Oct. 8, 2014

The WNC-MOAA Chapter held is Board Meeting at noon, Wednesday,
October 8, 2014, at the Hendersonville Country Club, with First Vice President
Spence Campbell presiding. Chaplain Bob Lair gave the invocation, followed by
the pledge to the flag led by Spence.
Present were the following: Spence Campbell, Mike Covell, Ken Hadeen,
Don Jackman, Bob Lair, Frank Ortiz, Nancy McCarthy, Bob Smith (Army), Bob
Smith (USMC), Jeff Snyder and Marleen Varner.
Spence welcomed the Rev. Nancy McCarthy who will serve as our
Auxiliary Liaison, a newly established position for our club. She will get a list of
Auxiliary members (military widows) from Bob Smith and explore possible
initiatives for this group.
A discussion of possible speakers for the November meeting followed.
There is a request in to national for a speaker from headquarters, but since there
is yet no reply, other possibilities were discussed. Among those mentioned were
Maj. General James Livingston, author of “The World Turned Inside Out:
American Thought at the End of the Twentieth Century”; Montreat Prof. Bill
Forstchen, author of “One Second After”, and Chris J. Hartley, author of
“Stoneman’s Raid, 1865”, who lives in the Winston-Salem area. After discussion,
it was decided that Spence would approach Chris Hartley first if we do not get a
favorable response from MOAA headquarters.
Spence reported on the Regional Symposium that he, along with John and
Jan Knapp, attend in Jacksonville, FL, where they were very impressed with our
national President Vice Admiral Norb Ryan, Jr. (USN Ret). MOAA is the largest
military officer group nationally and very well respected. Others who have
attended these events in the past are Don Jackman and Bob Smith who echoed
the favorable impressions. He also reported on the visit to Rep. Mark Meadows
by John and Spence. John gave the Congressman a proposal for a military
advisory committee following a discussion with Rep Meadows during which we
offered our assistance regarding military issues. The congressman expressed
his interest and offered his appreciation to MOAA for all it does for the military.
We were reminded of the state convention next June 11-14 who requires a
$100 deposit by October 15th, with balance of $875 due March 15,2015.
Bob Lair and Frank Ortiz announced the November 11th Veterans Parade
in Columbus at 10 am with request that application submission be assured.
Frank will see that an article is submitted to Bob Smith for the newsletter.
Next on the agenda was Projects Update. Don Jackman reported that the
VA Hospital has changed the food service program and no longer does the
breakfasts we participated in. At President John’s request, Spence is looking
into possible ways to re-start our direct support of the veterans at the VA
hospital. We will continue cookouts at the NC State Veterans Nursing Home in
Black Mountain with next one being October 26, and Mickey Parnell’s idea of
unwrapped gifts for VA Hospital which Spence will follow up on.
Jeff Snyder gave the JROTC update. The North Henderson unit will do our
flag ceremony for the November meeting. Our chapter website is updated with
local sites. Saturday, October 18 we will do concessions at the Veterans
Restoration Quarters Car Show event.
Bob Smith reported that 20 members and guests met at Highland Farms for
the recent Black Mountain Satellite, when they heard a program by a Delta
Airline Captain on his flag collection. The Western Satellite has 38 folks
interested and will hold its next meeting on in Sylva on October 22, when
President John Knapp will attend at their invitation..
Bob Smith reported for membership that we have gained 12 new regular
members and 3 new auxiliary members for our chapter this year. However we
have 12 about to be dropped for non-renewal of dues.
The minutes of the July 9th board meeting were approved with the
correction of auxiliary members instead of associates. The Treasurer’s report
was accepted and is attached to these minutes.
In new business, Spence announced the formation of the informal
President’s “Advisory Group” which includes 1st Vice President Spence
Campbell, former President Don Jackman, and 2d Vice President/JROTC Liaison
Jeff Snyder. Don Jackman will work on our chapter submission of Levels of
Excellence Award (the 5-Star Chapter Award).
The next Board Meeting will be Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at the
House of Flags in Columbus and will be catered by Southern Manners. The
meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marleen Varner, Secretary