SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 Recruitment Rounds Version 1.1 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 INTRODUCTION This guidance constitutes the minimum requirements expected of a LETB/Deanery/Royal College for managing specialty recruitment 2015 within the UK. The document also illustrates a number of policy agreements and changes signed off by the Recruitment Sub Committee on behalf of Health Education England (HEE) and the devolved nations where they are involved in national recruitment. Requirements Control Framework (RCF) This document describes the Medical and Dental Recruitment and Selection (MDRS) programme’s Core Unified Process and key elements of the technical solution (Oriel) which will enable that process. Code of Practice (CoP) The Code of Practice outlines the key information that should be provided to applicants at each stage of the recruitment cycle. It is referred to through the recruitment handbook. Recruitment Governance Specialty Recruitment Terms of Governance.docx Requirements Control Framework (RCF) HEE MDRS RCF v2.0.docx Code of Practice (England) Version Control Initial Draft circulated to ROG 08/09/2014 10 Updated with feedback from ROG members 14/09/2014 11 Updated following feedback from RSG 29/09/2014 12 Alternative Certificate of Foundation Competence 06/10/2014 13 1 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 CONTENTS 1 OVERVIEW OF 2015 NATIONAL RECRUITMENT ........................................................... 4 2 RECRUITMENT PROCESS ................................................................................................ 5 3 LOCAL RECRUITMENT ..................................................................................................... 6 4 APPLICATIONS................................................................................................................... 7 5 ADVERTISEMENT .............................................................................................................. 8 6 TIMETABLE ......................................................................................................................... 9 7 ELIGIBILITY / LONGLISTING .......................................................................................... 11 8 SHORTLISTING................................................................................................................. 15 9 INTERVIEWS ..................................................................................................................... 16 10 OFFERS ........................................................................................................................... 19 11 CLEARING....................................................................................................................... 23 12 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 25 13 FEEDBACK ..................................................................................................................... 26 14 APPLICANT SUPPORT .................................................................................................. 27 15 COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS ...................................................................................... 29 16 DEFENCE DEANERY APPLICANTS ............................................................................. 30 17 LAT RECRUITMENT (ENGLAND ONLY) ...................................................................... 32 18 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................... 34 APPENDIX 1 – ACF RECRUITMENT .................................................................................... 35 APPENDIX 2 - PROCESS ALIGNMENT GROUP (PAG) DECISIONS................................. 41 2 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 APPENDIX 3 - NATIONAL RECRUITERS ............................................................................. 44 APPENDIX 4 – GLOSSARY OF TERMS ............................................................................... 48 3 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 1 Overview of 2015 National Recruitment 1.1. All specialties must have or have previously had their national recruitment process signed off by the Recruitment Sub Committee. 1.2. All major changes to national recruitment processes must have had approval by the Recruitment Sub Committee. 1.3. All recruitment must use the nationally approved person specifications. All approved person specifications can be found at www.specialtytraining.nhs.uk 1.4. Specialities should follow a clustered interview model or single interview centre model where possible. New Specialties for National Recruitment for 2015 1.5. Combined Infection Training is a new approved specialty which will be recruited at ST3 level by the JRCPTB. Applicants need to have completed or be undertaking a Core Medical or ACCS (Acute Medicine) training programme in order to be eligible. Exceptions to National Recruitment 1.6. 1.7. Academic Recruitment is currently outside the national recruitment activity with the exception of General Practice and Cardiothoracic Surgery. However, there is a new process for confirming appointment to ACF posts in 2015 (see Recruitment Process section for more information) The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine has confirmed that recruitment into ST3 is outside the NHS, in pharmaceutical companies, after completion of ST2 (or equivalent). 4 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2 2015 Recruitment Process 2.1 All recruitment processes must adhere to good recruitment practice, employment law and the “Code of Practice”. 2.2 To support the process recruiting organisations are expected to have appropriate management and governance arrangements in place with a named Executive Director with overall responsibility as well as appropriate operational arrangements for making appointments. These should include trained short listing and interviewing panel members and project teams at Trust level to manage any risks to patient safety. Royal Colleges/specialties need to have comparable arrangements in place. 2.3 Recruiting Organisations must publish the timetable they are working to on their website in advance, including applications opening and closing dates and interview dates to allow applicants to plan their applications. 2.4 Patient care and safety are the priority concern. Any variation from the national rules would have to be a reasonable and proportionate response to local circumstances and not lead to conspicuously unfair results. 2.5 The Recruitment Process must adhere to the NHS Employers ‘Employment check Standards’ set out in the NHS requirements for pre-employment checks, as established by the Department of Health, including DBS disclosure. 2.6 Doctors who are appointed to another NHS Trust may be required to work their notice which may prevent them taking up their training posts as early as they would wish. Patient care and safety is the main priority. Trusts should be asked to try to release doctors as soon as they are able and make all reasonable endeavours to avoid successful applicants being unable to take up their new post 2.7 Doctors appointed to an Academic Clinical Fellow post must have satisfied the requirements of both the academic interview and a full clinical interview. Where applicants already hold a National Training Number (NTN) or Deanery Reference Number (DRN) in the specialty they are applying for, there is no need of them to attend a further clinical interview as they will have already met this requirement. Offers to ACF posts will be made conditional upon applicants meeting the required standard in the clinical interview. Applicants who are required to attend a clinical interview, who fail to meet the required standard will have their offers withdrawn by the appropriate recruitment office. Full details on the agreed process can be found in Appendix 1. 5 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 3 2015 Local Recruitment 3.1 In deciding whether or not to run a national recruitment round, lead recruiters should first confirm with the lead dean that they would be supportive of local recruitment taking place to training places 3.2 Before undertaking local recruitment to vacancies left after national recruitment it will be necessary for the LETB/deanery to contact the lead recruiter for the specialty to establish whether the specialty is conducting a nationally co-ordinated round within the applicable timeframes available. 3.3 Where approval is not given for local recruitment to take place, any substantive posts that exist or arise subsequently for recruitment should be held over until the next national recruitment round1. 3.4 All local recruitment should meet the nationally agreed standards for that specialty. The lead national recruiter should provide a pack to local recruiters containing all of the national recruitment documentation. As a minimum, this should contain scoresheets, scoring domains and interview questions. Local recruiters must ensure that they follow the exact same interview process as the national process. 3.5 Further information on local recruitment can be found in the LAT guidance section in section 17. 1 See the Reference Gold for Postgraduate Specialty Training in the UK (Gold Guide, 4th Ed). 6 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 4 2015 Applications 4.1 All applications should be made via the Oriel online application system. 4.2 Application forms and the interview processes must map to the national person specifications. 4.3 Currently there are no national person specifications for sub specialty recruitment or special interest posts. 4.4 The nationally agreed Part One, Part Two and Part Four of the application form should be used 4.5 Applicants will be able to make unlimited and multiple applications to different specialties subject to specific guidance produced by the national coordinator of the specialty/level and to them meeting the eligibility criteria stated in the person specification. 4.6 Arbitrary/randomised recruitment and selection processes must not be used. 4.7 No late applications should be considered. 7 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 5 2015 Advertisement 5.1 There is a requirement to advertise and promote applications to all posts for a minimum period of 28 days (excluding Bank holidays). Applications must be kept open for at least the last two weeks of this window. This is to satisfy Resident Labour Market Test (RLMT) requirements. 5.2 Applications for Round 1 and Round 2 must follow the agreed national timetable with all specialties opening and closing at the same time. 5.3 All posts must be advertised on NHS Jobs, recruitment systems and on each LETB/deanery website and on relevant Royal College websites. 5.4 Adverts should clearly state if the posts offer dual training e.g. GIM. 5.5 Adverts, information for applicants and application forms must be clearly structured so they are accessible to applicants with disabilities and so that applicants can easily find relevant details when carrying out a search. 5.6 All national recruiting organisations should keep a screenshot of the NHS jobs advert clearly showing the advert publishing date. This should be provided to LETBs/Devolved Nations on request to allow them to evidence RLMT 5.7 Local LETBs should not advertise locally managed recruitment to training posts unless there has been agreement from the national recruiting organisation. 5.8 Adverts should meet criteria outlined in the Code of Practice. 5.9 A UK wide BMJ advert will be placed centrally for 2014 recruitment with the advert being placed for the 6th November edition. 5.10 All adverts should use the standard national template. Template for NHS Job adverts Standard Advert Templates_NHS Jobs.doc Template for portal vacancy advert Portal Advert Template.doc 8 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 6 2015 Timetable 6.1 All recruiting organisations must adhere to the national timetable.2 6.2 Opening and closing times should adhere to the national timetable. ACF Timetable Applications open Applications close Interview window Initial Offers out from Hold deadline Monday 13th October 2014 Monday 10th November 2014 Tuesday 11th November to Friday 9th January 2015 Monday 12th January 2015 Friday 30th January 2015 Round 1 - CT1/ST1 and Run Through (For August - December 2015 start) Adverts Applications Open Applications Close Interview Window Initial Offers out Hold deadline Upgrade deadline Hierarchal deadline Paperwork deadline Thursday 6th November 2014 At 10am, Tuesday 11th November 2014* At 4pm, Thursday 4th December 2014 Monday 12th January to Wednesday 11th March 2015 By 5pm, Thursday 12th March 2015 At 1pm, Thursday 19th March 2015 At 4pm, Thursday 26th March 2015 At 4pm, Tuesday 31st March 2015 No later than Wednesday 8th April 2014 * Please note: period of Oriel downtime for planned system maintenance from 8.00am to 1.00pm on Thursday 13th November 2014. Oriel will be unavailable to applicants and administrators during this time Round 1- CT1/ST1 Re-adverts (For August – December 2015 start) Adverts Applications Open Applications Close Interview Window Initial Offers out Hold deadline Upgrade deadline Paperwork deadline 2 Thursday 12th March 2015 At 10am, Tuesday 24th March 2015 At 4pm, Thursday 9th April 2015 Tuesday 21st April to Wednesday 20th May 2015 By 4pm, Thursday 21st May 2015 At 1pm, Wednesday 27th May 2015 At 4pm, Friday 29th May 2015 Wednesday 5th June 2015 Excludes Dental Recruitment 9 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 Round 2 - ST3/ST4+ Recruitment (For August - December 2015 start) Adverts Applications Open Applications Close Interview Window Initial Offers out Hold deadline Upgrade deadline Hierarchal deadline Paperwork deadline Wednesday 11th February 2015 At 10am, Tuesday, 17th February 2015 At 4pm, Wednesday, 11th March 2015 Monday 23rd March to Wednesday 13th May 2015 By 5pm Thursday 14th May 2015 At 1pm Wednesday 20th May 2015 At 4pm Friday 22nd May 2015 Wednesday 27th May 2015 Friday 29th May 2015 10 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 7 7.1 2015 Eligibility / Longlisting Once applications have been received, LETBs/Deaneries/Recruiting Organisations should undertake an administration check to include: Right to work status GMC / GDC Registration Evidence of Foundation Competency English Language Skills (as per the eligibility criteria) Exclusion criteria Any examination requirements in line with the post Match to Specialty Level 7.2 Longlisting should be completed by appropriately trained administrative staff in the Recruitment Office. 7.3 Longlisting should be completed following the agreed national decisions and timelines for agreed criteria.3 7.4 Eligibility criteria should be determined at the point of application advertisement 7.5 No late applications should be considered. 7.6 Applicants who apply in subsequent rounds will need to be reassessed at longlisting stage to ensure their eligibility criterion has not changed.4 7.7 Longlisting should always precede shortlisting5 (where shortlisting is applicable) Overseas Guidance / Right to work status Immigration Guidance Immigration Guidance.docx Information for Overseas Nationals Immigration Guidance.docx GMC / GDC Registration 7.8 GMC registration – Applicants will need to confirm their General Medical Council (GMC) registration status or General Dental Council (GDC) registration status 3 PAG Resolution 3.6 (2014) PAG Resolution 3.10 (2014) 5 PAG Resolution 3.15 (2014) 4 11 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 where required before applying for specialty training. 7.9 Applicants will need to hold full GMC registration with a licence to practise at the time of appointment. For more information applicants should visit: 6 www.gmc-uk.org/doctors/before_you_apply/registration_factsheet.asp Proof of Foundation Competency 7.10 Applicants are required to provide evidence of having met the UK Foundation Programme competences or equivalent. 7.11 Applicants should complete the 2015 alternative competency certificate if they are currently not undertaking the UK foundation programme or have not successfully completed the UK foundation programme within the last three years. 7.12 Only the nationally agreed alternative competency certificate should be used for 2015 recruitment. 7 7.13 Only the new-style alternative competency forms reflecting the 2012 Foundation Curriculum (with 2014 amendments) will be accepted. 7.14 The alternative certificate should also be used for public health applicants applying from a medical background.8 7.15 The alternative certificate should not be used by trainees to circumnavigate the two year foundation programme early. 7.16 Alternative certificates should be uploaded as part of the application and submitted with the completed application form.9 7.17 In the event foundation competency evidence is submitted that is not of the appropriate standard, the assessor may choose to request more information from the applicant. A period of 5 working days commences from when the applicant is requested to supply the additional information.10 This additional time should not be advertised to the applicants. English Language Skills 7.18 6 Recruiters should ensure that applicants “have sufficient knowledge of the English language necessary for the work to be performed in a safe and competent manner”11. Does not apply for Public Health applicants from a background other than medicine 7 PAG Resolution 3.1 (2014) PAG Resolution 3.3 (2014) 9 PAG Resolution 3.4 and 3.5 (2014) 10 PAG Resolution 3.6 (2014) 11 The Medical Profession (Responsible Officers) (Amendment) Regulations 2013). 8 12 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 7.19 If the applicant’s undergraduate training was not undertaken in English and they do not have a current International English Language Testing System (IELTS) certificate at the level specified in the person specifications, they need to provide other evidence of English language skills. 7.20 Examples of suitable evidence can be found on the General Medical Council website: http://www.gmc-uk.org/doctors/registration_applications/13676.asp 7.21 The required IELTS score is 7 in all domains (speaking, listening, reading and writing), to be achieved in a single sitting within 24 months of the time of application with a minimum overall score of 7.5. Exclusion Criteria 7.22 Specialty training posts and programmes are not normally available to any doctor who has previously relinquished or been released or removed from that training post/programme. 7.23 When applying for a post the declaration section of the application form will ask the applicant if they have previously relinquished or been released or removed from a training programme from the specialty to which they are applying. 7.24 If the applicant answers yes to this question they will need to provide full details of the resignation/release/removal from a training programme to the recruiting organisation by email at the point of application. This should be provided on the Support for Reapplication to a Specialty Training Programme form and approved by both the Head of School/Training Programme Director and Postgraduate Dean in the region where training was previously undertaken. This will need to be submitted to a given confidential email address at the time of application submission. 7.25 The form should be completed by all trainees who are applying to a specialty training programme that they have previously been removed/released from or that they have previously resigned from. 7.26 Trainees currently working in the specialty, applying to continue their training in another region, without a break in service, do not need to submit a completed form Match to Specialty Level 7.27 All previous experience in the particular specialty/specialty level must be declared by applicants on their application. 7.28 This includes experience outside the UK and all experience in the UK, whether within educationally approved posts or not. 13 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 7.29 It should be noted when longlisting or shortlisting that all posts within the specialty (excluding foundation and honorary/unpaid posts) count when assessing length of experience against person specification requirements. 7.30 Eligibility for selection to ST1/CT1 requires a maximum experience of 18 months or less in the specialty unless otherwise specified on the person specification. 7.31 There is no limit on experience for eligibility for selection to ST2/CT2 although applicants are required to have at least 12 months experience in the specialty they are applying to. 7.32 There is no limit on experience for eligibility for selection into ST3/CT3 although applicants are required to have at least 24 months experience in the specialty to which they are applying, or as specified in the Person Specification. 7.33 There is no limit on experience for eligibility for selection to ST4 although applicants are normally required to have at least 36 months experience in the specialty they are applying to.12 Probity Guidance Managing Concerns about Probity.docx Alternative Certificate for Foundation Competency 2015 Alternative Certificate_2015 FINAL.docx Evidence of Foundation Competence – Applicant Guide Evidence of Foundation Competence - Applicant Guide.d Evidence of Foundation Competence – Signatory Guide Evidence of Foundation Competence - Signatories Guide Long Listing Decision Summary Document Long List Decision Summary Document.docx Support for Reapplication to Specialty Training Exclusion Policy Support Form.docx 12 Refer to relevant person specification 14 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 8 2015 Shortlisting 8.1 All shortlisters should have access to shortlisting scoring frameworks along with the person specifications 8.2 All shortlisters must be trained in recruitment and selection principles and processes including current equality and diversity legislation within the last 3 years. The domains for shortlisting should be publicly available on the lead recruiter’s website.13 8.3 Scoring criteria linked to the domains can be published at the discretion of the recruiting organisation. 8.4 Self-assessment scoring should be adjusted at interview if the scores are found to be incorrect.14. This could mean the increasing or decreasing of scores. If major discrepancies are found the probity guidance should be used. 13 14 PAG Resolution 4.1 PAG Resolution 4.3 15 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 9 Interviews 9.1 Recruiting organisations should follow the minimum agreed standards for invitation to interview. 9.2 Recruiting organisations should ensure they interview enough applicants to fill training positions based on historical trends and number of vacancies available. Subject to quality and quantity of applications. 9.3 Standard practice is for applicants to have 5 working days’ notice for an invitation to interview. However in exceptional circumstances applicants can be given less notice e.g. last minute applicant withdrawal creating free interview slots. 9.4 Interview invite letters/communications should include full details of all documents applicants need to present at interview. 9.5 Reasonable efforts should be made to accommodate applicants’ personal situations regarding interview time slots, recognising that interview dates are unlikely to be moved. 9.6 Recruiting organisations should provide applicants with an understanding of what to expect at interview/assessment centre.15 9.7 Recruiting organisations should use the nationally agreed documentation for document checking at interview. 9.8 The minimum time for an interview for specialty training is 30 minutes. 9.9 The interview process and scoring system is determined by nationally agreed processes for the specific specialty/level. 9.10 Applicants should be informed of the number of stations at interview and what they are designed to assess.16 9.11 Publishing the marking criteria for interviews is mandatory, however publishing scores is at the discretion of the national recruitment office which can decide whether to make these available to the applicant.17 9.12 Trainees should not normally be used as interview panel members. However, where a recruitment process may be in jeopardy as a result of interviewers withdrawing, trainees can be used. This should only be seen as an exceptional circumstance and only where the trainees have undertaken all of the required pre requisite mandatory training 9.13 Where trainees are used as interviewers, they should have an appropriate level of authorisation to take part e.g. Postgraduate Dean nomination, nomination from the 15 PAG Resolution 5.6 (2014) PAG Resolution 5.12 (2014) 17 PAG Resolution 5.11 (2014) 16 16 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK Training Programme Director/Head of School. themselves for interview panels 2015 Trainees should not self select 9.14 Where trainees are used as interview panel members, care should be taken to ensure that they are paired with an experienced interviewer 9.15 Where trainees are used, care should be taken to ensure that they are not interviewing for peers. Higher specialty trainees can be used to interview for basic levels of training. When interviewing at ST3 level and above, only trainees in their final year of training will be deemed appropriate to interview 9.16 Recruitment leads should ensure that there is a mechanism in place for interviewing trainees to declare any conflict of interest e.g. knowing an applicant 9.17 Dependant on the specialty, local amendments to the national guidelines maybe permitted, e.g. additional interview stations. 9.18 Applicant communication skills should be assessed at interview, either via a global judgement or individual station. 9.19 Actors should be used at interview where appropriate18 and add value to the selection process and outcome. 9.20 Where clinical concerns are raised about an applicant, based on their performance at interview, it is the responsibility of the Clinical Lead on the day to investigate this and decide on the appropriate course of action. If the Clinical Lead agrees that the concerns are serious, he/she should report this to the applicant’s current Responsible Officer, and to the GMC/GDC, where deemed appropriate. 9.21 Lay Representatives should be used during all interview/selection processes. A best practice guide has been developed and should be followed by all national recruitment offices, wherever possible. 19 9.22 Applicants should be asked to bring their portfolios to the interview/assessment centre in line with specialty specific guidance. 9.23 The applicant portfolio must not contain patient identifiable data and should only include the applicant’s own work. In previous years there have been examples where some applicants have presented work which was not their own. If this happens evidence must be taken from the applicant’s portfolio and the person concerned reported to the GMC/GDC, following probity guidance. 9.24 Interviewers will take account of applicants’ portfolios, their structured CV and the summary of their portfolio of evidence. 9.25 Interviewers should have access to the application form at appropriate interview stations (excluding personal details, fitness to practise and equal opportunities sections), e.g. portfolio station if requested.20 18 PAG Resolution 5.9 (2014) PAG Resolution 5.8 (2014) 20 PAG Resolution 5.10 (2014) 19 17 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 Minimum standards for interview invitations Minimum standards to interview invitation.doc What applicants can expect at interview What to expect at interview.docx Interview Document Checklist Document Checklist.doc Standard template for collection of missing documents at interview Missing Document Form.doc Frequently asked questions for document checkers FAQs for Document Checkers.docx Lay Representative/Chair Best Practice Guide Lay Representative Recruitment Guide_2014_v1.01.docx 18 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 10 Offers 10.1 LETBs/Deaneries are responsible for the making of offers and should ensure the process is managed by appropriately trained staff and quality assurance processes are in place. 10.2 National Training Numbers (NTNs) will be offered before LATs (where LATs are available). 10.3 The offer of dual training should be clearly stated at point of offer. 10.4 All vacancy (Programme/Post) information will follow the agreed datasets templates sent to LETBs/Deaneries for completion. 21 10.5 The nationally agreed offer template must be used. The new upgrading templates (accept + and hold+) must include all offer details including start date/duration/location.22 10.6 Applicants will be able to accept, reject or hold offers (within the set timeline for the recruitment round). Applicants will have 48 hours from the time of their offer, including weekends and bank holidays, to decide whether to accept, reject or hold it. 10.7 Offers not responded to within the 48-hour period will be classified as expired and the applicant will have been deemed to have rejected the offer 10.8 Held offers must have a decision made against them before the hold deadline. Offers still being held when the deadline is reached will be automatically rejected by Oriel 10.9 Applicants who accept a post in the first recruitment round are able to apply and accept posts in future recruitment rounds. When accepting a post in subsequent rounds, applicants are required to give the appropriate notice. 10.10 If an applicant accepts a post in a subsequent round of recruitment, the recruiter will write to the applicant and give 72 hours to confirm which offer should be kept. If the applicant fails to make a decision the original offer will be rejected as the default option.23 21 PAG Resolution 13.5 (2014) PAG Resolution 7.5 (2014) 23 PAG Resolution 7.1 (2014) 22 19 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 10.11 2015 The organisation responsible for releasing the offers should ensure applicants understand that when accepting a post they will not be offered another post in the current recruitment episode. Exceptions to this are upgrades within the accepted programme or hierarchical upgrades, within a defined time period Offer Responses Accepting an offer 10.12 The applicant will be excluded from any further offers from this and any other specialty within this round. 10.13 The accepted offer preference will be automatically upgraded if the applicant has opted into upgrades and preferred preferences become available. 10.14 Interview documents must be scanned and attached to the applicant record on Oriel within the agreed deadlines (see timetable). The interview document checklist should be used and documents scanned and attached in the checklist order. (PAG 5-6) At the upgrade date/time the documents will be visible. After the upgrade date/time, scanned documents will be immediately visible. 10.15 The most recent offer email received by the applicant (either offer email or upgrade email) should be attached to the document workflow. 10.16 Pre-employment processes commence. 10.17 If the offer is for a LAT the applicant may still get a CT/ST offer until the hierarchy deadline. Holding an offer 10.18 Only ONE offer can be held at any time. 10.19 The held offer preference will be automatically upgraded if the applicant has opted into upgrades and preferred preferences become available. 10.20 Offers from other specialties can still be received if eligible. 10.21 The held offer can be rejected or accepted at any time within the agreed timetable (see section 6). 10.22 If an applicant tries to hold two offers, the first offer will be rejected. Rejecting an offer 10.23 An applicant choosing this option will have their offer removed and receive no further offers from the specialty/level within the round. 20 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 10.24 2015 Applicants will continue to receive offers from other specialties if eligible/available. Offer Upgrading 10.25 Applicants will automatically receive offer upgrades if they accept or hold an offer AND opt in for upgrades. This means that should a higher ranked preference become available in the region where they have held or accepted an offer, they will be automatically upgraded to this offer with no option to revert to their original offer. 10.26 Applicants can opt in or out of upgrades at any point and this option is on the applicant home screen. If an applicant chooses to accept or hold their offer with upgrades, they will be directed to an additional page, which shows them all their higher preferences. They will be able to edit their higher preferences at this point by opting out of those they are no longer interested in. 10.27 Upgrading can continue until the dates described in the national timetable (see section 6). Hierarchical Offers 10.28 Up to the hierarchy deadline applications will remain active in the groups where a hierarchically improved sub-preference remains available. 10.29 Initial hierarchical offers are made with the full 48 hours window for applicant response. The hold and upgrade options may or may not be available depending on the group settings and the timeline. Fitness to Practise and Offers 10.30 Applicants with Fitness to Practise issues should be informed within seven days of accepting the post about whether they can be accepted onto the programme.24 Offer letter template Offer - without holding with upgrades.doc Offer - with holding.doc 24 PAG Resolution 3.14 (2014) 21 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 Hierarchical Upgrades Hierarchical Upgrades.docx Fitness to Practise Process National FtP Policy.doc 22 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 11 Clearing The below principles should be followed for all specialties that have a clearing round as part of national recruitment. Clearing should be seen as best practise, to ensure a high proportion of vacancies are filled in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible. In some cases it may result in specialties not needing to re-advertise. 11.1 Specialties with appointable applicants and vacancies remaining after all offers have been exhausted should enter a clearing round. 11.2 Clearing should open no more than one week after the final offer has been made or the hierarchal deadline has passed, whichever is the latest 11.3 The timespan of clearing will be specialty specific dependant on the number of applicants and posts remaining. The Code of Practice must be adhered to where practically possible. 11.4 All remaining appointable applicants will be able to re-preference remaining vacancies. 11.5 Applicants in clearing will have the opportunity to positively preference remaining vacancies they are interested in. 11.6 Applicants who do not preference would be deemed not to be interested in any of the remaining vacancies. This will be the default option. 11.7 There should be no national and local set appointable levels. All applicants should be assessed against a single threshold for the entry level and should be classified as either appointable or not based solely on that threshold. 11.8 Applicants offered a post through clearing will have 48 hours to accept or decline. There will be no hold option. 11.9 It is important that applicants only preference posts and areas they will accept a post in. A rejection of a vacancy they have preferenced will make them ineligible for clearing in the same specialty. 11.10 Applicants who have gained a LAT will not enter clearing. 11.11 Applicants who need to satisfy RLMT will not be offered in clearing until the specialty can confirm no UK or EEA applicants remain for a vacancy and all other requirements of RLMT have been met. 23 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 11.12 2015 It is acknowledged that posts may enter clearing due to attrition from previous acceptances of training programmes. These posts will not be offered to initial round successful applicants who may have preferenced them as the upgrade deadline will have passed. The number of instances would be small but is recognised as a necessary practice to ensure the recruitment process remains robust. 24 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 12 References 12.1 The national reference form should be used for all specialties.25 12.2 References will only be requested once applicants have accepted training offers.26 12.3 References should be used to confirm employment history and to highlight serious concerns from referees. 12.4 12.5 For Academic Recruitment only, references should be collected in hard copy. The Oriel Reference Portal will go live on 1st April 2015. References for all clinical recruitment rounds should be requested and collected through the portal. National Reference Form Reference Form.doc 25 26 PAG Resolution 6.4 (2014) PAG Resolution 6.1 (2014) 25 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 13 Feedback 13.1 Applicants should be given feedback during the following stages of the recruitment process. Longlisting Shortlisting (if applicable) Interview/Selection centre Feedback should be provided to all applicants, not just those that request it Longlisting 13.1.1 A rationale must be provided as to why an applicant was unsuccessful. Shortlisting 13.1.2 Applicants should be provided with their total shortlisting score, the total socre available for shortlisting and the score they would have needed to be invited to interview Interviews/Assessment Centre 13.1.2 Feedback should be provided no later than 7 working days after the initial national offer deadline 13.2 It is best practice to provide feedback on the various domains of the interview process: Applicant score per station Applicant total score (as appropriate also confirm %age contribution of shortlisting score etc. Maximum score available Their appointability and the minimum score required for appointability (as appropriate) Their ranking and the rank needed to obtain a post Feedback templates and communications Feedback Email Templates.doc 26 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 14 Applicant Support 14.1 To help applicants with their job searches, LETBs/Deaneries and local recruiting NHS Trusts will publish on their websites all potential posts that they will be advertising. In line with The Code of Practice for Provision of Information for Postgraduate Medical Training, this should include information on available posts in the rotation. Indicative vacancy numbers will also be published on the LETB and national recruiter websites. Recruiters will need to 14.2 Have in place mechanisms for on-going email communications to applicants; and where possible provide a telephone support line. 14.3 Provide on their websites timely and effective information for applicants that is specific to their application process. 14.4 Provide guidance to applicants on completion of the application form; 14.5 Provide details of shortlisting criteria and weightings including any scoring scheme used. 14.6 Provide effective telephone and/or email responses to applicant’s queries and a helpdesk service or equivalent; 14.7 Ensure NHS Trust consultants and clinical tutors are well informed and up to date with process information in order to provide effective applicant support; 14.8 Applicants will need support; career information and guidance to help them make the best choices in entering the next round of recruitment and subsequently LETBs/Deaneries will need to provide: 14.9 Career information: applicants need good quality information to enable them to consider other career choices. 14.10 Feedback from the recruitment process: consider ways in which applicants can access feedback from their applications and interviews. It is recommended that applicant’s shortlisting and interview scores are made available to them. 14.11 The minimum support that should be available to applicants from each LETB/Deanery is attached under section 13 (Feedback) 14.12 A national applicant guide, which provides a detailed guide to the application process, is available www.specialtytraining.nhs.uk 27 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 14.13 2015 Doctors must be given written information about how they can access confidential advice. This should include Occupational Health Departments, other local Employment Assistance Programmes to which NHS Trusts have access and organisations such as BMA’s Doctors for Doctors Unit. LETBs/Deaneries should brief Occupational Health departments or appropriate networks about the position so that counselling support can be provided to doctors if required. 28 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 15 Complaints and Appeals 15.1 There is a national complaints procedure which should be used by all recruiting offices. Specialties and LETBs/Deaneries should not have separate complaints procedures for national recruitment activity. 15.2 For complaints relating to national recruitment activity the lead recruiter is responsible for managing and “owning” the complaints. It is their responsibility to liaise with local LETBs/Deaneries to ensure complaints are managed in line with the national complaints procedure. 15.3 A log of all complaints, how they were handled and subsequent outcomes should be maintained by each national recruitment office. National Complaints Procedure MDRS Complaints Policy.docx 29 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 16 Defence Deanery Applicants Applications 16.1 Defence Deanery applicants will be required to complete the online application form for all specialties. 16.2 Applicants who are deployed during the application window without internet access should arrange for a proxy application to be made on their behalf. 16.3 Defence Deanery applicants will still be required to complete a Defence Medical Services application as this is required for assessment of eligibility to apply and for informing the Defence Deanery of which specialties they plan to apply for. 16.4 Defence Deanery needs as much notification as possible of application dates in order that alternative arrangements/proxy applications can be organised, where necessary. Interviews 16.5 Applicants applying for NHS and Military posts in the same recruitment round will be permitted two interviews where the interviews for each of the posts take place in different LETBs/Deaneries. 16.6 Defence Deanery needs as much notice as possible of interview dates and venues, in order for military panel members to be sourced. 16.7 Defence Deanery needs as much notice as possible of the interview model that will be used for each specialty e.g. single centre, local interviews. 16.8 Where multiple military panel members attend on the same day, these should be spread out across all panels, not assigned to the same panel. Offers 16.9 Offers for Defence Deanery applicants have to be made by the Defence Deanery. 16.10 Offers for Defence Deanery applicants should only be processed by the lead recruiter for the NHS post. Offers to military training posts will be made by the Defence Deanery only 16.11 Defence Deanery applicants who have applied for NHS training posts can hold an offer until military offers are made or the hold deadline (whichever is the earliest). 16.12 If a Defence Deanery applicant is offered a military post their NHS offer will be declined as the default option. 30 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 16.13 Interview scores for military applicants should be released to the Defence Deanery five working days before offers are released for NHS applicants. This will allow the Defence Deanery time to prepare their own offers, although this information will be kept confidential and offers will not be released by the Defence Deanery until the day that NHS offers are released. 16.14 The Defence Deanery requires copies of interview score sheets for applicants who fail to benchmark, but not for those who reach the required standard. For Defence Deanery applicants, the benchmark score will be the appointable threshold/cut off, not the score that would have been required to be made an offer. 31 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 17 LAT Recruitment (England Only) 17.1 LAT recruitment should only be undertaken through the national recruitment processes. 17.2 LAT recruitment should be to the same standard as NTN recruitment. There should not be different appointment levels 17.3 No local LAT recruitment should be undertaken 17.4 All NTNs should be offered before LAT posts are considered.27 17.5 If NTNs are available for the relevant recruitment round they should be advertised and LAT only recruitment rounds should not occur in this instance. 17.6 Applicants should be advised to preference all vacancies that they are interested in and not to preference locations that they would not accept an offer from. 17.7 In 2015 specialities should minimise the number of LATs they advertise to ensure they are in proportion to future NTN vacancies28. MWAG will set restrictions on the number of LATs each specialty can advertise 17.8 There should be no LAT recruitment in 2015 in the following specialities29 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Paediatric Surgery. 17.9 Applicants would not be eligible for further LATs in a specialty if they have already undertaken more than 24 months of LATs in that specialty . Applicants should not have undertaken more than three individual LAT posts within the two year period 17.10 LETBs should not extend LATs beyond the academic year. For those appointed at any point in a 2015 recruitment round, appointments should end no later than 2nd August 2016. 17.11 There should be no FTSTA recruitment. 17.12 National CT2/CT3 recruitment should only occur in the following specialties if sufficient vacancies arise. 27 This is an England only policy. Further work on the offer methodology is required to ensure applicants are not disadvantaged in having to accept LATs from the devolved nations before English LATs are available. 28 The final guidance will provide a ratio of NTN/LATs for each specialty. This will take in to account LTFT, Academic and OOP issues. 29 Further specialties may be added in the final guidance. 32 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 CMT Anaesthesia Emergency Medicine Core Psychiatry LETBs can recruit to these specialties/levels locally, with the approval of HEE 17.13 There is an intention through HEE not to provide the structure or process for any LAT recruitment in England from August 2016. Therefore SAC and NHS trusts are advised to urgently review the options that will be available to them from that time including appointment of Locum Appointment for Service 33 SPECIALTY RECRUITMENT HANDBOOK 2015 18 Document Management 18.1 All recruiters should follow NHS Guidelines on Record Management.30 18.2 LETBs/Deaneries should adhere to the documentation deadline as set out by the national recruitment timetable to ensure that receiving LETBs/Deaneries/Employers receive information in a timely manner. 18.3 LETBs/Deaneries should not send any personal file or other identifiable data via post. 18.4 All personal identifiable data should be transferred via the Document Management portal on Oriel. 30 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/records-management-nhs-code-of-practice 34 APPENDIX 1 – ACF Recruitment For 2015 recruitment, applicants to NIHR ACF posts will need to satisfy the requirements of the clinical interview process for the specialty. Please visit the following website for further information. http://www.nihr.ac.uk/funding/academic-clinical-fellowships.htm Key Processes NIHR ACF recruitment timetable will run before the national timetable (See section 6) All academic appointees should demonstrate a level of competence equivalent to clinical appointees. Applicants who do not hold either an NTN or DRN in the same specialty at the time of applying for academic recruitment will be required to attend a national clinical process/interview for the specialty in addition to the ACF interview Applicants who are required to undertake a national clinical process/interview will be advised to also apply for the clinical training programme. However, this is not mandatory. Local recruiters are required to liaise with the lead for the clinical recruitment to arrange clinical interviews for applicants, as required. Where national recruitment is not undertaken for the specialty and/or level of the ACF award, a local clinical interview process should be arranged. Where national recruitment happens for the specialty, but at a different level, the clinical interview should be arranged to mirror the national process in terms of interview stations used, but with questions set at an appropriate level for the entry level of the ACF award. Applicants should be assessed against the national person specification for the specialty and the national ACF person specification. ACF panels must have a minimum of one clinician in the relevant specialty. ACF offers will be made via Oriel. Offers made to applicants needing to attend and meet the threshold of a clinical interview will be made an offer in January 2015 that is conditional upon meeting the requirements of the clinical process/interview Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants I wish to apply for an NIHR ACF post to commence in 2015. What is the process? You will need to apply for the NIHR ACF post through the Local Education Training Board (LETB) where the post will be based, using the Oriel system. The recruitment is managed by the relevant LETB, and advertisements will appear on their website from October 2014. 35 Shortlisted candidates will be invited for ACF interviews organised by the LETB, which will have an academic and clinical component, you will be required to pass all components of the interview. If you do not already hold a National Training Number (NTN) or Deanery Reference Number (DRN) in the GMC specialty to which you are applying for you will be required to undertake the national clinical recruitment process and attend an assessment/interview for that GMC specialty as appropriate. It is advised that ACF applicants without a NTN/DRN also submit an application for standard clinical training in that specialty, this is not mandatory. I hold a clinical National Training Number (NTN) in the GMC specialty associated with the ACF I am applying for. Will I still need to attend a national clinical assessment/interview? No. You will have already passed the assessment at the national clinical interview for this GMC specialty previously and therefore will not have to do so again. I hold a Deanery Reference Number (DRN) having previously successfully applied for core level training. Will I still need to attend a national clinical assessment/interview? If you hold a DRN whilst applying for a post linked to a GMC specialty that has relevant core level training (e.g. core trainee in Anaesthetics, Core Medical Training for medical specialties and Core Surgical Training for surgery), then you will have already passed the assessment at the clinical interview previously and therefore will not have to do so again. If the core level training you are undertaking is not relevant to the GMC specialty you will be applying for in the NIHR ACF then you will need to undergo the national clinical assessment/ interview for that specialty. I hold a National Training Number, but not in the same GMC specialty that I am applying for academic training. Will I still need to attend a national clinical assessment/interview? Yes. Although you have met the required standard in a national clinical interview before, it was not in the same GMC specialty. Therefore, to ensure a consistency of approach with all applicants, you will need to undergo a national clinical assessment/interview for this GMC specialty. When will offers be released? Offers will be released in January 2015. If you already hold an NTN in the relevant GMC specialty and are the preferred candidate then you can be offered the post. If you do not 36 hold an NTN in that GMC specialty the offer will be conditional upon meeting the required standard in the clinical assessment/interview. Clinical interviews will normally not be held until after offers for NIHR ACF posts have been made. If you receive an offer conditional upon meeting the requirements of a national clinical assessment/interview, you are advised to hold this offer until 19th March 2015. This will ensure that you are not withdrawn from other applications that you have made, until you know the outcome of your performance at the national clinical assessment/interview. Process: What happens if I do not reach the required standard in the national clinical assessment/ interview? Your NIHR ACF offer will be withdrawn by the relevant recruitment office. What will be the likely delay between my ACF interview and my national clinical interviews? It depends on the level of the NIHR ACF post that you are applying for. NIHR ACF interviews will normally take place in November/December 2014. National clinical assessments/interviews for ST1 specialties will take place between January and March 2015. ST3 national clinical assessment/interviews take place between March and May 2015. If you are applying for a NIHR ACF in either General Practice or Cardiothoracic Surgery, the clinical and academic interview processes run at the same time, via the respective national recruitment processes. 37 Frequently Asked Questions for Recruiters What is the process for applicants applying for NIHR ACF to commence in 2015? Applicants will apply for NIHR ACF posts in October 2014, in line with the normal ACF recruitment timeline. Joint academic/clinical interviews will take place in the same way as in previous years, now using the Oriel System. However ACF applicants without a NTN/DRN in the applied specialty, deemed appointable at the ACF interview, will be required to reach the threshold of ‘appointability’ at a national clinical assessment/interview. ACF applicants will be ranked on their performance at the ACF interview not the national clinical interview. How many appointable applicants, following ACF interviews are put forward for National clinical assessment/interview? All appointable applicants without a NTN/DRN in the specified specialty should attend national clinical assessment/interview. The top ranked applicant at the ACF interview should be informed that the ACF offer is conditional on attaining the required standard at national clinical assessment/interview. The reserve ACF appointable applicants should be informed of their appointability at the ACF interview and put forward for national clinical assessment/interview. If it is not possible to include all appointable applicants, then a minimum of the top 5 appointable applicants should be put forward for interviews by every LETB. Will all applicants need to attend a national clinical assessment/interview? No. If the applicant already holds a clinical NTN/DRN in the same GMC specialty as their NIHR ACF application, there is no need for them to attend a national clinical assessment/interview as they will have already met the required clinical standard previously. In addition, any applicants deemed unappointable at the academic interview need not be put forward for national clinical assessment/interview. Will applicants who hold a clinical NTN in a different GMC specialty to the one they are applying for in the ACF be required to attend a national clinical assessment/interview? Yes. Although they have met the required standard in a national clinical interview previously, it was not in the same GMC specialty. Different specialties assess different skills 38 and competences at interview and therefore it should not be assumed that success in one clinical interview is appropriate for all specialties. As applicants now attend a separate clinical interview, can the NIHR ACF interview now cover academic topics only? No. The NIHR ACF interview should still cover clinical and academic elements in the same way as it always has. Do we need to set up separate clinical interviews for those that have applied for NIHR ACF posts? No. It is expected that they will attend the specialty specific national clinical interviews that already take place between January and May. What happens if national clinical recruitment is not taking place for the specialty and level of the NIHR ACF post? A local clinical recruitment panel will need to be organised, ensuring that the national clinical recruitment processes for the specialty are fulfilled. How do we manage the offers process? Offers to NIHR ACF posts should be made in line with the published academic recruitment timeline. ACF offers through Oriel will need to be made conditional upon applicants reaching the required standard in the clinical assessment/interview, where required. Please note all applicants deemed appointable at the ACF interviews, without a NTN/DRN, will be required to attend a national clinical assessment/interview if the top ranked applicant does not have a NTN/DRN. The applicants will be ranked based on the ACF interviews regardless of their ranking in the national clinical interview. Following ACF interviews if the preferred applicant holds a clinical NTN or equivalent in the same GMC specialty they should be offered the ACF post. What happens if an applicant we make an academic offer to, fails to reach the required standard in the national clinical assessment/interview? Their conditional academic offer will need to be withdrawn by the recruitment office and this will need to be communicated to the applicant. 39 The hold deadline for academic recruitment has been extended to 19th March 2015. Applicants made conditional offers based on meeting the requirements of a national clinical assessment/interview should be advised to hold their offer rather than accept it. If they accept the post, Oriel will withdraw them from all of their other applications. If applicants subsequently fail to meet the requirements of the national clinical assessment/interview, this could cause the applicant problems as they will have no live applications in the recruitment process. What is the required standard for NIHR ACF candidates undergoing the national clinical process and/or attending a clinical interview? Applicants who do not hold an NTN/DRN will need to be assessed and interviewed through the relevant national process for the specialty. The applicant will be required to reach the threshold of ‘appointability’ at national selection assessment/interview. They do not need to have been ranked high enough to have received a post i.e. ‘appointed’. Applicants that do not reach the appointable score threshold at national selection assessment/interview will have their ACF offer withdrawn. All ACF appointment offers to applicants not holding a NTN/ DRN must clearly state that this is a conditional offer subject to passing the threshold of appointability in the national process and that offers will be withdrawn from candidates that are unsuccessful in that process. It is important that specialties clearly determine their appointable threshold in a way that is transparent, fair and equitable to all ACF applicants. It is recommended as best practice that cut off scores are agreed prior to interviews. 40 APPENDIX 2 - Process Alignment Group (PAG) Decisions The following alignments were agreed by the Process Alignment Group (PAG), to be used by all recruiters, to ensure that a consistent approach is being used by all specialties, UK wide. All recruiters must ensure that they adhere to the decisions, in all of their medical and dental recruitment processes. Advertisement 1. All recruiters should adhere to the nationally set recruitment timeframes 2. The nationally agreed template should be used when placing advertisements on NHS Jobs 3. The nationally agreed template should be used when placing advertisements on the Oriel portal Longlisting for CT/ST1 1. Evidence of foundation competence should be provided at the time of application, where foundation competence has already been achieved 2. Where applicants are currently undertaking a foundation programme they are not required to provide any evidence of competence at time of application or interview. Evidence of satisfactory completion of the foundation programme should be provided before commencement of the post 3. Where an Alternative Certificate is being used as evidence of foundation competence, this must be the 2015 Alternative Certificate of Foundation Competence which maps to the 2012 Foundation Curriculum (with 2014 amendments). Alternative Certificates from previous application years will not be accepted 4. Where the evidence provided is not sufficient and additional information is required from the applicant to prove their foundation competence, 5 working days should be allowed for this, from the time contact is made with the applicant Longlisting for ST3/4 1. Evidence of core competence should be provided at time of application, where core competence has already been completed 2. Where applicants are currently undertaking a core training programme they are not required to provide any evidence of competence at time of application or interview. Evidence of satisfactory completion of the core training programme should be provided before commencement of the post 3. Where an exam is required as a pre requisite at the time of application, and exam status is not clear from the application form, applicants should be given 72 hours to provide appropriate evidence form the time contact is made with them 41 Longlisting – Generic 1. Where applicants make a Fitness to Practise declaration on their application form, but fail to provide additional information by email, 72 hours should be given for this to be provided, from the time contact is made with the applicant 2. Where employment gaps are not fully detailed, applicants should be given 72 hours to provide appropriate information, from the time that initial contact is made with the applicant 3. Where career progression is not clear from an application, applicants should either be given 72 hours to provide appropriate information or the application should be flagged and evidence should be reviewed at interview Shortlisting 1. Shortlisting guidance, including domains that applications will be score against, should be provided to applicants Interviews 1. Applicants should be given at least 5 working days’ notice of an interview. The only exception to this would be when interview slots become available at a later date, due to reasons that could not have been foreseen in advance 2. Applicants should be informed of the number of interview stations and what each will be assessing 3. Publishing of the interview marking scheme (domains not scores available) is mandatory 4. Each interview should last for a minimum of 30 minutes in total 5. Lay representatives should be used in all interview/selection processes 6. Nationally agreed minimum standard should be used when inviting applicants to interview 7. Applicants must be informed of what to expect at interview 8. The nationally agreed Interview Document Checklist must be used as a minimum, however, additional fields can be added, as required 9. The nationally agreed Missing Document Form must be used as a minimum and issued to applicants at interview. Additional fields can be added, as required Offers 1. Nationally agreed offer templates should be used, as a minimum References 1. References should be submitted on the nationally agreed reference form 2. References should not be required until after the applicant has accepted a post Feedback 1. Feedback to be provided after each stage of the recruitment process 2. Nationally agreed feedback templates should be used as a minimum 3. Interview feedback should be provided no later than 7 days after the national offer deadline 42 Document Management 1. National deadline for uploading interview documents to Employer portal. No interview documents to be sent by either post or email 2. Interview documents to be scanned and uploaded to the Employer portal in the same order as on the nationally agreed Interview Document Checklist Complaints 1. Nationally agreed complaints procedure to be used for all complaints on recruitment process Locum Appointments for Training – England Rules 1. NTN posts to be offered before LAT posts Fitness to Practise 1. Where applicants have made a Fitness to Practise declaration on their application, and subsequently accept a post, they must receive confirmation that the receiving LETB/Deanery is willing to accept them onto a training programme, no later than 7 days after accepting the post Defence Deanery 1. Defence applicants are required to complete the online application form for all specialties 2. Defence applicants must not be transferred to the offers part of the Oriel system, unless they are also applying for a NHS post 3. Interview scores for defence applicants must be provided to the Defence Deanery 5 working days before offers for the specialty are released 4. Offers to Defence Deanery posts must be made by the Defence Deanery and not by the lead recruiter 43 APPENDIX 3 - National Recruiters CORE LEAD RECRUITER CONTACT EMAIL TEL Acute Care Common Stem - Acute Medicine RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Acute Care Common Stem - Anaesthesia HE West Midlands Yvonne Draper yvonne.draper@wm.hee.nhs.uk 0121 695 2499 Acute Care Common Stem – EM Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 London Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 Core Anaesthetics Training HE West Midlands Yvonne Drpaer yvonne.draper@wm.hee.nhs.uk 0121 695 2499 Core Medical Training RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Core Psychiatry Training HE North West Janet Brown janet.brown@nw.hee.nhs.uk 0161 625 7604 Core Surgical Training HE KSS Teddy Abrokwa tabrokwa@kss.hee.nhs.uk 0207 415 3432 Broad Based Training (PILOT) HE North West Janet Brown janet.brown@nw.hee.nhs.uk 0161 625 7604 RUN-THROUGH LEAD RECRUITER CONTACT EMAIL TEL Paediatrics RCPCH Emily Gooday Emily.Gooday@rcpch.ac.uk 0207 0926142 Ophthalmology HE South West Leann King Leann.King@southwest.hee.nhs.uk 01454 252659 Neurosurgery HE Yorkshire Melanie Whittaker Melanie.Whittaker@yh.hee.nhs.uk 0114 2264588 Obstetrics and Gynaecology RCOG Matthew Huggins mhuggins@rcog.org.uk 0207 772 6262 Community Sexual and Reproductive Health HE EOE Helen Mckee h.mckee@nhs.net 01223 743 333 Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Histopathology London Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Diagnostic neuropathology London Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Paediatric and perinatal pathology London Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 44 Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 NES Michele Laverty Michele.Laverty@nes.scot.nhs.uk 0141 223 1554 Medical Virology NES Michele Laverty Michele.Laverty@nes.scot.nhs.uk 0141 223 1554 Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Clinical Radiology London Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 General Practice GP NRO Kelly Chambers kelly.chambers@wm.hee.nhs.uk 0121 695 2262 Public Health Medicine HE East Midlands Marcia Reid marcia.reid@nhs.net 0115 8233379 Cardiothoracic Surgery (Pilot) HE Wessex Anna Parsons Anna.Parsons@wessex.hee.nhs.uk 01962 718448 UNCOUPLED LEAD RECRUITER CONTACT EMAIL TEL Intensive Care Medicine HE West Midlands Thomas Melia Thomas.Melia@wm.hee.nhs.uk 0121 213 1967 Anaesthetics HE West Midlands Yvonne Draper yvonne.draper@wm.hee.nhs.uk 0121 695 2499 Emergency Medicine (ST4) HE Yorkshire Melanie Whittaker Melanie.Whittaker@yh.hee.nhs.uk 0114 2264588 LEAD RECRUITER CONTACT EMAIL TEL Infectious Diseases RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Respiratory Medicine RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Dermatology RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Neurology RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Cardiology RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Rheumatology RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Genito-urinary Medicine RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Geriatric Medicine RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Medical Oncology HE KSS Martyn Clark mclark@kss.hee.nhs.uk 0207 415 3432 Clinical Neurophysiology Renal Medicine HE Yorkshire RCP Barbara Welch barbara.welch@yh.hee.nhs.uk 01482 660718 Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Forensic histopathology London Medical Microbiology 45 Nuclear Medicine London Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Gastroenterology RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Audio vestibular Medicine London Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 Clinical Genetics HE West Midlands Denise Harris denise.harris@wm.hee.nhs.uk 0121 695 2537 Clinical Oncology HE KSS Martyn Clark mclark@kss.hee.nhs.uk 0207 415 3432 Allergy London Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 Acute Internal Medicine RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Haematology RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Immunology RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Rehabilitation Medicine RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Sport and Exercise Medicine HE East Midlands Marcia Reid Marcia.reid@nhs.net 0115 823 3379 Occupational Medicine London Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 Metabolic Medicine HE East Midlands Marcia Reid Marcia.reid@nhs.net 0115 823 3379 Palliative Medicine RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Medical Ophthalmology RCP Stephen Harding Stephen.Harding@rcplondon.ac.uk 0203 075 1329 Paediatric Cardiology HE Wessex Anna Parsons Anna.Parsons@wessex.hee.nhs.uk 01962 718448 LEAD RECRUITER CONTACT EMAIL TEL London Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 020 7 863 1621 Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 020 7863 1655 General Surgery Paediatric Surgery HE Yorkshire Martin Foster Martin.Foster@yh.hee.nhs.uk Otolaryngology HE Yorkshire Ryan McKenzie Ryan.Mckenzie@yh.hee.nhs.uk Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery HE Yorkshire Martin Foster Martin.Foster@yh.hee.nhs.uk 0113 343 1940 46 Urology HE Yorkshire Ryan Mckenzie Ryan.Mckenzie@yh.hee.nhs.uk 0113 343 1940 Plastic Surgery London Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 Cardio-thoracic surgery HE Wessex Anna Parsons Anna.Parsons@wessex.hee.nhs.uk 01962 718 448 Vascular Surgery London Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Stephen Parr stephen.parr@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1655 Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery HE South West Leann King Leann.King@southwest.hee.nhs.uk 01454 252 659 LEAD RECRUITER CONTACT EMAIL TEL Psychiatry of Learning Disability HEE North West Janet Brown janet.brown@nw.hee.nhs.uk 0161 625 7604 General Psychiatry HEE North West Janet Brown janet.brown@nw.hee.nhs.uk 0161 625 7604 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry HEE North West Janet Brown janet.brown@nw.hee.nhs.uk 0161 625 7604 Forensic Psychiatry HEE North West Janet Brown janet.brown@nw.hee.nhs.uk 0161 625 7604 Medical Psychotherapy HEE North West Janet Brown janet.brown@nw.hee.nhs.uk 0161 625 7604 Old Age Psychiatry HEE North West Janet Brown janet.brown@nw.hee.nhs.uk 0161 625 7604 DENTISTRY LEAD RECRUITER CONTACT EMAIL TEL Orthodontics London Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Dental Foundation London Alana Martinez alana.martinez@southlondon.hee.nhs.uk 0207 863 1621 Paediatric Dentistry HE West Midlands Wendy Cole Wendy.Cole@wm.hee.nhs.uk 0121 695 2590 47 APPENDIX 4 – GLOSSARY OF TERMS We have attempted to keep this guide as free from jargon and acronyms as is possible, but in some instances the use of terminology cannot be avoided. HEE Health Education England Deaneries Within the NHS, the UK is divided up into regional areas, which each manage the postgraduate medical training carried out within their borders. To date, these regions have been known as ‘deaneries’. LETBs From April 2013 onwards, in England these regions will no longer be known formally as ‘deaneries’, but Local Education and Training Boards, i.e. ‘LETBs’. The use of ‘LETB’ as a term will only be employed in England; in Scotland and Wales, the term ‘deanery’ will remain in use. Recruiting Organisations This term refers to those bodies coordinating recruitment for a specific specialty. They are also referred to as Lead Recruiters. Interview/assessment centre This refers to the stage of recruitment where an applicant will visit a deanery/UoA to be assessed in person. 'Assessment/selection centre' will usually refer to the actual venue/building in which the interview takes place. Process Alignment Group PAG Recruitment Operational Group ROG Recruitment Sub-Committee RSC Requirements Control Framework RCF 48 Code of Practice CoP Medical and Dental Recruitment and Selection MDRS Disclosure & Barring Service, formerly Criminal Record Bureau DBS Locum Appointment (Training) LAT Locum Appointment (Services) LAS National Training Number NTN Resident Labour Market Test RLMT General Medical Council GMC General Dental Council GDC English Language Testing System IELTS National Recruitment Office NRO British Medical Association BMA 49