3-year curriculum - Rhythmical Massage Therapy Association

The healthy Human Being & Constitutional Challenges
Year 1
Intro to the Human Being and Basic Principles
October Session 1 (2014)
Topics for this whole session
 Embryology
 3- fold man and 4-fold Elements
 Invisible Human being with in us simple version
 Morphology principles (Skeleton system) the skin system
 Experience the Etheric in the Plant world-intro to Ethers
 Meeting the other
Massage movements
Coving the region of the back, legs, calves and feet as well as
Abdomen, and beginning organ TX
the Body
Constitutional Principles & Upper + Lower Human
Being May Session 2 IPMT (2015)
Additional classes will be given in:
Massage oils and substances,
Plant study/ phenomenology
Inner Work
Partial Biography of Ita Wegman and Margarethe Hauschka
 The Invisible Human Being lecture (Steiner)
 Catabolic & Anabolic
 Nerve pole & Blood pole
 More about NS type, Rhyth.S type and MBL type
 Simple Planetary Evolution
 The muscular system
Massage Movements
Further development of back, arms, legs, Abdomen, Feet and
organ TX
Working with the archetypal movements addressing
constitutional conditions,
Additional classes will be given in:
 Movement,
 Art,
 Massage oils and substances,
 Plant study/ phenomenology
 Inner Work
 Lectures by IPMT doctor and expert(s)
Anthroposophic picture of Illnesses & Restoring the Balance
Year 2 the Soul
Embryology II and the Organs
7-foldness and Human development I
October (2015) Session 3
 Embryology II and the Organs, especially the 4 cardinal
Organs Ki, LV, HT and Lung
 Heart and Lung disease short case studies
 Circulatory and pulmonary sys
 The 4 ethers
 Case study presentation
Massage movements
 Variation in the touch –of sequences and movements
learned in year 1 - ethers
 Mercurial and other lemniscates,
 Further Organ Embrocations
 Massage movements and sequences pertaining circulatory,
heart and lung conditions
Additional classes will be given in:
Massage oils and substances, external applications,
Plant study/ phenomenology
Inner Work
Session 4 May 2016
7- life processes
7 year cycles Human development 0-21
9 year old change
The digestive system and upper body tension
Lectures by IPMT doctor and experts
Massage movements
Massage movements and sequences pertaining to digestive
and lower body conditions
Upper body conditions as in frozen shoulders etc.
Hip TX
Additional classes will be given in:
 Movement,
 Art,
 Massage oils and substances,
 Plant study/ phenomenology
 Inner Work
The Human Being and RMT in the World-Developing the Seed
gathering the Essence
Year 3 the Spirit
Human Development II and psychological Illnesses
session 5 October 2016
Human development 21-63y
Psychological Illnesses
The Zodiac
The 12 senses
Health Biography work
Reproductive Sys and Nervous system
Reuniting Warmth and Rhythm to return to the intrinsic
Human session 6 May 2017 IPMT
 Human development 63y-end of life
 Review /coming full circle with things we talked about
like Planetary Evolution
 Life Processes as learning path
 Cancer
 Endocrine system
 Immune system
Massage movements
Massage for: psychological conditions, the Nervous system
pregnancy and other conditions,
Head TX,
More External applications
Case studies
Additional classes will be given in:
 Movement,
 Art,
Massage oils and substances,
 Plant study/ phenomenology
Inner Work
Massage movements
Cancer TX, especially lymphedema TX and Chemo
therapy support
Pentagram TX
Lemniscate TX
Repeating all movements
Additional classes will be given in:
 Movement,
 Art,
 Massage oils and substances,
 Plant study/ phenomenology
 Inner Work