UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación SYLLABUS: PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY 1. General information SCHOOL: School of education LEVEL: ABBREVIATION: ECEDU Professional EDUCATIONAL FIELD: Specific professional training COURSE: Advanced English I COURSE TYPE: CODE: 551017 Theoretical NUMBER OF CREDITS: 2 PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: COURSE DIRECTOR: Level B1 from CEFR DATE: November 5th, 2014 COURSE DESCRIPTION: The first unit, Phonetics, pretends to help students understand the processes physiologically involved in sound production, how the sounds are produced and perceived and what acoustic properties they have. Claudia Yuliana Ramírez The second unit, Phonology, intends to explain students how the elements of this abstract system behave in actual speech, the functioning of sounds in particular contexts. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación 2. LEARNING GOALS PURPOSE: Students will be able to understand and recognize the physiological processes involved in the production of sounds and will be able to understand the way the elements of this abstract system work and function in particular contexts. COURSE GENERAL COMPETENCES: GENERAL COMPETENCES: To Recognize and describe the specific linguistic terms found in phonetics and phonology To identify the parts of the vocal tract and their roles in speech production To transcribe English and non-English speech using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). To identify the distinctive features of the speech sounds To describe the role of phonology in language learning To describe basic phonological rules in English in their context COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE COMPETENCES: Linguistic competence: To be able to handle the lexical, phonological and syntactical knowledge and skills of the language system according to the B2 level. Sociolinguistic competences: To have the ability to manage the sociocultural conditions of language use (rules of politeness, norms governing relations between generations, sexes, classes and social groups, etc). Pragmatic competence: To be able to use functionally the linguistic resources for the production of speech acts, written production, cohesion and coherence. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación 3. COURSE CONTENTS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación UNIT UNIT 1 PHONETICS LEARNING CONTENT Definition of phonetics and phonology, physiological processes involved in the production of sounds and phonetic symbols and transcriptions. REQUIRED REFERENCES Kirchner, R. (n.d). Chapter 1 – Phonetics and phonology: understanding the sounds of speech. University of Alberta pages 1 – 10. English club (n.d). Phonemic chart. Retrieved on December 3 rd, 2014 from https://www.englishclub.com/images/pronunciation/Phonemic-Chart.jpg BBC learning (n.d). The sounds of English. Retrieved on November 6th, 2014 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/sounds/inde x.shtml Reithaug, D. (2002). Orchestrating Success in Reading. Retrieved on November 6th, 2014 from http://www.boardman.k12.oh.us/bdms/phonological/44Phonemes.pdf UNIT 2 PHONOLOGY The way the elements of this abstract system work and function in particular contexts. Forel, C. & Puskás, G. (2005). Phonetics and Phonology. Geneva: University of Oldenburg. Pages 3 – 19. Coxhead, P. (2002). Natural Language Processing & Applications Phones and Phonemes. Retrieved on November 6th, 2014 from https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~pxc/nlp/NLPA-Phon1.pdf Forel, C. & Puskás, G. (2005). Phonetics and Phonology. Geneva: University of Oldenburg. Pages 30 – 53. Skandera, P. & Burleigh, P. (2005). A manual of English phonetics and phonology. Gunter Narr Verlag Tübingen. Pages 119 – 123. Supplementary references The sounds of English: A basic course. Retrieved on November 5th, 2014 http://home.hib.no/al/engelsk/seksjon/SOFF-MASTER/Menu.htm UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación Vocal-tract anatomy diagram, from the Phonetics Flash Animation Project, University of Iowa. Retrieved on November 5th, 2014 http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/anatomy.htm Rubba, J. (2013). Learning phonetic alphabets for English. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California. Retrieved on November 6th, 2014 from http://cla.calpoly.edu/~jrubba/phon/phonsym.pdf Anonymous (n.d). Chapter 7 English phonetics. Retrieved on November 6th, 2014 from http://datateca.unad.edu.co/contenidos/551017/Act_4_Ev_lesson_U1_Chapter7_English_phonetics.pdf Oxford University Press (n.d). Stress. Retrieved on November 6th, 2014 from https://elt.oup.com/elt/students/olg/pdf/olg_stress.pdf?cc=us&selLanguage=en AMEP Research Centre (2002). Fact sheet – What is pronunciation? Retrieved on November 6 th, 2014 from http://www.ameprc.mq.edu.au/docs/fact_sheets/01Pronunciation.pdf 4. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Unit UNIT 1 PHONETIC S Learning content -Linguistic terms of phonetics and phonology. -Speech organs and their functions. Competence To Recognize and describe the specific linguistic Performance indicator Learning strategy Task-based learning strategy that promotes learning through practical activities. Week s Assessment Purpose Evaluation criteria Weig hting UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación -International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) (consonants and vowels) terms found in phonetics and phonology The tasks are organized in learning stages, these stages. Students develop the course competences through tasks and practical activities. The tasks should be uploaded on the Evaluation and assessment environment. To identify the parts of the vocal tract and their roles in speech production To recognize the Internation al Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). To be able to recognize and describe the specific linguistic terms found in phonetics and phonology To be able to identify the parts of the vocal tract - PRE-TASK: Students will develop a written task with a reflection about their current knowledge of phonetics and phonology. Students will make a concept map about the course contents and will compare what phonetics and phonology are. Also, they will do some exercises related to the IPA. Finally, they will reflect upon what they used to know and what they learned after the task. 2 -To contextualize students in the course and the course contents. -To help students recognize the speech organs, their functions and the IPA. Written activity developed on the forum and final product uploaded on the evaluative environment with the tasks requested- 5% UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación and their roles in speech production To be able to recognize and use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). To be able to recognize and describe the specific linguistic terms found in phonetics and phonology To be able to identify the parts of the vocal tract and their roles in speech production To be able to recognize and - Practical activity 1: Students will develop an interactive practical activity about the meaning of phonetics and phonology, the course contents and IPA. -To put into practice the concepts of phonetics and IPA. 1 To practice the concepts of phonetics and IPA before presenting a quiz. An interactive practical activity ----- UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). To be able to recognize and describe the specific linguistic terms found in phonetics and phonology To be able to identify the parts of the vocal tract and their roles in speech production To be able to recognize and use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). -Quiz 1: Students will develop an interactive quiz about the meaning of phonetics and phonology, the course contents and IPA. -To put into practice and check understanding of the concepts of phonetics and IPA. 2 Interactive quiz 12% UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación UNIT 2 PHONOLO GY To identify the distinctive features of the speech sounds To be able to identify the distinctive features of the speech sounds. To describe the role of phonology in language learning. To be able to describe the role of phonology in language learning. To describe basic phonologic al rules in English in their context To be able to describe basic phonological rules in English in their context. To be able to identify the distinctive features of the speech sounds. To be able to describe the role of phonology in PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 2: Students will develop an interactive practical activity about the elements of this abstract system and how they work and function in particular contexts. -To put into practice the functions of the elements of phonology in particular contexts. An interactive practical activity ----- 1 QUIZ 2: Students will develop an interactive quiz about the functions of the elements of phonology in particular contexts. 2 -To put into practice and check understanding of the functions of the elements of phonology in particular contexts. An interactive quiz 12% UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación language learning. To be able to describe basic phonological rules in English in their context. To be able to identify the distinctive features of the speech sounds. To be able to describe the role of phonology in language learning. To be able to describe basic phonological rules in English in their context. To be able to recognize and -TASK CYCLE : Students will develop a series of written exercises about IPA (consonants and vowels), phonemes, syllable, word stress, intonation, connected speech. 3 FINAL TASK (practice): Students will develop a 3 -To put into practice the IPA (consonants and vowels), phonemes, syllable, word stress, intonation, connected speech in a series of exercises. -To put practice into the A series of exercises about IPA (consonants and vowels), phonemes, syllable, word stress, intonation, connected speech. 36% 25% UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación describe the specific linguistic terms found in phonetics and phonology To be able to identify the parts of the vocal tract and their roles in speech production To be able to recognize and use the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). To be able to identify the distinctive features of the speech sounds. To be able to describe the role of series of more advanced oral and written exercises about IPA (consonants and vowels), phonemes, syllable, word stress, intonation, connected speech. IPA (consonants and vowels), phonemes, syllable, word stress, intonation, connected speech in context. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación phonology in language learning. To be able to describe basic phonological rules in English in their context. To be able to reflect on his/her own learning process and interact in synchronous encounters with the tutor and peers about the topics of the course. 5. COURSE EVALUATION TYPE Type of evaluation Self-assessment Coevaluation Heteroevaluation Total E-PORTFOLIO Students will reflect on the practical tasks 1and 2, and will upload the screen shots of their attendance to web conferences. Weighting Formative Formative 6. SISTEMA DE INTERACTIVIDADES DEL CURSO 1 To check students’ process and understanding during the course. Highest score 500 500 E-portfolio with practical activities 1 and 2 reflections and Web conferences attendance 10% UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNAD Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación Type interactivity Asynchronous Synchronous of Means Term Number course of interactions Forum According to agenda 3 Web conference 2 hours 4 Total 7 at the