CARD A Complete the task while watching the video: 1. Ashcan likes going to ____________(1) and watching _________________(2). 2. Andreas can go to ________________(3) or for __________________(4). 3. Alex likes going to the _____________(5) as there are a lot of things to do. 4. Alex also plays… (6) Golf Basketball Table tennis Ice-hockey Water polo 5. Andreas doesn’t _________________(7) any more. 6. Romelu can get 15/50 (8) points a game at basketball. 7. Kurfursten Strasse is a nice place because there you can find…(9) The biggest park Restaurants Bars Night clubs A zoo A theatre 8. Andreas and Alex mention such cities as…(10) Berlin Vienna Stockholm Borgholm Paris 9. Match the name of the football player and the type of sport he likes watching (11): Aschan Golf Romelu Ice-hockey Andreas Tennis Alex Basketball Football KEYS 1) restaurants 2) (sports) games 3) The cinema 4) (a cup of) coffee 5) city 6) table tennis, basketball, ice-hockey 7) skate 8) 15 9) Bars, restaurants 10) Stockholm, Vienna 11) Aschan – tennis, basketball Romelu - basketball Andreas – ice-hockey, tennis, golf Alex – football, tennis CARD B Complete the task while watching the video: 1. What does Ashcan like doing in his free time? ________________(1) _________________(2) 2. Where can Andreas go to? __________________(3) __________________(4) 3. Alex likes going to the _____________(5) as there are a lot of ___________ (6), ____________ (7) and other things to do. 4. Alex also plays…(8) _______________ _____________ _______________ 5. What kind of sport Andreas doesn’t practice any more? __________________(9) 6. Romelu can get 15/50 (10) points a game at basketball. 7. Kurfursten Strasse is a nice place because there you can find…(11) The biggest park Restaurants Bars Night clubs A zoo A theatre 8. Match the name of the football player and the type of sport he likes watching (12): Aschan Romelu Andreas Alex KEYS 1) Going to restaurants 2) watching (sports) games 3) The cinema 4) For (a cup of) coffee 5) City 6) Shops 7) Cafes 8) table tennis, basketball, ice-hockey 9) skate 10) 15 11) Bars, restaurants 12) Aschan – tennis, basketball Romelu - basketball Andreas – ice-hockey, tennis, golf Alex – football, tennis Golf Ice-hockey Tennis Basketball Football