Asante Ashland Community Hospital (AACH) Second Annual Health Occupations Career Fair Ashland High School 9th and 10th Graders only -NO COST!Lunch provided by AACH Friday, January 8 (red day), 2016 8:30AM-3:30PM Through a unique partnership, AACH and AHS invite 50 students currently in 9th or 10th grade to attend this Career Fair at the hospital. Students who are curious about careers in health occupations should apply, as they will have an opportunity to explore all aspects of health care. The focus on 9th and 10th graders is to make sure students have time to develop this interest, select appropriate courses of study, and pursue other health care related activities before completing high school. The school bus leaves the bus ramp on Mountain Avenue at 8:30AM and returns to AHS by 3:15PM. Chaperones: Ms. Green, an AHS counselor, and science teacher. Wear “business casual” attire. There’s a range of options for business casual that all mean “nicer than what most students wear on a regular day of school:” Nice jeans (no holes) or slacks A shirt with a collar, a blouse, or a sweater. Slack, skirts or dresses (not short ones) No high heels. Close-­­toed shoes for safety in the hospital. Cell phones will remain turned off during the entire event. Bring a notebook and writing utensil. You may want a light jacket or sweater to wear all day as the hospital is kept at a cool temperature. Asante will provide speakers, panels, tours and more. RCC and SOU representatives will share college opportunities. For more information contact Karen Green (AHS teacher) at or 541482-8771, ext 2238. KEEP THIS PAGE—see other side for sample schedule Complete the attached application, keep this page, and return the application it to AHS Main Office. Application deadline: Mon. Dec. 14, 2015. Health Career Day-Asante Ashland Community Hospital Sample topics, subject to change: Introduction: What does it take to work in health care? What are the career opportunities? Administration, Finance, Materials Management, Nursing... Selected Career Overviews: Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Respiratory Therapy, Emergency Medicine, Physician, and more: What is this profession about? What are the challenges of this job? What are the rewards? What type of education is needed for this profession? Lunch together: Q & A Panel during lunch Human Resources: What does an employer look for? Hospital Tours and Presentations: Radiology Lab Wound Center Education Southern Oregon University Admissions Rogue Community College Allied Health Volunteer Opportunities Conclusion and evaluation Health Career Day APPLICATION Asante Ashland Community Hospital (AACH) Health Occupations Career Fair Friday, January 8 (red day), 2016 8:30AM-3:30PM Return to AHS Main office by Mon. Dec. 14 STUDENT NAME:______________________________________________________________________ Circle your grade: Grade 9 Grade 10 Circle lunch choice: Regular lunch Vegetarian lunch I will bring my own lunch PERMISSIONS: I give permission for my student to attend this event at the Asante Ashland Community Hospital on January 8th. I give AHS and AACH permission to photograph and interview my child for their publications, websites, and for publication in local news media. I understand that if my student violates the AHS rules of conduct: Act Responsibly, Have Integrity, Show Respect, a parent/guardian will need to pick them up immediately at AACH. Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________________________________________________________________ Please list contact information for a parent/guardian who we could most likely reach on January 8th between 8AM and 3:30PM, in the unlikely event that we need to call someone. Print Parent/Guardian Name:___________________________________________________________ Best way to contact during the field trip (e.g. cell phone, work phone):__________________________ APPLICATION CONTINUES ON THE OTHER SIDE Students: Using the space below, please write a few sentences about why you want to participate in the Health Occupations Career Fair at AACH. Write legibly, using complete sentences. Questions for AACH: During the day, AACH employees from various departments will visit with us and answer your questions. They want to know what you are curious about related to hospitals, healthcare, or your future career hopes. Please write three questions below. You may use the back of this page if you need more space. 1) 2) 3)