad: Ya voy, ya voy. Sits down ¿entonces, vas a abrirlo o no? Sophia: Espera. Quiero que mamá también esté presente runs behind curtain, comes back with a photo of her mother in hand Ella siempre estaba ahí para apoyarme en los momentos más difíciles... Vale, ya está, ahora sí... Nothing happens, they both stare at letter Sophia’s Dad: Vamos cariño… ¿qué te pasa? Sophia: No sé si estoy preparada para abrirlo, Papá. ¿Y si dice que no me han aceptado? No creo que lo pudiera soportar, después de todo lo que ha pasado… They both look sadly at photo of mum 8 Sophia’s Dad: mira cielo, nadie ha dicho que esto fuera a ser fácil, pero los dos sabemos que éste siempre ha sido tu sueño. A tu madre le hubiera gustado que lucharas por él, siempre hemos sabido lo mucho que vales. Así que ahora... veamos lo que pone en la carta..., y que sepas que pase lo que pase, siempre estaré orgulloso de ti. Sophia: Tienes razón…ha llegado el momento, venga Mamá, OK Dad Connor THE WORLD LOOKS DIFFERENT NOW DON’T KNOW EXACTLY HOW Sophia I WOKE UP IN THIS STRANGE PLACE SOMEBODY CRACKED THE SKY Kim LEFT MY WINDOW’S OPEN WIDE WANNA FLY BUT I’M AFRAID Jamal I COULD BACK DOWN FREEZE UP OR CLOSE MY EYES AND JUMP EVERYBODY: THIS IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF MY LIFE NO WAY, GONNA MISS THIS CHANCE I’M SHAKIN BUT I’M BREAKIN DOWN THE WALLS IT’S LIKE THE FIRST TIME THAT I OPENED MY EYES EVERYTHING LOOKS SO NEW SO I’M STARTING OVER STARTING HERE AND NOW Kiera, Mum, Connor and Sophia: ESA would like to welcome Kiera: Jamal Jacobs Mum: Kimberly Ackermann Connor: Connor Solomon Sophia: Sophia Gonzales Kiera, Mum, Connor and Sophia: to join us as one of this year’s newest students. 9 (All four families leave as, curtain open fully, Jamal, Connor, Sophia, Kim leave stage to come back on downstage lights up,) Act 1 Scene 3 Jamal, Connor, Sophia, Kim I’M SEEING WHAT I MISSED I COULD GET USED TO THIS AND DRINK MY FILL UNTIL I’M SATISFIED Michelle, Aaron, Alice I’VE GOT A LOT TO PROVE A WHOLE NEW ATTITUDE DON’T NEED A PARACHUTE CUZ IF I FALL FLAT ON MY FACE AT LEAST I HAD A TASTE All (REPEAT CHORUS 2x) change slide (the teachers are addressing, students who are taking seats and chatting) Mr. Martínez: Hello and welStevie:stands on a chair Yo, Yo, Yo! What’s up all you hot, young freshmen?!? Mixed reactions from students laugh/ignore/shake head/reply Mr. Martínez: Ok take your seats please ……HELLO AND…. Michelle: taps Sophia on shoulder Excuse, me that’s my seat Sophia picks up her stuff and moves onto another seat Mr. Martínez: clears throat loudly Children keep talking Miss Day: shouts SIT DOWN! Silence, kids sit 10 Mr. Martínez: slightly shocked/embarrassed Thank you Miss. Day. Hello everyone, I’m Mr. Martínez, I’m your music teacher. This is Miss Day she teaches dance, Mrs...Thompson teaches English, Miss Bailey for drama, and Sra. Romero will be teaching you languages. We would like to offer all of you a warm welcome here at ESA. I’m now going to pass you onto Mrs...Thompson who’s going to talk to you a bit about how the school works. They switch seats Mrs. Thompson: Good Morning, as Mr. Martínez said my name is Mrs...Thompson. Firstly I wanted to congratulate all our young freshmen on getting in to ESA, being here might have seemed easy to some of you but you are the few who were picked from thousands and thousands of applicants. The teachers evaluated all your auditions closely and YOU were chosen, so congratulations! students cheer and clap Aaron: Excuse me, sorry, can I squeeze past you please. Sorry, thanks. Anabel: Ow! You stood on my foot Aaron: Damn Girl! Chill. By the way, my name’s Aaron… Anabel: Whatever Mrs. Thompson: HOWEVER- they ignore her, everyone is chatting again Miss. Day: taps the microphone loudly Kids!!! This is not acceptable; you have to listen when we’re speaking to you. I know it’s your first day but this is important, you have a whole year to get to know each other so please, listen. Please continue Mrs...Thompson. Mrs. Thompson: Thank you Miss. Day Now as we were saying, you may feel that it was quite easy to get in, all you had to do was “do your thaaang” (terrible attempt at being cool), but please don’t take it for granted that you will all make it through to graduation. Getting in is one thing – staying in is what really counts. Now I’ll had you over to Miss Day to elaborate.. Miss Day: Thanks. Well anyway, hi everyone, my name is Miss. Day. As you already know this school is not going to be easy. Each and every one of you is going to have to push yourselves to the limit and further. You are going to have pains in places you didn’t even know existed by the end of the week let alone the year. It is hard work, but it’s also what you’re all passionate about – Excuse me Miss Estefania Starblaze Moonchild Edwards! (folds arms and looks at Stevie who has been imitating her) 11 Stevie: Er it’s Stevie, actually. Miss Day: Mmm hmmm! You wish honey! But I do understand your need to invent a cooler name. I don’t see that, or should I say those names on the front cover of any magazine any time soon! Now listen up ALL of you. I don’t think you know how lucky you are to be able to be working at something you love. This year we were inundated with applications to the school, so much so that we decided to accept extra students for a probationary period, this means not all of you will remain with us after the first term. So please bear in mind, we have no option but to judge you harshly, if you don’t arrive on time, if you don’t practice or push yourselves you’re out – If you don’t give a damn, you’re taking the place of someone who does. We have a massive waiting list of kids, so if you think that this is just your first step to the stars a couple of kids laugh or cheer you might as well leave now. Kids look down in silence Sra. Romero: Well let’s begin! Those of you, who have music, follow Mr. Martínez. English, Mrs...Thompson. Dance, Miss. Day. Drama with Miss Bailey please, and Finally languages, you’re with ……oh yes…..Me. Kids stand up, scrape chairs, chat as they leave Stevie: What’s wrong Alice, why such a sad face? You’re daydreaming again. Alice: Huh?! Oh, I’m sorry Aaron. I don’t know. I guess it’s just that coming back here again I miss my family so much, especially my little sister. I love it here and I learn a lot, but sometimes I just feel so lonely in this big city. Stevie: Don’t worry, we’ll look after each other. Come on, we’ve got to hurry to class. Kirsty: Señora Romero, ¿nos podría explicar cómo queda el tema de...ehh... las nuevas admisiones...? Sra. Romero: Pues cielo, no lo sé exactamente, pero por lo poco que pude entender la semana pasada, no son normas nuevas exactamente, es que …Ayy! tengo que dejar de empezar mis frases con “es que”. La Sra. Villegas me mataría si me oyera….según me han dicho, la escuela es tan famosa ya, que, además de la lista de espera de siempre, este curso también tendremos unas plazas... digamos... “provisionales, o de prueba” . Hemos aceptado algunos alumnos más, para darles la oportunidad de demostrar lo que saben hacer y su nivel de dedicación. 12 Beatrice – es decir... que si no somos brillantes... makes gesture of slitting throat "se baja el telón”...? (lights down, curtains close, scenery change behind curtain) Act 1 Scene 4 (Curtains stay closed, lights up, Sophia wanders in looking at timetable) Sophia: looking up, pacing the stage, thinking aloud Sala 101, Sala 101 ... Por dios, donde estoy? Sra. Dolores Romero walks in Sra. Romero: Are you ok? Sophia: Si, eh I mean yes, yes thank you Sra. Romero: are you sure? This isn’t where room 101 is. Sophia: ¿ah, no? Vale... pues estoy perdida... Sra.. Dolores Romero: ah, ¡hablas español! Laughs No te preocupes, yo también soy nueva por aquí, es mi primer año. Tardas un poco en acostumbrarte al edificio, pero ya lo irás pillando... aunque la sala 101 no está por aquí... Sophia: Ah, vale... pues me he quedado igual! Muchas gracias she turns to walk away Sra.. Dolores Romero: Eh, creo que es por aquí Sophia: es que tengo clase de música con el señor…Dopson ¿sabes dónde está? Sra.. Dolores Romero: ¿Quieres decir Sra. Thompson? Sí, claro, te puedo llevar si quieres. Sophia: ¡Muchísimas gracias! Eso sería perfecto. They walk off Lights down, Curtains open, Students enter, Llights up 13 Act 1 Scene 5 (Lights up, teacher is on platform students are facing him) Mr.Martínez: Music takes knowledge and a true understanding of the subject. You have to be able to feel music inside of you, whether it’s Mozart or One direction you have to be able to follow every part of it with your mind. This year we will be working on our scales both vocally and musically. We will run them until our throats are dry and our fingers are cramped and then we will move on to some of the most important music of all timeMichelle: Beyoncé?! Mr. Martínez: No, Beethoven, Bach, Brahms and others just like them; we will learn their music until you remember it by heart. Michelle: So, then we’ll do Beyoncé? Mr. Martínez throws Michelle a warning look Doug: you know it’s said that listening to Mozart increases the number of brain cells you use, maybe if we listen to a bit first, it will help us all appreciate Beyoncé’s music later? Kiera: Are you saying the more Mozart we listen to the more we’ll be able to tolerate Beyoncé? Kevin What do you mean? What Beyoncé does is so cool. Don’t you know that? Doug: picks up his cello and plays some bars of a Beyonce tune Why does everything have to cool! Whether or not she’s “cool” she has certainly proved herself to be a credible musical composer. . It’s just… I think Mozart is better. Michelle: sings along with a line or two. Oh, I don’t need other people to tell me how great she is: She is queen of all singers. She rules with her pure, sweet and unique voice and anyone who thinks they’re even close to being her are delusional, she’s out of this world, not humanly possible. She is a Legend in her own life time. Doug: Uh … ok, if you say so… (mumbles) Who are YOU to judge this? 14 Alice: I agree! And unlike Mozart, Beyonce also has words in her songs! And they’re really deep and meaningful!. Just listen to this: Dylan start drum - gets up and sings “Who run the world? girls, Who run the world? girls, Who run the world? girls, Who run the world? girls” Mr. Martínez: Thank you for that wonderful rendition ladies, Douglas, but if we could perhaps get back to Wolfgang Amadeus… Students groan Doug: (groaning) …Mozart…(addressing himself to Michelle) That’s all fine, but you know what? Without Mozart and other musicians like him, the whole music industry, including Beyoncé, wouldn’t have existed. I personally believe that you should give Mozart a chance, he might surprise you. His music has inspired and still inspires so many people throughout the world. Mozart is amazing! Michelle: I hate to shatter your dreams…but er… He´s dead! ! I mean… really dead. Doug: (Awkwardly- poker face) Yeah, 1791… And your point? Mr. Martínez: Well perhaps since you seem to have so much to say about Beyoncé you’d like to write me a three page essay on how Mozart and Beyoncé could compete with each other – being so equally talented… (bell rings) (Students and teacher leave downstage left, next group enter downstage right) Miss Day: Dance is a lifestyle. You just feel it, it shouldn’t be something you have to think about it should just come automatically. With that let’s talk about this year: we’re going to be doing ballet, contemporary, jazz and many other styles. Jamal: Yeah, yeah but after that warm up, we will do break at some point right? cause’ I’m not wearing tights and dancing like a girl all year, I gotta’ be able to do my thing. How am I supposed to get me a girl – if I LOOK like a girl?? Cristoff: you already look like a girl – why are you wearing a skirt Jamal watch it squirt, this ain’t no skirt don’t you know anything you need to get some culture in you, I can help with that – now just hold still (gets him in a headlock) 15 Miss. Day: Ok, ok that’s enough, you are just showing how little you know Cristoff, men wore tights and skirts called doublets and hose, way before trousers came into fashion, so you are both showing your ignorance. Jamal: ok Miss, sorry it’s just I think people should start considering break and hip hop as a more important dance style, I get that it’s all “from the street” and stuff but It’s been my escape for years and I know that there are many people who feel the same way. I bet you didn’t know that hip hop originated from ancient Zulu tribal dances… Anabel: it something Zulu that ….err…..that thing you’re wearing? Cristoff: yeah let’s all try a little Zulu (pretends to bang on drum and do tribal dances) Miss Day: OK…I see some of our first years may need quite a lot of tutoring; there is a lot of truth in what Jamal is saying. Now listen if we can compromise…, when you start seeing those “girly dances” as more than that, then I might let you do “your thing” Jamal: Seriously? When? Miss. Day: Well I’ll tell you what. If you do well in the first term I might let you choreograph something later on. Jamal Aw man…I am gonna blow you minds….. Miss Day: Jamal it wouldn’t be a solo piece by YOU for YOU Jamal: No, no, of course I’ve got it, I’ll work in some steps for my backing dancers too. (bell rings) Miss Day: Young man, let’s just see if you keep up your end of the bargain before you start making plans – Now everyone, please don’t forget to stretch at home. Oh and make sure you have everything on that list I gave you by next week. (Students and teacher leave downstage left, next group enter downstage right) Miss Bailey: To be an actor you need to first be yourself, there is no point playing other people if you can’t even play you. That’s why we’re starting the year with some “selfdiscovery” projects. Maybe you won’t like what you find, maybe you’ll like it too much but either way it’s the best way to open the doors of theatre. 16 Aaron: Excuse me, miss? I have a friend, he’s my cousin’s friend actually, who can’t do that. He says that, whenever he tries to identify himself he ends up confused about who he actually is. So what should I – uh I mean what should HE do? Miss Bailey: Well, I’ve taught drama for twenty years and not once has a person been unable to identify themselves… It is your ….I mean HIS ..dream and you’ve got to tell him he has to follow it through. Aaron: right, of course. Mario plus some of us have a problem because they start off with a little less personality to find than most people. Steffy Who are you talking about? Yourself I suppose. Anabel: Oh Oh wait I know the problem…breaks into song and over acts 2 lines from “never been to me” Miss Bailey interrupting Er - quite, that’s enough thank you sweetie, we don’t want to overdo it in our first term do we? So now, I had some ideas for some emotionally challenging scenes. What about Titanic for example? Any Volunteers? Aaron Oh yes, yes! Me me! Miss Bailey Anyone Else? (all look at floor) How about you Charles? Charles Oh really! Do I have to be Rose? Aaron OH No, you don’t Sunshine – That’s MY role sweetie! Come on let’s go! Charles Oh Katie Aaron Katie? Who’s Katie? That’s not my name! Charles Oh Rose Aaron Oh Jack Charles Oh Rose Aaron Oh Jack Charles Oh Rose Aaron What!? 17 (Bell rings) Miss Bailey Well, that’s not quite how I remember that scene, but nice effort boys! OK remember everyone I need you to learn those lines for next week (students and teacher leave downstage right, next group enter upstage left) Mrs... Thompson: Hello everyone, welcome to your dual language class. Who knows where in the world you may end up “treading the boards” (that’s acting for those of you not yet educated in the noble arts of the theatre. So Sra. Romero and I will be working together on some classes to give you the best of both worlds. Here we will be learning one of the most poetic, beautiful and just faultless languages of all time: English! We will study some great novels written by great Englishmen. We will learn the difference between Americanized English and British English and we will- Yes? Kim: Look I don’t mean to be rude but I know six languages and although English is one of the most spoken languages of the world, it’s not THE most widely spoken. Will we not be looking at works by Tolstoy or Dostoievsky, or Cervantes, or Goethe. There are other languages that are just as good if not better, plus learning English doesn’t just mean the British dialect it means every type of English. Mrs. Thompson You didn’t let me finish young lady. As I said this is a DUAL language class Sra. Romero: El español es el segundo idioma del mundo, y lo hablamos más de 400 millones de hispanoparlantes. Por eso, vamos a aprender la lengua del flamenco, de las sevillanas y de Don Quijote de la Macha… Ole! Charles y de los toreros!….pretends to bull fight with Reece. Sra. Romero ¡Bravo, bravo! pero a ver si nos lo podemos tomar un poco más en serio… After that we will be looking as some of the most famous playwrights of all time and comparing their work. Mrs. Thompson Like Shakespeare Sra. Romero or Cervantes Mrs. Thompson Dickens, Chaucer, the Brontes 18 Sra. Romero Lorca, Miguel Hernández Celia: What about French “oooh my darlink, I luuurv you” Janice: Or German “Romeo you vill com here at vuns, and use ze stair you stupid boy” Jack: Or Japanese “こんにちははじめまして”Kon'nichiwahajimemashite Reece: Now you’re just showing off Charles: No he’s just talking. Anyone can talk Jack See! Start arguing LET IT GO LANGUAGE SCENE Kim: (English) Let it go, let it go Reece: (French) Je ne mentirai plus jamais Celia: (German) Ich lass los, lass jetzt los Janice: (English) Turn away and slam the door Charles and Jack: (Swedish) Och aldrig mer Sophia: (Portugues) E eu vou ficar Reece: (Spanish) Gran tormenta habra ALL: (English) The cold never bothered me anyway Mrs...Thompson: ok, are you done? May I continue? So as I was saying, we will write an essay at the end of each book which, when added up, will give me your final mark. Sophia: Excuse me, I’m really sorry to interrupt you but do you mind speaking a bit slower, it’s just English isn’t my native language so I’m finding it hard to understand. Mrs...Thompson: Of course. Speaking really slow as if Sophia being Spanish made her stupid If you have a bad attitude in class then marks will be deducted. Did you get that this time? Sophia: Yes, sorry. It´s fine though honestly, I’m sure I´ll catch up. To a friend Aunque en inglés las 5 vocales tienen 22 sonidos diferentes…¡seguro que no habrá problema! 19 Mrs...Thompson: Well that’s all for now. Don’t forget to pass by the library today and collect your book, I am expecting you to read the first five chapters of the Charles Dickens novel by Monday. Bell Ring And Kim as your Beloved Mr Tolstoy himself said; “ We can only know that we know nothing” Sr Romero Er, don’t forget the chairs please everyone Sophia Kim Sra Romero Kim! All Kim! (students and teacher leave downstage left, curtains close, setting up canteen) Act 1 Scene 6: Alice; pacing up and down, talking to self OK you can do this, just, go up to him and just ask him, I mean what´s the worst that could happen right? Ok, I’m going, it´s decided. Wait, what if he says no, I mean we´re such good friends, what would I do? Oh god, Come on Alice, just get over it, GO. Aaron; Oh babes, your hair is so beautiful and long and silky. I just adore this shade of blonde, what is it? Ash? Strawberry? I´ve wanted to get my hair done that colour for years, but I just don´t trust my hairdresser to do it right, I mean it has to be perfect right? Do you mind if I take a picture of it? Wait turn this way, ok takes a selfie with the girl, posing Thanks babes that was totally fabulous! Gives her two kisses Alice; Hey Aaron, can I talk to you please? Aaron; Sure babes, what is it? Are you ok, you look kind of…flustered? Alice; Huh? Oh yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I just really need to talk to you, alone. Look, I just - need to tell you that – I was just wondering if maybe, you know you might want to, maybe, go out with me sometime? Aaron: Of course, I mean, I don’t know why you asked, we go out each night. 20 Alice: No I don’t mean like THAT I mean will you go OUT with me? Aaron: I’m not sure I follow Alice: Will you, go on, a date, with me? Aaron: laughs Oh honey that’s so cute, who dared you to do it? I mean obviously it’s a joke, everyone knows I’m G.A.Y! Alice: Uh, yeah of course, ha ha Aaron: Oh, babes you were serious weren’t you? Aww, that’s so sweet Alice: I’m SO sorry, I really didn’t mean to- Oh god, I’m just really sorry. Aaron: Are you kidding babes?! It’s no big deal, I mean I love being the way I am, don’t get me wrong, but it’s nice to know that If I ever change my mind, I have a shot. Look, it’s honestly no big deal. To be honest my mum and dad would have loved to have been here to see that, they’re not really very supportive of my … sexuality, but babes I am so comfortable like this. I know it’s not exactly what some people expect but I don’t mind, This is who I am and I’m fine with that, in fact I’m more than just fine with it, I think it’s great. I get to look after myself, be a diva and get some of the best friends ever. Alice: I just, I guess I just feel a bit embarrassed; I totally get it if you don’t want to be friends anymore? Aaron: oh sweetie, are you kidding? We’re always going to be friends no matter what! You and I we’re a team babes, we always have been. In fact I think we need a team name, you know like superheroes. How about “Bad Girls”? Alice: But there’s nothing bad about us. The only bad thing about us is that one of us didn’t know that her best friend is GAY… Aaron: Sweetie I think she’s just in denial!, Listen Hannah I know you’re there, come and help us out with this girl. Hannah OK, OK so you caught me out…but hey I heard everything! Alice I can’t believe you didn’t know about Aaron…come on please Alice Listen I feel bad enough already – it was so embarrassing 21 Hannah No, don’t worry! and didn’t I hear you two say we have a name now ? Bad Girls right? Listen honey Aaron and me – we’ll make it our new mission to get you a man, how’s that? Alice Oh right and how are you going to do that? Aaron Are you crazy? what we always do…right….ready to shake some bootie? They laugh Song starts Well then let’s dance sugar…Give it to me! Give it To Me Aaron leaves the stage, curtains close Hannah Phew! I’m sweatin’ now. Alice, no, no ladies don’t sweat they perspire! Aaron are you ready yet? We have to get some retail therapy in on the way back to school. Aaron, Where are you? Hannah has he gone again already? Listen we’d better catch him up, you know can’t be let loose with a credit card. Alice, I bet he’s gone for a shower, according to him, he doesn’t even perspire, he “glows” Hannah Well he was just glowing all over the place so you’re probably right Alice and Hannah leave the stage, Michelle enters the stage in front of the curtains, on their way back to school, with shopping bags. Aaron: from offstage girl, I love hangin out with you. It´s always so much fun!! Shopping AND hot shop assitants – p-lease, pinch me now! Michelle: I know, but next time you ask the shop attendant for his number... Promise? Are you ready? we really have to get to school, we’re going to be late and you know what Miss Day is like. Aaron enters stage Aaron: Listen she’ll just have to wait today. Michelle OMG I just love that colour on you! 22 (Curtains open. They enter the school and hear a guitar playing. They try to find out where the sound comes from. Connor is playing an original song of his own) Aaron: oh! isn't that that rich guy you were talking about the other day? Michelle: Yes, that's Connor, I didn't know that he could play the guitar so well! Aaron: Oh girl, he's so fine.. Michelle: he's so fine he blows my mind! Aaron: Hey Connor! Hey Hey! Aaron and Michelle: Hey Connor! Connor: (frightened, but smiling) Hey guys... Michelle: (whispers to Aaron) I think he looks a bit sad Aaron: Well we can’t have that now can we? Shall I cheer him up! Just watch and learn honey……..So, hey Connor, tell me more about yourself, what's your story? Connor: I don't have a story to tell Michelle: Oh come on! Everyone has a story to tell! Aaron: just let me guess... I have psychic powers. You're name is Connor Solomon and... You can play the guitar like, well, like... Michelle: Beyoncé! Aaron: Beyoncé it is! Connor: Beyoncé doesn't play the guitar Aaron: Shhhhh, I need silence to concentrate! Let's see, you're sad because... (whispers to Michelle) My psychic powers are not working, he's too cute and I can't concentrate! Help me! Michelle: You're sad because of your father, aren't you? Connor: yes, it is because of him Aaron: Why? what's wrong with yours? I also have my own problems with my old man. 23 Connor: All my life I've been pressured to be a star by someone who barely paid attention to me, and always left me as a second option. I’m constantly alone, because of my dad's tours and my mom follows him anywhere he goes. Everyone thinks that I’m this spoiled kid who has everything he wants, but really, I’m missing what I want most, someone who will take care and support me when I need it. Aaron: It seems that our parents haven't done the best job raising us. My parents didn't accept me for whom I really am, and kicked me out when I was 17. Michelle: Well you don't have to worry about your problems here, because music will always help you through rough times, and you can always count on us from now on... Michelle cheers Aaron and Connor up and they sing together You can count on us now You can count on us We won’t let you down boy No we’re never gonna let you down This place is rocking, this place is tops Let the beat take you to the place where the music never stops. Get on up now, you know you want to Feel it in your bones Let the rhythm take you higher Come with us and lets flow You can count on us now You can count on us We won’t let you down boy No we’re never gonna let you down Act 1 Scene 7 Connor:Hi! Yeah, sorry it’s just you dropped your headphones. 24 Michelle: Oh, thanks! I honestly don’t know where my head is at sometimes, caught up in songs I guess. Come on, tell me more about you... You are some famous guy’s son, aren´t you? Yeah! Your dad’s like a conductor or something, right? Connor: yeah, well he’s actually a composer but you know... it’s the same thing, some stupid guy in a suit who is never satisfied with anything and thinks he´s better than everyone else. Michelle: Oh, Ok. I’m guessing you don’t want to talk about it... at all… So what do you do? Doesn’t give him a chance to reply Well… I’m a singer, I’ve been singing since before I can remember. You know? One day I’m going to be a big star and I get the feeling it’s going to be soon! But I’m not going to be famous for being someone I’m not, I’m going to be famous for being me, people will love my voice. I just know... Jamal: You sound like our drama teacher “connect with your inner selves to feel more replenished and wholesome”. I’m Jamal; you’re, eh, Connor and Michelle right? Connor: yeah. So you guys have already had Miss Bailey? I hear she’s a real hippie. And have you had one of those new “dual language” lessons yet? Weird or what?. So, is it your first year at this… mobile interrupts him Oh, could you excuse me? I’ll see you at lunch, I’ve got to take his. Kim: Well, that was rude! You know on the subject of drama, my personal drama teacher once won an Oscar for best actor of the year inMichelle: OH my god! I completely forgot to tell you guys about my demo. Well, basically I sent a couple of letters out to recording companies and so on, you know? Because I need a good demo if I want to get signed. Anyway, within a week I had a reply from this place just downtown, I mean... it’s no big recording studio or anything, but I’ve got to start somewhere right? After years saving money for this demo, I think it is time to do it, isn´t it? I am finally one step closer to my dreams!! Sophia: Wow that sounds amazing! Congratulations. Kim: ANYWAY as I was sayingMichelle: Well, I am starving! Shall we go to lunch? Apparently the food is amazing! Miss Bailey: Michelle, hi! I just heard your... big news! It’s all the buzz in the staff room. Listen, can I just give you a word of advice? Please be careful. These offers are sometimes 25 not all they’re supposed to be. So many students get disappointed or even end up in dangerous situations. Make sure you check out this guys credentials ok? Michelle: I will of course, thanks Miss Bailey. (to friends) Of course it couldn’t possibly be genuine, could it! I mean seriously, why can’t they trust us to make our own choices. This could be a fantastic chance for me. Kim: Well I would pay attention to what she says, I mean... not many people get offered chances like this, you know? To Sophia: do you want to come and eat with us? Sophia: I have my own lunch, thanks though. Jamal: Uh…seriously? Come on, we don’t bite. Sophia: Well...I….erm...if you’re sure you don’t mind? Jamal: (whispering to Connor) What’s with her? Is she allergic to fun or something? (They go through curtains as they open to canteen people already sitting/getting food, they come in backstage left) Aaron and Alice going to table with trays Aaron: oh my god, that looks disgusting! What is it? Well, whatever it is, I can tell just by looking at it it’s got WAY too many carbs for me. Oh, while we’re talking about food, how is your dad’s restaurant going? I heard he had a great opening night! Alice: Yeah, it was great, but it’s not going as well as the opening anymore, I guess people just got a bit bored of it. My dad’s just so buried in paperwork and bills from the restaurant he doesn’t have time to think about his customers, he’s had the same menu for months. And as for the decor - it’s like something from the 70’s. Well anyway that’s another story. Aaron: Well if I can do anything to help, you know I love decorating, and food! Plus I owe your dad a favour after he got me out of that “Situation” last year. Alice: I’m sure he’ll appreciate it, he always asks me how you’re going. They sit down at table Stevie: Oh look here come the “too cool for school gang” more like “too school for cool” they’re such show offs. 26 Anabel: Oh that lot? Yeah, I honestly doubt any of them have enough potential to reach myoh... I mean... our level. Hannah: I dunno, they seem ok to me. Have you even spoken to them? Maybe they’re really nice, right Alice? Alice: not really paying attention Hm? What? Uh, yes, yes of course. They seem ok…I think. I don’t know them. Hannah: Come on Alice, put a smile on your face, it’s fun to be here again. Forget about home for a while. Alice: OK, I suppose I have to forget it for now… Aaron: I totally think we should give them a chance! They seem like really nice people and plus I already met some of them in drama class and they were kind of sweet. Doug: “Sweet”! Are you kidding me?! I had to try and convince one of them that Beyonce was not as big a deal as Mozart and do you know what she said to me? She said he was “really” dead, I mean way to show respect for one of the most famous musicians of all time. Plus she started to compare Mozart with Beyoncé… Honestly I think they’re way too confident for their own good. Alice: Well I must admit that I think Beyonce’s actually quite good… Stevie: Boring, boring, boring... – Hey Sweet cheeks!! – so you love food, huh! Well, here have some of mine (she throws food, it misses and hits Connor). Connor Oh No…you didn’t? Look at my jacket (he pauses and throws something back – (pause) Charles: (standing on a chair) Food fight!! Mrs. Thompson: What on Earth do you think you’re doing? Look at the state of this place! Miss Day: right, that’s enough! All of you, right now, come with me (she marches them off to see the cleaner). Buenas tardes, Mrs.Sánchez, estas adorables señoritas y estos amables caballeros se han ofrecido voluntarios para quedarse esta tarde a limpiar, así que si pudiese darles el material que van a necesitar, el resto del equipo y usted se podrían ir antes. Mr. Sanchez Oh Oh... he soñado con este día toda mi vida... Por fin!! 27 ... eh... vosotros, tomad esto, y esto también... os vendrá bien… ¡¡hala!! a trabajar... (she hands out materials to kids and leaves) They sweep for a while Jamal angry You know what this is really stupid – I came here to improve my dancing it’s supposed to be the best place in the country, and what am doing? Sweeping the floor. Hannah Well come on we brought it on ourselves really, and anyway it’s not THAT bad! Jamal Are you kiddin me?! I’d rather be ANYWHERE else than here right now (Drops the brush on the floor and goes to leave, but Hannah catches his arm) Hannah Oh come on! you mean you rather be doing anything else than this. Look so you want to dance…So do I, and she wants to sing and he wants to act…but we’re here aren’t we? and we’re together – I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be RATHER BE Michelle: Aaah Oooh We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be Plus Aaron and Connor I would wait forever, exalted in the scene As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat Plus Kim, Kiera, and Alice With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay Strolling so casually Plus Stevie, Sophia , Hannah, Cristoff We're different and the same, get you another name Switch up the batteries All If you gave me a chance I would take it It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it Know with all of your heart, you can't shake me When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be 28 N-n-n-no, no, no, no place I'd rather be [3x] Miss Day I don’t believe you lot! This is supposed to be a punishment! You don’t look sorry to me! You clearly haven’t learned your lesson. You can get this place cleaned up and Jamal and Hannah - my studio at the end of class. Mario:Whoa!!! Cristoff: That was awesome man! Mario and Cristoff leave stage Jamal: god your moves are sick, where did you learn to do that? Hannah:I dunno, YouTube? Jamal: what?!?! You’re kidding right? That’s amazing! Hannah: It’s not done me much good though has it? Who knows what Miss Day is going to do with us now. Jamal: Listen - what can she do? What are we here for? To learn to dance and sing and do our thing, right? All: Yeah right, exactly, I fought hard for my place etc Jamal: Well isn’t that exactly what we were doing just now? All: Yeah, what do they want from us? Jamal: Uh, do you wanna, I dunno meet up some time to practise coreo or something? Hannah: Sure! Um let me just pass you my number. Takes his phone Kim: Jamal Darling, Don’t forget you’re coming to my house on Friday evening. You can’t miss it, it’s the massive mansion at the end of the road. (leaves) Hannah: Daaaarling?laughs You know what, I’ve got better things to do anyway. Shoves his phone into his hands and stalks off Jamal: no, wait! Oh, forget it. Jamal and Kim leave stage 29 Michelle: Oh my god! I never knew a beat like that could do so much for my voice! That was incredible! Stevie: putting tray away, not facing her yeah thanks Stands up I’m glad you thought my song was good enough to be worth singing. Michelle: Oh my god, you wrote that? Stevie: yeah. Michelle: Where did you get your... inspiration? Alice: Stevie writes fantastic songs and we’ve been practicing them all summer. Stevie: Well, lets just say I get inspired my own way... Michelle: Oh, really? I wish I could just switch it on like that. Will you teach me? Stevie: Well actually it’s even easier than that, my inspiration comes in a bottle,, if you get me… Michelle: I’m not sure I do... and I don’t think I want to. Listen I really have to run, I can’t be late. Hangin out with you guys is great, but my future may start today, and I can’t be late for my own future now can I…………. Michelle leaves the stage almost running, Stevie looks confused, but slowly follows after Connor: Hey! see, that was great wasn’t it - a baptism of fire at least! Sophia:Well, yes but now they’re in even more trouble. Connor: Oh not really, I heard Miss Day’s bark is worse than her bite why don’t you just sit with us at lunch now? I mean it’s no problem, I know you’ve got to study and stuff but it’s only the first day. Relax, have some fun! Look, it´s also my first day here and I’m also nervous because of all the new people and teachers, but isolating yourself is not the solution, trust me! Sophia: Thanks, but some things are easier said than done. I’ll see you around. Connor: Yeah, see you later. They leave stage in opposite directions, at the last minute Connor turns back to look at Sophia, then keeps walking 30 (lights down, curtains close) Act 1 scene 8 Michelle walks in front of curtain, as if looking for a building, she picks up her phone and dials a number Michelle: Hi? Man: annoyed, serious Who is this?! Michelle: Yeah, this is Michelle. Man: changes voice, nicer Ah, for the demo? Michelle: yeah, yeah that’s me, the one that’s doing the demo. Look I’m on my way but I’ve got a bit lost, did you say it was Grange Street? Man: Yes yes, that’s it. Michelle: Ok, well I’m pretty sure I’m on the right street but I can’t find the building. I can’t find a recording studio anywhere. Man: Do you see “Body Ink”? Michelle: Uhhh looks around Do you mean a sign for a tattoo parlor? Man: Yes yes, that’s it. Michelle: mmm Ok, looks around again - sees a tattoo parlor, is shocked and a little apprehensive I…. think I’m here, er ... how do I get in.... Man Oh just go in to the tattoo place, the guy in there will show you through to the back Michelle Ok, See you in 2 minutes then!? Michelle walks awkwardly through the tattoo parlor and ends up in a dingy studio Man: Michelle? Michelle: Yes! Hello, nice to meet you Man: Oh, the pleasure is all mine… I think that we are create some amazing art together and get you on your path to stardom... 31 Michelle: Well you’re certainly……”enthusiastic”! That is what I have been dreaming of for years!! I don't care how much it takes… It is my future, and... it is worth every drop of sweat and every minute spent... Man: You are right!! You are as smart as you are beautiful and talented… Well, the first thing we have to speak about is money… How do you intend to pay for this golden future that I you’re heading towards? Michelle: Wait, what... do you mean...Do you mean like our teachers tell us “fame costs, and we have to pay in sweat”? Man Well hardly honey. Does this look like a class room to you? Michelle You mean actually pay? How much are talking about…? I thought this was a demo for a record label, isn’t that what you said? She hears the memory of the voice of the teacher warning her about wolves in this world... Man: laughing fame is an expensive privilege, you know? But don't worry about it... if you do not have the money for it here today, I can do you a big favour… you can pay it little by little… I don’t do this for everyone you know - it’s just because it’s you. You just need to leave me your… bank details… and I will fix it all… Michelle: Well I don’t really have any money on me at all today, and my bank details are all at home - I’m sorry, Could we record the first track, and I’ll pay you next time? Man: Well it doesn’t really work like that angel - no money no microphone. We can put it off until next week, and when you make your first payment we’ll start recording. How does that sound? Michelle OK sure, sure. I’ll call you next week some time then….. She leaves the building and immediately she turns the corner she leans up against a wall and starts to sing Michelle song Finishes song and leaves following opening curtain Act 1 scene 9 32 Kim enters stage doorbell ring Kim: Oh, he’s finally here, what took him so long?! Fixes her hair and makeup, smoothes down skirt and lets him in Jamal: comes in Hey! What’s up? This is my sister, Kiera. My Ma asked me to babysit so I thought I’d bring her along, hope you don’t mind. Kim: obviously does mind Not at all. Come in, so do you want to start with the choreo. straight away? Jamal: sure. Kiera, you ok just sitting around? Kiera: angry no! Jamal: rolls his eyes You go ahead Kim, I’ll be right there. Once Kim’s gone Kiera please, I know you don't want to be here but at least be nice, yeah? Kiera: I’m sorry but I don't like your girlfriend Jamal: slightly embarrassed She is NOT my girlfriend Kim: calls from offstage Come on Jamal, darling, we only have so much time... Kiera sarcastically oh, of course She´s not, teasing “daaarling” Jamal: Fine, I’ll call some friends for you to hang out with. Just try and keep it down until they arrive, Kim is not going to like this. Kim: stalks in Kim isn’t going to like what? Jamal: awkwardly I’m going to have to invite some other guys around, Kiera won’t spend the evening on her own and my Ma will be seriously angry if she complains at home. You don’t mind, do you? Kim: angry but trying to hide it No, of course not. I don’t care. Let me know when you’re done, I’m going to get a drink. Jamal: Ok, I’ve sent them all a message. They’ll be here any minute now, just be patient. Kiera: Jamal. You’re ok, you know? For an idiot, I mean. 33 Jamal: I love you too, little sis, even though you’re a blackmailing, sly little monster. Doorbell rings Oh that must be them. I’ll get it. Opens door Hey guys! Come in. This is my little sister Kiera. Eryn: hey, I’m Eryn. This is Kevin Kevin: hey Eryn: Alice and Stevie Stevie: I rang Michelle, but she said she couldn’t make it. To be honest, she sounded a bit…upset... Kiera: yeah, you too! Stevie: S’up? Kiera: Uh, hi… Alice: Huh?! Oh yeah, nice to meet you Cristoff: I’m Cristoff they shake hands awkwardly Jamal: breaking the silence The studio is through there, I’ll see you in there. They exit backstage left Alice: offstage I cannot believe she has a dance studio in her own house! Eryn: I know! I wish I had something like that! Jamal: stopping Cristoff as he walks past I guess Hannah couldn’t make it, right? Cristoff: I dunno man Jamal: Huh of course she didn’t come, what was I expecting? Hannah: Why would you think that? I never turn down an opportunity to dance. Jamal: Hey! What’s up? Hannah: Not much! Oh... but I do have one question, how come you invited a ton of people on your date? I mean your girlfriend is not going to be happy about it, you know? Jamal: SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!! Can we go? 34 They exit stage left as the others enter stage right Kim: What are you doing here!? I thought Jamal was inviting someone to entertain his annoying little sister. Kevin: Are you crazy? We’re here to dance. Cristoff: Come on guys, we have a choreography to learn! Hannah: Yeah that’s right, we’re here to dance, but if you’re so worried about Kiera, I’m sure we can find a way to fill in for you while you babysit? Jamal: Stands front centre stage ok so everyone finds a space and follow my lead. Doing dance steps One, two, three and four, five, six, seven and eight. Stevie: Wow, Jamal that was amazing! Did you choreograph all of that yourself? Jamal: Nah, we all did it! Hannah: Oh come on man, it was obviously you, and it was AMAZING!!! Cristoff: Well I think we have a choreographer in our midst as well as the dance routine for the end of year performance kids celebrate all we’re missing are the partner sections. Jamal: turning away from Kim’s outstretched hand Hannah, can I go with you? Kim: angry what?! You know what, fine. I never even liked you anyway. I was just stupid enough to let you take up my time Storms out Jamal: Kim, wait! To Cristoff Seriously why does that keep happening to me? Cristoff: I dunno’ man Jamal: Well, I guess I’ll have to fix that somehow, but for now I don’t think I got an answer… Hannah: laughs Sure, I’ll give it a go. Joking But I don’t know if you’re good enough to compete with my dance skills. Jamal: Oh really? (Lights down, curtain close) Act 1 Scene 10 35 Centre spot Lights up, curtains stay closed, we see Stevie, with a bottle in her hand, and Michelle, who is telling Stevie her horrible experience at the studio. Michelle: (weeping) … and he was saying that I would have to pay a fortune that I don't have if I want ANY chance of stardom… He was just thinking about the money- … And the studio… It was a dirty cave… Ahh!! I feel so embarrassed for being so naïve…I should have listened to Miss Bailey, How the hell am I going to back to school? I will be the laughing stock!… Stevie: Hey, hey!! chill out, girl… it can’t be all that bad... Michelle: no, Stevie… I am not overreacting; you don’t understand what this means for me… this is the end of my dream... Urgh - never mind! I think I am going to try to find a job, I clearly need a B Plan… She leaves the stage almost crying, Stevie stays and keeps on drinking... Kim comes in, crying Stevie: Hey, what are you doing here? What’s up? are you ok? Kim: Leave me alone! Stevie: Boyfriend trouble? Did you finally realize he wasn’t into you? Kim: What is your problem? Don’t you know how to be nice, or even sympathetic? Stevie: Look I’m sorry ok? It’s just I’m not good with the whole expressing your emotions stuff. Kim: Oh really, I couldn’t tell Stevie: Hey! There’s no need to be like that! Everyone else saw it except you, maybe it’s love making you blind. Kim: Sorry, it’s just…I’ve never felt like that before. I felt like I could tell him anything. It just felt like there was something there and I really believed he felt it too. I guess I was wrong. Stevie Listen girl, there are people all around, girls, boys, friends, enemies, exes, do you think they see you? Stevie: Here it helps, honestly Kim: Ew! what is this, vodka? I’d really rather not, thanks 36 Stevie: well that’s up to you but it works wonders. I can forget even the worst day after just a couple of shots. Kim: Oh come on! What kind of a bad day have you ever had? You’re always laughing and joking around. You don’t know how take stuff seriously. Stevie: Yeah, right, what would I know… (changes her mood, like losing control) Why can’t you stop judging me!!!… All of you with your ‘Catastrophies’ and melodramas, they are stupid little problems… just leave me alone!! song (goes to edge of stage and keeps drinking. Kim leaves.) Spotlight on Stevie, who is drinking under a street light alone. All cast on stage. Walk – off – turn – on -- walk repeat x 2 All freeze as she falls. count 8 then leave stage Curtain close END OF ACT 1 37 Act 2 Scene 1 Hospital board and bed on + 3 chairs behind curtain – prep during break Partial curtain open project 23 Mrs...Thompson: Hello, this is Mrs...Thompson from SA, I teach your daughter Stephanie. I’ve tried reaching you a couple of times but I can’t seem to get through to you. You’re daughter has had an accident and is in West Hilton Hospital, If you could come as soon as possible, I think your daughter could do with having you here, she’s not in a great state. Please call me back when you get this message. Alice: Hi Mrs...Thompson, is she in there? Michelle: How’s she doing? Miss Day: Alice? Michelle? Yes she’s in there but she’s sleeping at the moment, the doctors say it’s probably best to leave her, she’s had a very bad night and they’re not completely sure if there has been any severe damage yet. Alice: Oh, ok we’ll just leave the flowers in there if that’s alright. Is her family here? Are they ok? Sra. Romero: Well not yet, but I’m sure they’re on their way. I think she will love the flowers; we’ll let you know if anything changes but you should probably go home and get some rest. Michelle: Ok, thanks. You should probably get some rest too, you look exhausted. Curtains open, we see Stevie on hospital bed and group of kids around her, Michelle and Alice enter, teachers leave stage 38 Alice: Come on Michelle, the others are waiting. Jamal: Hey guys Michelle: Hey, how’s she doing? Jamal: I’m not sure. Not too good, I guess Alice: Why would she do this to herself? She was such a fun person, she’s always smiling, always has a smart joke to tell us. How could a person so happy be so… Sophia Sad? I think there’s more to her than meets the eye. The thing is none of us ever bothered to go further than that outer shell. Hannah: Guys what does it matter what she’s gone through? What counts is what she’s going through now. Look at her, where’s her smile gone? We need to help her get it back; we need to be there for her, no matter what. Sophia: But it does matter, a person can be changed by their circumstances. If she’s doing this to herself, it’s just as important to know why as it is to be there for her. We can’t help her if whatever she’s living with is still going on. Connor: you’re right, but right now, let’s just stay with her until we’re sure it’s nothing too serious. We can only handle one thing at a time and in this case she needs us more than ever to be by her side. Aaron: Come on guys, Connor’s right. Let’s just make sure she’s ok. It’s too much to take on all at once and right now all that matters is that she gets better. At least she knows we’re all here for her, no matter what. Seasons of Love Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes Five hundred twenty five thousand moments, oh dear Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets In midnights, in cups of coffee In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife In five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, a year in the life? 39 How about love? How about love? How about love? Measure in love Seasons of love (love) Seasons of love (love) Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes Five hundred twenty five thousand journeys to plan Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure the life of a woman or a man? In truths that she learned Or in times that he cried In bridges he burned or the way that she died It's time now, to sing out Though the story never ends Let's celebrate Remember a year in the life of friends Remember the love (Oh, you got to, you got to remember the love) Remember the love (You know that love is a gift from up above) Remember the love (Share love, give love, spread love) Measure in love (Measure, measure your life in love) Seasons of love Seasons of love (Measure your life, measure your life in love) Scene 2 Michelle I hope she’s going to be OK, I had no idea things were that bad walking through curtain as it opens Alice I know, crazy isn’t it? You think you know people Hannah Yeah you go to class with people each day 40 Miss Day Well girls I think we all need to learn something from this. We need to look around us more and open our eyes to other people’s problems, not just our own. Anyway Michelle, it’s great to see you, but where have been? We haven’t seen you at school for nearly a week now… Michelle Well I found a really great job at one of the off Broadway theatres Hannah No Way! How cool – so your demo tape worked then? Michelle,Not exactly – I’m selling programs and ice-cream. The demo session, that’s a whole other story! I was trying to offload on to Stevie when it all started Miss Day ….as I was saying…we should all learn from today. Listen Michelle, life is too short; you know where your heart lies. It’s great to see you here, but I hope it won’t just be for a visit next time. We all want to see you back at school, but you know we can’t keep your place open forever right? Please think carefully about which way you want to go and let us know soon. Michelle Ok I will, I pormise Hannah Oh Michelle I’m so sorry, so was Miss Bailey right in the end? Alice You mean when she warned about the sharks out there? Yeah, what happened Michelle? Michelle Well it was simple really, I just learned that all that glitters is not gold, and that other people have bigger problems than mine. We have to put our problems in proportion. You know what Miss Day is right, I have to make my own decisions…… Hannah So come back to class, come on just just stand here – you heard what she said – you’ll be welcome…….? Michelle Ok Ok….come on then! Back to school for all of us. I want to get back to class with you guys and start paying for my fame in sweat – the good old way! Alice and Hannah Yeah! Come on let’s do this…. We’re Alive Sixteen, my spirits free Enjoying simplicity Cause right now 41 I won't be young forever Year by year I'm counting down They're rushing by Gotta live it now Feet on the ground But I gotta live like there's no tomorrow We're alive Chasing our dreams as we're rising higher All right We can do anything you wanna Anywhere So let's go Let's be the one left standing The ones who turned back time We're alive Right now High school dreams Don't know the finer things All I want to do is hang out in this moment forever Year by year I'm counting down They're rushing by Gotta live it now Feet on the ground But I gotta live like there's no tomorrow We're alive Chasing our dreams as we're rising higher All right We can do anything you wanna Anywhere So let's go Let's be the one left standing The ones who turned back time We're alive This time is our time Let's turn up the music 42 Let's spin round and round and around This time is our time This town is our town This town is our town Let's turn up the music Let's spin round and round around This time is our time We're alive Chasing our dreams as we're rising higher All right We can do anything you wanna Anywhere So let's go Let's be the one left standing The ones who turned back time We're alive Hannah Well what are we wating for? Let’s go! Act 2 Scene 3 Kim (to Alice and Hanah) So, How was the hospital? Is she gonna be ready for the end of year show? I’m sorry I didn’t make it down there. Alice You are unbelievable, you know! We all love the final performance, but can´t you see this is someone´s life we’re talking about! Kim Wait you don’t know what happened. I was with her when…….interrupted by teacher Sra.. Romero: Straight to the assembly hall please, your first class this morning has been cancelled. Todos al salon de actos por favor, la primera clase de hoy ha sido anulado Kiera: Why would they cancel a lesson so close to the performance? We need those classes more than ever, I’m sure the teachers know that. Mario: I don’t, come on let’s go, we don’t want to get in trouble. Cristoff: You’re right, but it must be super serious, I mean Sra.. Romero cancelling one of her classes? She’s not missed a day of school in the whole year. This has to be almost an emergency for her to agree to let us off. 43 Mrs...Thompson: alright, everyone take a seat please, quick as possible. Quiet down. Thank you. I’m afraid we’ve got some disappointing news to tell you. If we’d had the choice we would have chosen to keep it a little more discrete but we’ve been asked specifically to talk to you about this. Miss Day? Miss Day: As I’m sure you’ve all heard by now, one of our students – Stevie – Has had an ….accident….well an incident….. recently and been in hospital for the last couple of weeks recovering. The hospital called this morning to inform us that someone had sneaked alcohol into Stevie’s room. Apart from this being prohibited on the premises, it was a very irresponsible thing to do to Stevie. Miss Bailey This is important everyone. Of course we know you are all looking forward to The Final Performance, as you would any other year, but this is an incident which affects the lives of potentially two of our students, and maybe the reputation of the whole school. We are really hoping that you will pull together as a group and help us resolve this, so that we can all get back to normality. Sra.. Romero: Nos encantaría creer, que no tiene nada que ver con vosotros, pero al hospital no se le ocurren otros visitantes que harían algo así, así que nos han pedido que os informemos de la situación y que os preguntemos si sabéis algo. Se que es difícil pero si alguien tiene cualquier información, por favor venir durante el día de hoy y decírselo a cualquier miembro del profesorado. Connor: Can you believe someone from school would do that? I mean how could they be so stupid? Don’t they know how harmful that could be for her recovery? Alice: I know right? Can’t they see she’s in a bad way because of alcohol? Why would someone take her more of the stuff that put her in hospital in the first place? Michelle: I don’t know guys, but if it is someone from school there’s only one person I know of who could sneak alcohol into a hospital. Alice: No, he wouldn’t have. Guys we know him, he would never do that. Kim: Wouldn’t he? I hate to admit it guys, but what do we actually know about him? All I can say is that his background isn’t a good one. If anyone did this, he’s the most likely suspect. 44 Hannah: ¿Sospechoso? ¿Él? ¿Pero a ti que te pasa? ¡Tú tienes un problema!, esto no es una de esas estúpidas series criminales; esto es SU vida, es SU vida y la vida de STEVIE. Chicos, vosotros sabéis perfectamente que él NUNCA haría algo así. Sois sus amigos; si se entera de lo que estáis haciendo… estaría muy avergonzado de vosotros. Kim: Oh please, calm down! there’s no point ranting on in Spanish, half the people here don’t understand you, and don’t pretend it hasn’t crossed your mind! Hannah: Well actually it hasn’t, I trust him, I know he would never do something like this. So what if he’s not from some rich family? Not all of us have that luxury, that doesn’t mean we’re all bad people. If this is jealousy speaking Kim…. Connor’s phone rings, he picks it up, Sophia hangs around, waiting for him Connor: Hi Dad, yeah I know sorry I didn’t get back to you, I’ve been in hospital, my friends had a problem. No, I’m fine. Of course I’ve not been doing anything stupid. Wait, what do you mean MEXICO?! I thought you got back next week, to see my show? You can’t make it? Oh well what a surprise, work always comes first right dad? No! I’ve had it up to here with you, I’m your SON, but when have you ever treated me like one? To me I’m just another person who jeopardizes your job. Well you know what Dad, I’ve had enough of living in an empty house that has never been a home to me. I’m moving out, I have a life now, I have friend and people who actually care about me. Hangs up, scrapes fingers through his hair Sophia: Hey are you ok? That sounded pretty intense Connor: Yeah, just family problems. I just yelled at my Dad and told him I was moving out, but I don’t have anywhere else to go, my mum is always with my Dad because she’s his PA and they’re never at home. I just wanted to feel like I belonged. Sophia: Connor you may not see it but there are so many people here who care about you, I’m sure your Dad does too, but you need to know that all your friends are there to support you, you’re one of us as well as a Solomon. Connor: Thanks Sophia: Now. Don’t take this the wrong way but if you’re serious about getting away for a while there’s a spare room in my apartment - I live on Campus because me and my dad 45 were too far out for me to get the bus every morning – if you need a place to stay you know you’re more than welcome. Connor: I think I will take you up on that. Thanks Sophia, really. Sophia: I’m glad I could help. I will see you later ok? Give me a buzz if you need any help moving your stuff. How I survive Act 2 Scene 4 stafroom over coffee using chairs and mugs of coffee Mrs...Thompson: I overheard a couple of the students talking earlier about what happened to Stevie. They were speculating over who was the likeliest student to have done something so stupid. Apparently they seem to think Jamal Edwards could have had something to do with what happened to her. Sra.. Romero: To be honest that wouldn’t surprise me. With his attitude in class and his wild personality…I was actually thinking it myself but of course we can’t be sure unless anyone saw anything. Miss. Day: sorry? You’re basing your opinion on what a group of gossiping kids said? Really? I thought we were intelligent adults who knew how to make their own decisions. That boy is constantly judged and tested. Can’t you see, what you’re doing right now is what he’s lived his whole life. He can’t change his background or his home life, but he’s working hard to change his future. He’s got fire in his belly and lives to dance, and you’re going to take that away from him? Because you heard some kids talking and think he’s got an attitude problem? Really? Mrs...Thompson: Well I’m sorry Miss. Day but a lot of us don’t share your opinion of the boy. In any case, we were simply supposing. The only way he’ll get into any trouble is if someone saw him and reports it by the end of the day. And I doubt anyone would do that without actually having seen something. Sra. Romero: (pensando en voz alta): Está claro que no sabe encajar un simple comentario... 46 De todas formas, estoy segura de que usted tiene razón, Sra Thompson: ya el tiempo dirá imagina la vergüenza que sería para la escuela averiguar que ha sido uno de nuestros alumnos? Scene 5 Mr Trolley V.O. All students to the Assembly Hall please, we have an important announcement, Todo los alumnos al Salon de Actos por favor, tenemos un anuncio importante Sra.. Romero: Good afternoon everyone, I’m sure you’ll be happy to hear some good news this morning! Although I’m sure we’ve all started preparing for the final show we wanted to let you something very important, we’ve decided to invite some talent scouts to the show, so please make sure everything looks professional and that we have rehearsed and are fully prepared in advance. Mrs...Thompson: This isn’t a chance you can miss, we’re very serious about this and so are the scouts. They will be looking for a certain level of professionalism, knowledge and talent, and although we would like to believe we’ve taught you all enough to be able to meet their standards some of you simply aren’t there yet and sadly might never be. We will of course be working harder than ever and will be brutally honest. If we think you don’t stand a chance we will tell you, as always there is no place for people who can’t handle it so be prepared for the worst. Alice: Oh My God!!! Can you believe this? This is beyond awesome, it’s incredible it’s, it’s- I can’t find a word to describe it… Michelle: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! (they all laugh) So now let’s be serious, we’re going to have to really practise for this. I think we could really stand a chance; we just need to make sure we’re ready. Doug: (interrupts) Hey, guys? I know I haven’t really been very- approachable over the year but you guys are REALLY GOOD at what you do and I know that considering my talents I probably don’t stand a chance alone against you so would it be ok if I join you? Michelle: Oh, you are Doug, are you? Doug nods Oh I don’t know, I think that would be ok on one condition… Doug: What? Michelle: Accept the fact that, although Mozart is an amazing composer, the true star is Beyoncé. Everyone gazes at Doug awaiting the answer 47 Doug: Well, I don’t know I haven’t heard enough of her music to be sure…I always loved classical music, but I am starting to like more and more modern music… Michelle: Are you kidding? Wait I have a great idea! We should do a mashup; we can mix Beyoncé with Mozart. It would be like mixing the old with the new and creating something completely different, plus that way we appeal to the whole audience in the final show! Alice: Yeah! Mozart with Beyoncé’s lyrics! How cool! Doug: Yeah, I must agree that’s cool. laughs We can prove then that Mozart and Beyoncé CAN live in harmony! Well in this case we’re talking more about their music but you know what I mean right? Unifying the old with the new, classic with pop! Come on guys let’s do this! (voices fade) Scene 6 Ballet barre on I Hope I get it playing on a loop Miss. Day: Ok so it goes. Step kick kick together jump down kick ball change chaseéStep kick kick together jump down kick ball change chaseé- ….Jamal what is wrong with you? Come on, you are not going to tell me that’s all you’ve got…..Give me something here will you….And you Hannah….. Hannah Bueno perfecto – seguimos como no pasa nada, lo mas importante son los scouts, y Stevie – la olvidamos supongo? Jamal I AM trying, but what exactly do you expect me to do with this….this lame shi…… Miss Day Oh Wow you really think you’re all that don’t you! These steps are beneath you somehow – maybe I’m the idiot – maybe the others are right…the world doesn’t owe you a living Jamal… want to work it…right…so let’s work it……takes cardigan off and launches in to full on coreo – younger kids circle round and Hannah and Jamal join in… Eryn That was so cool – you should do that for the show… Miss Day No, no no, (out of breath) my job is to teach…your job is to shine, now where were we? Back to I hope I get it until there’s a knock at the door …..oh um, Hannah could you lead for a second. Mrs...Thompson, is everything alright? Look before you say anything I just wanted to apologize for my behaviour earlier, it was inappropriate and I should have known better…well, in any case was there anything in particular that you wanted to talk to me about? 48 Mrs... Thompson: Well actually I came to pick up Jamal, he’s been summoned to the Director’s office and I’ve been sent to collect him immediately. Sra.. Romero got the report last lesson…I’m sorry. Miss Day: Oh, Of course. Um. Let me go get him for you. Jamal, could you come here for a minute please? Look, you’ve been called to the office. I can’t say what it’s about exactly but know that if you need any help, you come straight to me ok? Jamal: Why would I need help? This is about Stevie isn’t it? Someone said I did it, didn’t they? I didn’t do it Miss I swear. Please, my Dad won’t believe me if he finds out about this, he never does… Miss. Day: I know, I believe you but I tried convincing the others and they – well they’re taking longer to come around to it…I’m sorry Jamal, I tried but I can’t do much more. Jamal: Yeah I get it. Don’t sweat it Miss, I’m sure it’s nothing too serious anyway. But Miss, I talked to Stevie yesterday and she told meMrs...Thompson: Come on Edwards, it’s best not to keep people waiting in these circumstances. Close curtains Sra.. Romero: En realidad, no estoy tan segura... es lo que insinuaba una carta anónima que encontré en mi casillero al acabar las clases... Mr. Martínez: eso es justo lo que queríamos saber... Es normal que el autor no haya querido revelar su nombre. Le daría miedo pensar en las represalias que Jamal Edwards podría tomar contra él... Vaya, mira, ¡por ahí viene...! Mr Trolley: Take a seat Edwards, we need to talk to you about something. Jamal: Look If this is about what happened withMr. Martínez: SIT down, and cut the attitude! Mr Trolley Mr. Edwards this is a very serious matter and we would like you to treat it as such. From what we’ve been told you have something to own up to. Now as you can imagine we are inclined to believe the information provided to us, but if you can prove otherwise- 49 Jamal: Of course I can! It WASN’T me dude! Stevie’s my friend, you seriously believe I’m dumb enough to…oh no wait…I get it….of course you do! You, all of you, think this is just the kind of thing a “person like me” would do. I bet you even suspected me before you got that stupid information, which is a total lie by the way. You were just waiting for a reason to talk to me. Well it wasn’t me! Miss Bailey: MR. EDWARDS! That is enough. You will talk to us with respectJamal: yeah right, like I’m going to respect you when you don’t respect me. I may not be your typical pretty rich boy but that doesn’t mean I’m not human, and I deserve as much respect from you as you deserve from me. Right now I get the feeling you guys are just looking for a reason to put me down and screw me over! Mr Trolley: THAT’S IT! I’ve just about had it up to here with you boy, first the lack of respect then the attitude and now the language. You are suspended for a week young man, and until you can give me a good enough reason to think otherwise you’re no longer participating in the final show. Jamal: WHAT?!?! You know what FINE, I should have known you were never trying to help me, I was probably this stupid school’s charity case so you can say you “INCLUSIVE”, and not elitist. Well you know what! That’s exactly what you are! You can pretend all you want, this school was made for ready-made celebrities. You don’t really care about the other students, you’re not interested in true passion, what you want is a good reputation. And you’re crazy if you think I’m just going to stand around and play a part in all of this! He slams his chair back and knocks something over Miss Bailey Come back here young man, this is not over! Mr Trolley Well you can’t let him loose around the school in that state, you’ll have to go after him I’m afraid. Sra Romero We’ll bring him back once we’ve calmed him down so Jamal is in Dance studio Enter Kiera Kiera Hey how’d it go? Jamal What do you think? This school is not for people like us, Our faces and bank balances don’t fit, we don’t have celebrity parents…. 50 Kiera Hey…Chill out! There are teachers who believe in you, they know you’re talented, they know you haven’t done anything wrong, and they know you deserve your place here. Jamal Yeah right! So where were they just now – surprise surprise …they disappeared! No one cares, stay - go… they couldn’t care less. Kiera But I care Jamal, stop being so stupid, You need this, and I need you here. You’re my big brother. If you can’t stick it, how can you expect me to? Fine ignore me, but at least listen to my music… I need you Jamal Sis that was beautiful! you have real talent, and they have made a place for you here, but I’m sorry they have made themselves clear, I’m out of here! She leaves stage frustrated and almost crying Scene 7 Jamal is onstage with headphones on. He’s pacing around the room every now and then he kicks something or punches something. Becomes a dance solo. What’s your 20 We see Hannah enter and stay at the edge of the room, watching. Suddenly he falls and starts crying. He snatches his headphones off and throws them away. Hannah picks up the headphones and walks to Jamal, sitting next to him. Jamal turns away and wipes his eyes angrily. Hannah: Hey…That was incredible! Why don’t you ever let loose like that in class? Jamal: I’m not in the mood Hannah, Just leave me alone. Hannah: Can’t, I reserved this room to practice for the show. You’re going to have to find someplace else to be alone unless you want to help me? Jamal: I don’t see the point, I’m not doing the show anymore anyway Hannah: WHAT?! Are you kidding me? Why not? Jamal: apparently I took it too far when they accused me of doing something I didn’t do so they’ve suspended me for a week and pulled me out of the final show. 51 Hannah: Wait, is this about Stevie? What the hell are they talking about? You were with me that night, there is no way you did it. So who said you did? Jamal: You really can’t guess? Hannah: Oh no she didn’t! I’m telling you, when I get my hands on that stupid girl! She has no idea what she’s got coming for her! She begins to storm out when Jamal grabs her arm and pulls her back Jamal: It’s not worth it. She’s just one more person who looks at me and sees the street. Hannah: Fine, but if I can’t go kick her butt then at least let me let off a little steam. Jamal: Do what you want, I’m out of here anyway., Hannah: Uhhh…excuse me? Jamal: What? Hannah: There is no way you are seriously going to leave me here, if you don’t stay, I don’t know what I’ll do she smiles and they both laugh.Come on, let’s do what we do best – it’s what we’re here for, it’s why we breathe Dance. Miss Day walks in just as they are about to kiss Miss. Day: Well, Well, that was pretty good, was it practise for the show? Because if it was you definitely have my permission to do it on the night. Maybe you could even teach it to some of the others? I’m thinking a dark stage with a single spotlight on you two. Smoke machines and then bit by bit couples join until the stage is completely lit up. And then we couldJamal suddenly starts walking away Miss. Day: What happened? Is he alright? Hannah: I’m surprised you don’t know miss. He’s not doing the show; the teachers kicked him out of school for a week. Someone told them he was the one that took the drink to Stevie. Miss. Day: Do you think he did? Hannah: What?! No! Miss. Day: Good, because I don’t either. I’m going to go talk to them, see what I can do. Jamal? 52 Jamal: Huh? Miss. Day: Don’t let this stop you, we will figure this out ok? You have a talent that’s very rare, don’t let them take that away from you. You have to keep going, keep fighting, believe in yourself. Don’t give up, don’t let your anger take over. You just have to find the right people who love you for you. He puts his arm around Hannah, Miss. Day smiles I get the feeling you’ve already found one of them. Jamal Yeah but one “Street Dance” isn’t going to be enough to impress the right people is it? Hannah He’s right, lots of the teachers don’t like his style. Miss Day Hmm, we had a request for a short simple choreography and someone to teach it to an anonymous performer who’s supposed to be coming in tomorrow– leave this with me, let me see if I can pull some strings leaves on her phone Hannah Y ahora que? Que era esto? Jamal Pues no se, Quizas es alguien buscando gente para alguna programa del tele uno de estos Factor X o otra cosa plástica del mudo de Pop. Que decía? Algo corto y sencillo – pues te están buscando a ti mi amor steals Hannah’s cap leave stage chased by Hannah Scene 8 Cristoff: Hi guys, what’s up? Did you have a good weekend? Anabel: Did you hear about Jamal? Apparently He was the one that did it! Celia: The one that did what? Jack: You know – Reece: The one that took the drink to the hospital girl Celia: No way! Did he really? I didn’t think he was the type to do something like that. Cristoff: Of course he’s not! There is no way he did this. Someone set him up. Anabel: Oh yeah? Well who would want to do that? 53 Cristoff: I don’t know but I swear when I find out, I’m going to – they all look at Kim, who is in the middle of a massive group of Kids enjoying the attention and talking to them about something, at this point Hannah, Michelle, Sophia and Alice walk in Kim: I was just leaving my Dad’s penthouse on New Street, a couple of blocks from the hospital when I first saw him. He was wearing those ridiculous trousers and a cap that covered his eyes but I knew it was him. I kind of get this sixth sense in these situations and I just knew I had to follow him. Anyways, I followed him all the way to the hospital and saw him walk in with a brown paper bag in his hand. When I got to school the next day I heard about Stevie and I knew that this was no coincidence. Hannah: Hears the conversation as she enters stage Oh My God! It was you, you told the teachers he did it didn’t you? Do you realise what you’ve done? Urgh!!! She runs at her and starts to beat her up, Stevie comes in, sees what’s going on and pulls Hannah off Kim Stevie: Break it up! Honestly I didn’t think this place would fall into such a state without me? What happened, did you all turn into wild animals while I was gone? Connor: to Aaron dude, let’s separate them, they’re going to hurt themselves badly! Hannah: Stevie?! I thought you were still in hospital, it’s so great to see you! Are you ok though? Stevie: Yeah, Yeah I’m fine. Doc let me off early, said “Stevie I don’t know what happened but you recovered a lot faster than I was anticipating” Something to do with guardian angels singing to me I think winks Alice: What you doing at school though, didn’t he say you should stay at home and rest a bit? Michelle: Yeah, I mean no one expects you to be back on your feet straight away sweetie Connor: Well I bet I can guess why you’re back. It’s for the show, isn’t it? I knew you wouldn’t miss it! Sophia: Of course! This is great; it wouldn’t have been the same without you Stevie: Aw thanks guys, it’s great to be back. Just a quick question - do you know where Jamal is? I kinda need to talk over some ideas with him. Michelle: They haven’t told you have they? Oh my god, why wouldn’t they tell you? 54 Stevie: Who? Tell me what? Is Jamal ok? Hannah: Not really. He’s been kicked out for a week, but they also cut him from the show. He’s in a real bad way. Miss Day is looking into a way to try to get him back in, but she can’t promise. Stevie: Why would they kick him out? He must have done something pretty serious to be cut from the show. Sophia: Wait do you mean he didn’t do it? Stevie: Do what? Hannah: Bring you the bottle of alcohol in hospital, that wasn’t Jamal? Stevie: No! Of course not! Why would anyone think it was? Kim: Are you sure? I’m sure I saw him go in with a paper bag this weekend. Stevie: Jamal didn’t come to see me this weekend, it was my old friend, he even tried to sneak in a bottle, but the nurses caught him and threw him out, but no Jamal, unless I was unconscious…. Kim: Oh no, this isn’t good. This really isn’t good. You’ve got to tell them. He doesn’t deserve to not be in the show Hannah: What’s with the change of heart? Suddenly realize you getting back at him by LYING wasn’t such a great idea? Stevie: Hannah, chill, I just need to talk to them, it will all be fine, I promise we will fix this. Scene 9 Mr Trolley: I honestly don’t know why I let you talk me in to accepting him in the first place? Knowing his…History? Sra.. Romero: (quietly to Mrs Thompson) I don’t know, I just can’t shake the feeling that we’ve made a mistake 55 Mrs....Thompson: Well this is a serious disciplinary matter. I hope you haven’t changed you mind? You can’t! Sra.. Romero: I don’t know, maybe we were a bit harsh. It all happened very fast. The more I think about it the more I wonder if we can consider the letter to be reliable Mr. Martínez: I hate to say it but I agree. Maybe we should be reconsidering? Mrs....Thompson: No! We have to remember that although we suspect him of taking the drink to the hospital there were several factors to our decision. Miss Bailey Precisely! like his attitude – Mr. Martínez you told us that he’d stormed out in a rage after you’d pointed out his mistakes. And Sra. Romero you said he’d been disrespectful to you a couple of times. Mr. Martínez: Yes, you are right. It was the right decision, maybe a little harsh but he needed to learn his lesson. As well as set an example to all those students who followed him. Stevie: Hi Mrs....Thompson. Is it ok for me to come in? Miss Bailey: Stevie?! You’re not supposed to be back for at least another two weeks Stevie: Yeah well my doctor told me I was ok. One or two days and I would be back to normal. I just came to ask about the show. Since I’m alright now…I was wondering if I could maybe take extra classes to learn the routines. It is a lot to catch up on but I know I can do it, and I’m ready to work! Mrs....Thompson: Oh…Uh. Well…How should I put this… Stevie: Oh and while we are talking about the show I heard Jamal has been told he can’t participate on the grounds that he brought me alcohol at the hospital? Mrs....Thompson: Yes, yes that’s correct Stevie: Well That’s not what happened, it wasn’t him. He wasn’t the one who brought the alcohol. Mr. Martínez: If it wasn’t him, who was it? Stevie: Well that’s the thing, it was an old friend of mine, but they threw him out before he even got to my room, they tried to make me tell them who he was, but as he didn’t give me 56 the bottle I didn’t drink it, so I thought they didn’t need to know. …but Jamal, he’s another story –he’s been accused of something when he’s completely innocent - please tell me it’s not too late? Mr Trolley: Well I’m sorry but Mr. Edwards was not only kicked out of the show for that reason, and we do not go back on our decisions. As to your participation in the show. I’m afraid it’s not going to be possible. Stevie: WHAT?! Are you kidding me? Why not? Sra... Romero: Mrs....Thompson! The girl has a valid point, why ever not? Mr Trolley I haven’t heard anything from her doctor and until I do I have no proof of what she is saying, I have no way of knowing if she has actually finished her treatment and I will not risk this school’s reputation It would be ridiculous of me to just let you waltz back in here and get a part “just because”. No. There are other shows and other events in which you can participate. My decision is final. Stevie: But-I, I Mr Trolley: my decision is FINAL Stevie storms out crying. Sra... Romero: Mr Trolley, I’m afraid I disagree with you completely but right now I’m more interested in making sure that young lady is ok. I would like to talk this over with you later. Sra... Romero follows Stevie Aaron: Hey, what’s up, are you ok? Honey are you ok? Come on, tell me what happened Stevie: They’re not letting me do it! They’re stupid and annoying and I’m leaving this STUPID school. Aaron: Hey, slow down. What are you talking about? What aren’t they letting you do? Stevie: The show. They won’t let me do the show. They won’t let Jamal do the show. So if you wear a tutu or have a famous Dad you’re fine – but otherwise you’re out! I give up, what’s the point, I’ve had enough, I get it…. if your face doesn’t fit, never expect your dreams to come true and never expect people to support you. 57 Aaron: Sweetie that’s not true. Don’t let them get to you, you should always follow your dreams no matter what other people say. Of course they’re pushing you to your limits but only because they know that you can be amazing. Don’t let this silly show thing get to you, I mean it’s a bummer, it really is, but there will be other opportunities, for all you know you might get contacted for a casting tomorrow, you just have to take each day as it comes and never give up. Stevie: Yeah but how am I supposed to do that if they won’t let me prove myself, if they won’t let me take that first step towards my dreams? Aaron song to Stevie Half way through song he gets mic off stand At end song band put down instruments and put on dark glasses and jackets – come back on as security guards Scene 10 – Other students enter, all looking excited and confused by security Michelle, Jamal and Sophia enter Sophia What’s going on with security? Why did we have to come in through the front door this morning? Michelle I dunno weird right? Must be some big producer or something I suppose Jamal Or maybe the casting agents have arrived already? Miss Day Jamal I need to speak to you – my studio now….NOW!! Jamal What’s all this about? Am I in trouble AGAIN….. Miss Day No, no look I have 10 seconds to explain so listen….. The people who are coming to look at you all in the final performance are really big names in the music business, and obviously they already have lots of clients. Jamal Yeah! So? Miss Day Yeah well 2 of them are managers for Mackleroy (Mackelmore) 58 Jamal Shut the front door! Are you kidding me? Is he here…it’s that what the heavy security is all about? Oh I gotta get an autograph Miss Day You are gonna get more than that….He wants to film his next music video here in the school TOMORROW! He needs choreography and backing dancers and I said you’d do it…. Jamal No way – But I thought I was out on my arse, How have you managed to arrange this? won’t you get into trouble? Miss Day Listen don’t get too excited. There are no guarantees. This is just a chance for you to show why you deserve your place here…but it’s a chance, not a promise. What’s being asked of you, even I couldn’t do in the time we’ve got left, so you need to get to it straight away. He disappears off into a studio with his headphones on Mackleroy comes in followed by security and all the younger students and their autograph books. Mackleroy Right come on then, let’s get this show on the road…I have a costume fitting at 6, where are we filming this thing? I suppose all these wannabes are trying to get a part. I am assuming you have already told them no…we have our own backing dancers right.? Keira to Hannah Where’s my brother? Is it true? Hannah I don’t know I’ve just heard as much as you – come on he’s in here.. They go in to the studio. We see the closed door, the back of Mackelroy signing autographs and we here All About that Base video. Turn back to the audience as Mackleroy goes in to studio and Jamal starts showing him some steps. Open on Studio with mirror and All about Bass routine Partial curtain close – dancers off teachers on Teachers on the phone Sra Romero Si pero no nos ha dicho que sería así, ha sido grabado aquí en la escuela, con el trabajo artístico de nuestros alumnos y nadie les dice nada… Miss Day Oh what’s going on? Really I can’t stand all this commotion, we have our own show to prepare, the world doesn’t revolve around these people, don’t they know that? 59 Mr Martinez Pues parece que están intentando no popularizar a Jamal, nuestro alumno más brillante, con el esfuerzo y creatividad que se merece Miss Day Well imagine that! People not recognizing the talent we have in ALL sectors of this school. Michelle to friends Wait a minute, did you hear what they were saying on the phone? they are trying to not name Jamal in the credits for the video and the track goes on international release tomorrow! to Miss Day Don’t let them rip him off. He worked hard for this. He deserves the credit. Sra Romero Vale, si, eso si lo podemos aceptar, le vamos a decir y le concretamos los detalles luego, vale muy bien… Lo que dicen es que Jamal y Hannah van a participar en el próximo videoclip de Mackinro Miss Day Mackleroy Sra Romero si eso, y le van a nombrar y pagar como coreógrafo, también dicen que dos artistas más han pedido su colaboración en sus próximos estrenos…. Hannah Has oído esto, hemos llegado, ya empieza. No lo puedo creer…. Jamal Yo sí, siempre lo he creído, pero mira, antes de irnos tenemos el show final para preparar, y no podemos olvidar lo que practicamos ayer y que empieza un nuevo día, pero también daría aún más trabajo, mas estrés, y más sudor – y quien lo quisiera de otra manera? Scene 11 The stage is split into three groups - dancers, singers & musicians, actors. They are all chatting and rehearsing for the show. in order we hear 1) Musicians, 2) Dance, 3) Drama Michelle: So I was thinking something like this sings Doug: Yeah I like that! What if we backed it with a little plays something Michelle: Oh my god, yes! That would sound amazing! Alice: And we can do it with Beyonce-style lyrics! Aaron: Oh babes that sounds incredible. But what if dramatic pause we put in a harmony? Alice: Yes!!!! Oh please! Imagine it with a three part harmony 60 Connor: with a guitar and a piano this could really work. We may actually be able to pull it off. Michelle squeals with excitement, jumping up and down Hannah: So I think we should mix all the different styles we’ve learnt in the semester – you know to really show what we can do. Eryn: Ok, but how do we link them? I mean they were all really different Hannah: See that’s my only issue. I just can’t see it fitting together… Cristoff: Without Stevie or Jamal it’s just not the same. Kim: Oh, come on guys, we don’t need themHannah: Well of course you would say that “Little miss tutu and sequins” Kim: No, please hear me out. I realise, what I did wasn’t right, and I can’t fix it now. But we all know Jamal and Stevie, we know how much they wanted this. We owe it to them to figure this out and put on a great show, ALL OF US, not just me. Hannah: You really have got a nerve! I got believe you …. that was… Stevie: ….Really nice of you! Cristoff: Hey, Stevie! It’s good to see you. Did you come to help us? I mean I know you’re not doing the show, which is a real bummer by the way, but I’m sure you could still help us, right? Sra... Romero: Actually, Stevie is here to join your rehearsal, I suggest you get started; she has a lot to catch up on since she’ll be joining you on stage this weekend. Eryn: Oh My God, this is great! Hannah: Come on, we’ll explain everything Sra... Romero: actually there is one more thing. Jamal steps out from behind her, they all scream and embrace him in a group hug Mr. Edwards will also be joining you. Sophia: I’ve been thinking and I know we had it planned to do midsummer night’s dream but I’ve got a couple of ideas written down, I don’t know if you’re going to like it but I just 61 thought why do someone else’s story, why do something written by someone else? So my idea is, What if we did OUR story. Anabel: I don’t know, I mean it’s a great idea, don’t get me wrong but…wouldn’t it be pretty hard to dramatize normal situations, especially in a school. Sophia: Yeah, I see what you mean but I mean, this isn’t just a normal school it’s an arts school so it’s always got drama, we just have to emphasize it a bit more. I know t would be a challenge, but this was never going to be easy! Jack: I really like the idea. Celia: Me too! I mean I understand what Anabel is saying, but I think we could do it. Anabel: You know what count me in, I mean this could definitely work, right? Janice: Of course it can, with actors like us, how would it not? We see small sections of rehearsal from 1) music, 2) Drama, 3) Dance Scene 12 We project a video of backstage with the teachers and students in costume before the show, the following lines are on the video Sra... Romero: Ok kids, this is it. This is what it’s all led to, all that work, sweat, dedication and time has led this moment. Jamal: Yeah, so no pressure right! Students laugh, teachers shush them Mrs....Thompson: We wanted to wish you good luck and to remind you that no matter what happens out there we have seen you grow far beyond our expectations throughout this semester, you are all extremely talented students and now it’s time for you to show that to your friends and family. Cristoff: Oh, not forgetting all of those talent scouts in the first row Excited murmur from students Michelle: Once again, no pressure Students laugh 62 Mr. Martínez: Por mi experiencia como profesor estoy seguro de que estáis muy nerviosos, pero no tenéis que estarlo, ¡de verdad! Chicos, tenéis talento más que de sobra para salir ahí fuera y demostrarle al mundo de lo que sois capaces. Pero antes de nada quería deciros, bueno… QUERÍAMOS deciros, que esperamos de corazón que hayáis disfrutado este año tanto como lo hemos disfrutado nosotros. Para todos los profesores este año ha significado una experiencia inolvidable y esperamos que lo haya sido igualmente para vosotros y que regreséis el próximo año para seguir aprendiendo con nosotros. Dicho esto, no nos queda más que desearos: ¡mucha mierda! Sophia: Oooh!? Did he just swear at us? I can’t believe it! Students laugh Connor: No, no It’s a saying, it means “Buena suerte” you know? Aaron you know – like “break a leg”! Sophia: Ahhhh now even more confused ok, well thank you! All cast come on to stage in darkness – back to audience. Miss. Day: Whispering slowly and clearly Remember this show is about what you’ve learned over our time together, so just be yourselves, enjoy it and just let go. I’ve had the most wonderful time with you and you have been just the loveliest bunch of kids we could have asked for, we are so happy to have shared this journey with you. All the ups and downs included. Now go show them how it’s done here at ESA! Kids cheer, lights up, turn to face audience - final number starts THE END <3 63