QAA Enhancement Theme: Student Transitions Institutional Theme Team Wednesday 17 December 2014 at 10.00 in the Tower Boardroom, Merchiston Present: J Fotheringham, Senior Lecturer ASPEN [Convenor]; G Andronikos, School of Life, Sport, & Social Sciences [student representative]; G Barkess, Research Developer, Academic Professional Development; E Barry, Information Services Advisor; C Campbell, Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care; T Campbell, Student Articulation Facilitator, S&AS; Y Cruickshank, Lecturer, School of Life, Sport, & Social Sciences; T Evans, Student Recruitment Officer, S&AS; L Gunn, Regional Strategic Lead, ELRAH; S Homan, Recruitment Assessment Manager, S&AS; M Huxham, Director of Academic Strategy & Practice; T Igoe, Confident Futures Consultant; M Jones, Head of Learning & Research Services; A MacGregor, College Articulation Assistant, S&AS; A McLachlan, Assistant Director, Recruitment & Admissions; S Moffat, Information Services Advisor; H Owen, Lecturer, School of Accounting, Financial Services & Law; P Perry, Lecturer, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Care; K Stansfield, Team Leader, Admissions & International Support, S&AS; A Stupart, Assistant Institute Director, School of Engineering & the Built Environment; K Swanton, ELIR Institutional Lead, Academic Quality; M Wood, Napier Students’ Association; A Bostock, Project Officer ASPEN [Clerk] Apologies: S Chiu, Lecturer, School of Marketing, Tourism & Languages; M Foster, Senior Lecturer, School of Marketing, Tourism & Languages; S Cairncross, Dean FECCI Welcome and apologies 1. The Convenor welcomed all members to the first meeting of the Student Transitions institutional team. She extended a particular welcome to one of the student representatives who was able to attend, G Andronikos. Team members introduced themselves and apologies were noted (see above). Introduction to the new Enhancement Theme 2. The Convenor gave a short presentation to introduce the new Enhancement Theme and set the context for the University’s work on the Theme over the next three years. Roles and remit for the Institutional Team 3. The Convenor also discussed the role and remit of the Institutional Team and provided Members with the Quality Assurance Agency’s key dates and deadlines for this academic year. It was noted that the first key date was 30th January 2015, by which the University should provide the QAA with six short examples of transitions practice at Edinburgh Napier to be shared with the sector. The Convenor invited all Team Members to send her examples of transitions practice from across Schools and professional service areas. This would provide a useful bank of case studies going forward, some of which could be sent to the QAA and some of which could be put onto the University’s Learning Teaching & Assessment Resource Bank. It was agreed that Members would aim to send case studies to the Project Officer in ASPEN by 23rd January 2015. The Convenor also stated that Members should feel free to get in touch with her if they needed any further information or advice on their case studies. Reviewing abstracts to allocate institutional funds 4. The Director of Academic Strategy & Practice introduced this agenda item. He explained that the QAA provided the University with funding for its work on the Theme each academic year. Consequently, in November 2014, all staff were invited to make proposals for Student Transitions project work (valued at up to £3000) relating to any of the following sub themes aligned to Strategy 2020: international transitions; transitions into placements or work; and use of institutional data to explore student routes to admission at Edinburgh Napier, the effects on progress and lessons for staff. 5. It was noted that the University had received more proposals than the QAA’s funding (£11,000) would cover. Therefore, it was suggested that the Institutional Team should decide how to disburse the funds across the proposed projects. Consideration would also be given to how other sources of funding could be found to support projects which had merit but which were not chosen to receive QAA funding. 6. The rest of the meeting was dedicated to reviewing project proposals in order to allocate the funding. Team members were split into groups and each group was allocated a set of three or four proposals to rank according to the following criteria: project objective; alignment with the Theme; resources required; and how the resource would help achieve the objective. 7. Team Members agreed that the following projects should be funded: Name of Project Led by 1. International transitions Articulation routes Exploring the link between accessed by overseas background knowledge and students to ENU skills and subsequent performance and progression on programmes University-wide Scoping existing international transitions international transition and 2 Led by Carles Ibanez and Alina Gavris Business School Monika Foster (Business School) mapping project support initiatives and recommending enhancements Extension of e-toolkit Supporting international transitions into postgraduate dissertation modules 2. Transitions into placement or work Video case studies – work Supporting transition of placements undergraduates into work placement Skills Award Framework Jackie Brodie Kay Penny Brian Windram Colin MacKenzie Colin Smith Maureen Ronaldson (School of Computing) Miles Weaver (Business School) Investigating good practice in credit bearing workrelated and co-curricular learning activities 3. Using institutional data to explore routes to admission, progression and employment Transition, progress and Exploring widening access Tom Campbell & success of widening groups of students and their Katrina Castle access students progress and attainment in (Student and comparison with traditional Academic Services) student groups Tracking Direct Entrants Tracking and detailing direct Alastair Stupart to SEBE entrants’ progression, (SEBE) achievement and transition to employment Data visualisation project Exploring student routes to Alison Varey (School Edinburgh Napier and their of Computing) progression on programmes Convenor’s closing remarks 8. The Convenor thanked Team Members for their work to allocate funds during this meeting. Project leads would informed of the team’s decisions before the Christmas break. Date of Next Meeting To be confirmed 3