1. Where can I find information regarding Local Authority Grants? Information on Higher Education Grants from your local authority can be found at: http://www.grantsonline.ie 2. How can I get a letter from College to certify I am a registered student? You may generate a letter certifying your registration status via my.tcd.ie. If you require a notarised letter please contact the Academic Registry Team in the Biotechnology Building, College (srecords@tcd.ie). 3. How can I get an official college stamp for my loan documentation? The Academic Registry is the only place in College where this can be done. Please contact them on 01 896 4500 or at the Academic Registry, Biotechnology Building, College. 4. When is Postgraduate Orientation Week? Monday 9th to Friday 13th September 2013. Freshers’ Week is the following week, and you might want to come in for the Freshers’ Fair and society events. 5. What documents do I need for Orientation Week? You will need to print out your personalised orientation timetable from the website and bring it with you to College. This will remind you of the important meetings to attend during the week. You also need your documents for your ID card (see below). 6. What documents do I need for ID card collection? You need your confirmation slip from your online registration and proof of ID (Passport/ Birth Certificate/ Driver's Licence). If you have been to this University before, please bring your old student card. 7. Where does ID card collection take place? The Exam Hall, aka the Public Theatre, during Postgraduate Orientation (8-12 September) and Freshers Week (15-19 September) (Please see College Map for further details) 8. Will I receive a lecture room location map? There is one available on the TCD home page (See College Maps) 9. Do I pay the Sports Centre charge and Student Union levy if I have been approved for a grant? Yes, if you are a grant recipient, you will still need to pay the Sports Centre charge of €77 and the Student Union charge of €8. 10. Can I use Gym/Sports facilities during Orientation Week? Once you have collected your ID card you can use the Sports Centre facilities. Call into the Sports Centre reception to get your card validated. 11. Will I receive a hard copy of the orientation pack in post? No, you will not receive an orientation pack in the post. All the orientation information is online this year at www.tcd.ie/orientation. 12. Is proof of fee payment required for ID card collection? Once you pay your fees and register online, you will receive a confirmation slip through the portal. Please print this out and bring it with you for ID Card Collection in the Luce Hall. 13. What stalls/events will there be during Freshers' Week? If you take a stroll through Front Square in your first week of College you will see plenty of stalls. Most of these will be Clubs and Societies which you can join if you wish. The Students' Unions have jam-packed entertainment schedules during Freshers' week. Please visit the website at http://www.trinityents.com/ 14. How do I find out when my lectures are? Check your teaching timetable on the portal www.mytcd.ie 15. How do I get a locker in College? Lockers are situated in the Arts Building, Hamilton Building, Lloyd Building, Panoz Building , Biosciences Building and South Leinster Street Phoenix House. Lockers are assigned on a first come first served basis during the first week of term. If you want to get a locker you need to make sure that you go to the security desk in the Arts Building to fill out an application form and pay a returnable deposit on the first day of teaching term. There is a rental of €20.00 and also a deposit of €20.00 so the total cost is €40.00. If you are a postgrad you can apply for a locker in the 1937 Reading Room: more information will be emailed to you soon. 16. How can I go "off-books"? Students are only granted time "off-books" in exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness, bereavement etc.). Applications must be supported by the student’s Supervisor/Course Co-ordinator and the student must provide supporting documentation. "Off-books" will not normally be granted for reasons relating to finance/funding, employment etc. = 17. Are there any awards/scholarships available for students on taught postgraduate courses? All College studentships, scholarships and awards relate to the research register. Some Schools may however offer course specific scholarships. You should go to your School's website for further information. 18. What is the Student Assistance Fund? The Student Assistance Fund is intended to tackle disadvantage by providing financial support to disadvantaged students who require additional financial support to enable them to fully benefit from their third-level studies, especially those students who experience emergencies such as unexpected medical bills etc. The fund cannot be used for tuition fees, loans, bursaries, REACH grants or funding for students participating on Access Courses / Foundation Courses This fund is open to all registered students, on both taught and research courses of not less than one-year duration leading to a postgraduate qualification. It is provided for under the National Development Plan and the European Social Fund (ESF). The SAF will be advertised by the Graduate Studies Office once notification has been received from the ESF. The Graduate Studies Office will email all postgraduate students to inform them when the fund is open, so it is important to check your Trinity College Dublin emails regularly. PLEASE NOTE THIS FUND IS NOT GUARANTEED AND MAY NOT OCCUR IN ANY GIVEN YEAR. Contact Details: Graduate Studies Office Email: gradinfo@tcd.ie www.tcd.ie/Graduate_Studies