Staff (and visitors) H&S induction checklist

Department of Biology
After completion and sign-off, this checklist must be sent to the Biology
Personnel Office, Area 6 where it will be retained as a record that you have
received health & safety induction training. The training checklist should be
retained for your own use.
Version: September 2015
It is important that you receive appropriate health and safety induction before starting work in the
department. This should cover both general health & safety issues in addition to specific issues related to
your own work activities. Your line manager / supervisor is responsible for ensuring you receive this
induction, as well as identifying any specific health & safety training / occupational health requirements.
On completion of this induction you should have an understanding of all items listed. Indicate each by a
tick (√) if satisfactorily covered, or NA (not applicable).
1. University & Departmental Health and Safety Information
The main sources of university and departmental health & safety information are
located on the web at the following addresses:
 Departmental Health & Safety Web Site
University Health & Safety Web Site
(It is recommended that these sites are book marked for future reference)
There is also a departmental Health & Safety Notice Board is on the main corridor near the
A Block Teaching Laboratories.
2. Health & Safety Contacts
Departmental Health & Safety Advisor (Dr David Nelson)
University Health, Safety & Security Department (Ext. 2020)
University Occupational Health (Ext. 4608)
Emergency / Security Services (Ext. 3333)
‘Safety Monitor’ (individuals assigned to each floor / corridor who check that safety
standards are being maintained in their designated areas)
3. Health & Safety Responsibilities
Employee: not to put themselves or others at risk, co-operate with the University
on health & safety matters and never misuse anything provided for health & safety
Employer: to look after health & safety of employees and anyone else who may be
affected by work activities
Line Manager / Group Leader: has direct responsibility for the health and safety of
their workers; responsible for providing or organising appropriate supervision and
training, and ensuring that work activities are properly assessed and conducted in a
safe manner
Safety Advisor: departmental safety policy and procedures and providing practical
help and advice to workers
Version: September 2015
4. Specific Work Related Safety Information
Hazards: An understanding of the significant hazards associated with your work
activities and the measures in place to reduce associated risks to an acceptable level
(i.e. the key findings from work activity risk assessments)
Safety Procedures: issued with relevant safety procedures / protocols / safe working
practices related to all your work activities
Work equipment: Appropriate training (includes provision of instruction, information) is
required for the safe use of equipment that you will use as part of your work activities.
A list of some typical laboratory equipment requiring training is listed below. Tick all
that apply to your work activities to indicate that appropriate training has been
Microbial Safety
Lab. Microwave
Other Equipment Requiring Training? Please specify:
Fume cupboard
bench ‘snorkel’
Safe Use of
Gas Cylinders
Personal Protective Equipment:
a) issued with appropriate protective clothing and / or equipment for your work
activities e.g. laboratory coat, safety glasses / face shield, gloves?
b) instructed how to use protective equipment, e.g. face mask, and how it should be
stored and maintained
c) laboratory coats must be worn in all laboratories handling microorganisms and
when handling liquid chemicals
d) latex glove use: if relevant, workers given information on the health problems
associated with latex glove use; symptoms of latex irritation/allergy, how to report
Tick all that apply
Please note that some activities e.g. use of gas cylinders / centrifuges / autoclaves
and dispensing liquid nitrogen from pressure vessels need formal sign-off of training
before use (see attached training checklist for further information)
5. Hazardous Substances & Waste Disposal
Aware of the risk assessment procedures for hazardous substances (e.g. chemicals and
biological materials)
Understanding of the departmental chemical ‘hazard categories’ (1-3) for ordering
Waste disposal practices for different hazardous materials (including the importance of
disposing sharps (e.g. needles / blades / cocktail sticks) in ‘sharps bins’ only)
Arrangements for safe storage and transport of hazardous materials
6. Emergencies and Fire Arrangements
Fire Marshal for your area
Nearest fire exit routes / alarm call points / fighting equipment
Action to take on hearing alarms:
Continuous Alarm: immediately leave the building via the nearest & safest exit and go to the
assembly point designated for your area; do not use lifts and only re-enter building when
instructed. You must not go from an area that is either not in alarm or in intermittent alarm to an
area that is in continuous alarm.
Version: September 2015
Intermittent Alarm: indicates a continuous alarm in another neighbouring part of the building;
be prepared to leave the building if alarm changes to the continuous alarm.
Action to take on discovering a fire:
Raise the alarm by striking the nearest red break-glass alarm point and call the University’s
Emergency number (3333) to summon the fire service. DO NOT TAKE ANY PERSONAL
RISKS. Use an appropriate fire extinguisher or fire blanket to control the fire ONLY if the fire
is small and looks to be containable, and you have received appropriate training and feel
confident to use one.
All workers must complete the on-line ‘Introduction to Fire Safety’, accessed via the
University ‘Learning Management System’ & the Health & Safety link.
If you have any specific emergency evacuation needs, related, for example, to sight, hearing
or mobility access, has this been discussed with your line manager and have appropriate
arrangements been made?
7. First Aid Arrangements
Local first aid personnel (details posted in each area); first aid assistance also available
from Security Centre (3333)
departmental first aid room (near Biology Reception)
location of nearest first aid box / eye wash station / emergency shower
8. Reporting Accidents / Incidents and hazards
on-line procedure for reporting accidents / incidents and hazards
9. Computer Use (Display Screen Equipment)
The workstation of all computer users needs to be set up appropriately to minimise the
chances of any health problems arising. This is particularly important for frequent ‘users’ of
computers who use a computer for a significant period of time during a typical working day
as part of their routine work activities.
Users must complete the on-line computer safety awareness training and work station
self-assessment, both available via the on-line section of the University’s H&S Training website.
If issues / concerns are raised during the self-assessment, the University Occupational
Health Advisor (4608) should be contacted for a specific assessment.
10. Work Outside ‘Normal’ Hours
The Department restricts the types of work that can be conducted outside normal working
hours (18.00 – 08.00) to those activities presenting a low inherent risk. Your line manager /
supervisor must make you aware of any lone working restrictions that apply to your area.
11. Children in the Department
Children (the Department defines this as anyone under the age of 12) are normally
prohibited from entering laboratory areas and therefore, restricted to certain areas of the
Department, including the main ‘Atrium’ and ‘Biology Concourse’ areas. Further details online.
Version: September 2015
In addition to the basic health & safety induction that all workers must receive on starting work in the
Department, further health & safety related training might also be required. A range of general & specific
courses are organised for workers. Many of these are organised by the University’s H&S Training Office;
full details can be seen on the University’s H&S Training Web Site
The following aims to help you identify some of the key H&S and related training courses appropriate for
your current work activities.
Note: It is the responsibility of you or your supervisor / line manager to identify appropriate training and
ensure this training is received.
// NA
Does Your Work Involve:
The management of other staff?
Managers should complete the on-line ‘H&S for Managers & Employees’ training session
(available via the on-line section of the University’s H&S Training web-site at:, and / or register for the
‘Manager’s Guide to H&S’ via the University ‘Learning Management System’ & the Health &
Safety link
Computer ‘Users’: Frequent ‘users’ of computers (those who use a computer for a
significant period of time during a typical working day as part of their routine work activities)
must complete the on-line computer safety awareness training and work station selfassessment, both available via the on-line section of the University’s H&S Training web-site
Routine manual handling tasks?
Workers should complete the on-line ‘Manual Handling’ training course (available via the online section of the University’s H&S Training web-site at:, and / or register for the
‘Manual Handling: Practical Techniques’ the University ‘Learning Management System’ &
the Health & Safety link
Work at height (Step Ladders / Ladders)
Register for the ‘’Safe Use of Step Ladder / Ladder’ training via the University ‘Learning
Management System’ & the Health & Safety link
Departmental high-speed / ultra-centrifuges?
All users of departmental high-speed &/or ultra-centrifuge users MUST receive formal
training and be signed-off as an authorised user.
Register for training by contacting
Departmental pressure vessel liquid nitrogen storage facilities?
Register for training by contacting
Autoclaves in the central autoclave suite?
See the information on the web page:
& contact
Version: September 2015
Glasshouse facilities? Users must attend an induction session before using these
facilities (Contact Colin Abbott (e: / Ext. 8568)
Ionising Radiation? Formal on-line training & local induction training
a) Formal Training: register for the General Awareness & Specialist on-line training
modules (Open Source or Closed Source or X-rays) by contacting the University’s
Radiation Protection Officer (Martyn Godwin (
b) Local Training: arrange local training with your line manager / supervisor.
Hazardous Biological Agents (including GMOs)?
a) Workers & Supervisors using Biological Agents and/or GMOs: register for training via the
University ‘Learning Management System’ and the Health & Safety link.
b) Local Training: workers handling dangerous pathogens (ACDP Hazard level ≥2 ) MUST
also arrange ‘local training’ for their specific work activities
Handling human material? Hepatitis B vaccination recommended
Contact Occupational Health Adviser (e: / ext. 4608) to arrange
Handling chemicals or other substances hazardous to health?
Register for the ‘Chemical Safety Awareness Training for Biology Lab. Workers’ via the
University ‘Learning Management System’ and the Health & Safety link.
Gas Cylinders? Users of gas cylinders must either:
a) Register for formal training (short theory session followed by a practical hands-on
session on safe handling of cylinders / use of regulators) by contacting Jenny Purcell
( & / or
b) Receive local training on safe use of gas cylinders by a trained, competent person from
the lab group
Animals? Health surveillance and local induction training required
Contact Occupational Health Adviser (e: / ext. 4608) to arrange
health surveillance. Contact the Biological Services Facility (ext. 8605) to arrange local
Other work activities requiring specific health & safety training?
If yes, please contact your line manager or Dept. H&S Advisor (David Nelson)
Retain this section of the form for your own use
Your training needs should be reviewed on a regular basis and also discussed with
your line manager / supervisor as part of the ‘Performance Review’ Process
Version: September 2015