
Selin M. Bölme
SETA Nene Hatun Cd. No:33
GOP- Cankaya 06700 Ankara/Turkey
Ph.D., Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences,
International Relations
Thesis: The US Military Base Policy and Turkey: A study on
the Incirlik Air Base
M.A., Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, International
Dissertation: Israel Foreign Policy under Netanyahu (19961999)
B.A., Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Political Science &
Public Administration.
2005- 2012
Researcher, SETA Foundation for Political, Economic and
Social Research, Ankara, Turkey.
Assistant Editor, Insight Turkey Journal, Ankara, Turkey
Research Assistant, Hacettepe University, Department of
International Relations, Ankara, Turkey
I. Books and Reports
1. Selin Bölme, İncirlik Üssü: ABD’nin Üs Politikası ve Türkiye [İncirlik Air
Base: The US Military Base Policy and Turkey] (Ankara: İletişim Yayınları,
2. with Ufuk Ulutaş (Ed.), “Filistin’de Siyasi Aktörler ve Partiler” [ Political
Actors and Parties in Palestine] SETA Kim Kimdir, No.4 (Mayıs 2012)
3. with Ufuk Ulutaş (Ed.), “Suriye’de Aktörler: Rejim, Muhalefet, Dini Yapı ve
Medya,” [Actors in Syria: Regime, Opposition, Religious Structure and
Media] SETA Kim Kimdir, No.3 (Şubat 2012)
4. with Müjge Küçükkeleş, Ufuk Ulutaş, Taha Özhan, “Libya’da Dönüşümün
Sancıları,” [Painful Transformation in Libya], SETA Rapor, No.5 (Aralık
5. with Taha Özhan, Hatem Ete (ed.), 2011’de Türkiye, [Turkey in 2011], SETA
Analiz, (Aralık 2011)
6. with Müjge Küçükkeleş, Ufuk Ulutaş, “ Batı ve Kaddafi Makasında
Libya,” [Libya Stuck in Between the West and Qaddafi] SETA Report, No: 3
(May 2011)
7. with Hakan Çopur, Ufuk Ulutaş “Suriye’de Kim Kimdir: Rejim ve Muhalefet,”
[Who is Who in Syria: Regime and Opposition] SETA Who is Who, No. 1
(May 2011)
8. with Müjge Küçükkeleş, Ufuk Ulutaş,“25 Ocak’tan Yeni Anayasa:
Mısır’da Dönüşümün Anatomisi,” [From January 25 to New Constitution: The
Anatomy of Change in Egypt] SETA Report, No: 2 (April 2011)
9. with Taha Özhan, Hatem Ete (ed.), 2010’da Türkiye, [Turkey in 2010], SETA
Analiz, (Ocak 2011)
10. with Bulent Aras, Ertan Aydın, Hatem Ete, Public Perception of the
Kurdish Question in Turkey, (Ankara: SETA Publications, 2009)
11. with Talha Kose, SETA Lebanon Report, (Ankara: SETA Publications,
December 2006)
II. Articles
1. with Ufuk Ulutaş, “Birleşmiş Milletler’de Filistin Oylaması: Devlete Doğru
Mu?,” [Voting on Palestine in UN: Towards a statehood?], SETA Analiz,
No.44 (Eylül 2011).
2. “NATO Zirvesi ve Füze Kalkanı Projesi,” [NATO Summit and the Missile
Shield Project] SETA Analysis, No. 30 (December 2010)
3. with Taha Özhan, Talip Küçükcan, “Constitutional Referendum in Turkey,”
SETA Policy Brief, No. 47 (August 2010)
4. “Charting Turkish Diplomacy in the Gaza Conflict,” Insight Turkey, Vol. 11,
No. 1 (2009) pp. 23-31.
5. “Gazze’de Katliam: Türkiye, Ortadoğu ve Filistin Sorunu,” [Gaza Massacre:
Turkey, Middle East and Palestine Question], SETA Analysis, No.3 (January
6. “İsrail’in Kuzey Irak Politikası ve Türkiye,” [Turkey and the Northern Iraq
Policy of Israel] Eski Yeni Journal, No 9 (Spring 2008), ss.44-49.
7. “From Ankara to Annapolis: Turkey and the Middle East Peace Process”, SETA
Policy Brief, Ankara, No. 5 (December 2007)
8. “The Politics of Incirlik Air Base”, Insight Turkey, Vol.9 , No.3 (2007), p.8291.
9. with Abdulhamit Kırmızı “Kürt Hareketlerinde Dindarlığın Yeni Tezahürleri”
(The New Manifestations of Religiosity within the Kurdish Movements),
Kopru Journal, No.98, (Spring 2007)
III. Book Reviews
1. Kent E. Calder, Embattled Garrisons:Comparative Base Politics and American
Globalism, Insight Turkey, Vol.10 , No.3 (2008), pp.163-166
IV. Conference Reports
1. “Türkiye-Rusya İlişkileri Çalıştayı,” [Turkey-Russia Relations Workshop],
SETA Çalıştay, No 4, (July 2009)
2. “Türkiye-Gürcistan İlişkileri Çalıştayı,” [Turkey-Georgia Relations
Workshop], SETA Çalıştay, No 3, (July 2009)
V. Awards and Grants
1. The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship, Stipend, 2009-2010.
2. The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship, Research Grant,
Washington DC, Summer 2007.
3. Government Scholarship of the State of Israel, Hebrew University, The
Rothberg International School, Jerusalem, Summer 2001.
VI. Conferences Organized
1. Turkey-Russia Relations Workshop, Istanbul,
October 12-14, 2009
2. Turkey-Georgia Relations Workshop, Istanbul,
July 22-24, 2009
3. Turkey-Armenia Relations Workshop, Istanbul, May 26-27, 2009,
4. Russia-Islamic World Strategic Vision Group Meeting, Istanbul, February 1-2,
2007. (
5. Citizenship, Security and Democracy, Istanbul, 1-3 September 2006
6. Muslims of Europe, Istanbul, 1-2 June, 2006. (