BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-3-14 BAY COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION (TPO) December 3, 2014 MEETING MINUTES West Florida Regional Planning Council (Designated staff) Bay County Government Center 840 West 11th Street Panama City, Florida Members attending: Commissioner Rodney Friend, Chairman Commissioner Mike Nichols, Vice Chair Commissioner Bill Dozier Commissioner Mike Nelson Commissioner Guy Tunnell Commissioner Pamn Henderson Mayor Walter Kelley Mayor Greg Brudnicki Mayor Gayle Oberst Councilman John Reichard Councilman Mike Miller City of Lynn Haven City of Panama City Bay County Bay County Bay County City of Callaway City of Lynn Haven City of Panama City City of Panama City Beach City of Panama City Beach City of Parker Others attending: David Haight Wiley Page John Fielding Philip LeGrand Keith Bryant Angela Bradley Lamar Hobbs Mark Mackey Ken Schnell Keith Bryant Ed Smith John S. Robbins Lynn Cherry John D. Lincoln Mayor Thomas Abbott John Alaghemand Tommy Barfield Starsky Harrell Carter Johnson Michael Lewis Vickie Kent Cheryl McCall Bryant Paulk Jared Perdue Jason Peters Maria Showalter Iris Walden Nancy Lohr Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins Bay County Bay County Bay County Bay County Bay County Bay County Bay County Bay Solutions Carpe Diem CAC City of Callaway/WFRPC Board Chair City of Panama City Beach FDOT FDOT FDOT FDOT FDOT FDOT FDOT FDOT FDOT FDOT FDOT First Transit Inc. BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-3-14 Ben Kleine John Skaggs Josie Ferraioli John Finch Alan Roberts Jay Trumbull Arthur Cullen W.C. Henry Brittany Ellers Gary Kramer Jill Lavender Mary Bo Robinson Mary Beth Washnock Brian Youpatoff Panama City News Herald NSA Panama City/ TCC Member Sunshine Shuttle Sunshine Shuttle Sunshine Shuttle State Representative Public TPO Attorney TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff C. CALL TO ORDER /PLEDGE/ INVOCATION Chairman Friend called the meeting to order and led the pledge. Commissioner Dozier led the invocation. D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The CAC requested the TPO add consideration of the Gulf Coast Parkway feasibility study and reaffirmation of TPO support of alternative seventeen. Mayor Kelley moved to approve the agenda with the add-on item. Commissioner Dozier seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. E. F. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public speakers. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of September 24, 2014 TPO Meeting Minutes 2. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-34 Endorsing the Bay County Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) 2014 Major Update 3. Consideration to Surplus Transit Vehicles #680 (2004 Chevrolet Uplander Van) and #786 (2005 Ford E450) 4. Consideration of Delegating the Transit Systems Program Administrator, Currently Ms. Angela Bradley, and His or Her Designee to Authorize all Transit Related Invoices, Purchase Orders, Change Orders and Other Transit Related Financial Documents on Behalf of the Bay County TPO 5. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-36 Approving the 2014 Title VI and Nondiscrimination Policy and Plan Including Limited English Proficiency Commissioner Nelson moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Tunnell seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-3-14 G. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-33 Accepting the FY 2016 - FY 2020 Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Tentative Five-Year Work Program Ms. Regina Battles, FDOT, gave a brief overview of the entire 16 county district. She then went into further detail of the Bay County TPO specific projects. The TCC and CAC recommended approval of this item with the addition of funding information system maintenance through year 2020. Mayor Kelley moved to approve the Chairman sign Resolution BAY 14-33 accepting the FY 2016-FY 2020 Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Tentative Five-Year Work Program with the addition of funding Information System maintenance through year 2020. Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 2. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-35 Adopting the Bay County TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Goals and Objectives Mr. Wiley Page, Atkins, presented this item to the board. The steering committee for this particular task is comprised of advisory committee members that have met and reviewed the goals and objectives. Ultimately the steering committee felt that it would be best to add a goal with an emphasis on roadway level of service geared to areas of economic benefit, such as the port. The TCC and CAC recommended that addition of this goal as #8. Mr. Page explained that the order of the goals will be further reviewed in a later meeting and it is not necessary for the board to rank the goal, however it is at their discretion. Mr. Page also presented the board with a new recommended mission statement. The altered mission statement is recommended to read "To enhance the existing transportation system, in a manner that is safe, integrated, and socially responsible, while supporting the economic development of the region that we live, work, worship, and play". The TCC and CAC recommended approving the altered mission statement with the statement ending after the word "region". Mr. Page also touched on the use of a new online social media tool, Mindmixer, as a platform for more involvement. Commissioner Nelson moved to approve the Chairman sign Resolution BAY 14-35 adopting the Bay County TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Goals and Objectives with the additional goal as #8. This motion also included the approval of the new mission statement recommended by the CAC and TCC. Councilman Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of Adoption of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2014/2015 Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 Grant Application Program of Projects Ms. Angela Bradley, Bay County, presented this item to the board. Notice is hereby given that the Bay County Transportation Planning Organization is applying to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for a section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Grant providing capital and operating assistance to the public transportation system operated as Bay Area Transportation/Bay Town Trolley for FFY 2014/2015. Bay Transportation provides paratransit service throughout Bay County and Bay Town Trolley operates a fixed-route system with deviation in portion of the urbanized are. Ms. Bradley explained that the program of projects is in line with the request of last year and the Transportation Improvement Plan. The only addition is for the Transportation Development Plan major update in the amount of $200,000. Mayor Kelley asked why this is being requested when 2014 is almost over. Ms. Bradley explained that staff is still catching up with tasks that slipped during the transition of the new operator/manager and conduit. Staff will come before the board again for the Fiscal Year 2015.There was further general discussion. BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-3-14 Commissioner Dozier moved to approve adoption of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 20142015 Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 Grant Application Program of Projects. Mayor Brudnicki seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 4. Appointment of a TPO Member and Alternate to Serve on the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) for Calendar Year 2015 Ms. Mary Bo Robinson informed the board that the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) is made up of representatives from Metropolitan Planning Organizations around the state. The current representative for Bay County TPO is Mayor Kelley and the alternate is Commissioner Friend. Ms. Robinson explained to the board that they could reaffirm the current representatives or nominate new ones. Commissioner Nelson moved for Mayor Walter Kelley to remain the TPO representative and Commissioner Friend remain the alternate for the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) for Calendar Year 2015. 5. Appointment of a TPO Member and Alternate to Attend Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) Institute Workshop for Elected Officials in Calendar Year 2015 Ms. Mary Bo Robinson presented this item to the board. She explained that every year the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPOAC) holds a 2 day workshop for elected officials to learn about transportation in all levels. It is recommended that a member that has not attended be nominated. Commissioner Tunnel disclosed that he has not attended. Mayor Kelley moved to appoint Commissioner Tunnell as the TPO member to attend the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) Institute Workshop for Elected Officials in Calendar Year 2015. Commissioner Dozier seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of Approval of Bay Town Trolley Operations and Maintenance Complex Construction Contract Change Order Number 2 Authorizing Additional Phased Work Based on Funds Returned Through the Value Engineering (VE) Process Mr. Phil LeGrand, Atkins, updated the committee on the current status of the Public Transportation Facility. He explained that reductions in cost elsewhere allowed for an alternative addition of an employee parking lot. The recommendation is for approval of adding Bid Additive Number 2 additional employee/visitor parking, in the amount of $57,361 to the contract using funds returned through the VE process amounting to $61,235. Mayor Oberst moved to approve the Bay Town Trolley Operations and Maintenance complex construction contract change order number 2 authorizing additional phased work based on funds returned through the value engineering (VE) process. Councilman Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 7. Consideration of Bay Town Trolley Bus Stop Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Remediation Change Order Number 4 Approving an Extension of the Contract Time for the Previously Selected Contractor, Coastline Engineering and Construction, Inc. Mr. Phil LeGrand, Atkins, explained that this is to grant an extension to the contract period of 60 days from December 5th. The contract extension has no associated cost. He updated the board of the progress of the project. BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-3-14 Commissioner Tunnell moved to approve Bay Town Trolley Bus Stop Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) remediation change order number 4 approving an extension of the contract time for the previously selected contractor, Coastline Engineering and Construction Inc. Councilman Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. 8. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-37 Authorizing and Approving the Bay County Board of County Commissioners Transit/Budget Office's Transit Systems Program Administrator and His or Her Designee to Apply for and Execute Public Transportation Grant Agreements with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and to File Certifications and Assurances or Other Required Documents with the Grant Applications on Behalf of the Bay County TPO Ms. Angela Bradley explained that Ms. Lohr, Bay Town Trolley manager, was approved to apply for and execute Public Transportation Grant Agreements with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and to File Certifications and Assurances or Other Required Documents with the Grant Applications on Behalf of the Bay County TPO. Bay County Board of County Commissioners has since become the funds conduit for the Bay County TPO Transit System, therefore the task should shift to the Transit/Budget Office's Transit Systems Program Administrator. Mayor Brudnicki moved to approve Resolution BAY 14-37 authorizing and approving the Bay County Board of County Commissioner Transit/Budget Office's Transit Systems Program Administrator and his or her designee to apply for and execute Public Transportation Grant Agreements with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and to file certifications and assurances or other required documents with the Grant application on behalf of the Bay County TPO. 9. Add On Item: Consideration of Gulf Coast Parkway Feasibility Study. Mr. Youpatoff explained that this item is at the request of the CAC. At the Advisory committee meeting, the Gulf Coast Parkway was discussed and it came to light that there were other alternatives that could be used. The CAC is requesting TPO support. Mayor Kelley moved to direct TPO staff to develop a letter for the TPO Chairman to sign reaffirming TPO support of alternative seventeen for the Gulf Coast Parkway Feasibility Study. Commissioner Dozier seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. H. I. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) UPDATE Mr. Bryant Paulk, FDOT, explained to the board that due to changes to the Florida legislative session calendar the FDOT Work Program schedule will be completed earlier in 2015. He also gave a brief update regarding the Front Beach Road and County Road 77 transfers. More information is expected to be presented at the next TPO meeting. REVIEW/INFORMATION ITEMS 1. General Planning Consultant (GPC) Selection Process Update Ms. Jill Lavender presented this item to the committee. She explained the events that will occur to finish the General Planning Consultant (GPC) selection process. Staff will come before the TPO and committees in April 2015 for approval of a firm. There was no further discussion. 2. Draft Interlocal Agreement for Creation of the Bay County TPO BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-3-14 Ms. Jill Lavender explained that the Interlocal Agreement outlines the responsibilities of the parties that make up the TPO membership in carrying out and a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process. This item is a draft that will be brought before the board for approval at the next meeting. 3. Draft Agreement for Professional Staff Services by and Between the West Florida Regional Planning Council (WFRPC) and the Bay County TPO for the Panama City Urbanized Area Ms. Jill Lavender explained that the Staff Services Agreement between the TPO and the WFRPC outlines the responsibilities of the WFRPC staff in maintaining and carrying out the administrative and technical support for the transportation planning process for the TPO. This item will be brought before the TPO for approval at the next meeting. Commissioner Nelson asked about the changes in responsibility regarding the transit changes. Ms. Robinson explained that staff coordinates extensively with the new responsible parties. There was further general discussion. 4. Review of the Fiscal Year 2014 Transit Development Plan (TDP) Annual Update Report Ms. Angela Bradley explained to the board that the Annual Report is required of each transit property in Florida that receives State Transit Block Grant funding. She also mentioned that the level of service originally established has been maintained. Chairman Friend took this opportunity to commend the great job and transition of Bay County and First Transit. 5. Sunshine Shuttle and Limousine Services Overview Mr. John Finch, Sunshine Shuttle and Limousine owner gave the committee a brief presentation on the services offered by the company in the surrounding areas. Mr. Finch offered services to the municipalities of Bay County for the future. There was further discussion in regards to outsourcing services and partnering with the company. 6. Update on the Bay County TPO Operations and Maintenance Facility Construction for the Public Transportation Facility This item was discussed in action item 2. 7. Bay Town Trolley and Bay Area Transportation System Updates with Operating Reports Ms. Lohr gave the committee an operating report for the Bay Town Trolley and Bay Area Transportation System. There was concern regarding the decrease in revenue as well as ridership. Ms. Lohr mentioned that the CAC had the same concern assured the board that she would look further into the issue and bring any information back to the board. 8. Bay Town Trolley Transit Advertising Update Ms. Lohr presented the committee with internal and external advertisement examples and estimates for the Bay Town Trolley. There was lengthy discussion in regards to the advertisements on the back of the buses. Chairman Friend told Ms. Lohr that the board is ready to have an action item on the subject. Mayor Oberst reminded the board and staff of the ordinances prohibiting advertisement on the bus shelters in certain cities. There was concern of updated information on routes and service to which Ms. Lohr and Ms. Bradley explained that a comprehensive operations analysis could be done to obtain that information. J. OTHER BUSINESS BAY COUNTY TPO MEETING MINUTES 12-3-14 Commissioner Dozier took this opportunity to inform the board that the Memorandum of Understanding between the Bay County TPO and Bay County is being reviewed and will be brought before the board at the next meeting. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:01 p.m. Approved by TPO DATE: February 25, 2015 SIGNED: __________________