PCEHR - Assisted Registration Software Tool Training

PCEHR - Assisted Registration Software Tool Training
The Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia (AHCSA) is committed to assisting consumer
registration in the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) System. To facilitate
this registration the Accenture developed PCEHR Assisted Registration Software Tool
(henceforth known as ‘the Tool’) will be utilised by AHCSA.
Assisted Registration Training Details
Employees of the AHCSA are required to complete training before they are authorised to provide
assisted registration. Each AHCSA two hour training course includes the following:
The use of the assisted registration software (including the ART User Guide)
Identification of a consumer and exercising reasonable care in identifying a consumer
How to handle a consumer’s Identity Verification Code (IVC)
AHCSA PCEHR Assisted Registration Software Tool Policy
PCEHR (Assisted Registration) Rules 2012
I, ______________________ (full employee name) confirm that I have completed training to
provide assisted registration for the PCEHR on behalf of the AHCSA. I will adhere to the AHCSA
PCEHR Assisted Registration Software Tool Policy and the PCEHR (Assisted Registration)
Rules 2012.
Employee signature:
Employee HPI-I (if applicable):
User ID (to be used in place of HPI-I):__________________________
Date of birth:
Trainer name:
Trainer signature:
Completion date:
Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Inc.