HOME WELCOME: Welcome to Complete Pet Investment. We appreciate this opportunity to share with you our love for pets and quest to see growth and change in issues pertaining to pets. At Complete Pet Investment, you are assured of quality education, strategic and dynamic marketing of pets and pets products. We hope that we will be able to solve most of your Pet issues. Once again, welcome and hope you enjoy a ride with us in the “Pet Kingdom”. THANK YOU, THE GOD OF BREAKTHROUGHS. ISAAC DALAS ODURO (MANAGER) ABOUT Our mission Our mission is embedded in our love for Pets and the quest to see growth and change in issues pertaining to Pets. We seek to bring out the total transformation in pet care. Our Vision Seeing a total transformation in Pet culture. Instilling the need and importance for continual health care for pets Establishing strategic ways in marketing and sales of Pets and Pets products Bringing to light the proper way of transporting pets within the country and its importation & exportation. Collaborating with Pet breeders to help in the proper way of registering and appraising a particular breed of Pet.(Example, SABBA for Boerboels) PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ADVERTISING OF PET PRODUCT Complete Pet Investment assist in effective and innovative advertising of pet food and product in Ghana and West Africa. We offer strategic advertising to promote any line of pet product penetrating into the market or falling short of sales. Just get your solution solved by Complete Pet Investment. Our maiden publication which is the PETMAIL news paper (Ghana’s premier pet news paper) also advertises pets on sale, give aways, pet accessories etc. Be the first to publicize your pet and pet products with ease and effectiveness. MARKETING OF PET FOOD AND PRODUCT Complete Pet Investment also promotes premium pet products and services to the consumer. We offer publicity and strategic promotion of pet products to make sure producers and consumers are satisfied. We advise, offer consultancy to make sure your products and services are effectively marketed in Ghana and West Africa. With Complete Pet Investment, your pet food and products will reach thousands of consumers. Do not hesitate to contact us to solve all your pet problems. IMPORTING PET VACCINE AND DRUGS Complete Pet Investment also imports vaccines and drugs for pets. This is one of our primary concerns in order to help in the control and management of diseases in pets. Complete Pet Investment is open to organisations or companies, who would like to advertise, promote or market its drugs and vaccine in Ghana and West Africa. Count on us for effective and dynamic marketing of pet drugs and vaccine. PUBLICATION OF PET JOURNALS Complete Pet Investment publishes journals and assists other Pet stakeholders to come out with educative publications on pets. Our maiden publication is the PETMAIL (Ghana’s premier pet news paper).It educates, advertises and markets pet products and services. ARTICLES TO PETMAIL You can send your letters and feature articles to; petmail@completepetinvestment.com.gh Letters should be straight to the point with name and postal address, and in the case of features they should not exceed 1,000 words. Thank you for your co-operation. NEWS AND EVENTS Complete Pet Investment’s new publication, PETMAIL (Ghana’s Premier Pet newspaper) will hit the market very soon. Watch Out! For Advertisement and Publication contact us: petmail@completepetinvestment.com.gh CONTACT P.O.BOX SR 459, SPINTEX RD, TEMA, GHANA-WEST AFRICA Tel:021-926372 Mob-(233)0277 350 444, 0277 350 555 info@completepetinvestment.com.gh Petmail@completeinvestment.com.gh PETMAIL JUST THE FRONT PAGE OF THE PETMAIL NEWS PAPER, WITH WATCH OUT BENEATH. petmail@completepetinvestment.com.gh TIPS Dog Parasite Control Parasites can affect all animals and should be kept in check. If left unchecked, parasites can cause serious health problems. The following are common parasites you should be aware of. External Parasites Ticks and fleas are the major external parasites, and you can make your pet's life more comfortable by controlling them. Good preventive treatments should be effective against the parasite and be not harmful to you or your puppy. Ask your veterinarian about safe, effective control. Here are a few facts regarding tick and flea control: Flea Medication Prescription medications are now available that can be given to your pets to control fleas. These effective medications are available from your veterinarian. Shampoo Speak to your veterinarian about a good flea shampoo. Flea controlling shampoos will form the first step in combating fleas. The shampoo will control a flea killing chemical and as the fur and skin are cleansed the fleas will be washed away. Powder or Spray When used correctly, these products contain parasite killing chemicals that are deadly to the parasites and safe to your pet. Talk to your veterinarian about how to best use them. Foggers and Bombs Foggers and bombs (no not that kind of bomb) effectively rid indoor areas of crawling insects. Fleas feed on your pet but spend time off of him as well, and that is where these products are effective. Remember to follow the instructions very carefully, to protect all friendly fauna, including you! Ear Mites These tiny parasites live in the ear canals of cats and dogs causing waxy material to be formed. Furious scratching of the ears and shaking of the head often indicate their presence, ask your veterinarian for the appropriate treatment. Ringworm Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin that infects puppies more often than dogs. It is usually spread either by contact with an infected animal or from fungus in the soil. Ringworm normally appears as a scab or irregularly shaped area of skin infection and may include a rapidly enlarging circle of hair loss. Ringworm is easily be transmitted to humans, especially to children, so have your veterinarian check out any areas of hair loss. Intestinal Roundworms, Hookworms and Tapeworms Animals are prone to the re-infestation of intestinal parasites. Puppies can be born with them or receive the larvae in their mother's milk. The parasite's eggs are eliminated by the host dog through the stool. It is important that you have your puppy's stool examined at least every six months, to ensure effective control. Breeding bitches be checked before breeding, as larvae can be passed to unborn puppies. Your vet can check for infestation and suggest an appropriate treatment. Vaginal Hyperplasia Overview Vaginal hyperplasia, also known as vaginal edema, is often confused with vaginal prolapse. Vaginal prolapse is more difficult to treat and ovariohysterectomy (spaying) is usually curative. Vaginal hyperplasia is an exaggerated response by the vaginal tissue to estrogen during certain phases of the estrus (heat) cycle. The vaginal tissue becomes swollen and may protrude through the vulva, or external female genital organ, as a tongue-shaped mass. Vaginal hyperplasia is most common in young intact female dogs and is thought to be caused by estrogen stimulation. There is a genetic predisposition to developing vaginal hyperplasia or vaginal prolapse. The breeds most commonly affected include the Labrador retriever, Chesapeake Bay retriever, boxer, English bulldog, mastiff, Boerboel, German shepherd, St. Bernard, Airedale, springer spaniel, walker hound and Weimaraner. Selective breeding with healthy dogs free of vaginal hyperplasia and prolapse is essential. What to Watch For “A protrusion of a round tissue mass from the vulva “Licking of the vulva area “Painful urination “Failure to allow breeding Diagnosis “Baseline tests, including complete blood count (CBC), biochemical profile, and urinalysis, are usually within normal limits. “Careful inspection and examination of the vulva area generally reveals a fairly classic appearance of overgrown tissue. “A biopsy may be recommended in an old bitch in order to rule out the possibility of cancer. Treatment Management of vaginal hyperplasia can be difficult. If the patient can urinate, treatment is generally not an emergency and outpatient care is recommended. If there is a blockage due to the mass, immediate hospitalization and intervention is necessary. Given enough time, most all cases of vaginal hyperplasia are reversible, as certain periods of the estrus cycle allow for it to resolve. Treatment includes: " Daily cleansing of the affected area with saline washes " Lubrication with appropriate jellies “Preventing trauma " Padding the environment to avoid direct exposure to concrete or abrasive surfaces “Elizabethan collar to eliminate the possibility of excessive licking and chewing “Diapers to minimize exposure of the tissue to the environment and the patient herself “A urinary catheter “Severely affected patients require surgical removal of the hyperplastic tissue, especially in cases of severely damaged or irreparable tissue or urinary blockages. Home Care Follow all instructions given to you by your veterinarian. Continue therapy for the entire recommended time. Keep the environment clean, and do not allow trauma to the area. Once vaginal hyperplasia occurs, there is a 67 percent chance that it will happen again during her next heat cycle.Ovariohysterectomy prevents recurrence and may hasten resolution. Canine Entropion What is entropion? Entropion is an abnormal "in-rolling" of the eyelid. This in-rolling causes the hairs of the eyelid to abrade the surface of the eye. What causes entropion? Entropion is usually due to an inherited faulty eyelid conformation that manifests in young adult dogs. Occasionally, entropion results from an eyelid spasm due to some other painful eye condition. Are certain breeds of dogs prone to entropion? Yes. The Bloodhound, Bulldog, Retrievers, Chow Chow, Rottweiler, and Shar Pei are prone to entropion, although any breed may be affected. How do I recognize that my dog has entropion? Most pet owners notice that the affected eye is partially held shut and has excessive tearing. Both eyes are usually affected simultaneously. Breed related entropion usually affects dogs under 1 year of age. How is entropion diagnosed? A thorough examination of the eye is performed to make certain there are no other painful conditions present that are causing an eyelid spasm. If the eye has no other problem, then a diagnosis of inherited entropion is made. How is entropion treated? Most dogs with entropion require surgical correction. This surgery involves removing a small portion of the skin to tighten the eyelid. Temporary eyelid tacking may be used in very young dogs. Definitive surgical correction is often delayed until the dog has a more mature head conformation at 6 months of age. If uncorrected, subsequent corneal ulceration, pigmentation, and scarring may produce vision loss. Should I show my dog if it has had entropion? No. Kennel Clubs consider entropion surgery a "cosmetic" surgery and prohibits these animals from participating in AKC or KUSA sanctioned shows and events. Should I breed my dog if it has had entropion? If a dog has had entropion due to an eyelid spasm, there is no restriction placed on breeding. The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, in conjunction with the Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF) have made breed-specific breeding recommendations with inherited entropion. Ideally, no dog with inherited entropion should be bred, since this may result in offspring with entropion. Will entropion recur? In most cases, no. Some breeds of dogs such as the Chow Chow and Shar Pei may have severe and complex entropion that requires several corrective surgeries. Boerboel Breed Standards: SABT and BOERBOEL INTERNATIONAL SABT BREED STANDARD (BOERBOEL INTERNATIONAL BREED STANDARD HEREUNDER) Any serious deviations and/or combinations of deviations from the Breed Standard that affect the dog’s health and/or performance negatively are considered unacceptable and can lead to disqualification in the appraisal ring, at the discretion of a senior appraiser. Temperament and character The Boerboel is manageable, reliable, obedient and intelligent with strong protective instincts. The Boerboel is self-confident and fearless. Uncontrollably aggressive and fearful Boerboels are unacceptable. General appearance The Boerboel is a large dog. The Boerboel has prominent and well-developed musculature over the entire body with buoyant movement – an impressive and imposing figure of strength. Males are distinctly masculine, whilst bitches are clearly feminine. * The ideal size of a male dog is 66cm – lower than 60cm is unacceptable. * The ideal height of a bitch is 61cm – lower than 55cm is unacceptable. Important body proportions The Boerboel is a perfectly balanced dog with all body parts being in proportion with one another. The head is large and typically Boerboel. * The head is short, broad, deep, square, is muscular and has well-filled cheeks. The plateau is wide and flat with prominent musculature. The face gradually blends with the scull and may be with or without a black mask. * The stop is visible but not prominent. * The section between the eyes is well filled. * The nose is completely black with large, widely spaced nostrils. * The nasal bone is straight and parallel to the line of the cranial roof. * The nasal bone is deep, broad and tapers slightly towards the front. * The nasal bone is between 8 and 10cm long and is in proportion to the head. * The top lip is loose and fleshy and does not hang past the bottom jaw. * The top lip (under the nose) covers the bottom lip. * The bottom lip is not too loose and fleshy, with no excessive lip. * The jaws are strong, deep and broad and taper slightly towards the front. * The teeth are white, well developed, correctly spaced and complete, with an obvious * An obvious excessive under- or over bite is unacceptable. * The colour of the eyes can be any shade of brown. * The eyes are set on the same horizontal level. * The eyes are widely spaced. * The eyelids are firm and well pigmented and have no structural deviations * The earflaps are medium sized, obviously V-shaped and in proportion to the head. * The earflaps are set quite high and wide. When attentive, the top of the earflaps must form a straight line with the plateau. * The bottom edge of the earflap is in line with the dentition. The neck forms a noticeable muscular arch with a high attachment at the shoulders. * The neck is of average length and in proportion to the rest of the dog. * The neck forms a unit with the head and shoulders. * The neck is strong and muscular with a firm attachment at the head. This attachment gradually broadens towards the shoulders. *The dewlap is loose from under the chin and becomes taut between the forelegs. *Bitches appear more feminine due to supple musculature.The forequarter is strong and muscular. * The shoulders are well attached, with well-defined musculature and correct angulation. * The chest is strong and muscular. * The chest is broad and placed deep between the forelegs. * The upper arms are muscular * The elbows are parallel with the body. * The forelegs are thick, strong, with well-defined musculature and are perfectly vertical as seen from the front and the side. * The front pasterns are short, thick and strong and are in proportion to the length of the forelegs. * The front pasterns are a vertical extension of the forelegs as seen from the front and the side. * The forepaws are large, well padded and ball shaped with strong, curved, black toenails. * The forepaws point straight forward. The center piece * The body of the Boerboel narrows slightly in the loin area. * The topline is straight without deviations. * The back is straight, broad and has prominent back muscles. * The loin is short and strong. * The ribcage is well sprung and well filled behind the shoulder blades. The hindquarter is strong, sturdy and muscular; it is in proportion with the rest of the dog and has the ability to propel movement effectively. * The croup is broad, strong and has well-defined musculature. Seen from the side, it drops slightly. * The tail is set high * It is straight and preferably short (three segments). * Long tails are permissible. * The upper thighs are broad, deep, well shaped and muscular – as seen from the side and from behind. * The secondary thighs are well developed with prominent musculature. * The stifles (knees) are strong and firm with the correct angulation as seen from the side. * The hock joints are strong and firm. * Straight hind legs are unacceptable. * The hind pasterns are relatively short, strong, thick and are parallel with one another as seen from behind. * Seen from the side, the hind pasterns are vertical. * The front of the hind pastern is in line with the back of the haunch. * Dew claws may be removed. * The hind paws are slightly smaller than the forepaws. * They are well padded and well shaped and point straight to the front. * The toenails are strong, curved and black. The skin is thick, loose and well pigmented with moderate wrinkles on the brow when the dog is attentive. The coat is short and sleek with dense hair coverage. The recognized colours are all shades of yellow, brown or brindle. Pigmentation The Boerboel is well pigmented, especially on the lips; palate; the skin and hair around the eyes; foot pads; toenails; the anus and the skin and hair around the genitals. General health The general health of the Boerboel is of a high standard. The reproductive organs are well developed. Male dogs have two well-developed testicles, each in their scrotum. Bitches have at least 8 teats. The vulva is firm. Movement * The movement of the Boerboel is easy, smooth, strong and purposeful with good propulsion by the hindquarters, and parallel movement of the legs. * During movement the straight topline remains fixed. DISQUALIFICATION 1. A dog that is too small (Smaller than the minimum heights stipulated in the Breed Standard). 2. A dog that is too big and out of balance. 3. An overly aggressive dog. 4. A too small and untypical head. 5. A lack of pigmentation. 6. Excessively undershot bite. 7. Excessively overshot bite. 8. Blue eyes. 9. Pricked ears. 10. Any dog clearly showing any physical or behavioral abnormalities.