The Way of the Lord In Celtic thought, there are places called “Thin Places”. Places where the dividing line between you and the Holy One is so thin that you can feel the presence of God, and experience the sacredness of the moment. When Moses sees the burning bush, and has his first encounter with Yahweh, the God of the exodus, God says to Moses: "Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." In scripture, those places are often associated with mountains. As when Moses encountered God on Mt. Sinai, or when Elijah, seeking the Lord, fled to a mountain, where he experienced wind and earthquake, and fire. But God was not in the wind or earthquake or fire, but after the storm, in the stillness and calm that followed, Elijah hears the voice of the Lord. From this we often speak of Mountain Top Experiences. As when Dr. Martin Luther King spoke of having been to the Mountain Top where he saw the Promised Land. Life is a journey. And along the way we encounter some significant milestones and markers that equip us for the journey ahead. A Thin Place, a mountain-top experience, Holy Ground. These are particular moments of insight that allow us to see what is important and what is not. These are the moments and places where life’s goals are set, where core values are formed, or where we find clarification of issues with which we have struggled. This morning I would like to ask you, where was your mountain top experience? Where was your Thin Place? Where were you when you encountered Holy Ground? In the reading from Ezekiel the people say, "The way of the Lord is unfair." To which God replies: "Is my way unfair? Is it not your ways that are unfair? This whole issue of fairness has become for me a pivotal issue of faith development. Where fairness is practiced, God is encountered. When fairness is practiced that place becomes for me, a thin place, holy ground, and a mountaintop experience. . I grew up in a very emotionally abusive home, which resulted in a lot of self-loathing. Along the way I discovered a faith community that offered me an alternative vision of myself. There I was received as a person of value, there I was accepted and at an early age I became the leader of their youth group. That began my faith journey. 1 There was one pivotal moment for me in that early church experience. I saw a film on world hunger, in which the statement was made that “Every child deserves to grow up playing.” In the way of the world this is far from true. Far too many children grow up living with hunger and want in God’s world of plenty. Far too many children grow up with violence all around them, and far too many children grow up victims of sexual abuse and trafficking. All because some want to become rich and powerful at the expense of others. That’s the way of the world …. Acquisition of money and power. Early on I learned the story of the exodus …at its core it is a story of God siding with the poor against the rich, with the weak, against the strong. And at its very core is this issue of fairness revealed in the Manna story. God provides and people can gather as much as they need, no more, and certainly no less! And ultimately manna was not for hording or accumulating, it was for sharing. All of the rules that flow out of Sabbath observance, begin with this basic fact, take as much as you need but no more, and certainly no less. This was in contrast to Pharaoh’s way, the way of power and might, the way of enslavement and coercion, the way of accumulation and hording. And so Ezekiel bears witness as the people say: , "The way of the Lord is unfair." To which God replies: "Is my way unfair? Is it not your ways that are unfair? This issue of fairness, of sharing God’s blessings of the earth with all people has for me, become the essential issue of faith. And so I have developed a love/hate relationship with the institution of the Church. Growing up over the years I had trouble with the discrepancy between what it says and what it does. I have real problems with its dogma. I have issues with its integrity. And yet there is a fatal attraction because at its core, is this good news of God’s alternative way. The way of fairness. Today I still have that same deep ambiguity about the institution. I still hate its rigidness, its failure to live out the Gospel in all that it says and does. Yet I love it for its potential to be an alternative value system to the ways of this world. 2 We hear the call of Jesus, to go and sell all that you have and give the money to the poor and then come and follow. Yet Lutherans in this nation give on average a paltry 2.3 % of their income to the church. And churches spend on average 90 to 95% of their income on self, confusing having a nice worship facility and staff with doing the “will of the Lord.” Still from within the church, comes signs and wonders such as our commitment to eradicate malaria, and our efforts to end world hunger. Just this last week the ELCA committed $100,000 to help contain Ebola. As a pastor and leader of the church, what do you proclaim? Do you celebrate the minimal efforts? Or do you condemn the lack of integrity between the vision of what could be and the reality of what is. This love/hate relationship with the church, this discrepancy between the vision, the hope, and the dream of the reign of God on earth and the reality of what is, has been a lifelong struggle for me. It has spurred me on, it has shaped my ministry. Jesus opening words in the Gospel of Mark are: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near, repent, and believe in the good news.” For me, the quest has been to enter into and to experience the kingdom of God. Here on earth. What I am looking for, what I am hoping for is that mountain top experience, that thin place awareness, that Holy Ground encounter with the sacred. Today’s text from Ezekiel raises the issue about the fairness of the Way of God. God counters Ezekiel’s message by asking about the fairness of world’s way. As I struggled with these issues my faith journey took me to Haiti, where I joined with a group of first world Christians on what was called a reverse mission. That is, we were there not to bring something, to them, but rather we went there to learn something from them, so that we might bring it back to America and hopefully change us. While in Haiti I spent a week working in an orphanage with children dying from malnutrition and aids. Part of my job was to administer the morning doses of medicine. It was all in liquid form. In a room roughly the size of our fellowship hall, there were row upon row of cribs. Each one with a dying infant. Now if any of you have tried to give medicine to a sick child lying in a crib, you know how difficult that is. They fight you with all their might. So with one hand holding the little cup of medicine, you use the other to try and open their mouth or to hold down their arms …. I am sure I presented a laughable picture. 3 But all of a sudden in the midst of my frustration a little hand reached through the side of the crib and pinched the infant’s nose. The result being the infant opened up his mouth and I poured in the medicine. That hand belonged to a little orphan girl, who lived in the orphanage. She accompanied me on the rest of my round that day and every day for the rest of the week. On Wednesday of that week we brought lollipops and gum to share with the older children. After my round of distributing medicine that morning, the little girl that accompanied me, took out the lollipop I had given her, and she went from crib to crib, giving each child a taste of that sweet treat. I was shocked. Had that same gift of a lollipop been given to an American child, the child would more than likely have coveted the whole sucker, saying that it was “Mine” Mine to have, mine to enjoy, mine mine mine. Here it was seen as a gift to be shared. Never before have I seen so clearly the difference between God’s way and the way of the world. That moment for me, that moment of pure grace in action, was holy ground. It was a thin place where the presence of the sacred was overwhelming. It was a mountain top experience where the voice of God was experienced through the compassionate actions of a little child. The message of God is really quite simple. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. To which Jesus says, repent and believe the good news. walk in the Jesus way, not the world’s way. That is, turn around, That experience was perhaps my most profound faith experiences of my journey. Piet Schoonenberg, in a delightful book simply entitled The Christ makes the point that we normally understand grace as receiving unmerited love and acceptance from God. That is, grace is something given to us. Schoonenberg argues that Grace comes to us not so much in receiving as in giving. That if we take Jesus words in Matthew 25seriously, I was hungry and you fed me, naked and you clothed me and so forth, Jesus says when we have done it to the least of these, the most vulnerable ones, we have done it to him. That is in the hungry poor we meet the Christ. 4 That means that you and I are invited into a human and divine encounter, every time someone asks of something from us. And as we respond to the needs of an asking person, we meet Jesus. So that when we respond to the needs of others, we come close to those thin places and that holy ground where we encounter the sacred. This is so counter intuitive, so counter culture that we quickly fall back into the way of this world. Where instead of looking out for the well-being of others, we place ourselves in the center. No wonder God and Ezekiel are engaged in a discussion about fairness. For us, for our culture, too often fairness seems to be about us having things go in our favor. Why is it so hard for us to understand that sometimes fairness is our having less so others can have enough? As we sing our sermon hymn, may it become our daily prayer. O Master, Let me Walk with you, In lowly paths of service true, Tell me your secret; help me bear The strain of toil, the fret of care. Amen. 5