CURRICULUM MAP Unit 1: Integers, fractions and decimals, and comparing and ordering numbers (11 Total Days) Topic: Intro To Algebra Key Learning(s): Unit Essential Question(s): Optional Instructional Tools: Use the rules of integers to solve problems involving rational numbers. Students will use what they know about rational numbers to compare and order numbers. How do you add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers? How do you compare and order numbers from least to greatest or greatest to least? NO CALCULATOR IN THIS UNIT PRE-ALGEBRA TEXTBOOK Concept: Lesson 2-2 Concept: Lesson 2-3 Concept: Lesson 2-4 Concept: Lesson 2-5 Add two or more integers (1 day) Subtract integers and evaluate expressions containing variables. (2 days) Lesson Essential Questions: How do you subtract integers and evaluate algebraic expressions? Multiply integers and simplify algebraic expressions. (1 day) Lesson Essential Questions: How do you multiply integers and simplify algebraic expressions? Divide integers and find the average. (1 day) How do you add integers with opposite signs? How do you rewrite a subtraction problem using the additive inverse? How do you know if a product is positive or negative? How do you find the average of a set of data? Vocabulary: Opposite, additive inverse, sum Vocabulary: Variable, algebraic expression, difference Vocabulary: Product Vocabulary: Quotient, mean Standard: CC.2.1.HS.F.2 Standard: CC.2.1.HS.F.2 Standard: CC.2.1.HS.F.2 Standard: CC.2.1.HS.F.2 Apply properties of rational and irrational numbers to solve real world or mathematical problems. Apply properties of rational and irrational numbers to solve real world or mathematical problems. Apply properties of rational and irrational numbers to solve real world or mathematical problems. Apply properties of rational and irrational numbers to solve real world or mathematical problems. Lesson Essential Questions: How do you add two or more integers? Grade: 8 Lesson Essential Questions: How do you divide integers? How do you know if a quotient is positive or negative? Concept: Lesson 5-1 Concept: Lesson 5-2 Write fractions as decimals (2 day) Lesson Essential Questions: Rational numbers (2 days) Lesson Essential Questions: How do you write fractions as decimals? How do you compare and order rational numbers? Vocabulary: Terminating decimal, repeating decimal, bar notation Vocabulary: Rational number Standard: CC.2.1.8.E.1 Standard: CC.2.1.8.E.4 Distinguish between rational and irrational numbers using their properties. Estimate irrational numbers by comparing them to rational numbers.