Expository Essay: How to Achieve the American Dream Objective: Many families have immigrated to America in hopes to obtain the American Dream for themselves and their children. Write an expository essay defining what exactly the American Dream entails. Also, include three traits one must have in order to achieve the American Dream. Requirement: Essay may be hand written, but it must follow MLA and must be legible. Illegible essays will not be graded Essay must definite the American Dream. Essay must contain three traits necessary to achieve the American Dream. Grammar Check: o All sentences must end with the proper end punctuation. o Essay contains no slang words or phrases. o Use one example of an appositive. Grading Rubric: 5 4 3 2 1 Defining Essay Essay defines Essay defines Attempt to There was the clearly the American the American define the no attempt American defines the Dream with Dream with American to define Dream American some minimal some Dream is the Dream. confusion. confusion. present, but American not clear. Dream. Three Three traits Three traits Two traits One trait No traits traits to are were were was were achieve mentions mentioned, mentioned, mentioned, mentioned the and clearly but was not and were and in the essay. American presented. completely presented. presented. Dream. thought out. MLA Essay One or two Three or four Five or six Essay does Format follows all errors that errors that errors that not follow MLA format does not does not does not MLA format requiremen follow MLA follow MLA follow MLA requirement ts. format format format . requirements. requirement. requirement s. Grammar No spelling Minimal Few spelling Excessive Spelling and or grammar spelling and and grammar spelling and grammar mistakes. grammar mistakes. grammar errors make mistakes. mistakes. grading too difficult. Score: + /20 Expository Essay: How to Achieve the American Dream Objective: Many families have immigrated to America in hopes to obtain the American Dream for themselves and their children. Write an expository essay defining what exactly the American Dream entails. Also, include three traits one must have in order to achieve the American Dream. Requirement: Essay may be hand written, but it must follow MLA and must be legible. Illegible essays will not be graded Essay must definite the American Dream. Essay must contain three traits necessary to achieve the American Dream. Grammar Check: o All sentences must end with the proper end punctuation. o Essay contains no slang words or phrases. o Use one example of an appositive. Grading Rubric: 5 4 3 2 1 Defining Essay Essay defines Essay defines Attempt to There was the clearly the American the American define the no attempt American defines the Dream with Dream with American to define Dream American some minimal some Dream is the Dream. confusion. confusion. present, but American not clear. Dream. Three Three traits Three traits Two traits One trait No traits traits to are were were was were achieve mentions mentioned, mentioned, mentioned, mentioned the and clearly but was not and were and in the essay. American presented. completely presented. presented. Dream. thought out. MLA Essay One or two Three or four Five or six Essay does Format follows all errors that errors that errors that not follow MLA format does not does not does not MLA format requiremen follow MLA follow MLA follow MLA requirement ts. format format format . requirements. requirement. requirement s. Grammar No spelling Minimal Few spelling Excessive Spelling and or grammar spelling and and grammar spelling and grammar mistakes. grammar mistakes. grammar errors make mistakes. mistakes. grading too difficult. Score: + /20