Trip Report of ECCD Cross Visit in Indonesia Sikka (23 – 27 August 2013) I. BACKGROUND OF THE VISIT Baucau ECCD project has been running for two years with various activities supported by WVTL and external partners. In order to be effectively implemented, field visit is a compulsory but also capacity building for volunteers and external partners that actively participated in this project such as government and the church. The form of capacity building that is going to be conducted is cross visit to few sites in Indonesia that had been implemented ECCD project that proven succeeded and as a learning process. The aim is that those who will participate in the cross visit may learn to make improvements needed including comprehensive approach to maintain Baucau ECCD project. The cross visit team is going to visit ECCD program facilitated by PLAN Indonesia in Sikka town, Nusa Tenggara Timur. This place attracts attention because since beginning its ECCD project has been tightly controlled by Catholic Church in the village level. The church actively involved in mentoring the caregivers and monitoring the ECCD learning process. Also parents, community leaders and the village level government are supportive proven by few of the ECCD projects supported by PLAN have been acknowledged and legalized by district education department. In terms of project implementation, there are center –based support as well as home-based support by providing parallels classes for parents on parenting therefore they are able to create child friendly environment for children outside the ECCD center. For smoothing the visit of WVTL BAUCAU ECCD to the sites supported by PLAN Indonesia, the WVTL team will be accompanied by an event organizer (EO) in order to achieve expected output. Yayasan AIR will be the EO since it has experience in ECCD program and supposed to coordinate with PLAN Indonesia regarding this visit. For the field visit in Sikka, an event organizer will be hired to make sure everything is ready prior to the arrival of the team. 1 II. ROLES OF EVENT ORGANIZER To establish close communication and coordination with PLAN Indonesia regarding prospective village/sites to be visited including brief profile of the ECCD of each district that will be visited - Ensuring that the visit will be based on the schedule including meeting schedule in the district and village To arrange and organize logistic needs during the visit in Sikka both the meeting in the village and district level III. ACTIVITES REPORT Date Time Activities 8:00 Arrived in Maumere Venue/ Location Result Check in the hotel, arrange the rental car and journal package, confirm the dinner venue and coordinate with PLAN's staff 23-Aug-13 Sylvia Hotel 16:30 18:30 – 20:30 Picked up the WVTL team at the Frans Seda airport Dinner meeting with PLAN Sikka staff The WVTL team arrived at 5:15 pm then heading to hotel Jakarta Restaurant There were 18 people in the entry meeting. The WVTL team from Baucau district are ECCD Specialist (1), Director of education ministry (1), ECCD Coordinator (1), ECCD Facilitator (1), Head of Village (1), Chatolic church leader (2), ECCD volunteer(1). There were 9 people of PLAN Sikka staff included ECCD Senior Officer (4), Project Coordinator (1), WASHs coordinator (1), ECCD M & E Specialist (1), ECCD Specialist (1) and Manager (1). General Observation The Sylvia hotel is quite far from the dining place so need to rent car full day so that can drive the team for dinner Some of the PLAN Internationah staff attended the entry meeting didn't worked directly for ECCD project 2 The meeting started with introduction (EO), security briefing (project coordinator), and PLAN ECCD project scheme (ECCD Specialist). Then continued with discussion where WVTL team posted questions to be responded by the PLAN staff. Points of discussion covered child safeguarding policy that should be signed by the visitors prior to the field visit. The ECCD centers that initiated by the community as the result of 10 sessions of parenting class for parents and various support from the 'paroki' in the village level. 24-Aug-13 09:45 – 10:15 10:15 – 13:30 The meeting took almost 2 hours. WVTL team got preliminary information on the ECCD project and encouraged to visit the ECCD centres as being scheduled so EO emphasize on being punctual on the first day of site visit at the end of meeting. There were 3 cars convoy to Watutena sub-village. The team leave Maumere on 7.15 am and arrived in the sub-village on 9.45 am. The ECCD activity held in the small building of 1 storage room and 1 open terrace. There were 8 children out of 18 enrolled children. Who were playing freely in 2 corners prepared by ECCD tutor. This is the last activity of daily schedule prior to send children home. Class observation of Watutena ECCD center managed by community Discussion with ECCD committee, caregivers, community and parenting club members who running the ECCD program Watutena ECCD center It was scheduled earlier to have a separate meeting with the parenting club in the afternoon however since the males (fathers) are having 'pati ea' ceremonial on harvesting in the afternoon so the dicussion with big audience held before lunch. There were 26 people registered in the attendance list (6 PLAN staff, 9 WVTL team, 11 community member) and 5 females cook. The WVTL team learned many information including process taken prior to the ECCD establishment. Actually the ECCD project socialization and its activities was continously done within community level either home visit or spreading invitation through weekly church gathering or collaborate with POSYANDU activity. The impact of parenting activity was household leaders realized the importance of ECCD project and initiate meeting among church, sub-village leaders, parents and PLAN staff to run ECCD centres. All WVTL team involved in the discussion except church representatives that attentively listened and observed where as the ECCD voluntary kept silent Too many visitors for observing small group of children especially when the activity held in the open area Almost all the parenting members joined the meeting but due to some parents could not express their thoughts freely in Bahasa Indonesia then the questions tend to be responded by the coordinator of the ECCD project. However in general, the discussion became a source of learning for the WVTL team on the process of setting of ECCD project within the community level. 3 Parents contribute to pay incentive for ECCD facilitator as well as sending children to the centre, PLAN international supported indoors and outdoors playing equipments and regular support with the availability of ECCD Senior Officer who stay in the village, PNPM Mandiri support the building, village level made a policy so that all young children should attend pre sechool and the church involved in encouraging parents to attend the parenting class. So far there have been 2 groups of parenting class established in Watutena sub-village. Watutena sub-village is part of Hikong village. The ECCD project in village level is well supported by paroki whose leader is Germanish. There are around 5 ECCD centres including kindergarden that established in this village that supported by the paroki. Even the 'German Romo' himself paif off school fee of few youth that willing to study in the university with a written agreement that they will completed the study and comeback to Hikong for develop the village. This type of strong leadership within the Chatolic Church that support early education become an advantage in promoting ECCD concepts. Brief non formal discussion with the 'pastor pembantu' 13:45 14:00 25-Aug-13 Sunday service and city sight seeing Hikong Paroki The church provide the ECCD centres and facilities but few of the centres are empty since parents rarely send their children to the centres. The leader of the paroki is very attentive in supporting the education but parents and community that can guarantee the sustainability of the ECCD project. The WVTL team attended morning church from 8 to 10.30 am. Then visited the "Kristus Raja" statue in the city then headed to sea world beach for lunch by the beach till 2 pm. Although the short conversation only heard by the WVTL church representatives, it was enlightening that parents' awareness raising is the key success of ECCD projects therefore parenting session is very crucial It was planned to visit a statue that around 30 minutes drive away climbing a hill called 'patung Bunda Maria in Nilo' however some team members wanted to take a long rest on Sunday so ended up having lunch by the sea and went back to hotel at 2 pm. 4 There were 3 cars convoy to Watutena sub-village. The team leave Maumere on 7.45 am and arrived in the sub-village on 9.30 am. The ECCD activity held in the permanent building with 2 rooms. There were 6 children age 3-4 and around 15 children age 5-6 with 2 teachers and 1 principal managing the daily activities. 09.30 11.00 Class observation of Wolofeo ECCD centre 26-Aug-13 Wolofeo Kindergarden 11.00 13.00 Discuss with ECCD committee, caregivers, church leader, parents, village leader and primary school principal 1st grade classroom The classroom were setting based on the BCCT approach (Beyond Centres and Circles Time) with various corners/areas that suit children's development. Children were playing freely as we arrived, then they were playing the outdoors playing equipment, then finally the upper age children had math activities where as the lower age children had fine motor skill activity prior to send children home. There are good habit created among the playing and learning activity which is having star of the class of the day and tidy up the indoor playing equipment together with the teacher and classmates. Today's visit should be a good example for ECCD volunteer as well as other stakeholder to observed how children were active playing and learning, the learning and playing equipment multiply to suit children's number and the calssroom setting that enable children to explore many things on their own where as teachers role as facilitators in helping children learn while playing The center had been established prior to PLAN International intervention. However, it was stagnant with no children attended the centre because no tutor wanted to teach voluntarily. So PLAN International arrived and made an agreement that it will provide the building and the facilities if there is ECCD activities. This agreement encouraged the principal, community leaders, church leaders and parents to gather and find solutions to activate the ECCD activities. The budget supposed to be snack only but the community prepared lunch on their own budget. So there was agreement in the village level in terms of dividing roles of each stakeholder. Parents contribute to pay incentive for ECCD facilitator as well as sending children to the centre, PLAN international provide building and both indoors and outdoors playing equipments and regular support with the availability of ECCD Senior Officer who stay in the village, village level and school principal made a policy so that all young children should attend pre sechool and the church (Paroki through its foundation) involved in providing salary for the kindergarten principal, and the village leader provide incentives for the tutor as well from village budget. The school principal and the kindergarten principal having a strong collaboration that contribute to the success of the ECCD project implementation 5 There were 5 people attended the meeting included Head of GOPTKI, representative from PKK and Biro Pemberdayaan Perempuan and Keluarga Berencana, Camat of Kengai and a representative of Flores 'budayawan'. 15:00 – 17:15 Meeting with stakeholders Jakarta Restaurant The discussion focussing on how different sector working on ECCD project. The activity that led by PKK and GOPTKI is conducted through POSYANDU which is an institution in the village level that initiated and maintained by the community with the head of village is the leader. There is best practice in the Kengai sub district which is planned to be a child friendly sub district. PLAN had initiated 3 ECCD project in 3 villages out of 9 villages of Kengai sub district so that 'camat' would plan to replicate the project to the rest of the villages in order to fulfill the child friendly sub district mission. The stakeholder that didn't come was representative of Education department (2 person) and HIMPAUDI Maumere (1 person) Although a bit dissapointing because the representative from Education Department didn't join the meeting, the WVTL team heard quite lots of information on how the local culture reinforce the importance of child rights and their education and village level commitment in maintaining the ECCD project by establishing collaboration with the local village government and INGOs. Those information could be adjusted in Baucau whenever possible. It was planned earlier that the exit meeting with PLAN International held seperately in PLAN's office however, since most of the PLAN's manager and staff who attended entry meeting joined the stakeholder meeting so the meeting closure was considered as the exit meeting. 17:1517:30 19:00 20:15 Exit meeting Team evaluation Jakarta Restaurant Sylvia Hotel 3 people (representative of Maumere government, representative of WVTL team and representative of PLAN International) in turn declared briefly their experiences and impressions during or around the cross visit with optimism that each party both Timor Leste and Indonesia would maintaining the relationship and each sector will work hard to make improvement for better future of coming generations. The evaluation meeting looked at 3 points included the positive impression/comments/lessons learned of each visit, things to be improved and the follow up actions as the results of the discussion attached in sheet 2 of this file. PLAN International in Maumere as well as the VWI in Maumere was quite busy so the intention of visiting these offices at the end of the cross visit didn't exercised. The EO tried to lead the discussion to reach consensus on time frame of the action points but it was too late for dinner time and the team was too tired 6 to think. 27-Aug 6:45 Checked out and heading to airport Frans Seda airport Accompanied WVTL team to the airport in the morning and took another flight back home in the afternoon Mission completed IV. LESSONS LEARNED The WVTL team had consisted of complete parties including representatives from government, church, INGO and community members. This complete team should be able to make an impact in the field if there is a follow up action to be monitored continuously. Since usually the enthusiasm while observing will fade away as the team gone back home and facing difficulties and resistance in the field. The absence of Education department of Maumere quite a disappointment however by observing the activity in the field enable the team to look at the grass root level process of establishing ECCD project which is usually reinforcing administratively by Education Department later on as the ECCD activities gradually developed. There was flaw in coordination level between the EO (Karla) and Plan International staff (Hesty) regarding face to face discussion prior to WVTL team arrival to do a final check list of the visit activities that resulted on changing on agenda, missing stakeholder, uncertainty of remarkable places for sightseeing on Sunday, 25th August 2013 and alternative choices of meeting venue and meals. The key factors of ECCD project is not only on community and government ownership but also the willingness of caregivers/voluntary/tutor to exercise and being open minded to any changes happen on the parenting and education field so that attract children to stay longer in the class or missed the class while on holiday. Therefore improving their capacity regularly is crucial. 7