DESIGN PROJECT #1 Cardboard Furniture Design Introduction to Engineering Design EDGSN 100 Section 003 Team No Show Team 6 Taylor Hoover,, Jordan Barner,, Dong-ho Kim,, Sean Herrmann,, Submitted to: Prof. Berezniak Date: 2/23/10 1 Spring 2011 PROJECT TITLE Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 4 Mission Statement…………………………………………………………………………….. Page 4 Customer Needs Analysis……………………………………….…………………………..Page 4 External Research………………………………………….…………………………………… Page 5 4.1 Library/online………………………………………….…………………….……….. Page 5 4.2 Patent research………………………………………………………………………. Page 6 4.2 Benchmarking…………………………………….…………………………………… Page 6 5.0 Target Specification……………….……………….……….………………………………… Page 7 6.0 Concept Generation………………………..…………….……………………………………Page 8 6.1 Structural Integrity…………………………………………………………………. Page 10 7.0 Concept Selection……………………………………………………………………………… Page 11 8.0 Final Specification……………………………………………………………………….…….. Page 13 8.1 Cost Analysis………………………………………………………………………….. Page 14 9.0 Final Design……………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 15 9.1 The Model……………………………………………………………………………… Page 17 10.0 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………………… Page 18 11.0 References………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 19 List of Tables Table #1 Table #2 Table #3 Table #4 Table # 5 Table # 6 Table # 7 Table # 8 Customer Importance Table …………………………….……..…..…… Page 5 Competitive Products………………………………………………………… Page 6 Benchmarking of Four Products……………………………………..…. Page 7 Target Specifications……………………………………………….……..…. Page 8 Concept Screening Matrix…………………………………………………. Page 11 Concept Selection Matrix………………………………………………….. Page 12 Final Specifications……………………………………………………………. Page 13 Cost Analysis of Cardboard Chair………………………………………. Page 14 List of Figures Figure #1 Figure #2 Figure #3 Figure #4 Figure #5 Figure #6 Figure #7 Figure #8 Figure #9 Figure #10 IKEA Chair SKRUVSTA…………………………………………….………..… Page 8 Concept 1….………………………………………………………….………..… Page 9 Concept 2….………………………………………………………….………..… Page 9 Concept 3…………………………………………………………………………. Page 9 Structural Integrity……………………………………………………………. Page 10 Selected Concept………………………………………………………………. Page 12 Cost Analysis of Cardboard Chair………………………………………..Page 14 The Seat Base is Now Square in Nature…………………………….. Page 15 Concept Stands Taller……………………………………………………….. Page 15 Circular Columns…………………………………………………….…………. Page 15 2 Spring 2011 Figure #11 Figure #12 Figure #13 Figure #14 Figure #15 Figure #16 Figure #17 Right, Top, and Front Views of the Seat Portion………………… Page 16 Front and Top Views of the Support Column………….…………. Page 16 Top and Front Views of the Chair Base……………………………… Page 16 Final Concept………………………………………………………….…………. Page 17 Prototype………………………………………………………………………….. Page 17 Prototype Follows Model……………………………………….…………. Page 17 Prototype Disassembles into 3 Parts…………………………………. Page 17 3 Spring 2011 Abstract (Executive Summary) Team No Show task was to design a cardboard chair. The only restrictions of this product, is that it needs to be able to hold a minimum 80lbs load and fit under a 12-inch space. We narrowed a target consumer, specifically college students living in dorms. From there our research led to important features such as cup holders, swivel ability, and contemporary design. Subsequently, sketches and models were made of our chair. Also testing was done on cardboard structural components to optimize the strength of the chair. Finally the building process commenced and we built a half scale model of our chair. 1.0 Introduction The goal set forth by our engineering design teacher was to come up with a functional cardboard. It chair took many hours of work in and out side the lab to complete this task. The first step we took was to getting ideas for the chair and finding out the customer wants. Various research methods were conducted such as browsing furniture stores and giving personal surveys. From this, we were able to develop a customer need analysis, which allowed us select and prioritize our features. From there a concept was designed and scale models were built. This allowed us to express everyone ones ideas. From there, the ideas were integrated into a final design, in which it was built. From the build, a cost analysis was calculated and completed. From all these steps and process, Team No Show was able to engineer a cardboard chair. 2.0 Mission Statement Our mission is to design and build a cardboard chair. The chair itself needs to have an appealing design, functional in a college dorm, affordable for the average student, and meet certain requirements of fitting under a 12-inch space and holding the minimum 80 lbs load. 3.0 Customer Needs Analysis In process of gather information about customer needs, several approaches were taken. The first approach was to look at current furniture and get ideas and concepts from them. We mostly looked through the IKEA Website until we discovered a chair that we were going to base ours from. Afterward, we all broke up and individually conducted research through a survey. We then asked our target consumer of what they wanted to see in a cardboard chair. From there, a customer importance table was constructed and listed all of the needs and rated them on a 1-5 scale 4 Spring 2011 Table #1 Customer Importance Table No. Need Imp. 1 Cardboard Chair is light weight 3 2 Cardboard Chair last a long time 3 3 Cardboard Chair can be easily and quickly assembled 4 4 Cardboard Chair meets design requirements 5 5 Cardboard Chair ability to swivel around 3 6 Cardboard Chair has appealing design 4 7 Cardboard Chair fits into a college dorm setting 4 8 Cardboard Chair is safe for all users 5 9 Cardboard Chair is affordable for students 3 10 Cardboard Chair has many extra commodities 2 4.0 External Research Research is very important in engineering design. If you don’t what is out there, then how can you expect to make improvements? For that reason we researched the history of cardboard furniture, cardboard furniture patents, and current chair designs on the market. 4.1 Literature Search Not knowing much about cardboard furniture, our group decided to search the Internet for ideas and information about the topic. After some searching, we realized that cardboard furniture wasn’t as much of an oddity as we thought. In fact, there are many Internet sites out there that sell either constructed cardboard furniture or blueprints for cardboard furniture. Through our research we began to realize that cardboard furniture is very practical, and not just because of the fact that it is cheap. Cardboard furniture is better for the environment, incredibly easy to ship and move, easy to maintain and repair, and, among other things, highly customizable. After figuring out why cardboard furniture is so practical, our next step was to see what type of design was practical. To do this, we went to IKEA’s website and looked at there designs. This gave us an idea as to what is important in furniture and also as to what type of furniture is in. Their website also sparked our imaginations and led us to create our own conepts. 5 Spring 2011 4.2 Patent Search In every design project it is important not to infringe on someone else’s patents. Patent infringement can leave one liable to pay an abundance of legal fees and fines. Our group decided it was important to search for cardboard furniture patents on the Internet. We were only able to find one patent pertaining to cardboard furniture. This was U.S. patent 4,934,756 that patents the use of interlocking cardboard pieces to create a more rigid structure. 4.3 Benchmarking During our research on cardboard furniture, we came across products that are cardboard chair would compete against. Out of all of these products, we narrowed the list down to three. These were products that we felt like we would compete against most. Table 2 shows these products. Table #2 Competitive Products Competitive Product A Competitive Product B Competitive Product C These products were then benchmarked against one of our concepts (we chose concept 2), using selection criteria that we felt were important in cardboard chairs. Each of these selection criteria was weighted as to put more importance on some more than others. 6 Spring 2011 Table #3 Benchmarking of Four Products Ease of Use Aesthetics Weight % 25% 10% 5 4 Concept 2 (from Section 6.0) Ranking Weighted Score 1.25 .4 Swivels 10% 5 .5 Durable 15% 3 .45 Ergonomics Cost Structural Integrity Extra Features 10% 5% 20% 5% 3 4 2 1 .3 .2 .4 .05 Selection Criteria Ease of Use Aesthetics Weight % 25% 10% 5 2 Competitive Product B Ranking Weighted Score 1.25 .2 Swivels 10% 0 0 Durable 15% 3 .45 Ergonomics Cost Structural Integrity Extra Features 10% 5% 20% 5% Total Score Rank 1 4 2 1 .1 .2 .4 .05 Selection Criteria Total Score Rank 2.65 4 3.55 2 Competitive Product A Ranking Weighted Score 5 5 0 4 4 2 4 1 1,25 .5 0 .6 .4 .1 .8 .05 Competitive Product C Ranking Weighted Score 5 4 0 3 3 3 2 1 1.25 .4 0 .45 .3 .15 .4 .05 3.00 3 3.70 1 The benchmarking process saw our concept lose out to Competitive Product A. This meant that our product would have to improve before it hit the market. Our product lacked in structural integrity and extra features. The structure in our concept just did not look as if it could both hold and balance the weight it needed to. Our design also lacked extra features that set it apart from the rest of the chairs. An extra feature, such as a cup holder, needed to be added to differentiate our chair from the rest of the pack. 5.0 Target Specification The target specifications for our chair were set after gaining customer feedback and opinions about what is important to consumers in furniture. The group members compiled all of the data obtained from the surveys and ranked the customer needs in order of importance. From there a list of metrics for the chair were developed that aimed to meet most, if not all, of the customer needs. These metrics give the target specifications along with our current specification value, the ideal value (what is most wanted) and the marginal value (what is at the bare minimum acceptable). Our specifications were kept in mind as we developed concepts. 7 Spring 2011 Table #4 Target Specifications Feature Capacity Height Width Depth Ease of use Swivels Fits under bed Target Specs Ideal Marginal 250 pounds 80 pounds 32 inches 28 inches 22 inches 18 inches 22 inches 18 inches Constructed in less Constructed in less than 30 seconds than 2 minutes 360 degree motion 180 degrees L, W, or H is less than L, W, or H is 12 inches or equal to 12 inches Current Specs TBD after testing 32 inches 24 inches 22 inches Constructed in 10 seconds 360 degree motion Length, width, or height is 12 inches 6.0 Concept Generation Concepts generated should be explained through a combination of sketches and accompanying text. All sketches should be should in digital format (if drawn manually please add scanned sketches in your report.) Use the Morphological chart (concept combination table), example provided below, to organize as many concepts as your team can generate. More is better and will be rewarded. Our first step in coming up with a concept for the chair was browsing the Internet. Eventually one design caught the groups’ eyes as something that could work. On the IKEA site we found a chair named SKRUVSTA, see figure 1, that seemed to fit most of our customers’ needs and wants. This chair featured many of the characteristics of chairs that our target consumers desired. Our consumers were looking for something stylish and comfortable that would be appropriate for a dorm room setting. This chair swiveled making it even more practical busy body college student. The design also looked as if it could easily be disassembled into three different pieces making for simplistic assembly. For these reasons, we chose to use this chair as inspirations for original concepts. Figure 1: IKEA Chair “SKRUVSTA” 8 Spring 2011 From there, our team created three concepts that incorporated elements of the IKEA chair as well as the needs and wants of the customers. Concept 1, figure 2, featured the same circular base and curved back that the IKEA chair sported. The concept deviated from the inspiration, with its use of four circular column legs. These legs could easily be detached making for easy assembly, disassembly, and storage under a college student’s bed. The concept also featured a weaved back that promised to add stability and durability to the chair. The group’s second concept, figure 3, play direct homage to the IKEA chair, featuring almost all of the design elements that its inspirer had. Concept 2 featured a near circular seat with a curved back. A single circular column supported the chair. This circular column allowed the chair a full 360 Figure 2: Concept 1 degree range of motion. The single support column, however, raised questions as to whether the chair would be strong enough to support the load and would also be able to successfully balance the weight of its load. This concept could be disassembled into three parts that allowed for easy under the bed storage. Oppositely, the chair could be assembled within mere seconds. As the chair was closely based off of the IKEA model, the aesthetics of the chair were top notch and appropriate for a dorm room setting. Concept 3, figure 4, did not deviate much from the other two concepts. It instead tried to improve the strength of the structure of the chair. In order to support the base, the Figure 3: Concept 2 chair used an x frame. This intended to provide support for the entire seat base. The design, like the others, is aesthetically pleasing as it employs a rounded back and circular style seat. Unlike concept 2, however, the chair is completely stationary and cannot move. Figure 4: Concept 3 9 Spring 2011 6.1 Structural Integrity With three different concepts envisioned, it was now important to determine the structural integrity of the various cardboard elements that could potentially be used in our cardboard chair design. This was done by building Lshaped, circular, and square structural elements. Each element shape was built at the dimensions of 2 x 8, 2 x 16, and 2 x 24, and tested twice. A load was applied via a lever until breaking point. The data was then compiled and analyzed. A safety factor was added to the chart to Figure 5: Structural Integrity ensure that the structural elements were safe. Figure 5 shows a summary of the data. From this summary we were able to concur that squares are the strongest structural element, followed by L-shapes, and then circles. The lack of structural integrity of the circular structural elements is due to the cardboard being bent in numerous places in order to make a circle. The L shapes held up well as they featured only one bend. The squares, basically two L’s put together, held up decisively better than the other 8 and 16 inch elements. For this reason, it was decided upon that square supports would be featured in our design. Although all the structural held close to, if not more than, 80 pounds, the use of squares assured us that we would not have to worry about the structural integrity of our chair. 10 Spring 2011 7.0 Concept Selection The concept development phased saw the creation of the three different concepts. Now our group was tasked with the difficulty of narrowing the designs down to one. To do this our group used a concept screening matrix. This matrix allowed for a direct comparison between the designs and our inspiration using selection criteria we felt were important to have in our chair. The criteria we used as our selection criteria were what we felt were most important in creating a marketable chair. These were ease of use (chair will fit under the bed), aesthetics (chair looks nice and suits a dorm room environment), the ability to swivel (chair has a full 360 degree range of motion), durability (chair will last and endure the rigors of a college dorm room), ergonomics (chair should be comfortable to sit in for long periods of time), cost (chair should be a reasonable price), structural integrity (chair should be able to hold the loads put on it), and extra features (chair should have something that sets it apart). These criteria were used in an effort to narrow our chair concepts down. Table 5 shows how we did this. Table #5 Concept Screening Matrix Concepts Selection Criteria 1 2 3 IKEA Chair (Reference) Ease of use Aesthetics Swivels Durable Ergonomics Cost Structural Integrity Extra features 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 + - 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 -2 4 No 2 5 1 1 1 Yes 1 5 2 -1 3 No 0 8 0 0 2 Combine Sum +’s Sum 0’s Sum –‘s Net Score Rank Continue? 11 Spring 2011 As it turned out, concept 1 was eliminated from contention, losing out to concepts 2 and 3 and also our inspiration/reference chair (IKEA Chair). Still left with two different concepts, we decided to use a concept selection matrix. This allowed us to weigh the selection criteria in an effort to decide which chair was better at what it did overall. Table 6 shows our results. Table #6 Concept Selection Matrix Selection Criteria Wt % Ease of Use Aesthetics Swivels Durable Ergonomics Cost Structural Integrity Extra Features 25% 10% 10% 15% 10% 5% 20% 3 4 5 3 3 1 5 5% 1 IKEA Chair (Reference) Ranking Weighted Score .75 .4 .5 .45 .3 .1 1.0 .05 Ranking 5 4 5 3 3 4 2 1 Concept 2 Weighted Score 1.25 .4 .5 .45 .3 .2 .4 .05 Concept 3 Ranking Wt’ed Score 4 4 1 3 3 4 4 1.0 .4 .1 .45 .3 .2 .8 1 .05 Total Score Rank 3.45 2 3.55 1 3.30 3 Continue? No Develop No The concept selection matrix effectively narrowed down our number of concepts to one. Concept 2 was the winner of the selection matrix and the design that we decided to proceed to make. Figure 6 shows our selected concept. Figure 6: Selected Concept 12 Spring 2011 8.0 Final Specification With our concept chosen, it was now time to establish our final specifications, or the final features and design aspects of our chair. The final specifications did not change much from the target ones as all of the features remained intact with only two being refined and one added. The design our team chose allowed us to further refine the ease of use metric. Previously we had stated that our chair could be constructed in 10 seconds, but now we felt confident that the chair’s design allowed it be assembled in as little 5 seconds. For marketing purposes, we made the specification state that the chair could be constructed in less than 10 seconds. After taking a look at our original consumer needs surveys, we felt that it was important to add some extra features that set the chair apart. A few of our target consumers had stated that they would like to see cup holders. We realized that this design feature was incredibly easy to implement and wouldn’t significantly add to the labor or materials cost. For that reason, we decided to add 2 cup holders to our final specification list. The addition of cup holders got our team thinking yet again, and we decided to raise our chair height 6 inches. These 6 inches gave the chair a taller, more slender appearance, allowing for our team to market the chair as both a normal chair and also as a bar stool, perfect for the college student demographic. Table #7 Final Specifications Feature Capacity Height Width Depth Ease of use Swivels Fits under bed Cup holder Current Specs TBD after testing 32 inches 24 inches 22 inches Constructed in 10 seconds 360 degree motion Length, width, or height is 12 inches 0 cup holders 13 New Specs TBD after testing 38 inches 24 inches 22 inches Constructed in less than 10 seconds 360 degree motion Length, width, or height is 12 inches 2 cup holders Spring 2011 8.1 Cost Analysis Figure 7: Cost Analysis of Cardboard Chair Cost Analysis of Cardboard Chair 300.0 253 250.0 162 200.0 169 150.0 100.0 50.0 3.9 2.8 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 Table #8 Cost Analysis of Cardboard Chair Components of Chair Amount Used Cost per unit Cost ($) Base 6.63 sq. ft. $0.1/ sq. ft. 0.663 Center Post 19.2 sq. ft. $0.1/ sq. ft. 1.92 13.62 sq. ft. $0.1/ sq. ft. 1.362 Seat Total Cost Of Card Board: 1 3.9 Estimated Cost of Hot Glue: 2 1 lbs $2.76/lb 2.8 Overhead and Employee Costs: 4 10 hr $16.20/hr 162 Total Cost of Production: 5 Final Selling Price: 6 169 Total Cost x 1.5 14 253 Spring 2011 The results show an extremely steep production cost for the full-scale chair, $169. This occurred because the chair was a prototype. The design process took enormous amounts of time and energy to complete the chair. In Cost Analysis Figure, the highest costs were overhead and employee costs. Furthermore the materials cost for the chair were relatively low, approximately $6.7. A solution to the high production cost is improving the production process. Using machines to cut and assemble cardboard on a large scale or finding cheaper employees and facilities can achieve lower production costs. With dramatically lower production cost, a target price for the chair would be close about $30 instead of the $253 price tag. 9.0 Final Design With the final specifications in hand, our team chose to use Solid Works to design and visualize our final design concept, from which our prototype chair would be built. After a short time, our team finally came up with our final design. The design was closely based on concept 2, incorporating the basic shape and structure of that design. Alterations were made to the design after realizing the limitations of cardboard. The seat base was now square in nature with its corners cut off. The front of the seat featured the only curved lines in an attempt to contour the chair to our consumers’ bodies. Figure 8 shows a top view of our design, which illustrates our seat base. As we decided upon in our final specifications, our final design was taller than our original Figure 8: The seat base is square in nature concept. This was in an effort to make the chair more marketable to college students. The final design looks more like a bar stool and thus make influence some of our college student demographic. Figure 9 shows the tall, slender that our final design sported. Throughout our design process, we felt that it was important for our chair to swivel. When we saw the load testing results of the circular columns we became a little discouraged. The use of circles was the only way that we were going to be able to our chair rotate. Eventually, we realized that we could simply use a square support beam to support our chair and wrap a circular support beam around it. This allowed for strong stability as well as allowing us to incorporate the design feature we use so desired. Figure 10 shows how we wrapped a circular column around the square support column and how the chair fits together. Circular columns were attached to both the chair base and the bottom of the seat, which allowed the circular/square hybrid support column to attach to both pieces. This Circular allowed for an easy two step assembly process. The last design element that was added was the addition of the cup Figure 9: Concept stands taller Figure 10: columns 15 Spring 2011 holders. One cup holder was added to either side of the chair’s arms. The implementation of two cup holders ensure that the chair would keep a symmetrical look and remain aesthetically pleasing. Our chair was created through the use of three components: the seat, the support column, and the chair base. The seat features a double cardboard ply square in nature base with a back going around it. The chair sides are angled to improve comfort. On each side a cup holder was added. A circular column was added to bottom of the seat to connect the seat to the support column and to also facilitate in swivelling and rotating. Figure 11: Right, Top, and Front views of the seat portion of the chair The support column features a square support encased in a circular column wrapping. This allows for stronger stability than what a circular column would have brought to the table, without sacrificing the ability to rotate. Figure 12: Front and Top views of the support column The chair base is what balances the chair. It is made out of double ply circular cardboard. Added to this was a circular column placed in the middle, so that the base could attach to the support column. This also allows the chair to swivel. Figure 13: Top and Front views of the chair base After we decided upon the final design, we built the chair. The chair took us two classes to build and closely resembles our design model. 16 Spring 2011 9.1 The Model Versus Figure 14: Final concept Figure 15: Prototype The prototype chair has every design feature that our model concept did. We were successfully able to implement every feature, including manipulating the cardboard enough to be able to make the chair rotate. In our prototype chair, we were able to successfully implement the “Less than 10 second assembly”. The chair disassembles into three parts for easy storage and is able to be put back together with relative ease. Figure 17: Prototype disassembles into 3 parts Figure 16: Prototype follows model 17 Spring 2011 10.0 Conclusions We feel that our project was extremely successful. We were able to design a low cost useful piece of furniture that fits in a dorm room easily. While the cost of the prototype may have been high, we feel that once the model goes into production, that cost will fall dramatically. The chair is assembled from three different parts making it easy to store in small areas when not in use. The assembly is extremely easy taking less than 10 seconds to fully assemble. It can also support a weight of over 80 pounds. We wanted to make our product stand out from other chairs so we decided to add a few extra features. The chair can rotate 360 degrees making it more versatile than other chairs like it. It also features two cup holders so that a student can keep a drink close when studying for that big exam. Overall, our product meets the criteria presented to us with a few added extras to make it more appealing. The cup holders allow for students to study with a drink close by. The seat is ergonomically shaped, designed to fit the contours of the body The chair disassembles into 3 parts making for easy storage 18 Spring 2011 11.0 References A sample reference list addressing each of the five main types of information sources is given below. These include: websites (Swanson, 1999, and NASA, 2004), journals (Muriru and Daewoo, 2002), books (Zacharia and Daudi, 2001), conference proceedings (Peters et al., 2001) and patents (Wen-Cheng, 1994). Add all references in this section. Note: That for the author-date system, references are listed in alphabetical order. Budweiser. Photograph. Innovative 2011. Web. 7 Feb. 2011. <http://www.innovativecard>. "Cardboard Furniture." Patent Searching and Inventing Resources. 2011. Web. 3 Feb. 2011. <>. "IKEA | Fabric Sofas | Fabric Armchairs | SKRUVSTA | Swivel Chair." Welcome to 2011. Web. 2 Feb. 2011. <>. Photograph. Radio National EarthBeat. 17 July 1999. Web. 7 Feb. 2011. < earth/stories/s36786.htm>. Photograph. Watkins Memorial High School Engineering Foundations. 15 Oct. 2008. Web. 7 Feb. 2011. <http://>. "Why Use Cardboard." Cardboard Furniture Company | Cardboard Furniture for People on the Go. Web. 2 Feb. 2011. <>. 19 Spring 2011