PhD Scholarship in Biodiversity & Conservation Application Form PhD scholarship in Biodiversity and Conservation Applications are sought from suitably qualified candidates to undertake doctoral research on any aspect of biological diversity and its conservation; interdisciplinary studies are particularly welcome. The project will be funded through a Trinity Centre for Biodiversity Research (TCBR) studentship, which will include EU fees and an annual stipend of €16,000 for three years as well as a modest fund to support travel and laboratory costs. The project should reflect the research goals of the TCBR, and will commence in September 2013. The successful applicant will be registered in the School of Natural Sciences and linked with the Trinity Centre for Biodiversity Research. Applicants must NOT have started their research at the time of application. Information on the School can be found at, and on the TCBR at Potential candidates should first make contact with a potential supervisor(s) in the School, see, and follow links for further information on staff research interests. Applications must be submitted on the accompanying application form. Deadline for applications is Monday 15th July 2013. Completed applications should be submitted to the School of Natural Science, Trinity College, Dublin 2 ( 1. Project Title Project title Give 6 keywords/phrases to describe your project 2. Applicant details Name Telephone Address for correspondence Have you applied for any other research funding for this project? If yes, give details Date of birth Email address 3. Academic qualifications i. Undergraduate qualifications – Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent Institution name Start date Qualification Additional information (e.g. project title, area of study, etc.) Biodiversity & Conservation Scholarship Application Country End date Grade Page 1 ii. Postgraduate qualifications – Master’s Degree Was this a taught programme or by research? Institution name Start date Qualification Additional information (e.g. project title, area of study, etc.) Country End date Grade iii. Other education Give details of any other relevant courses (for example, training courses, Professional courses, etc.); please provide course name, location and dates (maximum of 500 words) 4. Proposed research Department Supervisor(s) Abstract of proposed work. (maximum 200 words). Description of topic. Include brief context, aims, objectives and central research questions (maximum 1,000 words) Methodology. Describe the methods you will employ to provide answers to research questions (maximum 500 words) Research plan to include, for example, a schedule for the completion of tasks/phases of the project and efficient management and performance of research (maximum 400 words, also append a Gannt chart) Biodiversity & Conservation Scholarship Application Start Date Page 2 Relationship of the project to existing research. Suggest how the project will make a new contribution to knowledge (maximum 400 words) Description of any specialist knowledge/data required. If relevant, describe plans for acquiring this knowledge/data if it is not already in place. Describe how data required for this project will be accessed (maximum 400 words) Proposed research trips. Describe any trips (more than three weeks duration) which will be necessary as part of your proposed project (maximum 200 words) Describe your dissemination plans (i.e. conference papers and publications) and potential impact of the research (maximum 200 words). Links with external institutions. Describe any links with institutions/companies outside Trinity College (maximum 300 words). 5. Research Achievements. Please provide any additional information regarding publications to date, conference papers, patents and/or other awards achieved. Biodiversity & Conservation Scholarship Application Page 3 6. Personal Statement This personal statement provides an opportunity for the applicant to highlight additional information that has not been provided elsewhere in the application; the points below provide a guide. (maximum 1,000 words) Section 1 Why do you wish to pursue a higher degree by research? Why have you proposed this research topic? Why you are particularly suited for this research field? What projects, essays or other relevant experience do you have? Discuss any additional aspects which you feel will provide a better picture of your capability, including awards, motivation interests etc. Section 2 Can you demonstrate other relevant experience and skills not listed elsewhere? For example, what holiday or other jobs have you had and are these pertinent? What skills do you have that would prepare you for this postgraduate programme? In terms of career aspirations, what do you expect to do upon completion of the postgraduate degree? How will the postgraduate degree assist you in achieving your goals? 7. Referee details. Provide contact details for two referees Referee 1 – details Name Position Institution Telephone Email address Referee 2 – details Institution Telephone Email address Biodiversity & Conservation Scholarship Application Page 4