Guidelines for parents - Admission to nursery school

Children’s Directorate / Cyfarwyddiaeth Plant
Direct line / Deialu uniongyrchol: (01656) 642637
Ask for / Gofynnwch am: Mandy Jones
Our ref / Ein cyf: LSS/RD/MJ
Your ref / Eich cyf:
Date / Dyddiad: January 2015
TO: The parent/carer of children starting at nursery school or nursery
class in September 2015 (and during the 2015-16 academic year)
Dear Parent/Carer
This letter contains important information for parents or carers of children who are eligible to start
nursery school or nursery class for the first time in September 2015 or during the 2015-16 academic
For your information, each child is entitled to receive a free part-time place the term following their third
birthday. This place can be in a LA maintained school or private playgroup/nursery. However, this letter
only relates to admissions to LA maintained schools.
If your child is eligible for such a place an application form must be completed and returned to Support
for Learners & Children, Children’s Directorate, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend CF31 4WB by the
deadline date of Friday 20th March 2015. The form you will need to complete depends on the age of
your child, i.e.
If your child was born between 1st September
2011 and 31st August 2012
If your child was born between 1st September
2012 and 31st March 2013
If your child is already attending a nursery class at a school or is due to attend in April 2015 you
must re-apply for a nursery place for your child in September 2015.
In the event of over-subscription for nursery places, the LA will apply the recognised admission criteria
as set out below:-
Tel/Ffôn: 01656 643643
Fax/Facs: 01656 668126
SMS Messaging/Negeseuon SMS: 07581 157014
Text relay: Put 18001 before any of our phone numbers for the text relay service
Cyfnewid testun: Rhowch 18001 o flaen unrhyw un o’n rhifau ffon ar gyfer y gwasanaeth trosglwyddo testun
Over subscription Criteria:
1. Children who are ‘looked-after’ and previously ‘looked after children.
2. Children who will be three years of age on or before 31st August 2015 and who normally reside
within the community school’s catchment area will be considered first. These children will attain
their 4th birthday during the academic year (Nursery Year Two) and will be eligible for a full-time
nursery place in September 2015.
In the event of a school being over-subscribed from within the catchment area, children will be
admitted in accordance with their chronological date of birth i.e. oldest first.
3. Children recommended for placement for medical, psychological or special educational reasons
(to satisfy the medical criterion parents must provide supporting evidence from a registered
health professional. The evidence must set out why the named school is the most suitable
school and what difficulties would arise if the child had to attend another school).
4. Children who will be three years of age on or before 31st December 2015 and who normally
reside within the community school’s catchment area. These children will be eligible for a parttime place in January 2016 (Nursery Year One).
5. Children who will be three years of age on or before 31St March 2016 and who normally reside
within the community school’s catchment area. These children will be eligible for a part-time
place in April 2016 (Nursery Year One).
6. Children living outside the community school’s catchment area will be considered for any
remaining places in the order of priority set out below:
a) Children with siblings attending the school in the academic year 2015-16. A sibling is
classified as a half or full brother/sister; a step brother / sister, an adopted brother/sister;
or a child living in the same household. When allocating places if the last place is
offered to a multiple birth child (eg a twin or triplet), the LA will also admit the other
b) Chronological date of birth, i.e. the older child would have a higher priority.
c) Proximity to school, as measured by the nearest available safe walking route (from home
to the main school gate). The Council uses the GIS software system to measure all
Parents/carers should note that pupils living outside a school’s local area who are admitted to a nursery
class of an infant or primary school will not have an ‘automatic’ right to continued education at the same
school when moving to a reception class. All parents/carers of children attending a nursery class,
whether residing within the catchment area or outside it, will be required at the appropriate time to
complete an ‘Admission to School’ form indicating their preference for a school.
Parents/carers should be aware that there is no right of appeal in the case of nursery admissions.
To help you to make your choice, please refer to the Authority’s “Starting School” booklet for 2015/16 a
copy of which can be obtained from Mrs. Mandy Jones, Schools Admissions Officer, Support for
Learners & Children, Children’s Directorate, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend CF31 4WB or by
ringing on 01656 642637. A full version of the ‘Starting School’ booklet is also available on the
Bridgend County Borough website:
Yours sincerely
Robin Davies, Group Manager
Business, Strategy and Performance