TX Revolution Events and Battles Event/Battle Description Law of

TX Revolution Events and Battles
Event/Battle Description
Manuel Mier Y Tehran toured Tejas and wrote a report for the Mexican government. He
Law of April General
believed that the Anglo American colonists outnumbered the Mexican colonists, and influenced the
culture. This law was written by the Mexican Congress. Purpose of law was to encourage Mexican
6th 1830
and European immigration to Tejas but eliminate Anglo American immigration. This did not adhere
of 1836
Battle of
Battle of the
Battle of
Battle of
San Jacinto
to the provisions of the Constitution of 1824 which caused the Tejas colonists become dissatisfied
with the Mexican government.
Delegates were Tejas colonists who gathered at Washington-on-the-Brazos to write a declaration of
independence from Mexico. On March 2, 1836, this document was completed. Within two weeks
the delegates had written a Texas constitution. The delegates used the constitution of the United
States and the constitution of Louisiana as models for their Texas constitution.
General Cos and his army came to Tejas to enforce Mexican laws. The Mexican government had
given cannon to Gonzalez for protection. The Mexican army sent a patrol to retrieve the cannon.
Citizens of Gonzalez buried the cannon. Citizens then dug up the cannon and prepared to use it
against this patrol. A flag was made that said, “Come and Take It”. Gonzalez citizens crossed the
Guadalupe River and fired it at the Mexican patrol. The Mexican soldiers retreated. This showed
the Texans were prepared to use force against the Mexican government.
Santa Anna marched the Mexican Army north in December 1835. After the Battle of San Antonio
many Texas volunteers returned home thinking that the Mexican army would not move north until
the spring of 1836. The Alamo was a mission that had been converted into a fort and fortified with
cannons. General Houston ordered the Alamo destroyed; however, Colonel Bowie arrived with
volunteers and agreed to stay and fight. Lieutenant Colonel Travis was given command of Alamo;
however many volunteers wanted Bowie to command. The two men had agreed to a joint
command. On Feb 23, 1836, the Mexican Army surrounded the Alamo and began a 13 day siege.
On March 6th, Santa Anna’s army attacked the Alamo. The attack lasted about 90 minutes. About 7
Alamo defenders attempted to surrender; however Santa Anna ordered them to be executed.
Colonel James Fannin received orders to retreat to Victoria. He did not obey these orders for five
days. As Fannin and his army headed east they stopped in an open area near Coleto Creek. General
Urrea and the Mexican army surrounded Fannin’s troops. Fannin surrendered without conditions.
Fannin and his three hundred men were now prisoners of the Mexican army.
Fannin and his men were marched to Goliad by the Mexican Army. These Texas captives thought
they would be sent back to the United States; however, Santa Anna ordered them all executed. They
were marched into a field and shot.
Families from Gonzalez area had heard of the massacre at the Alamo and Goliad. They panicked
when they learned that General Houston and his army were retreating east while Santa Anna and the
Mexican army continued to advance. The settlers were afraid Santa Anna would kill all of them.
They could hear cannon fire and when it ceased they decided that the Texas army had lost the battle
and Santa Anna was approaching. They gathered a few belongings and fled east to Louisiana and
Galveston Island. They were afraid they might never see their homes again.
The last battle of the Texas Revolution took place on the afternoon of April 21, 1836. The Mexican
army was resting as they had assumed that the battle would take place on the morning of April 22nd.
Houston had Deaf Smith burn Vince’s Bridge which would prevent the Mexican army from
retreating. At about 3:00p.m. Houston arranged his men on the field. Texas soldiers marched to the
side of the army pushing the Mexican troops back into each other. As the Texans advanced they
shouted, “Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!” Mexican leaders were not prepared and the
battle lasted 18 minutes. Mexican army lost 630 soldiers (KIA), and 720 soldiers were captured.
Santa Anna escaped during the battle and disguised himself as a soldier. He was captured the next